That is interesting but it would be too much for a single video, I was thinking about making a small course on Facial recognition and its applications, along with other interesting things.
hello sir i have implemented the eye drowsy detection using dlib and i have added background image to be realistic in the frame but as i added the images and managed with the threshold the programs runs but it lags and detection is not done as expected what to do..can u respond that how i can add a image in the background in the frame and implement eye detection
Hi Sadaqat, it's already performing face detection on a webcam video in the last cell of the jupyter notebook, you just have to modify the last cell to read the video from the disk instead of the webcam.
I was thinking of making a face recog video on most popular methods, but that video idea was just too long, I'll see if I can squeeze something like that in future videos.
A single stop to know about all face detector models ....thank you sir!
Thanks you
what is the course and is it live?i just find it similar what i saw in my office as intern.production grade kT.
Salam Taha bhai. I would really appreciate if you share your knowledge about the most robust one to many facial recognition algorithms.
That is interesting but it would be too much for a single video, I was thinking about making a small course on Facial recognition and its applications, along with other interesting things.
hello sir i have implemented the eye drowsy detection using dlib and i have added background image to be realistic in the frame but as i added the images and managed with the threshold the programs runs but it lags and detection is not done as expected what to do..can u respond that how i can add a image in the background in the frame and implement eye detection
Can't open "models/deploy.prototxt" in function 'cv::dnn::ReadProtoFromTextFile' getting this error when using opencv dnn
Hi Taqi, please make sure that deploy.prototxt file is present in the models directory.
i'm getting this error in using mediapipe,
INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate for CPU.
help me out
agr ham video insert karna chaty hain or video pr face detection chaty hain to kaha pr kaya changing karni paray gi please tell me as soon as possible
Hi Sadaqat, it's already performing face detection on a webcam video in the last cell of the jupyter notebook, you just have to modify the last cell to read the video from the disk instead of the webcam.
Please make course on face recognition. I am using opencv lbph algorithm but it is not working great
I was thinking of making a face recog video on most popular methods, but that video idea was just too long, I'll see if I can squeeze something like that in future videos.