Nice. I lost 70lbs over 4 months though I’m thinking it was also partially because I narrowed my eating window down to 6hrs a day. Turn 49 in a month wouldn’t believe I could lose that much that fast at my age.
Yes, so: 10-15 gr glucose (rice, oatmeal, broccoli... ) + fructose (banana, apple...) + a pinch of high quality salt. Vamos, meterle una pieza ligera de fruta y carbohidrato (sea en forma de crucífero o cereal complejo / simple) con una pizca sal.
Bananas are one of the most unnatural fruits out there as they are highly domesticated so that's probably a bad suggestion. They are literately a berry with mistaken identity and there are better options out there or else you just really like bananas that is.
@@cecillakhorn1843 It is not a channel for people who are only looking for shortcuts. Without the science and deeper understanding of how our bodies work, people will never learn anything any sadly continue making the same silly mistakes.
Thomas no need to worry about Greg's video about u .. because ur videos are top notch and informative also research based ..which is really impressive ..hatts off to u man
Sea salt or pink salt only high quality salt. And remember to soak grains and nuts to reduce phytic acid. Heart and hugs to Thomas! Blessings Thomas and everyone on our (sometimes) keto, stayin lean healthy journey:)
I think history shows that the people behind Gatorade had a very good idea about what they were doing. Even the earliest formulas knew better than to just put "a bunch of sugar in their product(s)" Robert Cade was the man who first developed with a team of other researchers. There was no company initially. They were asked to solve a problem for the University of Florida's football team. Their initial formula was developed via trial and error. You can search the patents and see that Robert Cade continued to work on formulas. The original 1967 formula did not include fructose. But it also had about half the sugar of typical soft drinks. The did research. They understood some stuff. Their formula was used post-operatively in hospitals to relieve dehydration in children. And Gatorade continues to do research via the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. They were doing studies with Glucose+Fructose back in 1987. It would be interesting to know when it was that they introduced the glucose+fructose formulation. It probably wasn't an accident.
Thomas you are the best.❤I've learned so much about keto and my health since watching your videos. ❤Thank you for the great content. It's definitely helping me with my healthy lifestyle journey.
This is my current post workout mostly based off TD's recommendations.... Rice cake (glucose) 1/2 orange OR 1/4 cup frozen blueberries (fructose) Sea Salt (1/2 tsp) Protein - Sunwarrior - Warrior Blend 1 & 1/2 scoops Cordyceps (Four Sigmatic Cordyceps) 1 packet Creatine 5g (*doesn't need to be post workout, that's just when i take it) I use a stick blender with the fruit & water, add the other ingredients except the rice cake.
I have lost 90lbs and I only eat high fat and greens after an intense workout. I do cardio in a fasting state. I eat oats with some flax seeds and an banana or oats and some nuts and an egg and cucumbers after cardio walk and run (2 to 3 miles) or dance workout. 40 minutes after I do my intense workout. My fruit is only on my blood type diet. I eat 95% blood type diet. After intense workout, I have certain fish or certain beans, greens with an egg, only with some himalayan salt in it. I can feel my body is gaining muscle.
We used to stock up on Gatorade as teenagers on the weekends because we used to party and get drunk on the weekends!!! Good times!!! I wish I was young again!!! It's not easy becoming an old man like me!!!
If fructose can NOT replenish muscle glycogen, then why do we care about adding it post workout just to be "quicker"? My understanding was that fructose goes tot he liver only. So, yes its absorbed at the "same time" as glucose/dextrose hence making carbohydrate absorption faster, but what the use if x amount from fructose isn't going to the muscle?
I'd love to see a day in the life video where Thomas is smokin weed and drinking, cussing listening to gangster rap, eating half a chocolate cake, sniffing lines peaking out his window with paranoia, talking about crazy out of this world stuff, poppin champagne while making it rain hundreds!!! LMAO!!!🤣
Hey Thomas, I recently moved back to Asia and going keto was a lot more different than doing it in the US. I thought it might be a fun idea to do a series on what keto food to buy/eat in like Chinese/Indian/Mexican supermarkets and such.
Your videos are extremely informative and on another level compared to some of the other stuff about fitness and nutrition on here. Keep them coming!!l
Which kind of protein do you reccomend taking post workout with your glucose, fructose and salt if you are following a keto and IF plan? I recall you being a fan of pea protein...
Alot of people on here have lost great amounts of weight because of your videos. Anyway to help us with the saggy skin? Lol thank you for all you do? 🙏🙏
you can basicly eat whenever you want after having a drink of that type. Just dont have a carb drink after your meal if you want to stay in ketosis. i would recommend you to eat 15 minutes after you have had a drink just for metabolic reasons.
It would be helpful to give a few examples of what a real combination was like 2-3 foods juices put together. I have lost more than 100 lb on keto and now close to maintenance. I walk daily (my work out). I also find I’m fearful of getting too skinny ( mostly my own emotional fear) but looking to keep keto and not really lost weight. I try to be objective about all this and find I’m more emotional that is a surprise to me. Emotional over my body size and food intake. But love keto effect on the feel of thinking and energy. Thanks for all your sound information.
I’ve been eating 3 eggs usually with feta, one centre cut pork chop, 1.5 servings of steel cut oats mixed with one serving peanut butter. Not sure if it’s ideal or what but it works for me.
Very insightful! I’d like to add that swallowing a protein shake after training will not help you. Your body needs carbohydrates after training and many of them! Proteins slow down carbohydrate absorption which you want to avoid. This is a misconception that is ignored in obsolete weight training practices. It will work for manufacturers, but not for you. Instead, add 100mg of caffeine to your post workout shake :)
I just watched a video by a doctor claiming the worst thing for muscle building and fat loss is to consume anything post workout. Just stay empty so the body can feed off the fat reserves (more technical than that). Does anybody actually know ?
Cheers Tam. 🏴Appreciate you going over that analogy again. I think I'm getting it. I'm only uncertain on how long after that post-workout meal that I can resume eating protein & fat without worrying about storing bodyfat
Read the label and it'll tell you. Here's a post-workout shake idea that fits the criteria: 30g of protein powder + 30g of oats + 125g blueberries. Throw in some water and a little almond milk or coconut water or whatever. Easy
You said in recent that we shouldn't eat fruit after workout , you say that it's better before the workout because the fructose will be in the bloodstream and since you're working out the cells will take those fructose as source of energy, you also said that they are good to go in the morning when we wake up. Now you recommending us as a post workout. I don't understand
This is a good video. well broken down in a manner that is easier to register. For a second I thought there was not going to be a mention about protein but glad that was covered in the Final End.
All the information is correct however you missing a piece of info that I am wondering confounds your thought process. You are saying that we may not have enough glucose transports to absorb the amount of glucose we have and thus our bodies will store excess glucose as fat (glycogenesis). However, the presence of glucose alone in cells causes insulin spikes which up regulate ls the number glucose transports on cell membranes to compensate for the influx of glucose. So, with this mechanism the suggestion to mix sugars would only be relevant if we could truly determine that even with up-regulation of glucose transporters, we still have excess glucose that contributes to a statistically significant amount of glycogenesis. We also can’t knock the important of excess glucose storage for muscles cells either.
Am a bit confused on a recent video the suggested post mornin workout meal was eggs and bacon... but now this is saying if I eat fat after my workout I will store it?
So fat intake should be avoided completely? What if your looking to lose more fat as a primary goal? Should only do this occasionally to replenish glycogen stores in order to work out more intense? So much info and opinions gets overwhelming.
What about the small amount of Omega 3 you mentioned in the last video on this topic? Been using this strategy for 4 months now. Up around 7lbs of muscle and down 7% body fat in that time.
@shred Boise do you remember which video the omega information was in? I am still trying to figure out how to put this all together as well, meaning, how soon after this post workout combo/meal do I have my official keto meal such as breakfast, or does this post workout meal become the breakfast meal? If anyone knows I would geeatly appreciate some info. Thanks!
Yeah...this has been an obstacle for me as well. Makes me push training to later in the day and I prefer mornings...but I like to eat post workout.. Hmmm... Good question😊👍
that's how I gained 30 pounds lean muscle in 5 months. I ate one meal a day before bed, and even skipping that on Saturdays. 6 meals a week. I was lean to begin, but not much muscle to lose either.
I recall in another video..he said its fine to 'ride the wave' of your work out high until you break your fast in the evening. Note in the same video he said metabolism naturally higher in the could break fast before noon or afternoon for optimal fat burn. Then no late dinner..
What is the ideal ketogenic post-workout shake, etc.? Strictly healthy fats, and 20-30 g of protein? Or can you add some berries to that? Or will the combination of glucose from berries, and fat from healthy fats go to fat storage? Trying to avoid any insulin spike right now.
So, what's the word on the post workout window? You've said a few different things about the importance of timing. Add what about fat, like MCT oil? If I workout in the morning and want to keep fasting is better that better, my inclination? Or should that replenishing take place within the first hour? How important is it to have a post workout meal? Used to do protein shakes post workout years ago but abandoned them after hearing about the insulin spikes from whey protein, and I know you like pea protein.
Hey Thomas! I have a Question bothering me since your Video about How to build Muscle while Fasting. I fast for 16-30 hours every Day and I am on keto. So I do not consume more than 20-50g of net carbs. If I consume 15g Glucose and 10g Fructose after working out, I already have 25g of net carbs, does that mean, that I can eat 25-75g netcarb every day or shouldn't I come over 50g of net carbs? I am used to do weighted calisthenics and mobility-work for one to one and a half hour every day! I would be glad for an Respond. Greetings from Austria!
St. Matthew 7 Judge not, that you may not be judged, 2 For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. 3 And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own eye? 4 Or how sayest thou to thy brother: Let me cast the mote out of thy eye; and behold a beam is in thy own eye? 5 Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye. 6 Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you. 7 Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you. 8 For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. 9 Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he reach him a stone? 10 Or if he shall ask him a fish, will he reach him a serpent? 11 If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more will your Lord God, the Father who is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him? 12 All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them. For this is the law and the prophets. 13 Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. 14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! 15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Lord God, the Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity. 24 Every one therefore that heareth these my words, and doth them, shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock, 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded on a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these my words, and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man that built his house upon the sand, 27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof. 28 And it came to pass when Lord God, the Great King Jesus Christ had fully ended these words, the people were in admiration at his doctrine. 29 For he was teaching them as one having power, and not as the scribes and Pharisees. Word of the Blessed Lord God, the King. Thank You Blessed Lord God, the King and Savior Jesus Christ. All you great numerous enemies; the enemy of the holy death of my Lord God, the King and Master Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary; the prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars; I stand on the death of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, wounds, and the Precious Blood of His left hand to the Eternal Father Lord God for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen. Precious Blood of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ - reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen. O holy loving Father, Lord God, the King of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who protected the Israelites of old in His holy wings in the dryness of the cold and hot desert; I offer You the holy death of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the protection of Your people who are scattered all over the world. May the Blood and water wash and strengthen, save and cleanse us that we might find home in the Sacred Side of Your Holy Son that opens for all men. Amen. Sacred Side of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - be our home for safety. Amen. Omnipotent and Omniscient Lord God, the King, Lord God, the King of Elijah and the prophets, look at the Sacred Head of Your only-begotten Holy Son and have mercy. Arise and save Your people. I offer You all the shame, the pains, the wounds and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head of Your Holy Son for all Your children who are living in these perilous times. Strengthen our true faith through the mockery of Your Holy Son, Lord Jesus Christ, and save us through the Precious Blood from His Sacred Head. May we, through the sufferings of Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ, learn to suffer in You and die in You. Amen. Holy tortures of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - increase our true faith. Amen. Merciful and holy loving Father Lord God, the King, Your wish is that all men shall be saved. Kindly look on Your rejected and condemned Holy Son Who suffered many tortures and will suffer many through the sins of Your people. Look and see what sin has done to your only-begotten Holy Son. I offer for all Your people who are living in these ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains, rejection and shame of your Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to You, for the true faith to withstand trials and holy patience to withstand long torture. May they through the suffering of Your only Holy Son, fight to the end. Amen. Our Lord God, Jesus Christ the King's torture - increase our true faith. Precious Blood of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - save us. Amen.
I'be been doing targeted keto, following your advice from your previous video, for 3 1/2 months now with great results. I have lost substantial body fat and gained significant muscle. I don't want to be insulting but you suggest consuming refined straight fructose and that sounds like meathead advice. Why wouldn't I consume something like a fresh whole peach for the fructose and get the added benefits of the nutrients from that whole food? Or, like I did today, eat a slice of fresh homemade blackberry pie with wild blackberries I picked which gives me about the right amount of glucose and fructose with the added benefit of tasting delicious unlike glugging down straight refined glucose? It just seems logical to me to pick the whole foods and get enjoyment + added nutrition while staying in the carb range you suggested.
If your weight plateaus stick to your calorie deficit . That would help no matter what. Try carb cycling. That would be a lot easier method to lose body fat and retain Muscle Mass.
@@revanthshalon5626 I'm already in a calorie deficit; and have tried carb cycling. Being a Type 2 diabetic I want to limit my carb intake, and lose as much fat as possible & as quickly as possible while keeping blood sugars 5.2 mmol or lower at all times.
@@revanthshalon5626 Oh believe me I completely agree. Keto + IF + 2MAD/OMAD have all help me lose 106 lbs in 16 months so far. Still want to lose another 80 - 85 though once I break through this current plateau I've hit.
So can I blend the berries with my protein powder add some pink Himalaya salt then have a piece of rice cake right after my workout? Or should I wait for a few more hours?
After my runs I usually do 4 eggs sunny side up with plenty of butter, whole avocado, and hummus in the hole of both avocado halves. Optional is sourkrout and veggies. Is this good or bad after a hard 2 hour run? I also season with pepper and garlic salt.
Because I'm trying to burn fat and build muscle my post-workout choice has been Muscle Milk, particularly when I do HIIT. MM has 25g Protein and I notice it helps with my recovery on HIIT and weight training days. It's very expensive and difficult to keep small amounts of fresh fruit on hand but rice cakes are something I never thought of. Any thoughts on standard Muscle Milk as a post-workout supp?
Hey Thomas, quick question about combining fats/carbs. I’m wanting to gain muscle while losing fat. Is it okay to have higher quality meats like Sockeye Salmon and grass fed red meat in conjunction with lower GI starches like sweet potatoes? I’m just wondering if the fat from these protein sources will store as fat if I combine it with any carbs. Thanks!
Fructose cannot be absorbed by muscles, but only the liver cells. There is no purpose in refilling the liver, is there? It just takes longer to get into ketosis if you fill up liver glycogen and make the liver busy handling fructose?
Hey Thomas I have a question. Would it be alright to put almond butter on rice cake if doing keto? Or it's not good because of the carbs and fat and would make you store it all.
Need your help to settle a dispute from the bro science crowd!! I’m omad, cardio and work out fasted ... I watched all your videos, dr Berg and dr fung say your GH levels and IGF-BP-1 levels increase for 4-6 hrs after your work out and to not eat. Also insulin sensitivity increases 20% after a work out.... ok so 6-8 meals a day increases protein synthesis more than IF/omad was the discussion ... I understand the difference between everyday bob and competitors but that’s a lot of insulin spiking with all those meals... how come competitors eat 6-8 meals a day?
I'm guessing It's because a lot of competitive bodybuilders eat, or try and eat 8,000 - 10,000 (or more) calories a day; and need to eat several times per day in order to do so.
Recommendations are always tricky. Everyone's drive in the gym is different. Some people go to sit on equipment and text, and others go and leave with their sweatpants and hoodie drenched after heavy lifting and cardio. 20-25 grams of protein is on the light side for me. I think I'll still be catabolic. Protein isn't readily converted to sugar or fat,its a builder. Plus I will be fasting for the majority of the day. I rather deal with the chance of it being converted than leaving any muscle gain on the table. Plus my prolong fasting bouts will incinerate that anyway. BTW Nice salt tip
Hi Thomas...what are your thoughts on a 5x5 workout on Keto for fat loss and gaining muscle? Also, will HIIT cardio on off days be beneficial when following a 5x5 program?
You can still apply this info if you workout in a fasted state - just workout at the end of your fasting period; then break your fast with your post workout meal.
just started my jouney... (channel could use some love) was looking for something for a recovery drink -- what do you think about beachbody recovery -- or the vegan recovery option??
So how does this protocol help with fat loss and recovery? So I get it that after workout the body is very insulin sensitive and will absorb those things well, but where is the fat loss part of it? Do I still miss something?
I just found a new flavor by kettle and fire!!! It's called coconut curry lime chicken bone broth and I love it so much I just bought 100 dollars worth of it!!! Yummy!!!
1 question.. fructose doesn't go to the muscles directly as fuel.. they 1st store in liver .. then how is this gonna help u to not store fat... Even it's after workout... 🤔🧐?
He explained that the fructose (plus a bit of quality salt) helps the body absorb, and utilize twice the amount of carbs vs glucose alone. That way more of the carbs will be used to replenish glycogen levels rather than being converted to & stored as fat.
Can you do another like 4 week meal plan kinda thingy?? With more specifics! Since we’re all rly interested in recipes that are perfect for fat loss! Everything with omega 3-6 ratios n’ all that good shtuf
Needed to see after losing 125 pounds in 8 months on keto it’s time to hit the gym. Thanks for the video. From 417 down to 289.
Tamario X wow!! Amazing. Congrats
Nice. I lost 70lbs over 4 months though I’m thinking it was also partially because I narrowed my eating window down to 6hrs a day. Turn 49 in a month wouldn’t believe I could lose that much that fast at my age.
That's awesome! Good job :) Keep it up!
Tamario X congrats my guy, keep on pushing
Thanks all!! 💪💪💪
honey is typically 50/50 glucose and fructose!
Yes, so: 10-15 gr glucose (rice, oatmeal, broccoli... ) + fructose (banana, apple...) + a pinch of high quality salt.
Vamos, meterle una pieza ligera de fruta y carbohidrato (sea en forma de crucífero o cereal complejo / simple) con una pizca sal.
More like 1/2 a banana, or 1/2 an apple.
Bananas are one of the most unnatural fruits out there as they are highly domesticated so that's probably a bad suggestion. They are literately a berry with mistaken identity and there are better options out there or else you just really like bananas that is.
Why am I 4 minutes into the video and still don’t know what to drink
All I hear is YAP, YAP, YAP.
Seriously. Annoying. He does this a lot in his videos. Time to unsubscribe.
Exactly. I thought I was dumb or something for not getting what he's talking about. Guess not the only one
@@cecillakhorn1843 It is not a channel for people who are only looking for shortcuts. Without the science and deeper understanding of how our bodies work, people will never learn anything any sadly continue making the same silly mistakes.
because you cant relate chemistry to food.
Thomas no need to worry about Greg's video about u .. because ur videos are top notch and informative also research based ..which is really impressive ..hatts off to u man
Sea salt or pink salt only high quality salt. And remember to soak grains and nuts to reduce phytic acid. Heart and hugs to Thomas! Blessings Thomas and everyone on our (sometimes) keto, stayin lean healthy journey:)
I think history shows that the people behind Gatorade had a very good idea about what they were doing. Even the earliest formulas knew better than to just put "a bunch of sugar in their product(s)" Robert Cade was the man who first developed with a team of other researchers. There was no company initially. They were asked to solve a problem for the University of Florida's football team. Their initial formula was developed via trial and error.
You can search the patents and see that Robert Cade continued to work on formulas. The original 1967 formula did not include fructose. But it also had about half the sugar of typical soft drinks. The did research. They understood some stuff. Their formula was used post-operatively in hospitals to relieve dehydration in children.
And Gatorade continues to do research via the Gatorade Sports Science Institute. They were doing studies with Glucose+Fructose back in 1987. It would be interesting to know when it was that they introduced the glucose+fructose formulation. It probably wasn't an accident.
NICE camera move at 2:12! Really made me feel the inner depth of my carb shame. Thank you.
camera guy almost lost him😂
This is the only fitness and nutrition channel I follow because he's the best.
Do some research, hes trash, a contradictory scam
Hello but I remember that you said there is no need to have post workout after exercise, because the anabolic window is wider than 30 minutes.
Anabolic window isn't the same thing as recovery.
He didn't say when or long after workout
Thomas you are the best.❤I've learned so much about keto and my health since watching your videos. ❤Thank you for the great content. It's definitely helping me with my healthy lifestyle journey.
Thanks for the lesson on fructose and glucose what a gamechanger 🤘
This is my current post workout mostly based off TD's recommendations....
Rice cake (glucose)
1/2 orange OR 1/4 cup frozen blueberries (fructose)
Sea Salt (1/2 tsp)
Protein - Sunwarrior - Warrior Blend 1 & 1/2 scoops
Cordyceps (Four Sigmatic Cordyceps) 1 packet
Creatine 5g (*doesn't need to be post workout, that's just when i take it)
I use a stick blender with the fruit & water, add the other ingredients except the rice cake.
I have lost 90lbs and I only eat high fat and greens after an intense workout. I do cardio in a fasting state.
I eat oats with some flax seeds and an banana or oats and some nuts and an egg and cucumbers after cardio walk and run (2 to 3 miles) or dance workout. 40 minutes after I do my intense workout. My fruit is only on my blood type diet. I eat 95% blood type diet. After intense workout, I have certain fish or certain beans, greens with an egg, only with some himalayan salt in it. I can feel my body is gaining muscle.
We used to stock up on Gatorade as teenagers on the weekends because we used to party and get drunk on the weekends!!! Good times!!! I wish I was young again!!! It's not easy becoming an old man like me!!!
Gatorade is phenomenal at getting you out of a hangover quickly.
Great. But if you're just keto-adapting... will this 20g of glucose + 15g of fructose not break the keto-adaptation process?
If fructose can NOT replenish muscle glycogen, then why do we care about adding it post workout just to be "quicker"? My understanding was that fructose goes tot he liver only. So, yes its absorbed at the "same time" as glucose/dextrose hence making carbohydrate absorption faster, but what the use if x amount from fructose isn't going to the muscle?
good question. wish someone could explain/clear this up
Thomas your analogies are so perfect. They make things easier to learn, but also make it much easier to remember. Thank you sir.
Your videos are so informative !
Like actual science 🧪 not just UA-cam Fitness influencers lol
I'd love to see a day in the life video where Thomas is smokin weed and drinking, cussing listening to gangster rap, eating half a chocolate cake, sniffing lines peaking out his window with paranoia, talking about crazy out of this world stuff, poppin champagne while making it rain hundreds!!! LMAO!!!🤣
Mike S 😂😂😂
Thanks for always sharing such helpful information👍
Keep inspiring us small youtubers😘🙏
Thanks Sensei, I'm going to apply this to this mornings workout.
Hey Thomas, I recently moved back to Asia and going keto was a lot more different than doing it in the US. I thought it might be a fun idea to do a series on what keto food to buy/eat in like Chinese/Indian/Mexican supermarkets and such.
Your videos are extremely informative and on another level compared to some of the other stuff about fitness and nutrition on here. Keep them coming!!l
Do research on the things he says, please
My best post-meal after workout is eating all my macros all at once by doing OMAD
Same here but if you are doing Keto OMAD after workout, I always concern about fat
Which kind of protein do you reccomend taking post workout with your glucose, fructose and salt if you are following a keto and IF plan?
I recall you being a fan of pea protein...
Alot of people on here have lost great amounts of weight because of your videos. Anyway to help us with the saggy skin? Lol thank you for all you do? 🙏🙏
Why not whole organic milk with a few berries? Protein Fat Sugar just add salt
How long after having this drink should I be eating a ketogenic meal?
you can basicly eat whenever you want after having a drink of that type. Just dont have a carb drink after your meal if you want to stay in ketosis. i would recommend you to eat 15 minutes after you have had a drink just for metabolic reasons.
table sugar is glucose and fructose!
So after a workout take sugar mixed with salt - lol
It would be helpful to give a few examples of what a real combination was like 2-3 foods juices put together. I have lost more than 100 lb on keto and now close to maintenance. I walk daily (my work out). I also find I’m fearful of getting too skinny ( mostly my own emotional fear) but looking to keep keto and not really lost weight. I try to be objective about all this and find I’m more emotional that is a surprise to me. Emotional over my body size and food intake. But love keto effect on the feel of thinking and energy. Thanks for all your sound information.
You do know that Switching to a normal diet once every 3 months of keto would make sure that you lose BF.
How about lactose?
I’ve been eating 3 eggs usually with feta, one centre cut pork chop, 1.5 servings of steel cut oats mixed with one serving peanut butter. Not sure if it’s ideal or what but it works for me.
Lots of fats w/ carbs. ie What you're never supposed to do.
Love all this info thank u
Very insightful! I’d like to add that swallowing a protein shake after training will not help you. Your body needs carbohydrates after training and many of them! Proteins slow down carbohydrate absorption which you want to avoid. This is a misconception that is ignored in obsolete weight training practices. It will work for manufacturers, but not for you. Instead, add 100mg of caffeine to your post workout shake :)
I just watched a video by a doctor claiming the worst thing for muscle building and fat loss is to consume anything post workout. Just stay empty so the body can feed off the fat reserves (more technical than that). Does anybody actually know ?
Honest to God....some of these questions must have you banging your head off the table 😄
Cheers Tam. 🏴Appreciate you going over that analogy again. I think I'm getting it.
I'm only uncertain on how long after that post-workout meal that I can resume eating protein & fat without worrying about storing bodyfat
How about a whey isolate shake made with coconut water? would that tic all the boxes? It's what I usually do!
I was thinking the same... hope he answers
Read the label and it'll tell you.
Here's a post-workout shake idea that fits the criteria:
30g of protein powder + 30g of oats + 125g blueberries. Throw in some water and a little almond milk or coconut water or whatever. Easy
You said in recent that we shouldn't eat fruit after workout , you say that it's better before the workout because the fructose will be in the bloodstream and since you're working out the cells will take those fructose as source of energy, you also said that they are good to go in the morning when we wake up.
Now you recommending us as a post workout. I don't understand
Just eat a banana and drink 1 glass milk 15 mins after workout , carbohydrates will give you energy and protein will give you muscle.
So as a postworkout meal example.. blueberry + banana + oats + salt + protein powder (isolate + caesin) sound good?
Specifically pink himalayan salt
This is a good video. well broken down in a manner that is easier to register.
For a second I thought there was not going to be a mention about protein but glad that was covered in the Final End.
All the information is correct however you missing a piece of info that I am wondering confounds your thought process. You are saying that we may not have enough glucose transports to absorb the amount of glucose we have and thus our bodies will store excess glucose as fat (glycogenesis). However, the presence of glucose alone in cells causes insulin spikes which up regulate ls the number glucose transports on cell membranes to compensate for the influx of glucose. So, with this mechanism the suggestion to mix sugars would only be relevant if we could truly determine that even with up-regulation of glucose transporters, we still have excess glucose that contributes to a statistically significant amount of glycogenesis.
We also can’t knock the important of excess glucose storage for muscles cells either.
Should we take protein before or after the glucose+fructose+sodium?
Just as I was looking for good post workout recovery. Thomas I swear you are a mind reader.
Great Job as usual
Am a bit confused on a recent video the suggested post mornin workout meal was eggs and bacon... but now this is saying if I eat fat after my workout I will store it?
I’m confused too 🙄🤔
Awesome mate. Very helpful Video. cheers
Ya I've adapted these ingredients in my post per your recommendations. Really helps!
Pink Salt
Cream of Tartar
Rice Cake
Add omegas aka fish oil ✊
So when should you eat whenever you want
So fat intake should be avoided completely? What if your looking to lose more fat as a primary goal? Should only do this occasionally to replenish glycogen stores in order to work out more intense? So much info and opinions gets overwhelming.
And "dag-nabbit" thats a good one Thomas:))
What about the small amount of Omega 3 you mentioned in the last video on this topic? Been using this strategy for 4 months now. Up around 7lbs of muscle and down 7% body fat in that time.
@shred Boise do you remember which video the omega information was in? I am still trying to figure out how to put this all together as well, meaning, how soon after this post workout combo/meal do I have my official keto meal such as breakfast, or does this post workout meal become the breakfast meal? If anyone knows I would geeatly appreciate some info. Thanks!
Can drinking a gatorade be the solution to all of this cause it has fructose glucose and salt?
Val Riegler it’s not enough salt, especially post workout because you’ve sweat out a lot of salt
Gatorade is low quality garbage. If anything, take the ingredients and make your own healthy version of gatorade.
Thanks for keeping it simple, re-subscribing for short, sweet, and practical
This guy always leaves people with more questions than answers lol
Hey Thomas how about us fasting guys?? Some of us work out 9 am and don’t eat anything until 5pm?
I'd love to know too!
Yeah...this has been an obstacle for me as well. Makes me push training to later in the day and I prefer mornings...but I like to eat post workout.. Hmmm...
Good question😊👍
that's how I gained 30 pounds lean muscle in 5 months. I ate one meal a day before bed, and even skipping that on Saturdays. 6 meals a week. I was lean to begin, but not much muscle to lose either.
I recall in another video..he said its fine to 'ride the wave' of your work out high until you break your fast in the evening. Note in the same video he said metabolism naturally higher in the could break fast before noon or afternoon for optimal fat burn. Then no late dinner..
Same here. Workout at 7am but my eating window still starts at 1pm
What is the ideal ketogenic post-workout shake, etc.? Strictly healthy fats, and 20-30 g of protein? Or can you add some berries to that? Or will the combination of glucose from berries, and fat from healthy fats go to fat storage? Trying to avoid any insulin spike right now.
So, what's the word on the post workout window? You've said a few different things about the importance of timing. Add what about fat, like MCT oil? If I workout in the morning and want to keep fasting is better that better, my inclination? Or should that replenishing take place within the first hour? How important is it to have a post workout meal? Used to do protein shakes post workout years ago but abandoned them after hearing about the insulin spikes from whey protein, and I know you like pea protein.
What do you consume right after a workout if you intermittent fast and you workout in the morning, but don’t break your fast until 2 pm ?
Hey Thomas!
I have a Question bothering me since your Video about How to build Muscle while Fasting. I fast for 16-30 hours every Day and I am on keto. So I do not consume more than 20-50g of net carbs. If I consume 15g Glucose and 10g Fructose after working out, I already have 25g of net carbs, does that mean, that I can eat 25-75g netcarb every day or shouldn't I come over 50g of net carbs? I am used to do weighted calisthenics and mobility-work for one to one and a half hour every day! I would be glad for an Respond.
Greetings from Austria!
Great video!
St. Matthew 7 Judge not, that you may not be judged,
2 For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why seest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye; and seest not the beam that is in thy own eye?
4 Or how sayest thou to thy brother: Let me cast the mote out of thy eye; and behold a beam is in thy own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, cast out first the beam in thy own eye, and then shalt thou see to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
6 Give not that which is holy to dogs; neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest perhaps they trample them under their feet, and turning upon you, they tear you.
7 Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you.
8 For every one that asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
9 Or what man is there among you, of whom if his son shall ask bread, will he reach him a stone?
10 Or if he shall ask him a fish, will he reach him a serpent?
11 If you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children: how much more will your Lord God, the Father who is in heaven, give good things to them that ask him?
12 All things therefore whatsoever you would that men should do to you, do you also to them. For this is the law and the prophets.
13 Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat.
14 How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it!
15 Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 By their fruits you shall know them. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit, and the evil tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can an evil tree bring forth good fruit.
19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire.
20 Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.
21 Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven: but he that doth the will of my Lord God, the Father who is in heaven, he shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.
22 Many will say to me in that day: Lord, Lord, have not we prophesied in thy name, and cast out devils in thy name, and done many miracles in thy name?
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.
24 Every one therefore that heareth these my words, and doth them, shall be likened to a wise man that built his house upon a rock,
25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell not, for it was founded on a rock.
26 And every one that heareth these my words, and doth them not, shall be like a foolish man that built his house upon the sand,
27 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and they beat upon that house, and it fell, and great was the fall thereof.
28 And it came to pass when Lord God, the Great King Jesus Christ had fully ended these words, the people were in admiration at his doctrine.
29 For he was teaching them as one having power, and not as the scribes and Pharisees.
Word of the Blessed Lord God, the King. Thank You Blessed Lord God, the King and Savior Jesus Christ.
All you great numerous enemies; the enemy of the holy death of my Lord God, the King and Master Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary; the prince of darkness and iniquity, the father of all liars; I stand on the death of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ and offer His pains, wounds, and the Precious Blood of His left hand to the Eternal Father Lord God for your downfall, your destruction and your scourging. Amen. Precious Blood of my Lord and Master Jesus Christ - reign in me and in the lives of all men. Amen.
O holy loving Father, Lord God, the King of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Who protected the Israelites of old in His holy wings in the dryness of the cold and hot desert; I offer You the holy death of my Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the protection of Your people who are scattered all over the world. May the Blood and water wash and strengthen, save and cleanse us that we might find home in the Sacred Side of Your Holy Son that opens for all men. Amen. Sacred Side of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - be our home for safety. Amen.
Omnipotent and Omniscient Lord God, the King, Lord God, the King of Elijah and the prophets, look at the Sacred Head of Your only-begotten Holy Son and have mercy. Arise and save Your people. I offer You all the shame, the pains, the wounds and the Precious Blood from the Sacred Head of Your Holy Son for all Your children who are living in these perilous times. Strengthen our true faith through the mockery of Your Holy Son, Lord Jesus Christ, and save us through the Precious Blood from His Sacred Head. May we, through the sufferings of Your Holy Son, Jesus Christ, learn to suffer in You and die in You. Amen. Holy tortures of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - increase our true faith. Amen.
Merciful and holy loving Father Lord God, the King, Your wish is that all men shall be saved. Kindly look on Your rejected and condemned Holy Son Who suffered many tortures and will suffer many through the sins of Your people. Look and see what sin has done to your only-begotten Holy Son. I offer for all Your people who are living in these ungodly and wicked days, all the tortures, pains, rejection and shame of your Son, Lord Jesus Christ, to You, for the true faith to withstand trials and holy patience to withstand long torture. May they through the suffering of Your only Holy Son, fight to the end. Amen. Our Lord God, Jesus Christ the King's torture - increase our true faith. Precious Blood of Lord God, the King Jesus Christ - save us. Amen.
💥😎as usual awesome information, thank you so much sir!!!
Great video. Wonder how it contrasts with Milos Sarcevs advice for higher protein with glucose spike for super compensation
I'be been doing targeted keto, following your advice from your previous video, for 3 1/2 months now with great results. I have lost substantial body fat and gained significant muscle. I don't want to be insulting but you suggest consuming refined straight fructose and that sounds like meathead advice. Why wouldn't I consume something like a fresh whole peach for the fructose and get the added benefits of the nutrients from that whole food?
Or, like I did today, eat a slice of fresh homemade blackberry pie with wild blackberries I picked which gives me about the right amount of glucose and fructose with the added benefit of tasting delicious unlike glugging down straight refined glucose? It just seems logical to me to pick the whole foods and get enjoyment + added nutrition while staying in the carb range you suggested.
Quick and Simple. Straight to the point.
Gonna try this. Hopefully it will help me break through my current fat loss plateau.
If your weight plateaus stick to your calorie deficit . That would help no matter what. Try carb cycling. That would be a lot easier method to lose body fat and retain Muscle Mass.
@@revanthshalon5626 I'm already in a calorie deficit; and have tried carb cycling. Being a Type 2 diabetic I want to limit my carb intake, and lose as much fat as possible & as quickly as possible while keeping blood sugars 5.2 mmol or lower at all times.
@@jasonhurst8599 Keto should be a very good option.
@@revanthshalon5626 Oh believe me I completely agree.
Keto + IF + 2MAD/OMAD have all help me lose 106 lbs in 16 months so far. Still want to lose another 80 - 85 though once I break through this current plateau I've hit.
@@jasonhurst8599 Do you weight train ?
So can I blend the berries with my protein powder add some pink Himalaya salt then have a piece of rice cake right after my workout? Or should I wait for a few more hours?
No need to wait hours. Just drink it after your workout. I'd wait at least 1-2 hrs to have a proper meal. That is if you're still hungry.
One of my favorite videos from you Thomas. Post workout is vital and you just gave us the answer thank you!
After my runs I usually do 4 eggs sunny side up with plenty of butter, whole avocado, and hummus in the hole of both avocado halves. Optional is sourkrout and veggies. Is this good or bad after a hard 2 hour run? I also season with pepper and garlic salt.
2 hour run wtf?
Should we include any fat right after a workout?
Because I'm trying to burn fat and build muscle my post-workout choice has been Muscle Milk, particularly when I do HIIT. MM has 25g Protein and I notice it helps with my recovery on HIIT and weight training days. It's very expensive and difficult to keep small amounts of fresh fruit on hand but rice cakes are something I never thought of. Any thoughts on standard Muscle Milk as a post-workout supp?
Hey Thomas, quick question about combining fats/carbs. I’m wanting to gain muscle while losing fat. Is it okay to have higher quality meats like Sockeye Salmon and grass fed red meat in conjunction with lower GI starches like sweet potatoes? I’m just wondering if the fat from these protein sources will store as fat if I combine it with any carbs. Thanks!
if we are building muscle , doing keto, where's the protein post workout? can I still do this combination with protein and gain muscle and lose fat?
Fructose cannot be absorbed by muscles, but only the liver cells. There is no purpose in refilling the liver, is there? It just takes longer to get into ketosis if you fill up liver glycogen and make the liver busy handling fructose?
Table regular sugat is 50℅ fructose and 50% glucose right? So table sugar post workout good idea?
You store glucose in the liver if your liver is full then the muscles if they both are full then you store fat
Why are the double sugars beneficial?
Would sweet potato do the trick for 15-20 g of starchy food, or low glycemic food won’t work?
Gatorade brings back pleasant memories from the 70"s!!! When it first came out we only had 1 flavor to choose from!!!
Remember Gatorade GUM?!!
Yeah it was great! Orange and green individually wrap gum!
Lol old ass
@@phines93 LMAO... Someday..if you are lucky YOU'LL be older too. ☺️
@@sylvainster30 😂...not nearly as disappointing as fruit stripe gum...MMM...oh
Hey Thomas I have a question. Would it be alright to put almond butter on rice cake if doing keto? Or it's not good because of the carbs and fat and would make you store it all.
Need your help to settle a dispute from the bro science crowd!! I’m omad, cardio and work out fasted ... I watched all your videos, dr Berg and dr fung say your GH levels and IGF-BP-1 levels increase for 4-6 hrs after your work out and to not eat. Also insulin sensitivity increases 20% after a work out.... ok so 6-8 meals a day increases protein synthesis more than IF/omad was the discussion ... I understand the difference between everyday bob and competitors but that’s a lot of insulin spiking with all those meals... how come competitors eat 6-8 meals a day?
I'm guessing It's because a lot of competitive bodybuilders eat, or try and eat 8,000 - 10,000 (or more) calories a day; and need to eat several times per day in order to do so.
Recommendations are always tricky. Everyone's drive in the gym is different. Some people go to sit on equipment and text, and others go and leave with their sweatpants and hoodie drenched after heavy lifting and cardio. 20-25 grams of protein is on the light side for me. I think I'll still be catabolic. Protein isn't readily converted to sugar or fat,its a builder. Plus I will be fasting for the majority of the day. I rather deal with the chance of it being converted than leaving any muscle gain on the table. Plus my prolong fasting bouts will incinerate that anyway.
BTW Nice salt tip
Great video, however can we get some food suggestions?
Very well explained ❤️thank you!
What about after the carb concoction has been absorbed? Isn't the body sensitive to storing whatever else you eat afterwards?
I’ve been drinking Gatorade Zero. Has 0 added sugar
Hi Thomas...what are your thoughts on a 5x5 workout on Keto for fat loss and gaining muscle? Also, will HIIT cardio on off days be beneficial when following a 5x5 program?
Coconut water with adding salt? It's about 1/2 glucose 1/4 fructose and 1/4 sucrose?
Your awesome Thomas! Keep up the amazing information! It was cool seeing you on Ric Drasin's channel back in the day.
Thank you for the videos. Learning so much about my diet and workouts.
I only workout in the fasted state, so this won't work for me unfortunately.
This video is for after workout
You can still apply this info if you workout in a fasted state - just workout at the end of your fasting period; then break your fast with your post workout meal.
Jason Hurst I cant stand working out in the evening. I always workout first thing in the morning , so I’ll just have to power through :)
Break the fast in the morning after workout and fast through the afternoon and evening.
Eddie Nixon III nope. I love making dinner and my evening glass o wine !
Thank you, Thomas!!!
just started my jouney... (channel could use some love) was looking for something for a recovery drink -- what do you think about beachbody recovery -- or the vegan recovery option??
Eyy whatabout greentea after a post workout meal? seein as is also contains EGCG'z? nay or yay?
So how does this protocol help with fat loss and recovery? So I get it that after workout the body is very insulin sensitive and will absorb those things well, but where is the fat loss part of it? Do I still miss something?
I just found a new flavor by kettle and fire!!! It's called coconut curry lime chicken bone broth and I love it so much I just bought 100 dollars worth of it!!! Yummy!!!
Is it creamy ? Do i need to add salt?
@@itsagoodday2165 yes very creamy and you don't need salt
1 question.. fructose doesn't go to the muscles directly as fuel.. they 1st store in liver .. then how is this gonna help u to not store fat... Even it's after workout... 🤔🧐?
He explained that the fructose (plus a bit of quality salt) helps the body absorb, and utilize twice the amount of carbs vs glucose alone. That way more of the carbs will be used to replenish glycogen levels rather than being converted to & stored as fat.
Can you do another like 4 week meal plan kinda thingy?? With more specifics! Since we’re all rly interested in recipes that are perfect for fat loss! Everything with omega 3-6 ratios n’ all that good shtuf
Thank you!