Doll Collecting is a fun hobby but with out limit or control it can get overwhelming, it has to have a balance with what we are available to manage and have space for it at least that's the case for me ( I saw collectors who have a lot and are very happy having a really large collection and thought I would be happy too if I have a large collection but it actually stressed me) hopefully it doesn't sound negative because through this I learned more about my self ☺ lets keep enjoying and having fun collecting 😊💜
I was the same way. Just buying all kinds of dolls. It’s impossible. so I chose my favorite line and got rid of a lot of randomS
Doll Collecting is a fun hobby but with out limit or control it can get overwhelming, it has to have a balance with what we are available to manage and have space for it at least that's the case for me ( I saw collectors who have a lot and are very happy having a really large collection and thought I would be happy too if I have a large collection but it actually stressed me) hopefully it doesn't sound negative because through this I learned more about my self ☺ lets keep enjoying and having fun collecting 😊💜