You style of speaking in the shop, then with bike rides showing the issues that you spoke about is a great approach to reviewing bikes. Keeps people interested much longer. Keep it up, and the subs will pile in. “You got me, and that’s not an easy to do” Rodney
Wow, incredible review. Going to be hard for anyone to top this. SUPER detailed, tons of great ride footage, covers basically every aspect of the bike. And MAN does the bike look amazing.
I really appreciate that you can cruise comfortably, with pedal assist at 60kph or 36mph. It's at that sweet spot for someone who lives about 15km out of town, with a few mild hills. Plus having the ability to get keep up with traffic and get out the way quickly is fantastic!
This is a $4,000 bike so we are well into motorcycle territory here. I know the haters are going to say nobody cares but its worth mentioning for perspective.
@@randallhack4477I have a Billy Goat V2 and it goes 43 mph and my local dmv says that I don't have to get it registered or titled. I think Geico can insure it, have to call them tho.
Yes, you are supposed to have them registered if you ride them on the roads in my state at least. You can just get a warranty through the bike company they do full coverage and they renew it idk about this company though @randallhack4477
This bike is INSANE and your details on your review was INSANE! Thanks for your time on this. I can’t wait for the exact same bike to arrive! By the way, when I did a UA-cam search, I didn’t get your video from the search results. It was a link from an email. Just FYI.
I have watched so many videos on this bike, and yours hands down is the best and most detailed I’ve ever seen. Please keep up the great content. You have a new subscriber!
@@thebikecave good timing for them. I've been searching for a bike that comes stock with a big battery built into it like the Aniioki and just upgrading the motor, controller, tires, and headlight. Or getting a Revv1 and upgrading everything also and running 2 batteries. Basically everything this bike has with more range. I'm glad to see a company finally coming out with something like this, it seems like it will set a benchmark for the industry. What's the price tag on one of these, and do they offer adding a bigger, or second battery?? I know you can put a load balancer on it and run 2, but I'm guessing that will void the warranty. Great video too by the way.
Great looking bike! And the performance is awesome! I've no need for this since I own 130mph motorcycles. But, saved many accessory tires from Lyris cycles, THANKS AGAIN
@@thebikecave okay, that’s what I was trying to understand - other videos referred to regen, and showing the front brake and there’s obviously no regen motor in that front hub.
Thanks for mentioning your height, what all E bike videos and websites fail to always mention is the height recommendation, I’m 5’4, and bought a bike that was meant for people 5’7 and taller. at the time I bought the bike, it had no mention of Height, so now I’m trying to sell it for a shorter one
I really like this bike and hopefully by the end of winter. I will have enough saved up. to afford it by then, buddy, and thank you, for You're honest review of this grate Ebike . im going to be working tords this Graffiti x Ebike, and i will have it just in time to ride all over the loging roads around my land and my Mile And a half long driveway buddy so thank u so much for all you do and Take care and have a great day in your next words.Wherever that might be buddy. 👊❤❤❤❤🤘😁🤘❤❤❤ and that's just the way it is when your Disabled. Lol
I already own 2 Spark Cycle Works Bandits with dual batteries and I also have my eye on their new one the Brute but this Graffiti X seems to be one heck of a ride. Great job on this review my friend and continue bringing us content on the latest releases entering the PEV market.
What is the best Ebike for the price end for the speed, reliability, and suspension for bouth the bake and frunt of the bike and one with torn signals and rear and frunt Lights ?
@thebikecave yeah, i mean something like a cetner console. Either way im debating if I should sell my bike for this. I heard it was supposed to be released today, but the site still has reservations up.
@@tiagothinks if you buy a reservation, you get a 15% discount ($3300) with free shipping and can order your bike today! The bike goes live for everyone else tomorrow… Not sure about the discount then…
You need either a different camera or different lens cause the one you're using makes it hard to tell the actual size or shape cause it warps the image.
Nice review. The $4k price is just not working for me. That price is just too high for 35 mile range - hours to charge it back. I agree a new Versys 300 costs a bit more, but I know I can get a used one for about the same price and it's range is only gasoline limited and it can go on the freeway. Thanks!
Not sure to be honest… it was a prototype bike I had and I didn’t want to mess with the settings too much. It felt fast enough for me. Any faster and you get sent backwards off the bike.
@thebikecave it's an extremely powerful controller that can easily be programmed to go faster but then the range will drop down significantly. I can see people building 72v batteries and putting on 8kw on these bikes using the same controller. 😂
Can't believe that I watched the whole video. I just got a ebike for christmas recently. This would be a killer upgrade for me in a year or two when this one craps out.
Great review! You sold me on it! Do you think this bike will be okay for someone with arthritis in the hip? Cant pedal anymore. Also is financing available for this bike? Never had one before and from what you have shown me in this video, I think this is the bike I want... its just a little outta my price range.
great review you know youre stuff .i like the smooth acceleration but i suspect the settings are turned down quite a lot and theres more acceleration waiting .but why bother its smooth and control able. perfect for novices and the more experianced riders the usd forks are known to be great by design esp over chattery terrain .magura 4 piston brakes standard thats just perfect for those speeds .i might have to add one to my collection
Could be more special with mag wheels. So it goes 50mph, like a motorcycle. But lacks mirrors which are VERY useful for staying alive or sizeable blinkers.
I never like the factory mirrors that come with eBikes. I go with better aftermarket mirrors. So factory mirrors (or the lack of them) is not an important factor for me. I go with the Meachow end of handlebar mirrors, as the view is not blocked by my shoulders.
Hi … Great channel …. What bike would u recommend … I’m 6’4 and want to ride Around 100 mile range … two batteries …. And speeds of 20 to 37 mph …. Very dependable bike …. What’s your top three picks …. I’m in the Philippines !!! … Thanks
It’s so strange that they have NINE speed levels between zero and twenty mph then it goes full blast up to 50 after that. Why not use some of those levels to cruise along at 28 or 32 or 35 mph so you don’t have to manage the throttle so much. Or does it have PAS levels for off road mode?
Totally agree with you how dumb ebike laws are when you are limited to 20mph is way more dangerous than keeping with the flow of traffic speeds is much safer. Ebike law makers don't even ride ebikes. They don't know.
Im really into e bikes preferably surrons but watching this vid i believe I've found my first ebike im from Michigan (Detroit) m living in Michigan City Indiana n love this bike your review drew me n i work at four winds casino i believe ive found my new grinder build man imma go n grind it' up i really want this bike i just hope it comes n red n i wanna ask u what drove u to review e bikes id love to do what u do bro ive rode endless mongooses but thanks to u i can motivate myself to my goal my name is Anthony brody n i love Canada need to visit again soon
The capacity is 350 pounds, which includes the weight of the bike. So approx 230-250 pounds for the rider / cargo without compromising performance of the motor and brakes. The bike has more than enough power to handle 350+ lbs rider/cargo, however it is unsafe as the brakes won't have the same stopping capacity, and the motor is at risk of overheating.
To anyone who knows, what is the likelihood of a bike chain slipping off? This bike looks amazing. I'm honestly thinking of getting it instead of a car in the future. But just looking at the mounting of it on this bike, how would it be that it doesn't slide off to one side or another without some kind of wall to keep it on the gears? I get that it's not really meant for pedaling. I do. But in the event that it did, is all I'm wondering.
@@thebikecave Thank you very much! If that’s the case, then it’s only a matter of time before I get my hands on one without any reservations! And the people saying that you should have a bigger following are absolutely right!
Great review, but Lyric has a checkered relationship with the "pre-order" community. Once they have actual stock for delivery, as versus pre-order and wait, I will find this a viable option. I already did the whole pre-order thing with the Motor Goat v3, and faced delivery slippage to the tune of months. The truth is, the second battery option was paid for over 4 months ago, and it is still not delivered. I have learned the lesson on pre-orders to my core. I won't make the same mistake twice. Still, a great review and a desirable eBike. For those who don't already have a 40+ MPH eBike, it may be worth the wait. Right now, all the 40+ MPH (with pedals) eBikes are experiencing serious slippage on delivery (eCells, Wired Freedom, Goat Power bikes). So, perhaps this is simply par for the course. I do wish the Lyric X had a second battery option. It appears to have the space for another 20 Amp Hour of capacity.
If you have your motorcycle endorsement, is it possible to register this ebike with DMV and ride this on the streets full bore like you do a motorcycle? Another 1K US and you can have a new Triumph 400. I dunno.
The most important thing on a bike like that is the brakes, then tires 2nd. And a 50mph bike with heavy tires still using mtn bike brakes is such a huge miss IMO.
Not bad next model hopefully 100 amp controller for possible 55 mph and mabey lfp battery and mirrors and the light spread on that headlight is not the greatest the brightness is good just not wide
Yes, because we don't wanna register it, lol, and pay stupid insurance. This is a loophole. As soon as I see the cops I slow down and peddle, keeping at 25mph, but at night time, I'm letting it rip 45 down the road lol
Have you reviewed the Motor Goat? How do you think this thing stacks up? I initially wanted the Graffiti X but you can only get them via pre-order and apparently people wait a long time. Plus Goat Power Bikes takes PayPal Credit 🤑
Seems pretty pricey for what it is. For 5 grand CDN you can buy a halfway decent used street motorcycle. I get you can ride on the bike paths with it but you're going to get dirty looks and Karens yelling at you everywhere you go and the police aren't going to care how slow you're going if they see you on them. Spending that kind of money on something that might well just get confiscated is scary. It looks well made though. However I wonder about getting 40 miles range on a 40 amp hour battery. Unless you were pinning the throttle the whole time that doesn't seem like much.
3.3k total after 15% off ordered this morning (no shipping no tax) When you want the best there is no comparison Oh and also fuck the state and license lol are you kidding that’s the most important part God thank you for not making me a loser in this life 🙏
@@ltserge3226 That's cool. I hope you like it. I am not a huge fan of those long seat cafe racer style bikes. I was basing my original price on Canuck money since I am from BC. I bought a motor goat V3 for $1200 less.
It is not 80amps. it is not 7200 watts. It is more like 8050 watts peak and the ASI 2000 is 220amps DC and 175 Phase amps. That’s more than a horsepower higher than they list according to the dyno.
I have 3 kick speeders.And now I want to sit down on one but I want one that goes at least forty hopefully faster and I really like this one has very good component and a big battery
Awesome bike! I had a Graffiti ordered but I decided to cancel it because lets all be real here guy's this thing isn't legal and "grey area" is just a nice way of saying it an't legal lol . I know it has an offroad mode and a 750w Class 3 E bike mode and all that jazz but that doesn't make it legal it's what the bike is capable of. It's more then 3 times the power of a normal ebike it's just not worth the hassle potantally getting pulled over by police on this thing and losing my DL plus a court date. The crackdowns on Surron's and other high powered ebikes are already here it's just a matter of time before the cops have this bike on their radar. It's not worth it to spend $4k on a bike to potantially have it confiscsted/ impounded or distroyed.
I have a similar eBike (eMoped technically). I am working through getting it registered for the road. The tags and excise taxes will be small. I already have liability insurance on it. The insurance was only $70 a year. This way, any concerns of being impounded are mitigated at a very low total price.
It has an adjustable 9 level pedal assist so you can tune down the power at lower levels. So if you want a leisurely cruise on a bike path, you can still feel some push back in the lower levels... so they do serve a purpose :)
Check Out the Graffiti X Here!
Use Discount Code at Checkout: TTB100
You style of speaking in the shop, then with bike rides showing the issues that you spoke about is a great approach to reviewing bikes. Keeps people interested much longer.
Keep it up, and the subs will pile in. “You got me, and that’s not an easy to do”
Thx Rodney! Happy to have you in the audience!🤜🏼🤛🏼
Wow, incredible review. Going to be hard for anyone to top this. SUPER detailed, tons of great ride footage, covers basically every aspect of the bike. And MAN does the bike look amazing.
Wow, thanks for the kind words! Glad you liked it and pumped to have an awesome audience filled with people like you!🤜🏼🤛🏼
I really appreciate that you can cruise comfortably, with pedal assist at 60kph or 36mph. It's at that sweet spot for someone who lives about 15km out of town, with a few mild hills. Plus having the ability to get keep up with traffic and get out the way quickly is fantastic!
Yeah, that's the beauty of these bikes, they're so versatile. 🤘🏻
Yo just finished whole video dude this was amazingly put together can’t believe you have that little subs underrated
Thx homie! Glad you liked it! Stoked at the community of awesome people like you forming around this new channel! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
Best review I've seen on this bike so far. Awesome job!
Wow, thanks! Love to hear that! 🤜🏻🤛🏻
Great video man! Excellent editing
Thanks Alex! Means a lot coming from you! Appreciate it brother!🤜🏼🤛🏼
This is a $4,000 bike so we are well into motorcycle territory here. I know the haters are going to say nobody cares but its worth mentioning for perspective.
For me its still cheaper, long as its 50mph im good, but your right, its getting close to that line in the sand. Still dont gotta put gas in it.
@@DustinLee2001 I hear ya. Can you get it registered and insured?
@@randallhack4477 in my state you can. One of the few that considers ebikes Motorized vehicles. North Dakota.
@@randallhack4477I have a Billy Goat V2 and it goes 43 mph and my local dmv says that I don't have to get it registered or titled. I think Geico can insure it, have to call them tho.
Yes, you are supposed to have them registered if you ride them on the roads in my state at least. You can just get a warranty through the bike company they do full coverage and they renew it idk about this company though @randallhack4477
This bike is INSANE and your details on your review was INSANE! Thanks for your time on this. I can’t wait for the exact same bike to arrive! By the way, when I did a UA-cam search, I didn’t get your video from the search results. It was a link from an email. Just FYI.
Thx! I’ll look into it! Cheers!🤜🏼🤛🏼
@@thebikecave it looks like it’s working now! 👍
Amazing review, thanks Ben!
Glad you liked it! You guys made an amazing bike! You should be proud of that one!!🤜🏼🤛🏼
I have watched so many videos on this bike, and yours hands down is the best and most detailed I’ve ever seen. Please keep up the great content. You have a new subscriber!
Wow! Thank you so much! Appreciate the kind words. Cheers!🤜🏼🤛🏼
Awesome review man! Cant wait to receive mine.
Thx Blue! 🤜🏼🤛🏼 Me too!
Great REVIEW! FINALLY someone who knows what they are doing!! 😊
Yo! Thx homie! Really appreciate the kind words! Loving this community that’s building around the channel! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
@@thebikecave well I just subscribed! It has been probably one of the best reviews I've seen on a bike! Keep it up!
Preordered the black one this morning
Did they give you a ETA?
@@SurfStrands the ETA has been August for first batch part 1(January) and part 2 (this one) for aslong as they had this bike on their website
@@SurfStrands I ordered a bike and they said they are on schedule for August delivery.
@@thebikecave good timing for them. I've been searching for a bike that comes stock with a big battery built into it like the Aniioki and just upgrading the motor, controller, tires, and headlight. Or getting a Revv1 and upgrading everything also and running 2 batteries. Basically everything this bike has with more range. I'm glad to see a company finally coming out with something like this, it seems like it will set a benchmark for the industry. What's the price tag on one of these, and do they offer adding a bigger, or second battery?? I know you can put a load balancer on it and run 2, but I'm guessing that will void the warranty. Great video too by the way.
That was a great video review!! That bike is 🔥! I have a Goat bike and love that one too
Thx! My Motor Goat V3 is coming next week. Stoked for that one too!🤘🏻
@@thebikecave Is that your personal bike or are you reviewing?
great video man. Might have to check this beast out in the future... 👀
Thx homie! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
Good to see you here Jeremy. You're the one who has me interested in E-Bikes brotha.
Very good review. Such a cool bike.
Thanks Mike! Glad you liked it! Little different style to what I usually post…
Your review is so good man! Excellent work.
Wow! Thank you so much! Stoked you liked it!🤜🏼🤛🏼
Great Video, you earned a new sub. Thanks for a great and informative video. The bike looks like a perfect fit for me.
Amazing! Happy to hear that and thx for the kind words! So stoked to see the awesome community building around this channel! You guys are awesome!🤜🏼🤛🏼
Great thorough video review. Newly subscribed, great channel.
Thx Mark! Got your bike yet? Or does it come in August?
@@thebikecave August!
@@oregonebikermark8953 nice me too! What color did you get?
@@thebikecave Black
@@oregonebikermark8953 got the green one… might do a military style on it with a few mole bags. We’ll see.
Really good review! LOVE the new format!🫶🏻
Glad you like it! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
🔥🔥 awesome bike and video
Thx! Glad you liked it! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
@@thebikecave any plans of doing a review on the Ristretto 512?
@@vardanfitness7866 nothing yet but I’ll be reaching out to them.
Great review brother!
Thanks for watching! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
Cool video amigo I'm looking forward for the lyric voodoo
Bro you should do a distance check on that full/stop breaking you did that just blew my mind'...
Yeah maybe once I get my own bike… 🤘🏻
Great looking bike! And the performance is awesome! I've no need for this since I own 130mph motorcycles. But, saved many accessory tires from Lyris cycles, THANKS AGAIN
Is the regen on the front wheel or back wheel?
It’s in the rear hub motor but holding either one of the brakes will engage regen.
@@thebikecave okay, that’s what I was trying to understand - other videos referred to regen, and showing the front brake and there’s obviously no regen motor in that front hub.
@@rymalia yeah it saves your brake pads and uses the energy to spin the motor and magnets inside to charge the battery while slowing down the bike.
@@thebikecave @rymalia the regen is actually just connected to the right lever!
Awesome review!
Muy buena explicación. Gracias.
Thanks for mentioning your height, what all E bike videos and websites fail to always mention is the height recommendation, I’m 5’4, and bought a bike that was meant for people 5’7 and taller. at the time I bought the bike, it had no mention of Height, so now I’m trying to sell it for a shorter one
No worries!🤜🏼🤛🏼
Now THAT is a badass e-bike !!!
The background in this video is amazing, what state is this?
I’m in Vancouver Canada.
Awesome analysis✌👏
Glad you liked it!🤜🏼🤛🏼
I really like this bike and hopefully by the end of winter. I will have enough saved up. to afford it by then, buddy, and thank you, for You're honest review of this grate Ebike . im going to be working tords this Graffiti x Ebike, and i will have it just in time to ride all over the loging roads around my land and my Mile And a half long driveway buddy so thank u so much for all you do and Take care and have a great day in your next words.Wherever that might be buddy. 👊❤❤❤❤🤘😁🤘❤❤❤ and that's just the way it is when your Disabled. Lol
I placed a order for the Otis Blue one. I can't wait 🤩🤩🤩
Good choice! Can’t wait to mine too!
I already own 2 Spark Cycle Works Bandits with dual batteries and I also have my eye on their new one the Brute but this Graffiti X seems to be one heck of a ride. Great job on this review my friend and continue bringing us content on the latest releases entering the PEV market.
Thx Dennie! Glad you liked it! Will do!💪🏻
What is the best Ebike for the price end for the speed, reliability, and suspension for bouth the bake and frunt of the bike and one with torn signals and rear and frunt Lights ?
Now that's a bike review.
Wow! Thx Eric! Means a lot.
I've been eyeing this bike for a long while! The only negative I can think of is there is no storage on it. That's it.
They make a rear rack option that you can hang bags on. Most accessories that fit the regular graffiti will fit the X.
@thebikecave yeah, i mean something like a cetner console. Either way im debating if I should sell my bike for this. I heard it was supposed to be released today, but the site still has reservations up.
@@tiagothinks if you buy a reservation, you get a 15% discount ($3300) with free shipping and can order your bike today! The bike goes live for everyone else tomorrow… Not sure about the discount then…
@thebikecave that's $3300 usd, right?
You need either a different camera or different lens cause the one you're using makes it hard to tell the actual size or shape cause it warps the image.
Thx for the feedback… 🤜🏼🤛🏼
What’s the watts rating on the charger? I’m assuming it needs to be plugged in to a dedicated circuit. If so, 20A? 30A? 🤔🤔
Just received the production model now… working on reviewing the bike well all get. I’ll show you guys all the details soon. Stay tuned! 🤜🏼🤛🏼
Jesus brother - im sweating! This bike is fantastic.
Thx for the videos brother. Appreciate you.
Im gonna sell my trek and get this, ASAP.
Nice review. The $4k price is just not working for me. That price is just too high for 35 mile range - hours to charge it back. I agree a new Versys 300 costs a bit more, but I know I can get a used one for about the same price and it's range is only gasoline limited and it can go on the freeway. Thanks!
That bike is a beast. It looks heavy and sturdy.
Hey, I was wondering any things that you feel they could have done differently?
I noticed it was like 8 seconds to hit 20mph. Was that correct?
Not sure to be honest… it was a prototype bike I had and I didn’t want to mess with the settings too much. It felt fast enough for me. Any faster and you get sent backwards off the bike.
@thebikecave it's an extremely powerful controller that can easily be programmed to go faster but then the range will drop down significantly. I can see people building 72v batteries and putting on 8kw on these bikes using the same controller. 😂
Can't believe that I watched the whole video. I just got a ebike for christmas recently. This would be a killer upgrade for me in a year or two when this one craps out.
Music to my ears! Glad you liked it!🤜🏼🤛🏼
Excellent review! That bike really does look awesome. Never considered this type of e-bike before but now you’ve got me thinking haha.
Thx Tom!🤜🏼🤛🏼
What is going on around the taillight? Is that some sort of tapework??
Yeah this was a pre-production bike with 3d printed fenders… plastic was really brittle and the fenders came undone mid ride…
Production bike has real fenders and they’re bigger.
Quick question does the rear fender connected to the bike with hazard lights does it have a name can i purchase it separate??
great info been looking a lot lately on e bikes yours is the most informative so far thanks
Do they have one with dual motors?
Living in Bend any good on the clear winter roads?
Just 1 words-VERY IMPRESSIVE ‼️😎
ugh, wasn't even considering dropping this much money on a bike until this video. But this is it, this is the bike I've been wanting.
A little hey! On your left ! Or a bit of horn when on pedestrian paths.
Using a BELL on 20mph paths with pedestrians is better the peds tell me. Gotta respect the walkers.
Cool stuff man. Any chance you can do a review on the cheaper V20 ebike?
I’ll do my best…
jealous of that bike AND where you get to ride it! signed, cramped in LA
Great review! You sold me on it! Do you think this bike will be okay for someone with arthritis in the hip? Cant pedal anymore. Also is financing available for this bike? Never had one before and from what you have shown me in this video, I think this is the bike I want... its just a little outta my price range.
This one, and the Spark Brute, are they legal as e bikes or do you need a license because of the speed? Great video
Fully legal in e-bike mode… the bike gets limited to 750w and 20mph. And you can unlock it and all 7200watts if you want to ride in the grey area…
@@thebikecave got you1 thanks! You seem pretty impressed with this one, so taking that as face value!
great review you know youre stuff .i like the smooth acceleration but i suspect the settings are turned down quite a lot and theres more acceleration waiting .but why bother its smooth and control able. perfect for novices and the more experianced riders the usd forks are known to be great by design esp over chattery terrain .magura 4 piston brakes standard thats just perfect for those speeds .i might have to add one to my collection
Could be more special with mag wheels. So it goes 50mph, like a motorcycle. But lacks mirrors which are VERY useful for staying alive or sizeable blinkers.
I never like the factory mirrors that come with eBikes. I go with better aftermarket mirrors. So factory mirrors (or the lack of them) is not an important factor for me.
I go with the Meachow end of handlebar mirrors, as the view is not blocked by my shoulders.
What's the max charging speed? Can we charge 18 amps since it is a 40ah battery, or is it BMS limited to 8a charging only?
Not sure… that’s a question for Lyric.
Hi … Great channel …. What bike would u recommend … I’m 6’4 and want to ride Around 100 mile range … two batteries …. And speeds of 20 to 37 mph …. Very dependable bike …. What’s your top three picks …. I’m in the Philippines !!! … Thanks
I lik to e bike to with across pls.
Ride as fast as traffic.
Proceeds to roll up the competition
It’s so strange that they have NINE speed levels between zero and twenty mph then it goes full blast up to 50 after that. Why not use some of those levels to cruise along at 28 or 32 or 35 mph so you don’t have to manage the throttle so much. Or does it have PAS levels for off road mode?
You can turn those 9 into 5 or 3… and it just affects the acceleration… not the top speed.
You can adjust the pedal assist levels as well. They are set at a % of total power output. So you can adjust and personalize your ride!
Totally agree with you how dumb ebike laws are when you are limited to 20mph is way more dangerous than keeping with the flow of traffic speeds is much safer. Ebike law makers don't even ride ebikes. They don't know.
Right!? Typical scenario where a few bad apples spoil it for the rest of us..😡
Im really into e bikes preferably surrons but watching this vid i believe I've found my first ebike im from Michigan (Detroit) m living in Michigan City Indiana n love this bike your review drew me n i work at four winds casino i believe ive found my new grinder build man imma go n grind it' up i really want this bike i just hope it comes n red n i wanna ask u what drove u to review e bikes id love to do what u do bro ive rode endless mongooses but thanks to u i can motivate myself to my goal my name is Anthony brody n i love Canada need to visit again soon
What helmet do you have?
It’s a Troy Lee D4 mountain bike helmet.
Is it better than the Movcan V50?
Perfect review👍 Any chance to delivery in E.U?😅
Thank you so much! I guess anything is possible but it may not be cost effective to do so…🤷🏻♂️
Awesome video boss! For someone on the heavier side, could I get away with it at 360-370lbs? Thanks! 🙏🏼 (any thoughts on the Eahora M1PS Knight???)
Not sure … I’ll ask the people at lyric to chime in on my comments and answer the technical questions.🤜🏼🤛🏼
The capacity is 350 pounds, which includes the weight of the bike. So approx 230-250 pounds for the rider / cargo without compromising performance of the motor and brakes. The bike has more than enough power to handle 350+ lbs rider/cargo, however it is unsafe as the brakes won't have the same stopping capacity, and the motor is at risk of overheating.
To anyone who knows, what is the likelihood of a bike chain slipping off? This bike looks amazing. I'm honestly thinking of getting it instead of a car in the future. But just looking at the mounting of it on this bike, how would it be that it doesn't slide off to one side or another without some kind of wall to keep it on the gears? I get that it's not really meant for pedaling. I do. But in the event that it did, is all I'm wondering.
The belt is locked into a channel in the middle of the ring and can’t slide off. It’s quiet, simple and maintenance free.👌🏻
@@thebikecave Thank you very much! If that’s the case, then it’s only a matter of time before I get my hands on one without any reservations! And the people saying that you should have a bigger following are absolutely right!
Such a small detail but it's something I would have done. I love how they wrapped all the wires coming off the handlebars.
True and this is a pre-production model. The one you get will be even nicer!👌🏻
Getting 1 🔥🔥🔥
Great review, but Lyric has a checkered relationship with the "pre-order" community. Once they have actual stock for delivery, as versus pre-order and wait, I will find this a viable option.
I already did the whole pre-order thing with the Motor Goat v3, and faced delivery slippage to the tune of months. The truth is, the second battery option was paid for over 4 months ago, and it is still not delivered. I have learned the lesson on pre-orders to my core. I won't make the same mistake twice.
Still, a great review and a desirable eBike. For those who don't already have a 40+ MPH eBike, it may be worth the wait. Right now, all the 40+ MPH (with pedals) eBikes are experiencing serious slippage on delivery (eCells, Wired Freedom, Goat Power bikes). So, perhaps this is simply par for the course.
I do wish the Lyric X had a second battery option. It appears to have the space for another 20 Amp Hour of capacity.
Just discovered your channel 👍🏾👍🏾
Can't find it on the webpage but is the seat faux leather?
It might be for longevity but it feels real and not cheap and fake. It’s soft and super smooth.
You sound like a walking P.R. Firm for Lyric Cycles.
Great local company that makes sick bikes… What’s not to love?
If you have your motorcycle endorsement, is it possible to register this ebike with DMV and ride this on the streets full bore like you do a motorcycle? Another 1K US and you can have a new Triumph 400. I dunno.
Looks like the headlight could defused a little better. The spot in the middle is very concentrated
It actually is when you see it with your eyes… the camera struggles in low light situations…
The most important thing on a bike like that is the brakes, then tires 2nd. And a 50mph bike with heavy tires still using mtn bike brakes is such a huge miss IMO.
they are not justmtb brakes .tbf the rotors are huge and thicker add the regen braking into the equation and its plenty of stopping power .
Waterproof ?
The glaze is crazy did he get sponsored or something?
Not bad next model hopefully 100 amp controller for possible 55 mph and mabey lfp battery and mirrors and the light spread on that headlight is not the greatest the brightness is good just not wide
Yeah… tried to show it off as best I could with cameras I had…🤷🏻♂️
We just calling motorcycles with pedals a bike now lol
Everyone loves a multi-functional tool
Yes, because we don't wanna register it, lol, and pay stupid insurance. This is a loophole. As soon as I see the cops I slow down and peddle, keeping at 25mph, but at night time, I'm letting it rip 45 down the road lol
We've been calling them mopeds for at least 50 years. Motorcycles don't have pedals
@@HaHaThatIsFunny and motorcycle are waaaaay more powerful even the weakest track bike could smoke a surron with ease
As u shall my good sir @@yehudahdavis4368
Im looking at the Ride 1 up revv DRT but man this makes me want to wait and keep saving another $1500.
Pricey as fook!
Have you reviewed the Motor Goat? How do you think this thing stacks up? I initially wanted the Graffiti X but you can only get them via pre-order and apparently people wait a long time. Plus Goat Power Bikes takes PayPal Credit 🤑
Seems pretty pricey for what it is. For 5 grand CDN you can buy a halfway decent used street motorcycle. I get you can ride on the bike paths with it but you're going to get dirty looks and Karens yelling at you everywhere you go and the police aren't going to care how slow you're going if they see you on them. Spending that kind of money on something that might well just get confiscated is scary. It looks well made though. However I wonder about getting 40 miles range on a 40 amp hour battery. Unless you were pinning the throttle the whole time that doesn't seem like much.
No licence or insurance needed here… Everyone is gonna have their own preferences… I personally love this thing and would never rider a motorcycle…
3.3k total after 15% off ordered this morning (no shipping no tax)
When you want the best there is no comparison
Oh and also fuck the state and license lol are you kidding that’s the most important part
God thank you for not making me a loser in this life 🙏
@@ltserge3226 that’s amazing! That’s a really good price for a bike like this! YEW!🤘🏻
@@ltserge3226 That's cool. I hope you like it. I am not a huge fan of those long seat cafe racer style bikes. I was basing my original price on Canuck money since I am from BC. I bought a motor goat V3 for $1200 less.
@@JaksIRL I was looking for a bike specifically with that seat to each is own
It is not 80amps. it is not 7200 watts. It is more like 8050 watts peak and the ASI 2000 is 220amps DC and 175 Phase amps. That’s more than a horsepower higher than they list according to the dyno.
Yeah I saw Kyle put it on his dyno… 🤯
Sold.out until November anyhow. See ya!
How much
That is a motorcycle. I still want one.
I have 3 kick speeders.And now I want to sit down on one but I want one that goes at least forty hopefully faster and I really like this one has very good component and a big battery
Look at this or the Motor Goat V3... Can't go wrong with either, just depends on how fast you wanna go.
Would you please take a passenger on it at some point? Really curious to see how it rides with 2 people.
I’ll try… My wife hates going fast…🤣
Awesome bike! I had a Graffiti ordered but I decided to cancel it because lets all be real here guy's this thing isn't legal and "grey area" is just a nice way of saying it an't legal lol . I know it has an offroad mode and a 750w Class 3 E bike mode and all that jazz but that doesn't make it legal it's what the bike is capable of. It's more then 3 times the power of a normal ebike it's just not worth the hassle potantally getting pulled over by police on this thing and losing my DL plus a court date. The crackdowns on Surron's and other high powered ebikes are already here it's just a matter of time before the cops have this bike on their radar. It's not worth it to spend $4k on a bike to potantially have it confiscsted/ impounded or distroyed.
I have a similar eBike (eMoped technically). I am working through getting it registered for the road. The tags and excise taxes will be small. I already have liability insurance on it. The insurance was only $70 a year. This way, any concerns of being impounded are mitigated at a very low total price.
Move to freedom.
Bike is Sick hilarious that they have pedals so weird guess that makes it legal as a bicycle
Yeah it really plays in the grey area…
It has an adjustable 9 level pedal assist so you can tune down the power at lower levels. So if you want a leisurely cruise on a bike path, you can still feel some push back in the lower levels... so they do serve a purpose :)
My new fav
Me too!
Dope bike