NOTE: Since publishing this review, Sega have issued a patch to Lost World that makes the game give players extra lives for reaching 100 rings. Despite this, my opinion on the game still stands; they made an easy fix to a simple game mechanic, but did not fix the other 75% of the game.
2.5/5 seems fair to me. Interesting ideas, but execution is mostly off. I wouldn't mind seeing the parkour stuff improved in future games, since I think it's a good expansion on what Sonic could do. I also think that it would've been better if they used the run button more as an "acceleration" button, so that way not holding the button down would still give Sonic a reasonable speed, rather than just switching between two distinct speeds.
I like they trying something different than the "boost" saga. maybe needs more work, but lost world, is a cool refresh for sonic...even if is so "mario" My score:8/10
Dude... come on. really? okay most of the deaths here, are because 1: your going too slow or too fast at that certain area. 2: your not supposed to cancel the parkour at that section, or your INTENDED to die! 3:every enemy has a certain way to kill it, SEGA intended this so you would not just be mashing one button to kill everything like in unleashed and generations. i just don't get why everyone hates the game because they fail, because their not used to it.... it's a perfectly fine game! i know everyone has their opinions and all, but seriously this is kinda more of a rant (that is wrong by the way) then a review.
What you're commenting on here is understandable, but I ask that you realize just how difficult it is to capture footage of accidents, especially when you are on a deadline. I don't know about you, but I don't have the HDD space to record 300gb of game footage just so I can catch one specific thing happening... so, in that case, you have to fudge things a little bit. That's the reality of making video reviews. On the other hand, you are also commenting on things you aren't entirely understanding because you weren't the one holding the controller, so you are making assumptions about what you think I am doing. Those assumptions are incorrect (the parkour).
It's depressing how much of a regression into last decade's downfalls this game makes in the series. I was really enjoying the hedgehog engine and the way its style got refined with each game. I really wanted to like this one for trying something different, but it just doesn't work.
Welcome to 3D Sonic. Everything it's done just doesn't work. There's a reason why people have said the series sucks in 3D. It's not exactly a ridiculous claim. Each and every direction the series took in 3D has run into a brick wall of some kind. Adventure formula didn't work. Heroes/Shadow didn't work. Storybook didn't work. Boost, while the best well-received, didn't amount to being anything more than average at best. Yeah, it's not awful or flawed as the other games, but it's not exactly great either. Colors and Generations were not good games, they were just good as Sonic games. With all of these constant lukewarmers Sega can't really help but experiment.
I feel like the reviews for those games were good at the time because they were fresh and had promise. Playing them now, to me personally, they don't seem to have aged well and feel about as clunky and under developed as everything that came after. That's just my opinion, though.
EdmacZ The Adventure formula did seem to work though. Actually, it worked the most out of all of the formulas judging by it's reviews. The problem is they stopped it before they could improve it more. They didn't age well, but they also stopped short and near the beginning of what could've become something wonderful. And starting with that, they experimented with things until they "perfected" them, then moved on to something else. Something they should've done with the Adventure games, honestly. Not sure why they did that, in the first place though. I personally thought Generations was a really great game, outside of just Sonic games, but whatever...
Great review Blaze. I can honestly say I saw this coming since the initial trailer. The entire game is some weird unnecessary sidestep that Sonic frankly didn't need at this point. Lets hope he regains his footing soon!
Great review, you always have the best Sonic reviews, and this one was no different, it was detailed and filled with all the information I wanted. Whereas other reviewers just failed to convey the game as well, probably since they just do it for a living and are not true passionate fans like you and I. I hope that the PS4 and Xbox One Sonic games will be more of a direct (and improved) sequel to Sonic Generations. There's still a lot of potential there, just a few refinements and a longer game would be all that I'd want.
I didn't mind the Wii U version however the 3DS version was just awful in parts, particularly Frozen Factory and some of the Special Stages but in fairness i have to give credit to Sonic Team for trying something different here.
Yeah but when you try something different it's supposed to actually be good. Instead, Sonic Team just looked at what Mario was doing and tried to jam Sonic in to it.
the review in short: -you don't know how to play a game -you can't remember 2 different buttons -you talk about sonic the hedgehog 1, but you sound like you never played it
Am I the only one who actually likes this game? While some parts are unfair and hard,it was still a decent game for me.i actually thought of this different from SMG.i gave this game 4/5 stars.
Of alll the reviews I have seen of this game, this is probably the one that most effiently and successfully describes its flaws. Good work! I still don't understand why Sonic Team felt the need to reinvent the wheel once again, though. And knowing that the levels are so flat is a real disappointment, too. I started noticing that in Sonic Colours, and it really works against any sense of flow in the levels. EDIT: Oh geez I just saw the stealth section at the end. That'
Awesome review, I agree with a lot of the things you pointed out in the review! Especially the part about how the game doesn't have much of an identity like the last two well-received Sonic games. Speaking of which, what did you think of the 3DS version of this game?
Good review. You dived into some topics about this game that many other people have been reluctant to discuss. And I have to agree that sonic is literally just taking way to many unnecessary inspirations from Mario. Some people may argue that he was intended to be just a faster Mario but even then sonic has always had his own degree of style and originality in his games. This is literally copying Mario in many aspects. Now I have to disagree however in the gameplay styles that this game had to offer since IMO opinion some work just fine really. The snowball gimmick is as decent as it was in super monkey ball and pacman esque teleporting platforming on sky road was actually pretty fun. I'm not saying this game had no annoying bad gimmicks it's just that really some aren't that flawed. Also the whole control issue to me really that's just subjective. I'm just one of those people who have no problem with it and there was rarely a time where clunky controls would get in my way. Some may even argue that the controls make 2D sections incredibly fun and would go as far as saying that their far more superiors to unleashed and generations ( kind of a stretch really) but like I said it's really subjective.
"Some people may argue that he was intended to be just a faster Mario but even then sonic has always had his own degree of style and originality in his games. This is literally copying Mario in many aspects." Bingo. This whole "Sonic is different from Mario" thing is a misnomer. They're both essentially platformers. When Sonic Team forgot that Sonic is a platformer and dumbed it down to the bare minimum (Automated Racing Game with bottomless pits), it was when the game quality took a nose dive. It's like ST is afraid of being branded a "ripoff", so they concocted a lot of hair-brained experiments in 3D. Mario essentially invented the 3D platformer and all of it's design tropes. Instead of taking what Mario did right and putting a awesome new Sonic spin on it, and even improving the short areas. ST desperately tried to come up with something "different", much to the detriment to the quality of Sonic games. Whatever actually worked in 3D, Sonic Team did the opposite. All in the name of "innovation". I respect Sonic Team for truly bringing back a successful design focus to Sonic, but they went a bit too far behind Mario.
I agree with every word that you said! SOMEONE FINALLY SHARES MY OPINION ON THE MATTER, now I dont have to make a video about it! However I must say I find the 3d gameplay pretty exhilirating, but it was only a short time that I had played it because I used a friends console, I am going to get the game soon to see how it fare, otherwise great review.
Interesting review. I happen to like the Wii U version (but I prefer Colours and Generations a lot). The 3DS version is terribad. It was an experiment of the Sonic Team, I hope that they will go back to more classical gameplay and level-design for the next game.
One thing that I feel is overly exaggerated about this game is the Booh-Mario-Clone!!! BS. People like so much to call a platformer game with standard platforming elements a Mario ripoff and search with a microscope for small irrelevant coincidences to further prove their point. I have played lots of Mario and Sonic games, and I can say Sonic Lost World doesn't play or feel like Mario at all: the level environments are much richer tan the basic NSMB scheme, adding new elements, more detail and even full levels with entirely unique themes (such as TC3); you home attack enemies, you bounce on springs, you use the Spin Dash (what could be more Sonic-y?) to gain bursts of huge speeds; you run on walls and ceilings with parkour; you free animals from robots (classic badniks!) and capsules; you face Eggman in a high speed battle; you run around and over loops; awesome music... and more! Even the story has legitimately threatening enemies and isn't just a sabe the princess deal. I rarely find any of that in Mario games. I can't and won't deny the game does have Mario references (such as the Twomps, though I don't agree with the "Bullet Bills"), but what about other references to Super Monkey Ball (snowball) or Donkey Kong Country (minecarts and some more)? So, long story short: here's Sonic gameplay, and whoever thinks the references overshadow it shouldn't look too much into their games.
Pretty sure I did not mention New Super Mario Bros. once during this video. The comparison were always to Super Mario Galaxy, and if you can't see those then I don't even know what to tell you. They are SO blatant and SO obvious that the only way you couldn't see them is willful ignorance.
BlazeHedgehog Yes, I know many of the levels take place on small planetoids like in Super Mario Galaxy, (though I wouldn't associate this type of design with the Mario franchise as a whole), even Iizuka admitted to it. What I wanted to say with that lenghty comment is that, despite the many references to other games you may find, Sonic Lost World plays like a Sonic game and has all the necessary Sonic elements, so I'd never consider it anything short of a "clone". Is there something wrong with making a SMG-structured Sonic game BUT which has Sonic gameplay and elements? I don't think so, this game makes for a different experience (probably for the worse, because of the less interesting level design). And, by the way, my comment wasn't directed to you in particular, but to anyone who blows things out of proportion and think this game is a Mario "clone", with Mario gameplay, story and such; and it isn't.
It's too bad you didn't enjoy the game. I had probably the same initial response as you when I first saw it, but started to warm up to it shortly before its release. The slower pace and blatant Mario influence made me upset at first, and I knew they were going to do it because as you said, this is where things have been headed since Colors. But... Maybe Sonic Team is onto something? Colors had a lot of platforming, Generations had more speed. Maybe this is just the next phase in splitting the series into two different styles? While I haven't played it, there are a few things I think Lost World does better than Colors, mainly making more use of the 3D perspective. I really hated that 85% of Colors was 2D, and not the kind of flowing Green Hill/Star Light Zone 2D either. Lost World's environments look a lot more fun to explore than the blocky 2D levels Colors had. I will admit that Lost World does look a lot more fun when it's not trying to be like Mario. Blazing through Windy Hill Act 3, the first two acts of Desert Ruins, and Frozen Factory Act 1 looks like a blast. Walking around and making apple juice or rolling around as a snowball doesn't look nearly as fun. Right now I see this game as an alternative to the Unleashed day gameplay, but not a replacement. If you haven't already, I recommend watching TheRetroReplay's review of this game. He brings up a lot of the same points as you but also talks about where the game shines.
Colours was ok but it was way to slow,In unleashed I felt like I was going fast,blazing through stages with fast platforming,In generations I could go fast,drift freely and jump of paths to another paths,Colours was very limited,you didn't get a sense of speed or freedom
IMO lost word movement system would be fine, even good, but they made level desing that just clash with it. They made movement system that will be great for more open world more 3d style that would force you to go around zone and try to collect something, not going only forward. I refer to Legend of the zelda dlc that in my opinion did it well, that you had open area you could explore. Being able to run on walls etc would help a lot in climbing and going around. I would even go as far as trying to make level complex like Prince of persia ones. But it wont be sonic. I would really say, take that system, put it on new IP and run with it, they find not bad idea, but execution, because of brand they were using and they were forced to cram there established mechanics that make it worse just fucked it up.
Even on my first time playing Sonic Lost World, I never got a game over. I dunno if that makes a huge difference, I just hear everyone say they get game overs a lot, and I never had that problem.
Particularly insightful - and damning - review; I didn't really get the mixed scores before, as I enjoyed most of my time with the recent demo...but this coupling of design choices & sort've identity crisis goes a long way to explain them. Thanks for this, will wait on a price drop.
The issue with Lost World is simple. It takes all of the unfun parts of Mario and puts it into a Sonic game. Not the fact that it copies Mario. Blocky Island platforming over bottomless pits is archaic and boring regardless of whoever you're playing as. Even the better Mario games (3 and World) make use of varied terrain, like hills and slope physics. Its one of the reasons why I found even 3D Land and the New SMB games to be such a bore. Sonic from Day 1 was essentially a trippy and speedier Mario game. It even came from the idea of playing a Mario game, but faster. Sonic took the Mario formula and put it's own spin on it. It wasn't all that different. When Sonic tried to be "intentionally different" for the sake of "innovation" duriing the 3D Era, we got the bad and misguided Sonic games. Wether you like it or not, Boost Gameplay was way too mediocre to make a lasting effect. It was a novelty at best. Notice how all the Boost Era games had to have some extraneous gimmick attached to them (Werehog, Wisps, Classic Sonic), It's like Sonic Team admitting they were working with a fancy car with limited mileage. Sonic Lost World is a return to what made Sonic originally successful. Taking what Mario did and putting a different twist on it. Unfortunately, they didn't quite get it right, because of borrowing too much from Mario, from all the WRONG areas of Mario, and not doing what Sonic games did best.
Why refer FLOP world as a "better late than never" game; when this garbage of a game should have been canceled instead?! It's worse than Sonic 06; and that's REALLY saying something. Note that I'm referring to the title of your video. I hate the fact that you have to hold down the button just to run! This isn't Resident Evil, Sega!
Just seems nitpicky. Also SA2 did Mario Galaxy's thing with Mad Space before Galaxy was even in development. So you know, not exactly trying to be Mario. I went back recently to replay Galaxy, at no point was I feeling Lost World's gameplay. And what's wrong with experimenting? It keeps the game fresh, rather than "let's keep remaking the same game we've made 18 years ago".
Sonic Kirby What's wrong with experimenting is that we're talking commercial products in a franchise with a poor mainstream reputation. Experimentation means an appreciable chance of getting things wrong, as they so clearly did. Experimentation is fine if we're talking a respected franchise with smart, considerate developers. Nintendo's done it. Look at Zelda 2, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart Double Dash, etc. 75% of the time, when Nintendo experiments, it's still pretty good. Not great, but still above average at the very least. Sega does not carry the clout Nintendo does. In Sonic Lost World's case, the experimentation was clumsy and only further damaged a franchise that was trying to mend its reputation. Bad move.
BlazeHedgehog Know why that happened? Because they were trying to make a game inspired by Classic Sonic. SEGA knows that Mario has well-polished gameplay. SEGA knows that Super Mario Galaxy is loved? So what do they do? Make a game that combines Super Mario Galaxy and Classic Sonic. Unfortunately, all Classic Sonic means to the Sonic Team of now is Green HIll Zone and the spin-dash, not the physics-based platformers we love them for. Sonic Lost World's fate seemed inevitable. It *is* a bad game. However, you did seem angry in this review. I'd recommend, if either Sonic Project 2017 or Sonic Mania turn out to be bad games like Sonic Lost World, you wait at least a year, or better yet, two years, before making a review. That way, the heat dies down and you can really dissect the game. It really felt like, here the review turned more subjective, and opinionated. I don't know if that's the purpose of these reviews or what you're going for in this specific review, so let me know BlazeHedgehog.
NOTE: Since publishing this review, Sega have issued a patch to Lost World that makes the game give players extra lives for reaching 100 rings. Despite this, my opinion on the game still stands; they made an easy fix to a simple game mechanic, but did not fix the other 75% of the game.
I mean, at that point you're proposing a very different game. It's hard to say.
this comment's replies seems to have been purged and has lost all context.
2.5/5 seems fair to me. Interesting ideas, but execution is mostly off.
I wouldn't mind seeing the parkour stuff improved in future games, since I think it's a good expansion on what Sonic could do.
I also think that it would've been better if they used the run button more as an "acceleration" button, so that way not holding the button down would still give Sonic a reasonable speed, rather than just switching between two distinct speeds.
I agree with most of what's been said in this review.
I like they trying something different than the "boost" saga.
maybe needs more work, but lost world, is a cool refresh for sonic...even if is so "mario"
My score:8/10
I can't wait for that eventual Sonic game ranking series to see this game ripped to shreds again
Hell of a review, Blaze. Couldn't have said it better myself.
Wasn't Sonic Advance the first Nintendo exclusive Sonic Game?
Not on a console.
On a console it would be Secret Rings in 2007. I feel kinda old thinking about that.
since when isn't the GBA a console? anyway, colours came after secret rings...
No, it also got an ngage release.
Honestly, i like the parkour mechanic, and think it could be put to better use later on.
Dude... come on. really? okay most of the deaths here, are because 1: your going too slow or too fast at that certain area. 2: your not supposed to cancel the parkour at that section, or your INTENDED to die! 3:every enemy has a certain way to kill it, SEGA intended this so you would not just be mashing one button to kill everything like in unleashed and generations. i just don't get why everyone hates the game because they fail, because their not used to it.... it's a perfectly fine game! i know everyone has their opinions and all, but seriously this is kinda more of a rant (that is wrong by the way) then a review.
What you're commenting on here is understandable, but I ask that you realize just how difficult it is to capture footage of accidents, especially when you are on a deadline. I don't know about you, but I don't have the HDD space to record 300gb of game footage just so I can catch one specific thing happening... so, in that case, you have to fudge things a little bit. That's the reality of making video reviews.
On the other hand, you are also commenting on things you aren't entirely understanding because you weren't the one holding the controller, so you are making assumptions about what you think I am doing. Those assumptions are incorrect (the parkour).
It's depressing how much of a regression into last decade's downfalls this game makes in the series. I was really enjoying the hedgehog engine and the way its style got refined with each game. I really wanted to like this one for trying something different, but it just doesn't work.
Welcome to 3D Sonic. Everything it's done just doesn't work.
There's a reason why people have said the series sucks in 3D. It's not exactly a ridiculous claim. Each and every direction the series took in 3D has run into a brick wall of some kind. Adventure formula didn't work. Heroes/Shadow didn't work. Storybook didn't work. Boost, while the best well-received, didn't amount to being anything more than average at best. Yeah, it's not awful or flawed as the other games, but it's not exactly great either. Colors and Generations were not good games, they were just good as Sonic games.
With all of these constant lukewarmers Sega can't really help but experiment.
I feel like the reviews for those games were good at the time because they were fresh and had promise. Playing them now, to me personally, they don't seem to have aged well and feel about as clunky and under developed as everything that came after. That's just my opinion, though.
The Adventure formula did seem to work though. Actually, it worked the most out of all of the formulas judging by it's reviews. The problem is they stopped it before they could improve it more. They didn't age well, but they also stopped short and near the beginning of what could've become something wonderful. And starting with that, they experimented with things until they "perfected" them, then moved on to something else. Something they should've done with the Adventure games, honestly. Not sure why they did that, in the first place though. I personally thought Generations was a really great game, outside of just Sonic games, but whatever...
Great review Blaze. I can honestly say I saw this coming since the initial trailer. The entire game is some weird unnecessary sidestep that Sonic frankly didn't need at this point. Lets hope he regains his footing soon!
Great review, you always have the best Sonic reviews, and this one was no different, it was detailed and filled with all the information I wanted. Whereas other reviewers just failed to convey the game as well, probably since they just do it for a living and are not true passionate fans like you and I.
I hope that the PS4 and Xbox One Sonic games will be more of a direct (and improved) sequel to Sonic Generations. There's still a lot of potential there, just a few refinements and a longer game would be all that I'd want.
I didn't mind the Wii U version however the 3DS version was just awful in parts, particularly Frozen Factory and some of the Special Stages but in fairness i have to give credit to Sonic Team for trying something different here.
Yeah but when you try something different it's supposed to actually be good. Instead, Sonic Team just looked at what Mario was doing and tried to jam Sonic in to it.
So were back in the dark age of sonic again
+abu Bangurah no. The Dark Age was back to back poor/ badly received Sonic Games. Sonic Lost World is decent at best, with average review scores
Yep, we are.
the review in short:
-you don't know how to play a game
-you can't remember 2 different buttons
-you talk about sonic the hedgehog 1, but you sound like you never played it
Your reply, in short:
- You're mad because I don't share your opinions.
Angry Blue Swordsman And I that though that he was defending his point of view o3o
2:23 Omg! Someone else has noticed this annoying control point! Nice!!
Am I the only one who actually likes this game? While some parts are unfair and hard,it was still a decent game for me.i actually thought of this different from SMG.i gave this game 4/5 stars.
Of alll the reviews I have seen of this game, this is probably the one that most effiently and successfully describes its flaws. Good work!
I still don't understand why Sonic Team felt the need to reinvent the wheel once again, though. And knowing that the levels are so flat is a real disappointment, too. I started noticing that in Sonic Colours, and it really works against any sense of flow in the levels.
EDIT: Oh geez I just saw the stealth section at the end. That'
Haven't played this game, but do the wisps have a plot importance, or are they just there because Sega feels Sonic needs a mainstay powerup?
They are not part of the story at all.
So, they're just...there. Ok...
getting 100 hundred rings in colors didnt give u an extra life
Awesome review, I agree with a lot of the things you pointed out in the review! Especially the part about how the game doesn't have much of an identity like the last two well-received Sonic games. Speaking of which, what did you think of the 3DS version of this game?
I'll be posting a review of the 3DS version on TSSZ soon-ish. Spoilers: I like it even less than I do the Wii U version.
BlazeHedgehog I'm not surprised. I've heard worse from that version.
Great review, im sorta forgeting igns review
Sonic ran on spheres in Sonic 3.......
Good review. You dived into some topics about this game that many other people have been reluctant to discuss. And I have to agree that sonic is literally just taking way to many unnecessary inspirations from Mario. Some people may argue that he was intended to be just a faster Mario but even then sonic has always had his own degree of style and originality in his games. This is literally copying Mario in many aspects.
Now I have to disagree however in the gameplay styles that this game had to offer since IMO opinion some work just fine really. The snowball gimmick is as decent as it was in super monkey ball and pacman esque teleporting platforming on sky road was actually pretty fun. I'm not saying this game had no annoying bad gimmicks it's just that really some aren't that flawed.
Also the whole control issue to me really that's just subjective. I'm just one of those people who have no problem with it and there was rarely a time where clunky controls would get in my way. Some may even argue that the controls make 2D sections incredibly fun and would go as far as saying that their far more superiors to unleashed and generations ( kind of a stretch really) but like I said it's really subjective.
"Some people may argue that he was intended to be just a faster Mario but even then sonic has always had his own degree of style and originality in his games. This is literally copying Mario in many aspects."
Bingo. This whole "Sonic is different from Mario" thing is a misnomer. They're both essentially platformers. When Sonic Team forgot that Sonic is a platformer and dumbed it down to the bare minimum (Automated Racing Game with bottomless pits), it was when the game quality took a nose dive.
It's like ST is afraid of being branded a "ripoff", so they concocted a lot of hair-brained experiments in 3D. Mario essentially invented the 3D platformer and all of it's design tropes. Instead of taking what Mario did right and putting a awesome new Sonic spin on it, and even improving the short areas. ST desperately tried to come up with something "different", much to the detriment to the quality of Sonic games. Whatever actually worked in 3D, Sonic Team did the opposite. All in the name of "innovation".
I respect Sonic Team for truly bringing back a successful design focus to Sonic, but they went a bit too far behind Mario.
sonic lost world is for people that like both sonic games and mario games thats how i see it
I agree with every word that you said!
SOMEONE FINALLY SHARES MY OPINION ON THE MATTER, now I dont have to make a video about it!
However I must say I find the 3d gameplay pretty exhilirating, but it was only a short time that I had played it because I used a friends console, I am going to get the game soon to see how it fare, otherwise great review.
Very spot on in this review.
I pretty much agree with most of what you said.
Interesting review. I happen to like the Wii U version (but I prefer Colours and Generations a lot). The 3DS version is terribad. It was an experiment of the Sonic Team, I hope that they will go back to more classical gameplay and level-design for the next game.
That's a very good review BlazeHedgehog :) thanks for sharing!
One thing that I feel is overly exaggerated about this game is the Booh-Mario-Clone!!! BS. People like so much to call a platformer game with standard platforming elements a Mario ripoff and search with a microscope for small irrelevant coincidences to further prove their point.
I have played lots of Mario and Sonic games, and I can say Sonic Lost World doesn't play or feel like Mario at all: the level environments are much richer tan the basic NSMB scheme, adding new elements, more detail and even full levels with entirely unique themes (such as TC3); you home attack enemies, you bounce on springs, you use the Spin Dash (what could be more Sonic-y?) to gain bursts of huge speeds; you run on walls and ceilings with parkour; you free animals from robots (classic badniks!) and capsules; you face Eggman in a high speed battle; you run around and over loops; awesome music... and more! Even the story has legitimately threatening enemies and isn't just a sabe the princess deal.
I rarely find any of that in Mario games. I can't and won't deny the game does have Mario references (such as the Twomps, though I don't agree with the "Bullet Bills"), but what about other references to Super Monkey Ball (snowball) or Donkey Kong Country (minecarts and some more)?
So, long story short: here's Sonic gameplay, and whoever thinks the references overshadow it shouldn't look too much into their games.
Pretty sure I did not mention New Super Mario Bros. once during this video. The comparison were always to Super Mario Galaxy, and if you can't see those then I don't even know what to tell you. They are SO blatant and SO obvious that the only way you couldn't see them is willful ignorance.
BlazeHedgehog Yes, I know many of the levels take place on small planetoids like in Super Mario Galaxy, (though I wouldn't associate this type of design with the Mario franchise as a whole), even Iizuka admitted to it. What I wanted to say with that lenghty comment is that, despite the many references to other games you may find, Sonic Lost World plays like a Sonic game and has all the necessary Sonic elements, so I'd never consider it anything short of a "clone". Is there something wrong with making a SMG-structured Sonic game BUT which has Sonic gameplay and elements? I don't think so, this game makes for a different experience (probably for the worse, because of the less interesting level design).
And, by the way, my comment wasn't directed to you in particular, but to anyone who blows things out of proportion and think this game is a Mario "clone", with Mario gameplay, story and such; and it isn't.
There’s a lot of Mario in this sonic video....I wonder why.....
The new patch changed some things.
This game feel like a Sonic Genesis Game.
It's too bad you didn't enjoy the game. I had probably the same initial response as you when I first saw it, but started to warm up to it shortly before its release. The slower pace and blatant Mario influence made me upset at first, and I knew they were going to do it because as you said, this is where things have been headed since Colors. But... Maybe Sonic Team is onto something? Colors had a lot of platforming, Generations had more speed. Maybe this is just the next phase in splitting the series into two different styles?
While I haven't played it, there are a few things I think Lost World does better than Colors, mainly making more use of the 3D perspective. I really hated that 85% of Colors was 2D, and not the kind of flowing Green Hill/Star Light Zone 2D either. Lost World's environments look a lot more fun to explore than the blocky 2D levels Colors had.
I will admit that Lost World does look a lot more fun when it's not trying to be like Mario. Blazing through Windy Hill Act 3, the first two acts of Desert Ruins, and Frozen Factory Act 1 looks like a blast. Walking around and making apple juice or rolling around as a snowball doesn't look nearly as fun.
Right now I see this game as an alternative to the Unleashed day gameplay, but not a replacement. If you haven't already, I recommend watching TheRetroReplay's review of this game. He brings up a lot of the same points as you but also talks about where the game shines.
also you say that Sonics valleys and hills and gone yet Colours was a box hold right to win game and people love it for some reason
Not really. I mean, there's footage right in this review that shows Sonic Colors playing like Unleashed/Generations. :P
Colours was ok but it was way to slow,In unleashed I felt like I was going fast,blazing through stages with fast platforming,In generations I could go fast,drift freely and jump of paths to another paths,Colours was very limited,you didn't get a sense of speed or freedom
Completely agree.
Lost world is "experimental" the game", it tries so many new things to see if they work...and they mostly dont
IMO lost word movement system would be fine, even good, but they made level desing that just clash with it. They made movement system that will be great for more open world more 3d style that would force you to go around zone and try to collect something, not going only forward. I refer to Legend of the zelda dlc that in my opinion did it well, that you had open area you could explore. Being able to run on walls etc would help a lot in climbing and going around. I would even go as far as trying to make level complex like Prince of persia ones. But it wont be sonic. I would really say, take that system, put it on new IP and run with it, they find not bad idea, but execution, because of brand they were using and they were forced to cram there established mechanics that make it worse just fucked it up.
I really hope Lost World isn't the new standard...
Even on my first time playing Sonic Lost World, I never got a game over. I dunno if that makes a huge difference, I just hear everyone say they get game overs a lot, and I never had that problem.
Here's my review for the 3DS version of Lost World.
Why the dislikes? This game was terrible.
I actually enjoy the game
Particularly insightful - and damning - review; I didn't really get the mixed scores before, as I enjoyed most of my time with the recent demo...but this coupling of design choices & sort've identity crisis goes a long way to explain them. Thanks for this, will wait on a price drop.
The issue with Lost World is simple. It takes all of the unfun parts of Mario and puts it into a Sonic game. Not the fact that it copies Mario. Blocky Island platforming over bottomless pits is archaic and boring regardless of whoever you're playing as. Even the better Mario games (3 and World) make use of varied terrain, like hills and slope physics. Its one of the reasons why I found even 3D Land and the New SMB games to be such a bore.
Sonic from Day 1 was essentially a trippy and speedier Mario game. It even came from the idea of playing a Mario game, but faster. Sonic took the Mario formula and put it's own spin on it. It wasn't all that different. When Sonic tried to be "intentionally different" for the sake of "innovation" duriing the 3D Era, we got the bad and misguided Sonic games. Wether you like it or not, Boost Gameplay was way too mediocre to make a lasting effect. It was a novelty at best. Notice how all the Boost Era games had to have some extraneous gimmick attached to them (Werehog, Wisps, Classic Sonic), It's like Sonic Team admitting they were working with a fancy car with limited mileage.
Sonic Lost World is a return to what made Sonic originally successful. Taking what Mario did and putting a different twist on it. Unfortunately, they didn't quite get it right, because of borrowing too much from Mario, from all the WRONG areas of Mario, and not doing what Sonic games did best.
butt if u di u can continu sonic 2 is way more unforgiving and doesnt have contineues
Sonic 2 definitely has continues. If you finish a stage with a score bonus of more than 10k points, you get one.
classicist. Did I spell it right?
Why refer FLOP world as a "better late than never" game; when this garbage of a game should have been canceled instead?! It's worse than Sonic 06; and that's REALLY saying something. Note that I'm referring to the title of your video.
I hate the fact that you have to hold down the button just to run! This isn't Resident Evil, Sega!
I hope Sega never listens to you if you're gonna make unnecessary comparisons.
Just seems nitpicky.
Also SA2 did Mario Galaxy's thing with Mad Space before Galaxy was even in development.
So you know, not exactly trying to be Mario.
I went back recently to replay Galaxy, at no point was I feeling Lost World's gameplay.
And what's wrong with experimenting?
It keeps the game fresh, rather than "let's keep remaking the same game we've made 18 years ago".
You are so wrong on so many levels.
BlazeHedgehog Nah, I just don't think a game series should become stale.
But if you don't like the game itself, I can't bash you for that.
"And what's wrong with experimenting?"
You never did answer his question, BlazeHedgehog. All you did was say he was wrong.
Sonic Kirby
What's wrong with experimenting is that we're talking commercial products in a franchise with a poor mainstream reputation. Experimentation means an appreciable chance of getting things wrong, as they so clearly did.
Experimentation is fine if we're talking a respected franchise with smart, considerate developers. Nintendo's done it. Look at Zelda 2, Super Mario Sunshine, Mario Kart Double Dash, etc. 75% of the time, when Nintendo experiments, it's still pretty good. Not great, but still above average at the very least.
Sega does not carry the clout Nintendo does. In Sonic Lost World's case, the experimentation was clumsy and only further damaged a franchise that was trying to mend its reputation. Bad move.
BlazeHedgehog Know why that happened? Because they were trying to make a game inspired by Classic Sonic. SEGA knows that Mario has well-polished gameplay. SEGA knows that Super Mario Galaxy is loved? So what do they do? Make a game that combines Super Mario Galaxy and Classic Sonic.
Unfortunately, all Classic Sonic means to the Sonic Team of now is Green HIll Zone and the spin-dash, not the physics-based platformers we love them for. Sonic Lost World's fate seemed inevitable. It *is* a bad game.
However, you did seem angry in this review. I'd recommend, if either Sonic Project 2017 or Sonic Mania turn out to be bad games like Sonic Lost World, you wait at least a year, or better yet, two years, before making a review.
That way, the heat dies down and you can really dissect the game. It really felt like, here the review turned more subjective, and opinionated. I don't know if that's the purpose of these reviews or what you're going for in this specific review, so let me know BlazeHedgehog.
stop hating
Only if Sega makes better games. Don't you want better games?
i dont care if the games are bad or good as long as they tried is doenst matter
Chi Harris I tried to like this game. I didn't. It is my job to inform others so they don't waste money and make the same mistakes I did.
then stop and encourage people
besides youre one does sonic haters from the fanbase