I’m 61 years old and bought this in 9/17 on Amazon. At the time I had very bad balance. Since then I’ve learned to ski and decided it was time to revisit the Hoverboard. Last night I road it-fell twice, but got up. I’m just barely starting to get the hang of it. I like it. Thanks for this video.
Great Video! I just got 2 of these. We love them. What fun. It took me a little practice, but my 14, 16, & 17 yr old nephews where up and riding immediately. I can't believe you didn't fall on the ice. I am glad we got the EPIKGO, too!
Tyler Bruursema I do have plans for more videos, life has been getting in the way lately, and UA-cam’s demonetization of my channel has slowed things down a bit, but I have some more plans soon
I’m 61 years old and bought this in 9/17 on Amazon. At the time I had very bad balance. Since then I’ve learned to ski and decided it was time to revisit the Hoverboard. Last night I road it-fell twice, but got up. I’m just barely starting to get the hang of it. I like it. Thanks for this video.
Great Video! I just got 2 of these. We love them. What fun. It took me a little practice, but my 14, 16, & 17 yr old nephews where up and riding immediately. I can't believe you didn't fall on the ice. I am glad we got the EPIKGO, too!
Terrie M It is by far my favorite board to ride!
I have to agree. Very cool! Thanks for your great video. I am waiting for the hover board without wheels! I hope I live that long! LOL
Terrie M that would be amazing!
Great video review definitely loud and clear!😎👍
Just subscribed to your channel!😎
Is that the classic
Nice! Drift busting with a hoverboard! lol
How fast does it go and for how long?
liljared711 approximately 10mph and 10 mile range.
mr4x4s oh nice I’m gonna get it and hover my way to mayhem 😈
are the tires hard rubber or soft and if soft how soft
Mark Sloan tires are solid rubber and fairly hard compound.
Why don’t you upload any more
Tyler Bruursema I do have plans for more videos, life has been getting in the way lately, and UA-cam’s demonetization of my channel has slowed things down a bit, but I have some more plans soon
Ok I wish you luck I thinks it’s cool how we live in the same state!
Tyler Bruursema nice, didn’t realize you were fellow Montanan !
Solid tyres treaded is not as good as 10inch air tyres I don't think.
Does the hoverboard come with a european charger?
Ashish Ghimire mine did not...
Halo rover was the first and I have one its a little bit better than that but more expensive
Carson Gwin Halo... Epikgo... they are the same board inside... if you want to give credit, they are both a copy of the Kiwano board...
It might help if you weren’t riding it backwards
Caleb Riddle at night?... maybe. During the day? Nope!
I was texting and hovering is that illegal