Alpha1im here just gonna give tip if u are in 1v3 just chilling dobt panic because if you panic it makes the situtation worse. always use dribbling in this situation cuz its so usefull and find way to get out of this situation like passing to other temmate or bait them to use steal skill by using dribble.
Hey alpha, when your playing against bot goalkeepers (when no one is playing gk position it becomes a bot) chip the ball over the bots head and when going against player gk try to bait them into diving and get a free goal
Blue Lock Rivals has been me and my friends go-to game ever since The Strongest Battlegrounds started it's fucking Void Century, absolute goated game, but it needs HELLA fixes, there's multiple bugs, or just straight up bullshit physics that it REALLY makes the game less fun, I've had my character experience 9 million seizures for the entire ass match, I've had someone MILES away from me steal the ball from me, I've slid right up someone's ass and still didn't steal the ball, I've seen the ball literally go 📈📈📈📈. At least one bug is harmless, if you score a goal at the end if the match, the "Goal!" Text will constantly be shown.
Alpha you were cooking a little qnyways i know i just subbed but can i get awakening outfit in the strongest battlegrounds day 2 of asking btw #ALPHAARMY4LIFE
The shaq and coby of blue lock fr with the bald player
Yes finally another game posted bro I like this outta u, u should make another channel for other games u like to play
Alpha1im here just gonna give tip if u are in 1v3 just chilling dobt panic because if you panic it makes the situtation worse. always use dribbling in this situation cuz its so usefull and find way to get out of this situation like passing to other temmate or bait them to use steal skill by using dribble.
Hey alpha, when your playing against bot goalkeepers (when no one is playing gk position it becomes a bot) chip the ball over the bots head and when going against player gk try to bait them into diving and get a free goal
Blue Lock Rivals has been me and my friends go-to game ever since The Strongest Battlegrounds started it's fucking Void Century, absolute goated game, but it needs HELLA fixes, there's multiple bugs, or just straight up bullshit physics that it REALLY makes the game less fun, I've had my character experience 9 million seizures for the entire ass match, I've had someone MILES away from me steal the ball from me, I've slid right up someone's ass and still didn't steal the ball, I've seen the ball literally go 📈📈📈📈.
At least one bug is harmless, if you score a goal at the end if the match, the "Goal!" Text will constantly be shown.
“I UNDERSTAND IT NOW” Gets blocked
Finally he play my favorite game thx for playing i like this
It can’t be your favorite right??? all you do in this is just kick, dribble, pass, use abilities. It seriously can’t be.
Alpha can u try skillful next?
day 548 of asking alpha 1 of making a samurai avatar and play sonic
In what sonic showdown ???
lowest i’ve been was 4 seconds😭🙏
lowest i been was 1 minute 😭
Lowest I've been was 1 sec 😭
Lowest 3 seca
Lucky I had 🎒📚
One tip is to aim ur curser upwards to shoot farther lmao i waited for this W VIDEOOOOOO. (zzznotjibi22,vip blue lock rivals)
We need more of this, Alpha1 The Egosit
We need more of this!
Yessir P4lNL3ZZ Ultimate Outfit
strongest battle ground so boreing it got it's own UA-camr playing different games😂
W skill w game you should make a live and play whit fans
😂he doesnt have any skill lol he got carried by shidou and his teammates
U make a video on UA-cam showing ur better@@delanofawkes6807
Yo alpha use nagi its good ngl, u can steal the ball when other ppl try to mid high pass
Hey alpha i arrive fast as i could yes you playong blue lock rical ty aywas imma watch the vid
alpha on top
great job alpha
Pls play this more this is fun!
Ngl W to the guy that was carrying you (ITSMESHALOM123 early access)
Alpha already going GOD move YURRR🎉🎉🎉
Hope you hit 500k
Alpha 1 on top fr
wassup alpha and keep cooking!!!
I really love your vids(vip hero battlegrounds)
Blue lock is in rivals now? (Division457, hero’s battegrounds, early access, please dude I need ida.)
I love Ur VIDEOS FR i Hope u Do More Videos about that Game 🎉🎉🎉(Wasgeht744 EARLY ACCSES TSB)
Yoo how much kills do u have
Yessir blue lock rivals
We got alpha1 playing anything but a battle grounds before the update
How long have I been subbed?
1 min gang🔥
if you "BEST STRIKER'' i am is best ''KEEPER''
Yo wassup alphaaaaaaaaa
U're first
ye ur first w
It hasn't even been 40 seconds and he has already paid to win bro😂😂😂😂😂
I remember when I was watching u since u on 3k was so long 😢
Yes sir bro it’s a w
Alpha you were cooking a little qnyways i know i just subbed but can i get awakening outfit in the strongest battlegrounds day 2 of asking btw #ALPHAARMY4LIFE
0:56 pause
Let’s go bro I have been waiting for you to play this game can’t wait for more rivals content in the future(jkfyze_2 early access tsb)
fire vid
My almighty king is a striker!
can someone explain to me why my assits keep going it was 200+ now 0 this happend like 4 times..
BRO WHAT IS THIS GAME THO, BUT YOU STILL COOKED?! Give me killsound In the strongest battlegrounds. PRETTY PLEASE!!! (Rombu100)
Can you play skillful pls😢
This blue lock game IS sick😅
Goat had Enough of No Update Grounds😭🙏🙏
(KaijuKnights, Early access TSB)
How dare youtube hide this from me for 1 minute
Yo alpha the trophy doesn't mean mvp it just picks a random person to hold the trophy and the rest just follow
Use sae as a main it’s the best
learn how to air dribble it comes in handy when you solo or low on stamina
I already know he is going too cook(Maxstriker45 early access in Legends bg)
whats the game called
Blue Lock: Rivals
bro thinks he's in blue lock💀
Bro I need to learn ball control in this game
I am going to cry i have never had Robux in my in my life
I will give you some. Like 13
Not our problem 😂😂
I have 60k robux u need some!
@ yeah
@ I’m broke tbh
and i got awaken, genius with normal spins
Run my 1s boi
This was my first time ever playing gang 😭
Hello bro
Yo i see how u play I can teach if u want I use shi do u style ik crazy goals u can add for more UnlimitedKujiro
W Vid (matheusvdsgood PS+ TSB) Woooo another banger..sorry I'm so late BTW always making Bangers
Finally another game to play, the cut scenes are fire ngl, btw i really need early access in tsb (Mr_reindeer19)
Who’s gonna tell him
This is ez for ppl
Under 30min if not is crazy
Number one
Try meta lock
Wjen i assisted the people i assisted friend requested me😅
im the craziest person u know why i CHANGE MY RIN STYLE NOOO
i am late godofjistus64 early acces
Im first one to comment❤❤
Who wa
Cool and lol p2w 😂 anyways love your vids and can I get vip in hero’s please (lilwillcR4)
Tbs is updating soon in like 3 days
hello alpha1 W mvp fr fr (tsb(vip)(Amooorrr)
I alr want another vid
I’m the best person at assisting
i got sae with normal spins and I had two spins
Under 1hour 😢
who need robux? ☝ 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳
Good video bro keep it up I will support u till the end (gamingwithdemarrio ealry acess tsb)
Under 1 minute
pls more im fan from june 2023 in main acc
Boy u pay to win?🤨 DATS THE ALPHA I FOLLOW😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Day 2 of asking priv servers (zoototpia1)
W game and w gameplay and you forgot the giveaways ps+(souijosh)
(Day 30) jpt1a (early acess) TSB
lol just 46 sec ago
press v to pass