This Song Is Catchy! - The Big Push - English Man In New York Cover - LIVE - REACTION

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @denisebulgariu964
    @denisebulgariu964 Рік тому +22

    Is a masterpiece of STING!

  • @samanthaspencer7404
    @samanthaspencer7404 Рік тому +9

    Ren often mentiones his love of Stings music and its influence on his musical path from very early on.
    This specific retake version is truelly Excellent 🥰
    The Big Push just can't disappoint 😊

  • @piwaka50
    @piwaka50 Рік тому +6

    yeah Sting, Ren is a big fan and has a lot of influences in his music and vocals from Sting.

  • @adrienne1958l
    @adrienne1958l Рік тому +10

    Yes , their harmonies 🔥and the jazzy feel. This is just a brilliant rendition of this song

  • @itsakittyting
    @itsakittyting Рік тому +3

    I saw Sting in concert and every song he played another instrument plus he did completely different versions of his hit songs, so I can tell that Ren was greatly influenced by him in his performance style♥ the genre is soft pop - check out the original

  • @glenkrisch4844
    @glenkrisch4844 Рік тому +6

    Their song Icarus is awesome.

  • @DusCostea-kt1dg
    @DusCostea-kt1dg Рік тому +9

    Sting from the band Police is the original 👍. Big Push are 🔥🔥🎵🎶🍯🤌🙏✌️

  • @emilianoserranosouza1991
    @emilianoserranosouza1991 Рік тому

    Its a cover from a musical legend, Sting!! Really nice cover! Great reaction!!!

  • @patcow9999
    @patcow9999 Рік тому +12

    It's a Sting cover but a brilliant one, with that little bit of Big Push spice sprinkled over it. Sting's video is set in New York and a cameo appearance of the colourful Quentin Crisp. It has beautiful sax on that version.

    • @Kazilla.
      @Kazilla.  Рік тому +4

      That's awesome makes sense. 👏

  • @anticafo
    @anticafo Рік тому +7

    May I suggest their originals - Sweet little lady( live acoustic) or official video, watch out ( busking), All My Heroes, Dignity, Precious (video is great) Swan Song, etc

  • @EydeRedman
    @EydeRedman 8 місяців тому

    Ohh I love how happy this made you!
    Makes me feel
    The same way
    I’m halfway thru your ren reactions
    Loving it❤✌🏼

  • @d2ndborn
    @d2ndborn Рік тому +1

    Bongo bon was done on the top of their apartment building. This is not the same place. But the apartment roof was used for a few of the videos, like Murder and a few others

  • @martinaward666
    @martinaward666 Рік тому

    OMG it's the police 🚓🚓 late 80'ds Sting, the Police were a British band and a fucking brilliant one I'm from Dublin Ireland big love to The Big Push ✌️❤️✌️

  • @Sillywabbit5
    @Sillywabbit5 11 місяців тому

    Really enjoy your reactions!

  • @jasonremy1627
    @jasonremy1627 Рік тому +6

    Check out "Watch Out" for an original The Big Push song. The official video is adorable as hell, and the live version (Red Suspenders set) rocks hard. Check out either one.

    • @shannon9211
      @shannon9211 Рік тому +2

      Ahh no one ever reacts to the original video, it’s so cute! I didn’t even know there was a video for the longest time, thought it was just audio over the album cover.

    • @Kazilla.
      @Kazilla.  Рік тому +1

      I did watch out I believe!

    • @Kazilla.
      @Kazilla.  Рік тому

    • @jasonremy1627
      @jasonremy1627 Рік тому +2

      @@Kazilla. and I watched it. Haha. Sorry, I forgot. Maybe Swan Song then? It's another very different side of the band.

  • @danielmeola3651
    @danielmeola3651 Рік тому

    Don"t remember if i already suggested, ren diss with King dotta, hilarous. Thanks for your videos

  • @davidlitherland108
    @davidlitherland108 Рік тому +2

    It's a sting song and this sound much better

  • @Shiroar
    @Shiroar Рік тому +1

    This is a cover, but if you want something original AND live, check out their live video of Sweet Little Lady.

  • @olacha12
    @olacha12 Рік тому

    Love it ❤❤❤

  • @helenjarvis7755
    @helenjarvis7755 Рік тому

    Top song

  • @RockinMamaT
    @RockinMamaT Рік тому

    I have this on my playlist but I haven't heard this version. They are fire🔥♥️

  • @kathleenswift7979
    @kathleenswift7979 Рік тому +2

    Have a listen to their own song All My Heroes, studio version is best 😁

  • @jasonklenetsky5687
    @jasonklenetsky5687 Рік тому +1

    Swan Song or Icarus - by The Big Push

  • @edwardkent
    @edwardkent Рік тому

    If it makes the plants behind them grow better, fair play to them.....Harvest was probably good

  • @Voedoer
    @Voedoer Рік тому

    Icarus and xbox marijuana are great original songs from them too

  • @jkoll42
    @jkoll42 Рік тому +1

    It's a Sting cover. Like most of their covers it is true to the original and yet not. It's weird to say - Bongo Bong was the same way. It captures the essence of the melodies and structure but is completely their own and honestly in both cases (most cases) I think their covers are better than the originals. There is just so many layers and so much feeling where Sing was very flat with a faster dryer vocal. All the jazz and brass was cool in the original though but Big Push translated it to layered guitar

  • @jacksmith4460
    @jacksmith4460 Рік тому

    "I like my toast done on one side" um yeh Sting...don't know what the f*ck Sting is on about(he wrote this song). I have never once in my 42 years of existing, spent 100% residing in the UK, heard seen, witnessed, even heard tale of a SINGLE person in the UK only toasting 1 side of the bread ....that's just strange looool

  • @jacksmith4460
    @jacksmith4460 Рік тому

    speaking as someone who has played guitar on and off for almost 30 years, regarding Ren's guitar playing. Ren is not particularly incredible as a guitarist. He is proficient and could likely play to anything, but a lot of what he uses is not particularly hard to play.
    For me Ren is a monster of a song writer, a monster vocalist, a monster performer, and he plays many instruments to a good level, but as a Guitarist, he is nothing brilliant (but dont get me wrong, very competent).
    The things I like about his guitar playing are things like his "Phrasing" of lead lines, and his choice of chords. These are not techincally hard things, and are more in the creative than technical realm. He very much uses the guitar as a Tool imo.
    I am not trying to sh*t on him either, I myself have a similar approach (although I play metal), and in fact these days there are actually SOOOOO many technically brilliant players...but not many of them have "feel" and "soul" and Ren has it in abundance. I could name probably 40 or 50(there are likely tens of thousands of them maybe more) current guitarists that are technically levels above Ren, but I would struggle to name many with better feel and ability to convey emotion

  • @payntpot7623
    @payntpot7623 Рік тому +3

    Why does everyone place such emphasis on Genre all the time....?? What on earth does it matter? if a song is good to listen to, it is good to listen to p regardless of who wrote it, who sang it , what box they popped out of, or what they ate for breakfast.

    • @Kazilla.
      @Kazilla.  Рік тому +4

      It matters to Me because i like discovering new music and new genres. There's so many sub genres so when I want to hear another sound it's easier for me to type the genre in and see the types of bands that come up. I do get your point and I'm the same way, I just listen to good or bad music and don't really see genres unless I'm trying to explore or understand something. Thanks for tuning in! 🙏

    • @Voedoer
      @Voedoer Рік тому

      According to the wiki it is jazz, raggie, pop, rock song :)

    • @payntpot7623
      @payntpot7623 Рік тому

      @@Kazilla. I see, thank you for the explanation. I see that once again, algorithms rule the modern world!!