7. The Knights of the Immaculata - Points to Ponder

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @emperorzombie1420
    @emperorzombie1420 4 місяці тому +1

    God Bless and love from the MI in America! May the whole of the continent be consecrated to her for the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

  • @catholicarrows
    @catholicarrows Рік тому +21

    I am a Knight of the Immaculata. Mary is my Queen. Jesus is my King. The rosary is my sword. The scapular is my shield. I like to fight. I have been beaten to the ground many times, but I always get back up. Confession restores me, Adoration gives me strength and hope. I will win this battle and I will gain my eternal crown. My Queen will place it on my head in the presence of the entire celestial court. In the name of Jesus I claim my victory ❤❤❤😀👍

  • @frankmason1472
    @frankmason1472 7 місяців тому +3

    If you are on the fence about doing this, I can personally attest that what this Deacon is saying is ABSOLUTELY true! It’s borderline scary what graces come to you, if you are sincere in your consecration to her immaculate heart. God, I love your mother! Thank you for choosing me for this mission.

  • @janbodlund2660
    @janbodlund2660 9 місяців тому +4

    I just joined because of your video. Thank you❤

  • @SeraphMowlid
    @SeraphMowlid 7 місяців тому +3

    Christos Anesti Deacon I love your video. I want to join the Militia so ardently. I requested more information from their office here. Ave Maria!

  • @theresaserentas9088
    @theresaserentas9088 Рік тому +4

    Ave Maria. Immaculate Heart of Mary pray for us. 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  • @godofredocarpentero3695
    @godofredocarpentero3695 Рік тому +7

    I want to join the army of Milatia Immaculta but I am living in the philippines . How can I become a member of tnis army😊

  • @mariebrett2179
    @mariebrett2179 4 місяці тому +3

    Can woman be knights ??

  • @KarmyJames
    @KarmyJames 9 місяців тому


  • @user-ho2pf5mj5g
    @user-ho2pf5mj5g 7 місяців тому

    Monstra te esse matrem

  • @ericgray2485
    @ericgray2485 8 місяців тому

    I live in Scotland?

  • @orangemanbad
    @orangemanbad Рік тому +2

    Real question not bait or trolling. Why does Mary bring you closer to Christ? In other words why not be the Militia Christos?

    • @brianzogg3536
      @brianzogg3536 Рік тому

      You ask a great question. I wondered the same thing. 33 Days to Morning Glory is a great book to read on this subject. The ebook is less than $10 and the paperback is less than $20 I think. God bless your search for His truth.

    • @godofredocarpentero3695
      @godofredocarpentero3695 Рік тому +1

      I want to help Her mission on earth to save souls

    • @revelation1215
      @revelation1215 8 місяців тому +4

      First of all, you must know that as sin was brought into the world through the disobedience of a woman, and salvation was brought into the world through the obedience of a woman. As Jesus is the New Adam, so Mary is the New Eve, as the Ark of the Old Covenant was the dwelling place of God, the Ark of the New Covenant, Mary, was all the dwelling place of God as she carried God in her womb. As Jesus Christ is true God and true man and divine, only he could pay the price for sin through the shedding of blood at the final passover, but on the cross, as one of the last spoken words, Jesus gave Mary his mother to all of us because the human family is built on the model of the Holy Family. God entrusted his own son to be under the care of two creatures, Mary and Joseph. So as we are all God's children, Mary, as our spiritual mother, she is our mother too. And as children, we all need a mother to go to, to talk to, who will listen. Can we go directly to Christ? Of course, but just as we can be intercessors for others when they ask us to pray for them, how much closer is Mary to her Son when we ask her to pray for us? At Cana, the timeline of God was adjusted when Jesus said My time has not yet come, but Mary said "Do whatever he tells you" so while Jesus is the one and only mediator to the Father, we are all intercessors. No one is closer to Jesus than Mary and no one honors Mary more than Jesus because Jesus obeys God's commandments perfectly. Honor thy father and mother. In the Kingdom, there is a King and a Queen. Jesus is the King, but the Queen is the King's mother not his wife. Therefore Mary is the Queen Mother and the Queen Mother of Israel would always bring petitions to the King. She has the King's ear. This is the blueprint created by Almighty God.

    • @evangelion1962
      @evangelion1962 5 місяців тому +1

      God doesn't fight in our squabbles. He alone holds the evil in existence with a thought. Our job since the great commission is to fight. Our Lady is the human general commanding her son's army.

    • @Harlow65965
      @Harlow65965 3 місяці тому +1

      Ave Maria ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥

  • @pmdempsey9742
    @pmdempsey9742 Рік тому

    Why would we need an intermediary between ourselves and Jesus? Nowhere in the Bible did Jesus or his Aposles teach to go to his mother for her to intercede for us and a, this just seems heresy to me. Can a woman join without her husband?

    • @Jeremiah6_16
      @Jeremiah6_16 Рік тому +7

      There are many places in the Bible where Jesus shows us. Jesus's first miracle at the wedding at Canna was at Mary's urging, she saw what they needed and asked him to help. On the Cross, he gave her in real time to John to take care of because she had no other children, and he also gave her to us, his beloved disciples. There are so many more examples, We are adopted children of God, and she is our Mother. If you are in pursuit of truth, look up Catholic apologetics. God Bless You!

    • @catholicarrows
      @catholicarrows Рік тому +5

      We don't need an intermediary between us and Jesus but it is the will of Jesus to make His Mother the greatest and most powerful of all intercessors. Nowhere in the Bible does it state that we only follow what is in the Bible. Jesus gave us a church, His bride and the 7 sacraments for our salvation. Protestant theology is a complete mess, full of lies and inconsistencies and a Bible with 7 missing books. Protestants spread lies about the Catholic church such as saying we worship Mary. The father of lies is Satan who wants to keep Protestants from the Holy Eucharist. Satan wants to prevent our complete union with Jesus.
      "Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you". Jesus Christ

    • @darylburnet8328
      @darylburnet8328 Рік тому +5

      From the Cross Jesus told John "this is your Mother". A Mother always intercedes for her children.
      Jesus was born of a women, He could have just appeared.
      Jesus is an intermediary between us and the Father. Stop doubting.

    • @catholicarrows
      @catholicarrows Рік тому

      @@darylburnet8328 Well said. Protestants are in rebellion against the will of God, His Holy Catholic church, His 7 sacraments and His Holy Mother. Satan plays with them like toys whilst they think they are doing good when in reality they do his work.

    • @dahutful
      @dahutful 9 місяців тому +1

      Why not have two?

  • @richardsimms251
    @richardsimms251 7 місяців тому +1

    Such nonsense for the gullible