LANGUAGE MASTERY˚✩// maximum proficiency in ideal languages (speaking, writing, listening, etc)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @th3yluv.vval08
    @th3yluv.vval08 Рік тому +1200


    • @Rangrangmyboyfriend
      @Rangrangmyboyfriend 11 місяців тому +6

      Cómo vas ??

    • @RichCherryCity
      @RichCherryCity 10 місяців тому +10

      Love this button

    • @mralbanian1990
      @mralbanian1990 10 місяців тому +18

      I‘m fluently in english, german. Arab. Turkish. Spanish, Portugiesisch without any clases and lesson

    • @Rangrangmyboyfriend
      @Rangrangmyboyfriend 10 місяців тому +6

      @@mralbanian1990 tampoco exagere Jajajaja igual toca estudiar

    • @wonylovespink
      @wonylovespink 10 місяців тому +8

      Need to learn Thai because of a school thing, we are going to Thailand!! I also need to learn chinese because I might be living there!

  • @valienpire
    @valienpire 9 місяців тому +188

    Is it bad that I'm a language teacher listening to this 🧍

    • @fairysblessings777
      @fairysblessings777 8 місяців тому +62

      it’s not bad, it’s smart

    • @4PPLENEVE
      @4PPLENEVE 4 місяці тому +11


    • @cuvntfacexoxo
      @cuvntfacexoxo 3 місяці тому +13

      you might find one of your students here too idk 😓

    • @douhaamara3369
      @douhaamara3369 11 днів тому +3

      what do u think of me as an english translator listening to this 😅😅

  • @andrealikesyou
    @andrealikesyou Рік тому +672

    my grandmother on my dad side is fully japanese, as a kid, she would talk to me in japanese and i would respond in my native language, after all this years, i'm trying to learn japanese again since shes not feeling very well and i want to atleast speaks her native language with her!

    • @mothman26
      @mothman26 Рік тому +29

      That’s so sweet of you!!

    • @andrealikesyou
      @andrealikesyou Рік тому +11

      @@mothman26 aha thanks!

    • @hinamiu
      @hinamiu Рік тому +11

      how'd it go?

    • @andrealikesyou
      @andrealikesyou Рік тому +24

      @@hinamiu my prononciation had gotten way better and i can have a conversation in japanese!(only small talk tho)

    • @agneslune6245
      @agneslune6245 Рік тому +11

      @@andrealikesyoukeep working on it ! You’re gonna smash it ! 💕 God bless you and your grandma 🤍

  • @ski._yu3
    @ski._yu3 Рік тому +612

    Me: I want to learn a language!
    Also me: *ignores every single duolingo notification*

    • @JungsuYGunilMisPadres
      @JungsuYGunilMisPadres 9 місяців тому +10


    • @hafsaz_
      @hafsaz_ 9 місяців тому +25

      is your family okay??

    • @rayanroy8232
      @rayanroy8232 8 місяців тому +5

      Because we got subs

    • @Nammaunavu
      @Nammaunavu 8 місяців тому +1


    • @lilylilhare
      @lilylilhare 8 місяців тому +13

      Duo even threatens me with his message but yet I didn't pay attention to it and now delete it 😭😭

  • @Angelica-o8i
    @Angelica-o8i 8 місяців тому +16

    I wish to speak, understand read and write and express myself correctly in any possible languaje, inmediately, when needed, to surprise to everyone, me included, be even outsmarting natives and poets.

  • @knowitintobeing
    @knowitintobeing Рік тому +715

    Learning languages is so much fun and such a positive thing to do in life. 😊👍 We all should learn as many as we can and communicate as much and openly as we can to learn to understand each other and aim to create a better world. 🙏💗 Amazing subliminal idea! 😊👍

  • @Empair
    @Empair Рік тому +303

    I listened to this once, and I was finally able to understand my Mandarin listening lessons without having to repeat them 😭

    • @tbountybay3080
      @tbountybay3080 10 місяців тому


    • @Mildasgonewild
      @Mildasgonewild 10 місяців тому

      ​@@tbountybay3080 ?

    • @berchiezs
      @berchiezs 9 місяців тому

      @@tbountybay3080 😄

    • @sabai-555
      @sabai-555 6 місяців тому

      And why are you crying?

    • @egg9831
      @egg9831 5 місяців тому +14

      ​@@sabai-555 it's an expression of relief in this context

  • @dioncheung5891
    @dioncheung5891 Рік тому +188

    THIS WORKS SO WELL I GOT 100 ON MY SPANISH TEST SCREAMING AHHH i used to get 90s and 100s too but i got kinda depressed and my grades dropped to 80s to 90s (sometimes by guessing the answer correctly so it doesnt really count) but this time i finally got back on track, no answers guessed :) thank you so much
    edit: i have my spanish mock exams tomorrow and rn im really really tired and burnt out and have a throbbing headache i wrote like 1 sentence in 10 hours i wanna kms this subliminal is my last resort ill update on how it goes lol!! i really dont wanna disappoint my teacher she has really high hopes for me and wants me to carry on further education but i dont want to + feel like a fraud cuz i memorize paragraphs but this time im too burnt out to memorize any but i cant accept myself if i dont get 90+ so yeah!! sorry for the rant loll
    i feel like the mocks went okay actually but i definitely didnt do as good as i wouldve if i wasnt this burnt out but otherwise lets hope for the best!! ive got the speaking mocks tomorrow which is the worst part of spanish for me uh oh
    speaking mocks were okay!! i took a sneaky peek at my teacher's markings and most of the stuff was ticked off and mostly top bands yay, wouldve been better if i studied more but whatever its christmas anyway 😍👍👍
    UPDATE LMAOO I GOT FULL MARKS ON SPEAKING WOOOO the other sections were great too but omg i've got the final speaking in like 12 days and i'm procrastinating a lot these days i think i've become too complacent on studying these days so im back here again loll i really cant get less than full marks this time bc of my mocks or im gonna get rlly mad at myself :(

    • @Luca00280
      @Luca00280 Рік тому +1


    • @dioncheung5891
      @dioncheung5891 Рік тому

      @@Luca00280 will get the listening grades + speaking mocks tmr !!

    • @MiriOjeda
      @MiriOjeda Місяць тому

      Oleee los caracoles!!!!

  • @kristofferfarias4170
    @kristofferfarias4170 7 місяців тому +85

    THIS REALLY WORKS!!!! Today my mom complimented my French and I also could perfectly read Russian words!!! Thank you so much!!

  • @mozz777
    @mozz777 Рік тому +270

    i can already speak 3 languages but i do have some problems with my vocabulary and i want to learn 4 more!! thank you so much for this subliminal.

    • @thecurlyarab
      @thecurlyarab Рік тому +23

      I speak 3 languages too! What languages do you know and which ones are you learning :) I'm practicing my Spanish but I'm already fluent in both Arabic and English.

    • @mozz777
      @mozz777 Рік тому +23

      @@thecurlyarab that's so cool! i was thinking of learning spanish. Good luck with it :)) currently i can speak Polish, Czech, English and can understand other slavic languages. I want to learn Japanese, German, Russian and French :))

    • @thecurlyarab
      @thecurlyarab Рік тому +6

      @@mozz777 that's so super cool! I wanted to learn Japanese next soon too :) how's it going so far?

    • @mozz777
      @mozz777 Рік тому +8

      @@thecurlyarab it's going pretty well!! i can understand basic sentences but i can't read :') japanese is suuper hard

    • @thecurlyarab
      @thecurlyarab Рік тому +3

      @@mozz777 best of luck!

  • @khushh6271
    @khushh6271 Рік тому +220

    I just finished journaling. I usually do brain dumps, and today, I did it in both French and English. AND GUESS WHAT?! I see this masterpiece just after. Thank you so much for your hard work. All I can give in return is good energy💗💗

  • @Channel3_
    @Channel3_ 10 місяців тому +27

    I am learning Spanish now … I will be conversational by end of year, fluent by end of next year 🎉

  • @Luvyluvyfearnot
    @Luvyluvyfearnot Рік тому +35

    Using this bc my listening skill in mandarin are absolutely booty☠️
    It’s been weeks since I started using this and my listening has definitely gotten better omfg

  • @peachy.x7510
    @peachy.x7510 Рік тому +89

    Thank you so much for this subliminal! It came at a good time! I'm currently learning Japanese and Spanish

    • @leiaahlswede4485
      @leiaahlswede4485 7 місяців тому +1

      We have the same goal languages! Lmk how you're doing ❤

  • @umagarota8201
    @umagarota8201 Рік тому +94

    Hello Enchanted workshop! I'm Brazilian and I discovered your channel recently. This audio of yours has been helping me a lot to improve my English, but I intend to learn other languages as well. I came to thank you for the excellent work you do, I really enjoyed your audios!❤

    • @floatingaroundtheinternet
      @floatingaroundtheinternet Рік тому +8

      Your English is very good! ❤

    • @umagarota8201
      @umagarota8201 Рік тому +9

      @@floatingaroundtheinternet Thank you very much😊❤️

    • @tacobellemployee7819
      @tacobellemployee7819 Рік тому +5

      Goodluck, I know youll be amazing at any language you learn!! Im trying to learn Portuguese, I love the language so much :)

  • @rosewoodstone7465
    @rosewoodstone7465 Рік тому +305

    I've been learning French in school for almost three years now, but I only started taking it seriously three days ago. You read minds with your uploads; thank you so much! 💖

    • @wurstbrat.
      @wurstbrat. Рік тому +8

      Fr! This channel always uploads right when I need. :0

    • @featuring_
      @featuring_ Рік тому +12

      courage! et rappelles toi, tu es déjà billingue queen!!

    • @rosewoodstone7465
      @rosewoodstone7465 Рік тому +10

      @@featuring_ Merci beacoup! Tu déjà parle bonne francais?

    • @featuring_
      @featuring_ Рік тому +10

      @@rosewoodstone7465 oui, je suis française ^^

    • @rosewoodstone7465
      @rosewoodstone7465 Рік тому +7

      @@featuring_ Super! Je adore ton langue.

  • @Xpumk1nn_
    @Xpumk1nn_ 11 місяців тому +12

    So I’ve been learning turkish for awhile and I wanted to speak to my dad(he’s Turkish) and after watching this video it made me know more turkish and gave me confidence to speak in turkish

    • @Xpumk1nn_
      @Xpumk1nn_ 10 місяців тому +5

      @@candicewhite17yes I have been talking more in turkish! Anddd I’m going to Türkiye next year

  • @cotton_puff4594
    @cotton_puff4594 Рік тому +83

    I commented on this subliminal before and had my progress tracked but UA-cam deleted it and I’m hoping that this time it won’t get deleted💀
    But I’m learning Brazilian Portuguese and overall I learn the greeting and basics so far!
    I feel like I got the accent(well I’m not sure really, I can’t tell if I do?😭) but I remember I struggled to say this one specific word a few days ago and I had this looped while I practiced saying it and I finally got it! So this helped me with that which I’m so thankful, I remember the words even better in the language which I’m so grateful(cause my memory is usually terrible💀) but that’s it so far I’ll see if I start updating again but no promises🙌
    4/20/2023: I’ve know I posted this comment like 30 something or minutes ago but I wrote a basic greeting conversation in Portuguese and wanted to share it to you all!
    Person A: Muito prazer! Como você está?
    Person B: Muito prazer! Estou bem e você?
    Person A: Estou bem, qual é o seu nome?
    Person B: Meu nome é ___ e você?
    Person A: Meu nome é ___, Tchau!
    Person B: Tchau
    But yeah that was it (Ik it’s basic convo but I’m trying to get more in touch with the language yk? But yeah that’s all)
    5/30/2023: Hello! I’ve wanted to come back to this sub and write my process again on learning Brazil Portuguese, sorry for not updating for a while, I’ve happen to get busy but still learn a few words a day in the language. Overall I would say that my pronunciation has gotten wayyyy better, when I pronounce a word that tricks me up and when I listen to this sub it always helps me get the pronunciation sooner or later which is very helpful. I’ve happen to remember a pretty good amount of words I’ve learn so far in the language and overall found the language a bit more easier then when I first started it. And that’s pretty much it for now! I’ll see if I can start updating more often but like I said before, no promises🫶
    5/31/2023: AHHH I’m so happy! So I’m learning the family members in Brazil and there are these two words(that I’ve learn so far) that is avó(Grandmother) and avô(Grandfather) and they’re pronunciation has been messing me up and I’ve been looping this and have been saying the word out loud and I finally got it! I’m so glad

    • @umagarota8201
      @umagarota8201 Рік тому +6

      Oh! I am Brazilian! How nice to know that you like our accent!I hope you're making great progress. (And I'm sorry if I wrote something wrong, I'm not very good in English. But I'm listening to the audio and practicing a lot to improve.)

    • @clara9958
      @clara9958 Рік тому +5

      Wow! You're really progressing! I'm Brazilian and using this audio for make my English better, and cuz I want to learn other languages (German, Italian, Latin, Japanese and anothers). Anyways, your Brazilian Portuguese is going great, it's basic but, I'm seeing, you understand well the gramatic. Good luck, buddie, you have so much potential!!

    • @CarlaBrenda-h8l
      @CarlaBrenda-h8l 2 місяці тому +1

      Meus parabéns!!! Seu português está ótimo! Ouço o áudio para aprender inglês e outras línguas. Enfim... Boa sorte na sua aprendizagem de português, você está indo muito bem e tem muito potencial 👏🏾 Congratulations buddie!! You're welcome in our country!! 😊

  • @lilicapela751
    @lilicapela751 Рік тому +19

    honestly i really believe this works, Portuguese was my first language and i used to be insecure about speaking it so i forgot it and now i want to re-learn it and this has been giving me motivation and overall i just think im speaking it better

    @L0VESTRUCK. Рік тому +36

    learning Arabic in duolingo rn, will update :3
    update 1: okay it wasnt even 15 mins after i commented this, looped this subliminal and started remembering questions easier? Not all of them, but some.
    update 2: i just got through 3 practice lessons SO FAST.
    update 3: im having a lot of fun learning and i have more motivation. :D

    • @lolo-princess3560
      @lolo-princess3560 Рік тому +1

      i speak arabic, iam from Egypt if you want to be friends

  • @lolitta7714
    @lolitta7714 7 місяців тому +18

    I'm using it when i memories words, it really works, i memories a lot of words in a day and the language that i learn ,( English) it starts to be more organized in my brain, and i start to figure out a lot of things that i neglected before, I'm so happy, thank you so much

    • @iamthefirstandonlycheesecake
      @iamthefirstandonlycheesecake 5 місяців тому +2

      ur doing rlly good for a non native speaker ‼️ (preface this as English is so unlawful and chaotic and so hard to guess) but I think you mean to use memorize instead of memories ! memories is the plural of memory, and memorize is the indicative verb. the ies in memories makes a sound like the e in reeks or eat, and the ize in memorize makes a sound like in fries or lies .. even though they’re spelled the same they don’t make the same noise (for some bs reason!)
      keep it up !! ❤ I hope I make it to ur level in my target language :)

  • @Chicoyo21
    @Chicoyo21 Рік тому +165

    I studied Chinese for 2 years and I forgot it all. I I hope I can maybe get into it again and I’ve been wanting to learn Portuguese. I find it really beautiful and I’m going to use this to DEf learn it.

    • @nanaday2day
      @nanaday2day Рік тому +19

      Como vai? Melhoraste em português? Falando em português para praticares pois é minha primeira lingua ❤ (speaking in portuguese to help you test urself and remind u not to quit!)

    • @ynnafehtsy9644
      @ynnafehtsy9644 Рік тому +5

      Hey I'm from Brazil if you want I can help you with what you don't understand

    • @P77dr0
      @P77dr0 Рік тому +1

      Bom continue melhorando o seu português (não sou português de Portugal sou português do Brasil)

    • @SpideyManager
      @SpideyManager 8 місяців тому +1

      O difícil do português para os estrangeiros são nossas gírias.

    • @Chicoyo21
      @Chicoyo21 8 місяців тому

      @@ynnafehtsy9644 heyyy this is a late reply but like a language buddy?

  • @Chiachi_
    @Chiachi_ Рік тому +14

    This works. Bundled w others for maybe 2 weeks but I specifically come to this one every few days. Thank u

  • @sela888
    @sela888 Рік тому +21

    Life is always better when Aurora uploads ❤

  • @pixieedust777
    @pixieedust777 Рік тому +24

    These days I've been learning a new language and i even searched for subs to enhance my learning and i wanted one which is recently uploaded but didn't find any. This came at the perfect time! Thank so much

  • @run2myrto
    @run2myrto Рік тому +23


    • @ilxveeunchqe
      @ilxveeunchqe Рік тому +8

      OMG. AS A RUSSIAN IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT! удачи тебе! никогда не здавайся

    • @imacommentator
      @imacommentator Рік тому +1

      Как успехи? Надеюсь, этот саблиминал вам помог😊

    • @ariesblood
      @ariesblood 11 місяців тому +1

      well, learning ruzzian language nowadays is kinda bullshit, there are many beautiful slavic languages besides this, so u can try any of them)))

    • @mint_wind.
      @mint_wind. 10 місяців тому +4

      ​@@ariesblood why? I think russian is kinda cool

  • @ciel.2785
    @ciel.2785 Рік тому +23

    this is like miracle, i have entrance exams to uni from japanese language as i want to study japanology so it came out handy in the right time, i am sure this will make it much better for me and less stressful!

  • @view_and_comment4887
    @view_and_comment4887 Рік тому +53

    I love how you used music from Aladin who would speak Arabic and that's one of the hardest languages to learn

    • @Ellkarm
      @Ellkarm Рік тому +10


    • @L0VESTRUCK.
      @L0VESTRUCK. Рік тому


    • @Sakura_yukiyo
      @Sakura_yukiyo Рік тому +5

      Arabic is easy I am muslim so I have been learning it since I was 3 and yeah I get confused in grammar but it's easy and arabic is really beautiful with the right pronunciation

    • @view_and_comment4887
      @view_and_comment4887 Рік тому +5

      @@Sakura_yukiyo Thanks for the response 😆. When you learn a language from such a young age it always seems easy. I've grown up around Polish and it has always seemed easy to me but to others not so much. I mostly meant that Arabic is considered a Level 4 language which is the highest level, compared to English that is a Level 1 language and Polish is a Level 3 language so to Native English speakers it may still seem difficult.

    • @view_and_comment4887
      @view_and_comment4887 Рік тому

      @@Ellkarm How's it going?

  • @RageDarkness-sv5gg
    @RageDarkness-sv5gg 8 місяців тому +7

    language goals:
    - German
    - Italian
    - French
    - Japanese
    - Finnish

    • @fille5839
      @fille5839 8 місяців тому +2

      Finish sound so funny, good luck!💗✨

  • @FibonacciPasta
    @FibonacciPasta 8 місяців тому +6

    I just love how you have subliminals for everything I be searching up for! This is why you're one of my favorite subliminal channels hehehehe

  • @Random_Shadow50
    @Random_Shadow50 8 місяців тому +5

    I struggle with reading my home language so I hope this helps

  • @itssquishy3364
    @itssquishy3364 Рік тому +14

    i have to learn polish because i live here
    its really difficult
    and the fact that i go to a polish school makes things hard
    i hope this subliminal, i know that this subliminal will give me that push

    • @SuperSillySuperSoaker
      @SuperSillySuperSoaker 7 місяців тому

      POLSKA GUROM you got this bro the language sucks but I believe in you!!

  • @s0ledadSperanza
    @s0ledadSperanza Рік тому +6

    submakers like you always read my mind/energy and it blows my mind every time

  • @renaa-maizono
    @renaa-maizono Рік тому +7

    i needed this for english and italian, tysm

  • @asamamama7512
    @asamamama7512 7 місяців тому +7

    I speak english, bosnian and broken german, so I’m currently listening to this to improve my german along with a way to learn Korean, Japanese and French easier!

  • @rinO_O.
    @rinO_O. Рік тому +12

    i am literally awful at my native language, it's not even funny anymore. i just feel very dumb when i try to read something in my native language and it takes me more than enough time than needed. i am going to change that. ✌️

  • @mothman26
    @mothman26 Рік тому +27

    This is so perfect I’m learning French for a trip to Paris in October!!!

    • @redsalamander3180
      @redsalamander3180 Рік тому +10

      Tu vas y arriver mon gars (ou ma fille), j'ai confiance en tes capacités !

    • @mothman26
      @mothman26 Рік тому +7

      @@redsalamander3180 aww merci! ❤

  • @LurkingUser
    @LurkingUser Рік тому +28

    Thank you for this ❤️ Im currently learning Mandarin and Spanish!

    • @s0ledadSperanza
      @s0ledadSperanza Рік тому +3

      also learning Spanish, plus Sanskrit and plan on learning Japanese in the future :DD

    • @LurkingUser
      @LurkingUser Рік тому +3

      @@s0ledadSperanza Sanskrit looks difficult, good luck!

    • @s0ledadSperanza
      @s0ledadSperanza Рік тому +1

      @@LurkingUser thanks so much! Good luck to you too!

    • @xzenenra
      @xzenenra Рік тому +1

      I am learning Mandarin too!

    • @mars-jr5uu
      @mars-jr5uu Рік тому


  • @shutdownmermaid3701
    @shutdownmermaid3701 Місяць тому +3

    The next day after I listened to this once I literally got a notification for a free language learning course available through the contest, and you could choose the language you want to learn!

  • @Vhestale
    @Vhestale Рік тому +41

    Oh, I just started learning chinese a month ago, so this is so cool! ♡ And there's plenty of other langages I want to learn as well, so this sub is going to be put to good use!

    • @elt2773
      @elt2773 Рік тому

      I wanna speak Korean and Chinese

  • @blessparco
    @blessparco 7 місяців тому +9

    this is one subliminal that I need because I'm still having a hard time with French despite getting naturalized as a French. Merci beaucoup pour ce subliminal. :)

  • @thesultanah.m
    @thesultanah.m Рік тому +13

    as a chinese language major, i needed this! thanks so much!

  • @Avery-ul7gh
    @Avery-ul7gh Рік тому +9

    I heard a band sing a psalm from the Bible in ancient Hebrew and it was life changing, i couldn't even explain it but i NEED to learn Hebrew now.... And every other language gotta keep my overachiever reputation up🙃😭😏, God bless the learning of your language ❤️

  • @user-qn4rn1gh5h
    @user-qn4rn1gh5h 4 місяці тому +4

    this works! my vietnamese boyfriend listened to this daily and learned English and japanese all by himself!

  • @CrumbledStudios
    @CrumbledStudios Рік тому +37

    Thank you, I am American and my school only offers Spanish but the teacher is not the best so I use Duolingo. Some languages I will be fluent in before I’m 18
    And many more ❤✨

    • @melocotonkawaii4809
      @melocotonkawaii4809 Рік тому +4

      El español es un idioma increíble!

    • @kai6462
      @kai6462 Рік тому +1

      Hey, wanna be study buddies? Do you have any socials? I'm studying German and Japanese!^^

    • @harermetic.sebClaudio038
      @harermetic.sebClaudio038 Рік тому +1

      Espero te vaya bien con nuestro idioma Español. And you'll can know speak others languages. Although I don'd recommend using Duolingo (*´・ω・)

    • @CrumbledStudios
      @CrumbledStudios Рік тому +1

      @@harermetic.sebClaudio038 Oh kk, do you know any other free ones I could use?

    • @harermetic.sebClaudio038
      @harermetic.sebClaudio038 Рік тому +1

      @@CrumbledStudios Hmmm as such, the best thing that has worked for me is chatting with people than have speaking languages no-spanish like me as hispanohablante. Like as using servers from Discord or Reddits

  • @kanggsujin
    @kanggsujin Рік тому +14

    i'm learning 12+ languages so i'm so glad i found this sub 😭😭

    • @killsomefool1239
      @killsomefool1239 Рік тому +9

      Miss girl 12+ languages, are u insane i love your drive and determination. What languages are they?

    • @18maithaaa31
      @18maithaaa31 Рік тому +2

      Wowwww ur goals

  • @hqjjahdiejekgshaks
    @hqjjahdiejekgshaks Рік тому +4

    omg omg omg omg!!!!! my chinese and french class started yesterday and this pop up right on time! THIS IS A SIGN

  • @Lumi_Nary_gacha
    @Lumi_Nary_gacha Рік тому +6

    I just started learning greek with Duolingo and i can almost read every word perfectly and memorize their sound too ! Tysm I’ll update

  • @jjk4107
    @jjk4107 Рік тому +13


  • @igot7jams300
    @igot7jams300 Рік тому +9

    will use this for french, tysm aurora ily

  • @happywithdrawal
    @happywithdrawal Рік тому +9

    THIS WAS JUST WHAT I NEEDED 😆💖 thank you sm for making this!!!

  • @AoiUsagiOtoko
    @AoiUsagiOtoko Рік тому +5

    thank you for this! i've been on-and-off learning japanese for years and recently picked up toki pona as well. the latter is way easier than the former but the little boost this provides is still very much appreciated 💕

  • @Alguien_574
    @Alguien_574 9 місяців тому +4

    i always wanted to learn many languages, i am a native spanish speaker and i am currently learning portuguese and japanese, but in the future i want to learn russian, german, french and arab, tomorrow i have japanese exam and i hope this subliminal works

  • @snoopdog1097
    @snoopdog1097 8 місяців тому +6

    I was studying Japanese but I’m taking a break and studying Tunisian Arabic for my partner I’m studying for multiple hours a day I will update it I can find this comment

    • @snoopdog1097
      @snoopdog1097 7 місяців тому +2

      this works a lot i managed to pick up a lot of french too without trying

  • @RoboVogue98
    @RoboVogue98 Рік тому +13

    Thank you for another amazing and artistic upload!❤❤

  • @Nitzika_Nayelli
    @Nitzika_Nayelli Рік тому +22

    I lokey want to continue learning Ukrainian, French and start German,Turkish,Korean, Chinese,Thai,and Hindi 😭

    • @CoralineYann
      @CoralineYann 8 місяців тому +8

      as an Indian, I've never seen on the internet, a person who wants to learn hindi and your comment made me happy 💗😭

    • @halyna_subliminals
      @halyna_subliminals 8 місяців тому +4


  • @flouqisxx
    @flouqisxx Рік тому +42

    I want to improve my english and french but im too lazy to learn so here I am, listening to this subliminal. Ill update results!!
    Update: it gave me so much motivation to learn, i noticed that I can remember new french words faster!!! I listen to it like 5-7 times while sleeping. Also it helped me with learning Latin and I think I'm more fluent in English???

    • @ToastedSeagul
      @ToastedSeagul Рік тому +1

      Your English is really good holy cow

    • @flouqisxx
      @flouqisxx Рік тому

      @@ToastedSeagul thanks love 🫀

    • @namivxz
      @namivxz Рік тому +3

      @@flouqisxxur English is rlly good, here u write listed instead of listen sorry that I'm kinda annoying but here is some tip since u wanna improve ur English!

    • @flouqisxx
      @flouqisxx Рік тому +1

      @@namivxz THANK YOU 🫀🫀

    • @namivxz
      @namivxz Рік тому +1

      YWWW 💗💗🤭

  • @ldrluvr
    @ldrluvr Рік тому +8

    perfect since im practicing my hindi, spanish and korean rn ! 💗

  • @TheFuschiaDragonfly
    @TheFuschiaDragonfly Рік тому +14

    As a uni language student, I have to say: FINALLY 😍

  • @hayuminahinko542
    @hayuminahinko542 9 місяців тому +3

    I’m legit the best in English
    Like seriously I don’t even study properly and I get great marks
    I correct my own parent’s grammar

  • @AM-yu9wy
    @AM-yu9wy Рік тому +11

    This is perfect for me to learn both Spanish and Korean.

  • @Meraki__
    @Meraki__ Рік тому +3

    Using this to boost my learning ability for Filipino!!! English is my first language and I always have difficulty learning a new language because I simply can't wrap my head around it.... So yakang-yaka para sainyo kung gusto magaaral ng bagong language!!! (hope I typed that right AHAHAHA)

  • @failedlearningFrench
    @failedlearningFrench Рік тому +12

    I am going to a french billingual program in my highschool so I am using rhis subliminal to help me reach a better french level :))
    GOAL IS : B1 level a year from now
    START DATE : 7.9.2023.
    ~ I plan on updating every three days
    here so I can stay focused ❤
    - 5 minutes Drops App for vocab
    - 5 minutes on Duolingo for habit
    - 5 minutes on Busuu app
    - 10 new words everyday
    - Listen to one french learninn podcast everyday
    - Read 1 page in french everyday
    [ NOTE: If you have any respurces you would recommend, please share!! ]
    - I didnt have time to do it yesterday but Ill try and do most of the things today
    - I finished duolingo,busuu and drop i will try and watch a youtube video in french, with subtitiles and without taking notes because im tired. I will mabe start a journa in french.

    • @snoopdog1097
      @snoopdog1097 8 місяців тому

      Try UA-cam videos because you need to learn grammar and plurals and past and future

  • @somuborua
    @somuborua Рік тому +6

    using this while studying english for my upcoming competitive exams 🔥

  • @Gewuo
    @Gewuo Рік тому +19

    This is so creative and beautiful ! The editing, the sound, the atmosphere created- its all so lovely ! I feel so good listening ! Well done Aurora ! 👏 ❤

  • @graphicdesign-5266
    @graphicdesign-5266 9 місяців тому +4


  • @gurmeetkaur8978
    @gurmeetkaur8978 Рік тому +4

    Feeling like I am in a disney movie. Love the soundtrack 💗💗

  • @nilakshihazra9164
    @nilakshihazra9164 Рік тому +5

    Omg thank you so much. I can't explain how much I needed this. tomorrow I have sanskrit (3rd language ig) exam and also my first language exam. hope it works

  • @JungsuYGunilMisPadres
    @JungsuYGunilMisPadres Місяць тому +3

    Llevo aproximadamente 2 días escuchando el audio y ya puedo pronunciar la R en francés 😭💕

  • @mxloverman2898
    @mxloverman2898 Рік тому +7

    I started learning Korean seriously years ago but I haven’t been studying for a long time apart from watching Kdrama’s lmao. Got the urge to start again. 화이팅!

  • @MrHaroldG
    @MrHaroldG 11 місяців тому +2

    For the past three months, I'm getting back into Spanish again. I already knew all there is to know: how to pronounce words, how to form phrases, what verbal tenses to use, etc. The only issue I have had is with comprehension - this after so many years of abandoning the language. I'm using this as: "I'm fluent in Spanish without classes or lessons."

  • @daniellelendino8003
    @daniellelendino8003 2 місяці тому +1

    Thank you sm🎀~ I'm going to Finland for vacation in a few weeks and I rlly wanna get the language nice and bc it's kinda an "awakening" for me I don't let language embarrass me ~

  • @starryarim
    @starryarim 5 місяців тому +2

    I used this for a language certificate exam with only 2-3 weeks of exam preparation + self study bcs I couldn't afford tutors. I ended up being one of the 4 ppl who passed all modules out of 30+ participants

  • @hanimie
    @hanimie 11 місяців тому +5


  • @naeka.
    @naeka. Рік тому +4

    AAAA so beautiful, the visuals and the sound !!!!!🌷

  • @yuyuw1ty
    @yuyuw1ty 6 місяців тому +4

    Listening to this while studying Korean, wishing fast results to all of you

  • @LadyLaBliss
    @LadyLaBliss Рік тому +2

    I prayed for this sub! Thank you so much!

  • @wozwald2530
    @wozwald2530 Рік тому +5

    I would looove you to do a scientist mastery subliminal!! Take care of yourself and thank you for your quality content ❤❤❤

  • @moonstruck-vd6re
    @moonstruck-vd6re Рік тому +1

    loving all the recent uploads

  • @yohoho3974
    @yohoho3974 7 місяців тому +5

    I speak English and Russian but now I want to improve my Russian and learn Lithuanian! When I was younger my parents would speak Lithuanian when they didn't want us to know what they were saying, I used to always feel so curious plus my family's go to place for vacation is lithuania and mums friends all have kids speaking Lithuanian 😭
    so thanks for this!! time to learn 💪

  • @aleksandra3523
    @aleksandra3523 Рік тому +2


  • @ksxfox
    @ksxfox Рік тому +4

    i want to learn thai so badly but phew it’s so hard! BUT
    it will get easier as i go on and i will master this language!

  • @bb1212-lov
    @bb1212-lov 4 місяці тому

    Your subliminals always just make me feel better; safe, comforted- like a loyal friend "who has got me back !". I'm grateful for this channel as it has changed my life for the best, not only for me but the people around me and my future self! Thank you so mucch , and please continue with the great work xx :)

  • @Sam-vm7lh
    @Sam-vm7lh Рік тому +5

    i just found out about your channel and I feel good listening to the audios, maybe this will help me to learn English lol, thank you for the subliminal

    • @thecurlyarab
      @thecurlyarab Рік тому +1

      your english seems to be good in your comment, Sam :) keep going!

  • @talluishere
    @talluishere Рік тому +6

    I'm trying to learn korean, spanish and will try either franch or italian soon, wish me luck!!!

  • @yellinout_tee
    @yellinout_tee Рік тому +1

    ok i’m going to be using this because I would love speaking another language then english !!!

  • @puminii
    @puminii 25 днів тому +1

    I only started Chinese lessons for the first time this year, I learn new characters fairly fast ( even if i already knew some characters from Japanese ) and my teacher always tell me how impressed she is by my prononciation and fluidity when we have an oral test 😋😋
    Also I installed some Chinese apps like 抖音 and 小红书 which trains my listening comprehension❕🫶
    Thank you so much for this sub you ate as always 🙌❕

  • @userk111
    @userk111 Рік тому +3

    such a beautiful channel!!
    I love your subs and the thumbnails of your videos are beautiful ~

  • @floatingaroundtheinternet
    @floatingaroundtheinternet Рік тому +4

    My subconscious: *learning French*
    My theater kid conscious: ARABIAN NIIIIGHTTTTTS

  • @kaminaridenken
    @kaminaridenken 6 місяців тому +6

    Spanish, ASL, Filipino, Chinese, and Swedish 🤟🏼 555 i claim it!!

  • @Butterfly_br
    @Butterfly_br 9 місяців тому +1

    Thank you very much!💗💗

  • @_GOWI_
    @_GOWI_ 5 місяців тому +4

    Omg why i’m so perfectly fluent in korean, english, japanese, chinese and spanish ?!?

    • @_GOWI_
      @_GOWI_ 5 місяців тому +1

      Is a manifestation/affirmation

  • @pollymat991
    @pollymat991 Рік тому +6

    I'm trying to balance different languages.
    Chinese, German, Spanish and Hebrew (easier mid Eastern language I think)
    So hopefully I can balance these comfortably and stay motivated.
    I might get back into Portuguese as well. we'll see.

  • @melodyyeverdeen
    @melodyyeverdeen Рік тому +1

    OHMYGOD im a language student and i have a REALLY important exam in 2 months, this will help me a lot, thank you!

  • @ilovemothermother
    @ilovemothermother Рік тому +4

    I’m learning Polish, but I have zero patience, so I hope this gives me the motivation to learn how to speak it fluently.

  • @abcluminal4203
    @abcluminal4203 Рік тому +4

    Don't need calm version ur music choice is ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @Bunny-nh4js
    @Bunny-nh4js Рік тому +1

    Learning Spanish and French rn and I’m so Inlove with the language’s fluency is my dream and I hope in a few years I’ll be proficient

  • @mikasablackerman6776
    @mikasablackerman6776 Рік тому +2

    Thank you! I’ve always wanted to be fluent in Japanese,Spanish and French but I’ve been slacking for years

  • @arianagonzalez3238
    @arianagonzalez3238 9 місяців тому +3

    I’m trying to learn French, and I’d like to learn Japanese, Korean,Russian and many others

  • @white7973
    @white7973 8 місяців тому +2