Hey everyone, thanks for watching my run(s)! Spending my summer with the Bluecoats was the best time of my life. If you want to experience a similar thing but could use some help with the process or improving as a performer, send me an email! woutervanderes@hotmail.com
I forgot how many weird noises and handshakes and little inside jokes are involved with marching band. I loved it so much when I was involved and now my daughter is in it, I’m so proud!
This show got me into watching dci.. it’s just soo good, and I love watching all the head cams!! I’m hoping that I can march dci someday (I’m a woodwind in hs marching rn tho)
job well done, as a California native this brings back memories i marched soprano from 1996-1997 Blue devils Division 2 and contra from 1998-1999 in Blue Devils Division 1 a total of 4 seasons before ageing out was the best times ever of my life traveling the whole country to places Ive never seen before.
I just clicked on this cus I thought it looked cool and realized I'd watched the show-- by far my favorite of this year. The band had such great energy and the keytar!!! My friends and I were talking about it when the competition was live and it was awesome-- so cool
This brought back so many fun memories of when I marched/played euphonium with the Sky Ryders in 1989, before GoPros! :) I also had a chance to watch your show live--Great job, and thanks for sharing the experience and igniting my memories!
Y'all this was my school(arsenal technical hs) at 2:09 y'all practice was amazing. yall came to practice on the 11 of aug i have the vid of it. shit was lit.
First Bluecoats is my all time favorite DCI corps and I love “Stranger Things” and Dustin is my favorite character on that show now I just have more reasons to love both!!!
My favorite parts are the speed run on the shoe tie, and the "just breathe" moment at the end of the keytar solo. Also, Dustin is cool, but lifting Ryan Gosling into the air is even cooler B)
I’m only a freshman right now, I would love to march dci in the future but I know my parents won’t be able to afford it and neither will I. But hopefully something changes before that happens
I'm looking for a good lead piece. What mouthpiece do you play on? Ik a lotus when I see one but what is it specifically lol. PS: Love the show, truly inspiring.
It’s a Lotus 7S. It’s very nice and I recommend it. It was the one that was most similar to a Bobby shew which I was used to. I also own the 2L2 for more orchestral stuff.
Hey everyone, thanks for watching my run(s)! Spending my summer with the Bluecoats was the best time of my life. If you want to experience a similar thing but could use some help with the process or improving as a performer, send me an email! woutervanderes@hotmail.com
I forgot how many weird noises and handshakes and little inside jokes are involved with marching band. I loved it so much when I was involved and now my daughter is in it, I’m so proud!
he did look uncannily like dustin, awesome playing
this show is magnificent. every time i watch, i fall in love again and again. the fricken keytar solo gets me every time😫
This show got me into watching dci.. it’s just soo good, and I love watching all the head cams!! I’m hoping that I can march dci someday (I’m a woodwind in hs marching rn tho)
What instrument do you play?
That's awesome! Bluecoats 2016 'Downside Up' got me into dci
@@jakeconnor2773 LITERALLY SAME
@@benjamingodbout236 Piccolo
Same! I also want to march dci but i also play a woodwind (alto sax). Im trying to learn the mellophone
job well done, as a California native this brings back memories i marched soprano from 1996-1997 Blue devils Division 2 and contra from 1998-1999 in Blue Devils Division 1 a total of 4 seasons before ageing out was the best times ever of my life traveling the whole country to places Ive never seen before.
I loved this show, and it’s fun to see all the head cams, yours is definitely one of my favourites!
The fact that no matter where I go, GD follows is great.
I just clicked on this cus I thought it looked cool and realized I'd watched the show-- by far my favorite of this year. The band had such great energy and the keytar!!! My friends and I were talking about it when the competition was live and it was awesome-- so cool
Yo I didn’t know that Dustin from Stranger Things is on Bluecoats
He didn't. They're making the comment that the lead trumpet looks like Dustin from Stranger Things. :)
@@nickcarita its a joke
@@shiloh1460 - I know. That's why I commented what I did. :)
@@nickcarita you explained the joke which made it look like you took it seriously
@@franed3988 🤷♂
I’m a lead trumpet at my high school and I love videos like this thanks so much for inspiring me ❤️
I have no idea if this is good, or really good because I’m a percussionist. But I do know it isn’t. I know this is GREAT!
Yeah, me too!! and I agree!
This sounds just like being a percussionist - I know hundreds of songs, but only the drum and trombone parts. :D
this has absolutely nothing to do with the video or your comment but i love your pvp
You guys were my favorite group this year for sure......Oh Jesus, I hope my son isn't going to see this. Go Troop.
Phenomenal playing!
This brought back so many fun memories of when I marched/played euphonium with the Sky Ryders in 1989, before GoPros! :) I also had a chance to watch your show live--Great job, and thanks for sharing the experience and igniting my memories!
Awesome ♥️
the editing is absolutely fantastic
dude i dont know what i just watched but i love it
Im happy to hear that
Bro transitioned to a whole other day lol, very nice playing, love the headcam
Super proud you!!!!!💙🍁
Y'all this was my school(arsenal technical hs) at 2:09 y'all practice was amazing. yall came to practice on the 11 of aug i have the vid of it. shit was lit.
That is the most entertaining thing I’ve seen in so long I want more please
That "duck under the wheels" move looked so dangerous but was so cool, I hope you never got beaned by it lol!
Close once or twice, luckily never hit the thing
@-Kenji♡ 13:29 ish
Pure chaos I love it
I absolutely loved the show! Great job!
Y’all show is so good my favorite❤️
I love the cuts between rehearsals!
I saw this show in Dallas...IT WAS AMAZING!!! Being in high school marching band now, this makes me want to do dci after i graduate!!!
First Bluecoats is my all time favorite DCI corps and I love “Stranger Things” and Dustin is my favorite character on that show now I just have more reasons to love both!!!
A90 class Northern Aurora D&BC alum here. Great times!
Marching band vocal cues in place of counts never fails
Omg your drum harnesses look so much better then my schools, our just have two hook type metal pieces that we put on our shoulders that dig in.
That sounds painful
Oh my gosh that sounds painful. What brand of drums are they? I’ve never seen that before
the caption got me even tho ive seen this show 3000000000 times
The guy that looks like Dustin was my trumpet tech over band camp this season 💀
My favorite parts are the speed run on the shoe tie, and the "just breathe" moment at the end of the keytar solo. Also, Dustin is cool, but lifting Ryan Gosling into the air is even cooler B)
Sick job dude! Was great to meet you at IWU
Thank you! Was awesome to meet you too. I also saw Duncan at finals!
@@woutervanderes I did too! 4 years since I had seen him last
@@wellgranted amazing !
I’m only a freshman right now, I would love to march dci in the future but I know my parents won’t be able to afford it and neither will I. But hopefully something changes before that happens
Look for sponsorships from businesses and individuals...
now you've gotta link us the headcam of your friend with the cool dark hair
I will convince him to post it and link it in the description. He’s awesome.
@@woutervanderes bet
@@woutervanderes convince him harder
Didn't think you'd get 70K view posting this did ya?
I'm a huge fan of DCI and Bluecoats, and that was an amazing couple of runs and an awesome show!
You can’t tell me the blue devils’ show was better than this. Blue coats got robbed at DCI finals
8:00 caked up fr😃
i didn’t know dustin was BLOOOOOO
i spotted mr samuels there in one of those clips, he helps my schools marching band
Good show, man, and good playing. Also, nice Lotus
This looks like so much fun to do, I'd 100% try to do something like this but I'm nowhere near as good as I'd need to be for that 😂
It is so much fun! There’s groups for all levels so go for it.
@@woutervanderes if I can find a group I’ll definitely try to! I’m a junior right now so I’ve got a bit of time
HOLY SHIT i’ve always wanted to play Nautilus by Anna Meredith on euphonium, i’ve never seen it played by a marching band before
With how many headcams were being recorded at that rep in Canton, is there any videos with all the headcams combined into one video in the works?
Wait Dustin from stranger things is on bluecoats?
dustin flippin crazy daaaang
where’s dustin?
Nice match cuts throughout the show!
I really liked the prop with the mustache guy
That’s one of my techs💀
gaten does dci??
Haha, well this video title is one way to get people to watch some DCI. 😂
More people watching more people marching ;)
I'm looking for a good lead piece. What mouthpiece do you play on? Ik a lotus when I see one but what is it specifically lol.
PS: Love the show, truly inspiring.
It’s a Lotus 7S. It’s very nice and I recommend it. It was the one that was most similar to a Bobby shew which I was used to. I also own the 2L2 for more orchestral stuff.
@@woutervanderes do you recommend brass or nickel silver for a lead piece?
@@Gogo_Keegan silver, little more punch
Anyone else see the keytaurist pov first?
what mouthpiece do you use? what is common for your trumpet section?
Lotus 7S, everyone played Lotus. People liked the L2 models too
this is so slay
Nice transitions
I’m your 1,000 like 👍
Sick! What trumpet do you play?
We played Yamaha Xenos, with Lotus mouthpieces 🎺
@@woutervanderes so I don’t watch the show…is that really a person from the show??
@@omz31 no, it is not really Dustin.
For person reasons imma need to hear that mello part at 4:32
That’d be cool tho if gaten really did dci tho
Idk guess it's time to switch flute to trumpet
5:16 jojo pose 😩
lol the turf turds on your hands
This is sick
Watching this makes me realize how much this would suck for Tuba players.
Check out Futo Fujikura, he had fun I believe.
Drum major looking thick tho
Super Wouter
where is dustin. unhappy.