Finally I understood that parasitic capacitance! And also i understood finally why HF transistors have ultra low capacitance at base - collector! My BFR93A has something like 0.5 pF !!! So it is like 16 times less than 2n2222 !!!
Sorry for this rudimentary question, but I must ask. I noticed in the first 10 mins you stated that the only reason people use the common emitter is that they need the inversion. But why? Why not use a non-inverting config? With BJT or JFET? You could bypass the miller effect and minimize DC offset. I am not trying to argue against your point. I am just really ignorant and would like to know.
Finally I understood that parasitic capacitance! And also i understood finally why HF transistors have ultra low capacitance at base - collector! My BFR93A has something like 0.5 pF !!! So it is like 16 times less than 2n2222 !!!
You're generally quite precise, so...hope to see connection dots in future schematics...!
Sorry for this rudimentary question, but I must ask. I noticed in the first 10 mins you stated that the only reason people use the common emitter is that they need the inversion. But why? Why not use a non-inverting config? With BJT or JFET? You could bypass the miller effect and minimize DC offset. I am not trying to argue against your point. I am just really ignorant and would like to know.
In the case of the common emitter amplifier, rpi should be in series with (Beta+1)x(RE//RE1)
Can you introduce the super regenerative receiver?
what happens with the miller capacitance when the gain is positive?. Isn't it a problem then? Does the miller capacitance behaves as an inductor?
Nothing happens to it, but more importantly, it isn't amplified like it is with an inverting amplifier.
19:20 Is this error? Emitter resistance is (re||1k+5)xBeta and not (re+5)xBeta. Am i right? Anyway great video.
You're right but here re is nearly the same numerically as re||1k since re is small, so I just neglected the ||1k.
Thanks for bringing this up. I was a bit ambiguous as not sure why it was not included in the equation.
The frequency response is NOT "a little bit better", it is HUGELY better!
...get your facts straight man :) :) :)