The Thunderbirds land in MacArthur Airport, Long Island NY

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @suasponte8363
    @suasponte8363 10 місяців тому +5

    Never gets old!

  • @Nastafar
    @Nastafar 9 місяців тому +2

    That was awesome!!! Kudos to you on great footage of these wonderful machines. Can’t wait for air show season in NY!

  • @mtrmpgolfer1198
    @mtrmpgolfer1198 Рік тому +6

    Great footage, thank you for sharing!! American pride!!

  • @akwild83
    @akwild83 Рік тому +2

    The Viper has always been my favorite jet, one of the best rate fighters

    • @nathanmeece9794
      @nathanmeece9794 Рік тому

      The F16 is th Fighting Falcon not Viper

    • @red_wullf
      @red_wullf 11 місяців тому

      Any pilot that has ever flown an F-16 has called it Viper.

  • @theuniverseaccordingtomase
    @theuniverseaccordingtomase Рік тому +3

    Aww man, I should have cap where you guys were I was where they were parked so I got to see them taxi and take off from the runway. Must have been cool where you were, it was the first time I saw a f16 so I enjoyed it!

  • @spiritmatter1553
    @spiritmatter1553 Рік тому +1

    USA! 🇺🇸💪🏻

  • @loligomezlopez1869
    @loligomezlopez1869 Рік тому +1

    ¡¡¡Guauuuu,que chulada!!!!🛩️🛩️🛩️

  • @johnborja9825
    @johnborja9825 Рік тому

    The real show is at jones beach.

  • @brianlehman1244
    @brianlehman1244 Рік тому

    Bond McCowan Paul king airport

  • @jakeobryan12obryan32
    @jakeobryan12obryan32 Рік тому

    Tim Dillon would be so proud

  • @rikellis7871
    @rikellis7871 Рік тому

    These people pointing to the ONLY approach is priceless. To bad, more Patriotism isn't shown by the public, be it on their homes or their vehicles. I personally have my US flag upside down, in distress!!!!!