Aww man, I should have cap where you guys were I was where they were parked so I got to see them taxi and take off from the runway. Must have been cool where you were, it was the first time I saw a f16 so I enjoyed it!
These people pointing to the ONLY approach is priceless. To bad, more Patriotism isn't shown by the public, be it on their homes or their vehicles. I personally have my US flag upside down, in distress!!!!!
Never gets old!
That was awesome!!! Kudos to you on great footage of these wonderful machines. Can’t wait for air show season in NY!
Great footage, thank you for sharing!! American pride!!
The Viper has always been my favorite jet, one of the best rate fighters
The F16 is th Fighting Falcon not Viper
Any pilot that has ever flown an F-16 has called it Viper.
Aww man, I should have cap where you guys were I was where they were parked so I got to see them taxi and take off from the runway. Must have been cool where you were, it was the first time I saw a f16 so I enjoyed it!
USA! 🇺🇸💪🏻
¡¡¡Guauuuu,que chulada!!!!🛩️🛩️🛩️
The real show is at jones beach.
But they took off at MacArthur airport
Bond McCowan Paul king airport
Tim Dillon would be so proud
These people pointing to the ONLY approach is priceless. To bad, more Patriotism isn't shown by the public, be it on their homes or their vehicles. I personally have my US flag upside down, in distress!!!!!