I would like to mention about the wudhu Its not wash the feet It has been changed from wipe The head and feet is masah Sheikh anwar explains it beautifully.
This is such an excellent video! Thank you for really digging into the Qur’an and bringing out the Do’s and Don’t’s and the BEAUTY and simplicity of Sarah. Jazak Allah khair. I am still trying to figure things out, inshaAllah.
Haneefan, brother, that was an excellent video! I really appreciate that you included an eye-opener message for everyone at the end, about Which belief/argument would you rather stand in front of God with, the one that pondered and obeyed the Qur'an or the one that blind followed their forefathers. I wish scholars of today use this analogy to wake the blind followers up!.. JazakAllah khair for compiling this video. I understand this was only meant to be as a Bayinnah, but I really wish to discuss my own opinions on it, because you're the best person to understand them. The fact that you left open-ended, shows that you are truly unbiased and sincere. It's a long comment so please read it later when you have more time. First, I am not a Sunni, Shia, Quranist, etc. I am a Muslim, who wants to reach the truth through Qur'an alone as a Book of Law. Having said that, my viewpoint on Sunnah may be different than yours (or different from Quranists and Sunnis). I am not a hadith follower as ahadith are not part of Islam, and clearly the Qur'an warns us about Books other than the Quran. *But* what about the "living Sunnah" ? The way of the Prophet, the rituals that he (Saw) performed to obey the Qur'an alone? What about the fact that Prophet did 'teach' the Qur'an to the people. My question (to myself) is: If the Qur'an is self-explanatory (which it is) then what was the need to 'teach' it? My opinion on this is: that 'teaching' part is 'how you practice' it. And that in my dictionary is the meaning of Sunnah. So considering that Sunnah, which (according to my scrutiny) doesn't go against the laws/verses of the Qur'an, then that answers all the questions that the Quranists ask Sunnis, and Sunnis ask the Quranists that remain unanswered, including many in this video (i.e. the conflicting views on Salaat being a ritual while being possibly not). Salat is an umbrella term, but there are many other umbrella terms (words) in the Qur'an that have dual/triple/or more meanings. We categorise them according to the context. Like how you correctly translated Kitaabin (4:103) that was never referring to the Book, and many more examples. Then why not do the same with Salaat? Especially if we find numerous Verses with Salaat with Rituals in it, so many indications such as: Call for prayers, Specified Times of Salat, Congregation, Standing, Bowing, Prostrating, Tone, Middle Salat, Weapons/guarding while praying, Wudu before Salat, Direction towards Masjid Haram, each directly implying Salat as some form of specific ritual... then how can we deny it? I find it extremely hard (impossible) to believe that a Ritual of Salat (5 prayers) NOT shown/done by the Prophet and suddenly down the line 99.99% of the Muslims started praying 5 times a day the exact same way in harmony with no disagreements? Shouldn't it be less than 99.99%? It doesn't make sense for Salat to be a non-ritual even from Qur'an alone perspective. The only valid argument is that the ritual is not explained in detail in the Qur'an -- but the answer could easily be: The Qur'an was a source of Law, it is a Book, and not a video. Allah (swt) sent Prophet to demonstrate it. Why ignore the teachings of the Prophet (e.g.. "teaching you the Book" 3:164 - that carried-forward through generations as a living Sunnah?) So narrowing down to two questions: (1) Do you personally think collectively, with the reasons above, that Salaat is more likely to be a ritual prayer in the context where Salaat = Prayers? - I understand how wrong Sunnis are about 'hadiths', but they may actually be right about the amaly tawattur based 'Sunnah' ? Would you agree? And (2) When Qur'an alone Muslim brothers 'tick' the boxes of rituals (as complying with the Qur'an in terms of Salat), they surely are sincere, but are they correct? - Because I know of a group of Quranist Muslims who literally believe Hajj is idol worship and Umrah/Hajj is no more an obligation, nor is it anything to do with Kabah or the two mounts - Now while they're sincere (on relying on Qur'an alone to reach that absurd conclusion) - are they correct? Shouldn't we go towards correctness too? Sorry for the long message and so many arguments, I am still learning, I just had to share my own reasonings with someone who could understand. Thank you for reading! I would highly appreciate if you respond. JazakAllah khair!
Thank you for your amazing feedback my brother, and may Allah bless you. I try to avoid writing long replies so please email me and i will respond to you: nejdet_m@hotmail.com Peace
This proves islam is men made religion. where in quran you can fine 5 pillar of islam? show me references in quran, my friend The first pillar of Islam is There is no god but God (and) Muhammad is the messenger of God." The Second Pillar of Islam is Salah 5 times/day, The Third Pillar of Islam is Zakāt, or alms giving 2.5% The Fourth Pillar of Islam is Sawm, or fasting. The final Pillar of Islam is the Hajj, or pilgrimage. YES my friend exactly! you are follower of a man made hadith thanks shia do not believe 5 pillars of islam. YES my friend exactly what i said A MAN MADE hadith. Why a man associated with a donkey al lah, is not shirk, my friend how many times do u pray according to quran? my friend 1. there is no God but Allah 47:19 Mohamed is the messenger of God 48:29 2 and 3. Salah and Zakat 2:43 and 2:110 4. Sawm (fasting). 2:183 5. Hajj(Pilgrimage) 3:97 and 2:196
Thank you Zoro, but I urge my viewers to do their own homework as well. My presentation is simply a starting point and may Allah give us understanding.
Jazakh Allah kheiran May Allah continue to guide you insha'Allah. ❤️❤️❤️ I wish you had a bigger platform to reach more people. What a world we live in.
I think the salat in a general term is explained in the fatiha. The fatiha is the contract and the definition of the salat. It show us the salat of the beleiver and the salat of God. The salat of the beleiver is simply his part of the contract witch is to serve God and ask for His help. The salat of God is to help the beleiver and guide him to the straight path IF the beleiver does his salat. That's why God is not helping the vast majority of muslims, because they are simply doing a ritual instead of doing the real salat witch is to OBEY GOD's commendments and sincerely ask Him for His help. Aquimou al salat in the general term means to uphold your part of the contract with God. But like you said quran talks about about alot of salats depending on the context. When He say to clean yourself and be sober when going to the salat, He is talking about one salat, wich was problably to go read the fatiha for the first time in front of the messenger to enter the religion. You had to be fully conscious and clean to do your pact with God. Reciting the fatiha for the first time publicly was equivalent to signing the contract. You had to be sober and clean to do so since it was an important decision to make. Or He was simply talking about being clean and sober when you had to go to the duty alongside the messenger. God know's best. If you follow the commendments of God and only ask HIM for His help, you are automaticly doing your salat. The bottom line is: those who believe and do righteous deeds, they have their reward with the Lord, as simple as that. It is not about ritual, it is about righeous deeds. The good deeds are the ticket to paradise, not the rituals never mentionned by God. God knows best.
Peace be unto you brother, appreciate this presentation. Just one question, your accent of Arabic makes me suspect your Turkish is that true? 😅. Sorry for the off topic question just curious
Very interesting! Unfortunately my english skills are not sufficent. Please can you briefly explain, what is salat in your opinion? And more and more muslims say, in the Koran are only three contact prayers mentioned or obligatory. What do you think about it. Thank you in advance
Thanks for explaining . I agree it’s up to the individual. Hamza Malik gives a detailed explanation of salat -not a ritual. Shuaib Abdullahi explains it as a ritual.
@Fatima - how can it possibly be "up to the individual"? This is illogical.. there either IS a ritualistic mechanical practice that is ordained by The God of The Worlds upon human beings, or there ISN'T.. its as simple as that.. its not a pick and choose, subjective thing.. people have either got it right or wrong.. its my belief and that of many others, that this thing Muslims do 5 or even 3 times a day IS NOT something believers have to do and clearly is NOT in The Quran..
@@fatipahad Well that's good, because that ridiculous thing Muslims do, they called Salat, is most definitely NOT in the Quran.. but every single person that does it, including Negeto here, does so with the BELIEF that its incumbent upon Muslims and is stated as such through divine revelation, in The Book and communicated to Muslims by Mohammed.. NONE of them are doing it because they believe its a choice or their own personal perception.. I'm going to add my comment above because Negeto is trying to be a smart arse with this video and thinks no one is going to notice.. lol.. 😜
*Who are الْمُصَلِّينَ the Musalleen ?* Is it those who observe the ritual prayers ? Lets find out. 70:19 Verily, man is created with an anxious disposition. 70:20 When they are afflicted, they complain, 70:21 And when good touches him, withholding [of it], 70:22 Except الْمُصَلِّينَ the MUSALLEEN. 70:23 *Those who are CONSTANT in their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ.* 70:24 *And They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their property* 70:25 *for the needy and the deprived,* 70:26 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment,* 70:27 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who are afraid of the torment of their Lord,* 70:28 the punishment of their Lord is not something for them to feel secure of, 70:29 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who guard their carnal desires* 70:30 Except from their spouses or what they possess rightfully then indeed, they (are) not blameworthy, 70:31 but whoever goes beyond this is a transgressor; 70:32 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises,* 70:33 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed,* 70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard,* 70:35 such people will receive due honor in Paradise. Further Clarification of ayahs 70:22-34 23:1-9 *Spending Wealth, Charity* 70:24 They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their property 70:25 for the needy and the deprived, Clarification : [107:1] Do you know who rejects the deen [107:2] Who turns away the orphan [107:3] And does not encourage the feeding of the poor. [107:4] So woe to those "LILMUSALLEENA" لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ [107:5] [But] who are heedless of their "SALAT" صَلَاتِهِمْ *Belief, Qualities:* 70:26 (And Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment, Clarification : [27:3] Those who establish "SALAT" and contribute towards purification. AND THOSE WHO ARE CERTAIN ABOUT THE LIFE-TO-COME. *Fulfill Pledges, promises:* 70:32 (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises, Clarification : [2:177] establish "SALAT", and contribute towards purification, AND FULFILL THE PLEDGES/PROMISES MADE BY THEM. *Guarding Ones Modesty* 70:29 (Al Musalleen are the ones) who preserve their chastity 70:30 except from their spouses and those whom they rightfully possess [through wedlock], for which they incur no blame Clarification : [29:45] Recite, what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish "SALAT". Indeed, "SALAT" prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do. ritual prayers destroyed وَكَذَلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الآيَاتِ وَلِتَسْتَبِينَ سَبِيلُ الْمُجْرِمِينَ And it is such that We explain the revelations, and point out the way of the criminals.(6:55) Quran Only Peace
i missed one. *Truthful Testimony* 70:33 And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed, Clarification : [5:106] O you who believe, witnessing shall be done if death is approaching one of you and a will is being made, by two among you who are equitable. If you have gone forth in the land, and death is approaching, then any two may suffice - if you have a doubt regarding them, then detain them after making the *SALAT,* and they will swear by God: "We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a near relative, and we will not conceal the testimony of God, else we are of the sinners." Quran Only Peace
Thank you for your comments Salahudeen. Personally, I'm kind of learning towards that opinion as well. Brother Joseph from the Qur'an Centric channel has that opinion as well which makes sense. I can imagine the prophet having these Salat 'sessions' where he recited and taught the Qur'an to his people at the 2 ends of the day, in the darkness of the night, etc. And he would of recited while 'standing' and 'sitting'. He may have also 'bowed' and 'prostrated' at times because of fear and admiration of the Verses. Therefore, the believers of this message tried their best to mimic this practice of the prophet but it became more of a 'ritual' over time and innovated practices crept in. The Salat is ALL about the Qur'an and it makes total sense. Obviously, the prophet didn't just randomly recite verses to the people and say: "have a nice day". Surely, he would have held 'sessions' during different times where he recited & taught them the Scripture. This is a strong possibility but Allah knows best and may He guide us to the truth. Peace
@@negeto2460 Salam brother, Instead of guessing and following your imagination, I would strongly suggest you read the Qur'an itself. For instance, try verse 101 in chapter 4. Or better, try verse 102. May Allah ﷻ guide us to His straight path.
Salam brother, You missed very important lesson from chapter 107. Here salat meaning helping others. Also you missed Allah and Malaika do salah for mankind. In a nut-shell we can say that salat is an abstract noun meaning two way communication between entities. Please rethink about the salat in the Quran.
Very well explained. Especially in what terms specific words are to be used. Hence, important to read and understand the Quran in its entirety. The Quran is not just for the Muslims but whole of humanity. Every sentence must be read and understood the best way possible most certainly not blindly or parrot fashion.
Salaam brother, As you said: "important to read and understand the Quran in its entirety" and this is fundamental to unlocking the knowledge and wisdom within the Qur'an. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to brainwashed and blind following Traditional Muslims - in other words, the majority.
yes True ..especially whn Al Quran is used to explain one practices . ..Id really love the approached. i thought mostly that how the Al Quran is interpreted has to be understand through hadith...but this shows....its very clear that understanding Al Quran alone can actually explained the practices of Islam. MasyAllah. ThanksBro.
Thank you for your comments brother, and may Allah bless you. Personally, I still perform the ritual which we've been taught in the community. However, I am doing my best to 'restructure' the Salaat to make it match the Qur'an. An example of this is the so-called 'Tashahud' and 'durood sharif'. These have NOTHING to do with the Qur'an, so I do not recite this. Instead, I recite 'supplications' (rabbanaa, rabbi, Allaahumma, etc) found throughout the Qur'an. Remember, Salat is a continuous self-improving process which could take a life time to perfect. Have patience my brother, and ask Allah for help & guidance. Peace
@@negeto2460 yes I have similar idea the only thing mandatory I say specific is in 16:98 and the other are more umbrella like recite from the book, supplicating and praising my lord in prostration (32:15) me and my friend pure Quran guidance are flat earthers but were very close to the understanding of people like you And Correctional officer and we still do pro ritual prayer. I liked how you showed everything on here and simply said we should come to our own conclusions in end of the day 🙏. Peace and may Allah bless you as well. I do agree we must also uphold our salat for it to be genuine and Allah knows who’s genuine and what’s to always do better. The salat prohibits immorality 29:45. So part of being a musaleen also upholding the verses and going by the discipline routine ritual as well
@@Quranaloneistruthspot on my brother! I also 'supplicate' and 'praise' my Lord in prostration. The 'physical' or 'ritual aspect is simply a PART OF the salat, just like giving in charity is also PART OF Salat. Unfortunatley, the traditional Muslims have given Salat a value and expect everybody to believe it. We must continuously 'reevalute' and 'reconstruct' the Salat to make match the Qur'an (as best we can). At least that way, we could present this to Our Lord on yawmal-qiyamah with confidence and certainty. And can only hope that our Lord accepts this from us! 😔
I'd request you redo this video with a calm voice, easy on the ears. I could feel that you're so tense up, cause me to tense up too. Your analyses are valid to look into though, keep up your the good work. I subbed.
Thank you for your feedback and may Allah reward you. Unfortunately, my presentation skills are not the best but I am passionate about making the Verses known/clear/manifest (Bayyinah) and may Allah increase us in knowledge!
Thank you brother Dawan. But my aim is to reach out to the minority of people who are willing to wake up. The majority will never listen as stated in the Qur'an and I'm fine with that.
@@y.bsahren5788 You do realize brother Dawan is guessing and speculating. That may include him in the verse you referenced. May Allah ﷻ guide us to His straight path.
The word "kitaab" means Book in arabic. But it can also mean prescribe/appoint/ordain, decreed, bound, etc. It wouldn't make sense to translate it as "Book" within the context of the verse.
Salam Haneefan, first time on your channel, nice presentation. I've been in this topic for over a year now myself and I'm leaning toward the "symbolic" readings of the Quran. As-Salat (the Salat) in this form (which I usually translate as the Adherence), in my belief, refers to a specific meeting/correspondence between the prophet and the believers where the Quran was taught. Such a meeting may have had a minimum requirement of cleanliness, though I'll direct you to Al Moses' channel, where he explains how even the "acts of wudu" have symbolic significance. I don't consider ritual prayer to fall beyond my understanding of as-Salat if it encourages dhkr that leads one to do good, but I think it encompasses a wider semantical significance than "prayer" or "worship" alone, at least if we reduce worship to praising Allah with our mouths. I'm still working in this concept though of course and I have a lot of work still to do. There are other uses of the root Sad-Laam-Waw which are not "the Salat", but carry other meanings such as "support" or "follow".
Salaam brother Coby, Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you. I kind of agree when you said: ".. refers to a specific meeting / correspondence between the prophet and the believers where the Quran was taught". Personally, I'm starting to lean towards this interpretation as well. Brother Joseph from the Qur'an Centric channel also had this opinion as well which makes sense. I can imagine the prophet having these Salat 'sessions' where he recited and taught the Qur'an to his people at the 2 ends of the day, in the darkness of the night, etc. And he would of recited while 'standing' and 'sitting'. He may have also 'bowed' and 'prostrated' at times because of fear and admiration of the Verses. Therefore, the believers of this message tried their best to mimic this practice of the prophet but it became more of a 'ritual' over time and innovated practices crept in. The Salat is ALL about the Qur'an and it makes total sense. Obviously, the prophet didn't just randomly recite verses to the people and say: "have a nice day". Surely, he would have held 'sessions' during different times where he recited & taught them the Scripture. This is a strong possibility but Allah knows best and may He guide us to the truth. Peace
Salaam brother. Thanks for another great video. Do you remember last time when I mentioned about the grammar of Qurani Wahdahu in chapter 17 verse 46? I might have been wrong about it. I asked someone else who said that it says 'rabbaka' not 'rabbuka', so the wahdahu doesn't denote to Allah in the verse it denotes to the Qur'an. So I have 2 opposing views here. I will have to study the particular grammar myself and find out. Just a note for you :)
Wa alaykum salaam akhi. Yes, I am more inclined to beleive that it translates to "Qur'an Alone" since the 2 words sit side by side (feel-qur'ani wahdahu). May Allah increase us in knowledge and wisdom! Peace 🙂
It is contact prayer/ritual. But not in the sense of how sunni/shia or any sects of islam did it. They only imitate what their forefathers did so they focused on false man-made rules (rakaah, coreography, fixed set of du'as) & lost spiritual side (big part) of prayer. Just like how bani israil focused on un-needed details when ordered to do animal sacrifice. Most people treat salat as arbitrary chore, without understanding most of the words they said in their prayer. Salat according to Quran was quite lenient. It never impose us on how, it never even stated that you must do it in arabic. However you practice it, its the spirit of the prayer (connect to God) that counts. Its more like one of many "facilities" that God recommend for us, not rigorous activity which God demanded from us.
Well said my brother. It appears that all Sunni/Shia care about is the number of Rakah's and greeting prophet Muhammad (a.s) in their Salat. Did Muhammad recite something called 'Tashahhud' whereby he greeted himself? And did he then respond back to his OWN greetings?? What nonsense! Salat is between YOU and ALLAH! NO intermediaries whatsoever!! Peace 🙂
Salam brother may Allah swt be pleased with your presentation. All the research you've done you should publish Quran in the way you do you videos inshallah, or volumes of your videos in book form inshallah.
Thank you for your kind words my brother. All I'm doing is the duty of all Muslims and that is to make Bayyinah (make clear, known, evident, manifest) of the Ayat of Allah. May Allah grant us knowledge & wisdom. Peace 🙂
Selamün aleyküm bro.. Can you give me feedback? I have something to ask you? i don't understand english i just use translate I know that salat is not a ritual. "Ekimus salat" is a principle. Those who follow the verses of the Qur'an and defend tawhid become purified. Are 17:78 and 11:114 and 24:58 times of salat? It is necessary to read the Qur'an at these times, is it true? I think wudu has a mental meaning. What do you think? Taking care of the salats and the best salad in verse 2:238. People perceive it as noon in the middle of the day and create a wrong impression. Unfortunately, judgments are made without establishing a connection with the passage. Is there a difference between al salvat and salat? I perceive it as plural and singular, but there are those who argue that al salwat is a physical ritual. For example: tusalli, salatihim, essalate, essalati, yusallu, yusalli, es salevati, musalla, salatuhum, salevati, salli, salateke, es salatuke, salevatun, salatehu, sallu, salla, musalline. ? words from the same root mean the same, right? Salat means establishing a bond. The bond that Allah establishes with His servants is the Qur'an. The bond that people establish with Allah is the Qur'an. Salat depending on fitra and religious salat are divided into two. All people prostrate to Allah, but it changes according to religious preference. please, answer my questions.. I don't speak English, so I use translate. may Allah bless you
thank you ich schreib mir ihre Vidios ab, um sie in Ruhe zu überlegen und hoffe ein guter Muslim zu wedern vielen Dank möge Allahh sie leiten und segne
Salam bro Negeto, Good/wise presentation. However, although I don't speak Arabic and I still see discussing the meaning of Salat and Mamalakat aimanukum by muslim who uphold Quran like never ending but I believe Quran should be solid (no vague) and clear. I was wondering if "Salat" and "Mamalakat Aimanukum" are umbrella terms where the meaning in the verse depending on the context of the verse. Let say if : Mamalakat Aimanukum is an umbrella term related to someone lives under (care/depend/protection?) from us that can be slave, servant, spouse (through unislamic married before became muslim), etc. etc. etc. etc. Salat is an umbrella term related to connection/link/adherence that can encompass follow God'(s law), prayer/salat session/read God's message, support, duty, reach-out etc. etc. etc For examples : In the context of verse 4:24 Ma Malakat Aymanukum seems referring to to be women who leave their disbelieving husband and ask our protection as explained in verse 60:10 In the context of verse 4:25 Ma Malakat Aymanukum seems referring to female slave, And may be in other verses Mamalakat aymanukum referring to other meaning but still within the umbrella term. In the context of verses for example 11:114, 73:20, 4:103 etc. salat seem referring to prayer/salat-session (includes recite Quran) specifically preceded by the ablution/washing, However In the context of verses 33:56, 42:38, 9:5 seem NOT referring to prayer/salat-session specifically, but more into adherence in God's law/system. Especially If you can explain more the meaning of verse 9:5. In the context of verse 29:45 may be it referring to obeying/adherence to God's commandments (in the Quran) which within the umbrella term In verse 17:23 it says "who are DAIMUN in their Salat. Does Daimuna mean continuous (uninterupted 24/7) ? If so, then this Salat seem not referring to prayer/salat session specifically. Anyway since I don't speak Arabic I don't have feeling on the use of Arabic word and their meaning. May be you can elaborate more in your understanding. May be umbrella terms are used because the case are not limited and possible later case within the meaning of umbrella terms may occur later. Thank you in advance
Wa alaykum salaam brother Adam, Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you and your family. Yes, I do believe that the term 'Salat' is an Umbrella term and not merely one specific thing. I tried to explain this in the video and did my best to avoid my own views/opinions. And I absolutely agree that these terms have specific meanings according to the context. Personally, I'm not Arab myself nor do I speak fluent Arabic but God gave us a brain! I don't beleive the Creator of the Heavens and Earth expects the whole of mankind to master the Arabic language for salvation! However, you can learn the very basics of Arabic grammer simply by referring to Qur'an translations and dictionaries. For example, the Qur'an uses the term 'Alladheena Amanoo' so many times and this simply means 'those who believe' or 'those who have faith' in English. Trust me, you learn these basics as you read the Qur'an overtime. As for 'Ma Malakat Aymanukum', this is also an Umbrella term which I cover in another video called "What your right hands posses". I also came to the same conclusions as you mentioned in Verses 4:24-25 and 60:10. Please watch the video if you're interested. God bless 🙂
I have a question: What about those who say that Salah as we have seen in The Believers are The Path of The Believers. سَبِيلِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ [Suratul-Nisaa verse 115]
Salaam akhi, The verse does not mention Salaat in it, but says 'sabeeli' (way) of the Believers. After 'The Guidance' (al-huda) was made 'clear' (tabayyana) to them. Therefore, the 'sabeeli' (way) of the Believers was THROUGH AL-HADU (The Qur'an). Peace
Comment on your question at 14:52: I think the real question is why would God teach someone, in this case Arabs, how to wash their hands? Will washing hands make someone smarter, more aware of God's laws, and a better person? Those are, in my opinion, the real questions. And I think that viewing the Quran as a book on body hygiene, on what we can and cannot eat, is a disrespect to the Quran itself. Therefore, in my view, it is very logical to consider the word 'salat' as an abstract concept that refers to ways of following God's laws in every given life situation.
Thank you for your comments. As long as we follow the Verses of Allah regarding the 'dos & donts' of Salat. Then we can only hope that Allah accepts from us and bestows His mercy.
@Avni - Negeto can never answer that other than by making something up.. and the fact it CAN'T be answered, is further proof that this SALAT is a daily ritual physical practice is nonsense and lies..
"And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]."O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient."[Qur'an:2 45,153] "Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, ˹genuine˺ prayer should deter ˹one˺ from indecency and wickedness. The remembrance of Allah is ˹an˺ even greater ˹deterrent˺. And Allah ˹fully˺ knows what you ˹all˺ do."[Al-'Ankabut 29:45] “Successful indeed are the believers, Who are humble in their prayers And who (strictly) guard their prayers”. [Quran: 23: 1, 2, and 9] “Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.”[Quran: 2:277] “And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way”. [Quran: 2:186] In a sound Hadith, 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood asked Allah's Messenger (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) about a deed which Allah loves the Most, he said: "Performing Salah at its stated time". Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "A faithful believer while in prayer is speaking in private to his Lord. “Sahih Bukhari Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said “Salah is a Muslim’s ascension to heaven (mirâj).” Allah states in a Hadith qudsi: “Out of all the ways through which My servant gets closer to Me, Salah is the dearest to me.” (Bukhari) Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The first action for which a servant of Allah will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayers. If they are in order, he will have prospered and succeeded. If they are lacking, he will have failed and lost. If there is something defective in his obligatory prayers, then the Almighty Lord will say: See if My servant has any voluntary prayers that can complete what is insufficient in his obligatory prayers. The rest of his deeds will be judged the same way.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 413 From Mu’az bin Jabal RA, the Prophet PBUH said: “The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the prayer and its peak is jihad (Striving).” Sunan al-Tirmizi (2616) [Imam al-Tirmizi states that this hadith is hasan sahih] Salat is the Model of Practicing Islamic way of life. Establishing Salat Entails Affirming The Purpose of Salat , The Intention of Salat, The virtues of Salat, The Discipline of Salat , The Environment of Salat, The Teachings of Salat, The Conditions of Salat, The Motivation of Salat, The Pillars of Salat, The Performing of Salat,...etc Affirming all these Devotedly, To be the Best way of life for oneself and for the rest of the Human society, Regarding Salat to be The Backbone of the Kallimah Lâ ilâha illallâh “(none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh),” It is the Best way of Demonstrating Lâ ilâha illallâh “(none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh),” Regarding Salat as The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) Did and Approaching and Performing Salat as Per The Model of Performance demonstrated by the Messenger of Allah(ﷺ) is Best way of Demonstrating Obedience to Allah and Obedience to His Messenger Muhammad (ﷺ) and Relating the other Pillars and other Good Deeds to This Model of Salat is Serving Islam the Commandments of The Almighty Allah…And Allah Knows Best.
Salam brother. Great video. I would really like tỏ recommend to you Dr. Hani’s channel Marvelous Quran or even connect with him directly as he is doing great research work in the Quran as is always welcoming new minds. We really hope and pray that we get true guidance from Allah. Tc
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you. I watched a few of Dr Hani's videos and was shocked with some of the things he says. For example, prophet Isma'el and prophet Muhammad are the SAME person and many other strange things! I have nothing against him but his opinions are way off! May Allah guide us to the straight path.
I agree theres various dictionaries and so on, such as Lane’s, which we should consult, but the sincere truth seeker of the Quran will also look at the Quran for the meanings of key terms, and look at the way a word is used in the Quran and it’s context and surrounding verses, and agree that the value applied to a word must make sense in the particular passage in question, ie we can’t accept God the Quran does not make sense in certain passages, as God always makes sense at least, obviously. But the Sunnis are happy to accept the Quran does not make sense in many places (according to their translation and their pre existing adherence to hadith and their religions and their forefathers traditions, really they should have a pre existing allegiance to truth seeking and God only but . . ) In summary we must use pan textual hermeneutical analysis to establish values for key terms in the Quran, and have the mindset that we accept and listen to what God tells us what the key terms in the Quran mean such as Salat and zakat , rather than us telling God what it means and enforcing values in the Quran which then makes the Quran not make sense, God and the Quran prevails , not the way we wish to understand the Quran with our vain desires , the lexicons they’re not the centre and determinant of key values , they’re not the decider, the Quran is the decider of what key terms mean in the Quran, we can use lexicons, but where there’s conflict between Quran and lexicons, i will pick the Qurans definitions it gives for certain key terms over lexicons, of course. And it should go without saying but the Quran has to make sense! Just one example of where the Sunnis fail is in verse 11:87 where they translate Salat as prayer and thus fail to understand what Salat is, read the passage, Shyuab pbuh was not praying in this verse, the reason God placed key terms like salat and zakat in various contexts is to frustrate those who are bent on enforcing these key terms an incorrect, external and very specific value which they must do because they have a pre existing allegiance to follow what their forefathers taught them, but they don’t have this pre existing allegiance to do what the Quran tells them and you will see if you investigate the Quran that the Quran is not Sunni Islam, Sunni Islam is nothing to do with the Quran, Sunni Islam is only to do with their hadith literature which is information attributed to the prophet pbuh which is uncorroborated and not mentioned in the Quran , the Quran is general and not specific or religious. Even their understanding of zakat is very dubious, the Quran never has 2.5% near zakat, but they say zakat is 2.5%, did God simply forget or is the Sunni simply lying, I know what I believe. This is just one way in which God tests the ardent truth seeker. God knows best, but my point is the Quran is central, the decider when it comes to a choice between A and B, not the lexicons or pre existing desires for hadith or scholars or anything.
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you. Yes, utilizing lexicons helps, and I totally agree that we should look at the Qur'an from a pan textual analysis to find definitions of key terms. It's unfortunate that Sunnis and Shia rely heavily on their hadeeth literature and practices of their forefathers. They only look at the Qur'an through the lenses of their traditions, and this has obviously blinded them from the truth. Shaytan has certainly diverted them and they claim they're upon guidance. If we want to understand the situation of the Muslims today, we should study how the Qur'an describes the Bani Israel. Trust me, there's hardly any differences. This is why we are in such a mess today! Because we've tossed the Verses of Allah behind our backs to exchange it for Traditions (hadeeth, sunnah, tafsirs, etc). May Allah guide and keep is on the Straight path.
"The Birds with their wings outspread, know their salat." How do we reconcile the above verse from the Quran? Do birds pray? Has any person seen birds bowing up and down in rows? What is the significance of the fact that they are in flight, with wings outspread? Salat means to follow very closely, something, so close that it becomes difficult to discern the two. Birds in flight are following the laws of nature, as given by Allah azzawajjal. They fly, instinctively. SALAT IS NOT PRAYING! When we are told by the Quran to do Salat, IT IS TO FOLLOW THE QURAN AS CLOSELY AS WE CAN AND PUT IT INTO PRACTICE IN OUR DAILY LIVES. Aqeemu-salat is wrongly translated as establish prayer!! THIS IS WRONG. We cannot establish prater. We either do/ carry out/ or perform prater. But the word " establish," comes from ESTABLISHMENT. Hence AQEEMU-SALAT MEANS TO ESTABLISH THE DIVINE SYSTEM OF LIFE THAT ENABLES EVERY MAN, WOMEN OR CHILD TO PROSPER/ BE HEALTHY/ HAVE AN EDUCATION/ HAVE A ROOF OVER THEIR HEADS, ETC ETC. Salat has been relegated to mere rituals that to not progress nor raise the status of Muslims! ALLAH IS NOT IN NEED OF OUR PRAYERS! WHAT IS THE POINT RECITING THE ARABIC WORDS BACK TO ALLAH! DID HE NOT GIVE THEM TO US IN ORDER TO BENEFIT US? Muslims are so fixated on the times of prayer, its as if they have a train to catch and if they miss the time by a minute, then Allah will not be there to listen to their prayers!! Is not Allah as close to us, as our jugular vein? P O N D E R = TADABBUR over the verses of the Quran. Let's remember that Rasool was not Sent to teach Muslims how to pray, they were praying since the time of Adam and Prophet Ibraheem. He was Sent by Allah to bring us The Divine SYSTEM = DEEN.
Thank you for your comments brother. But my aim in the video was NOT to force my views to my audience or to say these are my final conclusions. But rather to point out what the Qur'an says regarding Salat. I conclude by saying whatever you THINK salat is, as long as we are confirming to the commands (dos and donts) in the Qur'an. If you think it means 'following closely' or 'ritual prayer', then fine as long as we follow the Verses of Allah concerning them. In a nutshell, i believe Salat is a form of 'connection' or making 'contact' with our Lord. May Allah help us.
@@negeto2460 Thanks for your personal reply. Several great scholars of the past, like Allama Iqbal, Allama Pervaiz. Dr Shabir Ahmed, (Florida), all have a similar view to my comments.
Salaam akhi. There are numerous verses regarding 'salat' and I urge my viewers to please do their own research as well. My videos are pretty much a stepping stone and not the final conclusion so please study carefully the Book of Allah 😊
I am confused about something and that is the hadith that is in musnad ahmed 25806 it shows the rakat of the prayer but the problem is that i just dont know if its sahih or not.I do believe in quran hadith both but i do reject hadith that makes absolutely no sense at all and accept the ones that makes sense.
Try reading and reflecting upon what the Qur'an says regarding Salat my brother. All the Traditional Muslims ever care about is the number of Raka's and greating prophet Muhammad (a.s) which has no support from the Qur'an whatsoever! Peace 🙂
As i say, whatever you believe Salat to be.. as long as it's within the confines of the arabic and that we follow the 'dos' and 'donts' within the Qur'an. Peace
Salam to you brother Negeto... I would like to address one of the most common fallacies perpetuated by former Sectarians, be they of the Sunni or Shiite or whichever sect in existence today. At the 2:52 mark you said, _"the Quran is in Arabic..."_ Yes, there is nothing wrong there... because the Quran is in the tongue of the prophet. However when you continued on with, _"... whether we like it or not, we have to adhere to the Arabic language."_ Hold on to your camels... something isn't quite right with that statement, for sure! Is the Arabic of the Quran the same as the Arabic spoken today? When did they produce the Arabic dictionaries? Before or much later after the Quran? Was there ever a book on Arabic grammar in existence before the Quran was revealed? Or, were those grammar books/dictionaries invented much later to distort the meaning of the Quran to fit the narrative of the Saheehs Hadeeth? Here is a very simple question: If the Arabic of the Quran is the very same Arabic language of today... then why are the people having such a hard & confusing time trying to understand some words in the Quran?; A Quran that has been made easy to remember? I will let this question sink in... before I proceed with the other common fallacy perpetuated by former Sectarians. peace.
Agree and very well said! Be interesting to see Negetos response, as alls he's doing with this video, is attempting to 'prove' how his, ritualistic daily mechanical physical praying IS found in the Quran, if you just pick and choose what particular definitions you want to accept.. therefore confirming his "Salat" means what he wants it to mean - despite the fact he has not proven this to be so.. and has made the video already assuming his conclusion.. Look forward to your further comments Shukri, love reading them! Very insightful..
Salaam brother Shukri, You never fail to impress with your thought provoking comments and may Allah reward you! I will do my best to address your questions and I'm not going to sugarcoat it. ""Is the Arabic of the Quran the same as the Arabic spoken today?"" Personally, I'm not an Arab and do not speak fluent Arabic. I beleive that the Arabic of the Quran is a degree or a level higher than the Arabic spoken today. Otherwise, why would Allah challange mankind to try and produce the likeness of it? However, non-Arabs (like myself) cannot appreciate the linguistic beauty of the Quran. Therefore, we have no choice but to rely on translations and dictionaries to get the "gist" of what the Quran is saying. In other words, we can only utilize whatever is available to us today and pray that Allah guides us and increases us in knowledge & wisdom. ""When did they produce the Arabic dictionaries? Before or much later after the Quran?"" They would have been much later because the English language didn't exist up until the around the year 1066. ""Was there ever a book on Arabic grammer in existance before the Quran was revealed?"" No idea my brother. Allah knows best! ""Or, were those grammer books/dictionaries invented much later to distort the meaning of the Quran to fit the narrative of the Saheehs hadeeth?"" Very good question! We know that the Banee Israel would "distort" some words in the Torah {Verse 2:75} and I point this out in my video called "How was the Quran protected?". I show in the video how Muslims have fallen into the same traps and how they also "distort" words (i.e. Sunnah, Hadeeth, Obey the Messenger, etc). Traditionally, we are told to follow the classical works of the so-called scholars (Tafsir books, Hadith Books, Fiqh Books, Aqeeda, etc). I went down this road and fell into a BLACK hole where I was confused as hell! Therefore, we should use the Quran as the CRITERION (al-furqan) to judge everything else. Brother Leslie Terebessy makes a very good point about how there is an 'eclipse' between the Qur'an and Tradition. He describes how the Traditions have blocked out the light that is emitted from the Quran and that's spot on! ""If the Arabic of the Quran is the very same Arabic language of today... then why are the people having such a hard & confusing time trying to understand some words in the Quran?; A Quran that has been made easy to remember?"" Simple! Allah has placed seals over the hearts & minds of those who deny or do not reason {Verses 2:7, 16:108, 45:23}. Therefore, even if you have a PHD or be a master of the Arabic language, you will NEVER understand the Quran unless our Lord removes the veil! Brother, the point I was trying to make in the video is that no matter what you beleive Salat is, as long as we are following the GUIDELINES (Do's and Dont's) within the Quran. Let me give you a scenario brother: If I said to you: Come to Sydney (in Australia) tomorrow and meet me at such and such cafe at 2pm? Would I care about whether or not you come by flying, boat, driving, train, bus, walking, hiking??? NO! Similarly, if Allah says to perform Salat then we can only do it according to our faculty of reasoning (reflecting, pondering, thinking, etc) and by following the Quranic guidelines. Remember, the Quran is a life-long journey where we are continiously learning and growing. It is NOT a book that can be learned at Al-Azar university and I'm sure you are already aware of that. May Allah grant us understanding and Wisdom. Peace 🙂
@@negeto2460 I am convinced that until the day we change our approach to Qur'an we will go in circles of confusions as we all are. Dear Negeto, It seems to me that you have capabilities (understanding Arabic) of really changing your approach and helping us without such capabilities. First of all, you (and all others) with such language capabilities MUST put yourself on the position that Qur'an is revealed to you or you were present at the time of the Revelation. After that you should ask yourself these questions: Why I am not asking: What SALAT, ZEKAT, FAST, HAJJ, and other (today's confusing) concepts are. And furthermore WHY NOBODY ASKS FOR THEM. The answers are OBVIOUS, all these concepts and terms were cristal clear at that time to all, including believers and unbelievers. In that sense Shukri is right: All dictionaries of the world CANNOT help to define such concepts, because these dictionaries contain distorted definitions, which no reasonable mind can accept. Please all of you who have needed capabilities concentrate in finding that crystal clear understanding of the Prophet's time audience. Otherwise we will go around and around just creating more and more confusions in already maximally confused people. All the best
@@salihahmetaj salaam brother Salih, Thank u for your feedback and may Allah reward you. I totally agree that the Salat, Zakat, Siyam, were CRYSTAL CLEAR to the audience at the time of Revelation! However, it appears to be distorted over time and this reflects throughout history (and I don't mean from the contradictory accounts from the Hadeeths). And if all those dictionaries and translations out there are distorted, then we have a massive problem! Then how do we truly know what Salat and Zakat means??? Answer: We work through what we currently have with us and filter it ALL out with The Criterion (The Qur'an). Let me give you an example my brother. The Qur'an says: "" Waannalmasaajida lillahi fala tada'oo ma'allaahi ahada. And [He revealed] that the masjids are for Allāh, so do not invoke WITH ALLAH ANYONE. {72:18}"" Notice that the verse does NOT say "min doonihi" (other than Him) or "min doonillaahi" (other than Allah) but says "MA'ALLAAHI" (along with or together with) Allah !! This is significant because this is exactly what the majority of the muslims are doing in their current traditional daily Salat. Allow me to explain what I mean: Muslims recite Surah Al-Fatiha in their Salat and say: "IYYAAKA NA'BUDU WE IYYAAKA NASTA'EEN" (You ALONE do we worship and You ALONE we seek help). By doing so they are CALLING or INVOKING Allah alone. However, their so-called 'Tashahhud' supplication violates this because it includes in it: "Assalaamu ALAYKA ayyuhan-nabi (Peace be upon YOU O Prophet). Hang on a minute, isn't this CALLING or INVOKING the prophet??? Doesn't Allah tell us NOT to CALL or INVOKE along with Him ANYONE??? Then why do the majority of Muslims do this??? Apparently, this is not shirk according to the traditional Muslims because they claim that whenever we greet the Prophet in this way, the angels carry our salaams to him and Allah allegedly returns the soul of prophet Muhammad (a.s) to his body so that he can return our salaams. What kind of NONSENSE is this?? Are we expected to beleive this crap??? I hope you got the point my dear brother in Islam? We need to FILTER OUT everything (hadeeths, seera, fiqh books, etc) that clashes with the Qur'an so that it can be understood but ofcourse this is a life-long journey and we need to be patient. Take care akhi and God bless! Peace
@@negeto2460 Interesting debate between you guys just wanted to throw my two pennies worth into the hat as well. I share the concerns of all the commentors. Qur'an would have been clearly understood at the time of the messenger by only a minority. 25:30 The Messenger has cried, “O my Lord! My people have indeed received this Quran with neglect.” Basically things already started going wrong at the time of the messenger, so while God revealed a clear Qur'an full of guidance, most people had not understood it, or were guided by God. This is understandable, as getting masses of people to move away from paganism and idolotrous practices was never going to just happen in one generation, it was always going to be a transitional thing right? The major problem is though, is while that transition was taking place the ayahs from the Qur'an started getting reinterpreted by people who weren't fully onboard with the message, mixed in former practices, blended in other supposed traditions attributed those to the messenger and over the span of a few hundred years, the 'Islam' of today started to take shape. So what I'm saying it, I don't think we have ever developed a complete and correct understanding of the Qur'an as it was meant to he taken and applied to daily life. Add the fact that with the invention of dictionaries, could have altered some crucial and key words to mean something else. I guess what we have to ponder is if the message has remained intact and preserved as Allah says it has been and got to us in a way we can now understand clearly or if the things that have been done over past years has made it difficult for us to understand the Qur'an with the same clarity as was there at the time of revelation? Not sure if I'm able to explain it well, but I'm not questioning the Qur'an itself which is indeed preserved but more so our ability to clearly understand it due to various factors that have been brought up by myself and the other commentors. Saying that I don't believe Allah would hold it against us if we try to follow the Qur'an the best we can, while accepting there is no other God but him, he has no partners, and Muhammad is the messenger of God, that much is clear for everyone right? What I'm wondering is how big are the stumbling blocks such as prayer and hajj, if we fail to clearly understand what they are? So when Allah said the Qur'an is clear and detailed, does that stand universally regardless of other factors that have made understanding it challenging as time has gone on, or is it still clear and detailed after all that has happened since revelation? Shouldn't we be able to gain clear understanding of the entire body of the Qur'an regardless? Not in any way whatsoever ever am I making a case for hadiths though. We MUST gain understanding of the Qur'an from the Qur'an 100% Hope I'm making sense, rambling a bit, apologies for that.
Brother in VERSE 2-125 ALLAH tells us to take pray from the MUSSALLHA of IBRAHIM which is located in MECCA, and this pray was established in the time of IBRAHIM. So, ALLAH goes further than explaining the pray format 'he tells us where to get this format to witness the pray. The prophet MUHAMAD was told to follow the religion of IBRAHIM. The standing place of IBRAHIM is not only one monotheism but also a physical place in masjid al-haram. Because all prophets followed one monotheism. 'This is where many people are in difference amongst the QURAN alone followers 'This five pray format was happing since the time of IBRAHIM. Please look into this and reply back to me.
Well said brother but many Qur'an-aloners will disagree. Surely, the Salat is a concrete thing and not just some abstract concept. Thats why we need to keep studying and reflecting on the Ayat of Allah. And may Allah increase us in knowledge.
The etymology of the word "prayer" is a derivative of the Latin "precari", which means "to beg". now plug that in the place of salat to see if it makes any sense, no it doesn't.
Assalamoalaikum Brother I was doing research on Salat I found one more misconception regarding Tahajjud Salat as it is a very common practice in Muslims to offer various Rakaat in Tahajjud prayer. In (17:79) وَمِنَ الَّيۡلِ بِهٖ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ ۖ عَسٰۤى اَنۡ يَّبۡعَـثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحۡمُوۡدًا "And rise from sleep during the night96 as well- this is an additional Prayer for you.97 Possibly your Lord will raise you to an honored position" the word Tahajjud is not even mentioned with Salat like Salatul Tahajjud as you can see in the above verse (17:78) أَقِمِ ٱلشَّمۡسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ ٱلَّيۡلِ وَقُرۡءَانَ ٱلۡفَجۡرِۖ إِنَّ قُرۡءَانَ ٱلۡفَجۡرِ كَانَ مَشۡهُودٗا Salat is mentioned with prayer atleast. One more thing if we keep following the (17:79) we can see It is pretty clear that tahajjud is for prayer time like Dua. If we follow (17:80) there is Dua there just on the next verse. And till (17:83) there is a clear sign that its a Dua time not salat time. This is my understanding of Tahajjud. Rest Allah guide us all to the right path inshAllah. Regards
*Who are الْمُصَلِّينَ the Musalleen ?* Is it those who observe the ritual prayers ? Lets find out. 70:19 Verily, man is created with an anxious disposition. 70:20 When they are afflicted, they complain, 70:21 And when good touches him, withholding [of it], 70:22 Except الْمُصَلِّينَ the MUSALLEEN. 70:23 *Those in their SALAT (صَلَاتِهِمْ) who are CONSTANT (دَائِمُونَ).* 70:24 *And They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their money/property (أَمْوَالِهِمْ)* 70:25 *for the needy (لِلسَّائِلِ) and the deprived (وَالْمَحْرُومِ),* 70:26 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who acknowledge/accept as true (يُصَدِّقُونَ) the Day of Judgment (بِيَوْمِ الدِّينِ),* 70:27 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who are afraid of the torment of their Lord,* 70:28 the punishment of their Lord is not something for them to feel secure of, 70:29 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who guard (حَافِظُونَ) their modesty* 70:30 Except from their spouses or what they possess rightfully then indeed, they (are) not blameworthy, 70:31 but whoever goes beyond this is a transgressor; 70:32 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises(وَعَهْدِهِمْ),* 70:33 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed (شَهَادَةَ),* 70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard يُحَافِظُونَ,* 70:35 such people will receive due honor in Paradise. Further Clarification of ayahs 70:22-34 *Spending Wealth, Charity* 70:24 They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their money/property (Amwālihim أَمْوَالِهِمْ). 70:25 for the needy and the deprived, Clarification : [107:1] Do you know who rejects the deen [107:2] Who turns away the orphan [107:3] And does not encourage the feeding of the poor. [107:4] So woe to those "LILMUSALLEENA" لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ [107:5] [But] who are heedless of their "SALAT" صَلَاتِهِمْ [11:87] They said: "O Shu'ayb, does your SALAT order you that we leave what our fathers served, or that we do not do with our money/property (Amwālina أَمْوَالِنَا) as we please? It seems only you are the compassionate, the wise!" [9:103] Take from their money/property(Amwālihim أَمْوَالِهِمْ) a charity (صَدَقَةً) to purify them and develop them with it, and make SALAT with them; for your SALAT is a tranquility for them; and God is Hearer, Knowledgeable. *Belief, Qualities:* 70:26 (And Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment, Clarification : [27:3] Those who establish "SALAT" and contribute towards purification. *AND THOSE WHO ARE CERTAIN ABOUT THE LIFE-TO-COME.* [4:162] who perform the "SALAT" diligently, and contribute towards purification, *AND BELIEVE IN ALLAH AND THE AFTERLIFE* *Guarding Ones Modesty* 70:29 (Al Musalleen are the ones) who preserve their chastity 70:30 except from their spouses and those whom they rightfully possess [through wedlock], for which they incur no blame Clarification : [29:45] Recite, what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish "SALAT". *Indeed, "SALAT" prohibits immorality and wrongdoing,* and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do. *Fulfill Pledges, promises:* 70:32 (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises, Clarification : [2:177] ...establish "SALAT", and contribute towards purification, *AND FULFILL THE PLEDGES/PROMISES MADE BY THEM.* *Truthful Testimony* 70:33 And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed (بِشَهَادَاتِهِمْ), Clarification : [5:106] O you who believe, witnessing (شَهَادَةُ) shall be done if death is approaching one of you and a will is being made, by two among you who are equitable. If you have gone forth in the land, and death is approaching, then any two may suffice - if you have a doubt regarding them, then detain them after making the *SALAT,* and they will swear by God: "We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a near relative, *AND WE WILL NOT CONCEAL THE TESTIMONY (شَهَادَةَ)* of God, else we are of the sinners." *Guard the Salat* 70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard يُحَافِظُونَ,* Clarification : [6:92] And this is a Book which We have sent down, blessed, authenticating what is between his hands, and that you may warn the capital of the towns and those around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, *AND THEY GUARD THEIR SALAT.* Salat is not a ritual prayer. Quran(الْقُرْآنِ) Alone(وَحْدَهُ) Peace
*Who are الْمُصَلِّينَ the Musalleen ?* Is it those who observe the ritual prayers ? Lets find out. 70:19 Verily, man is created with an anxious disposition. 70:20 When they are afflicted, they complain, 70:21 And when good touches him, withholding [of it], 70:22 Except الْمُصَلِّينَ the MUSALLEEN. 70:23 *Those who are CONSTANT in their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ.* 70:24 *And They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their property* 70:25 *for the needy and the deprived,* 70:26 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment,* 70:27 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who are afraid of the torment of their Lord,* 70:28 the punishment of their Lord is not something for them to feel secure of, 70:29 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who guard their carnal desires* 70:30 Except from their spouses or what they possess rightfully then indeed, they (are) not blameworthy, 70:31 but whoever goes beyond this is a transgressor; 70:32 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises,* 70:33 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed,* 70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard,* 70:35 such people will receive due honor in Paradise. Further Clarification of ayahs 70:22-34 *Spending Wealth, Charity* 70:24 They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their property 70:25 for the needy and the deprived, Clarification : [107:1] Do you know who rejects the deen [107:2] Who turns away the orphan [107:3] And does not encourage the feeding of the poor. [107:4] So woe to those "LILMUSALLEENA" لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ [107:5] [But] who are heedless of their "SALAT" صَلَاتِهِمْ *Belief, Qualities:* 70:26 (And Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment, Clarification : [27:3] Those who establish "SALAT" and contribute towards purification. AND THOSE WHO ARE CERTAIN ABOUT THE LIFE-TO-COME. *Guarding Ones Modesty* 70:29 (Al Musalleen are the ones) who preserve their chastity 70:30 except from their spouses and those whom they rightfully possess [through wedlock], for which they incur no blame Clarification : [29:45] Recite, what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish "SALAT". Indeed, "SALAT" prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do. *Fulfill Pledges, promises:* 70:32 (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises, Clarification : [2:177] establish "SALAT", and contribute towards purification, AND FULFILL THE PLEDGES/PROMISES MADE BY THEM. *Truthful Testimony* 70:33 And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed, Clarification : [5:106] O you who believe, witnessing shall be done if death is approaching one of you and a will is being made, by two among you who are equitable. If you have gone forth in the land, and death is approaching, then any two may suffice - if you have a doubt regarding them, then detain them after making the *SALAT,* and they will swear by God: "We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a near relative, and we will not conceal the testimony of God, else we are of the sinners." وَكَذَلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الآيَاتِ وَلِتَسْتَبِينَ سَبِيلُ الْمُجْرِمِينَ And it is such that We explain the revelations, and point out the way of the criminals.(6:55) Quran Only Peace
Your translation is not correct, and consequently your conclusion is also not correct. Why do you rely on a translation? "Qur'an only" means nothing else besides the Qur'an. Right now you're more of a "translation only" person. Peace.
@@kinanlaham744 you wrote : "Your translation is not correct, and consequently your conclusion is also not correct. Why do you rely on a translation? "Qur'an only" means nothing else besides the Qur'an. Right now you're more of a "translation only" person." response : cognitive dissonance *[Chapter 43: The Gold Adornments, Az-Zukhruf, الزُّخْرُف : Verse 78]* لَقَدْ جِئْنَاكُم بِالْحَقِّ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ [43:78] *We have come to you with the truth, but most أَكْثَرَكُمْ of you hate the truth لِلْحَقِّ.* peace
@@ironman4093 your response is "cognitive dissonance", really? When someone presents to you an argument, think about it and see if you accept it or show why that argument is wrong. And no, "Iron" Man, you are not God, nor did you come to me with the truth. Good luck.
@@kinanlaham744 salaam brother Kinan, We already had similar discussions in my other videos regarding the arabic language and translations. Brother, does Allah expect EACH & EVERYONE of us to master the arabic language for our guidance and salvation?? Only about 10% of the Muslim population knows arabic my friend so are most of us doomed?? Another question for you: How do we know that the Arabic spoken today is the same as the Qur'anic arabic?? Brother, we have no choice but to rely on some arabic-to-english translations. But we must also excercise our faculty of reasoning to get the 'gist' of what our Creator commands from us. May Allah increase us in knowledge.
@@negeto2460 Salam brother, The core of my argument is that you guys are translation-only group. Your reply confirms my argument. Your questions are not relevant and will not change the fact that you rely heavily on translations. Don't tell me you have no choice. It is your problem that you mastered English and didn't do the same with Arabic. Since you don't know Arabic, find an honest Arab Christian, for instance, and show him the verses in the Qur'an that talk about Mary and see if he understands these verses. This simple test should answer your sincere question above. Your other question is mixing things up. If you want to claim that صلاة and قبلة mean something totally different than what all the Arabs understood, then yes you have to master Arabic. As for now, you are getting the 'gist' of what the translations are saying. May Allah ﷻ guide us to His straight path.
*God's Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void 2:115. No any Physical Rituals in Quran. Quran tells in 2:177 that Rituals are NOT A GOOD Deed. Physical rituals in which Ritualist worships Kaaba (made of stones), is pure Idol Worship*
you could not determine the correct meaning of "Salat" because you dint try to find it and are confused with it as this word is used for performing ritual or something else. In order to determine the correct meaning of "Salat" first you have know this word comes in Quran in Random order or it comes with some specific context. then you will be able to know what is the actual meaning of "Salat". i will give you hint dont translate it just "Following closely" or "duty" translate it as "follow this duty" or "follow this given law or duty" in the context where this word occurs check it context you will find some type of order or law is given to obey. then you will know why at one place All said wash your face read the context you will find out. another place "Salat" (Salat with time) is only for one person, confuse people try to make "Salat" for all, are you trying to say Allah had made mistake in that verse he is ordering for one person, and you are making it for all.
Thank you for your feedback and may Allah bless you. My job is to simply make "Bayyinah" of the Verses - it is Allah Himself who explains His Ayat in detail. I'm not trying to convince people of anything but trying to make you think, reflect, and ponder. I'm trying to build a 'bridge' between my Qur'an-only brothers and the Traditional Muslims. If you believe it means "following closely" or "duty" or "ritual prayer", then ask yourself this: Is my Salat IN LINE with or CONSISTENT with the Qur'anic verses? Peace 🙂
@@negeto2460 it is not matter of convincing people it is what you have understood. if you have not understood what salat is then why did you made this video. infect if Allah is the who explain his Ayat than again why are you making these videos. Your argument is illogical.
@@Ishraqiyyun salaam again brother, You are missing the point i was trying to make. It was the Messenger Muhammad's duty to make 'bayyina' of the Verses (See 16:44 and 16:64) and it was also the duty of EVERY Messenger (see 14:4). It was also the duty of those before us (banee Israel) to make 'bayyina' of Allah's Verses (see 3:187). Therefore, it is a duty on ALL of us to do 'bayyina' (to make clear, known, evident, etc) the Verses of Allah to people. Allah Himself also makes 'bayyina' of His Verses. However, Allah goes one step further and EXPLAINS IN DETAIL His Verses (see 6:55, 6:105, 6:114, 11:1, 17:41, 41:44). Please watch my video called "Who explains the Qur'an" to make sense of this. God bless 🙂
@@negeto2460 i really dint get your point. if Allah has to explain the Quran then why you are making these videos. What kind of massage you are trying to give to people with your videos if your are not explaining the Quran.
@@Ishraqiyyun please watch my video called "Who explains the Quran" to see the DIFFERENCE between making "Bayyina" and "Explaining": ua-cam.com/video/S7GcBMOLCZA/v-deo.html Peace 🙂
It is just a small group of Quran only people who think that salah isn't a ritualistic prayer. Actually Quran only muslims are very commited to the 5x times a day salah because it is clearly described in the Quran and is one of the reason when not followed to enter into jahannam.
nice presentation and interesting information. But it would be great if you can reduce the passive aggressive tone in the video. No need to keep on repeating, whatever salat means to you, whatever bow means to you, whatever sujud means to you. If you don't want to share your opinions then just do a video with just words and some music in the background, and just share the verse. the repeating of "whatever you think salat means" multiple times in the video is just too tiring to listen, and it takes away from the information you trying to convey.
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you. I do tent to get alittle 'emotional' in my videos and I will be looking at ways to improve my presentation skills in the future insha'Allah.
Asalaamu alaikum brother Thanks for the presentation. However I feel this should be listed as Part 1 of Salah. The reason being you have not gone into full details of the actions of Salah from Quran, i.e. where to pray, when to bow, when to prostrate, etc. What to say, supplication, recitations... You need to also make bayyinah of those and not leave others wondering how to actually perform the complete 'prayer'. Telling the people to interpret salah the way they think or feel only causes confusion and division. How are you supposed to pray in congregation when everybody has their own thoughts/understanding/actions of salah? You need to seriously consider these issues before telling others to make up their own minds about words/commands in the Quran. It is absurd and borderline misguidance to leave the masses to create their own ways to worship Allah. JazakhAllahu khairan brother and I hope you can answer the above and expand on it. Also it would be interesting to make presentations of the following: 1. what is zina 2. what is taghut 3. who is our awliya/s 4. friday khutba 5. sharia law 6. heaven and hell for who 7. zakat 8. awrah (covering onself) 9. hijab/niqab 10. prohibited foods
Wa alaykum salaam my dear brother, Thank you for your comments and may Allah reward you. The problem with telling people or giving them a whole list of instructions (A to Z) on how to perform Salat is that there are 2 extremes: You have the Traditional muslims saying: "it's a 5 times a day ritual prayer" and you cannot question the traditions and the scholars of theirs. And you then have the Qur'an-only muslims saying: "its NOT ritual prayer" and have their own opinions about what it is. For example, some say it's 'following closely' or 'adherence' or 'salah sessions' or 'duty' or whatever else. Both sides of these extremes are CONFUSING brother! For this reason I made the video so that people can start thinking, reflecting, pondering, and reasoning. My advice to people would be to REEVALUATE or RETHINK your current position regarding Salat and make it match the guidelines within the Qur'an. Remember, the Qur'an is a life-long journey my brother so let's enjoy the ride by striving to the best of our abilities. We cannot expect to have all the answers at once so having patience is crucial. Thanks again and God bless. Peace 🙂
JazakhAllahu khairan my brother for replying. I fully understand your concerns about these 2 extremes and appreciate that you are trying your upmost best to make people aware of their purpose from the Devine Book of Allah. It would be a very beneficial outcome if you can add to this as a 2nd video of 'salah actions' and delve into the subject so that the people can perform 'the prayer' as the Prophets/Messengers did. I believe you have a sincere heart and you really want to engage people with the Quran and believe that this discourse will purify you and your viewers by being conscious of Allah and knowing that we have His Book but did not do justice to it. May Allah make it easy for us to implement His way. I hope you consider making video presentations of the topics I mentioned to you previously. Your methodology is very much appreciated and I like your style. baarakAllahu feek
Also brother I would just like to add that I am more inclined to the actions of prayers that have been passed to us from narrations as it matches with the Quran. However I believe there has been additions that are not required and which have no basis to what our Salah should be to Allah. For example the Tashahhud, finger movements and saying salaam right to left. What Quranists have said I would think twice as it does not match with the overall worshipping of Allah mentioned in Quran. For example women are advised to be at home and perform salah, so therefore how can they take part in these so called "salah sessions"? I believe it is a private prayer with our Lord in our homes and then we gather on a Friday to perform it in congregation. In between those prayers we do dhikr of Allah and to do bayyinah of the Quran's verses to ourselves, our families, companions and community. I would be very weary of some of these 'theories' that Quranists are putting out there. Allah knows best. JazakhAllahu khairan akhi
@@ADAM_lahMAN wa alaykum salam brother Adam, Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you. Whatever it is that we incline to beleive Salat to be, as long as we match it to the GUIDELINES (Do's and Dont's) within the Qur'an. If you beleive that it's ritual prayer, then you should filter it out through the Qur'an and you mentioned the example of the so-called 'Tashahhud' that comes from narrations & traditions. For example, 'greeting' the prophet or sending 'blessings' upon him in your Salat has NO BASIS from a Qur'anic standpoint! I find it very strange that Muslims would recite in their Salat: "Assalaamu ALAYKA ayyuhan-nabi (Peace be upon YOU O Prophet)". This is LITERALLY calling or invoking the prophet! Well, can the prophet hear your salaams and can he respond to them???Apparently, this is not shirk according to the traditional Muslims because they claim that whenever we 'greet' the Prophet in this way, the angels carry our salaams to him and Allah allegedly returns the soul of prophet Muhammad (a.s) to his body so that he can return our salaams. What kind of NONSENSE is this?? Are we expected to beleive this crap?? On the other side of the scale, we have our Qur'an-only brothers who want to reject ANYTHING that is outside of the Qur'an. Anything that even remotely represents Islam like history, hadeeths, fiqh books, etc. Surely, the Qur'an has sime kind of HISTORY does it not??? Did it just drop from the sky and noone knows its background? For example, how do we know that Muhammad (a.s) existed over 1400 years ago? Anyways, you're on the rite track my brother and I pray that Allah guides us and keeps us on the straight path (Siratim Musteqeem). Peace 🙂
@Adam I agree with what you say here.. however, given that Negeto has logical blind spots, makes things up and can't answer a question by addressing the actual 'question'.. why would you want him to or value his take on the 10 subjects you suggest? His Salat videos, including the one he deleted, and his responses to comments, prove he's not to be taken seriously..
No need to overcomplicate the term salat. Salat means prayer. More specially "contact prayers" . Salat is connected and linked with zakat Charity. The two are inextricably linked 🖇️ . You can't do one without the other.
*Quranic Salat is not any kind of Ritual Prayer. Quran tells us in 2:177 that Rituals are not a good deed.* Five daily Rituals were imported from Zoroastrians. These Rituals in which Ritualists worship Kaaba (made of stones) is not different from Hindu's Idol Worship of Shiva or Vishnu Idols. Sunni and Shia have converted Kaaba into an Idol. God tells us that his Quran is Complete and detailed 16;89, 6:114. But we do not see any detail of Five daily Rituals in Quran. Even Quran does not mention the number of Rakat of five Sunni Rituals. Quran does not contain text of Tashahhud. *Quran never tells that Prostrating to Kaaba is part of Quranic Salat. Quran never ordains to Prostrate to or toward Kaaba 2:115.* Quran tells in 24:41 that even birds follow Salat. If meaning of Salat is Rituals; then Mr. Ritualist: tell us: do bird pray rituals like Sunni or Shia or like followers of Rashad Khalifa "submitters"? Do Bird shout Non-Quranic Sunni Adhan or Non-Quranic Shia Adhan before praying their rituals? Do birds place their forehead on ground in order to prostrate of Kaaba (of stones) *like Pre-Quranic Meccan Pagans?* *Truth is: Rituals are 101% Idol worship in which Rituals worship Kaaba which is made of stones. Quran tells us function of Kaaba in 5:95, 5:97 and that function has no relation with Rituals.* *Is there any verse in Quran which tells that Physical Prostration (Sujud) is part of Quranic Salat? No.* *Quran tells us in 55:6 and **22:18** that even all animals, Sun, Stars, moon and mountains follow Sujud/Sajadah.* If in Quran, meanings of Sujud is to place forehead on ground (like idol worshipers) toward Kaaba which is made of Stones and Cement; then have you ever seen any Elephant entering in any Masjid; cleaning its rectum with water; doing Wudhu, and then Shouting either Sunni brand or Shia brand non-Quranic Adhan in hugely bigggg loud speaker? Does that Elephant place its forehead on ground toward Kaaba? *If in Quran, meaning of Sujud is to place forehead on ground; then have you ever seen Mountain Himalaya walking barefooted toward a Masjid and* then praying Rituals after placing its forehead on ground toward Kaaba? Quran has used ROOT-Meaning of word Sajadah and that is "Humble to Divine Law". Stars, Sun, Moon, Animals and Mountains all humble to Divine law. *To Sum Up:* *From this pure-rational discussion, even a person with half-brain can realize that Quranic Salat is NOT ANY KIND of Pooja-Pot Rituals. People who try to prove their Rituals from Quran are indeed cheating themselves. These Rituals in which person prostrate to Kaaaba is HUNDRED PERCENT IDOL WORSHIP 2:115. Several verses of Quran make clear that God is Omnipresent **50:16**, 57:3, 57:4, 58:7, 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 2:186, **24:35**, 67:13, 20:7, 13:9-10, 56:83-84-85, 4:108, **6:59**, 2:255, 6:103, **34:50**, 11:61, 5:109, 7:7, 4:126, 10:61. Therefore; God is not confined to Vatican or Jerusalem or to any Meccan Cube. Whichever direction you turn, there is presence of God. God is Omnipresent 2:115. So, God is not confined to any specific direction because due to his Omnipresence, all directions belong to Him 2:115. When He is closer to you than even your Neck-Vein **50:16**; then why should you search him thousands Kilometer far in Mecca or in Sky? Search him in your own HOUSE. You can talk to Him any time when you are standing on the peak of Himalaya or you are walking in a deep vale. He is al-Samih and al-Basir, and listens not just your each word but He also knows your each thought. His Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void* 6:59 ....No leaf falls but He knows it.... وَلِلَّهِ ٱلْمَشْرِقُ وَٱلْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا۟ فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ ٱللَّهِ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَٰسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ *Quran 2:115 To God belong the East and the West. Whichever way you turn, there is God’s presence. God is Omnipresent and Omniscient. (Itani)* His Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void His Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void His Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void Meaning of Aqimu-Salat is "To Establish Divine System according to Divine Laws, and then Stick to Divine laws". Salat means also: Dua and meditation upon God. Salat means: also to support/Back/Salwan some one. Salat means also Meetings/Ijtamah of Salat like Salat-Juma. This is why: Quran never mentions any Ritual during Salat Juma. Juma is weekly gathering of Muslims to discuss problems and to solve problems according to Divine law. Classes to teach Quran are also part of Salat.
Mahdi means the "Guided One" as a character of an individual (i.e Muhammad) , not a messianic figure like the muslims believe now. it comes from the word Muhtadi (the process of knowing / gaining knowledge - wisdom) we are all Muhtadi. Mahdi is the Objective / Object in our lives.
The Video title is: What is Salat and What does it mean ACCORDING to The Quran? Does Negeto in this video prove or even explain WHAT Salat actually IS? Answer is: NO Does he prove or explain WHAT Salat MEANS literally in The Quran? Answer is: NO But Negeto thinks he does.. Let that sink in... 🤔
Thank you for the great video and explanation. It helps a lot to improve our understanding of the book. But one point though rakabe should not mean slave. There are no slaves now and how will this ayat apply to us? All the ayats in quran must be relevant to all the ages. Rakabe does not mean one who has heavy buelrden on his or her back /neck? In other words, one who is great difficulty and unable to lift the burden on their own? Someone in huge debt for instance is rakabe or someone who is unable to honor a commtment made thus in great trouble due to this.
MashAllah great 👍 jazakAllah khair Salam from india
Wa iyyaakum my brother. Thank you. Salaam from Australia 😊
I would like to mention about the wudhu
Its not wash the feet
It has been changed from wipe
The head and feet is masah
Sheikh anwar explains it beautifully.
This is such an excellent video! Thank you for really digging into the Qur’an and bringing out the Do’s and Don’t’s and the BEAUTY and simplicity of Sarah. Jazak Allah khair. I am still trying to figure things out, inshaAllah.
Thank you for your kind words. Please be patient with it because it could take us a lifetime to perfect the Salat.
Teşekkür ediyorum beyefendi
Sagol kardes. Allah razi olsun 👍
I think I'm waking up, we've gatekept the Qur'an with suni and shia
But we never understood what it means to truly uphold the salat
Haneefan, brother, that was an excellent video! I really appreciate that you included an eye-opener message for everyone at the end, about Which belief/argument would you rather stand in front of God with, the one that pondered and obeyed the Qur'an or the one that blind followed their forefathers. I wish scholars of today use this analogy to wake the blind followers up!.. JazakAllah khair for compiling this video. I understand this was only meant to be as a Bayinnah, but I really wish to discuss my own opinions on it, because you're the best person to understand them. The fact that you left open-ended, shows that you are truly unbiased and sincere. It's a long comment so please read it later when you have more time.
First, I am not a Sunni, Shia, Quranist, etc. I am a Muslim, who wants to reach the truth through Qur'an alone as a Book of Law. Having said that, my viewpoint on Sunnah may be different than yours (or different from Quranists and Sunnis). I am not a hadith follower as ahadith are not part of Islam, and clearly the Qur'an warns us about Books other than the Quran. *But* what about the "living Sunnah" ? The way of the Prophet, the rituals that he (Saw) performed to obey the Qur'an alone? What about the fact that Prophet did 'teach' the Qur'an to the people. My question (to myself) is: If the Qur'an is self-explanatory (which it is) then what was the need to 'teach' it? My opinion on this is: that 'teaching' part is 'how you practice' it. And that in my dictionary is the meaning of Sunnah. So considering that Sunnah, which (according to my scrutiny) doesn't go against the laws/verses of the Qur'an, then that answers all the questions that the Quranists ask Sunnis, and Sunnis ask the Quranists that remain unanswered, including many in this video (i.e. the conflicting views on Salaat being a ritual while being possibly not).
Salat is an umbrella term, but there are many other umbrella terms (words) in the Qur'an that have dual/triple/or more meanings. We categorise them according to the context. Like how you correctly translated Kitaabin (4:103) that was never referring to the Book, and many more examples. Then why not do the same with Salaat? Especially if we find numerous Verses with Salaat with Rituals in it, so many indications such as: Call for prayers, Specified Times of Salat, Congregation, Standing, Bowing, Prostrating, Tone, Middle Salat, Weapons/guarding while praying, Wudu before Salat, Direction towards Masjid Haram, each directly implying Salat as some form of specific ritual... then how can we deny it?
I find it extremely hard (impossible) to believe that a Ritual of Salat (5 prayers) NOT shown/done by the Prophet and suddenly down the line 99.99% of the Muslims started praying 5 times a day the exact same way in harmony with no disagreements? Shouldn't it be less than 99.99%? It doesn't make sense for Salat to be a non-ritual even from Qur'an alone perspective. The only valid argument is that the ritual is not explained in detail in the Qur'an -- but the answer could easily be: The Qur'an was a source of Law, it is a Book, and not a video. Allah (swt) sent Prophet to demonstrate it. Why ignore the teachings of the Prophet (e.g.. "teaching you the Book" 3:164 - that carried-forward through generations as a living Sunnah?)
So narrowing down to two questions: (1) Do you personally think collectively, with the reasons above, that Salaat is more likely to be a ritual prayer in the context where Salaat = Prayers? - I understand how wrong Sunnis are about 'hadiths', but they may actually be right about the amaly tawattur based 'Sunnah' ? Would you agree?
And (2) When Qur'an alone Muslim brothers 'tick' the boxes of rituals (as complying with the Qur'an in terms of Salat), they surely are sincere, but are they correct? - Because I know of a group of Quranist Muslims who literally believe Hajj is idol worship and Umrah/Hajj is no more an obligation, nor is it anything to do with Kabah or the two mounts - Now while they're sincere (on relying on Qur'an alone to reach that absurd conclusion) - are they correct? Shouldn't we go towards correctness too?
Sorry for the long message and so many arguments, I am still learning, I just had to share my own reasonings with someone who could understand. Thank you for reading! I would highly appreciate if you respond. JazakAllah khair!
Thank you for your amazing feedback my brother, and may Allah bless you. I try to avoid writing long replies so please email me and i will respond to you:
Brother I need that presentation.
Email me and I'll forward it to you.
Mashallah...very nice ...thank you brother
I appreciate you and your channel brother. May Allah subhanahu watala continue to bless you.
Thank you for your feedback brother Hassan. May Allah bless you as well.
This is an excellent and very important presentation! Ending message/tips were powerful !
Jaza Allah khair brother!
Thank you brother Ibrahim. May Allah reward you.
This proves islam is men made religion.
where in quran you can fine 5 pillar of islam?
show me references in quran, my friend
The first pillar of Islam is
There is no god but God (and) Muhammad is the messenger of God."
The Second Pillar of Islam is Salah 5 times/day,
The Third Pillar of Islam is Zakāt, or alms giving 2.5%
The Fourth Pillar of Islam is Sawm, or fasting.
The final Pillar of Islam is the Hajj, or pilgrimage.
YES my friend exactly!
you are follower of a man made hadith thanks
shia do not believe 5 pillars of islam.
YES my friend exactly what i said A MAN MADE hadith.
Why a man associated with a donkey al lah, is not shirk, my friend
how many times do u pray according to quran? my friend
1. there is no God but Allah 47:19 Mohamed is the messenger of God 48:29
2 and 3. Salah and Zakat 2:43 and 2:110
4. Sawm (fasting). 2:183
5. Hajj(Pilgrimage) 3:97 and 2:196
@@negeto2460 thanks 👍 explaining for salat of Quran
Alhamdulillah...JazakAllah khaeiran for the interpretaion.....Its clearer to me now.
Thank you Zoro, but I urge my viewers to do their own homework as well. My presentation is simply a starting point and may Allah give us understanding.
Jazakh Allah kheiran May Allah continue to guide you insha'Allah. ❤️❤️❤️
I wish you had a bigger platform to reach more people. What a world we live in.
Thank you for this beautiful video.
I think the salat in a general term is explained in the fatiha. The fatiha is the contract and the definition of the salat. It show us the salat of the beleiver and the salat of God. The salat of the beleiver is simply his part of the contract witch is to serve God and ask for His help. The salat of God is to help the beleiver and guide him to the straight path IF the beleiver does his salat. That's why God is not helping the vast majority of muslims, because they are simply doing a ritual instead of doing the real salat witch is to OBEY GOD's commendments and sincerely ask Him for His help. Aquimou al salat in the general term means to uphold your part of the contract with God. But like you said quran talks about about alot of salats depending on the context. When He say to clean yourself and be sober when going to the salat, He is talking about one salat, wich was problably to go read the fatiha for the first time in front of the messenger to enter the religion. You had to be fully conscious and clean to do your pact with God. Reciting the fatiha for the first time publicly was equivalent to signing the contract. You had to be sober and clean to do so since it was an important decision to make. Or He was simply talking about being clean and sober when you had to go to the duty alongside the messenger. God know's best. If you follow the commendments of God and only ask HIM for His help, you are automaticly doing your salat. The bottom line is: those who believe and do righteous deeds, they have their reward with the Lord, as simple as that. It is not about ritual, it is about righeous deeds. The good deeds are the ticket to paradise, not the rituals never mentionned by God.
God knows best.
Alhumdulilah brother, you have summed it up perfectly in my humble opinion
This is so profound
Peace be unto you brother, appreciate this presentation. Just one question, your accent of Arabic makes me suspect your Turkish is that true? 😅. Sorry for the off topic question just curious
Hehe yes, i'm Turkish 😊
@@negeto2460 i knew you were Turkish from your accent too, Peace upon you.
JazakAllah khair.
Very interesting!
Unfortunately my english skills are not sufficent.
Please can you briefly explain, what is salat in your opinion?
And more and more muslims say, in the Koran are only three contact prayers mentioned or obligatory. What do you think about it.
Thank you in advance
Thanks for explaining . I agree it’s up to the individual. Hamza Malik gives a detailed explanation of salat -not a ritual. Shuaib Abdullahi explains it as a ritual.
@Fatima - how can it possibly be "up to the individual"? This is illogical.. there either IS a ritualistic mechanical practice that is ordained by The God of The Worlds upon human beings, or there ISN'T.. its as simple as that.. its not a pick and choose, subjective thing.. people have either got it right or wrong.. its my belief and that of many others, that this thing Muslims do 5 or even 3 times a day IS NOT something believers have to do and clearly is NOT in The Quran..
@@fatipahad Well that's good, because that ridiculous thing Muslims do, they called Salat, is most definitely NOT in the Quran.. but every single person that does it, including Negeto here, does so with the BELIEF that its incumbent upon Muslims and is stated as such through divine revelation, in The Book and communicated to Muslims by Mohammed.. NONE of them are doing it because they believe its a choice or their own personal perception.. I'm going to add my comment above because Negeto is trying to be a smart arse with this video and thinks no one is going to notice.. lol.. 😜
*Who are الْمُصَلِّينَ the Musalleen ?*
Is it those who observe the ritual prayers ?
Lets find out.
70:19 Verily, man is created with an anxious disposition.
70:20 When they are afflicted, they complain,
70:21 And when good touches him, withholding [of it],
70:22 Except الْمُصَلِّينَ the MUSALLEEN.
70:23 *Those who are CONSTANT in their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ.*
70:24 *And They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their property*
70:25 *for the needy and the deprived,*
70:26 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment,*
70:27 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who are afraid of the torment of their Lord,*
70:28 the punishment of their Lord is not something for them to feel secure of,
70:29 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who guard their carnal desires*
70:30 Except from their spouses or what they possess rightfully then indeed, they (are) not blameworthy,
70:31 but whoever goes beyond this is a transgressor;
70:32 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises,*
70:33 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed,*
70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard,*
70:35 such people will receive due honor in Paradise.
Further Clarification of ayahs 70:22-34 23:1-9
*Spending Wealth, Charity*
70:24 They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their property
70:25 for the needy and the deprived,
Clarification :
[107:1] Do you know who rejects the deen
[107:2] Who turns away the orphan
[107:3] And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
[107:4] So woe to those "LILMUSALLEENA" لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ
[107:5] [But] who are heedless of their "SALAT" صَلَاتِهِمْ
*Belief, Qualities:*
70:26 (And Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment,
Clarification :
[27:3] Those who establish "SALAT" and contribute towards purification. AND THOSE WHO ARE CERTAIN ABOUT THE LIFE-TO-COME.
*Fulfill Pledges, promises:*
70:32 (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises,
Clarification :
[2:177] establish "SALAT", and contribute towards purification, AND FULFILL THE PLEDGES/PROMISES MADE BY THEM.
*Guarding Ones Modesty*
70:29 (Al Musalleen are the ones) who preserve their chastity
70:30 except from their spouses and those whom they rightfully possess [through wedlock], for which they incur no blame
Clarification :
[29:45] Recite, what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish "SALAT". Indeed, "SALAT" prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.
ritual prayers destroyed
وَكَذَلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الآيَاتِ وَلِتَسْتَبِينَ سَبِيلُ الْمُجْرِمِينَ
And it is such that We explain the revelations, and point out the way of the criminals.(6:55)
Quran Only
i missed one.
*Truthful Testimony*
70:33 And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed,
Clarification :
[5:106] O you who believe, witnessing shall be done if death is approaching one of you and a will is being made, by two among you who are equitable. If you have gone forth in the land, and death is approaching, then any two may suffice - if you have a doubt regarding them, then detain them after making the *SALAT,* and they will swear by God: "We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a near relative, and we will not conceal the testimony of God, else we are of the sinners."
Quran Only
Correction Its Quran 24 verse 58 not 56@ video 24:46
Salat is quranic session.morning and evening.Revealation used to come mostly in the morning snd evening.25/5
Thank you for your comments Salahudeen. Personally, I'm kind of learning towards that opinion as well. Brother Joseph from the Qur'an Centric channel has that opinion as well which makes sense.
I can imagine the prophet having these Salat 'sessions' where he recited and taught the Qur'an to his people at the 2 ends of the day, in the darkness of the night, etc. And he would of recited while 'standing' and 'sitting'. He may have also 'bowed' and 'prostrated' at times because of fear and admiration of the Verses. Therefore, the believers of this message tried their best to mimic this practice of the prophet but it became more of a 'ritual' over time and innovated practices crept in.
The Salat is ALL about the Qur'an and it makes total sense. Obviously, the prophet didn't just randomly recite verses to the people and say: "have a nice day". Surely, he would have held 'sessions' during different times where he recited & taught them the Scripture.
This is a strong possibility but Allah knows best and may He guide us to the truth.
@@negeto2460 Salam brother,
Instead of guessing and following your imagination, I would strongly suggest you read the Qur'an itself. For instance, try verse 101 in chapter 4. Or better, try verse 102.
May Allah ﷻ guide us to His straight path.
That is speculative.
Salam brother,
You missed very important lesson from chapter 107.
Here salat meaning helping others.
Also you missed Allah and Malaika do salah for mankind.
In a nut-shell we can say that salat is an abstract noun meaning two
way communication between entities.
Please rethink about the salat in the Quran.
Salam, good work brother.
Wa alaykum salaam brother. Thank you 🙂
Very well explained. Especially in what terms specific words are to be used. Hence, important to read and understand the Quran in its entirety. The Quran is not just for the Muslims but whole of humanity. Every sentence must be read and understood the best way possible most certainly not blindly or parrot fashion.
Salaam brother,
As you said: "important to read and understand the Quran in its entirety" and this is fundamental to unlocking the knowledge and wisdom within the Qur'an. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to brainwashed and blind following Traditional Muslims - in other words, the majority.
yes True ..especially whn Al Quran is used to explain one practices . ..Id really love the approached. i thought mostly that how the Al Quran is interpreted has to be understand through hadith...but this shows....its very clear that understanding Al Quran alone can actually explained the practices of Islam. MasyAllah. ThanksBro.
@@zoroalakazam bingo! May Allah bless you brother 🙂
Peace I’m interested my good brother how do you apply salat in your life
Thank you for your comments brother, and may Allah bless you. Personally, I still perform the ritual which we've been taught in the community. However, I am doing my best to 'restructure' the Salaat to make it match the Qur'an.
An example of this is the so-called 'Tashahud' and 'durood sharif'. These have NOTHING to do with the Qur'an, so I do not recite this. Instead, I recite 'supplications' (rabbanaa, rabbi, Allaahumma, etc) found throughout the Qur'an.
Remember, Salat is a continuous self-improving process which could take a life time to perfect. Have patience my brother, and ask Allah for help & guidance.
@@negeto2460 yes I have similar idea the only thing mandatory I say specific is in 16:98 and the other are more umbrella like recite from the book, supplicating and praising my lord in prostration (32:15) me and my friend pure Quran guidance are flat earthers but were very close to the understanding of people like you And Correctional officer and we still do pro ritual prayer. I liked how you showed everything on here and simply said we should come to our own conclusions in end of the day 🙏. Peace and may Allah bless you as well. I do agree we must also uphold our salat for it to be genuine and Allah knows who’s genuine and what’s to always do better. The salat prohibits immorality 29:45. So part of being a musaleen also upholding the verses and going by the discipline routine ritual as well
@@Quranaloneistruthspot on my brother! I also 'supplicate' and 'praise' my Lord in prostration. The 'physical' or 'ritual aspect is simply a PART OF the salat, just like giving in charity is also PART OF Salat.
Unfortunatley, the traditional Muslims have given Salat a value and expect everybody to believe it.
We must continuously 'reevalute' and 'reconstruct' the Salat to make match the Qur'an (as best we can). At least that way, we could present this to Our Lord on yawmal-qiyamah with confidence and certainty. And can only hope that our Lord accepts this from us! 😔
@@negeto2460 🙏❤️
salamun aleikum
thank you,
please make more vidios
topiks like
Pilgerfahrt, Eheleben, Esses,
oder Paradies, Hölle
vielen Dank
1k sabcribe done 👍 kore dilam😊
I'd request you redo this video with a calm voice, easy on the ears.
I could feel that you're so tense up, cause me to tense up too.
Your analyses are valid to look into though, keep up your the good work. I subbed.
Thank you for your feedback and may Allah reward you. Unfortunately, my presentation skills are not the best but I am passionate about making the Verses known/clear/manifest (Bayyinah) and may Allah increase us in knowledge!
Thank you brother Dawan. But my aim is to reach out to the minority of people who are willing to wake up. The majority will never listen as stated in the Qur'an and I'm fine with that.
Al an'am :116 ❤
@@y.bsahren5788 You do realize brother Dawan is guessing and speculating. That may include him in the verse you referenced. May Allah ﷻ guide us to His straight path.
Thanks brother since this video is long what is your conclusions of how to perform salat and is it ritual or not
@@Bikeonthehills i may do a video soon called "Revisiting Salat & Introducing Zakat" and I will try answering this question InshaAllah.
First time I heard the way analysis it thank you. I like to know about the dictionary, please let me know. Salamun alaika
Thank you so much. One of the dictionaries I use is here:
Thank you very much. It will help me to learn Quran inshallah. Salamun alaika
I agree
Though in surah yusf raituhum lii sajidin
Not ain lam ya
Sakrat 4:43 can intoxication swoon and unconscious
Question you used 4:103 why did you translate kitabin to prescribe instead on book?
The word "kitaab" means Book in arabic. But it can also mean prescribe/appoint/ordain, decreed, bound, etc. It wouldn't make sense to translate it as "Book" within the context of the verse.
Salam Haneefan, first time on your channel, nice presentation. I've been in this topic for over a year now myself and I'm leaning toward the "symbolic" readings of the Quran. As-Salat (the Salat) in this form (which I usually translate as the Adherence), in my belief, refers to a specific meeting/correspondence between the prophet and the believers where the Quran was taught. Such a meeting may have had a minimum requirement of cleanliness, though I'll direct you to Al Moses' channel, where he explains how even the "acts of wudu" have symbolic significance. I don't consider ritual prayer to fall beyond my understanding of as-Salat if it encourages dhkr that leads one to do good, but I think it encompasses a wider semantical significance than "prayer" or "worship" alone, at least if we reduce worship to praising Allah with our mouths. I'm still working in this concept though of course and I have a lot of work still to do.
There are other uses of the root Sad-Laam-Waw which are not "the Salat", but carry other meanings such as "support" or "follow".
Salaam brother Coby,
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you.
I kind of agree when you said:
".. refers to a specific meeting / correspondence between the prophet and the believers where the Quran was taught".
Personally, I'm starting to lean towards this interpretation as well. Brother Joseph from the Qur'an Centric channel also had this opinion as well which makes sense.
I can imagine the prophet having these Salat 'sessions' where he recited and taught the Qur'an to his people at the 2 ends of the day, in the darkness of the night, etc. And he would of recited while 'standing' and 'sitting'. He may have also 'bowed' and 'prostrated' at times because of fear and admiration of the Verses. Therefore, the believers of this message tried their best to mimic this practice of the prophet but it became more of a 'ritual' over time and innovated practices crept in.
The Salat is ALL about the Qur'an and it makes total sense. Obviously, the prophet didn't just randomly recite verses to the people and say: "have a nice day". Surely, he would have held 'sessions' during different times where he recited & taught them the Scripture.
This is a strong possibility but Allah knows best and may He guide us to the truth.
My suggestion is to keep yourself near the speaker it will give more benefit for listeners
Salaam brother. Thanks for another great video. Do you remember last time when I mentioned about the grammar of Qurani Wahdahu in chapter 17 verse 46? I might have been wrong about it. I asked someone else who said that it says 'rabbaka' not 'rabbuka', so the wahdahu doesn't denote to Allah in the verse it denotes to the Qur'an. So I have 2 opposing views here. I will have to study the particular grammar myself and find out. Just a note for you :)
Wa alaykum salaam akhi. Yes, I am more inclined to beleive that it translates to "Qur'an Alone" since the 2 words sit side by side (feel-qur'ani wahdahu). May Allah increase us in knowledge and wisdom!
Peace 🙂
@@negeto2460 ameen! Peace 😊
No Ameen is not in the Qur'an/Reading, Ameen-Ra is the Egyptian sun god.
It is contact prayer/ritual. But not in the sense of how sunni/shia or any sects of islam did it. They only imitate what their forefathers did so they focused on false man-made rules (rakaah, coreography, fixed set of du'as) & lost spiritual side (big part) of prayer. Just like how bani israil focused on un-needed details when ordered to do animal sacrifice. Most people treat salat as arbitrary chore, without understanding most of the words they said in their prayer.
Salat according to Quran was quite lenient. It never impose us on how, it never even stated that you must do it in arabic. However you practice it, its the spirit of the prayer (connect to God) that counts. Its more like one of many "facilities" that God recommend for us,
not rigorous activity which God demanded from us.
Well said my brother. It appears that all Sunni/Shia care about is the number of Rakah's and greeting prophet Muhammad (a.s) in their Salat. Did Muhammad recite something called 'Tashahhud' whereby he greeted himself? And did he then respond back to his OWN greetings?? What nonsense!
Salat is between YOU and ALLAH! NO intermediaries whatsoever!!
Peace 🙂
Salam brother may Allah swt be pleased with your presentation. All the research you've done you should publish Quran in the way you do you videos inshallah, or volumes of your videos in book form inshallah.
Thank you for your kind words my brother. All I'm doing is the duty of all Muslims and that is to make Bayyinah (make clear, known, evident, manifest) of the Ayat of Allah. May Allah grant us knowledge & wisdom.
Peace 🙂
@@negeto2460 ❤
Sujud and ruku don’t mean physical movements and Salat does not mean ritual , check Said Mirza and Sam Gerrans
Would be better if you cld get a better mic and also move the mic closer so that your voice cld be heard clearly. Thank you.
Selamün aleyküm bro..
Can you give me feedback? I have something to ask you?
i don't understand english i just use translate
I know that salat is not a ritual. "Ekimus salat" is a principle. Those who follow the verses of the Qur'an and defend tawhid become purified.
Are 17:78 and 11:114 and 24:58 times of salat? It is necessary to read the Qur'an at these times, is it true?
I think wudu has a mental meaning. What do you think?
Taking care of the salats and the best salad in verse 2:238. People perceive it as noon in the middle of the day and create a wrong impression. Unfortunately, judgments are made without establishing a connection with the passage.
Is there a difference between al salvat and salat?
I perceive it as plural and singular, but there are those who argue that al salwat is a physical ritual.
For example: tusalli, salatihim, essalate, essalati, yusallu, yusalli, es salevati, musalla, salatuhum, salevati, salli, salateke, es salatuke, salevatun, salatehu, sallu, salla, musalline. ? words from the same root mean the same, right?
Salat means establishing a bond. The bond that Allah establishes with His servants is the Qur'an. The bond that people establish with Allah is the Qur'an. Salat depending on fitra and religious salat are divided into two. All people prostrate to Allah, but it changes according to religious preference.
please, answer my questions.. I don't speak English, so I use translate.
may Allah bless you
thank you
ich schreib mir ihre Vidios ab, um sie in Ruhe zu überlegen und hoffe ein guter Muslim zu wedern
vielen Dank
möge Allahh sie leiten und segne
Thank you Ilse 🙂
Salam bro Negeto,
Good/wise presentation. However, although I don't speak Arabic and I still see discussing the meaning of Salat and Mamalakat aimanukum by muslim who uphold Quran like never ending but I believe Quran should be solid (no vague) and clear.
I was wondering if "Salat" and "Mamalakat Aimanukum" are umbrella terms where the meaning in the verse depending on the context of the verse.
Let say if :
Mamalakat Aimanukum is an umbrella term related to someone lives under (care/depend/protection?) from us that can be slave, servant, spouse (through unislamic married before became muslim), etc. etc. etc. etc.
Salat is an umbrella term related to connection/link/adherence that can encompass follow God'(s law), prayer/salat session/read God's message, support, duty, reach-out etc. etc. etc
For examples :
In the context of verse 4:24 Ma Malakat Aymanukum seems referring to to be women who leave their disbelieving husband and ask our protection as explained in verse 60:10
In the context of verse 4:25 Ma Malakat Aymanukum seems referring to female slave, And may be in other verses Mamalakat aymanukum referring to other meaning but still within the umbrella term.
In the context of verses for example 11:114, 73:20, 4:103 etc. salat seem referring to prayer/salat-session (includes recite Quran) specifically preceded by the ablution/washing, However
In the context of verses 33:56, 42:38, 9:5 seem NOT referring to prayer/salat-session specifically, but more into adherence in God's law/system. Especially If you can explain more the meaning of verse 9:5.
In the context of verse 29:45 may be it referring to obeying/adherence to God's commandments (in the Quran) which within the umbrella term
In verse 17:23 it says "who are DAIMUN in their Salat. Does Daimuna mean continuous (uninterupted 24/7) ? If so, then this Salat seem not referring to prayer/salat session specifically.
Anyway since I don't speak Arabic I don't have feeling on the use of Arabic word and their meaning. May be you can elaborate more in your understanding. May be umbrella terms are used because the case are not limited and possible later case within the meaning of umbrella terms may occur later.
Thank you in advance
Wa alaykum salaam brother Adam,
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you and your family.
Yes, I do believe that the term 'Salat' is an Umbrella term and not merely one specific thing. I tried to explain this in the video and did my best to avoid my own views/opinions. And I absolutely agree that these terms have specific meanings according to the context.
Personally, I'm not Arab myself nor do I speak fluent Arabic but God gave us a brain! I don't beleive the Creator of the Heavens and Earth expects the whole of mankind to master the Arabic language for salvation! However, you can learn the very basics of Arabic grammer simply by referring to Qur'an translations and dictionaries. For example, the Qur'an uses the term 'Alladheena Amanoo' so many times and this simply means 'those who believe' or 'those who have faith' in English. Trust me, you learn these basics as you read the Qur'an overtime.
As for 'Ma Malakat Aymanukum', this is also an Umbrella term which I cover in another video called "What your right hands posses". I also came to the same conclusions as you mentioned in Verses 4:24-25 and 60:10. Please watch the video if you're interested.
God bless 🙂
There term صلو means to connect. The term اَقِيۡمُوا الصَّلٰوةَ ۚ means to connect with Allah subhanahu watala through prayer.
I have a question:
What about those who say that Salah as we have seen in The Believers are The Path of The Believers.
سَبِيلِ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ
[Suratul-Nisaa verse 115]
Salaam akhi,
The verse does not mention Salaat in it, but says 'sabeeli' (way) of the Believers. After 'The Guidance' (al-huda) was made 'clear' (tabayyana) to them. Therefore, the 'sabeeli' (way) of the Believers was THROUGH AL-HADU (The Qur'an).
@@ArabicQuran12i am calm akhi 😊
و عليك السلام إن يشاء الله
Comment on your question at 14:52: I think the real question is why would God teach someone, in this case Arabs, how to wash their hands? Will washing hands make someone smarter, more aware of God's laws, and a better person? Those are, in my opinion, the real questions. And I think that viewing the Quran as a book on body hygiene, on what we can and cannot eat, is a disrespect to the Quran itself. Therefore, in my view, it is very logical to consider the word 'salat' as an abstract concept that refers to ways of following God's laws in every given life situation.
Thank you for your comments. As long as we follow the Verses of Allah regarding the 'dos & donts' of Salat. Then we can only hope that Allah accepts from us and bestows His mercy.
Personal you how many rekats doo you pray
@Avni - Negeto can never answer that other than by making something up.. and the fact it CAN'T be answered, is further proof that this SALAT is a daily ritual physical practice is nonsense and lies..
"And seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, it is difficult except for the humbly submissive [to Allah]."O you who have believed, seek help through patience and prayer. Indeed, Allah is with the patient."[Qur'an:2 45,153]
"Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, ˹genuine˺ prayer should deter ˹one˺ from indecency and wickedness. The remembrance of Allah is ˹an˺ even greater ˹deterrent˺. And Allah ˹fully˺ knows what you ˹all˺ do."[Al-'Ankabut 29:45]
“Successful indeed are the believers, Who are humble in their prayers And who (strictly) guard their prayers”. [Quran: 23: 1, 2, and 9]
“Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and establish regular prayers and regular charity, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.”[Quran: 2:277]
“And when My servants ask you concerning Me, then surely I am very near; I answer the prayer of the suppliant when he calls on Me, so they should answer My call and believe in Me that they may walk in the right way”. [Quran: 2:186]
In a sound Hadith, 'Abdullah Ibn Mas'ood asked Allah's Messenger (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) about a deed which Allah loves the Most, he said: "Performing Salah at its stated time".
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "A faithful believer while in prayer is speaking in private to his Lord. “Sahih Bukhari
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said “Salah is a Muslim’s ascension to heaven (mirâj).”
Allah states in a Hadith qudsi: “Out of all the ways through which My servant gets closer to Me, Salah is the dearest to me.” (Bukhari)
Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The first action for which a servant of Allah will be held accountable on the Day of Resurrection will be his prayers. If they are in order, he will have prospered and succeeded. If they are lacking, he will have failed and lost. If there is something defective in his obligatory prayers, then the Almighty Lord will say: See if My servant has any voluntary prayers that can complete what is insufficient in his obligatory prayers. The rest of his deeds will be judged the same way.” Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 413
From Mu’az bin Jabal RA, the Prophet PBUH said: “The head of the matter is Islam, its pillar is the prayer and its peak is jihad (Striving).” Sunan al-Tirmizi (2616) [Imam al-Tirmizi states that this hadith is hasan sahih]
Salat is the Model of Practicing Islamic way of life. Establishing Salat Entails Affirming The Purpose of Salat , The Intention of Salat, The virtues of Salat, The Discipline of Salat , The Environment of Salat, The Teachings of Salat, The Conditions of Salat, The Motivation of Salat, The Pillars of Salat, The Performing of Salat,...etc Affirming all these Devotedly, To be the Best way of life for oneself and for the rest of the Human society, Regarding Salat to be The Backbone of the Kallimah Lâ ilâha illallâh “(none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh),” It is the Best way of Demonstrating Lâ ilâha illallâh “(none has the right to be worshipped but Allâh),” Regarding Salat as The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) Did and Approaching and Performing Salat as Per The Model of Performance demonstrated by the Messenger of Allah(ﷺ) is Best way of Demonstrating Obedience to Allah and Obedience to His Messenger Muhammad (ﷺ) and Relating the other Pillars and other Good Deeds to This Model of Salat is Serving Islam the Commandments of The Almighty Allah…And Allah Knows Best.
Salam brother. Great video. I would really like tỏ recommend to you Dr. Hani’s channel Marvelous Quran or even connect with him directly as he is doing great research work in the Quran as is always welcoming new minds. We really hope and pray that we get true guidance from Allah. Tc
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you. I watched a few of Dr Hani's videos and was shocked with some of the things he says. For example, prophet Isma'el and prophet Muhammad are the SAME person and many other strange things! I have nothing against him but his opinions are way off! May Allah guide us to the straight path.
why says Allah, when he speaks from Himself "WE"
love your videos. i like edip yuksels stuff but its refreshing to hear a more casual less 19 ridden quranist take.
I agree theres various dictionaries and so on, such as Lane’s, which we should consult, but the sincere truth seeker of the Quran will also look at the Quran for the meanings of key terms, and look at the way a word is used in the Quran and it’s context and surrounding verses, and agree that the value applied to a word must make sense in the particular passage in question, ie we can’t accept God the Quran does not make sense in certain passages, as God always makes sense at least, obviously. But the Sunnis are happy to accept the Quran does not make sense in many places (according to their translation and their pre existing adherence to hadith and their religions and their forefathers traditions, really they should have a pre existing allegiance to truth seeking and God only but . . )
In summary we must use pan textual hermeneutical analysis to establish values for key terms in the Quran, and have the mindset that we accept and listen to what God tells us what the key terms in the Quran mean such as Salat and zakat , rather than us telling God what it means and enforcing values in the Quran which then makes the Quran not make sense, God and the Quran prevails , not the way we wish to understand the Quran with our vain desires , the lexicons they’re not the centre and determinant of key values , they’re not the decider, the
Quran is the decider of what key terms mean in the Quran, we can use lexicons, but where there’s conflict between Quran and lexicons, i will pick the Qurans definitions it gives for certain key terms over lexicons, of course. And it should go without saying but the Quran has to make sense! Just one example of where the Sunnis fail is in verse 11:87 where they translate Salat as prayer and thus fail to understand what Salat is, read the passage, Shyuab pbuh was not praying in this verse, the reason God placed key terms like salat and zakat in various contexts is to frustrate those who are bent on enforcing these key terms an incorrect, external and very specific value which they must do because they have a pre existing allegiance to follow what their forefathers taught them, but they don’t have this pre existing allegiance to do what the Quran tells them and you will see if you investigate the Quran that the Quran is not Sunni Islam, Sunni Islam is nothing to do with the Quran, Sunni Islam is only to do with their hadith literature which is information attributed to the prophet pbuh which is uncorroborated and not mentioned in the Quran , the Quran is general and not specific or religious. Even their understanding of zakat is very dubious, the Quran never has 2.5% near zakat, but they say zakat is 2.5%, did God simply forget or is the Sunni simply lying, I know what I believe. This is just one way in which God tests the ardent truth seeker.
God knows best, but my point is the Quran is central, the decider when it comes to a choice between A and B, not the lexicons or pre existing desires for hadith or scholars or anything.
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you. Yes, utilizing lexicons helps, and I totally agree that we should look at the Qur'an from a pan textual analysis to find definitions of key terms.
It's unfortunate that Sunnis and Shia rely heavily on their hadeeth literature and practices of their forefathers. They only look at the Qur'an through the lenses of their traditions, and this has obviously blinded them from the truth. Shaytan has certainly diverted them and they claim they're upon guidance.
If we want to understand the situation of the Muslims today, we should study how the Qur'an describes the Bani Israel. Trust me, there's hardly any differences. This is why we are in such a mess today! Because we've tossed the Verses of Allah behind our backs to exchange it for Traditions (hadeeth, sunnah, tafsirs, etc).
May Allah guide and keep is on the Straight path.
have you been listening to instructor Bilal?
Not sure who this Bilal is?
"The Birds with their wings outspread, know their salat."
How do we reconcile the above verse from the Quran?
Do birds pray?
Has any person seen birds bowing up and down in rows?
What is the significance of the fact that they are in flight, with wings outspread?
Salat means to follow very closely, something, so close that it becomes difficult to discern the two.
Birds in flight are following the laws of nature, as given by Allah azzawajjal. They fly, instinctively.
Aqeemu-salat is wrongly translated as establish prayer!! THIS IS WRONG.
We cannot establish prater. We either do/ carry out/ or perform prater. But the word " establish," comes from ESTABLISHMENT.
Salat has been relegated to mere rituals that to not progress nor raise the status of Muslims! ALLAH IS NOT IN NEED OF OUR PRAYERS! WHAT IS THE POINT RECITING THE ARABIC WORDS BACK TO ALLAH! DID HE NOT GIVE THEM TO US IN ORDER TO BENEFIT US?
Muslims are so fixated on the times of prayer, its as if they have a train to catch and if they miss the time by a minute, then Allah will not be there to listen to their prayers!!
Is not Allah as close to us, as our jugular vein?
P O N D E R = TADABBUR over the verses of the Quran.
Let's remember that Rasool was not Sent to teach Muslims how to pray, they were praying since the time of Adam and Prophet Ibraheem. He was Sent by Allah to bring us The Divine SYSTEM = DEEN.
Thank you for your comments brother. But my aim in the video was NOT to force my views to my audience or to say these are my final conclusions. But rather to point out what the Qur'an says regarding Salat. I conclude by saying whatever you THINK salat is, as long as we are confirming to the commands (dos and donts) in the Qur'an. If you think it means 'following closely' or 'ritual prayer', then fine as long as we follow the Verses of Allah concerning them.
In a nutshell, i believe Salat is a form of 'connection' or making 'contact' with our Lord. May Allah help us.
Thanks for your personal reply.
Several great scholars of the past, like Allama Iqbal, Allama Pervaiz. Dr Shabir Ahmed, (Florida), all have a similar view to my comments.
why you skip sura tauba 9 about salat
Salaam akhi. There are numerous verses regarding 'salat' and I urge my viewers to please do their own research as well. My videos are pretty much a stepping stone and not the final conclusion so please study carefully the Book of Allah 😊
I am confused about something and that is the hadith that is in musnad ahmed 25806 it shows the rakat of the prayer but the problem is that i just dont know if its sahih or not.I do believe in quran hadith both but i do reject hadith that makes absolutely no sense at all and accept the ones that makes sense.
Try reading and reflecting upon what the Qur'an says regarding Salat my brother. All the Traditional Muslims ever care about is the number of Raka's and greating prophet Muhammad (a.s) which has no support from the Qur'an whatsoever!
Peace 🙂
Salat means to turn towards and connect to and follow closely to Allah/The Absolute Authority and the Qur'an/Reading alone and only.
As i say, whatever you believe Salat to be.. as long as it's within the confines of the arabic and that we follow the 'dos' and 'donts' within the Qur'an.
Salamun alaykum/Safety, Prosperity, Wholeness and Peace making is your responsibility.
Salam to you brother Negeto...
I would like to address one of the most common fallacies perpetuated by former Sectarians, be they of the Sunni or Shiite or whichever sect in existence today.
At the 2:52 mark you said, _"the Quran is in Arabic..."_
Yes, there is nothing wrong there... because the Quran is in the tongue of the prophet.
However when you continued on with, _"... whether we like it or not, we have to adhere to the Arabic language."_
Hold on to your camels... something isn't quite right with that statement, for sure!
Is the Arabic of the Quran the same as the Arabic spoken today?
When did they produce the Arabic dictionaries? Before or much later after the Quran?
Was there ever a book on Arabic grammar in existence before the Quran was revealed?
Or, were those grammar books/dictionaries invented much later to distort the meaning of the Quran to fit the narrative of the Saheehs Hadeeth?
Here is a very simple question:
If the Arabic of the Quran is the very same Arabic language of today... then why are the people having such a hard & confusing time trying to understand some words in the Quran?; A Quran that has been made easy to remember?
I will let this question sink in... before I proceed with the other common fallacy perpetuated by former Sectarians.
Agree and very well said! Be interesting to see Negetos response, as alls he's doing with this video, is attempting to 'prove' how his, ritualistic daily mechanical physical praying IS found in the Quran, if you just pick and choose what particular definitions you want to accept.. therefore confirming his "Salat" means what he wants it to mean - despite the fact he has not proven this to be so.. and has made the video already assuming his conclusion..
Look forward to your further comments Shukri, love reading them! Very insightful..
Salaam brother Shukri,
You never fail to impress with your thought provoking comments and may Allah reward you! I will do my best to address your questions and I'm not going to sugarcoat it.
""Is the Arabic of the Quran the same as the Arabic spoken today?""
Personally, I'm not an Arab and do not speak fluent Arabic. I beleive that the Arabic of the Quran is a degree or a level higher than the Arabic spoken today. Otherwise, why would Allah challange mankind to try and produce the likeness of it? However, non-Arabs (like myself) cannot appreciate the linguistic beauty of the Quran. Therefore, we have no choice but to rely on translations and dictionaries to get the "gist" of what the Quran is saying. In other words, we can only utilize whatever is available to us today and pray that Allah guides us and increases us in knowledge & wisdom.
""When did they produce the Arabic dictionaries? Before or much later after the Quran?""
They would have been much later because the English language didn't exist up until the around the year 1066.
""Was there ever a book on Arabic grammer in existance before the Quran was revealed?""
No idea my brother. Allah knows best!
""Or, were those grammer books/dictionaries invented much later to distort the meaning of the Quran to fit the narrative of the Saheehs hadeeth?""
Very good question! We know that the Banee Israel would "distort" some words in the Torah {Verse 2:75} and I point this out in my video called "How was the Quran protected?". I show in the video how Muslims have fallen into the same traps and how they also "distort" words (i.e. Sunnah, Hadeeth, Obey the Messenger, etc).
Traditionally, we are told to follow the classical works of the so-called scholars (Tafsir books, Hadith Books, Fiqh Books, Aqeeda, etc). I went down this road and fell into a BLACK hole where I was confused as hell! Therefore, we should use the Quran as the CRITERION (al-furqan) to judge everything else.
Brother Leslie Terebessy makes a very good point about how there is an 'eclipse' between the Qur'an and Tradition. He describes how the Traditions have blocked out the light that is emitted from the Quran and that's spot on!
""If the Arabic of the Quran is the very same Arabic language of today... then why are the people having such a hard & confusing time trying to understand some words in the Quran?; A Quran that has been made easy to remember?""
Simple! Allah has placed seals over the hearts & minds of those who deny or do not reason {Verses 2:7, 16:108, 45:23}. Therefore, even if you have a PHD or be a master of the Arabic language, you will NEVER understand the Quran unless our Lord removes the veil!
Brother, the point I was trying to make in the video is that no matter what you beleive Salat is, as long as we are following the GUIDELINES (Do's and Dont's) within the Quran.
Let me give you a scenario brother:
If I said to you: Come to Sydney (in Australia) tomorrow and meet me at such and such cafe at 2pm? Would I care about whether or not you come by flying, boat, driving, train, bus, walking, hiking??? NO!
Similarly, if Allah says to perform Salat then we can only do it according to our faculty of reasoning (reflecting, pondering, thinking, etc) and by following the Quranic guidelines.
Remember, the Quran is a life-long journey where we are continiously learning and growing. It is NOT a book that can be learned at Al-Azar university and I'm sure you are already aware of that.
May Allah grant us understanding and Wisdom.
Peace 🙂
@@negeto2460 I am convinced that until the day we change our approach to Qur'an we will go in circles of confusions as we all are.
Dear Negeto,
It seems to me that you have capabilities (understanding Arabic) of really changing your approach and helping us without such capabilities.
First of all, you (and all others) with such language capabilities MUST put yourself on the position that Qur'an is revealed to you or you were present at the time of the Revelation.
After that you should ask yourself these questions:
Why I am not asking:
What SALAT, ZEKAT, FAST, HAJJ, and other (today's confusing) concepts are. And furthermore WHY NOBODY ASKS FOR THEM.
The answers are OBVIOUS, all these concepts and terms were cristal clear at that time to all, including believers and unbelievers. In that sense Shukri is right: All dictionaries of the world CANNOT help to define such concepts, because these dictionaries contain distorted definitions, which no reasonable mind can accept.
Please all of you who have needed capabilities concentrate in finding that crystal clear understanding of the Prophet's time audience. Otherwise we will go around and around just creating more and more confusions in already maximally confused people.
All the best
@@salihahmetaj salaam brother Salih,
Thank u for your feedback and may Allah reward you.
I totally agree that the Salat, Zakat, Siyam, were CRYSTAL CLEAR to the audience at the time of Revelation! However, it appears to be distorted over time and this reflects throughout history (and I don't mean from the contradictory accounts from the Hadeeths).
And if all those dictionaries and translations out there are distorted, then we have a massive problem! Then how do we truly know what Salat and Zakat means???
Answer: We work through what we currently have with us and filter it ALL out with The Criterion (The Qur'an). Let me give you an example my brother. The Qur'an says:
"" Waannalmasaajida lillahi fala tada'oo ma'allaahi ahada. And [He revealed] that the masjids are for Allāh, so do not invoke WITH ALLAH ANYONE. {72:18}""
Notice that the verse does NOT say "min doonihi" (other than Him) or "min doonillaahi" (other than Allah) but says "MA'ALLAAHI" (along with or together with) Allah !!
This is significant because this is exactly what the majority of the muslims are doing in their current traditional daily Salat. Allow me to explain what I mean:
Muslims recite Surah Al-Fatiha in their Salat and say: "IYYAAKA NA'BUDU WE IYYAAKA NASTA'EEN" (You ALONE do we worship and You ALONE we seek help). By doing so they are CALLING or INVOKING Allah alone. However, their so-called 'Tashahhud' supplication violates this because it includes in it:
"Assalaamu ALAYKA ayyuhan-nabi (Peace be upon YOU O Prophet). Hang on a minute, isn't this CALLING or INVOKING the prophet??? Doesn't Allah tell us NOT to CALL or INVOKE along with Him ANYONE??? Then why do the majority of Muslims do this???
Apparently, this is not shirk according to the traditional Muslims because they claim that whenever we greet the Prophet in this way, the angels carry our salaams to him and Allah allegedly returns the soul of prophet Muhammad (a.s) to his body so that he can return our salaams. What kind of NONSENSE is this?? Are we expected to beleive this crap???
I hope you got the point my dear brother in Islam? We need to FILTER OUT everything (hadeeths, seera, fiqh books, etc) that clashes with the Qur'an so that it can be understood but ofcourse this is a life-long journey and we need to be patient.
Take care akhi and God bless!
@@negeto2460 Interesting debate between you guys just wanted to throw my two pennies worth into the hat as well.
I share the concerns of all the commentors. Qur'an would have been clearly understood at the time of the messenger by only a minority.
25:30 The Messenger has cried, “O my Lord! My people have indeed received this Quran with neglect.”
Basically things already started going wrong at the time of the messenger, so while God revealed a clear Qur'an full of guidance, most people had not understood it, or were guided by God.
This is understandable, as getting masses of people to move away from paganism and idolotrous practices was never going to just happen in one generation, it was always going to be a transitional thing right?
The major problem is though, is while that transition was taking place the ayahs from the Qur'an started getting reinterpreted by people who weren't fully onboard with the message, mixed in former practices, blended in other supposed traditions attributed those to the messenger and over the span of a few hundred years, the 'Islam' of today started to take shape.
So what I'm saying it, I don't think we have ever developed a complete and correct understanding of the Qur'an as it was meant to he taken and applied to daily life. Add the fact that with the invention of dictionaries, could have altered some crucial and key words to mean something else.
I guess what we have to ponder is if the message has remained intact and preserved as Allah says it has been and got to us in a way we can now understand clearly or if the things that have been done over past years has made it difficult for us to understand the Qur'an with the same clarity as was there at the time of revelation?
Not sure if I'm able to explain it well, but I'm not questioning the Qur'an itself which is indeed preserved but more so our ability to clearly understand it due to various factors that have been brought up by myself and the other commentors.
Saying that I don't believe Allah would hold it against us if we try to follow the Qur'an the best we can, while accepting there is no other God but him, he has no partners, and Muhammad is the messenger of God, that much is clear for everyone right? What I'm wondering is how big are the stumbling blocks such as prayer and hajj, if we fail to clearly understand what they are?
So when Allah said the Qur'an is clear and detailed, does that stand universally regardless of other factors that have made understanding it challenging as time has gone on, or is it still clear and detailed after all that has happened since revelation?
Shouldn't we be able to gain clear understanding of the entire body of the Qur'an regardless?
Not in any way whatsoever ever am I making a case for hadiths though. We MUST gain understanding of the Qur'an from the Qur'an 100%
Hope I'm making sense, rambling a bit, apologies for that.
Brother in VERSE 2-125 ALLAH tells us to take pray from the MUSSALLHA of IBRAHIM which is located in MECCA, and this pray was established in the time of IBRAHIM. So, ALLAH goes further than explaining the pray format 'he tells us where to get this format to witness the pray. The prophet MUHAMAD was told to follow the religion of IBRAHIM. The standing place of IBRAHIM is not only one monotheism but also a physical place in masjid al-haram. Because all prophets followed one monotheism. 'This is where many people are in difference amongst the QURAN alone followers 'This five pray format was happing since the time of IBRAHIM. Please look into this and reply back to me.
Well said brother but many Qur'an-aloners will disagree. Surely, the Salat is a concrete thing and not just some abstract concept. Thats why we need to keep studying and reflecting on the Ayat of Allah. And may Allah increase us in knowledge.
Masjid Al Haram wasnt in mecca
Negeto what nationality are you
Salaam Avni,
I'm Turkish 🙂
The etymology of the word "prayer" is a derivative of the Latin "precari", which means "to beg". now plug that in the place of salat to see if it makes any sense, no it doesn't.
Assalamoalaikum Brother I was doing research on Salat I found one more misconception regarding Tahajjud Salat as it is a very common practice in Muslims to offer various Rakaat in Tahajjud prayer. In (17:79)
وَمِنَ الَّيۡلِ بِهٖ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ ۖ عَسٰۤى اَنۡ يَّبۡعَـثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحۡمُوۡدًا
"And rise from sleep during the night96 as well- this is an additional Prayer for you.97 Possibly your Lord will raise you to an honored position"
the word Tahajjud is not even mentioned with Salat like Salatul Tahajjud as you can see in the above verse (17:78)
أَقِمِ ٱلشَّمۡسِ إِلَىٰ غَسَقِ ٱلَّيۡلِ وَقُرۡءَانَ ٱلۡفَجۡرِۖ إِنَّ قُرۡءَانَ ٱلۡفَجۡرِ كَانَ مَشۡهُودٗا
Salat is mentioned with prayer atleast.
One more thing if we keep following the (17:79) we can see It is pretty clear that tahajjud is for prayer time like Dua. If we follow (17:80) there is Dua there just on the next verse. And till (17:83) there is a clear sign that its a Dua time not salat time.
This is my understanding of Tahajjud. Rest Allah guide us all to the right path inshAllah.
*Who are الْمُصَلِّينَ the Musalleen ?*
Is it those who observe the ritual prayers ?
Lets find out.
70:19 Verily, man is created with an anxious disposition.
70:20 When they are afflicted, they complain,
70:21 And when good touches him, withholding [of it],
70:22 Except الْمُصَلِّينَ the MUSALLEEN.
70:23 *Those in their SALAT (صَلَاتِهِمْ) who are CONSTANT (دَائِمُونَ).*
70:24 *And They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their money/property (أَمْوَالِهِمْ)*
70:25 *for the needy (لِلسَّائِلِ) and the deprived (وَالْمَحْرُومِ),*
70:26 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who acknowledge/accept as true (يُصَدِّقُونَ) the Day of Judgment (بِيَوْمِ الدِّينِ),*
70:27 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who are afraid of the torment of their Lord,*
70:28 the punishment of their Lord is not something for them to feel secure of,
70:29 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who guard (حَافِظُونَ) their modesty*
70:30 Except from their spouses or what they possess rightfully then indeed, they (are) not blameworthy,
70:31 but whoever goes beyond this is a transgressor;
70:32 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises(وَعَهْدِهِمْ),*
70:33 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed (شَهَادَةَ),*
70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard يُحَافِظُونَ,*
70:35 such people will receive due honor in Paradise.
Further Clarification of ayahs 70:22-34
*Spending Wealth, Charity*
70:24 They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their money/property (Amwālihim أَمْوَالِهِمْ).
70:25 for the needy and the deprived,
Clarification :
[107:1] Do you know who rejects the deen
[107:2] Who turns away the orphan
[107:3] And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
[107:4] So woe to those "LILMUSALLEENA" لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ
[107:5] [But] who are heedless of their "SALAT" صَلَاتِهِمْ
[11:87] They said: "O Shu'ayb, does your SALAT order you that we leave what our fathers served, or that we do not do with our money/property (Amwālina أَمْوَالِنَا) as we please? It seems only you are the compassionate, the wise!"
[9:103] Take from their money/property(Amwālihim أَمْوَالِهِمْ) a charity (صَدَقَةً) to purify them and develop them with it, and make SALAT with them; for your SALAT is a tranquility for them; and God is Hearer, Knowledgeable.
*Belief, Qualities:*
70:26 (And Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment,
Clarification :
[27:3] Those who establish "SALAT" and contribute towards purification. *AND THOSE WHO ARE CERTAIN ABOUT THE LIFE-TO-COME.*
[4:162] who perform the "SALAT" diligently, and contribute towards purification, *AND BELIEVE IN ALLAH AND THE AFTERLIFE*
*Guarding Ones Modesty*
70:29 (Al Musalleen are the ones) who preserve their chastity
70:30 except from their spouses and those whom they rightfully possess [through wedlock], for which they incur no blame
Clarification :
[29:45] Recite, what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish "SALAT". *Indeed, "SALAT" prohibits immorality and wrongdoing,* and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.
*Fulfill Pledges, promises:*
70:32 (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises,
Clarification :
[2:177] ...establish "SALAT", and contribute towards purification, *AND FULFILL THE PLEDGES/PROMISES MADE BY THEM.*
*Truthful Testimony*
70:33 And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed (بِشَهَادَاتِهِمْ),
Clarification :
[5:106] O you who believe, witnessing (شَهَادَةُ) shall be done if death is approaching one of you and a will is being made, by two among you who are equitable. If you have gone forth in the land, and death is approaching, then any two may suffice - if you have a doubt regarding them, then detain them after making the *SALAT,* and they will swear by God: "We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a near relative, *AND WE WILL NOT CONCEAL THE TESTIMONY (شَهَادَةَ)* of God, else we are of the sinners."
*Guard the Salat*
70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard يُحَافِظُونَ,*
Clarification :
[6:92] And this is a Book which We have sent down, blessed, authenticating what is between his hands, and that you may warn the capital of the towns and those around it. And those who believe in the Hereafter believe in it, *AND THEY GUARD THEIR SALAT.*
Salat is not a ritual prayer.
Quran(الْقُرْآنِ) Alone(وَحْدَهُ)
*Who are الْمُصَلِّينَ the Musalleen ?*
Is it those who observe the ritual prayers ?
Lets find out.
70:19 Verily, man is created with an anxious disposition.
70:20 When they are afflicted, they complain,
70:21 And when good touches him, withholding [of it],
70:22 Except الْمُصَلِّينَ the MUSALLEEN.
70:23 *Those who are CONSTANT in their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ.*
70:24 *And They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their property*
70:25 *for the needy and the deprived,*
70:26 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment,*
70:27 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who are afraid of the torment of their Lord,*
70:28 the punishment of their Lord is not something for them to feel secure of,
70:29 *And (Al Musalleen are the ones) who guard their carnal desires*
70:30 Except from their spouses or what they possess rightfully then indeed, they (are) not blameworthy,
70:31 but whoever goes beyond this is a transgressor;
70:32 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises,*
70:33 *And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed,*
70:34 *And (Al Musalleen are) those who, on their SALAT صَلَاتِهِمْ keep a guard,*
70:35 such people will receive due honor in Paradise.
Further Clarification of ayahs 70:22-34
*Spending Wealth, Charity*
70:24 They (Al Musalleen) are those who assign a certain share of their property
70:25 for the needy and the deprived,
Clarification :
[107:1] Do you know who rejects the deen
[107:2] Who turns away the orphan
[107:3] And does not encourage the feeding of the poor.
[107:4] So woe to those "LILMUSALLEENA" لِّلْمُصَلِّينَ
[107:5] [But] who are heedless of their "SALAT" صَلَاتِهِمْ
*Belief, Qualities:*
70:26 (And Musalleen are those) who acknowledge the Day of Judgment,
Clarification :
[27:3] Those who establish "SALAT" and contribute towards purification. AND THOSE WHO ARE CERTAIN ABOUT THE LIFE-TO-COME.
*Guarding Ones Modesty*
70:29 (Al Musalleen are the ones) who preserve their chastity
70:30 except from their spouses and those whom they rightfully possess [through wedlock], for which they incur no blame
Clarification :
[29:45] Recite, what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish "SALAT". Indeed, "SALAT" prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And Allah knows that which you do.
*Fulfill Pledges, promises:*
70:32 (Al Musalleen are those) who honor their trust and promises,
Clarification :
[2:177] establish "SALAT", and contribute towards purification, AND FULFILL THE PLEDGES/PROMISES MADE BY THEM.
*Truthful Testimony*
70:33 And (Al Musalleen are those) who testify to what they have witnessed,
Clarification :
[5:106] O you who believe, witnessing shall be done if death is approaching one of you and a will is being made, by two among you who are equitable. If you have gone forth in the land, and death is approaching, then any two may suffice - if you have a doubt regarding them, then detain them after making the *SALAT,* and they will swear by God: "We will not purchase with it any price, even if it was from a near relative, and we will not conceal the testimony of God, else we are of the sinners."
وَكَذَلِكَ نُفَصِّلُ الآيَاتِ وَلِتَسْتَبِينَ سَبِيلُ الْمُجْرِمِينَ
And it is such that We explain the revelations, and point out the way of the criminals.(6:55)
Quran Only
Your translation is not correct, and consequently your conclusion is also not correct. Why do you rely on a translation? "Qur'an only" means nothing else besides the Qur'an. Right now you're more of a "translation only" person.
@@kinanlaham744 you wrote : "Your translation is not correct, and consequently your conclusion is also not correct. Why do you rely on a translation? "Qur'an only" means nothing else besides the Qur'an. Right now you're more of a "translation only" person."
response : cognitive dissonance
*[Chapter 43: The Gold Adornments, Az-Zukhruf, الزُّخْرُف : Verse 78]*
لَقَدْ جِئْنَاكُم بِالْحَقِّ وَلَٰكِنَّ أَكْثَرَكُمْ لِلْحَقِّ كَارِهُونَ
[43:78] *We have come to you with the truth, but most أَكْثَرَكُمْ of you hate the truth لِلْحَقِّ.*
@@ironman4093 your response is "cognitive dissonance", really? When someone presents to you an argument, think about it and see if you accept it or show why that argument is wrong.
And no, "Iron" Man, you are not God, nor did you come to me with the truth.
Good luck.
@@kinanlaham744 salaam brother Kinan,
We already had similar discussions in my other videos regarding the arabic language and translations. Brother, does Allah expect EACH & EVERYONE of us to master the arabic language for our guidance and salvation?? Only about 10% of the Muslim population knows arabic my friend so are most of us doomed??
Another question for you: How do we know that the Arabic spoken today is the same as the Qur'anic arabic??
Brother, we have no choice but to rely on some arabic-to-english translations. But we must also excercise our faculty of reasoning to get the 'gist' of what our Creator commands from us.
May Allah increase us in knowledge.
@@negeto2460 Salam brother,
The core of my argument is that you guys are translation-only group. Your reply confirms my argument. Your questions are not relevant and will not change the fact that you rely heavily on translations. Don't tell me you have no choice. It is your problem that you mastered English and didn't do the same with Arabic. Since you don't know Arabic, find an honest Arab Christian, for instance, and show him the verses in the Qur'an that talk about Mary and see if he understands these verses. This simple test should answer your sincere question above. Your other question is mixing things up. If you want to claim that صلاة and قبلة mean something totally different than what all the Arabs understood, then yes you have to master Arabic. As for now, you are getting the 'gist' of what the translations are saying.
May Allah ﷻ guide us to His straight path.
*God's Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void 2:115. No any Physical Rituals in Quran. Quran tells in 2:177 that Rituals are NOT A GOOD Deed. Physical rituals in which Ritualist worships Kaaba (made of stones), is pure Idol Worship*
Ritiual solat are from zoroaster teaching
you could not determine the correct meaning of "Salat" because you dint try to find it and are confused with it as this word is used for performing ritual or something else.
In order to determine the correct meaning of "Salat" first you have know this word comes in Quran in Random order or it comes with some specific context. then you will be able to know what is the actual meaning of "Salat".
i will give you hint dont translate it just "Following closely" or "duty" translate it as "follow this duty" or "follow this given law or duty" in the context where this word occurs check it context you will find some type of order or law is given to obey.
then you will know why at one place All said wash your face read the context you will find out.
another place "Salat" (Salat with time) is only for one person, confuse people try to make "Salat" for all, are you trying to say Allah had made mistake in that verse he is ordering for one person, and you are making it for all.
Thank you for your feedback and may Allah bless you. My job is to simply make "Bayyinah" of the Verses - it is Allah Himself who explains His Ayat in detail. I'm not trying to convince people of anything but trying to make you think, reflect, and ponder. I'm trying to build a 'bridge' between my Qur'an-only brothers and the Traditional Muslims.
If you believe it means "following closely" or "duty" or "ritual prayer", then ask yourself this:
Is my Salat IN LINE with or CONSISTENT with the Qur'anic verses?
Peace 🙂
@@negeto2460 it is not matter of convincing people it is what you have understood.
if you have not understood what salat is then why did you made this video.
infect if Allah is the who explain his Ayat than again why are you making these videos.
Your argument is illogical.
@@Ishraqiyyun salaam again brother,
You are missing the point i was trying to make. It was the Messenger Muhammad's duty to make 'bayyina' of the Verses (See 16:44 and 16:64) and it was also the duty of EVERY Messenger (see 14:4). It was also the duty of those before us (banee Israel) to make 'bayyina' of Allah's Verses (see 3:187). Therefore, it is a duty on ALL of us to do 'bayyina' (to make clear, known, evident, etc) the Verses of Allah to people.
Allah Himself also makes 'bayyina' of His Verses. However, Allah goes one step further and EXPLAINS IN DETAIL His Verses (see 6:55, 6:105, 6:114, 11:1, 17:41, 41:44). Please watch my video called "Who explains the Qur'an" to make sense of this.
God bless 🙂
@@negeto2460 i really dint get your point. if Allah has to explain the Quran then why you are making these videos.
What kind of massage you are trying to give to people with your videos if your are not explaining the Quran.
@@Ishraqiyyun please watch my video called "Who explains the Quran" to see the DIFFERENCE between making "Bayyina" and "Explaining":
Peace 🙂
It is just a small group of Quran only people who think that salah isn't a ritualistic prayer. Actually Quran only muslims are very commited to the 5x times a day salah because it is clearly described in the Quran and is one of the reason when not followed to enter into jahannam.
😂😂😂 Are you kidding me just type salah quran only in UA-cam, they will give you headache
nice presentation and interesting information. But it would be great if you can reduce the passive aggressive tone in the video. No need to keep on repeating, whatever salat means to you, whatever bow means to you, whatever sujud means to you. If you don't want to share your opinions then just do a video with just words and some music in the background, and just share the verse.
the repeating of "whatever you think salat means" multiple times in the video is just too tiring to listen, and it takes away from the information you trying to convey.
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you. I do tent to get alittle 'emotional' in my videos and I will be looking at ways to improve my presentation skills in the future insha'Allah.
Asalaamu alaikum brother
Thanks for the presentation. However I feel this should be listed as Part 1 of Salah. The reason being you have not gone into full details of the actions of Salah from Quran, i.e. where to pray, when to bow, when to prostrate, etc. What to say, supplication, recitations... You need to also make bayyinah of those and not leave others wondering how to actually perform the complete 'prayer'.
Telling the people to interpret salah the way they think or feel only causes confusion and division. How are you supposed to pray in congregation when everybody has their own thoughts/understanding/actions of salah? You need to seriously consider these issues before telling others to make up their own minds about words/commands in the Quran. It is absurd and borderline misguidance to leave the masses to create their own ways to worship Allah.
JazakhAllahu khairan brother and I hope you can answer the above and expand on it.
Also it would be interesting to make presentations of the following:
1. what is zina
2. what is taghut
3. who is our awliya/s
4. friday khutba
5. sharia law
6. heaven and hell for who
7. zakat
8. awrah (covering onself)
9. hijab/niqab
10. prohibited foods
Wa alaykum salaam my dear brother,
Thank you for your comments and may Allah reward you. The problem with telling people or giving them a whole list of instructions (A to Z) on how to perform Salat is that there are 2 extremes:
You have the Traditional muslims saying: "it's a 5 times a day ritual prayer" and you cannot question the traditions and the scholars of theirs. And you then have the Qur'an-only muslims saying: "its NOT ritual prayer" and have their own opinions about what it is. For example, some say it's 'following closely' or 'adherence' or 'salah sessions' or 'duty' or whatever else. Both sides of these extremes are CONFUSING brother!
For this reason I made the video so that people can start thinking, reflecting, pondering, and reasoning. My advice to people would be to REEVALUATE or RETHINK your current position regarding Salat and make it match the guidelines within the Qur'an.
Remember, the Qur'an is a life-long journey my brother so let's enjoy the ride by striving to the best of our abilities. We cannot expect to have all the answers at once so having patience is crucial.
Thanks again and God bless.
Peace 🙂
JazakhAllahu khairan my brother for replying.
I fully understand your concerns about these 2 extremes and appreciate that you are trying your upmost best to make people aware of their purpose from the Devine Book of Allah.
It would be a very beneficial outcome if you can add to this as a 2nd video of 'salah actions' and delve into the subject so that the people can perform 'the prayer' as the Prophets/Messengers did.
I believe you have a sincere heart and you really want to engage people with the Quran and believe that this discourse will purify you and your viewers by being conscious of Allah and knowing that we have His Book but did not do justice to it. May Allah make it easy for us to implement His way.
I hope you consider making video presentations of the topics I mentioned to you previously. Your methodology is very much appreciated and I like your style.
baarakAllahu feek
Also brother I would just like to add that I am more inclined to the actions of prayers that have been passed to us from narrations as it matches with the Quran. However I believe there has been additions that are not required and which have no basis to what our Salah should be to Allah. For example the Tashahhud, finger movements and saying salaam right to left.
What Quranists have said I would think twice as it does not match with the overall worshipping of Allah mentioned in Quran. For example women are advised to be at home and perform salah, so therefore how can they take part in these so called "salah sessions"? I believe it is a private prayer with our Lord in our homes and then we gather on a Friday to perform it in congregation. In between those prayers we do dhikr of Allah and to do bayyinah of the Quran's verses to ourselves, our families, companions and community.
I would be very weary of some of these 'theories' that Quranists are putting out there. Allah knows best.
JazakhAllahu khairan akhi
@@ADAM_lahMAN wa alaykum salam brother Adam,
Thank you for your comments and may Allah bless you.
Whatever it is that we incline to beleive Salat to be, as long as we match it to the GUIDELINES (Do's and Dont's) within the Qur'an. If you beleive that it's ritual prayer, then you should filter it out through the Qur'an and you mentioned the example of the so-called 'Tashahhud' that comes from narrations & traditions.
For example, 'greeting' the prophet or sending 'blessings' upon him in your Salat has NO BASIS from a Qur'anic standpoint! I find it very strange that Muslims would recite in their Salat:
"Assalaamu ALAYKA ayyuhan-nabi (Peace be upon YOU O Prophet)".
This is LITERALLY calling or invoking the prophet! Well, can the prophet hear your salaams and can he respond to them???Apparently, this is not shirk according to the traditional Muslims because they claim that whenever we 'greet' the Prophet in this way, the angels carry our salaams to him and Allah allegedly returns the soul of prophet Muhammad (a.s) to his body so that he can return our salaams. What kind of NONSENSE is this?? Are we expected to beleive this crap??
On the other side of the scale, we have our Qur'an-only brothers who want to reject ANYTHING that is outside of the Qur'an. Anything that even remotely represents Islam like history, hadeeths, fiqh books, etc. Surely, the Qur'an has sime kind of HISTORY does it not??? Did it just drop from the sky and noone knows its background? For example, how do we know that Muhammad (a.s) existed over 1400 years ago?
Anyways, you're on the rite track my brother and I pray that Allah guides us and keeps us on the straight path (Siratim Musteqeem).
Peace 🙂
@Adam I agree with what you say here.. however, given that Negeto has logical blind spots, makes things up and can't answer a question by addressing the actual 'question'.. why would you want him to or value his take on the 10 subjects you suggest? His Salat videos, including the one he deleted, and his responses to comments, prove he's not to be taken seriously..
Wow 😂😂 mehdi You compare with Mahad , Mahad is mean Quran or existing scripture ... not crib.
No need to overcomplicate the term salat. Salat means prayer. More specially "contact prayers" . Salat is connected and linked with zakat Charity. The two are inextricably linked 🖇️ . You can't do one without the other.
*Quranic Salat is not any kind of Ritual Prayer. Quran tells us in 2:177 that Rituals are not a good deed.* Five daily Rituals were imported from Zoroastrians. These Rituals in which Ritualists worship Kaaba (made of stones) is not different from Hindu's Idol Worship of Shiva or Vishnu Idols. Sunni and Shia have converted Kaaba into an Idol.
God tells us that his Quran is Complete and detailed 16;89, 6:114. But we do not see any detail of Five daily Rituals in Quran. Even Quran does not mention the number of Rakat of five Sunni Rituals. Quran does not contain text of Tashahhud. *Quran never tells that Prostrating to Kaaba is part of Quranic Salat. Quran never ordains to Prostrate to or toward Kaaba 2:115.*
Quran tells in 24:41 that even birds follow Salat. If meaning of Salat is Rituals; then Mr. Ritualist: tell us: do bird pray rituals like Sunni or Shia or like followers of Rashad Khalifa "submitters"? Do Bird shout Non-Quranic Sunni Adhan or Non-Quranic Shia Adhan before praying their rituals? Do birds place their forehead on ground in order to prostrate of Kaaba (of stones) *like Pre-Quranic Meccan Pagans?*
*Truth is: Rituals are 101% Idol worship in which Rituals worship Kaaba which is made of stones. Quran tells us function of Kaaba in 5:95, 5:97 and that function has no relation with Rituals.*
*Is there any verse in Quran which tells that Physical Prostration (Sujud) is part of Quranic Salat? No.*
*Quran tells us in 55:6 and **22:18** that even all animals, Sun, Stars, moon and mountains follow Sujud/Sajadah.* If in Quran, meanings of Sujud is to place forehead on ground (like idol worshipers) toward Kaaba which is made of Stones and Cement; then have you ever seen any Elephant entering in any Masjid; cleaning its rectum with water; doing Wudhu, and then Shouting either Sunni brand or Shia brand non-Quranic Adhan in hugely bigggg loud speaker? Does that Elephant place its forehead on ground toward Kaaba?
*If in Quran, meaning of Sujud is to place forehead on ground; then have you ever seen Mountain Himalaya walking barefooted toward a Masjid and* then praying Rituals after placing its forehead on ground toward Kaaba? Quran has used ROOT-Meaning of word Sajadah and that is "Humble to Divine Law". Stars, Sun, Moon, Animals and Mountains all humble to Divine law.
*To Sum Up:*
*From this pure-rational discussion, even a person with half-brain can realize that Quranic Salat is NOT ANY KIND of Pooja-Pot Rituals. People who try to prove their Rituals from Quran are indeed cheating themselves. These Rituals in which person prostrate to Kaaaba is HUNDRED PERCENT IDOL WORSHIP 2:115. Several verses of Quran make clear that God is Omnipresent **50:16**, 57:3, 57:4, 58:7, 2:115, 2:142, 2:177, 2:186, **24:35**, 67:13, 20:7, 13:9-10, 56:83-84-85, 4:108, **6:59**, 2:255, 6:103, **34:50**, 11:61, 5:109, 7:7, 4:126, 10:61. Therefore; God is not confined to Vatican or Jerusalem or to any Meccan Cube. Whichever direction you turn, there is presence of God. God is Omnipresent 2:115. So, God is not confined to any specific direction because due to his Omnipresence, all directions belong to Him 2:115. When He is closer to you than even your Neck-Vein **50:16**; then why should you search him thousands Kilometer far in Mecca or in Sky? Search him in your own HOUSE. You can talk to Him any time when you are standing on the peak of Himalaya or you are walking in a deep vale. He is al-Samih and al-Basir, and listens not just your each word but He also knows your each thought. His Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void*
6:59 ....No leaf falls but He knows it....
وَلِلَّهِ ٱلْمَشْرِقُ وَٱلْمَغْرِبُ فَأَيْنَمَا تُوَلُّوا۟ فَثَمَّ وَجْهُ ٱللَّهِ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ وَٰسِعٌ عَلِيمٌ
*Quran 2:115 To God belong the East and the West. Whichever way you turn, there is God’s presence. God is Omnipresent and Omniscient. (Itani)*
His Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void
His Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void
His Omnipresence makes all Physical Directional Rituals null and Void
Meaning of Aqimu-Salat is "To Establish Divine System according to Divine Laws, and then Stick to Divine laws". Salat means also: Dua and meditation upon God. Salat means: also to support/Back/Salwan some one. Salat means also Meetings/Ijtamah of Salat like Salat-Juma. This is why: Quran never mentions any Ritual during Salat Juma. Juma is weekly gathering of Muslims to discuss problems and to solve problems according to Divine law. Classes to teach Quran are also part of Salat.
Mahdi means the "Guided One" as a character of an individual (i.e Muhammad) , not a messianic figure like the muslims believe now.
it comes from the word Muhtadi (the process of knowing / gaining knowledge - wisdom) we are all Muhtadi. Mahdi is the Objective / Object in our lives.
Zakat word also , corrouptted by tyrant arab leader ( arabic ppl who was collaborator of leader ).
Allah doesn’t need your physical bowing and prostration.
The Video title is:
What is Salat and What does it mean ACCORDING to The Quran?
Does Negeto in this video prove or even explain WHAT Salat actually IS?
Answer is: NO
Does he prove or explain WHAT Salat MEANS literally in The Quran?
Answer is: NO
But Negeto thinks he does..
Let that sink in... 🤔
Thank you for the great video and explanation. It helps a lot to improve our understanding of the book. But one point though rakabe should not mean slave. There are no slaves now and how will this ayat apply to us?
All the ayats in quran must be relevant to all the ages.
Rakabe does not mean one who has heavy buelrden on his or her back /neck? In other words, one who is great difficulty and unable to lift the burden on their own?
Someone in huge debt for instance is rakabe or someone who is unable to honor a commtment made thus in great trouble due to this.
Yes, it could also mean as you say:" someone with a great burden" or in "debt". May Allah give us understanding
Sujud and ruku don’t mean physical movements and Salat does not mean ritual , check Said Mirza and Sam Gerrans