Thanks! I recorded it and mixed. It was really easy setup. Four mics for the orchestra and additional two for kick and bass and extra two for electric guitar and vocal. The sound was great under the tree on a wooden stage and people are really good musicians!
The music is fantastic and the sound of the recording is incredible. Such an amazing balance
Thanks! I recorded it and mixed. It was really easy setup. Four mics for the orchestra and additional two for kick and bass and extra two for electric guitar and vocal. The sound was great under the tree on a wooden stage and people are really good musicians!
To je neki tako lepega, da ne znam razložit. Hvala ker ste ustvarili to!
Polno ene miline v tej muziki in besedilu
Res je. Včasih se ene stvari kar same zgodijo in tale se je. Hvala!
Vau! 😲 Ostal brez besed. Nimam kaj reč razen... Kapo dol!
najboljša skladba etnohisterie 2021, tudi perfektna priredba in izvedba
Hvala ❤🙌☀️
I’m gonna be part of this orchestra this summer 😍
That is great to hear Jacques! Those people are fantastic!
Purja kowt 👍
That’s a beautiful performance 🥰
Lepa do solz
Vitamini! Krasna! ❤️🙏
Hvala za podporo!
Ne moreš verjet, super..
Vsak večer poslušam….še skoz
Hey Claudia, hi! Thanks to all of us!
Hvala Robert.
Super lepo, bi se dalo kje dobit besedilo pesmi?
Čez par dni ga objavimo kar tu pod opisom videa. Vas obvestim.
Pravkar smo objavili tudi besedilo skladbe Drabn ptič, tako da je sedaj na voljo spodaj v opisu videa.
bravo, globok poklon
Hvala Boštjan, nas veseli!