I mean it makes no sense. I'm pretty sure, even the historical USSR wouldnt just cap one of their soldiers for abandoning his post, especially if he managed to save an officer in the process.
@@atlantiswolf just a stereotype of the USSR for not following orders You just get capped, like when Soldiers retreated they didn't just get shot they mostly just arrested them
I was shocked at how little justice the campaign gave the Soviets. It felt like the whole script was based off enemy at the gates and Russian stereotypes. Don’t get me wrong I know the Soviets weren’t super nice but it felt cartoonishly dumb at times.
There where a couple of times the campaign was obviously dumb, but the one aspect I enjoyed was how they made the Russian fanboys remember how they betrayed the partisians of the Polish Recistance. That is something that is almost always overlooked. The Soviets mercilessly overcame any resistance to their rule, even in countries that they should have considered allies, such as Poland or the Baltic States.
Ah the waiting is finally over. But missed opportunity at 5:48 when the Guards Rifle squad said "F*ck, these AT rifles are useless!" You could've add Tiger response to "I suppose if they're very lucky they could give us a headache with that AT rifle!" Man, Ost and Sov had so much more funny and unique lines to each other like Gren : "Ivan! And he shoot as bad as his smell!" Shock Troops killing a flamethrower Pioneer : "The only burning they'll do now is in HELL!" Heavy panzer under MG attack : "Watch out! That Maxim could scratch our paint!" Or some random Ost squad being attacked by Maxim : "Get a real machine gun you primitive bastards!" I'm currently in the hope that CoH3 will get funny and unique voice lines like CoH2.
1:51 Even Yuri can hit something. Sounds like a Twisted Insurrection reference. 3:52 Be one with Yuri, followed by a mind control sound effect. Yuri travelled back to WW2 with his time machine. 5:35 AK-50 four times.
He did a great job altering the saving Captain Isakovich part I have to admit, the original script was simply too illogical and ideologically agressive to an extent that even Enemy at the Gates feel shamed not being so riduculous
@@Oppen1945 Exactly, approaching from practical perspectives like the repurcussions of Great Purge upon the effectiveness of Soviet officers, lend lease benefits, and discipline issues due to rapid conscription and so on could serve the narrative well enough already. Comparing to COH1 campaigns, one could hardly feel any attempt of putting actual efforts of telling a good story for this game. I have a strong sensation that as if I was playing a lore of Imperial Guards of 40k because it's just too exaggerate to be taken seriously.
@@yankeesix1335 Key problem hides in fact, that popular media forcing comically exaggerated fantasy picture of Red Army in minds of people. Due to their efforts (movies like "Enemy at the Gates" or CoH2) first association with Soviet Union for majority of people will be drunk commissar, shooting their own unarmed soldiers just for lulz. This is not just historical innacuracy. It is propaganda. And it is not just propaganda - it is nazi propaganda. Majority of this myphs was created by former nazi collaborants, wich run to the West and started to suck CIA dick, working for the new Cold War.
@@yankeesix1335 Things to change in story: Stalingrad Railway Station - Officer just calls the conscripts back because the defense was too strong but they die Road to Moscow - They detonate the bridge after everyone crossed it Stalingrad Aftermath - The officer scolds them for trying something so risky and almost dying in the process but congratulates them anyway and sends Isakovich to Moscow for his treatment
@@darksoulsismycity Haha, if I am correct on this one youre speaking about that joke of a tank which was half as tall as a man and was used while there were t-34's and panzer IV in use xD That shit is infamous xD
@@Gagnster13 Это выражение означает: «Мы знаем». Итак, в этом контексте: мы (американцы) знаем, что вы, россияне, ужасно пережили Вторую мировую войну благодаря этой игре, а также другим средствам массовой информации.
A particular reason why I like RTS? Good question... I feel very nostalgic for RTS games. I spent my entire childhood with them. Today I really like to come back to these games, but also to play new ones.
I left a comment back on your Dawn of War video complimenting your editing style. All I can say now is that you’re improving massively and continue to impress! Good Job Comrade!
@@iToxicMochi Facts: the source nation of social credit have been Capitalist since 1980s, and if you spread leftist ideologies like socialism in that country, you get inquired, blacklisted, or arrested.
NKVD recommends this glorious and truthfull Socialist production. Dislikes belongs to virgin Fascisti, now rebuilding motherland via Gulag re-education program.
I love how each video gets a bit less gameplay and a bit more shitpost, it is going to be great when it reaches the point where the source material is virtually unrecognizable.
@@laifamohammed3571 soviet is not nice but the campaign is super bias LuL . feel like something people have seen before . oh wait right its come straight out of the movie " enemy at the gate" which is being debunk long ago
@@laifamohammed3571 just taking the commissar example, at the rate of how NKVD harassed the soldiers of the red army in this game, which of course is not true in canon history, the red army itself should have launched a coup in 42 already. It is necessary to know that political department and army are separated branches, and since the latter have more guns, men and an actual say about battle, the Political department is bond to at least show them some respect while doing their discipline duties. If the commissars really behave like that stupid and twisted, the army officers and soldiers would just hang them, since you do realise that it’s not enough for a single blue cap and some retinues to abuse the entire platoon or company now do you? Commissars are like sergeants which in most cases inspire the troops, not terrorise them, blocking detachments are a different story and no, some of they are political officers but not majorly commissars
@@yankeesix1335 even order No.227 was aimed at the OFFICERS who give out retreat orders without the authorization of their superior, not at the common soldiers, there are recorded instances where the NKVD would shoot ABOVE the head of the retreating soldiers in order to compel them to get back into the fight, but other than that, nothing has been said about the NKVD shooting their own soldiers. Heck, the NKVDs even acted as elite troops on the battle field, fighting with a stupid amount of courage - unlike the popular depiction of them being coward doing nothing except for shooting their own men. Medias such as these are just pure propaganda and brainwashing, it makes absolutely no sense to shoot your own soldiers while you are losing a fucking war.
The shock troops supported by conscripts are really nice (you can reinforce the shock troops forever) BUT THOSE STRAPNICKY WHIT THE SATCHEL CHARGES Mamma mia Just send hordes of them for destroying enemy ta ks Always works
Я хоть и прошел эту мерзкую компанию полную вранья, но данное видео меня забавило) как и прочие видео на данном канале, когда впервые смотрел, я посмеялся с большинства)
@@jackL99F Ну там много абсолютной дичи 1 - "одна винтовка на двоих" этот бред пошел еще с откровенно каллового фильма "Враг у ворот". Вот про фольксштурм это было бы более правдоподобно, так как там вооружали что было и чем было, вплоть до винтовок и танков первой мировой. Потому что, уж винтовок Мосина наделали очень много, и закончаться все они просто не могли, а вот с боеприпасами был бы реальный напряг, так как весь город разрушен да и эффективно снабжать солдат тоже было тяжело, так как в небе было очень много бомбодировщиков которые и бомбили колонны машин, баржи и т.д. Но изобразили как всегда плохо... 2- сжигание домов с людьми, да, была тактика "выженной земли", где уничтожалось все что могло помочь врагу, это применялось еще со времен Наполеона. Но сжигать своих живых людей? Причем дома еще и запертые. Насколько известно этим любили заниматься как раз "электрики", а не красноармейцы. 3- расстрел из пулеметов отступающих солдат, это очень тупо, так как в Сталинграде сильный напряг был по солдатам, и просто так их расстреливать? Тем более в игре НКВД представлены как во всех современных фильмах, то есть "монстрами". И пофиг на то что,НКВД во основном направляли назад отступающих в панике солдат, а не просто тупо их расстреливали, иногда и сами вступали в бой с наступающими немцами. И они нужны были для наведения порядка и ликвидированию панических настроений. Да, были и расстрелы, но опять же, в основном людей возвращали. И бойцы НКВД это были элитные бойцы, большинство погранцов и были НКВДШниками, и когда немцы уже быди в глубине, НКВДшники продолжали сопротивление, вспомнить тот же Брест, там как раз и были бойцы НКВД, и спустя 2 месяца после начала войны, оказывали сопротивление. Плюс, немцы не брали НКВДшников в плен. 4-расстрелл солдата несшего на своей спине раненного офицера. Зачем? Почему? Необъяснили. 5-расстрелл польской партизанки, которая наоборот помогла красноармейцам. Опять же зачем? Не ясно. При том, что поляки вместе с красноармейцами штурмовали Берлин. Хотя про польские концлагеря для красноармейцев, упоминания в игре нет. Как и многих других косяков со стороны войска польского и местных партизан... 5-ну и самое любимое. ГУЛАГ - это Главное управление исправительно-трудовых лагерей, а не сами исправительные лагеря. Сейчас на месте ГУЛАГА находится центральное управление ФСИН (вроде как). Просто это такая же тупая логика, как срочный солдат служит не в воинской части, а в Министерстве обороны РФ. 6-ну и ействующий приказ 227 в Берлине, капец логика, в нем смысл такой же как и чайник без носика. Если бы этой идиотии в игре не было, токампания была бы лучше, вон как в колде юнитед офенсив сделали - минимум клюквы, за то отвращения от прохождения капании нет.
"Rush B"
Rush- all forces forward.
B - Berlin
that part made me laugh haha
where did this frame come from? 3:08
@@vladislavivanov2334 BERLIN IS BURNING!
@@volodyaplotnikov5841 I think First Squad moment of truth it's an anime movie about eastern front of "WW2" (sort of).
Good ending
Private didn't get shot, officer saved, Stalin is proud.
canon ending
Remember that guy was Yuri, who was also an advisor to Stalin
I mean it makes no sense. I'm pretty sure, even the historical USSR wouldnt just cap one of their soldiers for abandoning his post, especially if he managed to save an officer in the process.
@@atlantiswolf just a stereotype of the USSR for not following orders You just get capped, like when Soldiers retreated they didn't just get shot they mostly just arrested them
@@Octi-ku4yf exactly
I knew yuri was hiding somewhere in time after that problem with the dinos.
Be one with yuri
@@markzosemsuello4016 no, I refuse
@@Interweblurker hahaha... let have a meeting in the mind
Another comrade, joins us.
Thank you, I enjoyed your "lore" version better then what happened in game.
First time i accept a f*rry's opinion
I was shocked at how little justice the campaign gave the Soviets. It felt like the whole script was based off enemy at the gates and Russian stereotypes. Don’t get me wrong I know the Soviets weren’t super nice but it felt cartoonishly dumb at times.
Plus I love the editing work it’s a work of art
There where a couple of times the campaign was obviously dumb, but the one aspect I enjoyed was how they made the Russian fanboys remember how they betrayed the partisians of the Polish Recistance. That is something that is almost always overlooked. The Soviets mercilessly overcame any resistance to their rule, even in countries that they should have considered allies, such as Poland or the Baltic States.
@@michalszymanski791 Don't forget Czechoslovakia
3:58 this is canon and you cant change my mind
Oh, this soldier has shown a lot of courage and did something incredible! We can:
a) make him a propaganda hero
b)fUckINg sHOot hIm
That would be canon in real life.
We wont change that marvelous mind of yours
To kolejne wspaniałe arcydzieło w twoim wykonaniu...
Tak, tak! Kolejny po Wiedźminie przykład polskiej popkultury który idzie w świat! :)
@@Gracz87 Sobralisj kakijeto drjevnije narjechija...
Polish language look scary
@@Mynameisnotjoe in Poland, we must jebać pis
Наконец то ты вернулся
Ah the waiting is finally over.
But missed opportunity at 5:48 when the Guards Rifle squad said "F*ck, these AT rifles are useless!" You could've add Tiger response to "I suppose if they're very lucky they could give us a headache with that AT rifle!"
Man, Ost and Sov had so much more funny and unique lines to each other like
Gren : "Ivan! And he shoot as bad as his smell!"
Shock Troops killing a flamethrower Pioneer : "The only burning they'll do now is in HELL!"
Heavy panzer under MG attack : "Watch out! That Maxim could scratch our paint!"
Or some random Ost squad being attacked by Maxim : "Get a real machine gun you primitive bastards!"
I'm currently in the hope that CoH3 will get funny and unique voice lines like CoH2.
I'm just holding out hope that they get Brandon Keener back this time.
COH 3 felt like a dlc for COH 2, at least for me. I believe it will be good with all the classic COH fun, good lines included
@@aegeanharrier6648 at a glance it looks like CoH1 for me, not the gameplay but the overall aesthetic and the GUI and such.
AT rifles giving headache is kinda the experience in the game Foxhole... and scary when spammed.
1:51 Even Yuri can hit something. Sounds like a Twisted Insurrection reference.
3:52 Be one with Yuri, followed by a mind control sound effect.
Yuri travelled back to WW2 with his time machine.
5:35 AK-50 four times.
3:21 absolutely killed me. Can't wait to see you do CoH3 -in a year or two-
Aged like milk lol
Mixed reviews for CoH3
Mabe in 5 years coh3 will be as good as Coh2
But will it be just a Coh2 re-skin after that?
Historically accurate
Source: Enemy at the Gates
He did a great job altering the saving Captain Isakovich part I have to admit, the original script was simply too illogical and ideologically agressive to an extent that even Enemy at the Gates feel shamed not being so riduculous
@@Oppen1945 Exactly, approaching from practical perspectives like the repurcussions of Great Purge upon the effectiveness of Soviet officers, lend lease benefits, and discipline issues due to rapid conscription and so on could serve the narrative well enough already. Comparing to COH1 campaigns, one could hardly feel any attempt of putting actual efforts of telling a good story for this game. I have a strong sensation that as if I was playing a lore of Imperial Guards of 40k because it's just too exaggerate to be taken seriously.
Key problem hides in fact, that popular media forcing comically exaggerated fantasy picture of Red Army in minds of people. Due to their efforts (movies like "Enemy at the Gates" or CoH2) first association with Soviet Union for majority of people will be drunk commissar, shooting their own unarmed soldiers just for lulz.
This is not just historical innacuracy. It is propaganda. And it is not just propaganda - it is nazi propaganda. Majority of this myphs was created by former nazi collaborants, wich run to the West and started to suck CIA dick, working for the new Cold War.
Things to change in story:
Stalingrad Railway Station -
Officer just calls the conscripts back because the defense was too strong but they die
Road to Moscow -
They detonate the bridge after everyone crossed it
Stalingrad Aftermath -
The officer scolds them for trying something so risky and almost dying in the process but congratulates them anyway and sends Isakovich to Moscow for his treatment
D-flag in the thumbnail and 0:51 takes me back 😀
Darn auto correct, D-Frag!
You're everywhere I go man
We need the anime comrade
@@bondbond8260 The name of the anime is, in fact, D-Frag, I believe.
I am indeed blind and stupid as i forgot what the thumbnail look like and thought the d flag was a unrelated thing
They did Yuri dirty in the campaign, glad you fixed it here. It’s good to see you back at Coh2, your videos are great as always!
"Died From - 40 C ? Pathetic". -People of new London
Видос вышел ахриненный, коха прям так и играется, спасибо за твой труд, у тебя отличное понимание русских мемов товаришь
Его понимание русских мемов такое же, как наше понимание немецких.
А так видос хороший конечно.
4:40 "Dont do it... I'm a CYKA"
Fucking dead xD
One of the actual nicknames of SU-76 so it makes sence
doge’s stalling for time to load high explosives shell 😂
The true CoH2 experience:
>500 hrs of gameplay
>never once opened the campaign
7:15 Stalin's strategies were truly ahead of it's time. No wonder the Soviets were a force to reckon with.
Love the Frost Punk reference. I really enjoyed that game. 2:31
Should have used the part where it dropped below -200
He lives and has spicy memes
Очень хорошо, особенно начало под ЛЮБЭ - Красная армия всех сильней, и момент из аниме D-flag
Ага особенно где красноармейцы сжигают дома с гражданскими)
Back to roots, eh?
Ain't complaing, good content comrade
Playing in CoH: This is a fun story wise.
Playing in CoH2 : Do not retreat or you will be shot on sight !
Fun Fact: you can actually complete several of the missions with just frontoviki conscripts/penals
I look forward to see what you do when CoH3 is out, with my country (Italy) finally being featured in it!
Commit war crimes, what else?
I hope they include the greatest tank of WWII: Carro Veloce L33
@@darksoulsismycity fire cv hopefully. I cannot run that game but the memes will be funny.
@@darksoulsismycity Haha, if I am correct on this one youre speaking about that joke of a tank which was half as tall as a man and was used while there were t-34's and panzer IV in use xD
That shit is infamous xD
"We have made comrade Stalin proud"
Those who don't know: 😊
Those who know: 🤧
F**k Commissars…whimper~ T~T
@@joshuablade6974 if that was real then he'd be shot for being a retard.
@@Gagnster13 Нет дерьмо. '^^
@@joshuablade6974 Дерьмо что именно?
@@Gagnster13 Это выражение означает: «Мы знаем». Итак, в этом контексте: мы (американцы) знаем, что вы, россияне, ужасно пережили Вторую мировую войну благодаря этой игре, а также другим средствам массовой информации.
Ak-50 hardbass: *exists*
Brandon: *puts down white claw long enough to wipe tear*
This video was more accurate than the actual game story
Well done my friend
Very Glorious and the plot is easy to understand...
Thank you for making these Glorious Experience comrade... Looking forward to more
Ricardo engineers, loved that reference. Great video as always!
7:22 The polish bin cannon! Love it.
Never expected a full-on historically accurate documentary from this channel. Great job
I could learn lots of things about eastern front history what a educational video.
2:45 The soldiers mounting the jeep is very real(base on the game)as it's like that the interval of each coming up is just perfect
thanks for taking care of all the historical innacuracy in the game story
Very nice video Bro, still loving my childhood game
Best blend beetween memes and raw footage i've seen so far, very good, is there a particular reason you like RTS's?
A particular reason why I like RTS? Good question... I feel very nostalgic for RTS games. I spent my entire childhood with them. Today I really like to come back to these games, but also to play new ones.
@@SevenTePe sudden strike is childhood for me...
as a citizen of the country of Kazakhstan that was part of the USSR, I say that I liked your funny retelling of the game than in the original
Borat says hello.
0:38 what i always tell my teammates in WoT when the enemy is low on numbers and concetrated in 1 zone camping.
I left a comment back on your Dawn of War video complimenting your editing style. All I can say now is that you’re improving massively and continue to impress! Good Job Comrade!
I love how even a parody of the campaign is still a better story than what we actually got
Glad you're back my friend..
"Brace yourselves, the cold is coming..." I loved that reference
Nice to see a Frostpunk reference!
4:03 That guy gets executed in game LOL
omegabruh 100
Nyet komrad, that is capitalist propaganda. To the gulags with you, and -10000000 to your social credit score.
@@iToxicMochi Facts: the source nation of social credit have been Capitalist since 1980s, and if you spread leftist ideologies like socialism in that country, you get inquired, blacklisted, or arrested.
Christ the writing in this game is fucking stupid.
@@yankeesix1335 this sounds like communist countries since 20s
NKVD recommends this glorious and truthfull Socialist production. Dislikes belongs to virgin Fascisti, now rebuilding motherland via Gulag re-education program.
ah yes, the true URA experience
You are probably one of the only people who make meme montages of rts games, i like it, im subbing
This is one of my favorite RTS videos of all time.
I love how each video gets a bit less gameplay and a bit more shitpost, it is going to be great when it reaches the point where the source material is virtually unrecognizable.
Wspaniały materiał jak zawsze warto czekać
7:16 rush b order from Stalin 😆
2:50 Imagine you being a German fresh recruit and you see a clown car filled with drunken Russians spitting flame everywhere
Worth the wait well Comrade!
0:51 Russias secret weapon in WW2
Superb as always 👌
Came for the anime memes, stayed for the god-tier editing and lore video
4:14 - "Вперед собаки, к победе!" (Warhammer 40000)
CoH 2 had the worst campaign of any RTS I've ever played
Yet somehow
SevenTePe managed to make it enjoyable.
How? because they showed how the suviet really managed to stop the German reich?
@@laifamohammed3571 soviet is not nice but the campaign is super bias LuL . feel like something people have seen before . oh wait right its come straight out of the movie " enemy at the gate" which is being debunk long ago
@@laifamohammed3571 just taking the commissar example, at the rate of how NKVD harassed the soldiers of the red army in this game, which of course is not true in canon history, the red army itself should have launched a coup in 42 already. It is necessary to know that political department and army are separated branches, and since the latter have more guns, men and an actual say about battle, the Political department is bond to at least show them some respect while doing their discipline duties. If the commissars really behave like that stupid and twisted, the army officers and soldiers would just hang them, since you do realise that it’s not enough for a single blue cap and some retinues to abuse the entire platoon or company now do you? Commissars are like sergeants which in most cases inspire the troops, not terrorise them, blocking detachments are a different story and no, some of they are political officers but not majorly commissars
@@yankeesix1335 even order No.227 was aimed at the OFFICERS who give out retreat orders without the authorization of their superior, not at the common soldiers, there are recorded instances where the NKVD would shoot ABOVE the head of the retreating soldiers in order to compel them to get back into the fight, but other than that, nothing has been said about the NKVD shooting their own soldiers. Heck, the NKVDs even acted as elite troops on the battle field, fighting with a stupid amount of courage - unlike the popular depiction of them being coward doing nothing except for shooting their own men. Medias such as these are just pure propaganda and brainwashing, it makes absolutely no sense to shoot your own soldiers while you are losing a fucking war.
Товарищи иностранцы учите пожалуйста историю. А игра в плане компании говно и выдумка от начала и до канца.
I never thought the day I’d see a D-Frag reference in the thumbnail. Now I’m crying in joy.
Engineers with Flamethrowers, Damn Engineers back then were really something.
Damn the moments where you made soviets soldiers not shoot maxim our troops and where Stalin shakes hands with Yuri truly a pleasure to see
Wow, such an effort you put to make this. Thank you!
Return of the king
Thank you man for these amazing edits you made my night. Your amazing good work
*A glorious T-34 as fallin into the Volga River!* 4:32
big props for the d-frag clip. always have had a soft spot for that anime.
What if you want to send your low HP tank to a safe location?
But the stupid AI path finder says 4:29
ahh another rare COH2 video. Bless you mate. *Amen*
2:34 frostpunk, i love you
This is way too well done hopefully it blows up
The intro is legendary! 👌
This is the type of quality content I lived for comrade
Great video, great background Soviet songs and the hardbass xD
Awesome vid you allways made my day
I fucking love your editing and thumbnails, it's the reason I subed
OMG! I'll enjoy the video like never before!
For important research purposes name of the girl in the thumbnail
(anime: D-Frag
the name: Takao)
@@dumbassman69 thx bro now I can do my research
@@SHADI19208 🫡
UA-cam's algorithm is broken.
This channel should've been suggested to me a week ago. Congrats sir, you just got another sub.
Nice pfp
4:04 if only it ended that way
I love your Videos and it's Nice to see your Channel Growing so big im Since you Have 20K i appreciate your Hard work In your Videos
The shock troops supported by conscripts are really nice (you can reinforce the shock troops forever)
Mamma mia
Just send hordes of them for destroying enemy ta ks
Always works
The Frostpunk reference was BEAUTIFUL!
6:45 zakrztusiłem się ze śmiechu XDDDD
1:34 *Our troops are in the fields*
1:38 *Good Job Comrade*
1:23 jakie fajne odniesienie do filmików RZD i Scorched Earth :D
One carries the rifle
*The other carries the ammo*
Мой неполживый чекист доволен.
To jest arcydzieło przez ten film 2 lata kópiłem tą gre i jest wspaniała
2:00, Is that Sahsha’s grandmother?
Here before this channel blows up.
Я хоть и прошел эту мерзкую компанию полную вранья, но данное видео меня забавило) как и прочие видео на данном канале, когда впервые смотрел, я посмеялся с большинства)
А почему вранья ?
Ну там много абсолютной дичи
1 - "одна винтовка на двоих" этот бред пошел еще с откровенно каллового фильма "Враг у ворот". Вот про фольксштурм это было бы более правдоподобно, так как там вооружали что было и чем было, вплоть до винтовок и танков первой мировой. Потому что, уж винтовок Мосина наделали очень много, и закончаться все они просто не могли, а вот с боеприпасами был бы реальный напряг, так как весь город разрушен да и эффективно снабжать солдат тоже было тяжело, так как в небе было очень много бомбодировщиков которые и бомбили колонны машин, баржи и т.д. Но изобразили как всегда плохо...
2- сжигание домов с людьми, да, была тактика "выженной земли", где уничтожалось все что могло помочь врагу, это применялось еще со времен Наполеона. Но сжигать своих живых людей? Причем дома еще и запертые. Насколько известно этим любили заниматься как раз "электрики", а не красноармейцы.
3- расстрел из пулеметов отступающих солдат, это очень тупо, так как в Сталинграде сильный напряг был по солдатам, и просто так их расстреливать? Тем более в игре НКВД представлены как во всех современных фильмах, то есть "монстрами". И пофиг на то что,НКВД во основном направляли назад отступающих в панике солдат, а не просто тупо их расстреливали, иногда и сами вступали в бой с наступающими немцами. И они нужны были для наведения порядка и ликвидированию панических настроений. Да, были и расстрелы, но опять же, в основном людей возвращали. И бойцы НКВД это были элитные бойцы, большинство погранцов и были НКВДШниками, и когда немцы уже быди в глубине, НКВДшники продолжали сопротивление, вспомнить тот же Брест, там как раз и были бойцы НКВД, и спустя 2 месяца после начала войны, оказывали сопротивление. Плюс, немцы не брали НКВДшников в плен.
4-расстрелл солдата несшего на своей спине раненного офицера. Зачем? Почему? Необъяснили.
5-расстрелл польской партизанки, которая наоборот помогла красноармейцам. Опять же зачем? Не ясно. При том, что поляки вместе с красноармейцами штурмовали Берлин. Хотя про польские концлагеря для красноармейцев, упоминания в игре нет. Как и многих других косяков со стороны войска польского и местных партизан...
5-ну и самое любимое. ГУЛАГ - это Главное управление исправительно-трудовых лагерей, а не сами исправительные лагеря. Сейчас на месте ГУЛАГА находится центральное управление ФСИН (вроде как). Просто это такая же тупая логика, как срочный солдат служит не в воинской части, а в Министерстве обороны РФ.
6-ну и ействующий приказ 227 в Берлине, капец логика, в нем смысл такой же как и чайник без носика.
Если бы этой идиотии в игре не было, токампания была бы лучше, вон как в колде юнитед офенсив сделали - минимум клюквы, за то отвращения от прохождения капании нет.
@@foxfenix5597 Коммуниста порвало.
Но на счёт вранья согласен.
You are criminality undersubbed, im always happy when I get to see a new SevenTePe video
Cultured thumbnail (Takao from D-frag)
Also cultured memes and gameplay xD
this production quality is really good
Even pz4 cant resist the power of W A I F U
2:56 **The building burns**
Soldier: It's fine.
Even with talking dogs for tank crew this is by far a more historically accurate depiction of the Red Army.
We have made Comrade Stalin proud!!!
Лучшие 8 минут за эту неделю!! The great helmsman is pleased with you!
3:22; -30,000,000 social credit, your execution date is set for tomorrow
That sectopod noise with the tiger clip awakened something I had long since suppressed