"If you leave before that selection comes up and you come back, you won't be able to select it again" that's typically the kind of details that makes me genuinely concerned about your life is strange obsession and mental health, Tina I didn't know about the comments related to the magic store, that is such a cool detail! Can't wait to see the other parts! Such a great job, TY Tina
Oh wow! Interesting timing. Well 3 more parts to the LARP series will come out over the next month.. then you'll be fully prepared for your next playthrough 😁
There are a few checkpoints during the LARP that you can reload, but unfortunately, if you pass that first coin and start the Dire Wolf battle, you can't go back there because the next checkpoint already begun. BUT - after you finish the LARP completely the Scene (not checkpoint) opens up and you can restart from that. (Alex and Ethan on the dock - that's the closest to the beginning of the LARP you can go but it's not available until you finish it.)
@@ileee1 I wish I could. I'm recording my gameplay for a friend to watch on my youtube channel, and I'm pretty deep into Chapter 4 now. Definitely going to take my time on the LARP in my next playthrough. There's a lot I seem to have missed.
"If you leave before that selection comes up and you come back, you won't be able to select it again" that's typically the kind of details that makes me genuinely concerned about your life is strange obsession and mental health, Tina
I didn't know about the comments related to the magic store, that is such a cool detail!
Can't wait to see the other parts! Such a great job, TY Tina
Lololol fair! Well I found that one out by accident but… yaaaa….
I truly love MyBlock. The comments are so funny!!Excellent video as always!!!
Thanks @Lenne Flynn! Right?!? The writers must have had so much fun writing those
Just plyed this chapter this morning! Gotts remember tgis video for next time lol
Oh wow! Interesting timing. Well 3 more parts to the LARP series will come out over the next month.. then you'll be fully prepared for your next playthrough 😁
I'm sorry, *four* parts?? Holy crap
lol yaa... I go deep. Especially in part 2
WOW!!! I remember playing this game and buying all of stephs items!!! 😂😂😂
Isn't that the best?! I love that hidden detail
@@PlayingWithHeart truly is, Jed was a one hit man with all those scrolls added together
My favorite part of the game so let's go
just wait until the 2nd part... i get suuuper nerdy about it lol
As allways looking forward to it...
Is there anyway to load to an earlier checkpoint - I missed the first coin
There are a few checkpoints during the LARP that you can reload, but unfortunately, if you pass that first coin and start the Dire Wolf battle, you can't go back there because the next checkpoint already begun. BUT - after you finish the LARP completely the Scene (not checkpoint) opens up and you can restart from that. (Alex and Ethan on the dock - that's the closest to the beginning of the LARP you can go but it's not available until you finish it.)
WHY upload this now!? I just played the LARP section of True Colors just YESTERDAY! Are you trying to make me replay the whole thing!?
Simply put, yes
LOL my evil plan is to make everyone play this game as many times as me! Mwhahaha
@@PlayingWithHeart You are so like Steph.
PsST dont tell Tina, but you can also if you wanna go arround Tinas evil plan you can restart game from the larp
@@ileee1 I wish I could. I'm recording my gameplay for a friend to watch on my youtube channel, and I'm pretty deep into Chapter 4 now. Definitely going to take my time on the LARP in my next playthrough. There's a lot I seem to have missed.
Let's gooo