The video has a fatal mistake and you have review it .... In a frequency spectrum of an image, the white parts represent the high-frequency components of the image, which correspond to fine details and edges and NOT represent the low-frequency components as you said! The magnitude of these high-frequency components is represented by the intensity of the white pixels. The brighter the white pixels, the higher the amplitude of the corresponding frequency component. For example, if you have an image of a rectangle, the edges of the rectangle will have high frequency components and will be represented by the white parts in the frequency spectrum. On the other hand, the smooth regions will have low frequency components and will be represented by the dark parts in the frequency spectrum.
فتح الله عليك، متابع بشتى الموضوعات التي تقدمها ، وحقيقة وجدتك الاقرب الي تعزيز قدرتي على الفهم من الاخرين ،اسال الله لك ولوالديك الاجر العظيم
شرحك مبسط وممتاز الحقيقه ♥ ربنا يكرمك ويوفقك
جزاك اله الف خير ... شرح وافي وكافي
جزاكم الله خيراً شرح ممتاز
شرح رائع
بارك الله فيك
شرح اكثر من ممتاز
شكرا جدا لحضرتك
ممتااااااز 👍
الله يعطيك العافيه و يوفقك ،، لدي فضول بسيط.. الدكتور كيف بيشرح لطالبة وحده؟ هل هو يعطي دروس خصوصية ام ماذا؟ اذا ايوه احتاج اتواصل مع الدكتور ضروري :)
+201281263533 what'sup
جزاك الله خيرا🤍
رائع شكرا جدا يا استاذ احمد
Perfect !!!
هلا دكتور
الملاحظه السابقه من مصطفى هل هي صحيحه؟؟
The video has a fatal mistake and you have review it ....
In a frequency spectrum of an image, the white parts represent the high-frequency components of the image, which correspond to fine details and edges and NOT represent the low-frequency components as you said! The magnitude of these high-frequency components is represented by the intensity of the white pixels. The brighter the white pixels, the higher the amplitude of the corresponding frequency component.
For example, if you have an image of a rectangle, the edges of the rectangle will have high frequency components and will be represented by the white parts in the frequency spectrum. On the other hand, the smooth regions will have low frequency components and will be represented by the dark parts in the frequency spectrum.