@@tank7378 Eduard Artemyev was one of the most iconic soviet music composers of the world. his most notorious work is the soundtrack of the "Stalker" movie by Andrei Tarkovsky and "Siberiade", the song used in this video and in a movie of the same name following the discovery and exploitation of Oil Rigs in Siberia from the Czar era until the late Soviet Union.
@@YourAverageMinecraftia Shukshin was definitely the best choice for their first complete path. He's not too ideological or strange, he's just a standard decent democratic unifier who wants to make things better for everyone in Russia.
@@АлександрКузнецов-с2д @user-ny2lx6lg7q People watching this video know about Shuskin because is an alternate history mod for the video game Hearts of Iron 4 that takes place 20 years after a German victory in World War 2. In the mod Russia has collapsed into a bunch of tiny countries that have different ideologies ranging from democracy to fascism. Shuskin is one of the possible leaders of Novosibirsk. People who play the mod like him because he is one of the best candidates to reunite Russia and take back lost territories because he turns Russia into a democracy and protects peoples rights in the mod. He is a character in the mod because someone on the development team liked his movies and stuff.
Зимний Красноярск показывают;) btw, the complete soundtrack from the video: Сибириада - Эдуард Артемьев (the first part of the video) Воспоминания - Эдуард Артемьев (the second part) Edited: nvm the soundtrack is already pinned
...but the one it deserves. Hopefully one day we will see a real Russia comparable to Shukshin's Federation in OTL. No more Tsars, Premiers or Dictators. Even if it will be decades from now, Russia must one day stand for freedom.
"Democracy is universal. Democracy is the right of citizens to elect their government and expel it when it has failed. Democracy is the right of citizens to criticize their government. Democracy is the right of citizens to information and an independent court. We need democracy, not the Americans. We have our own tradition and our own history. Of course, Russian statehood should not copy anyone, but the basic right of citizens to influence life in the country must be protected.“ Boris Nemtsov
Coming from a German, he’s the only Russian unifier I’d endorse and support, mainly because he doesn’t let out the stored anger and hate towards the German people or German settlers which were promised land in the east, but rather the ones which tried breaking the Russian peoples spirit and the ones which have tainted the Germans image and view, … … that being the deranged and degenerate National Socialist in Germania! Long live a Free, Prosperous and Democratic Russia! Slava Rossiya and Lang Lebe Russland! 🇷🇺❤️🇩🇪
@@MrJack1992 no, as russian i can confirm that putin is some kind of Hitler, Salazar or Ferènc Salaszi. If you mix fascism with cleptocracy u get Putin. no one likes him, he sell Russia to oligarchs, and everyone who disagree with him is going to be repressed. Navalny, Magnitsky, Nemtsov and others. Real fascist tyrant
@@ironwinter-m51 (Please note; although I am not from Russia, I do have a lot of interest in the Russian political scene. I also am not very good in the Russian language.) I hope Russia can get a figure like Sergey Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs; as president. He seems like a really competent figure, and seems like someone who could actually make Russia good again, but alas; that probably won't happen, and instead once Putin kicks the bucket or, for whatever reason; isn't president once again for the umpteempth time, we'll probably get his PM, Mister Mishustin as the next president, who, from what I understand; is completely obsessed with taxes, so yea things will turn out pretty shit presumably, I hope they don't. Medvedev is pretty interesting too, but he seems absolutely power-hungry crazy; he instantly declared a war on a neighboring country, Georgia, like the minute he got into presidency, in 2008 for example; I'm not sure how he would do as the president; he semes like a nice person, but is really super hungry and ambitious for more power.
@@MrJack1992 Did you really just compare your slightly flawed liberal democracy to living under a fascist kleptocracy just because there isn’t a very strong labour movement? Seriously dude?
@@ADDONX-l1c в реалиях тно он был популярен, а за время пока он правил Барнаулом он явно мог набраться опыта лидером. Ну и демократические ценности он приобрел из за того, что ранее Центральной Сибирью правили демократы из Томска
вообще, люто прикалывает, что по лору мода многие политические деятели - это в реальности деятели культуры. тот же шукшин, легендарный писатель и даже немного режиссер, а в моде - объединитель россии. забавно
@@trainerred6990это да. Может, дело в круге общения, но самый мягкий, кого выбирают знакомые мне игроки - это Покрышкин. Не, есть конечно и те, кто за Пермхайм играет, но это в основном из-за меметичности.
If we look into it from the Second West Russian War submod for TNO, Shukshin seeks to not only liberate Russians but the entirety of Eastern Europe & Central Asia aswell as West China and Mongolia. His focus tree includes something of restoring the identity & culture of 'that' nation, and the heart of Russia (or Moskowien). He also creates a fairly democratic, free & united Russia. (Also during post-2WRW election, if a Liberal candidate was chosen, Russia & their cohorts can join OFN.)
It's not easy to build a great nation in a territory where almost everywhere the climate and ecology are subarctic. No other european people could have done it better: they had an easier time
A then the writter finally after so long, added a happy chapter for Russia
A wonderful way of putting it
@@thedoctorairsoft6813and it fucked up again
Счастливая глава о России впереди и вы её очень скоро увидите😂
@@reshms1сколько смотрю, но я вижу что это «счастливое будущее» очень быстро от вас только отдаляется
It sounds like the echoes of a nation battered by war and disporate states, but that stands tall, proud, and free once more. Fitting.
Russia could be a lot worse
@@eelzchannel Pokryshkin is the "it could be worse" ending. Shukshin in TNO I'd say is one of the best possible unifiers period.
@@genericeurasianwarlord9542 Based and Wholesome Shukshin
@@genericeurasianwarlord9542 I’m gonna play as him.
@@RichRacc him Sablin and the Humanists of Tomsk are my favorites all wholesome and based
RIP Artemyev
Who is artemyev
@@tank7378 Eduard Artemyev was one of the most iconic soviet music composers of the world. his most notorious work is the soundtrack of the "Stalker" movie by Andrei Tarkovsky and "Siberiade", the song used in this video and in a movie of the same name following the discovery and exploitation of Oil Rigs in Siberia from the Czar era until the late Soviet Union.
@@stalker4474 ooh. Ok
@@stalker4474a fine composer, was he. I salute him 🫡
Dreams of federation...
Rest in peace eduard artymiev
Shukshin looking at Bormann rebuilding Germany just a few years after Russian Reunification:
*I am about to end this whole man's career.*
Bypassing entire Pakt GDP after single year of unification
@@alaa3889 yes
You can make that a reality with the 2WRW mod since it added full Shukshin post-reunification and post war content quite recently.
@@YourAverageMinecraftia yep, I did that
@@YourAverageMinecraftia Shukshin was definitely the best choice for their first complete path. He's not too ideological or strange, he's just a standard decent democratic unifier who wants to make things better for everyone in Russia.
Russia stands free
Russia stands tall
Thank you comrade Shuskin
For all.
Do me a favor: how do so many people abroad know Shuskin and other? Please:)
@@АлександрКузнецов-с2д democracy
@@agrobertson I know. But I didn't hear before, that this topic is of interest to your society. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way.
@@АлександрКузнецов-с2д @user-ny2lx6lg7q People watching this video know about Shuskin because is an alternate history mod for the video game Hearts of Iron 4 that takes place 20 years after a German victory in World War 2. In the mod Russia has collapsed into a bunch of tiny countries that have different ideologies ranging from democracy to fascism. Shuskin is one of the possible leaders of Novosibirsk. People who play the mod like him because he is one of the best candidates to reunite Russia and take back lost territories because he turns Russia into a democracy and protects peoples rights in the mod.
He is a character in the mod because someone on the development team liked his movies and stuff.
One of the best unifiers Russia has to offer
Vladimir III
The last hopes of the Russia
The best is Tomsk, the only working democracy in Russia
@@MrVlars Yya but it's flag is *WACK*
@@thedoctorairsoft6813 Nah I think they look cool
@@brandonk.4864 No it's butt ugly and has no real history behind it, Real Russian Republicans do not use such a flag
Twitter when you have an opinion:
Twitter when 14 years old girls is gone: 1:02
Same with reddit, when you aren't a clown.
feels so wholesome that it heals your soul
Better days ahead
Novosibirsk is probably the only russian unifiers which can actually transform russia into an economic and millitary superpower !
Sablincenomics can actually turn the soviet union into the largest economy net positive in the game
@@An_Cummanach Tabbynomics can eradicate poors from Russia.
@@An_Cummanach that one guys Ireland having 1 trillion dollars vs Sablincenomics
@@An_CummanachSablinomics vs Ruriknomics
BTW, I find it a perfect piece of lore that Eduard Artemyev was born in Novosibirsk
I'm not crying it's just a vodka in my eyes
Nah you're crying because theres vodka burning your eye
"The Taiga....the Taiga."
Dreams of Federation!
Very beautiful work of art, made me teary.
Democracy returns to Russia
Демократия возвращается в Россию
а она разве была
@@swarytch13 Наверное, после февральской революции, но не на долго
@@Somebody-rj7zn ещё будет
@@Дабл_буст Надеюсь
let federation guided democracy Russia be better place
Based Shukshin saving Russia from its OTL fate.
@@rvc7468 Otl fate?
the doctor airsoft Pokryshkin is Putin according to the Western point of view. As Russian, I can say that Pokryshkin is Putin in 2000's
@@MrVlars Oh he is like putin? cool Putin is based
@@thedoctorairsoft6813 I'm gonna have an aneurysm if I hear based one more time
Музыка, конечно, завораживает. А вот на 2:11 рассекает снежную целину локомотив явно не наш, а американский.
it's canadian actually. from the canadian national railway.
Будем считать что по лору РФ купила канадский поезд
A federation we deserve
A federation we NEED
Зимний Красноярск показывают;)
btw, the complete soundtrack from the video:
Сибириада - Эдуард Артемьев (the first part of the video)
Воспоминания - Эдуард Артемьев (the second part)
nvm the soundtrack is already pinned
Сибириада наверное один из лучших фильмов Михалкова
Me and the boys in Moscowien (we're freeing the west with this one)
This video is actually underrated. Makes me feel nostalgic for Tno Shukshin Russia 😂
finally someone who turn warlord Russia into a powerhouse without sacrificing individual freedoms
Bruh This shit slaps
@@Annoname it's addictive to listen to such music is what the original poster was trying to communicate to us curious individuals
@@lollllolll. just stumbled across the song and im hooked!
The Russia we never had..
...but the one it deserves. Hopefully one day we will see a real Russia comparable to Shukshin's Federation in OTL. No more Tsars, Premiers or Dictators. Even if it will be decades from now, Russia must one day stand for freedom.
We'll have this soon.. maybe
2:12 _confused Canadian noises_
Yeltsin and Putin= 🤡🤡
Shuskin: 💪🏻😎
Ah President Shukshin, one of the few unifiers that are blessed and based.
Россия, которую мы не теряли, ибо никогда не имели (
и,что наиболее больно, которой уже не увидим
увидим, когда нибудь
вы главное живите и процветайте в вашей необъятной стране! А остальное приложится)))
Жаль вас. Мы там родились и жили. Даст Бог, доживём до возрождения.
От этой песни аж мурашки по коже
Has anyone even watched the siberiade movie?
i did because of this music. truly a masterpiece, the best soviet movie
Wonderful film, a bit on the long side, but worth it if you get the time.
Yeh like harvey side a bit long but its a good movie
"Democracy is universal. Democracy is the right of citizens to elect their government and expel it when it has failed. Democracy is the right of citizens to criticize their government. Democracy is the right of citizens to information and an independent court. We need democracy, not the Americans. We have our own tradition and our own history. Of course, Russian statehood should not copy anyone, but the basic right of citizens to influence life in the country must be protected.“
Boris Nemtsov
Coming from a German, he’s the only Russian unifier I’d endorse and support, mainly because he doesn’t let out the stored anger and hate towards the German people or German settlers which were promised land in the east, but rather the ones which tried breaking the Russian peoples spirit and the ones which have tainted the Germans image and view, …
… that being the deranged and degenerate National Socialist in Germania!
Long live a Free, Prosperous and Democratic Russia!
Slava Rossiya and Lang Lebe Russland!
he literally deports them
@@PlatinumPoliticswait really? Is that said in a event or something
@@purple8798 no its an option at the end of the game
@@purple8798 Or you decide to grant autonomy to these East-Germans, the choice is up for the player to decide.
I can only say, Dreams of Federation
Shukshin is basically russian Reagan
Does that make Putin the equivalent of Theodore Roosevelt had a 3rd and 4th term.
@@MrJack1992 no, as russian i can confirm that putin is some kind of Hitler, Salazar or Ferènc Salaszi. If you mix fascism with cleptocracy u get Putin. no one likes him, he sell Russia to oligarchs, and everyone who disagree with him is going to be repressed. Navalny, Magnitsky, Nemtsov and others. Real fascist tyrant
@@ironwinter-m51 I mean you haven't seen the current class of neoliberal western leaders have you yet.
(Please note; although I am not from Russia, I do have a lot of interest in the Russian political scene. I also am not very good in the Russian language.)
I hope Russia can get a figure like Sergey Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs; as president.
He seems like a really competent figure, and seems like someone who could actually make Russia good again, but alas; that probably won't happen, and instead once Putin kicks the bucket or, for whatever reason; isn't president once again for the umpteempth time, we'll probably get his PM, Mister Mishustin as the next president, who, from what I understand; is completely obsessed with taxes, so yea things will turn out pretty shit presumably, I hope they don't.
Medvedev is pretty interesting too, but he seems absolutely power-hungry crazy; he instantly declared a war on a neighboring country, Georgia, like the minute he got into presidency, in 2008 for example; I'm not sure how he would do as the president; he semes like a nice person, but is really super hungry and ambitious for more power.
@@MrJack1992 Did you really just compare your slightly flawed liberal democracy to living under a fascist kleptocracy just because there isn’t a very strong labour movement? Seriously dude?
Molodets !
После победы над рейхом я включил этот шедевр
one of the best videos ive ever seen
the best ending
The based ending
Иностранцы интересуются нашей культурой... Удивительно
Because of TNO
А вот мы нашей же - увы, совсем не интересуемся...
I thought that this Channel has about 2 thousand or more subs to do this, it's underestimated.
I need and listen to this I can feel being motivated while reunifying Russia as shukshkn
Real (i'm Vietnamese)
Damn, it was really suprising to find my home city when watching some random videos on YT.
Music gives me ace combat vibes
RIP Eduard Artem'ev
The Federation that could've been
Люблю свою страну...наш Народ
lol. the train at 2:12 is Canadian National
Russian Federation buy Canadian train
special military operations but Shukshin
Не знал что так много знающих о Шукшине....не дали ему возможность полностью себя раскрыть
hahahaha funny shukskin moment
Хорошая концовка
ну в обще шукшин в реальности не такой ему просто изменили историю
@@ADDONX-l1c в реалиях тно он был популярен, а за время пока он правил Барнаулом он явно мог набраться опыта лидером. Ну и демократические ценности он приобрел из за того, что ранее Центральной Сибирью правили демократы из Томска
а в реальности он был вроде поэтом непомню ну другим был
@@ADDONX-l1c да, поэтом
вообще, люто прикалывает, что по лору мода многие политические деятели - это в реальности деятели культуры. тот же шукшин, легендарный писатель и даже немного режиссер, а в моде - объединитель россии. забавно
To tell you the truth, this sounds like some variant of Pink Floyd art rock epics to me. But it is very good.
Is this on Spotify?
Эдуарда Артемьев
Эта Россия свободней России в реальной жизни 💀💀💀💀
Born out of the destruction and horrors of the Great Patriotic War, it is only natural that people grow tired of dystopian tyrants.
Does anyone know what the name of the second track is called?
Воспоминания (Э. Артемьев)
@@ronnok. Thank you
I, after the one whose resistance hesitated, sent a messenger for a cannibal to roast him and then eat him. then we have to eat the Jews in chocolate
my headcannon unifier
Всё будет хорошо. И война закончится и всё наладится.
New Siberia have the strongest Air Force
Posted one video and dipped
Putin be trying to pulling a Shukshin
I believe only western guys actually pick Shuskshin in TNO? Don’t know anyone here who likes this fraction.
Он один из лучших обьеденитилей
@@trainerred6990это да. Может, дело в круге общения, но самый мягкий, кого выбирают знакомые мне игроки - это Покрышкин. Не, есть конечно и те, кто за Пермхайм играет, но это в основном из-за меметичности.
If we look into it from the Second West Russian War submod for TNO, Shukshin seeks to not only liberate Russians but the entirety of Eastern Europe & Central Asia aswell as West China and Mongolia. His focus tree includes something of restoring the identity & culture of 'that' nation, and the heart of Russia (or Moskowien). He also creates a fairly democratic, free & united Russia.
(Also during post-2WRW election, if a Liberal candidate was chosen, Russia & their cohorts can join OFN.)
khrushchevite tyumen will always be ontop
**gets bombed to shit**
True Heavenly Russia
Good ending
It's not easy to build a great nation in a territory where almost everywhere the climate and ecology are subarctic. No other european people could have done it better: they had an easier time
Мечты федерации...
69th comment
Basically Russia nowadays.
Слава России