sta mislite vi, da li biste pre izabrali za devojku sestru od najboljeg druga ili cerku od mamine najbolje drugarice il' sestricinu iz ujninog prvog braka? i koliko sve to poena donosi? …posto su ovo nova, savremena, vremena isto pitanje važi i za devojke a) nema veze sta... samo da se pohvalim posle... b) sve odjednom... ja sam visok najmanje 4 metra... c) samo sam zbunjen pa ne znam kod koje prvo da pokusam... d) neka one same odluce... vredi se boriti za ovakvog baju...
Climbing those stairs is a real pleasure. Especially if you know there's a reward waiting for you somewhere along the way in the form of a big cold pint of beer.
First, it is better to take a taxi up the mountains for several hundred meters. When it is not hot. Rain and even wind are not a hindrance. And then slowly descend. And then, in a restaurant, think about why the locals, although they smoke, are so hardy and even die with a healthy heart mainly from other diseases. In the Canaries, many tourists - Germans and Frenchmen with their grandchildren do just that. And only middle-aged people with children, on the contrary, climb purposefully to the start of this official "alpine walk".
sta mislite vi, da li biste pre izabrali za devojku sestru od najboljeg druga ili cerku od mamine najbolje drugarice il' sestricinu iz ujninog prvog braka? i koliko sve to poena donosi? …posto su ovo nova, savremena, vremena isto pitanje važi i za devojke
a) nema veze sta... samo da se pohvalim posle...
b) sve odjednom... ja sam visok najmanje 4 metra...
c) samo sam zbunjen pa ne znam kod koje prvo da pokusam...
d) neka one same odluce... vredi se boriti za ovakvog baju...
Is it worth to climb all those stairs, I don't know. Yet, thx 4 showing us without climbing all those stairs. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Climbing those stairs is a real pleasure. Especially if you know there's a reward waiting for you somewhere along the way in the form of a big cold pint of beer.
Lepo sve bajo moj😊 dusu,druzenje ,opustenost ne vidim Samo aplikacije i kapitalizam.
First, it is better to take a taxi up the mountains for several hundred meters. When it is not hot. Rain and even wind are not a hindrance. And then slowly descend. And then, in a restaurant, think about why the locals, although they smoke, are so hardy and even die with a healthy heart mainly from other diseases. In the Canaries, many tourists - Germans and Frenchmen with their grandchildren do just that. And only middle-aged people with children, on the contrary, climb purposefully to the start of this official "alpine walk".