Tyler Joseph talks about his faith, his parents and Christianity

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @ryancreech7253
    @ryancreech7253 4 роки тому +735

    On the back of the trench album, if you read on the credits page in the back, it says " We would both like to thank God for sending his son and for guiding this band's story from the start. "

  • @no_one_lol
    @no_one_lol 5 років тому +794

    i love hearing them talking about their faith. they’re my greatest spiritual encouragements and make me proud to be a christian

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  5 років тому +103

      same for me! i wish they talked about it more but i guess they don’t want to force it down fans throats

    • @no_one_lol
      @no_one_lol 5 років тому +42

      NSPLG same but it’s always such a treat when they do. makes my heart even more full of love for them

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  5 років тому +71

      lana. yeah i agree:) i love the fact that they were youth leaders in their church too, many people don’t realise that without their church’s support they probably wouldn’t be where they are today. God is good

    • @rayofsunshine6300
      @rayofsunshine6300 5 років тому +36

      lana. It’s amazing. And it’s so amazing that one day when we get to Heaven, Josh and Tyler will be some of the few alternative artists that we get to see.

    • @saramail5168
      @saramail5168 5 років тому +24

      @@rayofsunshine6300 i wanna meet them in heaven

  • @pureviolet2742
    @pureviolet2742 4 роки тому +242

    They helped me when I was in doubt with my faith. Twenty One Pilots taught me how to be a proud Christian. I want to say thank you to Tyler and Josh.

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  4 роки тому +5

      Rocker The Guitar same !

    • @kaitlyndouglas2581
      @kaitlyndouglas2581 Місяць тому +1

      Me too. As a Christian, Fall Away is a great reminder to me when feeling drawn back. But, the songs Doubt, Trees, and Screen really spoke to me when I was doubting my faith in God and in such a dark place. They helped me know it was okay to question my circumstances, like Job and David did many times. And to never lose my faith, because I am no good with Him.

  • @icantthinkofaname1062
    @icantthinkofaname1062 4 роки тому +134

    One of my favorite things about them is that Tyler wrote most of the religious songs in a way so that you don’t have to be religious to relate- both Christians/religious people and non-Christians/religious people can listen because he uses so many metaphors and doesn’t usually directly say anything to flat out say it’s religious- the song can be interpreted however you want it to be. Addict with a pen is the best example because the whole time he’s using the metaphor of water. For him, the water represents his faith, but as a listener it can represent whatever you want it to

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  4 роки тому +3

      I can’t think of a name perfectly put

    • @babyshark1963
      @babyshark1963 4 роки тому +4

      I completely agree
      I’m not a Christian at all but i find them so important and relatable

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  4 роки тому +1

      baby shark that ambiguity is subtle but so needed and doesn’t alienate christians or non christians

    • @lyn3792
      @lyn3792 3 роки тому

      U got examples?

    • @nayimarie
      @nayimarie 3 роки тому +1

      I'm a bit new to some of their music and I really like them, which songs you'd say or recommend are the most faith inclined?

  • @tinabobeena5773
    @tinabobeena5773 5 років тому +453

    I became a Christian when I was 15, so that was about 25 years ago now. (Yeah, I'm an old Clikkie.) But what I find most fascinating about Tyler's lyrics is that he very often invokes Scripture when talking about how he's overcome his suicidal thoughts and other aspects of mental illness. He changes the wording and doesn't quote Scripture and verse, but the basic theme is still there.
    HOTY is the first example that comes to mind at the moment. In the song he says,
    "And the windowsill looks really nice, right?
    You think twice about your life
    It probably happens at night, right?
    Fight it, take the pain, ignite it
    Tie a noose around your mind
    Loose enough to breath fine and tie it
    To a tree tell it, you belong to me, this ain't a noose
    This is a leash and I have news for you
    You must obey me"
    Compare that to the Apostle Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 10:5:
    "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
    Now read Tyler's words again. What is he telling us to do when we have these thoughts? Tie a noose around our mind....tie a noose around our thoughts. Take them captive and force them into obedience.
    Whether Tyler fully realizes it or not, God is using him as a "vessel" to reach people with Scripture. And as Isaiah 55:11 tells us, "So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please, And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."

    • @tjsatterly4767
      @tjsatterly4767 5 років тому +19

      My pipe dream is to tell out from the most-pit: "God is using you." I don't know if they hear that often.

    • @amandastellings7606
      @amandastellings7606 4 роки тому +17

      Also in HOTY he says " I thought flesh was all I got but, anymore. Flesh out the door SWAT"
      His talking about our wicked flesh and that before he was saved all he had these sinful natures but after he was saved he had God. He doesn't have his " flesh" anymore because of God's forgiveness. His sins are no more.
      Just thought this was interesting.

    • @hotpinkluvr1
      @hotpinkluvr1 3 роки тому +16

      He is using them
      I was broken , suicidal. I found God through their songs and gave my life to him . I’m thankful

    • @JadedAlice
      @JadedAlice 3 роки тому +6

      I thought I was the only one who thought of HOTY and that verse! You thought of it a long time before I did.

    • @jtika1978
      @jtika1978 3 роки тому +4

      Yes his lyrics are all saturated with scripture- and I thought of that same verse immediately when I first heard HOTY. Also, earlier in that verse he says-
      Remember the moment you know exactly where you’re going (moment of salvation 🤔)
      Cuz the next moment, before you know it, time is slowing & it’s frozen still...(we tend to quickly lose our fire which he repeatedly mentions in all the albums, we get lazy in our walk, which leads to spiritual attacks & intrusive thoughts...)
      That song is what caught my attention & made me fall in love with them. I’m also older-42. My whole family, 3 kids ages 11, 9 & 15 months old as well as my husband & I all adore Tyler & Josh & their music.

  • @sydneymorgan7646
    @sydneymorgan7646 4 роки тому +320

    It really makes me happy that they are Christians. That's the main reason I like their music, it's different, not "christian" music, but it has a deeper and spiritual meaning to it. I get scared sometimes they might lose their faith but finding things like this helps me. If you aren't a christian you probably won't understand what I mean though.

    • @Anna-ug8cq
      @Anna-ug8cq 4 роки тому +12

      Sydney Morgan I’m a Christian and I just found out he was Christian. So happy about it and I totally get how you feel

    • @sydneymorgan7646
      @sydneymorgan7646 4 роки тому +2

      @@Anna-ug8cq 😊

    • @giga_noob241
      @giga_noob241 4 роки тому +12

      Welp, I'm a muslim but I still can understand other religions faith you see. It's quite fun to know each other and learn something of it cultures or religious like Indu,Buddha,Veda,Christian so yeah I can understand you. Stay alive/safe *wink left aye

    • @sydneymorgan7646
      @sydneymorgan7646 4 роки тому +2

      @@giga_noob241 it is always fun for me to find out someone shares my beliefs... I guess I always assume the opposite until I find out so it makes me happy. 🙂

    • @yanmartins7935
      @yanmartins7935 4 роки тому +17

      I really hope Tyler and Josh keep their faith. I want to meet them in heaven.

  • @connerroberts8992
    @connerroberts8992 5 років тому +201

    This means I will meet Tyler in heaven

    • @stacy1853
      @stacy1853 4 роки тому +56

      ah yes. meat.

    • @Abby-up8yr
      @Abby-up8yr 4 роки тому +6

      sick as frick! can hardly wait to meet himmm

    • @_notyoungcaleb
      @_notyoungcaleb 4 роки тому +27

      You should think about meeting Jesus, but meeting Tyler is exciting too 😂😂 Sorry God

    • @adrianw.a.9384
      @adrianw.a.9384 3 роки тому

      @@_notyoungcaleb 😂

    • @captaincosback323
      @captaincosback323 2 роки тому +4

      @@_notyoungcaleb I wanna meet both of them.

  • @joylegon84
    @joylegon84 5 років тому +157

    Tyler: Get’s really deep about christianity and religion and is highly
    emotionally intelligent.
    Also Tyler: Plays ride by SoMo as his wedding song

    • @azula2399
      @azula2399 4 роки тому +1

      Joy Legon ikr.... he’s so fake !

    • @AnimationArrow
      @AnimationArrow 4 роки тому +9

      I first read that as Scomo and was confused because I didn't think the Australian prime minister had released any songs.

    • @joylegon84
      @joylegon84 4 роки тому +1

      AnimationArrow hahahahahaha

    • @ontherewind3803
      @ontherewind3803 4 роки тому +11

      @@azula2399 I wouldn't say fake. But I think he has strayed a bit.

    • @ontherewind3803
      @ontherewind3803 4 роки тому +2

      @@_notyoungcaleb being married doesn't allow you to be perverted. So no, 'thinking' about that stuff is still wrong.

  • @kayleighzuniga9535
    @kayleighzuniga9535 3 роки тому +49

    We’re so formed by the way that we were raised, obviously, you’re raising your son right now, and whether you like it or not, everything you’re doing... he’s kind of taking a piece of it.
    Not until I get older do I notice more and more how much we take from where we’re from and how we were raised. I mean, I can feel it. Even the way I’ve been leaning on this table is the way that my dad would do it; he’d put his arm like this and he’d probably hold the mic like this. Every day I feel it.
    Like, Josh and I talk about it all the time. Our dads, whether they meant to or not, they just gave us so many things. Whether we wanted them or not, we got them.
    I guess that kind of starts the conversation about religion and faith. You know, both of my parents didn’t grow up in a religious household at all, and they kind of came and accepted Christianity when they were around their college age and that really changed their lives. And so when they got married and they wanted to raise a family, they committed to raising kids in a household that had those beliefs and those values.
    And so, as someone who was raised in kind of a... Faith-based… I guess that's a weird phrase, but I don’t know, we went to church, you know, read the bible, and it was just a part of growing up. And that was as essential as… cereal… in the morning.
    You know.. I didn’t know that it was different than the fact that, you know, our family, we get together with this side of our family for this holiday. There’s certain aspects of growing up that you think that everyone does, until you get old enough, you look around and you go, ‘not everyone does it that way.’
    So as I got older, some of those questions about, ‘What do I believe?’, ‘What’s my faith in… What religion do I associate with?’, and realizing that I had a decision, I still have a decision. Just like my parents did when they decided that they were gonna raise us this way.
    And when I realized that that decision was mine to make, it was kind of all happening at the same time. Moving out of my parents house and trying to go to college, and ‘What do you want to be with your life?’, and ‘What’s your purpose?’, and this music thing is something I’m drawn to…
    And so, inside of me, wrestling with a lot of the things I think all of us wrestle with at a certain point in our lives, as we leave our family, leave our parents and move out, and become our own person, I was also writing music for the first time, so you’ve kind of got to watch me become who I was inside of some of these lyrics.
    And yes, a lot of those lyrics had to do with the way I was raised in my faith, in my parents’ faith, and what we believe in, Christianity and religion.
    And I think that those topics, even though they’re kind of uncomfortable to talk about, they are some of the biggest things we should be talking about. ‘What… what do you believe?’, ‘Do you believe nothing?’... I mean, that’s just as important as believing in something.
    I guess standing before you… or... sitting before you now, saying I haven’t figured it out, I’m still writing music just like I’m still trying to figure out those big questions.
    I will say that as I’ve come around to become a little bit more of an adult… a little bit more, I realize that there was something to what my parents were teaching me that I think I want to take with me. And I want to believe it as well.
    And you kind of learn that your parents are right a lot? I don’t know all the combinations of parents and kids in here, but my parents had such a great intuition… I’m sorry am I talking a lot?... for who my friends were, like,
    ‘You should probably not talk to him…’
    ‘No, you’re wrong! He’s cool, he’s fine..’
    And then, realizing they were right, he was an idiot.
    And there’s just so many aspects of that time when I started writing music where I felt like I was right, and they were wrong… and slowly realizing there were some aspects that, you know, they definitely were wrong and then aspects that they were right. And… yeah, I don’t know. I could talk forever about that, but yeah.
    Faith and Christianity, and the way that I was raised, and belief in God, and what happens after life... I mean, those are all things that you would find in my music.
    I don’t think that I’ll ever get to a point where I’ll say, ‘Hey, I figured it out, you guys, come and try this, this is it’... but I at least don’t want to be too afraid to tell you that I’m trying to figure it out, and that’s what music has been for me, lyrically... a place to have an outlet for those questions.

    I feel very touched by this. Even though Tyler doesn’t have everything figured out quite yet, he’s humble enough to admit it, and I admire that a lot.
    The beautiful thing is, with their music that doesn’t use direct words (mostly or sometimes entirely metaphorical language), I often come to spiritual conclusions about what I, personally, need to hear and change in my life through what I interpret. And the conclusions you come to about metaphorical meaning might be completely different, and yet equally important.
    I can faithfully say to you, that I know God is there for you. Through Christ, all wounds can be healed, and we really can have enough clarity to press on through this life. There’s eternal purpose in living, and there’s eternal purpose in you.
    Stay alive, my fren.
    ll-// (Ψ?)

  • @cosmic_seabunny
    @cosmic_seabunny 2 роки тому +26

    Sorry, it’s just when I was going through my depression I found TOP and as a Christian the songs spoke to me on a spiritual level and I had this feeling that he was talking about a certain someone in his songs. I mean both Trees and Goner are about as Christian as you can get. So hearing it being confirmed makes me feel better. I’m still going to be praying for him, it’s very obvious God is using his talents for his glory. I can’t wait to see how things turn out. ^^

    • @juliar407
      @juliar407 7 місяців тому

      Same happened to me. God spoke with me trough their songs!!

    • @somethingamusesme
      @somethingamusesme 3 місяці тому


  • @babyshark1963
    @babyshark1963 4 роки тому +48

    Personally, I’m not Christian, I’ve never read the bible.
    But what Tyler is saying is actually everyone’s fight no matter what faith your family is
    We have these questions
    You’re raised in a way that “this’s your faith, this’s your god, and you have to believe it”
    As you grow up tho these beliefs does ultimately change, which make those lyrics are so important because you find something that you can relate too.
    I’m not a Christian in any shape or form
    But I always relate to those lyrics, even it’s way different than my beliefs.

    • @fireworks1876
      @fireworks1876 3 місяці тому

      Consider reading the Bible. See what you find and dive DEEP into it

  • @Rev11CIB
    @Rev11CIB 2 місяці тому +1

    Praise God.
    Praise Jesus.
    Lord bless you and keep you Tyler and Josh.

  • @needlegirlhaystackworld920
    @needlegirlhaystackworld920 3 роки тому +23

    This is so encouraging. I have noticed so much in his lyrics about his faith. I am so proud of him. He is an amazing role model, a very talented man, and real. I don't think anyone can have all the answers but I know God is real and working through TOP. I love this band so much ♡

    • @nayimarie
      @nayimarie 3 роки тому

      I'm a bit new to some of their music and I really like them, which songs you'd say or recommend are the most faith inclined?

  • @booogarboi3374
    @booogarboi3374 2 роки тому +12

    I’m so glad I can lean on the fact he’s a Christian. It’s nice to have the same religion as someone I like listening to.

  • @GooseCrack
    @GooseCrack 4 роки тому +43

    :)))) God bless these two
    Like tyler once said, "I hope you find what you're looking for" :)

  • @redskeletonart238
    @redskeletonart238 6 місяців тому +3

    That answer deserves a standing ovation.

  • @BeginningBellasBarnyard
    @BeginningBellasBarnyard 20 днів тому

    I was so depressed and suicidal for years and listened to them and I had no idea I was singing songs that were Christian now I’m baptized and I find it so beautiful that even in the midst of my lowest God was still there for me and twenty one pilots helped me

  • @Taishawn24.7
    @Taishawn24.7 3 місяці тому +2

    a proud christian TOP fan and their music has such powerful meaning

  • @danielsantiagogiron3833
    @danielsantiagogiron3833 3 роки тому +18

    I had the same feelings: My parents became christian when they were a little older. When they got married they decided to raise me and my brother as christians. But since christianity has been part of my life since I was a kid, i sometimes feel i don't have that much of a faith as my parents. But it's okay. I believe, and that's a good start already

    • @angeliquececerre766
      @angeliquececerre766 3 роки тому +3

      mustard seed!

    • @luane_silva4423
      @luane_silva4423 3 роки тому

      Yes, it is a good start! We just pray for God to help us have more faith, and little by little we will get there! God bless you! ❤️

  • @JJ-ec9lp
    @JJ-ec9lp 4 місяці тому +3

    I was raised Christian, it was hell, the environment I was in was pure shame and hate and pain. I’m an atheist now, but I have a lot of respect for the way Tyler’s faith is personal, critical and filled with questions, and comfortable with not evangelizing.

    • @fireworks1876
      @fireworks1876 3 місяці тому +1

      than it wasn’t represented correctly

  • @chasecantwell7373
    @chasecantwell7373 3 роки тому +18

    I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior. I believe He died on the cross for all of are sins and rose from the grave 3 days later just like He said He would. I accept his free gift of everlasting life and I love Him.

  • @ramramwllis6930
    @ramramwllis6930 5 років тому +28

    josh dun looks kinda like a young markiplier

  • @LenainFarbe
    @LenainFarbe Рік тому +3

    What I love so much about this interview is that he makes me feel understood and welcome even as an atheist. This small sentence "What do you believe in, do you believe in nothing?, which is such as important" made me so happy and I really appreciate that he acknowledged that as well.
    I love Twenty one pilots so much and I'm happy that Tyler can express is faith that way through music, even tho I might never understand it.
    Cause that's one small thing I kinda disagree with him, I don't think you can fully choose to believe in God. I don't think faith is a choice. On a certain level maybe but not fully.
    Loads of love to Tyler tho (and Josh of course)

  • @emilialurig
    @emilialurig 4 роки тому +17

    I love them so much, their message Is so good

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  4 роки тому +3

      Emi Lürig same honestly

  • @erin95
    @erin95 5 років тому +12

    ;LOVE YOU TYLER....................................

  • @robmangeri777
    @robmangeri777 2 роки тому +7

    To anyone reading this, if you have never experienced the life shaking, unstoppable wave of the vast and powerful love of God it’s my prayer that inside of you wells up an unquenchable desire to know it. And I pray that not long after you do.

  • @Mr.watashi
    @Mr.watashi 10 місяців тому +1

    I found them as a kid, am an adult listening to songs n hearing refrences to God feel nice

  • @farrah9748
    @farrah9748 7 місяців тому +1

    💕 tyler has wisdom beyond his years 💕 & the cutest mittens ever seen 🐾

  • @alexanderl9721
    @alexanderl9721 3 роки тому +3

    I'm not a Christian but I love their music.

  • @heatherfoley2821
    @heatherfoley2821 3 місяці тому +1

    I was raised Catholic. I identify as an Atheist now. I still love their music. I believe in freedom of religion, or freedom from religion.

  • @DelmarPeet
    @DelmarPeet 6 місяців тому +2

    Kingdom knows kingdom.
    Keep it up!!

  • @ImNotHazen
    @ImNotHazen Рік тому +2

    I am jewish and im seeing comments that are like "if ur christian u probably wont undertsand what i mean when i say that there faith has kept me a fan." but honestly agree so much it feels like there music is grounded it has one thing that no matter what its tied back to, dont get me wrong if they lose there faith i wont hate them, in fact ill probably stay a fan. But theres a deeper meaning to there music even if i dont share the same beliefs

  • @fforestheldtylerfortrees2814
    @fforestheldtylerfortrees2814 3 роки тому +6

    he's one of the people that helped me with my faith!

  • @Abdulrahman-qp4ys
    @Abdulrahman-qp4ys 2 роки тому +8

    I’m not christian, but I love these guys, there music and lyrics so deep and meaningful. Big respect.

  • @15minoflame
    @15minoflame 4 місяці тому

    doubt was the song I knew they were different. So happy 21 pilots exist.

  • @acishetwhiteman9117
    @acishetwhiteman9117 3 роки тому +15

    i struggle with my faith so much. i truly want to become more religious and have more faith but i feel like at the same time i’m too far gone to start that. i believe in God still, but i have those moments where i think “what if it’s all just one big lie?” and i feel guilty for having those thoughts

    • @jenev9787
      @jenev9787 3 роки тому +7

      hey, I just wanna say you're never too far gone. I literally hated christianity and christians for like 6 years of my life (which is a lot bc I'm only 21) and even I came to be christian and have strong faith. idk if you're a reader but the book "The Case For Christ" by Lee Strobel is what got me to believe and become christian (it's better on audible). if that's too long you can watch Mike Winger on UA-cam! I hope this helps u

    • @acishetwhiteman9117
      @acishetwhiteman9117 3 роки тому +1

      @@jenev9787 thank you, i’ll be sure to check it out :)

    • @creedatorx439
      @creedatorx439 3 роки тому +2

      Please watch all of these videos
      I Hope they boost your faith :)

    • @ianesmaia3891
      @ianesmaia3891 3 роки тому +6

      Don't be afraid to ask, that'll get u in a deeper relationship with God :)

    • @ianesmaia3891
      @ianesmaia3891 3 роки тому +3

      Ask Him personally, there's nothing He won't answer

  • @LongSockss
    @LongSockss 3 роки тому +1

    dang I love Tyler and josh.
    I can relate to this video well

  • @deathblackout1
    @deathblackout1 2 роки тому +2

    Bro shout out to this video and the title too cause it wasnt click bait.

  • @furqanbaba5274
    @furqanbaba5274 4 роки тому +10

    Above is blind belief

    • @kennG333
      @kennG333 4 роки тому

      Furqan Baba jaja

    • @birdisie4314
      @birdisie4314 3 роки тому +10

      2 corinthians 5:7 'for we live by faith, not by sight'

    • @alicetoniian7432
      @alicetoniian7432 3 роки тому +2

      "and now going under starts to take my wonder"; "under is sword to sleeve"
      not to mention that now they're in dema which may mean going under - staying there, either captured, or to show that it is not an escape?..

    • @jtika1978
      @jtika1978 3 роки тому

      @@alicetoniian7432 dema is Babylon

    • @alicetoniian7432
      @alicetoniian7432 3 роки тому +1

      @@jtika1978 why?

  • @BasedinFL
    @BasedinFL 3 роки тому +2


  • @tylersticker
    @tylersticker 6 місяців тому +2

    While it disappoints me that Tyler doesn’t think he will call anybody to come to Jesus and see his glory for themselves..I’m glad Tyler and josh believe!

  • @adagraces
    @adagraces 5 років тому +12

    when was this

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  5 років тому +3

      clancysjumpsuit late june sorry I can’t find the exact date

    • @melgon25
      @melgon25 5 років тому +3

      You can watch the interview in it’s entirety here on YT also. Watched it last week sometime.

    • @trxye5069
      @trxye5069 4 роки тому +1

      @@NSPLG wait, this was 2019? wow i thought for some reason it was much older

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  4 роки тому +2

      Trxye yes it’s definitely 2019

    • @trxye5069
      @trxye5069 4 роки тому +3

      @@NSPLG I'm so happy I found this video. And now I'm even happier that this was so recent. Thanks for posting. I really felt everything he said :)

  • @deathblackout1
    @deathblackout1 2 роки тому +2

    BRUH i love top but lemme say no phun intended pulled me outta my spirutal depression

  • @somethingamusesme
    @somethingamusesme 3 місяці тому

    This might be weird but he sounds close to Jordan Peterson. They are both cycling about Christianity and will say something like, “I won't tell you that I've figured it out.”
    You know, they are like close but still have doubts and questions, but they are trying to figure it out.

  • @crystalbrooks2684
    @crystalbrooks2684 3 роки тому +13

    I really really hope Tyler gets saved one day and comes to know Jesus personally. Then he will stand and say in front of millions, not “hey, I found this, come try it out,” but “Jesus is Lord, I know this without a shadow of a doubt, He’s given me new life and we all need him to be saved.” ✝️💜

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  3 роки тому +18

      He has been saved? listen to save by tyler joseph, Lord of glory by Whittaker and most twenty one pilot songs. Also tyler has said he will never tell his fans what to believe as he is not a preacher.

    • @crystalbrooks2684
      @crystalbrooks2684 3 роки тому +4

      @@NSPLG Yep I’ve listened to all those songs, and believed he was saved for a long time. However with discernment from the Holy Spirit I can say “you will know them by their fruit,” and it is now clear to me that Tyler does not know Jesus, or he wouldn’t say or do the things he does. That’s why my heart breaks for him and I’m praying for his salvation.

    • @hotpinkluvr1
      @hotpinkluvr1 3 роки тому +4

      @@crystalbrooks2684 what are things he does that makes you believe he is not saved?

    • @crystalbrooks2684
      @crystalbrooks2684 3 роки тому +2

      @@hotpinkluvr1 He did a music video for a “Christmas” song yet didn’t say anything about the true meaning of Christmas, it might as well have been a random secular song from the radio. I even find his material is getting worse and more and more conforming to the world. He never says anything about how we all need Jesus, never uses his massive platform to do what Jesus told us to do, instead only says and does the same things the world would do. I’m not judging, I’m recognizing. Not condemning, only praying. 💜

    • @hotpinkluvr1
      @hotpinkluvr1 3 роки тому +11

      @@crystalbrooks2684 yea i agree with you tbh. I pray for him and josh a lot because they actually helped me to believe in God . They were the reason I started attending church again. I really hope he finds Jesus and preaches about him bc he has such a huge platform and I know a lot of his fans are broken and lost. I was too.
      But Jesus is the one who sets us free. God bless you

  • @Deutschritter.
    @Deutschritter. 2 місяці тому

    Have the two singers been vaccinated against Covid?

  • @porstmouthstreetpreachers7686
    @porstmouthstreetpreachers7686 4 роки тому +2

    is tyler a catholic or protistant? sorry if he said cause i migt not reilly gonna watch much of this

    • @NSPLG
      @NSPLG  4 роки тому +10

      mostly like evangelical or protestant but i’m not sure

    • @arianapadicox
      @arianapadicox 4 роки тому +5

      No he’s Christian he’s always talked about his Christianity a lot before and he attends church too

    • @tylera2253
      @tylera2253 4 роки тому +5

      kjv apostalic ministries he’s most likely evangelical Christian or non denominational, at least that’s what his previous church in his hometown is. (Five14 church)

    • @porstmouthstreetpreachers7686
      @porstmouthstreetpreachers7686 4 роки тому +3

      @@tylera2253 freind may i tell you this i dont want to affend anyone but tyler needs to stop hanging out with brendon urie if hes a christian unless maybe God has a plan to lead him to God

    • @tylera2253
      @tylera2253 4 роки тому +7

      kjv apostalic ministries I think that the Bible tells us to blend ourselves in with people who aren’t Christians, heck even Jesus did that.

  • @marjorierene427
    @marjorierene427 5 років тому +15

    I personally left the church because if what some people in there did to me because of my sexuality (conversion). I do believe there is a god but not only one cause when you think about it there is no way there is only one god out there. I don’t hate everyone in the church but they do need to get their shit together because some people are abusing their power and hurting others

    • @rubensbraun4583
      @rubensbraun4583 4 роки тому +13

      I am so sorry and sad to hear what you've been through in church and agree that there are people abusing power and that is not right. That happens because of sin, and we all have sinned, we all lied at some point in life or got into a fight and said things we shouldn't and because of that we all deserve death romans 6:23, but the second part of that verse tells us what Jesus did. He lived a perfect life here on Earth and gave His life, he did not deserved to die because his life was spotless, for us, he died so we could have life and that has been fullfiled in his ressuresction. What I am saying is not to go to church or live in a certain way, but if you truly believe that Christ died for you and your sins and ressurected from the dead, you will be saved. If you don't wanna take my word for it, it's okay, but there are 4 gospels (mathew, mark, luke and John) that tells Christ story, please read it if you doubt me, thank you.

    • @juliapfeiffer2647
      @juliapfeiffer2647 4 роки тому +1

      @Rubens Braun are you saying that homosexuality is a sin or the people that want others to do a conversion therapy are sinner?

    • @GooseCrack
      @GooseCrack 4 роки тому +7

      @@rubensbraun4583 keep in mind though, Jesus died so your sins could be forgiven, so it is important to resist temptation as much as you can and if you believe in confession, that you should do so often

    • @rubensbraun4583
      @rubensbraun4583 4 роки тому +1

      @@GooseCrack Yes! We are free to not sin after our life is given to God and we are Jesus followers and as Jesus followers we want to not sin, and when we do repent and ask for God's forgiveness and keep on resisting tempatation

    • @jtika1978
      @jtika1978 3 роки тому

      What is “the church”?

  • @steffenstwin4
    @steffenstwin4 4 роки тому +14

    That's the only thing i don't like about twenty one pilots.
    But the good thing is that you can interpret most of their song in a non-religious way

    • @Neroshy
      @Neroshy 4 роки тому +1

      JaninaSteffens not really

    • @Neroshy
      @Neroshy 4 роки тому +20

      JaninaSteffens and you shouldn’t dislike that you should accept
      Granted I’m a Christian so I was probably raised a whole lot differently

    • @steffenstwin4
      @steffenstwin4 4 роки тому +9

      @@Neroshy i absolutely accept it. If i wouldn't, they wouldn't be my favorite band😄 It has a reason why i'm an atheist. I was raised as a christian too...

    • @steffenstwin4
      @steffenstwin4 4 роки тому

      @@Neroshy yeah you can

    • @JellyBellyButter
      @JellyBellyButter 4 роки тому +11

      Tyler Joseph isn’t a Christian anymore. Christians who listen to this interview don’t understand what he’s saying. He’s tap-dancing around the fact that he’s believes have now changed but think he’ll take some of his parents ideas away with him.

  • @chubsnubber4867
    @chubsnubber4867 2 роки тому

    I'm kind of bummed. I thought his lyrics were so real. Religion is inherited for the most part and little thought comes into play. Once you decide to look at it for what it is you realize it is a useful tool for leaders.

    • @angelinaxarmstrong
      @angelinaxarmstrong 4 місяці тому +1

      His lyrics are still, just as real. The thing is, you have to separate religion from relationship. While I am a Christian myself, I will say there are far too many religions out there, causing division. Also, I don't think Tyler's this insanely 'religious' person, and even struggles with his faith (as we all do at times).
      But one thing that's for sure is that he does have faith and if you really look into the lyrics, you can see that. I personally love that, and find it makes them so much more relatable. Anyway, I hear what you're saying but it shouldn't change your perspective on him, as an artist.

  • @calus151
    @calus151 2 роки тому

    i think his faith is wrong and silly. But i think its serious and honest and i love that and have survived life because of t1pilots.

  • @mdrosenberg45
    @mdrosenberg45 4 роки тому +33

    I wonder if he knew Jenna was pregnant at the time this was filmed

  • @Foster_Cinema
    @Foster_Cinema 4 місяці тому +2

    I would like to share something that, I hope, is treated with respect. My mother grew up in a household where they did not take her and her brothers and sisters to church. She's read the bible and listened to her parents interpretation and beliefs, originated from catholicism.
    As a result of this, I grew up with a very loose understanding of religion. Now, as I'm older, I find many issues with religion, not faith. I'm an agnostic and I see problems with how people have leveraged churches and the faith as a weapon or a means to obtain obscene wealth. While I've had moments where my belief in God has been in question and doubt, I've come to have a secure sense of peace with relying in the core nature of God and the connecting nature of the universe. I know not of what is beyond me, but I yearn to understand it through my actions and the life I live.
    May warmth carry you through your day, reader. Thank you for your time. ❤

    • @Human_Earthling
      @Human_Earthling Місяць тому

      I think you have found a truer form of religion than the Evangelicals of today could ever sell and abuse.

    • @Foster_Cinema
      @Foster_Cinema Місяць тому +1

      @@Human_Earthling Thank you!

  • @deathblackout1
    @deathblackout1 2 роки тому +2

    Them sharing their walk thru music helps me in my walk.

  • @chrisesquibel13
    @chrisesquibel13 День тому

    4:28 the joke didn’t land😭😂

  • @whateverittakes5580
    @whateverittakes5580 Рік тому +1

    I just stumbled upon music by twenty one pilots - I know - I need to get out more. After listening for the last few days and seeing a few videos - I was almost certain that Christianity was in their lives. That led me to a quick search and this video. None of us can quantify the influence of people, gifted with talent by God, on others around us. I wish Twenty One Pilots, their teams, and families all the success they can handle (and still make it to Heaven!)

  • @ssssttteven
    @ssssttteven Рік тому

    Please, translate it to Russian🙏 I don't understand... But 8 very want to understand

  • @azula2399
    @azula2399 4 роки тому +3

    Why the drummer always naked then???

    • @GooseCrack
      @GooseCrack 4 роки тому +22

      Naked? 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @0tmrrw
      @0tmrrw 4 роки тому +7

      75% of the clique wishes that was true. Scratch that. 100%.

    • @legoguy3299
      @legoguy3299 3 роки тому +6

      As a drummer, I have to say drumming is physically straining, and you need a way to cool off