C'est très dommage pour Chuck Norris et les autres membres du feuilleton télévisé Texas rangers super feuilleton télévisé Texas rangers que je regardais souvent le dimanche après midi
Lord of God the Savior in heaven, please change the past that I will be born as my new life in reality on earth on June 20th, 1997 to prevent autism, disabilities, disorder and avoid IEP Meetings and Summer School by watching educational channels on tv, learning about spelling my name with words speak with my first words and playing toys, interventions and games, when I can be a 2 year old in 1999, spend more times with my family in Sterling and new friends in Sterling Elementary School when I can be a 5 year old in 2002 so they can draw and paint a picture, write on a book and play and exercise inside and outside in the community with me and get IPhone 1 when I can be a 10 year old in 2007 as a second chance after you give my sister, Jennifer and her friend, Dylan Lewis their wish that they will be reborn back in June 20th, 1993 and change timeline history back in 2001 so the US Government can create a diversion by calling the Airport Security to defeat Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and Stonycreek Township in Somerset County at Pennsylvania.
De fier pe toată lumea am iubit dar ca să mă cunoască de rău nu pun la nu pun la suflet probleme reale sau postările la cei care au murit Karma cunoscut până să moară nu pun la suflet probleme rele sau postări nici la cinci vin nici la ce mall doar că sunt amărât Tașaul lumea să mă cunoașteți roșii bun ca să se folosească de mine îți doar singur Când ne martor Dumnezeu și eu tot încă mai iubesc că zăpăciți oamenii să fie mort și vin încă mai iubesc Ia uite că nu mai arăt Ia uite că nu mai răspund nu se arată nimic Dumnezeu și rușinea oamenilor Câți Rai că nu știu ce vor de la amărâți dar îi iubesc măi asta înțeleg fratele meu care nu vrea să cunoască un om amărât și să îmi crească ca să spun Și de ce dacă nu am săpun nu are cine să mă apără în afară de Dumnezeu eu îți dau un exemplu mâine grotele pe cine să mă apăr pe mine dacă ești pe ultima supărată la ăla știi ce zici Pleacă mă în pula mea în afară de Dumnezeu cât Dumnezeu Mă mai ajută înțelegi ce vreau să spun sau pocăiții mă mai ajute cu probleme înțelegi dar lume Cum sunt ortodoxe Cum sunt kartali să știu ce credință mai au ăștia să mă scuzi de Dumnezeu ăștia deloc Bă ăștia nu te apără că sunt sataniști în afară de pocăiți Păi dacă îi spui la pocăiți Uite ăla măsurată la majorat și ce zic lasă că lasă pe mâna mea e ceva plini rugăciunea Cât poate să trăiască omul așa vino vorbe Dar bineînțeles nu am cerut la nimeni ajutor Sincer să spun nu am cerut la nimeni ajutor ca o mamă r nici lui Dumnezeu care o vrut să mă cunoască de roșii vii cu morți eu nu am la noi am pe suflet la rău două sunt postat sau cheamă să stăm comentar nu pun la rău pentru că e săraci o vrut să mă cunoască pentru că sunt singur și nu are cine să mă aperi Uite așa că am ajuns în oricine să mă apăr în afară de Dumnezeu și așa mai bine orice mixată pot Ok dacă îți ia mereu de mine Jackie Chan să iau mereu din mii se folosesc cu proces de mine să Mărească rău adică acasă mă știe lumea rău pentru că asta și vrea adică Aș vrea să îmi scrii și mie lumea prietenie Jackie Chan și mulți alții vrea să îmi schimb mie prietenie pe internet templul ăsta lupt o Temple asta lui eu nu loc de rău tată că eu nu sunt rău de fel
Lord of God the Savior in heaven, please change the past that I will be born as my new life in reality on earth on June 20th, 1997 to prevent autism, disabilities, disorder and avoid IEP Meetings and Summer School by watching educational channels on tv, learning about spelling my name with words speak with my first words and playing toys, interventions and games, when I can be a 2 year old in 1999, spend more times with my family in Sterling and new friends in Sterling Elementary School when I can be a 5 year old in 2002 so they can draw and paint a picture, write on a book and play and exercise inside and outside in the community with me and get IPhone 1 when I can be a 10 year old in 2007 as a second chance after you give my sister, Jennifer and her friend, Dylan Lewis their wish that they will be reborn back in June 20th, 1993 and change timeline history back in 2001 so the US Government can create a diversion by calling the Airport Security to defeat Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and Stonycreek Township in Somerset County at Pennsylvania.
Lord of God the Savior in heaven, please change the past that I will be born as my new life in reality on earth on June 20th, 1997 to prevent autism, disabilities, disorder and avoid IEP Meetings and Summer School by watching educational channels on tv, learning about spelling my name with words speak with my first words and playing toys, interventions and games, when I can be a 2 year old in 1999, spend more times with my family in Sterling and new friends in Sterling Elementary School when I can be a 5 year old in 2002 so they can draw and paint a picture, write on a book and play and exercise inside and outside in the community with me and get IPhone 1 when I can be a 10 year old in 2007 as a second chance after you give my sister, Jennifer and her friend, Dylan Lewis their wish that they will be reborn back in June 20th, 1993 and change timeline history back in 2001 so the US Government can create a diversion by calling the Airport Security to defeat Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and Stonycreek Township in Somerset County at Pennsylvania.
Wao mis personajes favoritos me encantaba walker Ranger de Texas cuando llegaba de la escuela veía su programa a las 13:00 Aka en ecuador Guayaquil mitad del mundo en 1994 era genial lo máximo este programa me transporta a mi niñez y siempre cuando estoy triste 😭😭😭 veo walker Ranger de Texas para saber k crecí y debo seguir adelante gracias por enseñar a ser detective a mi ninez
Okay so I'm seeing a bunch of videos where Chuck Norris has died so I don't know about that the case. Just because I looked up Wikipedia the other day of his name and I really don't see the day when he died so I don't know if Wikipedia is not staying up-to-date or someone is just pretending. I really don't know but yeah that's what I am hearing Chuck Norris has died but I'm not sure who's telling the truth.
Lord of God the Savior in heaven, please change the past that I will be born as my new life in reality on earth on June 20th, 1997 to prevent autism, disabilities, disorder and avoid IEP Meetings and Summer School by watching educational channels on tv, learning about spelling my name with words speak with my first words and playing toys, interventions and games, when I can be a 2 year old in 1999, spend more times with my family in Sterling and new friends in Sterling Elementary School when I can be a 5 year old in 2002 so they can draw and paint a picture, write on a book and play and exercise inside and outside in the community with me and get IPhone 1 when I can be a 10 year old in 2007 as a second chance after you give my sister, Jennifer and her friend, Dylan Lewis their wish that they will be reborn back in June 20th, 1993 and change timeline history back in 2001 so the US Government can create a diversion by calling the Airport Security to defeat Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and Stonycreek Township in Somerset County at Pennsylvania.
The days of good television! One of a kind ✨️ ❤️
C'est très dommage pour Chuck Norris et les autres membres du feuilleton télévisé Texas rangers super feuilleton télévisé Texas rangers que je regardais souvent le dimanche après midi
Rest in Peace, Clarence!
I loved this show and it's cast!
Amazing that so many of them are still alive
Lord of God the Savior in heaven, please change the past that I will be born as my new life in reality on earth on June 20th, 1997 to prevent autism, disabilities, disorder and avoid IEP Meetings and Summer School by watching educational channels on tv, learning about spelling my name with words speak with my first words and playing toys, interventions and games, when I can be a 2 year old in 1999, spend more times with my family in Sterling and new friends in Sterling Elementary School when I can be a 5 year old in 2002 so they can draw and paint a picture, write on a book and play and exercise inside and outside in the community with me and get IPhone 1 when I can be a 10 year old in 2007 as a second chance after you give my sister, Jennifer and her friend, Dylan Lewis their wish that they will be reborn back in June 20th, 1993 and change timeline history back in 2001 so the US Government can create a diversion by calling the Airport Security to defeat Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and Stonycreek Township in Somerset County at Pennsylvania.
De fier pe toată lumea am iubit dar ca să mă cunoască de rău nu pun la nu pun la suflet probleme reale sau postările la cei care au murit Karma cunoscut până să moară nu pun la suflet probleme rele sau postări nici la cinci vin nici la ce mall doar că sunt amărât Tașaul lumea să mă cunoașteți roșii bun ca să se folosească de mine îți doar singur Când ne martor Dumnezeu și eu tot încă mai iubesc că zăpăciți oamenii să fie mort și vin încă mai iubesc Ia uite că nu mai arăt Ia uite că nu mai răspund nu se arată nimic Dumnezeu și rușinea oamenilor Câți Rai că nu știu ce vor de la amărâți dar îi iubesc măi asta înțeleg fratele meu care nu vrea să cunoască un om amărât și să îmi crească ca să spun Și de ce dacă nu am săpun nu are cine să mă apără în afară de Dumnezeu eu îți dau un exemplu mâine grotele pe cine să mă apăr pe mine dacă ești pe ultima supărată la ăla știi ce zici Pleacă mă în pula mea în afară de Dumnezeu cât Dumnezeu Mă mai ajută înțelegi ce vreau să spun sau pocăiții mă mai ajute cu probleme înțelegi dar lume Cum sunt ortodoxe Cum sunt kartali să știu ce credință mai au ăștia să mă scuzi de Dumnezeu ăștia deloc Bă ăștia nu te apără că sunt sataniști în afară de pocăiți Păi dacă îi spui la pocăiți Uite ăla măsurată la majorat și ce zic lasă că lasă pe mâna mea e ceva plini rugăciunea Cât poate să trăiască omul așa vino vorbe Dar bineînțeles nu am cerut la nimeni ajutor Sincer să spun nu am cerut la nimeni ajutor ca o mamă r nici lui Dumnezeu care o vrut să mă cunoască de roșii vii cu morți eu nu am la noi am pe suflet la rău două sunt postat sau cheamă să stăm comentar nu pun la rău pentru că e săraci o vrut să mă cunoască pentru că sunt singur și nu are cine să mă aperi Uite așa că am ajuns în oricine să mă apăr în afară de Dumnezeu și așa mai bine orice mixată pot Ok dacă îți ia mereu de mine Jackie Chan să iau mereu din mii se folosesc cu proces de mine să Mărească rău adică acasă mă știe lumea rău pentru că asta și vrea adică Aș vrea să îmi scrii și mie lumea prietenie Jackie Chan și mulți alții vrea să îmi schimb mie prietenie pe internet templul ăsta lupt o Temple asta lui eu nu loc de rău tată că eu nu sunt rău de fel
@@NeluIrodica-xc6el what?
Amazing , è il mio film preferito cioè io è la mia famiglia adoriamo questo filmato grandissimo Chuck Norris 🤠🙏😂❤️❤️❤️😁
Wow Chuck Norris still nice
sono io😮
Love Chuck Norris always will
Chuck Norris is just amazing.❤💜❤💜
I wish it were back as reruns.
Lord of God the Savior in heaven, please change the past that I will be born as my new life in reality on earth on June 20th, 1997 to prevent autism, disabilities, disorder and avoid IEP Meetings and Summer School by watching educational channels on tv, learning about spelling my name with words speak with my first words and playing toys, interventions and games, when I can be a 2 year old in 1999, spend more times with my family in Sterling and new friends in Sterling Elementary School when I can be a 5 year old in 2002 so they can draw and paint a picture, write on a book and play and exercise inside and outside in the community with me and get IPhone 1 when I can be a 10 year old in 2007 as a second chance after you give my sister, Jennifer and her friend, Dylan Lewis their wish that they will be reborn back in June 20th, 1993 and change timeline history back in 2001 so the US Government can create a diversion by calling the Airport Security to defeat Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and Stonycreek Township in Somerset County at Pennsylvania.
It is on reruns on Get TV or what you can get on a digital antenna
That's was cool that you guys that you said something about Thanksgiving from Brendon have a blessed day also
Still watch the show
He is very missed.
Lord of God the Savior in heaven, please change the past that I will be born as my new life in reality on earth on June 20th, 1997 to prevent autism, disabilities, disorder and avoid IEP Meetings and Summer School by watching educational channels on tv, learning about spelling my name with words speak with my first words and playing toys, interventions and games, when I can be a 2 year old in 1999, spend more times with my family in Sterling and new friends in Sterling Elementary School when I can be a 5 year old in 2002 so they can draw and paint a picture, write on a book and play and exercise inside and outside in the community with me and get IPhone 1 when I can be a 10 year old in 2007 as a second chance after you give my sister, Jennifer and her friend, Dylan Lewis their wish that they will be reborn back in June 20th, 1993 and change timeline history back in 2001 so the US Government can create a diversion by calling the Airport Security to defeat Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and Stonycreek Township in Somerset County at Pennsylvania.
Beautiful, after and before ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹
Walker Texas ranger and the guy who got killed by Bruce Lee in the Best movie ever ⭐⭐💥
This video is so captivating and interesting to watch, especially with the changes of actors over time
From Portugal, Chuck Norris is the best. By the way, love this music.
We love your movies
Quanto e bella la bellezza della giovinezza....ma il tempo passa,gli anni passano e invecchiamo....
All my Heroes
Wao mis personajes favoritos me encantaba walker Ranger de Texas cuando llegaba de la escuela veía su programa a las 13:00 Aka en ecuador Guayaquil mitad del mundo en 1994 era genial lo máximo este programa me transporta a mi niñez y siempre cuando estoy triste 😭😭😭 veo walker Ranger de Texas para saber k crecí y debo seguir adelante gracias por enseñar a ser detective a mi ninez
Champions carlos and trent 🏆🏆🏆🏆 🥳🥳🥳🥳 💋💋💋💋💋
Love this old show
Il vieillit bien ce monsieur 😮❤
I like them
tai legenda kovu meno meistras ir aktorius 6 kart pasaulio cempijonas super
I like the new walker with jeard padclecki of supernatural
RIP 🕊💫
serial mojego dzieciństwa
Okay so I'm seeing a bunch of videos where Chuck Norris has died so I don't know about that the case. Just because I looked up Wikipedia the other day of his name and I really don't see the day when he died so I don't know if Wikipedia is not staying up-to-date or someone is just pretending. I really don't know but yeah that's what I am hearing Chuck Norris has died but I'm not sure who's telling the truth.
Lord of God the Savior in heaven, please change the past that I will be born as my new life in reality on earth on June 20th, 1997 to prevent autism, disabilities, disorder and avoid IEP Meetings and Summer School by watching educational channels on tv, learning about spelling my name with words speak with my first words and playing toys, interventions and games, when I can be a 2 year old in 1999, spend more times with my family in Sterling and new friends in Sterling Elementary School when I can be a 5 year old in 2002 so they can draw and paint a picture, write on a book and play and exercise inside and outside in the community with me and get IPhone 1 when I can be a 10 year old in 2007 as a second chance after you give my sister, Jennifer and her friend, Dylan Lewis their wish that they will be reborn back in June 20th, 1993 and change timeline history back in 2001 so the US Government can create a diversion by calling the Airport Security to defeat Osama Bin Laden and the 9/11 terrorists to hijack airplanes and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York, The Pentagon in Washington DC and Stonycreek Township in Somerset County at Pennsylvania.
Warum können die Meisten nicht in Würde altern😢
Lisa Gundy ksjs Henry Henry Ford for Goff fish for God God God God
Botox 😓😓