Update: Somewhere in the video I say that Kiriko is not great for climbing. My assessment was incorrect. Prior to doing this Unranked To GM I have played the hero only once, and throughout my U2GM I invented this playstyle, which now would look significantly more polished. She is one of the best ones to carry with.
You did an educational with only 1 game played with the hero? Brave. But this is great as you can see how you improve and adapt over the course of 11 hours from Gold to GM.
It happens at about the 00:50:00 mark. Thanks for all the info Coach! I think the original thoughts still hold water though: Kunai are very hard to land! But yeah. Good info all around
I've been taking notes. Decided to share: First map: Eichenwalde Defense 00:05:42 Eichenwalde Attack 00:07:13 Colosseo (PUSH) 00:18:27 Midtown Attack (New New York) 00:27:52 Midtown Defense (New New York) 00:36:28 Route 66 Attack 00:44:00 Route 66 Defense 00:52:00 Esperanca (PUSH) 01:00:00 New Queen Street (PUSH) Canada Map 01:07:00 Busan Downtown (Two Glass Towers) 01:11:00 Busan Meka Base 01:17:00 King's Row Defense EDIT 01:24:00 King's Row Attack 01:32:00 Esperanca (PUSH) 01:39:00 Midtown Defense 01:48:00 Midtown Attack 01:52:00 Nepal Sanctum (giant C-shaped pit) 01:57:00 Nepal (center farm house thing, sorry that's what I call it) 02:02:00 Nepal (bell tower, elephant statues on the side) 02:08:00 Route 66 (I think. This is where the Cowboy animated short is held) EDIT 2 02:08:12 Route 66 Attack 02:18:12 Route 66 Defense (Ask self: Is this aimbotting? Hm.) 02:29:00 Talking to a random player 02:30:00 Watching the replay 02:30:30 Ilios Lighthouse (sauna in the side room) 02:37:00 Ilios Well (center pit) 02:43:00 Ilios Ruins 02:43:00 Junkertown Defense 02:56:00 Junkertown Attack 03:00:00 Eichenwalde Attack 03:09:00 Eichenwalde Defend 03:13:00 Colosseo (PUSH) 03:20:00 Lijiang Tower EDIT 3 03:25:00 Lijiang Night Market 03:31:00 Oasis City Center 03:34:00 Oasis "Center 'T'" 03:39:00 Kings Row Defense 03:47:00 Kings Row Attack 03:53:00 Dorado Defense 03:59:00 Dorado Attack 04:00:00 Nepal Village (center farmhouse) 04:04:00 Nepal Center "C-Pit" 04:09:00 Colosseo (PUSH) EDIT 4 04:20:00 Busan Meka Base 04:23:00 Busan Big drum in the middle 04:28:00 Busan Glass towers 04:35:00 Watchpoint Gibraltar Attack 04:43:00 Watchpoin t Gibraltar Defense 04:51:00 Hollywood Defense 05:01:00 Hollywood Attack 05:11:00 Busan Glass Towers Notable Lessons. At 00:50:00 Awkward points out that if he was Ana he would've smoked his target(s) by now. It's a good point that if you really want to climb, Kiriko probably isn't the one for you. Having said that, I am here to learn Kiriko. So here we go. Notable Lessons. "Sharking" at 03:42:00 This reminds me of Smash Bros. Kiriko can jump out a window, and climb right back, and continue attacking. A vertical kind of juking. Notable Lessons. I still don't understand when to Kitsune. 03:45:00 being a good example. No disrespect intended. I would not have ULT'ed there. (For the record, my method is generally mathematical. We get a pick and my thoughts go from "Maybe Kitsune" to "highly probable Kitsune"). Also at 03:55:00 I don't get this Kitsune either. No disrespect intended. I'm just trying to learn it. Notable Lessons. What is a safe distance? When the opponent can't get to you easily. (A Winston can't jump to you. A Roadhog can't easily hook you) 03:53:00 Notable Lessons. Successful Hack on Kiriko? Didn't mean Jack. She could still TP out. 03:54:00 Notable Lessons. 04:01:00 Make sure you win the fight before you cap the point. (You know, I think I've been playing this wrong the entire time.) Notable Lessons. 04:02:00 "Dude...I keep forgetting about this thing..." Awkward tends to 'shoot' Kitsune out then look away, but he does it too quickly. Make sure you fully 'release the fox' before your cursor moves away. Notable Lessons. 04:09:00 They have (Doom) Kiriko WM and 76 >> Awkward believes it is better to dive here. "There's no point for me to stay in the frontline." Notable Lessons. 04:21:00 Even Awkward is surprised to smash two enemies with headshots. I gotta remember that when mortals like me want to 1v2 people. Notable Lessons. 04:25:00 "Why didn't I heal?" Nobody needed healing. Even though they were not full hp they did not need healing. It's okay. >> I've learned the hard way that one of the best things I can do is just 'overheal' people. I can't smoke enemies the way he can. I'm not sure where the line is. Maybe if I was Masters level it would make more sense? But as a Metal man I can say definitely that I've paid the price for this. If you're reading this: any thoughts? Notable Lessons. 04:27:00 Enemy loudly declares "Meteor Strike!" You know. I have been just wall climbing away from that Ult (and others). Awkward was getting ready to TP. I think his system is correct. I've gotten owned by 'misjudging' the wall climb. Gotta remember that. (EDIT: Ha. at 04:30:00 Oh yeah, she can Suzu a Meteor Strike as well. Yeesh. Three ways to just shht on a man's Ult.) Notable Lessons. 04:37:00 A cool little 'double jump.' Makes perfect sense but I've never seen this before. A place that's two jumps away? You can jump once, wall climb for a second, and 'land' on a 'far away' platform. Notable Lessons. 04:49:00 This is interesting. Awkward is hoping that DVA doesn't die so that he can go back in there and contest. So the entire time I'm thinking, okay TP to DVA then. But then he doesn't. In Overtime. Instead he goes to Ashe above. Smart moves. Notable Lessons. 04:58:00 Genji Blade? "You never dash onto a Tracer." -- This isn't a Kiriko one but ... hm. Never knew that. Good stuff, Awkward. Notable Lessons. 05:03:00 I still don't know if the correct response to an enemy Fox is to Kitsune on my end. In this case, everyone is still alive. But Awkward DID go for it. I'll keep that in mind. (My method so far is to flee Ults then counter-crush them in response. Like if they rush in with Beat.) Notable Lessons. 05:05:00 "Teabagging again. So that he'll chase me. It's strategy." THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE. Notable Lessons. 05:07:00 High level juking. There's the ADAD of course, but also the hop over the boxes. *chef's kiss * Notable Lessons. **05:10:00** Awkard summarizes his style. If you're looking for the cliff notes. This is it. As he put it, "It's simple but not easy."* Awkward, you want me to add my own notes as well? Or just do the time stamps?
You are my favorite unranked to GM streamer. You are very good at explaining things. When I play support and I start to heal bot, you pop up in my head and I think “awkward would call me out. I need to damage damage damage”. The same thing happens when I’m not next to cover “cover cover cover”.
Have to give Awkward props. His Ana unranked to GM video was the best. He keep things simple and provide easy takeaways that make a huge difference and are easy to implement. I love ML7 but for purely practical educational purposes I think Awkward is a little more fundamental.
Took advice you gave in the literal first 10-20 minutes of this video and I got potg as Kiri plus everyone on my team endorsed me :) Even though our tank was AFK half the time (literally standing still throwing), we made a massive comeback and won. Your advice and your mentality is great!!!!!! I'm excited to keep watching and learning!!! My suggestion to anyone reading this is watch parts by parts and apply the concepts to your quick play games before entering comp. Little by little you will see yourself improving! I lost a 1v1 vs a soldier and got insta melted by him. Instead of the usual letting that get to me and just turning into a heal bot, I kept my confidence up and kept trying until he was the one respecting me. I was on a losing streak and coming into this game I thought 'ggs our tank's throwing', but then I remembered Awkward's advice of never blaming teammates and thought to myself 'I am 0-2 and blaming our tank', after that I started flanking when possible, dealing dmg from off angles and doing everything I could to heal and get picks. Obvs it might not work every game but it's great to see that as long as you remain confident in yourself and are not scared to get ur cheeks clapped by the enemy team, you will improve!!
i was literally watching your Ana unranked to GM YT vid and thinking to myself 'how awesome it'd be if awkward made an unranked to GM for Kiriko' and BOOM - you did it. i truly enjoy all your unranked to GM vids since OW1 and i'm so glad you're one of, if not the first AND the best to be doing this in OW2 for the community. huge props to you, Awkward!
Bro you’re seriously such a great teacher/coach. I’ve learned and improved so much through your videos. Plus the fact you’re busting out videos for free I appreciate so much. Thank you for the work and effort you’re putting into it
Yo dude j wanna let you know that your videos are very helpful. I’ve never seen a UA-cam do such a good job of explaining how to play a character without over complicating things, all while also outputting really quality gameplay. Thumbs up man keep it up!
@Awkward thanks for the reply! My aim is really bad so I'm stuck in low bronze but ice managed to improve some. I feel like at low elo it's hard to take shots consistently when your team face tanks damage and runs up middle lane
@@alexsevers5622 You can weave a kunai between every ofuda. Also use all downtime to reposition yourself aggressively! You can wait in a nice hiding spot for your squishie of choice to run from spawn, basically preempting the next team fight and postponing it or putting your team at a fundamental advantage. When you're being sneaky, just keep your cool and try to get those shots in, just know when to leave if you can't secure the kill. The power of surprise is strong, and consistently Bronzes struggle with flankers or high ground or just aggression, as well as remembering these concepts exist. So any flank you can do can go very far. Being on highground is also always great, especially since that fundamentally splits you from your team (because they're also Bronze). Kiriko is a great space-maker honestly. Also if you do get any headshots in at all, the enemy will get really scared of you. Push the limits!
I love how whenever you do something like flank you always explain your thought process, not just saying to flank like in other guides, which has really helped me hit plat for the first time ( started playing in ovw2)
awkward ur a great freakin teacher, love that u are adamant on encouraging and reminding people that evolving takes time and patience. Regardless of everyone’s individual paces, dont give up!
The funny thing is, I'm totally down to watching all of this because even after more than an hour, it doesn't even feel like it because I really feel like I'm learning from this and really into it. Plus our dude that we're watching and fellow commentators are pretty entertaining as well as informative. 👍
I think what I've learned from watching some of these Unranked to GM series (I haven't finished any of them, they're so long lol), is that you should always be doing *something*. If you're healing someone who doesn't need healing, you're not doing anything. If you're standing around waiting to heal, you're not doing anything. Being proactive and looking for productive things to do will help improve your gameplay, no matter who you're playing. Thank you Awkward! Such a simple thing that wasn't obvious to me before your guides pointed it out to me!
Dude your Educational videos are the best. I have yet to see anyone else do as well explaining their thought process during an intense game. Much respect! This is very hard to do and you do it well. I hope you do a few DPS vids as well.
Thank you so much for doing this I'm going to keep coming back to it. You're an excellent communicator and extremely encouraging. You've gained a supporter!
that route game with the widow/ashe cheater was crazy. she was blatantly aimbotting and walling and your team still rolled them thats seriously impressive
These videos are fantastic, your Ana guide changed the way I play her significantly (more offensive nade usage, positioning, damage damage damage). And just in the first 3 games in this video I've picked up on some positioning, cooldown baiting, suzu usage, playing with ult, and of course damage damage damage.
Honestly I wish I had more time to get better at OW, I love the game and do my best to learn from matches. Your videos are amazing, teaching basic game sense and positioning for dps/heals get me in much more favorable situations in general. Just these small nuggets have made me improve without having to aimlessly play for hours!
Thanks so much for this! I went from mid-plat last season to masters this season almost exclusively with kiriko using your tips! You're a great teacher and an even better player. Keep on keeping on!
@Calamity lol, I still main kiri because of the high dmg potential and flank options, combined with the insane survivability and the character overall. I hope you have as much fun as I do when I play her. Idk what her state is in the current season cuz I'm on vacation but I'll definitely be playing her more.
I just discovered your Ana video a few days ago and watched most of it. Can't believe how informative it was! Now I got this one to look forward to since Kirko is one of my favorite characters. Can't wait until you do Brig and keep up the great stuff!
I'll tell you honestly, you are a very talented coach, Awkward! You not only give tips and tricks, but also explain why it works the way it does. You helped me a lot to improve my games, I am grateful to you for that!
The moment of the fight at 4:34:14 is one of my favorites where you clutched it by getting it into overtime with a touch and managing to carry that fight into a win
I am glad that I found this video. I have changed my playstyle like yours in its really help. I was Bronze 2 and now at Silver 5. Trying to push the best I could before the season ends tmr.
That moment at 1:36 was just so funny to me because I’ve done that three times in my last few games. And my team just dies. Everytime without fail. So props to you for somehow finding not brain dead people. But I’ll turn around for a second. It’s always funny no matter what role or character I play I always die last or not at all in almost all team fights. It’s just definitely time for a break I’m fighting for my life in bronze and silver. For my roles because. I’ll be tank be super protective people will be flank and just go and die. That’s been my experience today like all morning. Oh and I had 7 different leavers too in so far 15 games I’ve played so I’ve only been able to rank up once.
i watched this video about a week ago and i can confirm this has helped me so much with getting better on kiriko. been trying to find this video for the passed week also.
Thanks, your unranked to gm are always goated. I’m master 1 rn try to hit gm next week, i learned a lot thanks to you🙏🏼. Love ur content Keep up the good work
such a great vid, i feel like im mediocre but with your videos i learn so much even from just watching how you play/postion yourself like you playing good shows me what i do wrong also your tips are very helpful!!!
Found this channel and educational vids like 2 weeks ago, and just watch it during work and stuff a little bit. Love the commentary and thought process behind things. It helped me a ton already getting better at my own games and setting up some sneaky plays. Also dude, you're funny and seem to be pretty down to earth, keep on slaying man!
I really like this series. Thanks for not being one of those people that plays like a complete bot in low ranks. Makes it pretty damn hard to know what to do and not do. Way better than an unranked to gm moira that I watched.
@@karamei it's tesla. Basically in Bronze up to diamond I think he will ONLY heal his team even when just a menial amount of damage would have won them the fight. He runs out of healing juice a lot due to that and he's playing like such a bot that he gets random dumb deaths due to stupid plays. It's not educational or funny, if anything it's like one giant ego vod.
Hey! Just wanted to say thank you for making this. I like how you talk us through your thought process. Helps out a lot. I've only watched an hour so far, but already seems like quite informational.
This is a great video so far. Love that you say supports should be doing damage. People call them healers 24/7, but their function is to support the team which includes damaging. When you see a support that only heal, it usually falls off because healing can't keep up with damage maybe in low elos it can.
Yeah, in lower elos, damage is low enough you can often outheal it, but somehow it's also high enough that you can't look away for more than 5 seconds without anyone dying.
@@ultru3525 Yeah tanks have a bad habit of LOSing supports 24/7 in low elo. I am in coms like "back up, I am repositioning, can't heal through walls when you dash around corners rein" lol.
Thank you! I've been working on watching through your Ana unranked, and love it, have been working on my Kiriko a lot lately and was craving a Kiriko version. I feel quite lucky today :D
Thank you for making this video! I was searching for Kiriko gudies, but only found those very superficial videos that don't teach how to actually play her
Gotta say the "don't talk about it" form of advertising for the coaching stuff is ingenious and manipulates my need to know things. Very clever combination of "FOMO" with the Streisand Effect. I'm sure my DM will be forthcoming..........
Thanks to your ana unranked to Gm I was able to reach plat with 75% ana and 25% kiriko as a new overwatch player. Maybe now I'll be able to climb even higher using kiriko more often!
Wow, thanks for these videos, they are of some of the highest quality OW content on here. I think I remember Samito saying he played with you in Contenders and you were insane. I just subscribed and I hope to see you make longform content like this again
bro the 4 step plan works! been winning a lot more. and im not a great shot by any means. the distraction element is the magic. I get the team to chase me away from point, i tp back on low helth, suzu my self and the team, and we take point while the tank finds his way back. then we kill him too. best freaking advice ive heard all dang year.
Recently found your channel, appreciate the effort you put into this! I'm a noob and this is really great content for improving. Hoping you will do one for Baptiste soon
Watching this today so I can stop holding my team down Update; I played 8 games after watching and won 6 of them with over 15 kills and 6k healing every match using ur flank tip. 🙏🏽 THANK U
Watch this kiriko guide im stuck gold before now only 2 days ive reached plat 4. Truthfully, i dont watch the entire video but with his easy to understand explanation i can already implement what he has been doing. Thanks a lot awkward !!!
I love how he says “even if you aren’t as good or accurate as me, this advice still works because you gotta at least try to hit your shots.” Because there have been many shots that I couldn’t believe I hit, but I only hit them because I took the shot that was in front of me.😊
i dont really understand why some people want to get better at the game and not expect to have exceptional aim to do so. its an FPS game, you're gonna need some amount of mechanical skill if you want to climb ranks. its like a sport, if you wanna improve a sport you practice. if you wanna rank up in OW2 you practice. awesome video btw! this was fun to watch.
I love how he said even as a bronze player. It'll be really hard to mess up kasune the very beginning of the video GM is messing up, kasune left and right. 😂
An idea. A general support unranked to gm. So you’re not locked into a character but you’d say why you’d choose your hero for the draft and who you counter etcs so you’re just playing to win in your role.
I think I can safely say that awkward doesn’t care too much about counters etc. I’ve only ever seen him switch heroes once that I can remember lol, he typically doesn’t believe that the hero pick is the issue if you aren’t winning. Basically, the fundamentals of up time, off angles, rotations, etc, are all significantly more important than what hero you are playing so rly try to nail those down and you will find success in your climbs 100%.
gorgeous gameplay. yes good aim isnt everything but its nice to behold. so many yellow omfudas and almost always can TP when u need to. my trickiest part for kiriko on console is just mapping all the important buttons. jump, swift step, and the two fire modes are mapped to the triggers so i have the suzu on my right analog stick. it works ok until a suzu goes to left field
You’re unranked to GM videos are the best OW content on UA-cam. I appreciate your “never give up” and “no excuses” comments as much as the gameplay. Thanks!!
Great teaching and commentary! One thing I've found in your videos is that the other team doesn't jump you a whole lot. How do you deal with teams that focus supports 95% of the time en masse (most of team hunting you down) and your team (mostly the tank) either doesn't care for your safety or is completely oblivious to your life.
The reason they don't jump me is because I know how to keep my distance and I damage them before the fight making it hard to engage me. (Also Suzu + TP)
@@Awkward2 quick question, How do you handle a team that doesn’t want to move when playing as Brigitte? Let’s say you’re spawn trapped, how do you get your team out of that situation without changing characters?
The solution to not having the best aim is to shoot more. Keep a good balance between shooting and healing, but constantly be doing one or the other, and your aim will naturally improve over time. You can of course do exercises to improve your aim too, like musical scales improve your playing, 5 minutes of deliberate aim practice a day will dramatically improve your aim.
6:50 the comment about dps Moira lol. I watched your Moira educational and I win the vast majority of the games that I play her now because of your tips on off-angling and dps’ing. Just started playing again a month ago and went 35/6 because of your Moira educational.
As a Zen one trick, (55 hours on the game) gold 1. Kiriko felt like a good 2nd pick for when healing was priority. Thank you for the insight on how to maximize your value as a Kiriko
Update: Somewhere in the video I say that Kiriko is not great for climbing. My assessment was incorrect. Prior to doing this Unranked To GM I have played the hero only once, and throughout my U2GM I invented this playstyle, which now would look significantly more polished. She is one of the best ones to carry with.
is there anything you’d do differently now?
You did an educational with only 1 game played with the hero? Brave. But this is great as you can see how you improve and adapt over the course of 11 hours from Gold to GM.
@@ChillinHD bro, I’m pretty sure he means climbing ladder, a.k.a. ranking up
I’m up to my 16th watch and I’ve finally osmosed something. Keep going 😅
It happens at about the 00:50:00 mark. Thanks for all the info Coach! I think the original thoughts still hold water though: Kunai are very hard to land! But yeah. Good info all around
Im so tryhard that i watched this 11 hour long educational video 3 times already and this video has been up for a minute. Dont ask how, i have my ways
Bruh watching this on 1980 speed that’s some sigma grindset
Watched live and then watched twitch vod twice. He's inventing the content consumption meta
@@vini-ix8yt that’s not how you use that word at all.
@@chadbear8759 not based
I've been taking notes. Decided to share:
First map: Eichenwalde Defense
00:05:42 Eichenwalde Attack
00:07:13 Colosseo (PUSH)
00:18:27 Midtown Attack
(New New York)
00:27:52 Midtown Defense (New New York)
00:36:28 Route 66 Attack
00:44:00 Route 66 Defense
00:52:00 Esperanca (PUSH)
01:00:00 New Queen Street (PUSH) Canada Map
01:07:00 Busan Downtown (Two Glass Towers)
01:11:00 Busan Meka Base
01:17:00 King's Row Defense
01:24:00 King's Row Attack
01:32:00 Esperanca (PUSH)
01:39:00 Midtown Defense
01:48:00 Midtown Attack
01:52:00 Nepal Sanctum (giant C-shaped pit)
01:57:00 Nepal (center farm house thing, sorry that's what I call it)
02:02:00 Nepal (bell tower, elephant statues on the side)
02:08:00 Route 66 (I think. This is where the Cowboy animated short is held)
02:08:12 Route 66 Attack
02:18:12 Route 66 Defense (Ask self: Is this aimbotting? Hm.)
02:29:00 Talking to a random player
02:30:00 Watching the replay
02:30:30 Ilios Lighthouse (sauna in the side room)
02:37:00 Ilios Well (center pit)
02:43:00 Ilios Ruins
02:43:00 Junkertown Defense
02:56:00 Junkertown Attack
03:00:00 Eichenwalde Attack
03:09:00 Eichenwalde Defend
03:13:00 Colosseo (PUSH)
03:20:00 Lijiang Tower
03:25:00 Lijiang Night Market
03:31:00 Oasis City Center
03:34:00 Oasis "Center 'T'"
03:39:00 Kings Row Defense
03:47:00 Kings Row Attack
03:53:00 Dorado Defense
03:59:00 Dorado Attack
04:00:00 Nepal Village (center farmhouse)
04:04:00 Nepal Center "C-Pit"
04:09:00 Colosseo (PUSH)
04:20:00 Busan Meka Base
04:23:00 Busan Big drum in the middle
04:28:00 Busan Glass towers
04:35:00 Watchpoint Gibraltar Attack
04:43:00 Watchpoin
t Gibraltar Defense
04:51:00 Hollywood Defense
05:01:00 Hollywood Attack
05:11:00 Busan Glass Towers
Notable Lessons. At 00:50:00 Awkward points out that if he was Ana he would've smoked his target(s) by now. It's a good point that if you really want to climb, Kiriko probably isn't the one for you. Having said that, I am here to learn Kiriko. So here we go.
Notable Lessons. "Sharking" at 03:42:00 This reminds me of Smash Bros. Kiriko can jump out a window, and climb right back, and continue attacking. A vertical kind of juking.
Notable Lessons. I still don't understand when to Kitsune. 03:45:00 being a good example. No disrespect intended. I would not have ULT'ed there. (For the record, my method is generally mathematical. We get a pick and my thoughts go from "Maybe Kitsune" to "highly probable Kitsune"). Also at 03:55:00 I don't get this Kitsune either. No disrespect intended. I'm just trying to learn it.
Notable Lessons. What is a safe distance? When the opponent can't get to you easily. (A Winston can't jump to you. A Roadhog can't easily hook you) 03:53:00
Notable Lessons. Successful Hack on Kiriko? Didn't mean Jack. She could still TP out. 03:54:00
Notable Lessons. 04:01:00 Make sure you win the fight before you cap the point. (You know, I think I've been playing this wrong the entire time.)
Notable Lessons. 04:02:00 "Dude...I keep forgetting about this thing..." Awkward tends to 'shoot' Kitsune out then look away, but he does it too quickly. Make sure you fully 'release the fox' before your cursor moves away.
Notable Lessons. 04:09:00 They have (Doom) Kiriko WM and 76 >> Awkward believes it is better to dive here. "There's no point for me to stay in the frontline."
Notable Lessons. 04:21:00 Even Awkward is surprised to smash two enemies with headshots. I gotta remember that when mortals like me want to 1v2 people.
Notable Lessons. 04:25:00 "Why didn't I heal?" Nobody needed healing. Even though they were not full hp they did not need healing. It's okay. >> I've learned the hard way that one of the best things I can do is just 'overheal' people. I can't smoke enemies the way he can. I'm not sure where the line is. Maybe if I was Masters level it would make more sense? But as a Metal man I can say definitely that I've paid the price for this. If you're reading this: any thoughts?
Notable Lessons. 04:27:00 Enemy loudly declares "Meteor Strike!" You know. I have been just wall climbing away from that Ult (and others). Awkward was getting ready to TP. I think his system is correct. I've gotten owned by 'misjudging' the wall climb. Gotta remember that. (EDIT: Ha. at 04:30:00 Oh yeah, she can Suzu a Meteor Strike as well. Yeesh. Three ways to just shht on a man's Ult.)
Notable Lessons. 04:37:00 A cool little 'double jump.' Makes perfect sense but I've never seen this before. A place that's two jumps away? You can jump once, wall climb for a second, and 'land' on a 'far away' platform.
Notable Lessons. 04:49:00 This is interesting. Awkward is hoping that DVA doesn't die so that he can go back in there and contest. So the entire time I'm thinking, okay TP to DVA then. But then he doesn't. In Overtime. Instead he goes to Ashe above. Smart moves.
Notable Lessons. 04:58:00 Genji Blade? "You never dash onto a Tracer." -- This isn't a Kiriko one but ... hm. Never knew that. Good stuff, Awkward.
Notable Lessons. 05:03:00 I still don't know if the correct response to an enemy Fox is to Kitsune on my end. In this case, everyone is still alive. But Awkward DID go for it. I'll keep that in mind. (My method so far is to flee Ults then counter-crush them in response. Like if they rush in with Beat.)
Notable Lessons. 05:05:00 "Teabagging again. So that he'll chase me. It's strategy." THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.
Notable Lessons. 05:07:00 High level juking. There's the ADAD of course, but also the hop over the boxes. *chef's kiss
* Notable Lessons. **05:10:00** Awkard summarizes his style. If you're looking for the cliff notes. This is it. As he put it, "It's simple but not easy."*
Awkward, you want me to add my own notes as well? Or just do the time stamps?
Add your thoughts on it too
@@animox1246 I'm down. I'll add some things
Waaaaaait... There is a sauna in lighthouse?
@@TheLuftpolsterfolie mega. Near the point. It's down a floor, not quite a basement
@@phredbookley183 oh that's a sauna? Always thought it's an indoor pool there.
You are my favorite unranked to GM streamer. You are very good at explaining things. When I play support and I start to heal bot, you pop up in my head and I think “awkward would call me out. I need to damage damage damage”. The same thing happens when I’m not next to cover “cover cover cover”.
Have to give Awkward props. His Ana unranked to GM video was the best. He keep things simple and provide easy takeaways that make a huge difference and are easy to implement. I love ML7 but for purely practical educational purposes I think Awkward is a little more fundamental.
Thanks Jeff
I also find that ml7 talks really fast while playing and its hard to keep up.
@@commentbot9510cokes a hell of a drug
Took advice you gave in the literal first 10-20 minutes of this video and I got potg as Kiri plus everyone on my team endorsed me :) Even though our tank was AFK half the time (literally standing still throwing), we made a massive comeback and won. Your advice and your mentality is great!!!!!!
I'm excited to keep watching and learning!!! My suggestion to anyone reading this is watch parts by parts and apply the concepts to your quick play games before entering comp. Little by little you will see yourself improving! I lost a 1v1 vs a soldier and got insta melted by him. Instead of the usual letting that get to me and just turning into a heal bot, I kept my confidence up and kept trying until he was the one respecting me. I was on a losing streak and coming into this game I thought 'ggs our tank's throwing', but then I remembered Awkward's advice of never blaming teammates and thought to myself 'I am 0-2 and blaming our tank', after that I started flanking when possible, dealing dmg from off angles and doing everything I could to heal and get picks. Obvs it might not work every game but it's great to see that as long as you remain confident in yourself and are not scared to get ur cheeks clapped by the enemy team, you will improve!!
i was literally watching your Ana unranked to GM YT vid and thinking to myself 'how awesome it'd be if awkward made an unranked to GM for Kiriko' and BOOM - you did it. i truly enjoy all your unranked to GM vids since OW1 and i'm so glad you're one of, if not the first AND the best to be doing this in OW2 for the community. huge props to you, Awkward!
Hahaha thanks
Bro you’re seriously such a great teacher/coach. I’ve learned and improved so much through your videos. Plus the fact you’re busting out videos for free I appreciate so much. Thank you for the work and effort you’re putting into it
Thanks for the kind words
If you think something is free... It just means you're the product 💯
@@Srsbzns_5150 zzzz
@@Srsbzns_5150 ah yes, the sanest comment I've seen all day
@Srsbzns_5150 when the flower be hitting too hard and you think you say something intellectual 💯
Yo dude j wanna let you know that your videos are very helpful. I’ve never seen a UA-cam do such a good job of explaining how to play a character without over complicating things, all while also outputting really quality gameplay. Thumbs up man keep it up!
Thank you for the kind words
Kiriko is my new fave character. She's just so much fun to play. Really pulled me back into OW. Been playing since 2016, I have my moments of burnout
2:58:46 The Hanzo teabagging his dead Ana teammate just cracks me up hahaha
Well, as they say, always make sure to keep good relations with your supports as DPS :P
Brutal...also why? Hopefully they got reported for unnecessary toxicity 😂
Kiriko: I distract the enemy to let my team kill them
Genji: I let my team distract the enemy to kill them
“Nobody needs healing” as the Genji dies is hilarious because low ranks want you to heal them through int plays
It's amazing how quickly kiriko can turn a team fight when you hit crits with her
That is true, and that's why you keep trying until you can land shots more consistently. By healbotting you miss all the shots you don't take :)
@Awkward thanks for the reply! My aim is really bad so I'm stuck in low bronze but ice managed to improve some. I feel like at low elo it's hard to take shots consistently when your team face tanks damage and runs up middle lane
@@alexsevers5622 You can weave a kunai between every ofuda. Also use all downtime to reposition yourself aggressively! You can wait in a nice hiding spot for your squishie of choice to run from spawn, basically preempting the next team fight and postponing it or putting your team at a fundamental advantage. When you're being sneaky, just keep your cool and try to get those shots in, just know when to leave if you can't secure the kill. The power of surprise is strong, and consistently Bronzes struggle with flankers or high ground or just aggression, as well as remembering these concepts exist. So any flank you can do can go very far. Being on highground is also always great, especially since that fundamentally splits you from your team (because they're also Bronze). Kiriko is a great space-maker honestly. Also if you do get any headshots in at all, the enemy will get really scared of you. Push the limits!
@@karamei I weave kunai between ofuda every team fight unless I need to burst heal or get out
I love how whenever you do something like flank you always explain your thought process, not just saying to flank like in other guides, which has really helped me hit plat for the first time ( started playing in ovw2)
awkward ur a great freakin teacher, love that u are adamant on encouraging and reminding people that evolving takes time and patience. Regardless of everyone’s individual paces, dont give up!
Of course - comparison is the killer of joy.
i doubt, i never learn im too stupid
@@udyraldsasd3515 No but its stupid to talk bad about yourself, just try different approaches and observe players like awkward
@@udyraldsasd3515your problem bud
The funny thing is, I'm totally down to watching all of this because even after more than an hour, it doesn't even feel like it because I really feel like I'm learning from this and really into it. Plus our dude that we're watching and fellow commentators are pretty entertaining as well as informative. 👍
I think what I've learned from watching some of these Unranked to GM series (I haven't finished any of them, they're so long lol), is that you should always be doing *something*. If you're healing someone who doesn't need healing, you're not doing anything. If you're standing around waiting to heal, you're not doing anything. Being proactive and looking for productive things to do will help improve your gameplay, no matter who you're playing. Thank you Awkward! Such a simple thing that wasn't obvious to me before your guides pointed it out to me!
Dude your Educational videos are the best. I have yet to see anyone else do as well explaining their thought process during an intense game. Much respect! This is very hard to do and you do it well.
I hope you do a few DPS vids as well.
I will do Tank & DPS soon
Good stuff as always Awkward, the support community loves you
And I love them back, that's why I am posting these videos :)
is there a support discord somewhere or something?
thank you for being positive with people, your not egotistical. makes it nice learning from you
Thank you so much for doing this I'm going to keep coming back to it. You're an excellent communicator and extremely encouraging. You've gained a supporter!
Thank you for the kind words
I love you! I love this! It's been so nice to watch this when I'm down sick with the worst flu ever!!! Can't wait to play more OW when I heal up!
Just throw a suzu on yourself 😊
Feel better
that route game with the widow/ashe cheater was crazy. she was blatantly aimbotting and walling and your team still rolled them thats seriously impressive
These videos are fantastic, your Ana guide changed the way I play her significantly (more offensive nade usage, positioning, damage damage damage). And just in the first 3 games in this video I've picked up on some positioning, cooldown baiting, suzu usage, playing with ult, and of course damage damage damage.
I'm new to your channel and OW2, the edits/cuts on these unranked to GM videos are amazing, keep it up man, thanks a lot for helping us improve!
Welcome aboard!
Honestly I wish I had more time to get better at OW, I love the game and do my best to learn from matches. Your videos are amazing, teaching basic game sense and positioning for dps/heals get me in much more favorable situations in general. Just these small nuggets have made me improve without having to aimlessly play for hours!
That's amazing to hear. You don't need a lot of time to be better.
Thanks so much for this! I went from mid-plat last season to masters this season almost exclusively with kiriko using your tips! You're a great teacher and an even better player. Keep on keeping on!
@Calamity lol, I still main kiri because of the high dmg potential and flank options, combined with the insane survivability and the character overall. I hope you have as much fun as I do when I play her. Idk what her state is in the current season cuz I'm on vacation but I'll definitely be playing her more.
you are very talented at teaching/coaching dude, keep it up plz ur videos are the only reason im decent
I just discovered your Ana video a few days ago and watched most of it. Can't believe how informative it was! Now I got this one to look forward to since Kirko is one of my favorite characters. Can't wait until you do Brig and keep up the great stuff!
ui’m daw
I'll tell you honestly, you are a very talented coach, Awkward! You not only give tips and tricks, but also explain why it works the way it does. You helped me a lot to improve my games, I am grateful to you for that!
Thank you
I've been waiting for this. Your Ana one was already very helpful.
The moment of the fight at 4:34:14 is one of my favorites where you clutched it by getting it into overtime with a touch and managing to carry that fight into a win
Things got sweaty
Peak overwatch
I saw so much improvement literally my first game after watching like 20 mins of your video thanks man
Well played
you actually show what should be done. most people just explain it verbally in tutorials
10:02:56 "Yeah yeah that was actually insane (kidding)." This is why I watch your streams 😂
I’ve been waiting for this, thanks man
I am glad that I found this video. I have changed my playstyle like yours in its really help. I was Bronze 2 and now at Silver 5. Trying to push the best I could before the season ends tmr.
Amazing climb, good job
That moment at 1:36 was just so funny to me because I’ve done that three times in my last few games. And my team just dies. Everytime without fail. So props to you for somehow finding not brain dead people. But I’ll turn around for a second. It’s always funny no matter what role or character I play I always die last or not at all in almost all team fights. It’s just definitely time for a break I’m fighting for my life in bronze and silver. For my roles because. I’ll be tank be super protective people will be flank and just go and die. That’s been my experience today like all morning. Oh and I had 7 different leavers too in so far 15 games I’ve played so I’ve only been able to rank up once.
Your Ana educational has helped me so much, slowly climbing out of the elo pit
"Genji fighting for his life while being on critical health"
Nobody needa healing so i'm gonna damage! xD
i watched this video about a week ago and i can confirm this has helped me so much with getting better on kiriko. been trying to find this video for the passed week also.
Best OW coach out there! Great job. Took me a few days to watch this full video but learned alot! Thankyou and god bless
Thank you
Aww I see why I got recommended you on reddit. You're really educational with words not just game play. Think you. Makes my drive better listening
Thank you
Thanks, your unranked to gm are always goated. I’m master 1 rn try to hit gm next week, i learned a lot thanks to you🙏🏼. Love ur content Keep up the good work
You got this
such a great vid, i feel like im mediocre but with your videos i learn so much even from just watching how you play/postion yourself like you playing good shows me what i do wrong also your tips are very helpful!!!
I watched this video when i was plat, kept playing comp and watching more of it, and today I hit masters for the first time :) amazing video
i was waiting for this, thank you! awesome vid!
wow hell yeah, thank you for putting in that work so the community can get better instead of complaining every second
Every second that goes to complaining is a second wasted.
מלא תודה דני! לומדת ממך כל לייב ונהנת מכל רגע, אתה מסביר מדהים ולא משעמם לרגע המון תודההה 3>
טנק יו
The ana at 10:05:37 is so funny. "I'm making damage" gets 1 shot by sojourn headshot "why you no heal me?" Couldn't stop laughing
Found this channel and educational vids like 2 weeks ago, and just watch it during work and stuff a little bit. Love the commentary and thought process behind things. It helped me a ton already getting better at my own games and setting up some sneaky plays. Also dude, you're funny and seem to be pretty down to earth, keep on slaying man!
I didn't see awkward is back... yesss.
Made me improve so much with Ana. Thank you.
I am back!
Just hit diamond, thanks to you and your playstyle. It won me a ton of games
Great job
I really like this series. Thanks for not being one of those people that plays like a complete bot in low ranks. Makes it pretty damn hard to know what to do and not do. Way better than an unranked to gm moira that I watched.
oh no.... who? I haven't watched one yet, but I think Tesla's is on my watch later.
@@karamei it's tesla. Basically in Bronze up to diamond I think he will ONLY heal his team even when just a menial amount of damage would have won them the fight. He runs out of healing juice a lot due to that and he's playing like such a bot that he gets random dumb deaths due to stupid plays.
It's not educational or funny, if anything it's like one giant ego vod.
Hey! Just wanted to say thank you for making this. I like how you talk us through your thought process. Helps out a lot. I've only watched an hour so far, but already seems like quite informational.
I really love your mindset man. Thanks for the awesome video
This is a great video so far. Love that you say supports should be doing damage. People call them healers 24/7, but their function is to support the team which includes damaging. When you see a support that only heal, it usually falls off because healing can't keep up with damage maybe in low elos it can.
Yeah, in lower elos, damage is low enough you can often outheal it, but somehow it's also high enough that you can't look away for more than 5 seconds without anyone dying.
@@ultru3525 Yeah tanks have a bad habit of LOSing supports 24/7 in low elo. I am in coms like "back up, I am repositioning, can't heal through walls when you dash around corners rein" lol.
Thank you! I've been working on watching through your Ana unranked, and love it, have been working on my Kiriko a lot lately and was craving a Kiriko version. I feel quite lucky today :D
love the confidence, kid. I'll never get out of bronze but I've enjoyed your unranked to GM vids
You'll climb
@@Awkward2 I am thinking it's time to try again. I haven't done ranked in a while because i wasn't climbing but I know why. Thanks bro
never say never man you can climb out of bronze
kiriko is my new main right now this season and your video has been very helpful! thanks so much for publishing this
Thank you for making this video! I was searching for Kiriko gudies, but only found those very superficial videos that don't teach how to actually play her
Glad you liked it!
thanks to your Ana guide I climbed from plat to Masters. Thanks so much, keep up the content!
That's impressive Nick
Love your content awkward, I recently hit diamond on ana and am excited to hear you say use cover, dps, backup again
Gotta say the "don't talk about it" form of advertising for the coaching stuff is ingenious and manipulates my need to know things. Very clever combination of "FOMO" with the Streisand Effect.
I'm sure my DM will be forthcoming..........
I will be expecting it
I love your edits on this long vid bro. I come from LoL and trying to tsransition into OW2 and all you are saying helps me a lot
The greatest feeling is having this as background while playing and eventually having situations in the vid line up with ur gameplay
Thank u Awkward so much. I watched this 11 hours guide and it helped me so much. Gonna watch it again now!
Thanks to your ana unranked to Gm I was able to reach plat with 75% ana and 25% kiriko as a new overwatch player. Maybe now I'll be able to climb even higher using kiriko more often!
You got it
These unranked to gm are so helpful! Keep up the great content
Wow, thanks for these videos, they are of some of the highest quality OW content on here. I think I remember Samito saying he played with you in Contenders and you were insane. I just subscribed and I hope to see you make longform content like this again
Sam is an incredible guy
bro the 4 step plan works! been winning a lot more. and im not a great shot by any means. the distraction element is the magic. I get the team to chase me away from point, i tp back on low helth, suzu my self and the team, and we take point while the tank finds his way back. then we kill him too. best freaking advice ive heard all dang year.
Found you today and can’t stop watching keep up the grind man!
Thanks Korbin
This is a year late, but man, just finished watching this 11 hour video as a new player to OW. This was SO worth it, thanks so much man
After watching your videos my performance in my games have improved a lot. Really awesome and thank you!
Idk how you can edit that fast, but thank you for the huge content!
My editor is very good
Recently found your channel, appreciate the effort you put into this! I'm a noob and this is really great content for improving. Hoping you will do one for Baptiste soon
Welcome and Baptiste soon
@@Awkward2 yeah baptiste unranked to gm would be awesome
6:35 'Tip: suzu can boop enemies.' got me rolling ahah
Watching this today so I can stop holding my team down
Update; I played 8 games after watching and won 6 of them with over 15 kills and 6k healing every match using ur flank tip. 🙏🏽 THANK U
Watch this kiriko guide im stuck gold before now only 2 days ive reached plat 4. Truthfully, i dont watch the entire video but with his easy to understand explanation i can already implement what he has been doing. Thanks a lot awkward !!!
"if they dont heal just do damage".
my team the whole time: i need healing!
Thank you for posting. One of the best
I love how he says “even if you aren’t as good or accurate as me, this advice still works because you gotta at least try to hit your shots.” Because there have been many shots that I couldn’t believe I hit, but I only hit them because I took the shot that was in front of me.😊
Your videos are great! Very helpful to me as a new overwatch player.
i dont really understand why some people want to get better at the game and not expect to have exceptional aim to do so. its an FPS game, you're gonna need some amount of mechanical skill if you want to climb ranks. its like a sport, if you wanna improve a sport you practice. if you wanna rank up in OW2 you practice. awesome video btw! this was fun to watch.
I love how he said even as a bronze player. It'll be really hard to mess up kasune the very beginning of the video GM is messing up, kasune left and right. 😂
An idea. A general support unranked to gm. So you’re not locked into a character but you’d say why you’d choose your hero for the draft and who you counter etcs so you’re just playing to win in your role.
I think I can safely say that awkward doesn’t care too much about counters etc. I’ve only ever seen him switch heroes once that I can remember lol, he typically doesn’t believe that the hero pick is the issue if you aren’t winning. Basically, the fundamentals of up time, off angles, rotations, etc, are all significantly more important than what hero you are playing so rly try to nail those down and you will find success in your climbs 100%.
You actually know how to teach, this is really helpful, thank you!
I'm about diamond 2 rn and been trying to make the climb to masters as a flex support and your videos help me a lot.
You got this
Thank you for making these vids. I am new to overwatch so these are godly I’m gonna watch the Ana one after this
Thank you for the videos, you are a very good teacher, I just started OW2 and you helped me improve and understand the game.
Welcome to the game and my channel
gorgeous gameplay. yes good aim isnt everything but its nice to behold. so many yellow omfudas and almost always can TP when u need to.
my trickiest part for kiriko on console is just mapping all the important buttons. jump, swift step, and the two fire modes are mapped to the triggers so i have the suzu on my right analog stick. it works ok until a suzu goes to left field
You’re unranked to GM videos are the best OW content on UA-cam. I appreciate your “never give up” and “no excuses” comments as much as the gameplay. Thanks!!
Great teaching and commentary! One thing I've found in your videos is that the other team doesn't jump you a whole lot. How do you deal with teams that focus supports 95% of the time en masse (most of team hunting you down) and your team (mostly the tank) either doesn't care for your safety or is completely oblivious to your life.
The reason they don't jump me is because I know how to keep my distance and I damage them before the fight making it hard to engage me. (Also Suzu + TP)
@@Awkward2 quick question, How do you handle a team that doesn’t want to move when playing as Brigitte? Let’s say you’re spawn trapped, how do you get your team out of that situation without changing characters?
The solution to not having the best aim is to shoot more. Keep a good balance between shooting and healing, but constantly be doing one or the other, and your aim will naturally improve over time. You can of course do exercises to improve your aim too, like musical scales improve your playing, 5 minutes of deliberate aim practice a day will dramatically improve your aim.
went from bronze 5 to plat 3 in a month on ana after watching both ur untangled to gm’s. now time for kiriko
That is crazy, good job
Very insightful gameplay. I look forward to applying these towards my games
Good luck
6:50 the comment about dps Moira lol. I watched your Moira educational and I win the vast majority of the games that I play her now because of your tips on off-angling and dps’ing. Just started playing again a month ago and went 35/6 because of your Moira educational.
Oml I've been waiting for this...
As a Zen one trick, (55 hours on the game) gold 1. Kiriko felt like a good 2nd pick for when healing was priority. Thank you for the insight on how to maximize your value as a Kiriko