Jonong Tsoros

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @jonongtsoros6392
    @jonongtsoros6392 6 років тому

    The 2nd Opening Ceremony of the Project " The Mongol Wonder of Riding Writers " initiated and worked out by Prof., Dr. Tsoros Jinong in September 2012, Blue Mon Building, Ulaanbaatar, MONGOLIA ( The 1st was in 2000 ). The Performance of Writing in Classic Mongol Upright Script on Horseback in Darkness in languages ( languages except the Mongolian + the official 6 UN-languages + German + Japanese ) which is the Great Intangible Culture of Ancient Mongols. The Reviving was, is and will be the main goal of this Ancient Culture and the implementation thereof shall be dedicated for better understanding of peoples whole around the world and their friendship, cooperation and co-creation for a BETTER WORLD. It's a small contribution of Whole Mongolians to the Understanding of Mankind through culture, art and physical training combined and the Raising of Respect to each other.

  • @jonongtsoros6392
    @jonongtsoros6392 6 років тому

    The sequence of the name is in Mongolian - Цорос Жонон / Tsoros Jinong; but in European Jinong Tsoros / Johnny Tsoros

  • @jonongtsoros6392
    @jonongtsoros6392 6 років тому

    The Fundraising Activity could not reach the level as respected. Unfortunately we could not implement the project until now as of January 28th 2018. Хөрөнгө цуглуулах үйл ажиллагаа бидний санасанд хүрсэнгүй. Харамсалтай нь өнөөдөр 2018. 01. 28 хүртэл төсөл маань хэрэгжсэнгүй. We could not hold or keep our especially trained horses so long and the pupils i.e. our brilliant horse riders & writers - the girls and guys had no other way to follow their way of life in these 18 years. Цагийн уртад - өнгөрсөн 18 жилд манай гайхамшигт морьтон бичээчид - Хөх Монголын охид, хөвгүүд аж төрөл, амьдралын замаан хөөхөөс өөр аргагүй болсон. Тусгай сургасан хөлөг морьдоон зарахыг нь зарсан ба үлдсэн нь адуун сүрэгтээн аз жиргалаан эдлэн тал хээр нутгаараан дураараан, тааваараан давхиж буй.