(RE-UP)[ENG/中字]Jackbum - Master x Puppy

  • Опубліковано 28 гру 2024


  • @无名的少年
    @无名的少年 6 років тому +17

    I love how Wang puppy is soooo cute, all he wants is just some love and attention from the members, so truly hence called Wang puppy!!!! HOPE DEAR JACKSON NEVER EVER NEVER CHANGES, and hope his relationship with each of the members stay this good forever and better, and just have a better and better relationship, and stay together forever!!! ❤️❤️

  • @nickyunknown1
    @nickyunknown1 8 років тому +42

    i really like jackbum and jinson

  • @tukii1746
    @tukii1746 7 років тому +53

    Poor JB, Got7 is so high maintenance x'D He always have to give everyone attention like a real father

    • @tukii1746
      @tukii1746 7 років тому +13

      Papa JB wanted to be alone with mama Jinyoung but Kid Jackson wanted all the attention while he also have to take care of baby Youngjae and baby Yugyeom D:

    • @semonka
      @semonka 7 років тому

      +Gabrielle Tuk yah.. it seems so..

  • @stacysky3017
    @stacysky3017 8 років тому +37


  • @nefwaenre
    @nefwaenre 6 років тому +6

    Originally watched it w/ JJP focus, now with Jackbum focus. Previously i ignored everyone else except Jackson. But this time, sadly saw Markjin here and my heart sank. Man it hurts! 😭😭😭

  • @sora-jp2om
    @sora-jp2om 8 років тому +6

    Aw,theyre cuties.I love both of them.😁💗Thank you for making this video.💗Hugs.😋

  • @kiki-ps2tn
    @kiki-ps2tn 6 років тому +5

    Yas jackbum ❤ my fav ship

  • @chileangirl007
    @chileangirl007 8 років тому +10

    wow!! like always I love it, though I know it's a JackBum vid I can't get my eyes off from Markson

  • @olivial.2745
    @olivial.2745 8 років тому +4

    Thanks for this vid!

  • @hoshijhope2713
    @hoshijhope2713 8 років тому +3


  • @ticklecat3374
    @ticklecat3374 7 років тому +31


  • @nurainazahar4563
    @nurainazahar4563 8 років тому +21

    what is the name for this reality show? I found that this reality show is quite fun lol

  • @dikshyagurung7087
    @dikshyagurung7087 6 років тому +1

    Jb saranghae😘😘😘💕

  • @istiqlasari3725
    @istiqlasari3725 5 років тому

    Can u give me link to watch it full version?

  • @karmelmoqadi8974
    @karmelmoqadi8974 8 років тому +3

    thanks for the video //whats the song name ??

    • @nurulnatasha1144
      @nurulnatasha1144 8 років тому

      the song at 3.02 is Only one by Boa but its a cover by jason chen :))

    • @karmelmoqadi8974
      @karmelmoqadi8974 8 років тому

      +natalie natasha thanks a lot

  • @zheexuan6841
    @zheexuan6841 8 років тому +3

    what show is this?

    • @joannamari8246
      @joannamari8246 8 років тому

      Its on V app

    • @dkyeomz
      @dkyeomz 8 років тому +1

      +Aye ItsJoanna there are a lot of videos on v app lol

    • @joannamari8246
      @joannamari8246 8 років тому

      +zing_a well obviously you have to look the vid in got7's channel lol

  • @aqinainanihanini7265
    @aqinainanihanini7265 7 років тому

    What song is it??

  • @LalaLondon16
    @LalaLondon16 8 років тому

    Where is this video from ? Please thanks

  • @tichannel3113
    @tichannel3113 8 років тому

    What is The first song? please

    • @summermagic2006
      @summermagic2006 7 років тому

      it's lean on me - Soyou x kwon jeongyeol ^^ hopefully this is the song you're talkin about xx

  • @nhoxlunss93
    @nhoxlunss93 8 років тому

    just right

  • @xinten1901
    @xinten1901 7 років тому
