M46 Patton: I Used to Love This Tank | World of Tanks

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • Ігри


  • @cheesyboofs
    @cheesyboofs 3 місяці тому +66

    The view range used to be so good you could see into a War Thunder game.

  • @mrpibadi1
    @mrpibadi1 3 місяці тому +13

    Patton is the tank on which I raised the stats from 48 to 55% back in 2012 (as well as Chaffee). This tank is a piece of my personal history and forever in my heart...

  • @kkmik5933
    @kkmik5933 3 місяці тому +14

    Back in the day, the Patton was also a top spotting tank before the insertion of all the Ferrari and Rabbit light tanks

  • @friendlyreaper9012
    @friendlyreaper9012 3 місяці тому +14

    It's a relic of the past. Nowadays medium tanks are completely different. They are either light tank hybrids or heavy tank hybrids. Tanks like the Patton really don't have a place in the game anymore unfortunately.

  • @geerliglecluse5297
    @geerliglecluse5297 3 місяці тому +7

    Mountain Pass as a map is going down the Berlin road, getting worse after every change. Map "improvements" by Wargaming can only be summarized as 1 step forward and 2 steps back, unfortunately. As a result, the latest change got Mountain Pass on my banned-maps-list.

  • @hopefalls2039
    @hopefalls2039 3 місяці тому +6

    I got M46 Patton recently and sure it fell behind Leopard PTA but I instantly fell in love anyways.

  • @Orcone
    @Orcone 3 місяці тому +2

    I went back on playing the Pershing due to some missions and top of the tree. Damn the gun and dpm became a dream. And by going a tier higher to the m46 it still maintains its top rank dpm and gunhandling only if the gun had a little better accuracy on longer ranges. Buffing anything else would just enable powercreep.

  • @nikokentaur2240
    @nikokentaur2240 3 місяці тому +4

    One of the games, where you get rid of the ELC fairly early and then realise they have another one XD

  • @DamoBloggs
    @DamoBloggs 3 місяці тому +3

    I wouldn't waste time and credits grinding the American Medium line - it's fallen way behind compared to all the others.

    • @Lupo-Exulans
      @Lupo-Exulans 3 місяці тому

      Last year, grinded all the way up the american and german mediums... And the american ones felt like a torture, t10 is good but nothing crazy.
      But german mediums in comparison, the only tank that sucks is indien panzer

  • @jonmassey5619
    @jonmassey5619 3 місяці тому +4

    I have now made Mountain Pass one of my drop out options since the changes.. Using a TD now is absolutely pointless as all the sniping places have been messed with and it forces you into a face to face shootout and with a Fat Max its a no chance battlefield. WG have once again ruined a Map which wasn't too bad before.. it seems that WG is trying to make TD Sniping more and more difficult and probably want a fluid game without stubborn TD's holding up gameplay.. Bit like the 15 - 0 Simulators that are more and more frequent.

    • @sandboy5880
      @sandboy5880 3 місяці тому

      Nah, the map was terrible to begin with and now it's just even worse.

  • @Zardnokalicious
    @Zardnokalicious 3 місяці тому +7

    I did American Medium line as one of my first lines 10 years ago when I was a newbie just learning. I loved the entire line through the T8 Pershing, which was my favorite tank for a while. When i got the T9 M46 Patton, I never clicked with it and my win rate dropped 10% compared to Pershing. I Free-XPed my way to T10 M48 Patton for Clan Wars and loved it.

  • @Uberrandom
    @Uberrandom 3 місяці тому +1

    All this tank needs to be competitive is penetration buff - it still has okay mobility, great flexibility and view range, and exceptional DPM + gun handling. Armor is not fantastic but the turret is relatively small, so you can dodge some shots on a ridgeline. I have similar DPG with this tank to E50 and Conqueror, and aside from having to spam APCR I think it's in a good place.

  • @cikuI00
    @cikuI00 3 місяці тому

    This tank is still very strong, this thing hits every shot, moves great and can bounce some shots. 268 pen was enough in 2012 and still is in 2024.

  • @pavelperina7629
    @pavelperina7629 19 днів тому

    * Front mounted turret, gun depression and good gun handling to use terrain and minimize exposure - that defines play style
    * DPM used to be best on tier, now it feels above average
    * Gun handling was the best, now it feels above average (we have wz120 and obj430, right?)
    * Accuracy is meh, but was buffed in 1.26
    * Penetration including gold is meh, actually worst at tier
    * Agility was great, with removal of stock engine, it was nerfed very hard in 1.26
    * Top speed used to be average, but was buffed on other tanks, including heavies
    Problem of this tank is that it relies on stats that were buffed on other tanks so it lost it's advantages and minimizing exposure does not work so well. Penetration is awful, tank was meant for support/close combat which it cannot fulfill after removing of weak spots and armor buffs. Only buffs that Patton got was slight gun handling buff and gradual accuracy buffs from 0.42 in the past. Camo and now traverse speeds were nerfed - both silently. Camo when it received huge turret in HD version which was later removed, but it took years to silently buff camo again.
    I think after changes, Pershing is better tank per tier. It was not at all ... now it has alpha, dpm, pen, gun handling.

  • @Ttran778
    @Ttran778 2 місяці тому

    The M46 has been in my garage since about....2018 ish? Took a break from the game after unlocking the 2nd 90mm, and I remember why I took a break from it 😂
    Ok though for real, when I can get a decent hulldown spot or good corner, its GREAT.

  • @Donanzador
    @Donanzador 3 місяці тому +1

    @0:58 I don't think that is fair to say. Coming from a F2P perspective, having 410 viewrange is massive (joint best among tier 9 mediums), and only rating the gun handling 3/5 is bit low imo. Sure the accuracy isn't great, but the dispersion values are again among best in class. While its top speed isn't great, it can pretty comfortably run a turbo to improve that, without feeling that it's seriously lacking in other areas that you could use the equipment slot for. The ammo is definitely a big problem with it tho, especially as F2P. Having played it a lot recently trying to get to the M48 I'd say it's pretty decent, but only after getting the turret and top gun upgrades.

  • @Revonyn
    @Revonyn 3 місяці тому +1

    love this tank with all my heart even tho im newer f2p player. full gold on and put bond rammer, bond vents and a turbo on it. currently at 86 % gunmark

  • @snakeplissken1754
    @snakeplissken1754 3 місяці тому +1

    Mountain pass is just another victim of wgs balancing department.
    They literally work hard on making sure any form of offensive play is pointless, as you either have to run through open terrain infront of plethora of thick bush layers or infront of plethora of "conveniently" placed hulldown positions.
    So not moving at all is the way to go, the team with more I*iots will lose after said I*iots wasted their tanks into "defenders".

  •  3 місяці тому

    The tier 10 is also a rollercoaster.. Sometimes I hit the nastiest pixel shot, the other time I can't even hit the stationary targets..

  • @agripinaa8684
    @agripinaa8684 3 місяці тому +4

    It’s crazy how from M46 to M48 the crew layout (which is the same T4-9) changes. Bit of an FU from Wargaming

    • @joe125ful
      @joe125ful 3 місяці тому +3

      Worst is penetration...its soo bad as 9 tier tank.

    • @killertruth186
      @killertruth186 3 місяці тому

      Not only that Pershing has different crew layout as well.

    • @cikuI00
      @cikuI00 3 місяці тому

      Old tech tree which is historicaly accurate, people forget about this nowadays.

  • @andrewraw9286
    @andrewraw9286 3 місяці тому +1

    T54, E50 and M46 Patton are the original t9 mediums and the standard pen on them all is crap compared to what has come since

  • @wotMidroid
    @wotMidroid 3 місяці тому

    218 pene, dispersion worse than most tree meds in game, mobility worse than some tree meds, but at the same time fire chance bigger than chinese WZ 120 for example... But that pene really is so weak for IX...

  • @neilstoddart00001
    @neilstoddart00001 3 місяці тому

    Currently grinding. It's painful from raw modules. Definitely premium ammo, so costly to play.
    My average team results are mediocre at best. But I want to see what the upgraded tank feels like. So I'll keep trying 😢

    • @Donanzador
      @Donanzador 3 місяці тому

      Yeah the 90mm guns are a pain on it, but it gets a lot better when you finally get the 105mm gun. The penetration is still an issue, but at least the DPM and alpha upgrades allow it to fight back.

  • @mahartma
    @mahartma 3 місяці тому

    There are so many better tanks now with big boy penetration. CS-59, buffed Cent 7/1, Type 61, Char Futur, Leo Proto, Standard B.
    The dispersion stats are nothing special anymore either.

  • @T51B1
    @T51B1 3 місяці тому +4

    M48 line needs a buff.
    M26--Needs a bit more DPM or alpha damage
    M46--Needs better penetration
    M48--Needs top speed buff

    • @cikuI00
      @cikuI00 3 місяці тому

      Top speed is not the point with M48 imho. Currently, Centurion AX is faster than this, has better accuracy, better DPM and better stabilization I believe.
      What's my point there? If every single medium tank is faster than M48, then M48 should have gun better than anything else. Sure it has armour, but 121, Object 140 and Centurion AX have armour too.

  • @drihtamnetu
    @drihtamnetu 3 місяці тому

    M46 Patton is the tank that i have highest dmg per battle score, around 9k :O It was like 3-4 years ago.

  • @alexanderstoyanov7464
    @alexanderstoyanov7464 3 місяці тому +1

    Corridor pass is getting worse and worse after every "rebalance", just like Sh*tfield. Almost all map changes in the 1-2 years make bad maps even worse. Same for new map Oyster Bay

  • @bendarmor12
    @bendarmor12 3 місяці тому +1

    Centurion 1: Excuse mwah.

  • @leTacosrGood
    @leTacosrGood 3 місяці тому

    Needs pen buff, because how can t8 meds have more pen than it? Same with T-54.

  • @reaperex9608
    @reaperex9608 3 місяці тому

    0:00 Good morning Sir, im ready for my daily dose lets go!

  • @Silly_283
    @Silly_283 3 місяці тому

    I'd say that this tank still can stand it's ground. 3 stars is fair.

  • @rhystillo
    @rhystillo 3 місяці тому +1

    I was 93%-88% moe on this tank for 3 years. I gave up.

    • @alphasite02
      @alphasite02 3 місяці тому

      I believe you can get it
      I marked my m46 patton in 90 games

  • @ScorpioPL
    @ScorpioPL 3 місяці тому

    Actually Skill, Chess does not have even odds, statistically speaking. Yes, I'll see myself out now.

  • @killertruth186
    @killertruth186 3 місяці тому

    IMO, Patton The Tank should’ve been a tech tree tier 9 medium tank instead. Crew layout and armor reflects as it.

    • @theBhavMan
      @theBhavMan 3 місяці тому +1

      Yeah well the problem is that the Patton the tank is dogshit, and the m46 is beast or a med

    • @cikuI00
      @cikuI00 3 місяці тому

      Nope T20 -> M26 -> M46/M47 -> M48, natural progression of creating first American MBT.

  • @KrysSstian
    @KrysSstian 3 місяці тому

    I can't really stand this troll gun... sniping with this tank is a nightmare even though it can miss from close distanance, second, penetration and shell velocities are so bad for tier IX, I try to find this tank fun to play, but after a good game gun can treat you so disgusting that you want to quit.

  • @gebhard128
    @gebhard128 3 місяці тому +1

    Since Patton is top of the tree i considered the grind but I just cant see reason to drive an American medium instead of the british ones, especially cent 7/1 with the beautiful hesh, better standard ammunition, better mobility and reliable turret i see no point in playing this vehicle

    • @theBhavMan
      @theBhavMan 3 місяці тому +2

      Cent ax is def better than the m48 now but I would 100% rather play the m46 over the 7/1. Better gun handling and 600 extra dpm base makes the m46 gun way better. The speed is nearly identical, as is the armor and camp, but the m46 is a little more troll armor wise so it gets some more bounces

  • @Battleneter
    @Battleneter 3 місяці тому

    +1 Mountain Pass sucks now, no one asked for those changes.

  • @strelock-youssef
    @strelock-youssef 3 місяці тому +1

    on paper its a weak tank but i play with it and i get great scores

    • @joe125ful
      @joe125ful 3 місяці тому

      Yeah 265 on gold help a lot..tanks like Type 61 is much better option.

  • @jeremyts9032
    @jeremyts9032 3 місяці тому +1

    A lot of the latest map rebalancing consist on removing tds positions... Its like a forced trilolol gameplay mentality.

  • @meto248
    @meto248 3 місяці тому

    8k form 200K good for skilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  • @lieric20
    @lieric20 3 місяці тому

    Skieeeeell the baboon Gods has blessed my algorithm and made me see this as the 1st viewer HAHHAHAHA my stars are perfectly aligned with this one as I am currently grinding this tech tree ❤

  • @joe125ful
    @joe125ful 3 місяці тому

    M46 is bad because we have T-54 what do ewerything much better.
    And biggest problem is penetration 218/256 is more like 8 tier gun.
    Why it not have gun like not very popular Type 61?
    Its much more better tank 258/330 is very big difference.
    1:19 But skill compare is to other tanks.

    • @cikuI00
      @cikuI00 3 місяці тому

      T-54 and Type 61 is nowhere near as good as M46 is, but you can understand that eventually when you can use Pattons all-roundness.

    • @joe125ful
      @joe125ful 3 місяці тому

      @@cikuI00 What?T-54 have more armor,heats,speed,smaller...its much more better.

    • @cikuI00
      @cikuI00 3 місяці тому

      @@joe125ful Yeah but M46 actually does hit it shots, also has higher output, better gun handling and way better DPM, so it's simple. Gun>anything else

    • @joe125ful
      @joe125ful 3 місяці тому

      @@cikuI00 Yeah but weak pen:)
      265 vs 330 HEAT is soo much difference and many times Gold in Patton is not enought.
      T-54 in hulldown can shred Patton very easy.
      Sure with T-54 you need aim bit longer but 330 Heat is wayy much usefull and game saver.
      And dpm is same and T-54 is faster and more mobile with bit worst accuraci in move but still very good.
      And T-54 have better camo too
      And way smaller and more armored too.

  • @pendletonwest4737
    @pendletonwest4737 3 місяці тому


    @BLACKBIODRAGON 3 місяці тому +1

    wargaming, just get rid of slandered ammo, make them buy Premi acc. and spam gold as slandered ammo. stop advertising as free to play game and just make Premi Acc. paid subscription. and remove XP requirements for Tech tree tanks, just increase the credit price for ech tank.

  • @oxyvadas
    @oxyvadas 3 місяці тому

    If i would be able to rate this shit at your skill page - i would give it the harshest opinion ever (big, no armor, no cammo and trollish gun with decent at best mobility) no armor, no gun, no cammo = shitty gameplay, but i managed to endure only 25 games and skipped this shit as i was deeply concerned about my psychic health. It was not fun and when game is not giving you fun it is not a game anymore and should be stopped, dropped and burned to the ground.

  • @zanaton1989
    @zanaton1989 3 місяці тому

    stop promoting that garbage game we all know that if you don't play autoloader in that game you don't win

  • @AetherYes
    @AetherYes 3 місяці тому +8

    Meanwhile AMX 30 Prototype sitting in the collectors store: *sniffs* ...

    • @theBhavMan
      @theBhavMan 3 місяці тому +1

      Don’t get it twisted, the T9 amx 30 is amazing, and so is the m46. Both incredible tanks still

    • @martinp.269
      @martinp.269 3 місяці тому

      M46, AMX 30 and Leo PTA have a special place in my heart

    • @alexthompson8094
      @alexthompson8094 3 місяці тому

      The AMX 30 Proto is still a great tank because its fast, small, and the DPM is fantastic. I dont even run food and have 3.5k dpm on mine.

  • @vecterzami8981
    @vecterzami8981 3 місяці тому +2

    The gun of m46 is outdated the pen of normal shell based on over ten years ago when we need to pay gold for 2 key and 250 pen is a huge advantage at this time but now >< they dont even care to buff that pen,but you know what turtle just get buff for stat and even the gun vs shell :))

    • @cikuI00
      @cikuI00 3 місяці тому

      There is no reason to buff this thing, because mostly unicums play this tank and for this group 268 pen is enough to murder anything they encounter.

  • @EvilCouncil
    @EvilCouncil 3 місяці тому

    I never even carry any gold rounds, yet the M46 Patton was a breeze to 3 mark for me. Some vehicles just click, some don't I guess.

  • @Little-bird-told-me
    @Little-bird-told-me 3 місяці тому

    Skill aphorisms "Playing with fire while have gasoline in your underwear" :)

  • @Oioioi_dios_mios
    @Oioioi_dios_mios 3 місяці тому