Synchrony 2023 Talk TRAILER: Neuroimmune Comorbidities in Autism and PANDAS - Chandra Menendez PhD

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024
  • The increasing evidence and effectiveness of treatments such as IVIG in autism suggest a potential #immune dysfunction in some individuals. Dr. Menendez's recent research aimed to investigate potential shared mechanisms due to the overlapping symptoms in #autism and Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS), as well as the presence of anti-neuronal autoantibodies in both disorders. The findings highlighted the potential involvement of #infections and the possibility of molecular mimicry and immune cross-reactivity between the host and pathogen in contributing to the development of both disorders.
    Dr. Chandra Menendez, Ph.D. is a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Dr. Madeleine Cunningham’s Laboratory. Her primary research focus is to understand the #autoimmune pathophysiology of neuropsychiatric disorders. Her neuroimmunology and infectious disease background provide a unique angle aimed at investigating the relationship between neural inflammation-mediated autoimmunity and cognitive and/or behavioral disorders. She is currently exploring autoreactive humoral responses and their biological impact on neuropsychiatric disorders including #SydenhamChorea, #pandas, and related disorders.
    🎥 This talk was part of Synchrony 2023 Online Symposium - 'From Bench to Biopharma', organised by the The BRAIN Foundation
    🎥 Full recording of this, and other Synchrony 2023 presentations, is available on • Synchrony Symposium 2023
    Synchrony brainfoundatio... is the first and only international symposium on translational research in #autism, that brings together academia, #biotech, #pharmaceuticalcompanies and venture partners from around the world with the mission to improve health and quality of life of people with #autismspectrumdisorder.
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    The BRAIN Foundation brainfoundatio... is a 501c(3) non-profit. The founders of BRAIN envision a world where every child and adult on the autism spectrum is healthy, participates fully in education and employment, and has a better quality of life. It aims to catalyze research that results in evidence-based interventions for the disabilities associated with autism, and also results in better medical standard of care. To accomplish this, it funds impactful research through #philanthropy and our network of partners in the venture, corporate, and grassroots community.