节目主持人口齿不清,语速太快,可能是为了掩饰她缺乏自信。 除此之外,她还有翻白眼的习惯。Her not knowing the progress of the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Connectivity Initiative and the pronunciation of DPM Heng Swee Keat's name clearly shows lack of preparation. Wonder how she got this post.
SG is multi-racial and doesn't want to be perceived as part of CN. Also the reason why SG established diplomatic ties with CN after MY, ID etc (where, by the way, there were 排华事件 from time to time)
节目主持人口齿不清,语速太快,可能是为了掩饰她缺乏自信。 除此之外,她还有翻白眼的习惯。Her not knowing the progress of the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Connectivity Initiative and the pronunciation of DPM Heng Swee Keat's name clearly shows lack of preparation. Wonder how she got this post.
对 口语太差了 只能囫囵吞枣的吞字 😂😂😂 翻白眼可能是当高官小三的特点😅😅😅 预言家
沒等客人說完 就搶話 是不是因為她覺得自己很聰明?
傅小姐的眼睛真美 像流水
女主持 嗯哼嗯哼 个屁啊 要么就indeed 就这俩词儿 😂
It's funny to see two Chinese people speaking English together.I wish the program better and better.
SG is multi-racial and doesn't want to be perceived as part of CN. Also the reason why SG established diplomatic ties with CN after MY, ID etc (where, by the way, there were 排华事件 from time to time)
A lady can use mofa of china😂😂😂😂😂😂