*Super Chill Gamer and the users making First or 1st comments (including the principals) were instantly eradicated as they disintegrate into particles of dust*
Principal Thing *No giving detentions for stupid reasons in the halls. 100 years, detention for you. You should know better.* And I got permission from Baldi to give you a detention.
Level ID: C5F-QDL-3YG by Alfa/あるふぁ〜
I made a level just for you. ID: CK1-RYQ-SJF
Shrek: W H A T A R E Y O U D O I N G I N M Y S W A M P?!
In torekting *P R O P O R Y*
Xeno Best X you're becoming the next Christhofer Moon
You've defeated the fire swamp so you must be very brave, but no body withstands the machine
Mahky V no ROUS’s so wasn’t a proper fire swamp.
Actually played this and uploaded gameplay of this level myself. It"s a really well designed level!
Shrek's swamp + Fire flower = this level.
Mario: Monty Moles of Unusual Size? I don't believe those exist.
“Gargh!” “Oomph!”
A fire swamp? Good thing this version does not have any R.O.U.S.es around.
Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exist.
This swamp level must've been made by an All Star creator
Hi again
Why are you in every video i watch
SalvaGames Y or maybe you just like the same YTbers
Hello again BeardBear. It's been a while since I last saw your videos, I think... Excellent video and amazing level!
“We’ll never survive.”
“Nonsense. You only say that because no one ever has.”
You see, this is how you make a good level.
You add ⛽️ to the already 🔥 level.
Rather the using the 💧 to put out the 🔥 level.
Rodents of unusual size? I don't think they exist.
avoid obstacle, collect pink coin, ans speed run in one level!
Very nice!
What are you burning in my swamp!
I expect the lava will keep rising.
Making a smm2 game for u. How do I send u the code?
Have it get into the top of popular
@@moomooplopadom5483 lol
*Super Chill Gamer and the users making First or 1st comments (including the principals) were instantly eradicated as they disintegrate into particles of dust*
welcome back youbug
Princess bride is that you?!?!
Making a smm2 level 4 u. How do u want me to send you the code?
Can you please play the legend of zelda majora's mask from the 3DS?
cAn SoMeOnE eXpLaIn To Me WhAt thx means please
Thx = Thanks, no need for much explanation.
The hat's ex
Thx means thanks
Oh thx
5th comment
Technically beardbear got first but I'll take 2nd
@Super Chill Gamer *No making First or 1st comments in the halls. 96 years; Detention for you. You should know better.*
Principal Thing *No giving detentions for stupid reasons in the halls. 100 years, detention for you. You should know better.* And I got permission from Baldi to give you a detention.
@@PrincipalThing4520 i agree, he REALLY needs to go to detemtion