Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (Switch) - 84 - Quadruplouble

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Skawo
    @Skawo  21 день тому +5

    9:35 hadn't*

  • @ThatGuy-tc6uv
    @ThatGuy-tc6uv 20 днів тому +3

    1:10 How did he lose it there? Does Frankie parkour in his spare time? Is Frankie a vigilante? Is Frankie BATMAN?!
    15:20 Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary or Don Pianta his power bill.

  • @toastr1255
    @toastr1255 21 день тому +10

    I mean, you say "Marios nonwithstanding", but that could be exactly it. They might've somehow heard that Mario was solving all of the troubles in Rogueport and thus sent the request there to get his help.

  • @ReturnoftheNormalPerson
    @ReturnoftheNormalPerson 21 день тому +10

    I wish it was possible to give the hottest dog for that essence of evil (the bub-ulb) and maybe he would have given us the money he had been owning. (Unfortunately, along with evil he is a food picker)
    (Note: About the boat game, if you get all of the normal piantas in the first lap, the second lap adds the red piantas, which may be better compared to the tube game, but is still hard)

    • @superpenguinzzz
      @superpenguinzzz 21 день тому +4

      Skawo probably wishes Bub-Ulber died from the spiciness of the Hottest Dogs

    • @ReturnoftheNormalPerson
      @ReturnoftheNormalPerson 21 день тому

      Thinking about it, how many characters in TTYD make us suffer, but doesn't get any consequences for their actions?

  • @azimmeme9994
    @azimmeme9994 21 день тому +2

    8:30 He must be the chairman of his company

    • @Trojan711
      @Trojan711 21 день тому

      Well I hate to break it to him, but Mario ain't running a chairity.

  • @MickyMr95
    @MickyMr95 21 день тому +9

    So uhm, in the Italian version if you give Bub-ulber the wrong food item he (actually in Italian she's a she but nevermind) will complain that it's not spicy enough. But if you give them a Hottest Dog, which is literally a spicier version of what they want, they will still say it's not spicy enough 😢

    @ROJOyNARANJA 21 день тому +2


  • @keganmemestar4465
    @keganmemestar4465 21 день тому +1

    16:15 Actually, when you collect all of the pianta coins on the first lap, they will get replaced by the red pianta coins on the second lap. I need to double check, but I’m pretty sure I’ve been able to get 50+ total coins on some runs.

  • @BeantheSnom
    @BeantheSnom 21 день тому

    16:57 I read an essay on that and why it's readable, also written entirely like that

  • @theivoryguy2476
    @theivoryguy2476 21 день тому +4

    I like to think I'm a *very* patient person when it comes to stuff like this in games, but even with fast travel this was too much. I just looked up the code lol

    • @gboogie3257
      @gboogie3257 21 день тому

      My dumb brain (for some reason) there was a number on the chairs at first…
      Then I looked it up

  • @chocolatecello1483
    @chocolatecello1483 21 день тому

    16:57 You will never be forgiven for this travesty of a sentence!

  • @azimmeme9994
    @azimmeme9994 21 день тому

    12:35 Yeah, save states can’t help you with the hammer one as much

  • @johnnymind4151
    @johnnymind4151 21 день тому

    1:06 In the remake you can see the ring from other angles when you're on ground level, I wonder if it's the same in the original Japanese version (while I'm pretty sure that the sound effect when you get close to it is exclusive to the remake).
    4:31 More and more convinced that people can send these requests by (e-)mail.
    6:31 Absolutely not worth doing it, but also hilarious that this can work against Prince Mush!
    8:42 Or with Koopley and/or Koopie Koo, but the question remains the same - my guess is that this businessman is or at least was also a door-to-door salesperson.
    10:24 Ask Goldbob on how to do it, he's the hostile buyout expert.
    16:11 More Piantas get added only if you collect all the previous ones but considering that's far from easy yeah, I'd still say the Boat Game is the worst.
    17:28 I mean, at the very least there's her sister Peeka. About the kitty ears, maybe only the Pianta syndicate has them - would make more sense if they still were the Playboy bunny ears, but alas.

  • @superpenguinzzz
    @superpenguinzzz 21 день тому

    the next area we go to is why the Chill Out badge is definitely highly recommended

  • @ShycoWar
    @ShycoWar 21 день тому

    I cannot for the life of me unsee Toodles's golden rose as blonde hair tied in a fancy bun-like style. Never could, and probably never will.
    Probably because picturing her without said rose would just wrong. Especially since most, if not _all_ other female Toads in the game do have hair-Zess T, Jolene, the Excess Express waitress...

  • @gboogie3257
    @gboogie3257 21 день тому

    Even if there’s only 2 Ratooey’s in this game,
    They’re the best NPC’s out of the whole game

  • @justsomerandompixels
    @justsomerandompixels 21 день тому

    see its funny because last time on skawos, we quested
    and now this time, we troubled
    or i guess, troubleshooted
    whichever one regardless, maybe the next video could be about more quests in a different game!
    who knows?

  • @KopsiDayzee22
    @KopsiDayzee22 21 день тому

    11:20 When I heard that this item wasn't in the original, I was concerned for people who had played the original and got a mistake. I wondered how you were meant to discover it. I also thought that maybe it was an item from SPM that they brought into this game just because there was room for its addition, but no. It's completely original.

  • @Kotarol
    @Kotarol 21 день тому

    the video about troubles

  • @GenericUsername-Cloudpfpguy
    @GenericUsername-Cloudpfpguy 21 день тому +1

    I feel betrayed that the thumbnail isn't in the video :(

  • @roland228
    @roland228 21 день тому

    7:00 I would like to know how you lost almost all your health here.

    • @Skawo
      @Skawo  21 день тому

      ...because I just had to endure like 30 turns of Prince Mush while I was Showstoppering him repeatedly?

  • @pef_v6107
    @pef_v6107 21 день тому +1

    clickbaited by vivian in the thumbnail with no vivian in the video💔💔💔my life is ruined

  • @gavinrobinson1810
    @gavinrobinson1810 21 день тому

    Good Episode. Hey, I am working on a Xenoblade 3 and Thousand Year Door crossover fanfic, and trying to think of good VA's I can use for Starlow, Prince Dreambert and the partners of TTYD. Do you or anyone in the comments have any suggestions?

  • @johnmendez9525
    @johnmendez9525 21 день тому

    We do sidequest

  • @paperluigi6132
    @paperluigi6132 21 день тому

    Do you think Metroid could suit the style of your channel?

    • @Skawo
      @Skawo  21 день тому

      I'm not sure; Metroid is not a series I have perused

    • @ehhorve857
      @ehhorve857 21 день тому

      @@Skawo let's see... most of metroid is about being lost, which would not help you with your commentary style. the prime series (FPS) is generally more straightforward, 1 being most about being lost, 2 having a general sense of direction, and 3 having a narrative sense. fusion is entirely narrative driven. so, if you were to do metroid, the prime games would be best (maybe with fusion), as each game in that series would actually give you things to talk about.