I STAND CORRECTED: Around the 6:30 mark I made the statement that Mordecai's not bowing to Haman was the only instance of civil disobedience in the Bible I could think of. Well, I didn't think very long or hard, did I? There are the 3 Hebrew children, Daniel continuing to pray to YHWH and not the king, the apostles continuing to preach even though they were told not to preach about Jesus, just to name a few instances. Sorry for the mistake!
Thank you.”God’s justice will prevail “ not my words.Getting ready to read Esther again
I STAND CORRECTED: Around the 6:30 mark I made the statement that Mordecai's not bowing to Haman was the only instance of civil disobedience in the Bible I could think of. Well, I didn't think very long or hard, did I? There are the 3 Hebrew children, Daniel continuing to pray to YHWH and not the king, the apostles continuing to preach even though they were told not to preach about Jesus, just to name a few instances. Sorry for the mistake!