Putting Green Slope, 7 Ways to Read Well

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2024
  • Hello, I'm Paul Sin from Jin Marketgolf. Putting Green Slope, I'll tell you seven ways to read well.Putting is very difficult.Is it science or art?Should we be mechanical?Should I be an artist like a musician or painter?Or is it luckiness like Go-Stop?
    Since putting makes up 33% of the score on average.It's very important.However, few people have learned well about putting. Please watch until the end and learn well.Seven techniques used by tour caddies.
    First, where is the low?It's important to figure out where the water is flowing.Find the lowest point of the green.As you approach the green, imagine pouring water into a large bucket of water into the green.Then you see a big slope.
    Second, walk around the putting line!It's not enough to see it once from behind the hall.If you walk around a lot while your partner is putting, you can know more about the slope.Feel the slope with your feet while walking.Walk around the putting line and feel what you feel with your feet.Attention will tell you where the brake points are.Next, use your knees.When you stand upright with your legs spread out on the putting line.If you feel which knee is bouncing forward.You can see the slope well.If your right knee goes forward, your right knee is high.Don't just look at the slope from the ball to the hole, many.You should look at the slope from an angle.Especially when there are many slopes, you have to read them from a lower side than the hole cup to read them well.
    Third, cheat carefully on your partner's putting!Since the four of us are doing the round together.Remember that you have three putting teachers.If you look closely at how the ball rolls on a slope when other companions hit it first, you can get important information.Stand close to the rolling ball and watch carefully.As the ball stops, you have to pay attention to which side the last move is.
    Fourth, decide how you want to succeed!There's something more important than the Green Slope.It's more important to roll the ball and put it in.There is more than one way to make a hole in.There are several paths depending on the speed at which the ball rolls.So when I practice stroke, I feel the speed at which the ball rolls.Whether to roll it in the hole cup or hit it firmly.Put it on after you decide.The slower the ball, the more inclined it is.Follow the putting line, feel how to roll the ball and put it in.If you put it without this feeling, or if you put it without a decision, it's hard to succeed.You can't just think about the slope and put it on!
    Point at the fifth spot!Take a picture! The ball rolls, the speed of the roll decreases, and you need to find an inflection point that starts to slope.It's good to point it out with something like a mark on the bottom of the green.Look at the slope more than you think.The reason why you often miss putting to the lower side of the hole cup is because you see fewer slopes.On the green, the ball does not roll in an oval shape, but rolls in a parabolic shape.When you start, go straight, and when the momentum decreases, you start to climb the slope and bend bigger and bigger and bigger.So the closer you get to the hole cup, the more it bends, so you have to take a good look at the slope and grass near the hole cup.
    Sixth. For long putts over 4 meters, think of them divided by 1 meter putts.When there's a meter left because the putting didn't go in.Special attention must be paid to finding the second putt to be a straight line.Then you can calculate which angle to roll the ball to, so you can reduce the three-putts.
    Seventh. Read the green 100 yards out!To be good at green reading, you need to start reading the green slope from 100 yards away.If you look at the green from a distance, which side of the mountain is it.I read the slope drawn by the sea, pond, and the direction of the sun.It helps a lot more.Mountain Lina and Ocean Lai are easy to overlook when they get on the green because they have a lot to pay attention to, but you can see them well from a distance.
    Before putting, make sure to imagine the ball rolling.That way, you can be more successful.
    We've talked about the seven Green Slope Reading methods.Please press like and subscribe.Thank you.