ዕላል ምስ ፕሮፈሽናል ተቐዳዳሚ ቢንያም ግርማይ | Post-race interview with cycling pro Biniam Girmay -ERi-TV



  • @biniamgirmayfan4886
    @biniamgirmayfan4886 2 роки тому +349

    ፈጣሪ ዳንጋ ጥራይ ኣይኮነን ዓዲልካ ቢነይ ልቦና,ውሕልነት ዘረባ, ትሕትና ካብ ትዕቢት ብድዐ ናጻ 💯 እረረ ኹሉሙሉ እዩ ዓዲልካ እንካዕ ናትና ኮንካ🇪🇷❤️

    • @user-gr3fu7xk7q
      @user-gr3fu7xk7q 2 роки тому +6

      Enkae beselam mexaeka

    • @WarsaYYikealo1249
      @WarsaYYikealo1249 2 роки тому +15

      ብልክዕ ምስ ሓሳብኪ ይሰማማዕ! ኮመንትኺ ሕጂ ሪአያ።👏👍

    • @mussie361
      @mussie361 2 роки тому +5

      Yes yes yes. 100%. He is gifted directly from God. He showed us all the grace on him. Nice words you got for him Melat John.

    • @Nana-bl8xr
      @Nana-bl8xr 2 роки тому

      @@WarsaYYikealo1249 o

    • @filawihabeshawieritreawitv9041
      @filawihabeshawieritreawitv9041 2 роки тому

      Mmkmmöklmq ist ui41

  • @ksanet14ever63
    @ksanet14ever63 2 роки тому +165

    ቢኒ ጸሊም ኣልማዝ መጀመርያ እንቋዕ ደሓን ኮንካ፡ ቢኒ ኣቋሪጹ ምስ ሰማዕና ህርመት ልብና ደገፍትኻ ጠጠው ኢሉ ስርሑ ዘንጊዑ'ዩ ብዙሕ ከጋጥም ስለዝኽእል ማለት'ዩ፡
    ኣብ ህዝብኻን ደገፍትኻ ዘሎካ ክብሪ ቅንጣብ ጥርጣረ የብለይን፡ ንሕና ውን ነኽብረካን ነፍቅረካን ብሌን ዓይንና ኢኻ ቢንየይ፡
    ብዓቢኡ ከኣ ሞዴል ናይ መጻእቲ መንእሰያ ምኳንካ ከይረሳዕካ ቢኒ🇪🇷

  • @asmarana6186
    @asmarana6186 2 роки тому +31

    ብሃንቀውታ ንጽበያ ሕቶ ነጢርካያ! ምኽንያት መቓረጺኡ? ዘዕግብ ወላ ኣይኹን ገለ ክብለና ኔርዎ: ብዝተረፈ ጽቡቅ ጸወታ ቢኒ ኣንበሳ👏

    • @merex5167
      @merex5167 2 роки тому +2

      Ms rietokha ysemamae endye gn kia darga meliswa eyu, ab gujlena zneberu texaweti ayhagezunan elu slezi hariqu bsimiet aquarixwo maletyu which is kkhewn zeynebero gn kia seb endyu kemseb meten smietatu nrediayo.

    • @kidanemedhane8050
      @kidanemedhane8050 2 роки тому +2

      Bini great hero love and respect him. Ane win kem natka eya hyoy tetsebeya kbur hawi 🙏

    • @kidanemedhane8050
      @kidanemedhane8050 2 роки тому +1

      @@merex5167 ja tsbuk hton melsin bini azuyu talaent politely person eyu gin khato neirwo melsi ka msemaena. Kendi kthtet znebera hto eya bahli eye 🙏👍

  • @michaelebrhane
    @michaelebrhane 2 роки тому +57

    ቢኒ ጂግና ኣጆኻ ብጸወታኻ ኩሉ ግዜ ዕጉባት ኢና ደገፍትኻ፡🇪🇷💪🎉

  • @user-ji8hx8tk5w
    @user-ji8hx8tk5w 2 роки тому +54

    ቢኒ ጅግና ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ ፈጣሪ
    ኣብ 'ዚ መጽእ ውድድራት ናይ ዓለም ዓወታት
    ክትጋናጸፍ ከም'ቲ ልሙድ ናይ ወትሩ ትምኒትና
    ኢዩ ሻፕዮን ኤርትራ ብሰላም ኣጀሚሩ ብሰላም
    ዘውዳኣኩም ክብሪ ነቲ ልዑል ፈጣሪ ይኩኖ።

  • @biniamgirmayfan4886
    @biniamgirmayfan4886 2 роки тому +76

    Ufff finally Bini you are African pride 🇪🇷👑✊🏾 AFRICA IS PROUD OF YOU 👏🏾 YOU ARE BORN ONLY TO WIN🥇

  • @saidabdu7747
    @saidabdu7747 2 роки тому +39

    ናይ ብሓቂ ብሉጽ ቢኒ ሓወይ ኣብ ብሽክለታ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ እንከላይ ኣብ ኣትሓሳስባካን ኣዘራርብስካን ውን ብሉጽ ናይ ብሉጻት ኣብ ኩሉ መደባትካ ዓወትን ኣሳልጦን ምስ ምሉእ ጥዕና ይምነየልካ

  • @mebrahtomgebremeskel5307
    @mebrahtomgebremeskel5307 2 роки тому +12

    This guy is very intelligent and well mannered. His answer is very articulate and full of details as well.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪💪💪

  • @senaitgrmaiy1218
    @senaitgrmaiy1218 2 роки тому +15

    እንካዓ ድምጽኻ ሰማዕና ቢኒ መንደላይ:አጆኻ ንዓመታ አሎ እንቃዓ ጥራይ ዓይንኻ ሐወኻ ጸሊም ነብሪ :ስለቲ ትሕትናኻ ግን በቃ ድላይካ ይሃብካ ፈጣሪ.🙏🙏🙏🇪🇷❤️⭐️🌹💐

  • @grimaygebrihiwet1883
    @grimaygebrihiwet1883 2 роки тому +53

    እዋይ ትሕትናን፡ ክእለት ዘረባን፡ ሰብኣዊ ኣኽብሮትን፡ Bini our hero.

  • @tekiealem3755
    @tekiealem3755 2 роки тому +15

    ልዕሊ ምዝዋር ብሽክልታ ብሱል ናይታሓሳስባ ልቦና ዘለካ ኢካ ቢኒ ዝተረፈ ዕድሜካ ብሩሁን ትስፍዉን ክኮነልካ ባዓል ምሉእ ተስፋ እየ።

  • @fazumazuzaki9223
    @fazumazuzaki9223 2 роки тому +44

    ቢኒ ጂግና ወዲ ሓላል መሬት🇪🇷🇪🇷🦁🙏💯

  • @mealti
    @mealti 2 роки тому +33

    ኣብ ብሽክለታ ጥራይ ኣይኮንካን እባ ንፉዕ። ኣብ ውሽጣዊ ብስለት ከም ልቦና፡ ክእለት ዘረባ፡ ስነ-ስርዓት፡ ጭውነት፡ ትሕትና፡ ህድኣት እውን ፕሮፎሽናን ሰብ ኢኻ። ዘገርም ትዕድልቲ እዩ!

  • @WarsaYYikealo1249
    @WarsaYYikealo1249 2 роки тому +19

    Bini ኣብ ብሽክለታ ዘለካ ብቕዓት ጥራሕ ዘይኮነ ዘድንቐካ፡ወላ እቲ ኣዘራርባኻ ምሉእ-ሓሳብ/ሓሳባት ስዋስው ዝሓለወ እዩ።🇪🇷ንዝመጽእ ብዙሕ ዓመታት ኣብ መድረኽ ብሽክለታ ከተንበልብል ምዃና በዓል ምሉእ ተስፋ ኢየ። ቐጽል!

  • @ereykulentnaysdra9425
    @ereykulentnaysdra9425 2 роки тому +53

    ዲሲፕሊን 100%
    ሃገራውነት 100%
    ዳንጋ 100%
    ንብጾትካ ዘሎካ ክብሪ100%
    ሃልወልና ሰጉም ቢኒ ሓወይ
    ኣባኻ ዘሎና ክብሪ ከኣ 100%

  • @er-uq6we
    @er-uq6we 2 роки тому +9

    ናይ ብሓቂ ፕሮፎሽናል ኢኻ ከም ወትሩ ዓጊበልካ ቢኒ ጅግና
    ዙር-ኤርትራ ናትካ እያ ነይራ በቲ-ኮይኑ በዚ ናይ ብሓቂ ፕሮፎሽንግና ኣብ ዝባን መራ ዓለም ክትኮላ ክንርእያ ውን ጽቡቅ'ዪ
    ኣጆኻ ካባኻ ብዙሕ ኢና ክንጽበ።👍🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @kefletsenkefletsen3342
    @kefletsenkefletsen3342 2 роки тому +22

    I'm proud of you bini King of cycling ever never 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @momonatv7589
    @momonatv7589 2 роки тому +3

    ቢኒ ኣእምሮኻ ኣዝዩ ብሩክን ብሉጽን ካብ ኣዘረራርብኻ ኣወዳድቓ ቃላትኻ ክሳብ ኣብ ሰባት ዘለካ ኣረኣእያ ከየድነቕኹካ ኽሓለፍ ኣይደልን...እግዚኣብሄር ኣብ እትከዶ ኹሉ ዓወትን ኣሳልጦን ይሃብኻ ጸላኢ ደልዩ ይስኣንኻ love you our Eritrean 🇪🇷 Pride

  • @eritreanabey5628
    @eritreanabey5628 2 роки тому +52

    VIVA BINIAM. You great athlete of Eritrea, Africa and the whole world.
    We are proud of you
    Keep it up 👍
    Thank you Eri-Tv for everything you are doing especially for well organized work you did on last Sunday.
    Thank you Mr. Zemede Tecle and our government in total.
    Awet Nihafash

    • @siembeyene2863
      @siembeyene2863 2 роки тому

      Nab amhara

    • @biariayaselaseztefeterkubu8545
      @biariayaselaseztefeterkubu8545 2 роки тому

      We are only Eritrean not Africa because I have black friends from anywhere countries they’re not proud to be Africa ,they’re proud to be Arabia

  • @xaka5505
    @xaka5505 2 роки тому +6

    መልመስቲ ንፉዓት ን ብሉጻትን እንዲኩም።
    የግዳስ እቲ ለውጢ ይመጽእ ኣሎ ኢዩ። ቢኒ ግን❣️

  • @user-vz6wb8uk4u
    @user-vz6wb8uk4u 2 роки тому +3

    ቢኒ ጅግና ኣጆካ ❤።
    ሓንቲ ነቲ ጋዘጠና ከድንቆ ዝደሊ ግና ፡ ንቢኒ ስለምንታይ ኣብ ሞንጎ ወጺካ ኢሉ ዘይሓተቶ፡ ካብ ኩነታት ተረዲኡ ንዓኣ ሸለል ኢሉ ምሕላፉ ኣድኒቀዮ ፡ ምክንያቱ ንቢኒ ጸቅጢ ክገብረሉ ይክእል ዩ። እቶም ኣብ ኤረትራ ዘለዉ ክኣ ክመሃርላ ኣለዎም ፡ ክጽዕሩ ኣለዎም ንሓደ ሒዝካ ምውዓል ዓወት ኣየውህብን ዩ ፡ ብዝኮነ ኣጆኩም ኩልኪም ❤🇪🇷💐

  • @bqse6142
    @bqse6142 2 роки тому +3

    ቢኒ ጅግና ብሌን ዓይኒ ህዝብና ብኣኻ ንኾርዕ ንሕበን ኣጆኻ ዓለም ኣዛሪብካ ሃገርካን ህዝብኻን ኣጸዊዕካ
    ብልቢ ኢና ነፍቅረካ
    ዓይንኻ ድማ ምሉእ ጥዕና ይሃብካ 🇪🇷✊❤

  • @efremzekarias1955
    @efremzekarias1955 2 роки тому +25

    God bless you Bini! The pride Of Eritrea and Africa. You will concore the world tour soon !

  • @biniammehari3127
    @biniammehari3127 2 роки тому +4

    ትሕትናካ ኣድኒቀዮ ቢኒ ብሉጽ ናይ ብሉጽት ናዓይ ንስካ ኢካ ትጽበለጸ ተጻዋታይ Champion Eritrea So ናፍቲ ዘልመድካና ዓወታት ክትምለሰና ብተስፍ ንጸበ ሰናይ ናይ ዕረፋቲ ግዜ ❤❤

  • @sen-ayt7782
    @sen-ayt7782 2 роки тому +12

    🇪🇷🙏🏽❤️ጂግና ብንያም ይሕጉስካና ኢኻ 🇪🇷🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽ኤልልል ኣምላኽ ዕዲመን ጥዕና ይሃብካኣ
    ክሙኡ ዉን 🇪🇷ንታኣ ጂግና ንሃገራ እንዳሰመየት ኮላ ዝተኾለፈትና 🌹ደሴት 🔥💔መንግስተ ሰማይ የዋርሳኣ 🇪🇷

  • @anesemnetabotateyg1816
    @anesemnetabotateyg1816 2 роки тому +16

    You are Natural super start Bini. I like to listen ur interviews because you speak with decency and respect. More success to you brother 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👏👏👏👏🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @yohannesseyoum
    @yohannesseyoum 2 роки тому +21

    Bini is not only a champion but he is genius in conveying his speeches and messages.
    Yes we had other champions who were his role models and he is the next generation Eritrean riders role model.
    He is very diplomatic and well versed young Eritrean and I won’t even surprised if he doesn’t become one of the Eritrean govt leaders or ambassadors.
    I love this young man.
    Down to earth Eritrean.
    Good luck young man. You already exceeded our expectation. Stay healthy and just try your best.

    • @wediasmera1263
      @wediasmera1263 2 роки тому +2

      I’ll screen shot this as I believe he is capable of to be a leader,he does his things with plan and diplomatic way.

    • @1welwel875
      @1welwel875 2 роки тому

      I agree, he is confident, yet humble, he is sharp as a nail, he is far sighted, he is a born leader and much more.

    • @yohannesseyoum
      @yohannesseyoum 2 роки тому

      @@wediasmera1263 yes he has the potential to be a great leader. And I really believe he will be in due time. While doing his thing (cycling) I hope he study international relationship so he can get more experience on politics.

  • @luwamgehbrezgabiher173
    @luwamgehbrezgabiher173 2 роки тому +20

    Bini hawey haben hagerna🇪🇷🇪🇷The God of love and peace shall be with you bro. anabse keyeh bahri hedehede zeybelalexi beqeate deki eriye we love you 💕❤🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @ሃገረሰማእታት
    @ሃገረሰማእታት 2 роки тому +5

    ቢኒ ኣርማ ኣፍሪቃ ትሕትናኻ ቡሱል ኣዘራርባኻን ጽቡቅ ዕድል ኣብ ዝተረፈ መደባትካ፡🙏🚴🏿‍♂️🚴🏿‍♂️🚴🏿‍♂️
    እዛ ናይ ትማሊ ዘቃረጽካያ እንቅዕ እሞ ጥዕናኻ ደሓን ኮንካ።🙏🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
    እንተ ትውድእ ደርጃኻ ብዘየገድስ ደስ ምበለኒ ቀዳማይ ኢኻ ነዓይ ቢናዊ።

  • @shaebianism4258
    @shaebianism4258 2 роки тому +41

    Bini no Matter what you are our pride 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷 they kill the game and you broke your funs heart. But you are our king 👑🤴

    • @biniamgirmayfan4886
      @biniamgirmayfan4886 2 роки тому +3

      @@bombarleyrastafara5943 bini is smarter than anyone

    • @yohannesseyoum
      @yohannesseyoum 2 роки тому +3

      Bini’s speciality is not the road race. Because he was a champion of sprints doesn’t mean we can expect him to also win the road race even competing inside Eritrea. Majority of the world class riders have different speciality and thus even if Kavendish was in Sunday’s Eritrean race, he would have been beaten.
      And cycling except the individual time trial race, majority of it is a team work sport.
      So my people need to understand the sport and do not need to put pressure on them to perform in the speciality they are not expert.
      Him participating in the Eritrean cycling 2022 contest was a huge plus to Eritrea, fans and the young riders.
      Always support all of them no matter what. If only always wins every contest then the value of sport will diminish and will lessen the hope of the others to do their best.
      We the Eritreans are lucky to be the African champions and raising our head in the world stage too.
      I thank all of the riders of both genders and I wish they all get to where Bini and our other professional cyclist got in their own time.

    • @shaebianism4258
      @shaebianism4258 2 роки тому

      @@bombarleyrastafara5943 seriously!? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @shaebianism4258
      @shaebianism4258 2 роки тому

      @@yohannesseyoum we're not talking about the win we're talking about the game the rider's and what bini did.

    • @1welwel875
      @1welwel875 2 роки тому

      @@yohannesseyoum i love it.Well said brother, you could be a pro.sports analyst, think about it.

  • @chogegaji5069
    @chogegaji5069 2 роки тому +6

    ትሕትናኻ ክእለት ዘረባ ቢኒ ጅግና PROUD OF YOU BINEY

  • @tess8603
    @tess8603 2 роки тому +5

    ቢኒ ERITREAN HERO MY GOD BLESS YOU ,YOU ARE WONDERFUL BOY❤️🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • @Rutha2424
    @Rutha2424 2 роки тому +18

    Mulueee edmen tienan yhabka bini hawey. We are very proud of you as always. Congratulations for you, Mera and Natu our champions 🏆🥇🏅👏❤️🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @nohomhaile7251
    @nohomhaile7251 2 роки тому +3

    ሃገራዊነትና ክብርኽ ገርካ በኒ ጅግና

  • @user-rw3iy3sj6k
    @user-rw3iy3sj6k 2 роки тому +4

    Bini Hawey ፈጣሪ ናብዚ ድረጃ ዘብጽሓካ ነመስግኖ።
    መጀመርታ ጥዕና ኢዩ ዝተረፈ ድማ ኣብ ጻዕሪ ዓወት ኢዩ።
    ኣብ ኩሉ ትገብሮ ብክብርን ትሕትናን ዝተሓውሶ ዓቢ ስነምግባር ኢዩ ዘለካ ኢሞ ።
    ፈጣሪ ምሳካ ይኩን ከምቲ ዝሓለፈ ንመጻኢ ውን።❤😊🎉
    ትኩር ኣብ መደቡ ።
    You are smart man!!!
    S specific ፉሉይ
    M measurableዝዕቀን
    A achievable ዝብጻሕ
    R relevant ኣገዳስን
    T time- ግዜ ዘሎዎ ፉሉይ ንቁሕ።

  • @user-xb7lq4rc5v
    @user-xb7lq4rc5v 2 роки тому +9

    ዋው ቢኒ ንፉዕ እንቋዕ ብሰላም መጻኻ ጽቡቅ ደስ ዝብል ልቦናን ኣገላልጻን ሰላምን ዓወትን ይምነየልካ።

  • @rasted8755
    @rasted8755 2 роки тому +33

    Not only a great cyclist but he’s also very geniuses and well spoken

    • @mussie361
      @mussie361 2 роки тому +3

      He is the GOAT. Greatest Of All Times

    • @user-xb7lq4rc5v
      @user-xb7lq4rc5v 2 роки тому +3

      ናይ በሓቂ ኣነ ውን ከምኡ ረኺበዮ!

  • @ylm8589
    @ylm8589 2 роки тому +17

    You are always hero for eritreans 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @fjjcdifth961
    @fjjcdifth961 2 роки тому +10

    ዓይኒ ኣባይካ እንቃዕ ድሓን ኮንካ ቢኒ ሓውና ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ 🌹🌹🇪🇷🇪🇷ኣጆካ በርትዕ

  • @yodittsegay3632
    @yodittsegay3632 2 роки тому +2

    ቢኒ ጂግና ኣቤት ኣቤት ልቦና ደጋጊመ ሰሚዔዮ መግለጺ ሲኢነልካ ለባም ኩሉ ኩሉ ተዓዲልካ ኣምላክ ዕድመን ጥዕናንን ይሃብካ ኣኣብ ትኮዶን ትሳተፎን ዓወት ይከትልካ ኣምላክ ኣብኩሉ ምሳኻ ይኹን ።

  • @amanthegreat3738
    @amanthegreat3738 2 роки тому +2

    ቢኒ ንስካ ናይ ብሓቂ ኣብነታዊ እስፖርተኛ ኢካ ጸወታካ ስነምግባርካ ኣብ ሓቂ ኣሚንካ ምዝራብካን ምግላጽካን ምሉእ ግሉጽነት ዘለዎ ኣገላልጻን ምስጋና ንዝግበኦ ምምስጋንካን ንዝሓለፉን ዘለዉን ክብረት ዘለካን፡ ብሓቂ መግለጺ ከማን ሲኢነልካ ቀጽሎ ጥራይ ኢየ ክብለካ ዝክል ፈጣሪ ኣብ ጎንካ ይኩን ፡፡

  • @peace-1900
    @peace-1900 2 роки тому +5

    Nay behaki Nefuie Eka Biniii be kulu Amlak Tinan Edmen yehabka Sele Displin ab kulu zeleka , ajoka Bertie ab gonna lena Minstry zena lomi Amet ab kulu medebat zegeberekimo ab sportawian b live dehelefekimo ketselewo abi moral yu , Gazetegnatat medeb sports Aseletenti Yekenielena , ONE love deki Erey wetru Awet N Hezebi eritrea 🇪🇷 ❤

  • @karamaravictory3619
    @karamaravictory3619 2 роки тому +2

    I love cycling especially the Eritrean cyclists bini bravo I am happy for your result Giro DiItalia.i am from ethiopia

  • @zufanasmalash8012
    @zufanasmalash8012 2 роки тому +1

    Bini you are good God bless you with all your family and friends 🙏🙏🙏🙏🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷👍👍👍💪💪💪❤️❤️

    @SOLASE 2 роки тому +21

    You are the best Bini!!!👏🔥🙏
    Our humble and young Sprinter!!!
    We so proud of you Biniiiii ANBESA!!!

  • @abelteklit1966
    @abelteklit1966 2 роки тому +23

    ቢኒ ናይ ብሓቂ ብሱል ሰብ ራኢ ዘለካ ሙካንካ ኣድናቆተይ ወሰን የብሉን ኣብ ኩሉ ክኣ ዓወት ይምነየልካ ናይ ሰንበት ዝነበረ ጸወታ ግን ንስካ ንብዓል ናቱ መራ ከተርክብ ጋንታ ምልእቲ ክኣ ዝሃደመ ይህደም ቢኒ ግን ሰተት ክብል የብሉን ዝብል ኣጉል ሓሳብ ሒዞም ወሪዶ ብኩሉ ክኣ ከሲሮም ብዝኮነ ግን መራ ናቱ እንቃዕ ሓጎሶም

  • @saraasefaw3459
    @saraasefaw3459 2 роки тому +1

    ቢኒ ኣምላክ ንኩሉም ይዕሩካ ምግዓዝትካ
    ጥዕናን ዕድመን ዓወትን ምሳኩም ይኩን ትሕትናኩም ንኩሉ ደስ ዝብል ኢዩ

  • @erifreeone8083
    @erifreeone8083 2 роки тому +24

    Thank you Ermias Ghebreluul for making this important and responsible interview with our Grand Tour pro cycling Rider Biniam Ghirmay. Everyone should realize that Bini gave our country tremendous and prestigious record on world cycling stages and that mostly counts not last Sundays Eritrean championship. He is still ready to give his country the highest respect by winning further more with InterMarche.

  • @Asmarino525
    @Asmarino525 2 роки тому +1

    ኩሉ እንተናካ ፕሮፈሽናል ኢካ ቢ ኒ።
    ናይ ብሐቂ ስፖርታዊ ድስፕሊን፣
    እብ መወዳድርትኻ ዘለካ ክብሪን ሐልዬትን፣
    (Respect) ዝንአድ እዩ ።
    ኩቡር ሰብ መጠን ነብሱ እዮ ዘኽብረካ ቢኒ ሐወዶ
    ሰሰናዩ ንዓካ ፣ሙሉእ ጥዕናን ፣ዓወትን ይምነየልካ።

  • @Servingthetruth24.
    @Servingthetruth24. 2 роки тому +6

    VINI BINI VIDI. What ever happened you are OUR HERO. ERITREAN DIAMOND

  • @shikorinashikorina2085
    @shikorinashikorina2085 2 роки тому +6

    ቢኒ ትሕትናካ መግለጺ ሲኢነሉ መጀመርታ ጸወታ ኣቖሪጹ ምስ ሰማዕኩ ሰንቢድ ነይረ እንቖዕ ብሰላም ሃለካ

  • @myamdes
    @myamdes 2 роки тому +2

    ጅግና ወዲ ጀጋኑ ተወዳደርቲ ኤርትራ ናይ በሓቂ ፕሮፈሽናል ሙኻኖም ኣርኢዮምና በቲ ናቱ ዝገበሮ ን መሬ ዝኾነ ተወዳዳራይ መመዓልቱ ስለ ዘለዎ ን መወዳደርትኻ ኣብ ዊሽጢ ይኹን ኣብ ደገ ኪብሪ ኪህልወካ ኣለዎ we love you even 3rd or 4th in the whole Giro its a big result your hard work is the main thing 👌 👏

  • @tesfaiasbu6694
    @tesfaiasbu6694 2 роки тому +5

    ብጣዕሚ ትንተናን ብስለትን ዝመሎኦ ቃለ-ምሕተት።
    Good luck with your coming endeavors Bini.

  • @ghirmuzekarias5278
    @ghirmuzekarias5278 2 роки тому +26

    ኤርምያስ ኣቀዲመ ልባዊ ሰላምታይ ይምጥወልካ ቀጺለ ን ናትናኤል ተስፋጺዮን ከተምጽኣልና ብትሕትና ንላዎበካ ምክንያቱ ንሱ ውን ብርእሱን ብእግሩን ሻምፕዮን ስለ ዝኮነ፡ነቲ ክቡር ዝገበሮ ጭውነት ውን ክብሪ ይግብኦ ኢዩ

  • @eritrea4886
    @eritrea4886 2 роки тому +7

    ቢኒ ጅግና ባዓል ዓቢ ራኢ ኣጆኻ ጥራይ ናይ ሰበት ድኣ ሓሪርና ኢና እዞም ቆማላት ታሻሪኾም እዮም ኣብ ጸልማት ክእትውኻ ሓሲቦም ተንስእ ኣጆኻ መሰታይ❤❤❤❤❤❤

    • @efiteykm3832
      @efiteykm3832 2 роки тому +2

      Ata ab sport kemu aybehaln eyu

    • @sawrawidegans2900
      @sawrawidegans2900 2 роки тому

      Qomal si natka eyu mtrus

    • @godisgood7456
      @godisgood7456 2 роки тому +3

      Donqoro enber ke cycle rekia teflti dika🤌

    • @rahelasfaha5830
      @rahelasfaha5830 2 роки тому +2

      Ewaeee ደሓንዶ ዓዲ ኣብ ዓድና ኢሞ ቁማል ዘየላ የሕዋትና ኣይትጽረፈልና

    • @eyobgezai243
      @eyobgezai243 2 роки тому +1

      Corso atika zeytfelt ski elika aytiefer

  • @dejenghezae3079
    @dejenghezae3079 2 роки тому +9

    ቢኒ ማለት ወርቂ ሰንሰለት ንስካስ እንዃዕ ተወለድካ ቢኒ ሓበን ኣፍሪቃ ኣየ ብስለት ዘረባ ይበል ልቦና ይበል ትሕትና ናይ ብሓቂ ፕሮፎሽናል ማለት ኣሪኢካኒ ዘረባ ታሓቢነ ቢኒ ጅግና እምበር ከምቲ ዝበሩካ ብዓል እዚ ሓራኢ ወዲ ሙሌ ድኣ ካልእ እንድዩ ዝግባእ ነይሩ ግን ድሓን ኣጆካ ቢኒ ሓወይ ንጽቡካ እዩ

    • @samiboy31
      @samiboy31 2 роки тому +2

      Nay Behaki Kbur Haw Bflay Wedi Mule Zgebro Ane krdeani Aykalen bzkone Gn Bini Anbesa Ab zkxl Kkhsenayu

  • @tsep5647
    @tsep5647 2 роки тому +32

    First of all, thank God you've recovered from your eye injury and back to action. We're proud of you for representing and making our country standing higher in the world of cycling competition. I hope and pray for you to stay strong in that field in the future and let the good Lord guide and keep you healthy to fulfill your dreams. 🙏❤🇪🇷👍.

  • @eriwalltashow5260
    @eriwalltashow5260 2 роки тому +11

    Bini ajoka 🇪🇷 👑 gen mes bel mera and ntu kethdem nexebyka nerna etom Ney weshti hagar gen bitami zehelom old kemzi keydgem beluwom Eri TV 🇪🇷🇪🇷✌️👌

  • @semiragal-gash1536
    @semiragal-gash1536 2 роки тому +1

    Kem Eritrawi🇪🇷meten Ane; Kab Merhawi kudus;; Binyam more bkiat alewo,. Abza nay Tmali wddr Champion Eritrea 🇪🇷 zneberet;; Bmedeb eyom hizemo ember!! Awet nay Binyam eya nera. Bzterefe proud all of Eritreans Cycling.

  • @peacetoourpeople6909
    @peacetoourpeople6909 2 роки тому +7

    Bini,natu,mera all of you are our hero’s 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷✅✅✅✅💪💪💪💪

  • @xegaxega4826
    @xegaxega4826 2 роки тому +2

    Eritrean nationalty is honour to have 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷keep it up benie🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷❤❤❤❤

  • @ST-rd5dj
    @ST-rd5dj 2 роки тому +2

    He is so professional the way he handles himself and so realistic and honest. Wish him the best and he has a huge potential in leadership in the future and hopefully in sport of cycling.

  • @sirakfishale1484
    @sirakfishale1484 2 роки тому +7

    Bini 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🤗👍💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
    Our Hero

  • @senaitsultan2890
    @senaitsultan2890 2 роки тому +2

    ቢኒ ኣንበሳ ብኹሉ መደያትካ ዌዱእ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ ኣለና ኣብጎድንኻ🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @sabrinahaftimessi5542
    @sabrinahaftimessi5542 2 роки тому +5

    ቢኒ ማለት ምንጪ ሓጎስ ኤርትራውያን ኣብ 2022 😍

  • @Seysey770
    @Seysey770 2 роки тому +2

    ቢኒ ምሉእ ብቅዓት፡ ምሉእ ትሕትና። ኣምላክ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ዓወትን ይሃብካ።

  • @user-jn2ic9mm2y
    @user-jn2ic9mm2y 2 роки тому +3

    ቢኒ ጂግና ኣምላኽ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ያሃብካ ወዲ ኤረይ ኩሉ ግዜ ዓወት ይምነየልካ🇪🇷⛪️🙏🕌🙏💪👈🌾🌼🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷💪🇪🇷👈

  • @awetShewit
    @awetShewit 2 роки тому +11

    ቢኒ ብዙሕ ዓወት እንድና ንጽበየካ፡ብራቮ ቢኒ

  • @asternatnael4546
    @asternatnael4546 2 роки тому +5

    ቢኒ we Love You ግና ቫምፕዮን ኤረትራ 2022 ዋላ ድሕሪት ውጻእ ክትውድኦ ነይሩኻ እቲ ዝገበርካዮ ሙቁሬጽ ደስ አይብልን።

  • @mesgenaasgodom9670
    @mesgenaasgodom9670 2 роки тому +4

    BRAVO Biniam🥇🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @eriloveforever5723
    @eriloveforever5723 2 роки тому +3

    ቢኒ ጅግና 🇪🇷💪💪

  • @senifalu4627
    @senifalu4627 2 роки тому +1

    You are Great. Keep it up Bini 👍🇪🇷

  • @robelmichael5667
    @robelmichael5667 2 роки тому +1

    ጅግና ኢኻ

  • @wegahtatesfayohanns172
    @wegahtatesfayohanns172 2 роки тому +4

    ቢኒ ሓበን ኣፍሪቃውያን ❤❤❤❤❤🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @be-yo-nd-all2637
    @be-yo-nd-all2637 2 роки тому +12

    Bini is simply the best, i have never seen an eritrean cyclist this well spoken, humble and very deep in his use of words after Halabay(Yonas Zekarias). You are the CHAMP in our hearts, you were the best rider in the sunday race though you did not win at the end. I wish all the local and the other professionals in the second group were that smart to realise the weight of the race and help to bring back the group in lead. However, you did your best and please don't be frustrated with the rest of the groups performance, they simply forgot what they came to do in the race and that is lack of understanding and experience. I hope they realised it after the race and perform better in the coming years. I can not wait to see you compete in World championship and other classic races. YOU REALLY ARE THE PRIDE OF ERITREA AND AFRICA! STAY HUMBLE BROTHER!

    • @biniamgirmayfan4886
      @biniamgirmayfan4886 2 роки тому +1

      Well said 👏🏾

    • @mussie361
      @mussie361 2 роки тому +1

      Exactly. He is best and wise. You explained it well and you really touched my heart.

    • @1welwel875
      @1welwel875 2 роки тому

      Well said 👌👏.

  • @chelseaforever9905
    @chelseaforever9905 2 роки тому +1

    ኣቤት ትሕትና ቢኒ ወዲ ኤረ 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🙏🙏🙏🙏 we are proud of you 😍😍😍😍😘😘😘😘👍👍👍

  • @emwedimiki6536
    @emwedimiki6536 2 роки тому +1

    Habibi binam nay behaq profoshinal🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷

  • @kbrituzemhre5857
    @kbrituzemhre5857 2 роки тому +1

    ብኩሉ ጻዕርካን ልቦናካን ትምስገን ቢኒ ሓወይ God bless u 🙏🇪🇷

  • @tsegaygebremariyam2499
    @tsegaygebremariyam2499 2 роки тому +5

    Bini you always the Best ...we will expect more from you in the future game...keep going with the great future...you are our Hero. you the symbol of Africa..

  • @amanoneloves2506
    @amanoneloves2506 2 роки тому +3

    Bini nska wdue seb eka bhaki amlak abtgebro edmen tenan yhabka bhafesha nkuluna deki rimey ❤️

  • @1eriterahagery242
    @1eriterahagery242 2 роки тому +1

    💪🏿❤️🇪🇷ብራቮ ቢኒ ንፍዕ ጎበዝ ጽቡቅ መረዳእታ ሂብካና ንዕውታት ከኣ ዘመስገንካዮም ንፍዕ ኣጆካ በርትዕ መመሊስካ ብዙሕ ከኣ ንጽበየካ ጎበዝ🙏🏿❤️🇪🇷👍🏿

  • @TM-yl8bg
    @TM-yl8bg 2 роки тому +1

    ቢኒ ነብሪ ጎልጎል ኣብነታዊ መንእሰይ ዝጻዓረ ይዕወት ኢልካና ናይ ብሓቂ ጻዕራም ምኻንካስ ኪንዮ ብተግባር
    ብኣገላልጻኻ ከማን ተመሲጥና ኣጆኻ በርዕ ከምኡ ውን ጋዜጠኛ ኤርምያስ ገ/ ገብረልዑል በዚ ኣጋጣሚ ኣድናቖተይ ይገልጸልካ ብላይፍ ምሳኹም ኢና ዊዒልና
    ብመንፈስ ምጭውቲ ከተማና ኣስመራን ኩቡር ህዝባን ሪኢና ማራ ተሓጒስና ዊዒልና የቐንየልና !!! እድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብኩም ደቂ ኤረይ እግዚኣብሄር ንሃገርናን ህዝብናን ይባርኽ ኣሜንንን 🙏💖🇪🇷💖🇪🇷💖🇪🇷💖🚴🏆✊👏

  • @shanetentertaiment6649
    @shanetentertaiment6649 2 роки тому +3

    Anta za Erena teadila kemekatkum zbelu jeganuuu fetirula. Congratulations BINI, MERA & NATU our champions.
    Eritrea is already at the end of the tunnel with a big beam of lights.
    Would also want to thank Eri Tv for the broadcasting the game.

  • @bellaeritreanclub3276
    @bellaeritreanclub3276 2 роки тому +17

    the way he speak 100%. God bless you Bini with more win 🏅🏆and no 🍾 on stage 😉 😁😄

  • @asmaragraphy8810
    @asmaragraphy8810 2 роки тому +20

    I don’t care I still cheer for you Biniti ajoka we are proud of you 🇪🇷✊🏿

  • @samuelgebredngl3834
    @samuelgebredngl3834 2 роки тому +2

    Bini is a unique ER cyclist discipline wise, performance wise. We are so great full for rising such a professional cyclist for Girmay family. Bini is herooooooooo

  • @jentira9890
    @jentira9890 2 роки тому +6

    what a brilliant journalist.

  • @habtegabrtesfay3691
    @habtegabrtesfay3691 2 роки тому

    Bini king of the king ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️edmen tenan yfterelka bro

  • @tesfomtekleab1120
    @tesfomtekleab1120 2 роки тому +1

    Bini wedi Grimay malet yahoooooooo nay bhaki Respekt voll you are Eritrea's young Superstar fluy eka kulu mlika mlu wedi Ereyyyy halal ketslo nicccccc so veryyy nicccccc Bini Bink Bini🇪🇷🤛🏿🤛🏿🤛🏿❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🤛🏿🤛🏿🤛🏿

  • @sami-ss6sl
    @sami-ss6sl 2 роки тому +2

    great interview, smart young rider keep shinning.
    we are proud of you.
    God bless you Bini

  • @samiyemane5901
    @samiyemane5901 2 роки тому +2

    Bini vidi ksab hji eye hariqe zeleku champion nay Eritrea zeykonka gina shigr yelen ab qexali kitkhiseni mukanka rigxrgna eye

  • @semereabrha
    @semereabrha 2 роки тому +3

    Bini our king 🇪🇷💪❤️✅

  • @maranatha7450
    @maranatha7450 2 роки тому +22

    We are proud of you, BINI.💪🏿🇪🇷

  • @-smiley1
    @-smiley1 2 роки тому +2

    Bini king of kings nberelna eske bxewetaka kulu gze egubat ena kexlo you are still our hero🤴💗

  • @eri-dairyeritrea1377
    @eri-dairyeritrea1377 2 роки тому

    Ermias professional journalist and Biniam professional cyclist.We love ❤️ you.

  • @Dan5639_
    @Dan5639_ 2 роки тому +2

    ቢኒ ኩርዓትናን ሓበናን 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷❤️❤️❤️

  • @selamnayibzah5421
    @selamnayibzah5421 2 роки тому +2

    The choice you decide for a Club is smart choice. I am happy you follow your heart, not only money or big name Clubs. Keep going Bini Hero 👍🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽🚴🚴🚴

  • @rahelghirmay7555
    @rahelghirmay7555 2 роки тому +1

    Bini ambesa wedi Erey 🇪🇷 we love you we are so proud of you 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💪💪💪💪💪🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @maekeleyemane9093
    @maekeleyemane9093 2 роки тому +1

    Bini ane wdue eleka aleku. Lkie kem seb ab mengo tseweta keytewedie mkuratska kir eluni. Ente zay koynu niana gdefena natka ena, alem biaka lisan awtsia ala bhji ka awetatka wehazi ygbero. Proud of u💪

  • @danielabraham8582
    @danielabraham8582 2 роки тому +1

    you are so humble!!!!!