The Gospel of Matthew of the New Testament documents Jesus’ genealogy. At the start, it says that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham and of David, and the son of Joseph; next it says that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin-which would mean He was not the son of Joseph or the descendant of Abraham and of David. The genealogy, though, insists on associating Jesus with Joseph. Next, the genealogy begins to record the process by which Jesus was born. It says Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that He was born of a virgin, and not the son of Joseph. Yet in the genealogy it is clearly written that Jesus was the son of Joseph, and because the genealogy is written for Jesus, it records forty-two generations. When it goes to the generation of Joseph, it hurriedly says that Joseph was the husband of Mary, words which are given in order to prove that Jesus was the descendant of Abraham. Is this not a contradiction? The genealogy clearly documents Joseph’s ancestry, it is obviously the genealogy of Joseph, but Matthew insists that it is the genealogy of Jesus. Does this not deny the fact of Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit? Thus, is the genealogy by Matthew not a human idea? It is ridiculous! This is how you can know that this book did not come entirely from the Holy Spirit. There are, perhaps, some people who think that God must have a genealogy on earth, as a result of which they assign Jesus as the forty-second generation of Abraham. That is really ridiculous! After arriving on earth, how could God have a genealogy? If you say that God has a genealogy, do you not rank Him among the creatures of God? For God is not of the earth, He is the Lord of creation, and although He is of flesh, He is not of the same substance as man. How could you rank God as being of the same kind as a creature of God? Abraham cannot represent God; he was the object of Jehovah’s work at the time, he was merely a faithful servant approved of by Jehovah, and he was one of the people of Israel. How could he be an ancestor of Jesus? Who wrote the genealogy of Jesus? Did Jesus Himself write it? Did Jesus personally say to them, “Write My genealogy”? It was recorded by Matthew after Jesus was nailed to the cross. At the time, Jesus had done much work that was incomprehensible to His disciples, and had not provided any explanation. After He left, the disciples began to preach and work everywhere, and for the sake of that stage of work, they began writing the epistles and the books of gospel. The books of gospel of the New Testament were recorded twenty to thirty years after Jesus was crucified. Before, the people of Israel only read the Old Testament. That is to say, at the beginning of the Age of Grace people read the Old Testament. The New Testament only appeared during the Age of Grace. The New Testament did not exist when Jesus worked; the people after He was resurrected and ascended to heaven recorded His work. Only then were there the Four Gospels, in addition to which were also the epistles of Paul and Peter, as well as the Book of Revelation. More than three hundred years after Jesus ascended to heaven, subsequent generations collated these documents selectively, and only then was there the New Testament of the Bible. Only after this work had been completed was there the New Testament; it did not exist previously. God had done all that work, and Paul and the other apostles had written so many epistles to the churches at various locations. People after them combined their epistles, and appended the greatest vision recorded by John on the island of Patmos, in which was prophesied God’s work of the last days. People made this sequence, which is different from the utterances of today. What is recorded today is according to the steps of God’s work; what people engage with today is the work personally done by God, and the words personally uttered by Him. You-mankind-do not need to interfere; the words, which come directly from the Spirit, have been arranged step by step, and are different from the arrangement of man’s records. What they recorded, it can be said, was according to their level of education and human caliber. What they recorded was the experiences of men, and each had their own means of recording and knowing, and each record was different. Thus, if you worship the Bible as God you are extremely ignorant and stupid! Why do you not seek the work of the God of today? Only the work of God can save man. The Bible cannot save man, people could read it for several thousand years and still there would not be the slightest change in them, and if you worship the Bible you will never gain the work of the Holy Spirit. -The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Bible (3)
感恩莊老🙏 非常感恩!莊老師在節目的總結部分講得非常好!我們不能用皇帝的新衣自我麻醉。,
@@CXCY 哦明白!謝謝
请问莊老师, 您的结论就是福音书有误吗?如果是的话那就代表圣经有误,那既然圣经有误,那我们又如何分辨圣经那些部分正确,那些部分有误呢?会不会是提到救恩的部分有误呢? 我是个信了耶稣二十多年的信徒,在看完这期视频后一点也不会影响我的信仰,但是您的结论却让我非常困惑,我想其他看了这期视频后的信徒也可能会有同样的困惑。希望能够尽快看到您对耶稣家谱有误的进一步解释。谢谢你花时间和精力做了这么多教导关于圣经和基督信仰方面的视频,一直以来我都从您做的视频获益不浅。
聖經有「誤」,怎麼可以讓人相信聖經所說的呢?我在以前說過,聖經不是全部有「誤」,透過分析比較,我們還是可以知道耶穌道成肉身,為我們的罪死在十字架上,這是確實可信的,我將來也會講。為什麼耶穌的家譜當中產生這些「錯誤跟矛盾」?是因為作者強調耶穌基督跟聖經當中預言的緣故,為的是要顯示耶穌就是那位人們期盼的救世主,從大衛的後裔而出。但是有些學者認為這些部分是後來的人加上去的,例如就有學者對〈路加福音〉 1-2 章語言的仔細分析,表示這兩章的寫作風格似乎與福音書的其餘部分有所不同,由於要分析這些問題不是三言兩語可以解決所有的疑問,我會盡力在未來節目會一一探討。
@@CXCY 谢谢莊老师的回答, 我也刚看了您制作的" 圣经有误,为什么你还信"的视频, 也赞同里面提到的圣经真理无误的说法。愿主赐福您的工作,让您制作的视频让更多人得益。
「福音派」一詞最早出現於十六世紀,指天主教內部要求重回聖經的人,及後則理解為「反公教會的」2。在十八世紀則是新教徒用來分別支持愛德華滋帶領的「大覺醒」復興的。而現代的福音派則源於三個源頭︰由馬丁路德和加爾文帶領的憲制的宗教改革、以愛德華滋為首的清教徒運動和追求個人屬靈經歷的敬虔主義。而靈恩派其根源可直追至約翰衛斯理的成聖觀,和十九世紀的聖潔運動。可以參考CXCY〈教會史〉1906靈恩運動 我們可以知道,初代教會的人,不僅全都是靈恩派,也全都是福音派。但是,如今我們所面臨到的問題是,我們總是用這兩種標籤來形容兩個重疊,但是不同的圓圈,因此,我期待有一天,這兩個圓圈可以合而為一,兩個標籤都可以丟掉,因為基督徒應該既是靈恩派,也是福音派。
謝謝您 祝福您
莊老師您好,不知道要在哪裡詢問,只好在此留言。 聖經上有,私生子不能進入神的會。 信主30年,經歷 神很多,但是始終這句過不去。我是非婚生子女,但我的父母有那時代背景的苦衷。我個人也沒辦法決定出生。 其實在 神的恩典中,我已經快要遺忘這件事。 但是最近,這句經文又很來困擾我。 網路上的解答,都沒有能讓我信服。 請問莊老師這個經文應該如何解釋?
@@CXCY 莊老師您好,申命記23:2. 「私生子不可入耶和華的會;他的子孫,直到十代,也不可入耶和華的會。難道又是一個原文翻譯錯誤?請老師解惑。 而且華語解經,GOOGLE就有一大堆按字面解釋,或用總原則解釋。但這樣還是困擾我。
由於這段經文不熟,我反覆看了一下,也查了一些資料,是的,舊約的律法確實說了,原文翻譯並無錯誤。我們必須承認猶太人是守律法主義的,也是非常注重血統的,他們把我們通通稱為外邦人,他們認為神與亞伯拉罕立約,揀選他 和他的後裔作自己的子民,並以割禮作 為信的記號;以色列人,就是亞伯拉罕肉身的後裔, 便以受割禮自誇,作為潔淨的標識,表明與未受割禮 的人不同;他們稱未受割禮的人為「外邦人」,含有 藐視的意思,且不跟「外邦人」來往;在他們看來,「外 邦人」是在上帝救恩之外的人,不被上帝眷顧。【申二十三2】「『私生子不可入耶和華的會;他的子孫,直到十代,也不可入耶和華的會。」在這裡「私生子」可能指與外邦廟妓所生的子女,因此被看作外邦人(亞九6)。私生子的生命來源不清楚,所以神不能接受他們進入「耶和華的會」,沒錯,你是私生子,但罪不在你,雖然許多事情,都可找出因果關係。不過,並非每件事都可怪罪於人。神教訓以色列人:「你們在以色列地怎麼用這俗語說『父親吃了酸葡萄,兒子的牙酸倒了』呢?」(結18:2),為了扭轉以色列民的錯誤觀念,神甚至指著自己起誓,說明子民今後不再有使用這句話的機會和理由。不要以「酸葡萄」的俗語來判定自己的命運和逃避責任,也不要因困境而質疑神的公義。因為,神才是那位作審判的,祂有祂的判斷準則。對猶太人而言,我們通通是外邦人,跟私生子一樣,都不能進入耶和華的會。這是猶太人的律法,但耶穌來了,與稅吏、妓女同座,教導祂的門徒,把福音傳給外邦,這才使得我們有機會成為神的兒女,猶太人與外邦人向來沒有來往,猶太人對外邦人有很大的成見,直到彼得到哥尼流的家,他知道和外邦人來往猶太人一定反對的,但他不能不去,因為聖靈感動他。從那時起,神為外邦人開了傳福音的門,我們身為曾經的外邦人,如今蒙神恩典成為神的兒女,區區一段舊約律法主義的經文算什麼?其實真正的以色列人不是由血統去決定,乃是按神的揀選去決定,在具以色列血統的以色列人中,有些是神所揀選,也有些不是神所揀選的。做一個神所揀選的人,要比血統上的計較來得重要,你說是不是?願耶和華賜福給你,保護你。 願耶和華使他的臉光照你,賜恩給你。 願耶和華向你仰臉,賜你平安。阿們。
@@CXCY 謝謝老師解答。另外我也從老師另外一堂課,得到安慰。 是聖經有少部分有誤(尤其事實紀錄,需要科學專業經常受限作者),即便如此,神仍然能透過他是萬民歸主,得救。這是 神大能。連聖經都不是完美的,何況是人的出身,但 神能使用聖經、使用殘疾者,猶太儀文律法在那個年代有意義,但不代表那是真理。聖經,馬太、路加出於對彌賽亞預言,和約瑟經歷,編寫或腦補一段主前經歷,都是出於人意,但並沒有減損福音的價值(儘管是非要辨明)。 謝謝老師,對我幫助很大。
@@竺宇峰 我这些都认同,只是为何和异端吃饭和交谈就要被指控为异端呢?或者说要强迫去指控别人为异端,带着敌视一样的眼光呢?按照道理,牛顿也是异端,但不妨碍我们去学习经典力学以及微积分。
The Gospel of Matthew of the New Testament documents Jesus’ genealogy. At the start, it says that Jesus was a descendant of Abraham and of David, and the son of Joseph; next it says that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of a virgin-which would mean He was not the son of Joseph or the descendant of Abraham and of David. The genealogy, though, insists on associating Jesus with Joseph. Next, the genealogy begins to record the process by which Jesus was born. It says Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, that He was born of a virgin, and not the son of Joseph. Yet in the genealogy it is clearly written that Jesus was the son of Joseph, and because the genealogy is written for Jesus, it records forty-two generations. When it goes to the generation of Joseph, it hurriedly says that Joseph was the husband of Mary, words which are given in order to prove that Jesus was the descendant of Abraham. Is this not a contradiction? The genealogy clearly documents Joseph’s ancestry, it is obviously the genealogy of Joseph, but Matthew insists that it is the genealogy of Jesus. Does this not deny the fact of Jesus’ conception by the Holy Spirit? Thus, is the genealogy by Matthew not a human idea? It is ridiculous! This is how you can know that this book did not come entirely from the Holy Spirit. There are, perhaps, some people who think that God must have a genealogy on earth, as a result of which they assign Jesus as the forty-second generation of Abraham. That is really ridiculous! After arriving on earth, how could God have a genealogy? If you say that God has a genealogy, do you not rank Him among the creatures of God? For God is not of the earth, He is the Lord of creation, and although He is of flesh, He is not of the same substance as man. How could you rank God as being of the same kind as a creature of God? Abraham cannot represent God; he was the object of Jehovah’s work at the time, he was merely a faithful servant approved of by Jehovah, and he was one of the people of Israel. How could he be an ancestor of Jesus?
Who wrote the genealogy of Jesus? Did Jesus Himself write it? Did Jesus personally say to them, “Write My genealogy”? It was recorded by Matthew after Jesus was nailed to the cross. At the time, Jesus had done much work that was incomprehensible to His disciples, and had not provided any explanation. After He left, the disciples began to preach and work everywhere, and for the sake of that stage of work, they began writing the epistles and the books of gospel. The books of gospel of the New Testament were recorded twenty to thirty years after Jesus was crucified. Before, the people of Israel only read the Old Testament. That is to say, at the beginning of the Age of Grace people read the Old Testament. The New Testament only appeared during the Age of Grace. The New Testament did not exist when Jesus worked; the people after He was resurrected and ascended to heaven recorded His work. Only then were there the Four Gospels, in addition to which were also the epistles of Paul and Peter, as well as the Book of Revelation. More than three hundred years after Jesus ascended to heaven, subsequent generations collated these documents selectively, and only then was there the New Testament of the Bible. Only after this work had been completed was there the New Testament; it did not exist previously. God had done all that work, and Paul and the other apostles had written so many epistles to the churches at various locations. People after them combined their epistles, and appended the greatest vision recorded by John on the island of Patmos, in which was prophesied God’s work of the last days. People made this sequence, which is different from the utterances of today. What is recorded today is according to the steps of God’s work; what people engage with today is the work personally done by God, and the words personally uttered by Him. You-mankind-do not need to interfere; the words, which come directly from the Spirit, have been arranged step by step, and are different from the arrangement of man’s records. What they recorded, it can be said, was according to their level of education and human caliber. What they recorded was the experiences of men, and each had their own means of recording and knowing, and each record was different. Thus, if you worship the Bible as God you are extremely ignorant and stupid! Why do you not seek the work of the God of today? Only the work of God can save man. The Bible cannot save man, people could read it for several thousand years and still there would not be the slightest change in them, and if you worship the Bible you will never gain the work of the Holy Spirit.
-The Word, Vol. 1. The Appearance and Work of God. Concerning the Bible (3)
為什麼聖經當中產生這些「錯誤跟矛盾」?是因為作者強調耶穌基督跟聖經當中預言的緣故,為的是要顯示耶穌就是那位人們期盼的救世主。有些學者認為這些部分是後來的人加上去的,例如就有學者對〈路加福音〉 1-2 章語言的仔細分析,表示這兩章的寫作風格似乎與福音書的其餘部分有所不同,由於要分析這些問題不是三言兩語,我在未來節目會一一探討,至於聖經有「誤」,怎麼可以讓人相信聖經所說的呢?我在以前說過,聖經不是全部有「誤」,透過分析比較,我們還是可以知道耶穌道成肉身,為我們的罪死在十字架上,這是確實可信的,我將來也會講。
@@文刀-z4v 您好 看待问题不可以一棒子打死 不能因为局部细节的问题去全盘否定圣经 这是很武断的 圣经真理无误 圣经四福音书对一开始见证耶稣复活的任也有些许出入 但并不影响事情的主基调 那就是耶稣基督复活了这件事 不可以因为细节的出入和瑕疵去否定整本圣经所阐述的真理是有误的 我也支持圣经真理无误