Alien Ant Farm- Smooth Criminal LYRICS!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 4,3 тис.

  • @leo_8492
    @leo_8492 10 років тому +1602

    It's 2014 and we still don't know if Annie is okay.

    • @shanerooney7288
      @shanerooney7288 9 років тому +65

      2015, still don't know.

    • @IronRAVENxvx
      @IronRAVENxvx 9 років тому +26

      "It was your doom"
      Obviously, that might mean she wasn't. :\

    • @animeannie6474
      @animeannie6474 9 років тому +14

      Shane Rooney
      I'm just fine, happy?

    • @crocsin4wd
      @crocsin4wd 9 років тому +7

      AnimeAnnie64 Well played...

    • @shanerooney7288
      @shanerooney7288 9 років тому +9

      where have you been all of these years?

  • @CvRoxUrSox
    @CvRoxUrSox 15 років тому +25

    "You've been hit by... You've been struck by... a smooth criminal!" My FAVORITE part!! I love it when they sing that!! XD Love this version!!

  • @attackofthetwin
    @attackofthetwin 11 років тому +452

    Wow. Smooth Criminal really works as a metal song.

    • @_krumble_3053
      @_krumble_3053 6 років тому +50

      wouldn't say metal more of rock but whatever :D

    • @boozsous38
      @boozsous38 6 років тому +41

      Yeah, definitely rock. Not hard enough to be metal.

    • @dogpicture_
      @dogpicture_ 6 років тому +5

      Damn. All three replies to this comment are wrong.

    • @dogpicture_
      @dogpicture_ 6 років тому +17

      Thomas smith No, you just have absolutely no taste in music.

    • @noonesum
      @noonesum 6 років тому +1

      It's nu metal you uncultured

  • @supr3m3panda
    @supr3m3panda 8 років тому +332

    Ani is definitely not OK, considering he got most of his limbs chopped off and nearly burned to death on Mustafar.

  • @AegisOfFreedom
    @AegisOfFreedom 8 років тому +41

    American Pie 2!!!! Jim super-glues himself to....Jim Jr... ;)

  • @arcade_matt
    @arcade_matt 5 років тому +266

    Legend has it Annie is still not okay.

    • @ellias9900
      @ellias9900 4 роки тому +1

      "ought that legendaric?"

    • @erc3338
      @erc3338 3 роки тому +1

      'cuz she's been dead since the 90's

    • @diegosalazar9925
      @diegosalazar9925 3 роки тому

      Sonic Generarions (2014)

    • @mancave10369
      @mancave10369 2 роки тому

      *[200th like.]*

    • @Hithere675
      @Hithere675 Рік тому

      Hi Matt! I’m a really huge fan! 😁

  • @DoctorWhovian101
    @DoctorWhovian101 10 років тому +126

    That animation or whatever it is during the music breaks is creepy as fuck...

    • @ProjectInsight44
      @ProjectInsight44 10 років тому +12

      made me think it was like a creepypasta or some shit like that

    • @thedarkwolf5060
      @thedarkwolf5060 10 років тому +7

      +Benjamin Lane Creepypasta are awesome and I agree it is creepy

    • @killerninja24
      @killerninja24 10 років тому +7

      I'm pretty sure it's a guy from the band mushroomhead

    • @pimpnhard101
      @pimpnhard101 10 років тому +2

      killerninja 24 good on you.

    • @hydrogendiamond5830
      @hydrogendiamond5830 10 років тому +5

      Well they are a pop punk/post-grunge band. So I think creepy is the type of message they wanted to deliver!

  • @RedRushOfTheGuardians
    @RedRushOfTheGuardians 9 років тому +178

    Annie Leonhardt.
    She's currently in an indestructible crystal. Unharmed.
    She's definitely OK.

    • @drenchedinsyrupp6059
      @drenchedinsyrupp6059 9 років тому +2

      Cinema Confessions O rly? Lemme just call the Armored titan up on that..

    • @RedRushOfTheGuardians
      @RedRushOfTheGuardians 9 років тому +1

      Jtimoon- The King Of Charizards! Maybe he CAN break the crystal.

    • @drenchedinsyrupp6059
      @drenchedinsyrupp6059 9 років тому +1

      Yeah. probably the reason why they couldnt break it is because they were using fragile swords.

    • @RedRushOfTheGuardians
      @RedRushOfTheGuardians 9 років тому +1

      Jtimoon- The King Of Charizards! Humans can be really dumb in the AOT universe. Perhaps that's the reason most of them are dying to titans and other humans?

    • @drenchedinsyrupp6059
      @drenchedinsyrupp6059 9 років тому

      They should just improve the cannons (Put spikes on them or something, to stall the titans more), Make the walls HIGHER AND THICKER, and make underground safezones. then Humanity would be alright if Titans broke in. Cannons would help stall the titans so that Citizens could evacuate, And if the Inner wall was penetrated they could flee underground, and if they make the walls thicker and taller, the Colossal wouldnt be able to break the wall.

  • @noelfriedlander8501
    @noelfriedlander8501 9 років тому +1193

    Annie's not okay I promise...mostly cuz the kids aren't alright

    • @ThewolfofValhalla2
      @ThewolfofValhalla2 9 років тому +27 are awesome

    • @noelfriedlander8501
      @noelfriedlander8501 9 років тому +24

      +ThewolfofValhalla2 thank youuuuuu someone understands my references

    • @queenbeing3689
      @queenbeing3689 9 років тому +12

      OMG MCR!!!! I LOVE YOU!?!

    • @heathermorris5723
      @heathermorris5723 9 років тому +15

      +Noel Friedlander I do believe that was not only an MCR reference but also an Awolnation one. You, my friend, are awesome!

    • @noelfriedlander8501
      @noelfriedlander8501 9 років тому +7

      +Heather Morris thank youuu and good or picking up on both references

  • @trashkid325
    @trashkid325 10 років тому +162

    i love this cover, it's amazing.

  • @AnnieLetts
    @AnnieLetts 8 років тому +1507

    Jesus stop asking I'm fine xD

  • 3 роки тому +2

    Fun fact: For those who don’t know, the ayuwoki was a meme created July 2009 of an animatronic dressed as Micheal Jackson. Shortly after on July 25th 2009 Micheal died. The name of the ayuwoki came from this song, the lyrics inspired were ‘Annie are you okay’ as the way Micheal says it sounds like ‘ayuwoki’ the name of the UA-camr who made the meme is thomasrengstorff. So, there is now a game revolving around the ayuwoki with many people claiming that the ayuwoki is Micheal Jackson’s spirit (Which technically it kind of is)

  • @apgt5536
    @apgt5536 5 років тому +11

    Still my favorite cover of this song - hard to do MJ justice but this really does

  • @happyboogaloo
    @happyboogaloo 10 років тому +305

    I love this song, but my sister hates it (her name is Annie) because after the song came out, everyone kept asking "Annie you okay, you okay, you okay Annie?"

    • @marcusporter3336
      @marcusporter3336 10 років тому +2


    • @mangakkh
      @mangakkh 10 років тому +3


    • @N8Dawgg314
      @N8Dawgg314 10 років тому +10

      Just tell her be glad she wasn't named Jenny and lived in the 80s.
      *Starts humming 867-5309*

    • @Zhinakin
      @Zhinakin 10 років тому +3

      GG a old friend of mine his full name was oscar buster torvald hal jørgsen but he prefered buster and there was this song where it said (its in danish because its a old danish song but it drove him mad) åh buster kigger du på stjernern, åh buster repeat it 3 times and that was every friday

    • @Lee-pc8ts
      @Lee-pc8ts 6 років тому +2

      happyboogaloo how old is your sister cuz this song CAME OUT in 1988

  • @victorbugarin5409
    @victorbugarin5409 6 років тому +8

    What a true classic for your ears to indulge after all these years! To others who decided to come here today, especially in 2018, know what real music sounds like instead the garbage others listen to today.

    • @SlapStyleAnims
      @SlapStyleAnims 2 роки тому

      Same thing applies in 2022. This goes much harder than any soulless bland garbage from today

  • @jeffmcharlton
    @jeffmcharlton 9 років тому +2

    greatest cover of an old rock song in the history of mankind. Props MJ

  • @IronRAVENxvx
    @IronRAVENxvx 9 років тому +146

    The intro always make me jump when the song comes up in the playlist.

  • @DrAndyShick
    @DrAndyShick 9 років тому +76

    In the 1978 Halloween, Annie died. But in the 2007 version, she survived the stabbing, only to die when it happened to her again in the sequel

      @THE_KENDAN_REEVES 9 років тому +5

      +Andy Shick XDDD best comment I've ever seen

    • @TheMarkBullen1
      @TheMarkBullen1 8 років тому +6

      +Andy Shick Is she ok?

    • @DrAndyShick
      @DrAndyShick 8 років тому +8

      whichever continuity you choose, the answer is no

  • @Kirukitsu
    @Kirukitsu 10 років тому +401

    I just got an advertisement for a movie called _Annie_...

    • @SquirrelOfTime
      @SquirrelOfTime 9 років тому +68

      Kirukitsu Is she okay?

    • @Kirukitsu
      @Kirukitsu 9 років тому +38

      SquirrelOfTime I don't know. I-I didn't see the movie! D:

    • @dj-kp8ut
      @dj-kp8ut 9 років тому +2

      +Kirukitsu shes dead man

    • @Kirukitsu
      @Kirukitsu 9 років тому +8

      **whines a whiny whine of despair** D:

    • @briannaamador7627
      @briannaamador7627 7 років тому +3

      Kirukitsu TRIGGERED

  • @silentprophet777
    @silentprophet777 11 років тому +73

    Annie is not ok, she's trapped in crystal.

  • @thecoatesieshow95
    @thecoatesieshow95 8 років тому +24

    Someone needs to mix the instrumental off this version with Michael Jackson's vocals from the original... Now that'd be epic

  • @meloettaharmanizer
    @meloettaharmanizer 12 років тому +4

    There is something about this man's voice. Idk what it is but it's amazing to me.

  • @jessebrooks7929
    @jessebrooks7929 10 років тому +91

    I like this version more than Micheal Jackson's and Glee's. I like the punk-rock spin on this song. So cool!

    • @GodOfVictory501
      @GodOfVictory501 10 років тому +7

      I'd have this down as more metal than punk.

    • @hydrogendiamond5830
      @hydrogendiamond5830 10 років тому

      Robot Lover Eh, pop punk. And yes, that genre exists.

    • @GodOfVictory501
      @GodOfVictory501 10 років тому +2

      Kevin Vizcarra Stuff like Blink 182 is pop punk. This is more like metal/nu metal.

    • @GodOfVictory501
      @GodOfVictory501 9 років тому +1

      ***** I do know what metal is and I can assure you when this track was released it was very much in line with "nu metal" that was popular at the time. And not all metal is of the same definition as Metallica and Pantera.

    • @GodOfVictory501
      @GodOfVictory501 9 років тому +1

      ***** Nee! Alien Ant Farm were Nu Metal. Punk rock (the modern version) is bands like Green Day, Rancid, Offspring. A very different style. This track is a nu metal version of a classic pop song.

  • @daniellebuchanan5357
    @daniellebuchanan5357 8 років тому +292


  • @s4nrh03
    @s4nrh03 5 років тому +6

    As a child I used to think that all of "Are you okay are you okay Annie” lines were ”Rocking Daddy” lol 😂

  • @simplisticjamaa6665
    @simplisticjamaa6665 9 років тому +706

    Damn Annie, are you okay or not? It's 2015..We need to know.

  • @kacibenning5322
    @kacibenning5322 8 років тому +6

    Love the original but this is the best cover of this song I've ever heard.

  • @karlboud88
    @karlboud88 7 років тому

    Thanks for making the words appear after he sing them, I really didn't feel like singing the first line of every chorus or verse ♥

  • @Metalyummy
    @Metalyummy 8 років тому +55

    Knocking on Annie's crystal shell singing "Annie are you ok" then singing " You been hit down by a smooth Titan"

    • @gavinsalinas9879
      @gavinsalinas9879 8 років тому +1

      and on this day my quest to find a comment such as this was complete

    • @movielvr2411
      @movielvr2411 7 років тому

      ZMan1471 They just released another season but it's not on Netflix yet but I heard you can watch it on crunchyroll other than that there are a few clips here on UA-cam

    • @Metalyummy
      @Metalyummy 7 років тому

      Season 2 is lit man.

  • @artisticmemebean3
    @artisticmemebean3 6 років тому +11

    I honestly love this version way better it sounds so awesome😆🤟

  • @thefaithyouprove
    @thefaithyouprove 13 років тому +5

    One of 2 covers that I really like. They did a great job. :) I'm quite sure Michael loved it; it came out when he was alive and he had to give his permission.

  • @18JulianSkye
    @18JulianSkye 10 років тому +3

    black and white cutscene at 1:16 is from the music video to Sun Doesn't Rise by Mushroomhead.

  • @lunarlove3853
    @lunarlove3853 5 років тому +78

    Damn, it's 2019 and we still aren't sure if Annie is okay

  • @freddiejess7847
    @freddiejess7847 8 років тому +45

    Of course she's not OK, she's in a crystal

    • @ZiroWatt
      @ZiroWatt 8 років тому +2

      That like a meme? Cuz i dont get where u got a crystal from, and everyone is saying that

    • @bulletproofthoughts7764
      @bulletproofthoughts7764 8 років тому +2

      Bluetycon9 it's from an anime called attack on titans, the girl gets frozen inside a giant crystal

  • @micfac08
    @micfac08 8 років тому +4

    That criminal is so smooth that he made it so Annie couldn't tell anybody she was okay for over 30 years!

  • @OwenGTA
    @OwenGTA 9 років тому

    You know you killed your cover of the original when it comes up on the search bar BEFORE the original. BALLIN'!

  • @elanahenry8073
    @elanahenry8073 8 років тому +35

    Considering she's in a crystal, I don't think Annie is okay.

    • @coderJohn
      @coderJohn 8 років тому +4


  • @doubbledonkeydude
    @doubbledonkeydude 5 років тому +71

    3 questions we’ll never know the answer to:
    1)Who let the dogs out?
    2) What does the fox say?
    3) Annie are you okay?

    • @megs8654
      @megs8654 4 роки тому +3

      u forget 4th: Where the hood at ?

    • @flowerboy313
      @flowerboy313 4 роки тому

      Some people are stuck in 2009 or 2000 if your counting who let the dogs out....

    • @megs8654
      @megs8654 4 роки тому

      @@flowerboy313 well, in 2000 was everything better, music, cars, tuning, fasion etc. also politic situations (at least here on slovakia where i live)

    • @flowerboy313
      @flowerboy313 4 роки тому

      @@megs8654 i mean it was ok, its less crazy as it is now. Not really into politics but i really dont like justin trudo as primister, fasion was ok least there wasnt supreme

    • @ejvn
      @ejvn 4 роки тому

      Presne tak

  • @mancave10369
    @mancave10369 2 роки тому +5

    *[Honestly thought this cover was better than the original.]*

  • @dustybarfield
    @dustybarfield 9 років тому

    mushroomhead guitarist guy rocking his head in the video was a nice touch man. 2 thumbs up bro.

  • @sapphokdg
    @sapphokdg 9 років тому +111

    I used to think the line "she was unable" was "she was an emo"

    • @brogccoli
      @brogccoli 8 років тому +14

      I used to think it was "she was a knee boat." (also noice shirt in ur profile pic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    • @liamcurry2859
      @liamcurry2859 8 років тому +9

      +MiaAteYourCookie i used to think the line are you "okay annie" was are you ok daddy

    • @renaissanceollie9464
      @renaissanceollie9464 7 років тому +2

      cyaniccynic I used to think this was about a break up and it was saying Annie are you okay you're okay but youre jealous but you're okay

    • @grimreaper9929
      @grimreaper9929 6 років тому

      cyaniccynic 😢😢😢😭😭😭😭

    • @grimreaper9929
      @grimreaper9929 6 років тому

      cyaniccynic love me😭

  • @Manny4356
    @Manny4356 9 років тому +22

    That bass is heavy as fuck.

  • @8ball634
    @8ball634 8 років тому +153

    Annie are you ok? or are you alright?
    Annie - "Put some Respeck on my name"

    • @timlong67
      @timlong67 8 років тому +1

      Ulices EightBall 😂😭😂😭😂

    • @DROB333
      @DROB333 6 років тому +1

      Respect +

    @VEHICLEFAN5500 Рік тому +2

    Track is a commentary on the dangers of lurking predators. The narrator describes a mysterious figure entering a woman's apartment and attacking her, leaving the bloodstains on the carpet. The chorus repeats the refrain "Annie, are you okay?" as a warning to other would-be victims to "beware of the smooth criminal outside." The song encourages listeners to remain vigilant and be aware of potential danger.

  • @4_._KAM_._4
    @4_._KAM_._4 6 років тому +8

    I just recently finished watching Twin Peaks and now I'm worried that I can't listen to this song anymore
    *"How's Annie?! HOW'S ANNIE?!"*

  • @TheMetalSandman
    @TheMetalSandman 5 років тому +7

    I love that part lol

  • @blockkid5592
    @blockkid5592 8 років тому +97

    annie, honey. listen to me.... its been years already we need to know if your okay?

    • @jakeenglish9258
      @jakeenglish9258 8 років тому +12

      Considering the fact that she got struck down and it was her doom. I don't think she's okay. I'm sorry.

    • @TheDrizzle57
      @TheDrizzle57 8 років тому


    • @marioortiz7783
      @marioortiz7783 8 років тому

      She hasn't said anything yet so probably not

    • @AlexSmith-nj3bv
      @AlexSmith-nj3bv 8 років тому +1

      Press F to pay respects.

    • @usMarinecuv902
      @usMarinecuv902 8 років тому +4

      Dead as hell....

  • @burnedburrito
    @burnedburrito 7 років тому +2

    I remember when this came out! Love it.

  • @TheCorazyCam
    @TheCorazyCam 13 років тому +18

    The song has an awesome hook that worked for both M.J. and Alien Ant Farm very well, but with lyrics like these, they seem to fit much better for a somewhat tame metal group than a neo-disco R&B artist. There were much better songs from Bad anyway, while this is probably Alien Ant Farm's best recording. Either way, great song.

  • @redskeletonart238
    @redskeletonart238 8 років тому +16

    Our friend down the street once texted my mom, named Ann, "annie are you okay" and my mom just laughed

    • @chlorodiazepoxide803
      @chlorodiazepoxide803 8 років тому +9

      thats so fucking funny omg i need to shower after that one cause what you said was so jokes i shit myself, keep it up bc that was tits funny

    • @redskeletonart238
      @redskeletonart238 7 років тому

      Paul B a+ sarcasm guys give him a round of applause

  • @lucifercody
    @lucifercody 14 років тому +11

    I think that this is a great interpretation of smooth criminal. It is definitely just as good if not better than the original. Michael would be proud

  • @AWSMhoozie123
    @AWSMhoozie123 10 років тому

    I saw them live last night at Trees in Dallas it was seriously the best night of my life
    i even got an autograph from Dryden Mitchell and Micheal Cosgrove

  • @JEMRocker
    @JEMRocker 6 років тому +8

    Eren and Armin: ANNIE ARE YOU OKAY...
    Annie: e_e

  • @muffinyair3151
    @muffinyair3151 8 років тому +19

    Stop asking if annie is ok, she went to the bedroom and she got strucked by a smooth criminal so for sure she is not ok, stop acting like you are worried, it was her doom.

  • @geoffoneill919
    @geoffoneill919 10 років тому +6

    I wish MJ would've sung for this, but would've had Alien Ant Farm's instrumentals. No offense to the vocalist of Alien Ant Farm. I love these guys.

  • @theresabruss1245
    @theresabruss1245 4 роки тому +2

    I love this song alien ant farm is my favorite band

  • @liofotia
    @liofotia 5 років тому +190

    you've been hit by
    you've been struck by

  • @-imyeemoinside-5475
    @-imyeemoinside-5475 6 років тому +11

    I sing the chorus to my friend Annie when she gets hurt xD

  • @mamaLC1234
    @mamaLC1234 9 років тому +20

    Im listening to this and commenting this while im on the toilet

  • @ZionDR1
    @ZionDR1 9 років тому +512

    EDIT: So, almost two years later, people are still commenting on this post and still don't realize this is a sarcastic comment. I'm feeling threatened and will not hesitate to call the Tard Police if this situation escalates. -April 27, 2017-
    Cant believe Michael Jackson stole this song from Alien Ant farm :/ He truly is a *Smooth Criminal*

    • @noworth4431
      @noworth4431 9 років тому +24

      I'm praying that your joking

    • @ZionDR1
      @ZionDR1 9 років тому +31

      Nick kuhn XD yeh, I was hoping for a better "rage" reply tho

    • @superpan218
      @superpan218 9 років тому +6

      +Zion Robison For the record, Michael Jackson made this song first. This is just a cover by Alien Ant Farm. LOL

    • @ZionDR1
      @ZionDR1 9 років тому +28

      Aaron Velez No shizz, I was trying to make someone angry tho

    • @the_priest_of_holy_moon_cult
      @the_priest_of_holy_moon_cult 9 років тому +3

      oh nice one

  • @stevendoss5095
    @stevendoss5095 8 років тому +3

    You been hit by, You been struck by a smooth Hot Rail. Stay off the train tracks.

  • @corey333p
    @corey333p 5 років тому +3

    Whenever I feel the urge to hear this song, I have to go and listen to both versions...

  • @Vuk10
    @Vuk10 3 роки тому +5

    This song still rocks !!!

  • @xavierstapleton4875
    @xavierstapleton4875 5 років тому +1

    Was cleaning up with my Grandpa and I was holding too many water bottles, a few of which still had water in them, and my phone was in my hand as well. A water bottle selected this song and it blasted in my Headphones...
    I guess you could say that those Water Bottles aren’t wet, but they aren’t dry. Because this shit is one of a kind!💯😍😂

  • @ZoinoGaming
    @ZoinoGaming 11 років тому +18


  • @jawmatt2102
    @jawmatt2102 8 років тому +24

    1:27 random Mushroomhead clip anyone else notice that?

    • @somebody2818
      @somebody2818 8 років тому

      when the guitar solo was playing? Yeah. People do that because otherwise your just staring at a blank color for a while.

    • @jasonvoorhees4236
      @jasonvoorhees4236 6 років тому


    • @gamerx6151
      @gamerx6151 6 років тому +2

      Why is that even there.

    • @psychopathiiic
      @psychopathiiic 4 роки тому

      @@somebody2818 Yeah.. but use something from Alien Ant Farm instead of throwing Mushroomhead in there.. I would have rather stared at a blank color.. I love Mushroomhead but why put it in AAF

  • @neilcoon1
    @neilcoon1 14 років тому +10

    I think we can all safely say both versions of the song are awesome

  • @Bladeclone
    @Bladeclone 9 років тому

    In case anyone's wondering, the footage is taken from the video for Mushroomhead's 'Sun Doesn't Rise'.

  • @evilzombie1156
    @evilzombie1156 9 років тому +4

    "Annie are you okay?"

  • @Traveys
    @Traveys 9 років тому +103

    I like to dance to this in my underwear when no one is home

  • @cuccibro
    @cuccibro 10 років тому +76

    im sorry, but this version is just so much better than the original

    • @justinbear9480
      @justinbear9480 10 років тому +10

      Hey man that's just like your opinion

    • @jamietate1735
      @jamietate1735 10 років тому +1

      Thats sounds like something Peter Griffin would say lol

    • @nahthataintit
      @nahthataintit 7 років тому +3

      Hey man, i respecc your opinion
      Even if it's the most dumbest shit i have ever heard.

    • @Lee-pc8ts
      @Lee-pc8ts 6 років тому +1

      Tytos Blackwood no it isn't

    • @pheo4609
      @pheo4609 6 років тому +1

      we're all allowed to have opinions sweetie.

  • @gregalmonte8
    @gregalmonte8 5 років тому +2

    No one will ever top this cover

  • @maxkeeble9582
    @maxkeeble9582 5 років тому +4

    Rumor has it that Annie still isn't okay

  • @tydusrain4476
    @tydusrain4476 8 років тому +6

    I hate the fact that I really love this song because all my friends find it so annoying but I c a n n o t stop listening to it

  • @kayceeskyes6655
    @kayceeskyes6655 10 років тому +39

    And to this day we still don't know if Annie is ok ;c

    • @AlmostAPear
      @AlmostAPear 10 років тому +5

      The world may never know

    • @MetalMonkey1453
      @MetalMonkey1453 10 років тому +2

      Since I've never heard crescendo used in a positive context outside of orchestra, I'd assume she's dead....and the song pretty much says so anyhow.

  • @patrickmautner4074
    @patrickmautner4074 10 років тому +1

    This song will live as a historical footnote since it was #1 on the charts during 9/11

  • @toddhiggins3893
    @toddhiggins3893 5 років тому +8

    It's 2019 and we still don't know if Annie is ok

  • @koblepotcrapse5526
    @koblepotcrapse5526 6 років тому +4

    This is the better version of Smooth Criminal

  • @ghostfacebrothers
    @ghostfacebrothers 10 років тому +132

    I actually like this a lot better than the michael jackson version. Pop just isn't my type

    • @henrycodm896
      @henrycodm896 7 років тому

      This song is just good.

    • @-imyeemoinside-5475
      @-imyeemoinside-5475 6 років тому


    • @Lee-pc8ts
      @Lee-pc8ts 6 років тому +2

      PunkLizard i hate you

    • @joehumpston7937
      @joehumpston7937 6 років тому +1

      PunkLizard sure worked for that scene in American Pie 2 when James got his lotion mixed up industrial strength superglue!

    • @ss-on3ll
      @ss-on3ll 6 років тому

      Jasco you’re fucking immature and childish holy shit.

  • @hyperdrive282
    @hyperdrive282 5 років тому +2

    I like how this version actually sounds more like singing than the mj version, but at the same time I wish the lyrics were structured the same way as the mj version.

  • @shittycontent6788
    @shittycontent6788 6 років тому +6

    Annie you ok
    Annie: yea
    Annie you ok?
    Annie: YES IM OK
    Annie you ok?
    : Annie IM ALLEIGHT AHHHHH!!!!!

  • @dantevalentine6485
    @dantevalentine6485 11 років тому +18

    little bit confused why theres a random snippit from "sun doesnt rise by mushroom head"

    • @Disturbed87113
      @Disturbed87113 10 років тому +7

      oh thank god i thought the fucking video was possessed...

    • @Rileys887
      @Rileys887 10 років тому +1

      Disturbed87113 same here

    • @leejenkins425
      @leejenkins425 10 років тому +1

      100% agreed thought there was a demon in my kindle of some then a second later phone goes of you will die in 7 days hahhaha

    • @Rileys887
      @Rileys887 10 років тому +1

      lee jenkins umm dude, if I was you I would run as fast as I could.

    • @bananakiwi8028
      @bananakiwi8028 6 років тому

      I'm confused, where do you see this? :0

  • @zakurowolfalphasilverwolf
    @zakurowolfalphasilverwolf 6 років тому +5

    Lol I love this version better then Michael Jackson one XD

  • @DODGERS-br8tf
    @DODGERS-br8tf 6 років тому +1

    This song the fucken beat still gets me pumped up before my workouts lol 2018 💪🏽🏋🏽‍♂️💯👍🏽

  • @dylanridley3686
    @dylanridley3686 6 років тому +3

    Now it's 2018 and we're still triping because we don't know if Annie is ok

  • @Psycaroo
    @Psycaroo 10 років тому +19

    Did anyone else think that it was "daddy are you okay" ?

    • @MrClasicgamer
      @MrClasicgamer 10 років тому +1

      when i first heard it i thought they said " Karaoke, Karaoke, Karaoke, annie " lol

    • @Toxilicityy
      @Toxilicityy 10 років тому

      haha for so long when I was younger! I my dad then showed me MJ's and I figured out the lyrics.

    • @kiokokagome7774
      @kiokokagome7774 10 років тому +1

      I thought it was honey .3.

    • @tourne.s0l
      @tourne.s0l 10 років тому

      No....... I always thought it was "Addie are you okay?" lol. (My brother still thinks it says that, lol) I didn't know until I first saw the lyrics.

    • @DoctorWhovian101
      @DoctorWhovian101 10 років тому

      I thought it was Eddie for the longest time

  • @BDope1
    @BDope1 10 років тому +3


  • @Dinoman217
    @Dinoman217 9 років тому

    Operator: Poison control!
    Jim: Uh yeah! I kind of super-glued myself... to uh... myself!

  • @wadekemmsies7180
    @wadekemmsies7180 8 років тому +3

    I'm sorry Micheal Jackson I really am...but this tops your version by a long shot.

  • @Sexykittycat16754
    @Sexykittycat16754 4 роки тому +3

    It's 2020 and I still love jamming out too this song with my friends

  • @Captain_Klivo
    @Captain_Klivo 10 років тому +4

    For me that creepy thing is looking like Black Mask from Batman Origins o.O

  • @peacelovewatermelons
    @peacelovewatermelons 11 років тому

    You just unleashed full nerdstyle. Congrats.

  • @Queen-xf9eo
    @Queen-xf9eo 6 років тому +4

    My name is Annie so whenever this song comes on my mom turns the volume up and sings , just to emberres me

  • @beccascott827
    @beccascott827 10 років тому +28

    my mind immediately went to Attack on Titan and I made myself cry

  • @nicolasgralewicz4727
    @nicolasgralewicz4727 8 років тому +5

    Okay Annie this question has been asked since Micheal Jackson released an awesome song...Annie...are you okay?

  • @AbyssalRook
    @AbyssalRook 11 років тому +1

    When I was a kid this was one of my favorite songs. My cousin introduced me to it.
    Then I found out that it was a cover of Michael Jackson.
    Then I listened to that version of the song.
    And wow.
    There aren't enough churches in the world to forgive me and my errant ways.

  • @fluffyseals9571
    @fluffyseals9571 6 років тому +3

    Rock and Roll version of Michael Jackson's 1988 hit

  • @dennisreutzer9065
    @dennisreutzer9065 4 роки тому +3

    2020? 😁

  • @raeanne3163
    @raeanne3163 6 років тому +3

    You know it's an old song if its lyric video has a blue background.

  • @MegaBenny666
    @MegaBenny666 9 років тому

    If i was Micheal Jackson I would be proud that a great cover like this pays tribute to one of his all time great songs!