mgk x Trippie Redd - lost boys (Official Music Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
  • lost boys out now -
    genre : sadboy 3/29
    a project by us
    pre-save -
    I guess I lost my life again
    its just one of those nights again
    No one wants their life to end
    drownin now in a life of sin
    I guess I lost my life again
    its just one of those nights again
    No one wants their life to end
    drownin now in a life of sin
    Blood shot blue eyes
    I recorded two tonight
    One is for all those I love
    this ones for the suicide
    Everything is blue inside
    everyone ain’t you and I
    People wont say how they feel about you until you die
    Everything’s cinematic
    protagonist catches a bad habit
    By the end hes a damn addict
    leave them guessing make a sequel
    Let everyone say that it wasnt as good as the first and they lost the damn magic
    Yall bein pragmatic
    bitch im Illmatic
    Im rich and still savage
    im rich and im unhappy
    I wish I was back in the days when I had a shitty shirt with my hat backwards
    Now im alone in a vamp castle
    im tellin myself it’s the last capsule
    But why would I even wanna be alive to see her with someone at art basel
    I guess I lost my life again
    its just one of those nights again
    No one wants their life to end
    drownin now in a life of sin
    I guess I lost my life again
    its just one of those nights again
    No one wants their life to end
    drownin now in a life of sin
    Music Video Directed by: Sam Cahill
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    #mgk #trippieredd #genresadboy

КОМЕНТАРІ • 5 тис.

  • @kb9996
    @kb9996 8 місяців тому +4031

    Trippie voice is just so harmonic with this beat and mgk delivered with his verse. W collab, can’t wait for the album

    • @KMR-SULLY
      @KMR-SULLY 8 місяців тому +55

      Seems like a tribute to x

    • @VanWinkleFamily_7
      @VanWinkleFamily_7 8 місяців тому +13

      @kb9996 ❤

    • @1200mafiabloodred
      @1200mafiabloodred 8 місяців тому +7


    • @tyb9ght
      @tyb9ght 8 місяців тому +11

      Yesssssss he's not a rapper, also a singer I love his voice. Waiting for the album boissss 🎉🎉😊

    • @B4shXp
      @B4shXp 8 місяців тому

      Is my music fire!!??

  • @drewstockman
    @drewstockman 8 місяців тому +1227

    One thing about Mgk is he will always be so real about his struggles and what he’s going through as an artist no matter how far he’s come.. it’s honorable

    • @user-ud8os4rr1q
      @user-ud8os4rr1q 8 місяців тому +45

      Favorite part of his music for me, the honesty behind it.

    • @Trippin710
      @Trippin710 8 місяців тому +22

      @itsmikfrMan the last thing i want to do is listen to someone elses music when i specifically opened this page for something else. Put this amount of work into the music and you won't have to beg.

    • @michaelf7875
      @michaelf7875 8 місяців тому +5

      Sometimes his honesty doesn’t always feel as authentic and relatable but this one felt like it came out exactly right.

    • @MultiUnreal
      @MultiUnreal 8 місяців тому +7

      What struggles? The only thing MGK struggles with is his sexuality.

    • @jessicamurray4367
      @jessicamurray4367 8 місяців тому +16

      ​@@MultiUnrealbecause he dresses how he wants? You know clothes don't define your sexuality right?

  • @inj3stic
    @inj3stic 8 місяців тому +705

    This album about to be on repeat for all of us, Kells always knows how to write from the heart

  • @-Zperco
    @-Zperco 8 місяців тому +145

    The transitions in this album are actually perfect, trippie and mgk are the best duo

    • @LarryDavid.blochain
      @LarryDavid.blochain 8 місяців тому +1

      Star shopping off wish

    • @korruptkswadesOG
      @korruptkswadesOG 8 місяців тому +2

      Yes they are a very great Duo Collab.. don't forget the rest of the crew though ;) Xx

    • @Random-u6m9r
      @Random-u6m9r 8 місяців тому +1

      @@korruptkswadesOGyou forgot an x

    • @tannercarp
      @tannercarp 5 місяців тому +1

      Nah they the second best duo. Lil Peep and Lil Tracy the goat duo.

    • @emmanuelmckoy5899
      @emmanuelmckoy5899 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@@LarryDavid.blochainpeep wishes he was talented as Trippie

  • @rdp_mizo
    @rdp_mizo 8 місяців тому +838

    Acoustic Trippie always hits different

    • @fredrikjrgensen3886
      @fredrikjrgensen3886 8 місяців тому +58

      I've always felt Trippie was slightly acoustic

    • @StunnaCunt
      @StunnaCunt 8 місяців тому


    • @MontrenaMoniquePuentes
      @MontrenaMoniquePuentes 8 місяців тому +3

      He’s in love, bruh.

    • @Dontrolling
      @Dontrolling 8 місяців тому +1


    • @YungTjax
      @YungTjax 8 місяців тому +1

      Hey guys i make music to by myself and just released a new song! Do y’all think i have a good sound?! 🙏🏻

  • @Erysx12
    @Erysx12 8 місяців тому +331

    0:40 Bro I love it when trippie redd does that with his vocals

  • @aldozhdz
    @aldozhdz 8 місяців тому +441

    Every time I have a season of depression MGK always seems to come in clutch. Colson, you’re saving lives man. Please don’t feel alone, we’re all here for you just like you put yourself out there for us. EST 4 LIFE

    • @Okramlez
      @Okramlez 8 місяців тому +10

      True true true i am 40 inknow i am older than him but i suffer from ceonic depressions atacks since i was younger way younger 15 first time i get and hes music has help alot of times

    • @A.D.I.I.D.A
      @A.D.I.I.D.A 8 місяців тому +2

      Word ❤

    • @dlee9726
      @dlee9726 8 місяців тому +1

      No musician is saving any lives. A song isn't going to keep you from offing yourself. If your truly that far gone go get help.

    • @aldozhdz
      @aldozhdz 8 місяців тому +6

      @@dlee9726 how would you even know that? Music is therapeutic to a lot of people, sometimes listening to the right song can uplift your life so much. Who are you to tell anyone music or artist isn’t saving anyone? You’ve obviously never had a season where you just felt stuck.

    • @jamesdoakes4956
      @jamesdoakes4956 8 місяців тому +5

      @@dlee9726 that’s not true. Relatable music helps a lot of people cope with their issues. I remember when I was in a deep depression, music would take my mind off the cause of the issue and remind me that I wasn’t alone. Misery loves company.
      But I’m no longer in a depression, and listening to music like this could take me back to that depression. I legit can’t listen to MGK’s newer music because I don’t wanna be reminded of that dark place. This music is aimed towards people who are currently going through it. I miss the happy cocky hype MGK

    @XXXTENTACIONTHEGOAT 8 місяців тому +204

    Listening to this song on repeat ❤Love trippie's singing in this, sounds a lot like the old trippie redd we all been missing.

  • @franzid2713
    @franzid2713 8 місяців тому +92

    Depression fucking me hard these days, thank you guys for giving me some hold. Everytime I listen to Kells texts I'm reminded that I'm not alone with the shit life throws at me. Grateful for this art

    • @Oliwka_1015
      @Oliwka_1015 8 місяців тому +4


    • @AdrianPlanet
      @AdrianPlanet 8 місяців тому +2

      Me too

    • @cynthiaking5308
      @cynthiaking5308 8 місяців тому +3

      I’ve clawed my way out of that hole. You will too.

    • @PS-hl6ml
      @PS-hl6ml 8 місяців тому +2

      Keep your head up.. time heals

    • @ladeziumhall4032
      @ladeziumhall4032 25 днів тому

      It’s okay bro it’s gon be alright 999 whatever hell ur going thru turn it into some positive

  • @michaelf7875
    @michaelf7875 8 місяців тому +242

    MGKs verse was hard af. His realest, most honest versus in a long time.

    • @chompy6497
      @chompy6497 8 місяців тому

      true. my pp was hard listening to this

    • @chompy6497
      @chompy6497 8 місяців тому +7


    • @undertow4629
      @undertow4629 8 місяців тому

      Hard as Diddys penis was in his brown eye

  • @roxas405
    @roxas405 8 місяців тому +1396

    God i cant wait till its friday to listen to the whole project

    • @tyb9ght
      @tyb9ght 8 місяців тому +3


    • @brezus86
      @brezus86 8 місяців тому +5

      What is the album called?

    • @rugs_mcfly
      @rugs_mcfly 8 місяців тому

      ​@@brezus86genre: sadboy

    • @Starry_Dupree
      @Starry_Dupree 8 місяців тому


    • @daffaiskandarp4546
      @daffaiskandarp4546 8 місяців тому

      ​@@brezus86genre sadboy

  • @doomshroom-u2k
    @doomshroom-u2k 8 місяців тому +241

    Rip X, Rip Juice, Rip Peep

    • @thunderSLM
      @thunderSLM 7 місяців тому +10

      Rip LEGENDS

    • @akwasipoku7556
      @akwasipoku7556 7 місяців тому +8

      Rip lil keed 😢

    • @Slythrienedits
      @Slythrienedits 6 місяців тому +3

      So real

    • @Dylan2003feb
      @Dylan2003feb 6 місяців тому

      Long live jah. Celebrate his life again on 18th of June. Death does not stop your existence in the world. You will exist and amount to whatever you leave behind

    • @Myworld-t2r
      @Myworld-t2r 4 місяці тому +1

      Rip @KICKWHAT😢

  • @geldyrebel
    @geldyrebel 8 місяців тому +212

    Sad Trippie is what I exactly needed right now

      @AKRFILMSCHICAGO 8 місяців тому +12

      That’s not a good thing catch yourself before you slip

    • @ladeziumhall4032
      @ladeziumhall4032 25 днів тому

      Facts even if ur not sad it’s good for good music sad music be beautiful

  • @jeowinteo2901
    @jeowinteo2901 8 місяців тому +741

    producer: how much "yeaaaye" do you want?
    trippie redd: yes

    • @michaelafton2500
      @michaelafton2500 8 місяців тому +27

      Reminds me of something xxx would do, brought a tear to my eye

    • @zaygonslay
      @zaygonslay 8 місяців тому +17

      Producer isn't the one who decides that its trippie or the artist lol. But ight 😭

    • @MajoraSwankkk
      @MajoraSwankkk 8 місяців тому +10

      ​@@zaygonslaywow your so smart your changing lives here

    • @zJalen
      @zJalen 8 місяців тому +3

      @@MajoraSwankkk 😂😂😂

    • @whoisdis5670
      @whoisdis5670 8 місяців тому

      Trippie made snippet of his verse long time ago , probs just got someone to collab on it

  • @malone1020
    @malone1020 8 місяців тому +907

    MGK putting the ART in artist. What a genius.

    • @Skinsuits
      @Skinsuits 8 місяців тому +19

      Uhh no trippie been good don’t give Mgk all the credit

    • @tonyelgoatferguson809
      @tonyelgoatferguson809 8 місяців тому +1

      Glaze god

    • @itsquinnnn
      @itsquinnnn 8 місяців тому

      @@Skinsuitsit's mgk's channel so yes he can dumbass

    • @Alanalola
      @Alanalola 8 місяців тому

      This comment wins ❤

    • @xxyounggunnaxx
      @xxyounggunnaxx 8 місяців тому +2

      This ain't mgk this Colson baker remember

  • @TristanOvery
    @TristanOvery 8 місяців тому +135

    trippie's vocals are crazy on this one, such a good project they made

  • @joshgrove2488
    @joshgrove2488 8 місяців тому +748

    just one of those nights again 🖤

    • @Im_Tulo
      @Im_Tulo 8 місяців тому


    • @leojordan869
      @leojordan869 8 місяців тому

      ​@itsmikfrI'll give them a listen right now brother 💯

    • @leojordan869
      @leojordan869 8 місяців тому

      ​@itsmikfrjust listened to feelin and damn bro that shit is on my playlist brother keep up the work don't let anyone downgrade you keep at you're art 💯💯

    • @epicdude1473
      @epicdude1473 8 місяців тому +1

      i feel so suicidial..... but thse songs give me closure....

    • @HARDSHIP2000
      @HARDSHIP2000 8 місяців тому

      I’m here.

  • @B4shXp
    @B4shXp 8 місяців тому +283

    This song reminded me of those 2016 days on the bus in the morning otw to school🥲

    • @Katzeblow
      @Katzeblow 8 місяців тому +12

      For me it was 2019 just before COVID hit😢

    • @Wiz-kidddd
      @Wiz-kidddd 8 місяців тому


    • @xavierowens8032
      @xavierowens8032 8 місяців тому

      I hate nostalgia

    • @Unethical_Ethical_HackTips
      @Unethical_Ethical_HackTips 8 місяців тому

      You say that like it was so long ago😂

    • @izakwein
      @izakwein 8 місяців тому +1

      @@Unethical_Ethical_HackTips8 years is awhile

  • @lucia.x.lildevil
    @lucia.x.lildevil 8 місяців тому +13

    This video proves to me we are all the same. Lonely, depressed and sad with moments of happiness. FLeeting.

  • @dylanmaloney94
    @dylanmaloney94 8 місяців тому +90

    MGK spit some real shit..Ain't cried this hard since the funeral. I love you Dad ..& Miss You SO Much..

    • @ryangraham1234
      @ryangraham1234 8 місяців тому +4

      Thanks for sharing Dylan, stay strong brother : )

    • @user-nq7lr8fy8p
      @user-nq7lr8fy8p 8 місяців тому +4

      Praying for you and your father 🙏🏼❤️

    • @RiggedSports88
      @RiggedSports88 8 місяців тому +2

      Sending you love . Your dad is with you always in spirit . Praying for you bro

    • @A.D.I.I.D.A
      @A.D.I.I.D.A 7 місяців тому +1

      ❤❤❤RIP DAD❤❤❤

    • @akwasipoku7556
      @akwasipoku7556 7 місяців тому


  • @officialdensitymusic
    @officialdensitymusic 8 місяців тому +150


    • @champkmaq7510
      @champkmaq7510 8 місяців тому +14

      Too many of them tbh

    • @eatgluedrnkpaint
      @eatgluedrnkpaint 8 місяців тому

      Shit was more than half the song. This was garbage. Dudes had a single verse each. Unfinished, lazy.

    • @bakedbombshell1694
      @bakedbombshell1694 8 місяців тому


    • @realboy24
      @realboy24 8 місяців тому +3

      @@champkmaq7510 i like it that way

  • @2chami
    @2chami 8 місяців тому +459

    This is for us who have turned 30. Brings me back to soundcloud days

    • @Ippiegomas
      @Ippiegomas 8 місяців тому

      Yea man 🙌🏿

    • @ianalderson9602
      @ianalderson9602 8 місяців тому +6

      Frost wire/lime wire ogs

    • @natex4398
      @natex4398 8 місяців тому

      @@ianalderson9602fuckkkin foreal !

    • @jordantolano7506
      @jordantolano7506 8 місяців тому +5

      Was very picky as a SoundCloud listener. Stuff like this coming from the soul is was I preferred

    • @hattchetman_2128
      @hattchetman_2128 8 місяців тому +2

      just turned 30 last week.

  • @Xtr4N0mical
    @Xtr4N0mical 8 місяців тому +273

    The visual in this vid is amazing

    • @carlaharbison713
      @carlaharbison713 Місяць тому

      yes my 4 year old granddaughter loves this song and video

  • @daem9866
    @daem9866 8 місяців тому +40

    For all the sad people out there. We needed this

  • @Evanthebat15
    @Evanthebat15 8 місяців тому +316

    MGK saves lives, I love how Trippie's voice sounds so harmonic and then like a wail. Praying that our boy Kels knows how loved he is and appreciated. Thank you for helping me like I am not alone with my depression.

    • @hannahroberts3519
      @hannahroberts3519 8 місяців тому +3

      Not alone my friend

    • @ant_cuts_
      @ant_cuts_ 8 місяців тому +8

      hes currently helping me thru a really hard time, so id have to agree hes def saving lives.

    • @CMS5175
      @CMS5175 8 місяців тому

      ​@RyujinBrawlStargos Go away

    • @donaldjenkins2796
      @donaldjenkins2796 8 місяців тому

      @@ant_cuts_hey bro, mgk got me through some hard times too. You’ll get through it. You’re listening to the right music. Swing life away one of my favorites. Peace bro. Lace up

    • @FromTheVille_
      @FromTheVille_ 8 місяців тому +1

      Both of them 💯

    @ROCKETM4N 8 місяців тому +292

    Trippie reminds me of X in this song .the vibe, the energy, the delivery.. Needed this.. RIP X🙏🏼

    • @WEBBY17777
      @WEBBY17777 8 місяців тому +24

      Just watched the adin Ross live with mgk and trippie. And they said this song was pretty much X vibes and song was pretty much for him

      @DYVNGWOLF 8 місяців тому +11

      Long live X

    • @JAndSonnn
      @JAndSonnn 8 місяців тому +1

      Exact same thing I thought

    • @braytaylor8534
      @braytaylor8534 8 місяців тому +2

      Trippie and x were besties of course he’s going to try to keep his homies flow going he’s allowed to 💯👌🏼 June 18 is trips birthday also xs death day.. 😩

    • @SiNMaNGG
      @SiNMaNGG 8 місяців тому +1

      Might just be but every time you little kids say X I think of the real X i.e DMX. Get your letters right and use something else like xxx or something

  • @les8729
    @les8729 8 місяців тому +14

    Sending some love from France 🇫🇷 Remember that you’re not alone, there’s somebody who cares about u and if they don’t I do.
    MGK kinda save my life when I was 18 and in a big depression. Now I’m 23 and I’m proud of what I’ve done with my life. Never give up guys XX🫶

  • @maucasta9188
    @maucasta9188 8 місяців тому +46

    “ ITS JUST ME INA VAMP CASTLE .. TELLING MYSELF ITS THE LAST CAPSULE” been telling myself it’s the last time…

  • @vinz_23
    @vinz_23 8 місяців тому +94

    Mgk and trippie ,i love this duo and i like their outfit

    • @IMABUZ
      @IMABUZ 8 місяців тому +1

      Ppl don’t know how talented Mgk is . Trippie always been super talented but I dont got much to say on him cause a lot of his friends died . So him not

  • @XGTA5GamingXYT
    @XGTA5GamingXYT 8 місяців тому +177

    Let’s go… you always come through with a new song when I need it most

  • @jacksoncalvert6003
    @jacksoncalvert6003 8 місяців тому +197

    Damn this album gonna be album of year fr

    • @Lewi_Mizfit
      @Lewi_Mizfit 8 місяців тому +13

      Fuck no.. so much better music out right now

    • @mxttbinghxm
      @mxttbinghxm 8 місяців тому +22

      ​@@Lewi_Mizfityou came on the video that quick to hate

    • @hellroofer
      @hellroofer 8 місяців тому +1

      For Sure ❤

    • @HydeGLA
      @HydeGLA 8 місяців тому

      @@Lewi_Mizfitdefinitely not

    • @Lewi_Mizfit
      @Lewi_Mizfit 8 місяців тому +3

      @@mxttbinghxm no, I came to the video that quick because I’m an MGK fan 🤡

  • @goncalooliveira797
    @goncalooliveira797 8 місяців тому +2

    I broke up with my ex and im going through a fase of finding myself again and bring back the glow i had!! I dont wish my last relationship to no one, it was super toxic and depressive.. She was so abusive and we had everything to be so happy, our child was on supposed to be born in a few months but god had other plans!! Now im much better and this album has been helping me a lot!! Thank you Colson and Trippie, much love ❤❤❤

    @GLOBALAIDCOALITION 8 місяців тому +13

    the way I feel when trippie red is making that aaaaah voice it reminds that not all sad boys are sad ,keep smiling

  • @gairick9
    @gairick9 8 місяців тому +154

    the rapper never left...

    • @brandonlatus2218
      @brandonlatus2218 8 місяців тому +1

      He did tho after Eminem humiliated him

    • @Relic541
      @Relic541 8 місяців тому

      @@brandonlatus2218look at this clown 😂😂😂 Move on with your life. They’re beef was over 5 years ago. Your acting like a child.

    • @sub2supermariocade
      @sub2supermariocade 8 місяців тому

      ​@@brandonlatus2218that was 6 years ago bro. Let it go

    • @ButlerServiceProductions
      @ButlerServiceProductions 8 місяців тому +21

      ​@brandonlatus2218 yet you're still listening to him

    • @elizvlhxx2896
      @elizvlhxx2896 8 місяців тому +7

      ​@@brandonlatus2218 hi again m&m's fake account

  • @frankiewirtz5745
    @frankiewirtz5745 8 місяців тому +66

    I have a cat that won't leave my side since my older brother passed and he would always show me the best rappers/ songs at the time and that kitty would always come up to us purring her little heart out 😭♥️ every know and then i come across a song or an artist that still make this cat purr and sit in my lap. I feel like it's my brother saying " hold on, a couple more minutes"❤😭

    • @r3vray
      @r3vray 8 місяців тому +2

      Hang in there brother

    • @emmastephens9509
      @emmastephens9509 7 місяців тому +1

      U got this bro

    • @RileyMacc
      @RileyMacc 7 місяців тому +1

      Man my cat nala, she was my twin sisters car and full time loves on me these days. Life’s a bitch life is precious though.

    • @lunaticfringe7741
      @lunaticfringe7741 6 місяців тому +2

      It's absolutely Your Brother.. I'm very sorry & if You need to, there's Counseling as an option.

    • @Slythrienedits
      @Slythrienedits 6 місяців тому

      I’m sorry for your loss

  • @Lylantz
    @Lylantz 7 місяців тому +6

    This song angelic af

  • @乂
    @乂 8 місяців тому +55

    Mgk truly never gets old

  • @jonathanceballos9086
    @jonathanceballos9086 8 місяців тому +172

    don’t understand why tripp is so hated, most versatile rapper here still.

    • @jesseaparicio2180
      @jesseaparicio2180 8 місяців тому +2

      Who be hating on trippie ?

      @JIGOKUKIRA 8 місяців тому

      @@jesseaparicio2180you must not be on social media like that cause niggas say trippie redd fell off

    • @sking7798
      @sking7798 8 місяців тому +6

      @@jesseaparicio2180when he makes ass music I get it but this straight 🔥🔥

    • @YaBoy_JayDawg
      @YaBoy_JayDawg 8 місяців тому +7

      Because you said most versatile rapper so loosely, when roses are handed too early, they lose value. There’s a ladder of versatility.
      I’d still take Kaynes entire discography as a form of versatile that trumps Trippie

    • @d0wek746
      @d0wek746 8 місяців тому +11

      ​@@YaBoy_JayDawgKanye can't sing like Trippie.

  • @tamzeed17
    @tamzeed17 8 місяців тому +150

    I guess I lost my life again its just one of those nights again
    No one wants their life to end drownin now in a life of sin
    I guess I lost my life again its just one of those nights again
    No one wants their life to end drownin now in a life of sin
    Blood shot blue eyes I recorded two tonight
    One is for all those I love this ones for the suicide
    Everything is blue inside everyone at you and I
    People wont say how they feel about you until you die
    Everythings cinematic protagonist catches a bad habit
    By the end hes a damn addict leave him guessin make a sequel
    Let everyone say that it wsnt as good as the first and they lost their damn magic
    Yall bein pragmatic bitch im Illmatic
    Im rich and still savage im rich and im unhappy
    I wish I was back in the days when I had a shitty shirt with my hat backwards
    Now im alone in a vamp castle im tellin myself it’s the last capsule
    But why would I even wanna be alive this year with someone at art basel (so high)
    I guess I lost my life again its just one of those nights again
    No one wants their life to end drownin now in a life of sin
    I guess I lost my life again its just one of those nights again
    No one wants their life to end drownin now in a life of sin

    • @mileuu69
      @mileuu69 8 місяців тому +4

      respect for making lyricss
      but it isnt "everyone hate you and I" instead of "everyone at you and I" i guess it makes more sense?

    • @blazednconfused2282
      @blazednconfused2282 8 місяців тому

      Close, good try

    • @KMR-SULLY
      @KMR-SULLY 8 місяців тому

      Outing his label much…?

    • @mileuu69
      @mileuu69 8 місяців тому +2

      maybe its "everyone ain't you and I"

    • @SineadMcKid
      @SineadMcKid 8 місяців тому +3

      Yeah and I thought it was “to see her with someone at Art Basel”

  • @jessi32717
    @jessi32717 5 місяців тому +2

    Seriously your music is so moving I cannot be more grateful to God for giving us you are such an amazing artist I love everything you do God bless and stay safe Godspeed💗💗❕😘

    • @machinegunkellyprivate
      @machinegunkellyprivate 4 місяці тому

      thanks for the love , dedication , care and support you have showed me for years now ..I need to appreciate you all because am nothing without you all ….Are you one of my best, great and lovely Fans out there?

  • @JxeyJxey
    @JxeyJxey 8 місяців тому +153

    This is exactly what I love to hear from mgk. Moody melodic mgk is so good

    • @JxeyJxey
      @JxeyJxey 8 місяців тому +1

      @@handelskai there’s a reason why his alt rock albums did numbers bro. He found what works for him

    • @handelskai
      @handelskai 8 місяців тому +2

      @@JxeyJxeyHe is much better as a rapper, i aint saying his ''rock'' albums are bad, not as good. He said he would be dropping a rap album after mainstream sellout but now we getting this sadboy shi

    • @killshotfrmsw3475
      @killshotfrmsw3475 8 місяців тому +1

      @@handelskaiwe are still getting the actual rap album lol, this is just an EP

    • @ahab1679
      @ahab1679 8 місяців тому +1

      @@handelskai calling a whole subgenre of music corny is corny brodie

    • @handelskai
      @handelskai 8 місяців тому

      @@ahab1679 Im talking abt the name of the ep brodie. Genre: sadboy is the cringiest name known to mankind.

  • @Mc_A
    @Mc_A 8 місяців тому +123

    Always heaters whenever these two are together

    • @rileysharpe2011
      @rileysharpe2011 8 місяців тому +1

      Probably because Trippie is the weakest link in this song

    • @holdencampos3949
      @holdencampos3949 8 місяців тому +2


    • @Starry_Dupree
      @Starry_Dupree 8 місяців тому +2

      @@rileysharpe2011 people were literally hyped for this song because of Trippie and a snippet he previewed for it months ago So how ?

    • @rileysharpe2011
      @rileysharpe2011 8 місяців тому

      Idk what to tell ya, it ain’t for me, repeating the same shit and saying yea over and over does not make this a banger for me it’s trash @@Starry_Dupree

    • @andrewoberg
      @andrewoberg 8 місяців тому +1

      quite the opposite, mgk by himself would have killed this

  • @Sn1per_AD
    @Sn1per_AD 8 місяців тому +133

    on god mgk is really underrated. The beef with em just make people look down on him

    • @michaelfreeman9667
      @michaelfreeman9667 8 місяців тому +4

      Who’s fault is that

    • @michaelfreeman9667
      @michaelfreeman9667 8 місяців тому +5

      Mgk is a good rapper and singer though ngl

    • @gemini8965
      @gemini8965 8 місяців тому

      Wish I could like this more then once mgk is one of my favorite of all time rappers I mean I come way back from lead you on and a bunch of other fire and heartfelt music from him man but before him em was there frfr em is fucking amazing wordsmith the best there is but there beef ruined mgk cuz of the fact that mgk makes fire music and em will kill anyone with a mic he battles and mgk don’t people just ride ems dick a little to much I know cuz I was the same way tbh and everybody knows this but mgk actually fucking ripped em just em really fucking kill mgk lol mgk did better then canabitch or ja rule but it was em so yeah and mgk basically did what ever other rapper did call out haley and that’s always been a no no

    • @nochilllwill
      @nochilllwill 8 місяців тому +2

      nah he did his thing on rap devil this lil emo shit don’t work for him tho, it’d be way better if it was trippie solo

    • @walterricsi
      @walterricsi 8 місяців тому

      The beef was good, Em made him quit that only hard rapping (rightfully) but this upped his genre variability (what he always had in him). Overall W

  • @Kid.Kiddy74
    @Kid.Kiddy74 8 місяців тому +1

    I can't believe that trippie is not a kid anymore 😢😢😢

  • @bluntbeatzcruisinmusic3665
    @bluntbeatzcruisinmusic3665 8 місяців тому +201

    Why do people even say Trippie fell off? He's always on some real shit. Also, every time he and MGK link up it's magic.

    • @Weonlyknewoneway
      @Weonlyknewoneway 8 місяців тому +11

      He literally trying to be a popstar though 🤦‍♀️ it's cringe af

    • @Godisgood137
      @Godisgood137 8 місяців тому +5

      @@Weonlyknewoneway which makes him more money so be mad i guess

    • @Weonlyknewoneway
      @Weonlyknewoneway 8 місяців тому

      @@Godisgood137 because money means everything right ? So sell out right ? You are apart of the problem . You wonder why music is trash in 2024 ... smh 🤦‍♀️ wack little kids

    • @hitormissjt4898
      @hitormissjt4898 8 місяців тому +5

      ​​@@Godisgood137... but his views have fallen off... this is the old trippie we love

    • @EndlessAmount
      @EndlessAmount 8 місяців тому +5

      @@hitormissjt4898his views falling doesn’t mean his skill has

  • @aliroprojects
    @aliroprojects 8 місяців тому +73

    This is the prettiest vid clip I've ever seen.

  • @MidnightMoon-bg6eg
    @MidnightMoon-bg6eg 8 місяців тому +124

    Trippie voice is so calming ngl

  • @katiejohnson7609
    @katiejohnson7609 8 місяців тому +4

    God I love every song on sadboy so far. You guys are a magical team. Making millions of strangers feel things, different things for different people, and you’ll never know. 🤟🏻

  • @Samuelmtb4
    @Samuelmtb4 8 місяців тому +18

    Thank you trip and mgk your music is the thing keepingnme away from my anxiety

  • @BeautifulDisaster3324
    @BeautifulDisaster3324 8 місяців тому +22

    I love this colab honestly. Can't wait for the entire album Friday ❤

  • @oneupppppp
    @oneupppppp 8 місяців тому +15287

    If you didn’t come from TikTok, you can like this comment

  • @cholburap
    @cholburap 8 місяців тому +1

    beat lembrei do lil peep !

  • @terileigh696
    @terileigh696 8 місяців тому +45

    This album bout to be a therapy session ❤️‍🩹

  • @TheRealDealVapeReviews
    @TheRealDealVapeReviews 8 місяців тому +188

    I miss the good old days of bars. These 2 minute, 1 verse songs killing me. Shits still 🔥 but leaves you wanting more.

    • @scotttaylor7274
      @scotttaylor7274 8 місяців тому +4

      Maybe that’s the point?

    • @tdineen12
      @tdineen12 8 місяців тому

      just setting the mood

    • @RyanBoonslokovich
      @RyanBoonslokovich 8 місяців тому +3

      Sounds like an intro track.

    • @brandonlatus2218
      @brandonlatus2218 8 місяців тому +1

      Mgk has no bars he can’t rap

    • @Relic541
      @Relic541 8 місяців тому +9

      @@brandonlatus2218bro I seen you hating in multiple comments!! Go get a life and stop wasting your energy by speaking negatively into the world. Just dont listen if you dont like him.
      Btw, mgk DO got bars, they just go over your head.

  • @DJKronikCam710
    @DJKronikCam710 8 місяців тому +127

    Hell yeah, never jumped on a notification so fast in my life, and ....holy shit the feels!

  • @jakecozzz1040
    @jakecozzz1040 7 місяців тому +1

    As someone who's 32 and been fighting opiate and alcohol abuse my whole life this songs makes me feel a certain way. Been sober off opiates for 4 years but alcohol is a constant devil on my shoulder. It's ok to feel lost sometimes!

  • @RavenG.est95
    @RavenG.est95 8 місяців тому +26

    MGK drops. I click. I'm simple.

    • @RavenG.est95
      @RavenG.est95 8 місяців тому +3

      And it's a banger 🔥

    • @TheShadowRebirth
      @TheShadowRebirth 8 місяців тому +1

      @@RavenG.est95it’s not. Stop and get help

    • @justwarren65
      @justwarren65 8 місяців тому

      It’s a banger 😊

  • @TeizalTheGreatofficial
    @TeizalTheGreatofficial 8 місяців тому +11

    Trippie voice is legendary

  • @mattolivo
    @mattolivo 8 місяців тому +31

    MGK with the shitty shirt and the hat backwards was that guy and is the reason most of us are here today. Its awesome to see how far he has come, there was a time that everything almost fell apart and im so happy he didn't let that happen. MGK you are STILL That GUY!!! Glad your working on yourself bro, Ive never been able to meet you, I got turned on to your music right after Wild Boy came out bc all the girls would tell me I look like MGK, after like the 5th time I looked you up and I was captivated, I know its lame af but its the truth, I immediately engulfed myself in your discography and it was like you were telling my life story, it was crazy. Ive been a fan ever since and will continue to be until the day I die

  • @BBaDd-kg3fu
    @BBaDd-kg3fu 8 місяців тому +2

    Does anyone love how trippies vocals on the acoustic ring in your ears with headphones???

  • @chelstonderush6233
    @chelstonderush6233 8 місяців тому +20

    I was here 2 mins after this song was released. Mgk I will thank you for the rest of my life. You legitimately saved my life.

    • @thekatt...
      @thekatt... 8 місяців тому +3

      I'm glad you're here.💜🇨🇦

    • @LubanPecenka
      @LubanPecenka 8 місяців тому +1


  • @elijahguthrie7
    @elijahguthrie7 8 місяців тому +23

    Holy shit this is the Trippie I love. If this is the album it’s going to be so fire. They made a beautiful song

    • @MilesMcCoyYT
      @MilesMcCoyYT 8 місяців тому

      I just dropped the coldest song of the year!! 🥶

  • @RoyalTrip2663
    @RoyalTrip2663 8 місяців тому +9

    I SWEAR TO GOD it’s just one of those nights again 2:30 AM

  • @EllyGilbert-i7r
    @EllyGilbert-i7r 19 днів тому +1

    I love this song so much I just got out of a car accident yesterday and this is is the way I feel I love this so g and them together ❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Joaningyou
    @Joaningyou 8 місяців тому +45

    "people wont say how they feel about you until you die " >>>>>>>

  • @clovercage
    @clovercage 8 місяців тому +17

    Putting this out there into the universe. Some day soon, me and MGK will make a song that will help make a difference in the world. Mark my words. God bless everyone 🍀

    • @MilesMcCoyYT
      @MilesMcCoyYT 8 місяців тому

      I just dropped the coldest song of the year!! 🥶

  • @islomtuyjonov6952
    @islomtuyjonov6952 8 місяців тому +5

    Listening to lost boys and crying my eyes out. Being 25 and lost in life now knowing what’s next is killing me but your music helps a lot making it easier to go through it

  • @AngelaAames-v1q
    @AngelaAames-v1q 15 днів тому +1

    Trippie Redd will always keep throwin viral because of
    i) his voice
    ii) he is byin vews fram HIPVIEWS DAWT CAWM
    iii) fans like me

  • @RSCII
    @RSCII 8 місяців тому +33

    Colson- you are so appreciated by your fans for everything you put out. Depression fucking blows- but your music helps me through it every day. You deserve happiness.

    • @RSCII
      @RSCII 8 місяців тому +1

      And trippie sounds great per usual!

  • @jacobsidock7900
    @jacobsidock7900 8 місяців тому +15

    I can’t wait for this album. You guys dropping at the perfect time of my life.

  • @josiebaker5328
    @josiebaker5328 8 місяців тому +8

    MGK always encapsulates how I feel somehow. And Trippie’s vocals are haunting in the best way

    @JESSLEECLINCH 8 місяців тому +5

    It’s MGK helping me through my dark days .
    Look after yourself too ❤

    • @machinegunkellyprivate
      @machinegunkellyprivate 4 місяці тому

      thanks for the love , dedication , care and support you have showed me for years now ..I need to appreciate you all because am nothing without you all ….Are you one of my best, great and lovely Fans out there?

  • @chriskrahn
    @chriskrahn 8 місяців тому +10

    Haters gonna hate love MGK and Trippie

  • @octavioreyes3522
    @octavioreyes3522 8 місяців тому +4

    Trippie always reminds me so much of Juice WRLD... R.I.P.

  • @drunkface_csgo
    @drunkface_csgo 8 місяців тому +27

    "People won't say how they feel about you until you die" I felt that 💙💔

  • @lildonny
    @lildonny 7 місяців тому +1

    Bro this music is genuinely amazing.

  • @BENGT14
    @BENGT14 8 місяців тому +13


  • @Killedbynugs
    @Killedbynugs 8 місяців тому +3

    Funny how a lot of people hate but don’t appreciate artwork for what it is duplicity…
    Trippie ain’t bad but his song big bird has me seeing crimson red.
    My favorite song of theirs is Candy.

  • @Iammoist
    @Iammoist 8 місяців тому +31

    I finally got what he is trying to do he is not trying to make something that get clicks he just trying to express his feelings ....I respect that

    • @Ian-tp6mu
      @Ian-tp6mu 8 місяців тому +1

      @@puffdaddy69lol not really generic doesn’t sound like I’m listening to drake or yeat so not quite that

    • @Iammoist
      @Iammoist 8 місяців тому

      ​@@puffdaddy69 opposite actually I don't like the song that much ....he can make better songs....I just respect him for putting out something raw it might not be my favourite but I appreciate him trying to be real

    • @Iammoist
      @Iammoist 8 місяців тому


  • @Loveleechristy
    @Loveleechristy 5 місяців тому +1

    Colson you won't prob see this. Babe
    You have evolved. And when you evolve to change I mean evidently I've listened to you for like the last 15 hours in the last 24 hours I binge music. You are an amazing artist. Don't ever stop please

    • @machinegunkellyprivate
      @machinegunkellyprivate 4 місяці тому

      thanks for the love , dedication , care and support you have showed me for years now ..I need to appreciate you all because am nothing without you all ….Are you one of my best, great and lovely Fans out there?

  • @realliljayp
    @realliljayp 8 місяців тому +13

    R.I.P X 💙💙 0:20 that time hurts deep asf but it's surreal tho no derserved have their own life end like that, this song hard and this known the best song of the year🔥🔥🔥

    • @Yuexya
      @Yuexya 2 місяці тому

      The he’ll reminded you of that😂😂 I mean RIP X but we’re not going back 4 steps your the only one

    • @realliljayp
      @realliljayp 2 місяці тому

      @@Yuexya you ain't the only one who likes to bashing and to make an adjustment to your own type an amateur smh huh some people nowadays 😂🤦🏽

    • @Yuexya
      @Yuexya 2 місяці тому

      @@realliljayp yes people these days 😂🤣😂 they can’t text right it’s called proof read homie jeez 🤣

    • @zacharymcneely6039
      @zacharymcneely6039 2 місяці тому +1

      It’s so fucked up the way he died

    • @realliljayp
      @realliljayp 2 місяці тому

      @@zacharymcneely6039 yeah smh

  • @duckinfrunk
    @duckinfrunk 8 місяців тому +3

    Unreal.. played this on MAX LOUD till the sun came up. My soul needed this track right here.

  • @dmnddst
    @dmnddst 8 місяців тому +8

    Kells' lyrics somehow always accurate to my life at the moment
    in 2022 i was having the time of my life, had a good paying job, amazing friends, i was happy. and MGK had songs that really resonated with me at that time, like Drunk Face, Kiss Kiss, 9 Lives. dont get me wrong, the sad songs like Nothing Inside also hit me real hard. as theres no escaping that i was a 22yr old living in a dystopian city
    now, i lost my job, some of my friends got arrested for drug use, some friends left me, im back at my parents' house feeling like shit. i feel like i lost my life again, everyday is one of those nights again, i didnt want my life to end, but it did
    im telling you, why does his lyrics always so accurate LMAO

  • @zc9749
    @zc9749 8 місяців тому +2

    This would be a deep song if I was 14 years old.

  • @richybran3690
    @richybran3690 8 місяців тому +51

    Man. I love this so much. I would love to hear a whole album of you and trippie red. Fucking magical

    • @MichaelSmith-vl9vq
      @MichaelSmith-vl9vq 8 місяців тому +10

      Whole album drops Friday

    • @staringatadiamond
      @staringatadiamond 8 місяців тому +4

      it comes out friday lol they’re already being sold online

    • @staringatadiamond
      @staringatadiamond 8 місяців тому

      @itsmikfr me?

    • @Hhhhhhlllll
      @Hhhhhhlllll 8 місяців тому

      ​@@MichaelSmith-vl9vq was wondering thought this song dropped friday lol

    • @Macodythemetta
      @Macodythemetta 8 місяців тому

      Aye is my music fire yal?🤔….l

  • @crothangliani4169
    @crothangliani4169 8 місяців тому +5

    "i wish i was back in the days when i had a shitty shirt with my hat backwards" damn..missn those Lace Up MGK era🥺💔

  • @petedrucker5008
    @petedrucker5008 8 місяців тому +16

    This song hits different when you’re sad & when you thought about suicide while dealing with drug addiction. MGK has shown that it’s possible to make it out the struggle true fan

  • @jessi32717
    @jessi32717 5 місяців тому +2

    I am seriously MGK’s number one fan and truthfully ever since I have heard your music tripp I have been mesmerized and beyond an emotionally touch maybe y’all can come to Hanover Massachusetts in surprise me at my house lol I’m just kidding keep up the good work and I love your house it looks amazing! Y’all are always welcomed 😘🥰💗❤❤❤

  • @dominickpettigrew205
    @dominickpettigrew205 8 місяців тому +22

    I truly appreciate every piece of music you release. Every word has such meaning.

  • @easyzach
    @easyzach 8 місяців тому +4

    1:05 one is for all those I love, this one’s for the suicide…. bro stay speaking how I’m feeling

  • @ynghendricks8168
    @ynghendricks8168 8 місяців тому +5

    beautiful song + video!
    got some x vibes here with trippies melody and the acoustic guitar, can't wait for the album!

  • @PiercedpixieSav
    @PiercedpixieSav 7 місяців тому +1

    This EP/Album is so awesome 🤩. I feel I can relate to so many of the lyrics. Thank you MGK!!

  • @GuapFilmz
    @GuapFilmz 8 місяців тому +21

    y’all been doin ts for years now & still have ppl constantly hating on y’all🤦🏻‍♂️ keep proving em wrong , y’all some goats fuc da haters

  • @cococourtney7239
    @cococourtney7239 8 місяців тому +11

    This DUO can do no wrong. Their voices compliment each other & the vibes suit BOTH of them SO MUCH!!!!!! Can’t wait for Friday!!!! 💯🔥🔥✊

  • @djortegaondatrack
    @djortegaondatrack 8 місяців тому +56

    2016 vibes.
    soundcloud era.

  • @wolfgang6442
    @wolfgang6442 8 місяців тому +1

    Wow this is giving me goosebump to the old trippie redd wit the raw emo sad melodic vibes jim and mgk fr killed on here🔥❤😌❤️

  • @joshlashley5104
    @joshlashley5104 8 місяців тому +7

    Felt like x was about to start on this beat. The tentation vibe is here and I'm here for it. Rip to all the legends💔🌠

  • @siyabongakhumalo1744
    @siyabongakhumalo1744 8 місяців тому +6

    MGK always brings the best out of trippie, I swear they have never missed.

  • @andriekxx
    @andriekxx 8 місяців тому +4

    Love the visual, the echoeness of Trippie’s voice and Kells lyrics. I do wish Trippie had a verse but either way, it feels like the perfect way to open this project 🩵

  • @hollytherese753
    @hollytherese753 8 місяців тому +1

    I’m so stuck on this song. Repeat all day.