
  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • #vent #sad #mentalhealth


  • @Luna_iamsosleepy
    @Luna_iamsosleepy 2 місяці тому +2

    It’s okay I get annoyed every easily to and I want to see people get help and get better but sometimes you have to focus on yourself because you are also a very important to others.

  • @creatorcreamboy6987
    @creatorcreamboy6987 2 місяці тому

    It's okay don't worry I understand, don't worry it will be okay, I'm always here for you, everyone is here for you, we all love and care for you, and I'm really worry about you, take care of yourself, take your time to heal, give yourself a break it's okay you deserve it, your a human to, we all are a human, we look out for each other, but still most importantly you, yourself, your important to, so just give yourself love and care!!, put yourself first, because that someone that always with you in your soul and heart, and whenever your alone and whenever you are, it's you, it's yourself at the end only you have yourself being there for yourself, so don't worry it's okay I understand!, it's okay , get enough sleep, take care of yourself, it's okay take your time! , eat, drink sleep enough ^^ I'm worry about you, sleep is important, your important, your health is important, your feelings matter your a human to and I really understand it and I try my best ^^
    It's okay don't worry I understand, just get some rest okay? It will be okay, focus on yourself, take care of yourself!!, I know you care for others to, but care for yourself first! ^^ I feel that way to, I'm tired and worry everyday it kinda bother me, I don't like it to, so don't worry it's okay your not alone feeling this way! It will be okay and uhm I'm tired everyday to I over thinking so much and everything, but don't worry I'll be okay ^^ so don't worry your never alone!! You'll get through this, we're always here for you too!!
    It's okay I understand but still remember, if you want to make anything remember to always take your time, you can do it, I believe in you, you'll do amazing and give yourself a break if you need to! And don't overwork, I always love everything you made it's all so unique and wonderful always, and I always love to see!!, you always do amazing!!, and take care of yourself most importantly! You always deserve all the love and care! It will be okay
    It's okay I understand don't worry! I understand and I know you have your own life to look out for! So don't worry it's okay I understand!! Mhm yes it's okay! I know you always care, but I know it's hard so care for yourself first don't worry it okay your a human to, we all have feelings, we all are humans! Don't worry it's okay!, it's okay if you can't help, you always help but first, it's you look out for yourself don't worry it's okay! Help yourself up first and go through this! You can do it I believe in you! I always support you, I always feel like this to don't worry your not alone, I always love helping everyone, but I can't always do it to it's hard for me to help myself really, I can't let go but I know you can!! I try to take care of myself to!, you can do it to I believe in you!, so don't worry your not alone!, I know you always love helping others me too but help yourself first look out for yourself your important to!! Don't forget that!, I'm always here for you if you need anything, I always love and happy to help, comfort, talk, listen and be here for you!! I'm really worry about you, and please it's okay if you can't help, you always help, don't feel down about yourself, your amazing!!!, give yourself love and care!! . Mhm yes I understand me too, but it's hard for me to, I can't stop worrying for me ^^ but don't worry you can do it, take your time to heal you'll do amazing!! everyone should understand each other! And that we all human to!
    Mhm yes I understand, I really do, it's okay it will be okay understand each other, I know they will understand, I understand! ^^ I know you care but I know you can't always like something like that! I don't know how to describe, I'm sorry you dont need to be like looking out for others always and just they need to understand you to, you don't need to always look out for others and I understand that, it's okay!, you have your own life to, you are a human to, you have feelings your feelings matter!! And I understand it, your always so wonderful, kind, caring, amazing and awesome and talented and we're all happy to have you!! I always love and care about you! so just focus on yourself first, don't be hard on yourself, we don't want seeing you struggle and I don't want it to, so we all give you all the love and care!! And you give yourself love and care too!!, just look out for yourself first okay? They will understand you!, you don't need to always do that for others!, just look out for yourself first then others I know you care!, they should understand you! ^^ you don't need to always make others happy, your very wonderful kind and caring, I know you always care but still first and most importantly, you first, make yourself happy first not others I understand,you always deserve love and care and happiness, just look out for yourself okay? And you don't need to always look out for others, it will be okay they should understand we all should understand each other! We're all humans
    I'm very sorry, you have to go through this all, don't worry it will be okay, I'm always here for you, I always support you, you can do it, you'll get through this!, you can heal and rise up again! Your Important!!, so look out for yourself, we always look out for you too!! ^^
    I'm very sorry, don't worry it's okay, just understand each other or the situation, it will be okay, I sometimes feel that way to, it's okay you have feelings it's okay don't worry you matter!!, and I know you do, I do to!, I always want and love to see everyone or someone happy I really do I want everyone to be happy to but I can't always do that.., it's hard for me to, don't worry it's okay don't force yourself, make yourself happy first you deserve happiness!, your happiness comes first, you comes first!!, you don't need to always make others happy it's so sweet and kind of you to make everyone happy it's really wonderful but still first and most importantly, you first, make yourself happy first not others I know other people will understand, you deserve happiness to, you deserve love and care and positivity, you don't need to always look out for others, look out for yourself to, it's okay if your feeling down, it's okay to be not okay, we're all not perfect, we're all humans it's okay but your perfect to me!, like perfect and unique in your own way!!!, and if you're happy I'm happy too!! I love seeing you Happy, I don't want anything happen to you, and I'm really worry about you to, I'm always here for you!
    Aw, me too, I never been held nowDon't worry it will be okay if I could, I always love and happy to give you all the love and care and hugs and cuddle if you want to!!! You deserve it all!! Don't worry, I want to be held to I never really have someone to be there to comfort me I'm all alone but I have myself and myself won't let me hug me I don't know what I'm saying, just don't worry it will be okay
    It's okay I understand I'm always scared to, everyday every second, I'm really scared I'm over thinking so much I'm worry to much, don't worry your not alone it's okay to be scared, I'm scared to, I'm worry I made mistakes just the smallest one to but don't worry it's okay calm down it will be okay
    Awww, I love you to, we all always love you to and love yourself too most importantly, your so lovely and wonderful you deserve all the love!! ❤❤❤
    Mhm, it will be okay don't worry we're always here for you, you'll get through this, take your time to heal itself okay don't worry! I understand! It's okay to feel down, look out for yourself, your more important to!
    I'm always here for you, if you can't make yourself happy then try, your happiness comes first, and you deserve happiness to, and I'll be with you, I'll help you, try and love yourself and be kind to yourself, we're always with you and support you too, it's okay to be not okay, I'm always here for you, make yourself happy first, I always love seeing everyone happy to!, don't worry I understand you, it's hard for me to ^^
    Don't force yourself, you don't need to always look out for everyone, look out for yourself first, your important to, your a human to, just take care of yourself, live your life, let yourself free if your people don't understand you then so be it, they don't deserve you, you deserve better, I know you love looking out and helping others and making everyone happy I understand that really me too, but how about yourself? Make yourself happy first, I feel like this to, so don't worry not alone!, we all love you, here's for you 🧸🍪🍨🎁💐, take care, stay safe!!, have a wonderful great day/night for you and everyone too!! I always wish hope the best for you!! I'm really worry about you
    (I'm sorry if there's anything I said that wrong or doesn't make sense I hope my words it's okay ^^)

  • @Bedwarswashere
    @Bedwarswashere 2 місяці тому
