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Please Melbourne Number 5 Melbourne has World livable cit ten Time and 7 years in- a-row and the top ten more Sydney number 1? To Sydney only has sydney opera house and sydney harbour bridge. bondi beach witch is small beach Manly and darling harbour and Patty Market. You can all this in two days. Sydney Opera House and Manly and the Rocks you one day . Then Daring Harbour and Patty market in one day. What even Sydney got I can think few even City to Surf and Gloden Siller Where have world class evens F1 GO, Super bikes, Gp broke, Melbourne Cup a house race that spot the national
SCAM ALERT: This is to inform you that We NEVER offer money or ask for money in exchange for subscribing to our channel. We have noticed that there is a SCAM going in Turkey, India and other countries via WhatsApp and Telegram using our brand name. Since we do not offer money in exchange for subscribing to our channel, people who visit our channel for money be aware that your are a part of a CYBER SCAM already. So please report those WhatsApp numbers and telegram numbers to the POLICE or Cyber Crime Center in your country. Our previous SCAM Alert is here for your reference >>
What is your most desired place to visit in Australia?
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Thanks for sharing information dear. Thank you
Great video, thank you..
I like too much your chanel
I live The Land Down n live here 47 yrs
Melbourne is not spelled correctly
Please Melbourne Number 5 Melbourne has World livable cit ten Time and 7 years in- a-row and the top ten more Sydney number 1?
To Sydney only has sydney opera house and sydney harbour bridge. bondi beach witch is small beach Manly and darling harbour and Patty Market. You can all this in two days.
Sydney Opera House and Manly
and the Rocks you one day .
Then Daring Harbour and Patty market in one day. What even Sydney got I can think few even
City to Surf and Gloden Siller
Where have world class evens
F1 GO, Super bikes, Gp broke, Melbourne Cup a house race that spot the national