I used to wind on with the old disposables! And took em to the chemist! And got shit photos developed of fingers and blank screens! :D And I'm only 15! haha! xx
even if you remember when whatever... the joke is to capture the time frame and the 'back when' so you get it! take it as stride. His angle is piss funny!!
I remember those days.God,I'm old too.
Love love love his energy always.
Best comic in Australia. So awesome!!
He is the man!
I remember them and I'm 13
Tom probably had a heart attack when he discovered Instagram.
OMG tom is hilarious pissed myself XD
I remember wind cameras and Im 18.
I remember them and I'm an infant. (Am I doing it right, UA-cam?)
I used to wind on with the old disposables! And took em to the chemist! And got shit photos developed of fingers and blank screens! :D
And I'm only 15! haha! xx
At 1:00 he's wrong, you waste the rest of the roll so you can go get it developed.
even if you remember when whatever... the joke is to capture the time frame and the 'back when' so you get it! take it as stride. His angle is piss funny!!