Txiv hlob aw kuv nyiam kj lub suab lo lus thiab koj cov dab neeg heev uas lub sij hawm swv kuv pw ♥️♥️ kuv caum kj los tau 2 xyoo no lawm yog lam zoo li siab xav mas ib hnub ib zaj 😁
Koom xeem yeej sib yuav tau. Koom ntshav mas sib yuav tsis tau. Lub xeem mas hloov tau nws thiaj tsis tseem ceeb. Ntshav mas hloov tsis tau yog li thiaj tseem ceeb heev.
Qhov Ib lub xeem sib yuav tsuas yog Hmoob thiaj tias yuav tsis tau xwb tab sis ho cia muam yug nus yug họ tso sib yuav Hmoob mas txawv dhau lm os mab sua lawv Ib lub xeem yeej yuav tau tab sis muam yug nus yug lv tsis pub yuav vim lawv tias koom ib co roj ntshav lm
The most gut wrenching and tragic kind of love is the one you cannot have. Yog tsis yog yus ces yus cem thiab nyos tau, tab sis tsam yog yus ces ntshe yuav mob siab ib zag ib zag tsis txawj zoo li.
Tij laug koj tham tau zoo kawg, thov txij li no mus lawm yav tom ntej, peb Hmoob yuav tau qhuab qhia tej tub, tej ntxhais tsis hais koj xeem, kuv xeem tsis txhob sib tham, sib deev li ntawv lawm, vim tias ua li ntawv rhuav2 peb Hmoob lub npe, lub meej mom li, peb yuav tsum khaws coj txiv nais phoos Vaj Pov lo lus, es kom peb Hmoob thiaj li tsis sib rhuav phlu lawm os, txawm yog muam yug, nus yug sib yuav los vim nws twb muaj nws ib lub xeem lawm ne, es thiaj tsis rhuav peb Hmoob phlu, tej laus twb xij hais tias kom txhob ua ntsaum ces txawm yog li zaj dab neeg no los ma
Ib lub xeem sib yuav tsis ua cas li os kuv xav na peb moob yuav tau hloov peb cov kev cai vwm vwm no nawb neeg txawv teb chaws luag vam meej tshaj luag twb tsis ua li peb moob vwm no os yuav li cas los yuav tsuav txhob yog yus tus muam hauv tsev xwb ma
Xuaj dhau lawm os tos luag tej laus hais tias tsob txiv ntoo thaum zeeg yeej ntws mus tsis deb ntawm lub hauv paus no lo yeej li riag , cov neeg zoo li no tuag kom tag los tau , tuag kom tag los haj yam zoo 😡
Since the early 2000, I've seen a lot of Hmoob people with the same last name getting married in the USA. Mostly From the Vang families. While uncommon in the world....I find it really interesting.
No offense to you Fuji but its true about Vangs. During high school, whenever we hear of a someone dating someone of the same last name, it’s usually a Vang
No, nej xav yuam kev lawm xwb yuav tsis yog tas xeem hmoob vaj li nej xav os tsuas yog qee tus neeg siab lim ham tsis leem cai xwb. Nej txhob to taub yuam qhov tseeb tiag yav thaum ub hmoob tsis xyaum li luag lwm haiv neeg mab dawb es yus yuav txiv es yus muab yus lub xeem pauv ua tus txiv lub xeem yuav ua rau cov hluas tiam tshiab no tsis nkag siab thiaj xav li xav tias Vang yuav vang no.
That is awesome story we hmoob supposed to be like that today so we can make more so we can make clans & more people than now! Plus best of hmoob right? What you think?
Yes yog kawg mas,..txawm yog li ntawd kuv thiaj li muaj ib tug phooj ywg,.. mas ua li nws hais..os nws mas thiaj li tseem2 yog 100% vaj tauj vaj tiag2 li. Thaum kuv hnov thiab puab li nonua rau kuv fell very wear and can't believe that during that time it's actually happened for real.
Phoojywg Tej kev sib yuav li no tsis pom qab yuav hais li os....! Yeej muaj li no tiag. Tabsis, Niaj hnub no kiag hauv USA no Los yeej muaj txhua XEEM siv txoj cais coob heev li lawm os..! Hais tiag Luag lwm HAIV NEEG lawv SIV TXOJ CAI no Los ntev lawm. Tabsis, 5 tiam neeg (5 Generations) ces luag twb sib yuav tau lawm mas!
Xyoo 1989-1990 nyob rau peb lub zos Phuv Meem ntawm qaum Paj Xas pem twb muaj ib khub nkauj nraug hmoob yaj sib tham sib deev muaj ib tug me ab ntxhais kiag lawm tiam sis niam txiv lawv tsis pub sib yuav tom qab no tus hluas nraug khiav tuaj nyob hauv St Paul, MN lawm hos tus hluas nkauj mus yuav ib tug txiv hmoob xyooj ces hmoov tsis muaj tus hluas nkauj ho tau xiam lawm no. Kuv xav tias yog peb ib lub xeem los sib yuav tau ntshe yuav zoo dua vim qhov ntawv yuav txiav los sis cais tau peb txoj kev cib nyeej ua plaub pim plaub qau thiab thiaj li tsis muaj kev cais pab cais pawg, lub xeem tsis yog peb siv los ua tshoob ua kos li yawg hlob vaj pov hais peb muab siv los sib cais ua plaub ua ntug los tau ntau xyoo dhau lawm
My prediction will be that in the future when hmong traditional beliefs are not being retained or practiced n more acculturated into the mainstraim cultures same last name marriages will be more common.
Brother Fuji aw kuv xav hais lus txhawb zog rau koj os. Zoo li ib ntus no koj tsis hais dab neeg heev lawm tab si kuv tseem tos mloog koj li dab neeg dab heev li os. Tej zaum muaj neeg hais lus txo txo koj zog lawm es koj thiaj tsis hais lawm tab si kuv xav qhia koj tias koj qhov strength yog hais dab neeg dab thiab dab neeg action es txhob tso tseg es tsuag zuj zus li lawm nawb. Muaj neeg follow koj coob coob heev li peb cov tos tos koj muaj coob coob nawb,. Txhob K txog tias lwm tus hais thuam txoj koj kev puav dab neeg os kav tsij piav peb tau mloog nawb Brother Fuji Ua tsaug os
Kuv xaav mas 3 yuav tsum muab loov moos, tsi yog kwv tij xwb ces yuav tau......zoo dhua le kawg dhaab laus tub yuav muam nyaaj ntxhais........raws le 3 nyob nyaab laaj teb luas koom xeem luas yeej yuav tau le, luas yus tau miv tub miv nyuas yeej ntse tshaaj 3. Cuas yog 3 hmoob haj Le coj tej kev cai no ntev le ntev xwb, xaav vaam meej 3 yuav tau hlooov pauv 3 tas tas.....
Love to hear more of these stories as we no longer have the old folks to tell us no more..please do tell more of the stories so we know more about it to tell our kids in the future
My aunt daughter is a Lee and she didn’t listen to her parents, she went off and Married to a Lee guy too. Their life was ok, but never have gut to come visit her family nor his family. They are on there on worlds. After have couple kids sickness catch up to them. They don’t know what to do, then they finally come apologize to both their family to forgive them.
Cag tug yug hlub thiab yug yiam eg hạ tseem yog yug ib xeem thiab og tu siab tshaj qlhawg li og tij laug aw
zoo heev os tij
Txiv hlob aw kuv nyiam kj lub suab lo lus thiab koj cov dab neeg heev uas lub sij hawm swv kuv pw ♥️♥️ kuv caum kj los tau 2 xyoo no lawm yog lam zoo li siab xav mas ib hnub ib zaj 😁
ua tsaug koj cov lus txhawb siab os lov
Kv nyiam koj hai dab neeg heev li os tij laug kv ma mloog tag mloog dhua g paub Dhuav li os
Koom xeem yeej sib yuav tau. Koom ntshav mas sib yuav tsis tau. Lub xeem mas hloov tau nws thiaj tsis tseem ceeb. Ntshav mas hloov tsis tau yog li thiaj tseem ceeb heev.
Yog kawg. piv li tus nrauj nrog niam ces twb mus tau lub xeem tov, yog li txawm ib lub xeem los yuav tsis txhaum
Zoo mloog heev li os txiv hlob
Zoo heev li os ntxiv hlob 🥰🥰
Txiv hlob koj piav koj txoj dab neeg maum pha soon ntxawm li cas lawm tos Los ntev heev li lawm os
Tham tau zoo heev li zoo mloog heev li
Rov mloog kj tham dab neeg dua lawm os
Yog....tseem tos koj li dab neeg kawg oh
Zaj nov zoo kawg thiab tij laug
Yog kawg ..zos naj nyoos
Bình luận nhiều nhiều ủng hộ chú
Bn ơi ngu dốt ngt ko bt tiến Việt Nam đau
kj hais tau zoo kawg os tij laug
Txiv ntxawm ua tsawg rau kj txoj kev tham txog peb hmoob lub neej qub qab o
Mob siab kawg ua cas peb hmoob ib xeem ho sib yuav g tau li luag lwm haiv neeg ne 🥺🥺 cas cov niav txiv g hlub tej tub tej ntxhais li 😢😢
Hai tau zoo hv li os
Zoo heev li mav
to ntev kawg li lm g tham dab neeg peb mloog li ib ntu no kj ua dab g lm na tij laug
Koj piav mas lom zem kawg
Tham tau zoo heev. Ua tsaug ntau.
zoo noog kg os tij laug
Txiv ntxhawm thov kj haig txog txoj kev sib yuav uag ob leeg koom ib lub xyoo og
Tam sim no kv muaj ib tus phauj kwv tij nws twb rov mus yuav tus yawm yij yog ib lub xeem tiam sis nyias nyob nyias zos xwb
Qhov Ib lub xeem sib yuav tsuas yog Hmoob thiaj tias yuav tsis tau xwb tab sis ho cia muam yug nus yug họ tso sib yuav Hmoob mas txawv dhau lm os mab sua lawv Ib lub xeem yeej yuav tau tab sis muam yug nus yug lv tsis pub yuav vim lawv tias koom ib co roj ntshav lm
yog kawg os, ib lub xeem ces ho tsis paub sib hu lawm xwb
Hos muaj niam tij quas rau kwv es ho tsis qias. Cov neeg tsim hmoob cov kev cai no Kuv xav paub tias yog leej twg.
tseg tus koom dab qhua xwb.
Cov koom đab qhuag thiaj yuav tsis tau xwb
Txiv ntxawm Txhua zau tshuas no koi hais dab neeg zau no yeej mua tiag nyob peb teb chaw nyab laj sab qauv teb o hmoob yaj yuav hmoob yaj law tiag
The most gut wrenching and tragic kind of love is the one you cannot have. Yog tsis yog yus ces yus cem thiab nyos tau, tab sis tsam yog yus ces ntshe yuav mob siab ib zag ib zag tsis txawj zoo li.
I Agree.
Peb lub zoov nawb yog zoo li koj hai no na tij luag
Peb nyob teb chaws ngab laj peb tuab heeb yuav thiab vim peb nom peb tswv lawv tưb yuav tsis txhaum
Tij laug koj tham tau zoo kawg, thov txij li no mus lawm yav tom ntej, peb Hmoob yuav tau qhuab qhia tej tub, tej ntxhais tsis hais koj xeem, kuv xeem tsis txhob sib tham, sib deev li ntawv lawm, vim tias ua li ntawv rhuav2 peb Hmoob lub npe, lub meej mom li, peb yuav tsum khaws coj txiv nais phoos Vaj Pov lo lus, es kom peb Hmoob thiaj li tsis sib rhuav phlu lawm os, txawm yog muam yug, nus yug sib yuav los vim nws twb muaj nws ib lub xeem lawm ne, es thiaj tsis rhuav peb Hmoob phlu, tej laus twb xij hais tias kom txhob ua ntsaum ces txawm yog li zaj dab neeg no los ma
tham ntev li no thiab txim nyom noog ib zaug os txiv hov
So i guess hmoob xyooj yog xeem started first than hmoob vaj...nice brother thanks 4 sharing...👍👍👍
Kuv xav ma txawm yog ib xeem lo yeej sib yuav tau tsua g yog khoom ib tug niam ib leej txiv
ncaim 3 tiam ces yuav tsis ua li cas lawm
Yog lawm yog xav yuav los kuj sim yuav seb koj lub neej ho yuav zoo li cas koj thiaj paub
@@pazongxiong817 kuv twb yeej yuav lawm ne
Txaj muag dhau ib lub xeem sib yuav, yog yus ces yob tsis tawv li ho.
Vaj vov vaj Pam yug me nyuam thiaj pham mas hivhivhiv os thov txim nawb
Xav ua youtube kawg li os
Peb hmoob ib xeem tsis koom dab qhuag lawv ho tsis pub yuav hog muam yug nus yug tes ho pub sib yuav, xyov li os hmoob
Ib lub xeem sib yuav tsis ua cas li os kuv xav na peb moob yuav tau hloov peb cov kev cai vwm vwm no nawb neeg txawv teb chaws luag vam meej tshaj luag twb tsis ua li peb moob vwm no os yuav li cas los yuav tsuav txhob yog yus tus muam hauv tsev xwb ma
Very good dab neeg love it
Koj hai yog lawm os lub zo nab nyoo muaj kawg os
Xuaj dhau lawm os tos luag tej laus hais tias tsob txiv ntoo thaum zeeg yeej ntws mus tsis deb ntawm lub hauv paus no lo yeej li riag , cov neeg zoo li no tuag kom tag los tau , tuag kom tag los haj yam zoo 😡
Since the early 2000, I've seen a lot of Hmoob people with the same last name getting married in the USA. Mostly
From the Vang families. While uncommon in the world....I find it really interesting.
So they probably from this beginning then
@@HmongBedtimeStories ggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
Soo true why not they think it's easy n Vang girl are easy too 😂
No offense to you Fuji but its true about Vangs. During high school, whenever we hear of a someone dating someone of the same last name, it’s usually a Vang
Not just vang but lots of Xiong too
Naj nyoos thiab naj yees es twb Yog peb lub zos xwb ne
Txawm yog 1 xeem sib yuav thiaj li tsis vam meej. Peb hmoob thiaj li tau kev npam 1 tiam dhau 1 tiam.
Lub zos koj hai ntawm ko yog peb lub ntag thuam uv peb hmoob yeej hai li koj hai xwb tab si tam sim no yog lub xeem ไชสมบูน lub zos yog น้ำยอน
Zoo heev li
Zoo kawg os
Kho siab heev
Tiag no sib xeem sib hlub lawm ces txiag tsi tau lawm os tij laus
Koj hais dab neeg zoo heev Kuv xav txawb koj tag li xw o txiv ntxawm aw tsi pau sau li cas lo lawm sau ntawv li ub li no kom muaj ntawv
Nói chuyện rất hay
Tos koj ntev kawg li os kuv tij laug😭
Ib lub xeem yeeb yauv tau thiab mam xyog npes hmoob ho tsi kam yuav xwb
Ho luam lwm hais neeg nyam laj yuav tau
Hauv peb zos twb yuav thiab
Tsis paub zoo, yeej ib txwm hnov tej laus hais tias sib yuav tib lub xeem ces uas neej tsis vam meej, thiab tsis kawg ntsis no, yeej hnov muab khub puas uas neej txog nrab xwb ces tus txiv mus yuav lwm tus lawm ces tus pojniam cias lis txaj txaj muag tsis muaj neej yuav tus niam lis. Tus txom nyem thiab poob peev ces yog tus pojniam.
Txiv. Ntxawm. Rau2 siab. Hais. Dab neeg. Peb. Hmoog. Os. Laj2. Tos. Lawm. Xav2. Hmoog. Lawm
Kuv pom ib co xeem hmoob yaj nyob rau lub zos phus las cas sab phoukhoun louagprabang lawv sib yuav thoob zos li
ntawm peb no tseem muaj cov ib lub xeem yuav ib lub xeem thiab o tij laug
yuav tsis ua li cas nawb
Ua cas peb hmoob ib xeem hov sib yuav tsi tau...
Kuv mloog tag lawm kuv tsuas nyiam mloog koj lub suab dab neeg xwb thov koj teb kuv es kuv muab rau koj tham rau peb mloog ua kev lom zem os OK
Nyob zoo o
Nyob zoo naw Tij lawg ... Kuv muas ib zaj dag neeg yuab muas ros koj tham es . Ua li cas koj thiab pab kuv tham taus os
Ib Xeem yuav ib xeem should be ok when a man can marry another man and a woman can marry another woman.
Peb tiam21-22 nov los tsis yog ib tug dab qhuas ces sib yuav tau kawg mas
Peb moob txoj kev phem caig pab caig paws vim npab nauj muab lub xeem saib loj luaj ntuj li no ntas tsuas pom peb hmoob xwb
No, nej xav yuam kev lawm xwb yuav tsis yog tas xeem hmoob vaj li nej xav os tsuas yog qee tus neeg siab lim ham tsis leem cai xwb. Nej txhob to taub yuam qhov tseeb tiag yav thaum ub hmoob tsis xyaum li luag lwm haiv neeg mab dawb es yus yuav txiv es yus muab yus lub xeem pauv ua tus txiv lub xeem yuav ua rau cov hluas tiam tshiab no tsis nkag siab thiaj xav li xav tias Vang yuav vang no.
Tham tau zoo kawg :-) :-) :-)
Txheej thaum ub ce yeej coj li ko ntag ho tsi zoo li tiam tshiab no
That is awesome story we hmoob supposed to be like that today so we can make more so we can make clans & more people than now! Plus best of hmoob right? What you think?
Neeg qaug dab pheg tam sim no twb muaj tshuaj kho lawm tsis ntshai lawm os tij laug😁😁
Thov tham ib zaj rau kuv thiab os
ib xeem xwb 😢
U know it gonna be a good story when that intro song playing.
Thov lub suab nkauj noj os tij ua tsaug
Yes yog kawg mas,..txawm yog li ntawd kuv thiaj li muaj ib tug phooj ywg,.. mas ua li nws hais..os nws mas thiaj li tseem2 yog 100% vaj tauj vaj tiag2 li. Thaum kuv hnov thiab puab li nonua rau kuv fell very wear and can't believe that during that time it's actually happened for real.
In NC we have Vang n Vang
peb cov hmoob tseem tshuav cov ib xeem sib yuav no thiab ma, tam sim no lawv tseem sib yuav quj qees kuj tsis pom yuv tshwm sim teeb meem dab tsis thiab
Tej kev sib yuav li no tsis pom qab yuav hais li os....! Yeej muaj li no tiag. Tabsis, Niaj hnub no kiag hauv
USA no Los yeej muaj txhua XEEM
siv txoj cais coob heev li lawm os..!
Hais tiag Luag lwm HAIV NEEG lawv
SIV TXOJ CAI no Los ntev lawm. Tabsis, 5 tiam neeg (5 Generations) ces luag twb sib yuav tau lawm mas!
Laj to tiag2 li o tij
Xyoo 1989-1990 nyob rau peb lub zos Phuv Meem ntawm qaum Paj Xas pem twb muaj ib khub nkauj nraug hmoob yaj sib tham sib deev muaj ib tug me ab ntxhais kiag lawm tiam sis niam txiv lawv tsis pub sib yuav tom qab no tus hluas nraug khiav tuaj nyob hauv St Paul, MN lawm hos tus hluas nkauj mus yuav ib tug txiv hmoob xyooj ces hmoov tsis muaj tus hluas nkauj ho tau xiam lawm no. Kuv xav tias yog peb ib lub xeem los sib yuav tau ntshe yuav zoo dua vim qhov ntawv yuav txiav los sis cais tau peb txoj kev cib nyeej ua plaub pim plaub qau thiab thiaj li tsis muaj kev cais pab cais pawg, lub xeem tsis yog peb siv los ua tshoob ua kos li yawg hlob vaj pov hais peb muab siv los sib cais ua plaub ua ntug los tau ntau xyoo dhau lawm
Myain heevlios
My prediction will be that in the future when hmong traditional beliefs are not being retained or practiced n more acculturated into the mainstraim cultures same last name marriages will be more common.
Brother Fuji aw kuv xav hais lus txhawb zog rau koj os. Zoo li ib ntus no koj tsis hais dab neeg heev lawm tab si kuv tseem tos mloog koj li dab neeg dab heev li os. Tej zaum muaj neeg hais lus txo txo koj zog lawm es koj thiaj tsis hais lawm tab si kuv xav qhia koj tias koj qhov strength yog hais dab neeg dab thiab dab neeg action es txhob tso tseg es tsuag zuj zus li lawm nawb. Muaj neeg follow koj coob coob heev li peb cov tos tos koj muaj coob coob nawb,. Txhob K txog tias lwm tus hais thuam txoj koj kev puav dab neeg os kav tsij piav peb tau mloog nawb Brother Fuji Ua tsaug os
Kuv tsis tau mloog kuv xav mloog kawg lawm nawb
Kuv xaav mas 3 yuav tsum muab loov moos, tsi yog kwv tij xwb ces yuav tau......zoo dhua le kawg dhaab laus tub yuav muam nyaaj ntxhais........raws le 3 nyob nyaab laaj teb luas koom xeem luas yeej yuav tau le, luas yus tau miv tub miv nyuas yeej ntse tshaaj 3. Cuas yog 3 hmoob haj Le coj tej kev cai no ntev le ntev xwb, xaav vaam meej 3 yuav tau hlooov pauv 3 tas tas.....
Ntxiv ntawm ua ca ib lub xeem ho sib yuav g tau no yog vim dab g no
Zoo mloog hv
Love to hear more of these stories as we no longer have the old folks to tell us no more..please do tell more of the stories so we know more about it to tell our kids in the future
My aunt daughter is a Lee and she didn’t listen to her parents, she went off and Married to a Lee guy too. Their life was ok, but never have gut to come visit her family nor his family. They are on there on worlds. After have couple kids sickness catch up to them. They don’t know what to do, then they finally come apologize to both their family to forgive them.
@@youwatchme3631 yes me too. I ser it in my own eye hear it in my ear. Sound like is a karma at the end. So better not.
Ua tsaug... pab qhia.
Tham tau zoo lawm tab sis yog koj tham kiag zaj dab neeg mus swb zoo dua
Tij lauj koj twb tham zaj no dlau los lawm
Lub zos Nam gnone no os lub zos kuv niaj hnub tseem nyob os tij laug
Cag koj tsi haig dab neeg ntsoov yiag lawm thiab og txiv ntsawm
That's true story