Taking a look at the deckcodes. I'll have them all fixed for tomorrows upload. Alan deleted a bunch so I have to rebuild them myself. Thanks for the patience. -Viktor
Everything wins at low ranks. Yesterday I went on a 13 win streak with poppy taric, then as soon as I hit D2 I went 3-3. People there start playing around your cards and make traps for you.
I went on a 9-1 streak with kayn and garen deck it's just crazy how you get free rallies each turn with garen and then you can equip garen with equipments.
Taking a look at the deckcodes. I'll have them all fixed for tomorrows upload. Alan deleted a bunch so I have to rebuild them myself. Thanks for the patience.
Big thx Viktor!
Nothing, NOTHING makes me happier than seeing Garen winning, and with Alan as the deck CREATOR and PILOT?? Now that's a dream come true!
Everything wins at low ranks. Yesterday I went on a 13 win streak with poppy taric, then as soon as I hit D2 I went 3-3. People there start playing around your cards and make traps for you.
ooh, a win steak? Sounds like World Champion food
Hahah, Garen is somehow one of my favorite champ after his buff, his summon effect is pretty good.
Garen? Wasn't he the *EPIC* demacia follower?
Garen Deck?!
from the world champion himself?
what's happening here?
so many uploads man, is it christmas or what?
Yes you uploaded!
I went on a 9-1 streak with kayn and garen deck it's just crazy how you get free rallies each turn with garen and then you can equip garen with equipments.
The video is off center. The left side is cutoff, you can't see the user names and other stuff.
Its intentional i think
That’s what the stream looked like. It’s in order not to get sniped
Ah k, it makes it unwatchable for me. Alan you could cover up the player names maybe?
He using the gigawide monitor, twitch not support yet, thats why
Win steak, yummy!
no music FeelsWeirdMan
Was just thinking that
I agree.
Kindred Susan?xd
Plat into diamond deck eh? I happen to be in plat. Ill watch this video later, thanks.
A bit toxic emoting, wp anyway.
Again the deck codes dont work and get a new editor the vid is off center
His stream itself is like that apparently its due to his monitor