Beautiful Rhodesia

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,5 тис.

  • @AP-ex1zi
    @AP-ex1zi 3 роки тому +53

    I feel so privileged to have been born and raised in beautiful Rhodesia. I miss my home so much! Great memories. Thank you.

    • @edwardamosbrandwein3583
      @edwardamosbrandwein3583 3 роки тому +4

      I miss it too!
      My family and I left Rhodesia upon Mugabe's victory and moved to South Africa (1980).
      We stayed there until 1999 when we moved to Israel, where we live, when things went totally out of control there

    • @tywinlannister9391
      @tywinlannister9391 Рік тому

      Hello, can you explain some more ? I always wanted to speak with a true Rhodesian

  • @martinwarne8137
    @martinwarne8137 9 років тому +122

    Rhodesia was super. !
    Ian Smith made Rhodesia great !
    ZanuPF made Zimbabwe Ruins !

    • @harveysmith100
      @harveysmith100 6 років тому +2

      Great comment

    • @4rgy11e7
      @4rgy11e7 5 років тому +7

      Had Ian Smith made a Rhodesia for both black and white there might never had been a Zanu PF. Few here would publicly acknowledge this but deep down you know this is fact. Also to prove a point, most of the "Rhodesia" in the video is the"white" Rhodesia which blacks could only part take as workers. Why did the video omit townships etc where all the black people were confined. I use the word confined because then, even if one had the money, was not allowed to live where the whites lives.
      So let's be clear and at the very least let's acknowledge these facts. At the same time I acknowledge that Yes Zanu PF fcukd up Zimbabwe. If not for what I've said above, there wouldn't have been a Zanu PF.
      Now take a minute and imagine what Rhodesia could have been like today if upon arrival, Cecil John and them had treated the natives fair and square, no racism no restrictions no nothing. If you can't even imagine this you're probably not any different.
      Good day my people... Black White Indian Asian and every mixture of this combination!

    • @owlie373
      @owlie373 2 роки тому +1

      ​@@4rgy11e7 There were no racism, only logical meritocracy. Most of the black in Africa poorly educated and cant be part of rule (Zimbabwe is direct example of that).

  • @shayncyprowski7247
    @shayncyprowski7247 8 років тому +69

    long live the memory of Northern Rhodesia and Southern Rhodesia

  • @brianbooker9799
    @brianbooker9799 9 років тому +54

    Rhodesia will always be in my heart. Zimbabwe will always be synonimous with the site near Fort Vic ZIMBABWE RUINS. A great country RHODESIA gone, lost but never forgotten. Indeed a paradise on earth.

  • @770yd
    @770yd 5 років тому +57

    Would love to have a cuppa with a Rhodesian. On another note, it's quite terrifying that what happened there is slowly happening to the western world. Stay safe friends, love from Britannia.

    • @SK-ko8dr
      @SK-ko8dr 3 роки тому +6

      Not slowly, quite rapidly. Most of London is already segregated by racial and religous lines and uninhabitable for white people ( I dont even mean british, just white).

    • @770yd
      @770yd 3 роки тому +5

      @@SK-ko8dr Oh yes, London fell long ago.

    • @drunkensailor112
      @drunkensailor112 2 роки тому

      @@SK-ko8dr lol. Such bull shit.

    • @louismzobe3073
      @louismzobe3073 Рік тому

      ​@@SK-ko8drIt's always about white people now i'nt?

  • @angusewanmacdougall839
    @angusewanmacdougall839 8 років тому +38

    Salisbury77 thanks for the upload mate great memories/footage of our once great nation , never get tired of listening to John Edmonds ............. ....
    Born in wankie raised in bulawayo (City of Kings) , Matabeleland North ... Rhodie's never die ! ......
    Greetings from New Zealand

    • @flaviolima1661
      @flaviolima1661 7 років тому +3

      Angus MacDougall my father was born in Salisbury. Greetings from Brasil

    • @angusewanmacdougall839
      @angusewanmacdougall839 5 років тому +5

      @@flaviolima1661 I'm not surprised as there were alot of Portuguese living there in Salisbury , Byo , Gwelo , Fort Victoria , esp Umtali . Alot of Portuguese came from Mozambique , Angola . ... Greetings from New Zealand 🇳🇿

    • @asimple
      @asimple 5 років тому

      @@angusewanmacdougall839 oh damn your that guy who commented also on BSAP video, how your mom used to sing the song to you or something right?

  • @GreencampRhodie
    @GreencampRhodie 11 років тому +46

    Rise O Voices Of Rhodesia

    • @markhenley3097
      @markhenley3097 7 років тому +4

      Bringing her your proud acclaim,
      Grandly echoing through the mountains,
      Rolling over far flung plain,
      Roaring in the mighty rivers,
      Joining in one grand refrain,
      Ascending to the sunlit Heavens,
      Telling of her honoured name!

  • @Dyadya_Storozh
    @Dyadya_Storozh 10 років тому +46

    Rhodesia! Beautiful country!

    • @lol-iv1ft
      @lol-iv1ft Рік тому +1

      Слава Богу що я найшов Українець! Слава Україні

  • @ramna9250
    @ramna9250 4 роки тому +13

    back then everything was so clean.. the streets

  • @samlittle6092
    @samlittle6092 10 років тому +32

    I've watched this 100 times.

    • @MegaAv8or
      @MegaAv8or 10 років тому +12

      Me too and I don't tire of it. One day this country will rise up again.

    • @samlittle6092
      @samlittle6092 10 років тому +4

      101 times.

  • @ПетровМихаил-г1р
    @ПетровМихаил-г1р 12 років тому +15

    I've read about Rhodesia just a few days ago and i was suprised! I couldn't even fancy that people can live in Africa soo good! Without famines and shortage of medicines and clear water! Rhodesia was like paradise among wars and disasters of Africa. And of course i admire Rhodesian army. They really were men among men!
    Respect for Ian Smith and rhodesians which fought agains communism, colonialism and injustice.
    With esteem and respect from Russia.

  • @angusmackenzie9897
    @angusmackenzie9897 10 років тому +26

    Watching this brings back a lot of good/bad memories of my childhood growing up in Fort Victoria (Masvingo) in the 70s during Bush war fighting the marxist communist criminals from across the border in mozambique & zambia .
    Opening song , "SalisburyTown" was written/sung by legend , Bulawayo 's , Mr John Edmonds , known for his patriotic catchy folk songs .
    Dankie vir die oplaai :)
    Groete van Australie !!

    • @louismzobe3073
      @louismzobe3073 Рік тому

      So where were these Marxist criminal terrorist from,and what exactly did they want?Are there no Marxist criminal terrorist s when you now live?

  • @kevinball2023
    @kevinball2023 11 років тому +23

    Awwww yes how I miss my beloved "The City of Kings" Bulawayo , my birthplace my hometown . Was only 11yrs old when we all left back in 1981 , 12mths after Mugabe & his henchmen terrorists came in Power ...
    Now my beloved RHODESHIA is a cest pool of Death-Destruction-Mayhem-Starvation and Arnachy !!!! ...

    • @bradwyrick4738
      @bradwyrick4738 4 роки тому

      Let’s go I’ll whip on them for you

    • @sese4945
      @sese4945 5 місяців тому

      are you a real person? i see your comments under so many videos i'm starting to think you are a robot.

  • @jagerking7020
    @jagerking7020 Рік тому +4

    That looks like such an amazing place.

  • @onkelwonkel229
    @onkelwonkel229 3 роки тому +2

    Everytime I watch Clips of Rhodesia it seem this land Was a big adventure Park. I would have given a lot to visit
    God bless Rhodesia

  • @jeanhodgson8623
    @jeanhodgson8623 8 років тому +26

    The comments at the end of the video are spot on. I notice that Sweden is mentioned. That must be why God has cursed it with Islam. I am British, but I got to see Bulawayo and the Vic Falls in 1974, just before it became too dangerous. The British government had the gall to ban British citizens from going there, but that didn't bother me. Rhodesia then was a paradise in Southern Africa that provided food for many nations in the region. Well done, ignorant British, for destroying it. At the top of the list of criminals is that poser, Wilson, with his fake Yorkshire accent. If only the Rhodesians could have held on, but when you have powerful Commie countries assisting terrorists, you are going to lose. Terrible tragedy.

    • @ዘነዘና
      @ዘነዘና 4 роки тому

      Of course, it was beautyful, fertile, and modern, but, at the end of the day, it belongs to others, regardless of their ability to develop, you guys seems to ignore that, I am sorry that you guys are sad about it, but it is what it is.

    • @madala9324
      @madala9324 3 роки тому +1

      Don’t be sad they are coming to the U.K. it is called poetic justice. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @martinwarne8137
    @martinwarne8137 9 років тому +39

    50 years ago on 11th November 1965, we assumed our Sovereign Independence for the benefit of all Rhodesians (whatever ethnic background) & had nearly 15 glorious years against all odds. Our internal settlement was a World Beater & but we were betrayed and sold to ZanuPF by the Thatcher British Government which gave in to Commonwealth pressure.
    Rhodesia was super !

    • @nzpatriot2009
      @nzpatriot2009 8 років тому +8

      +martin warne Our commonwealth abandoned our Rhodesian kith and kin in their hour of need, and I for one am disgusted, ashamed and eternally sorry for the actions of our own politicians at that time. We helped ruin a great country, and now all we can do to make up for it is offer Rhodesians a new home to help make up for the one we helped destroy.

    • @martinwarne8137
      @martinwarne8137 8 років тому +3

      +NZ Patriot Your comments gladden the heart of every Rhodesian in the world- we are truly grateful to know there are people like you out there with real values !

    • @Againstdhawa
      @Againstdhawa 8 років тому +2

      +NZ Patriot many a brave KIWI fought for Rhodesia and many KIWIS lived there AUSSIES and KIWIS were Rhodesias brothers

    • @martinwarne8137
      @martinwarne8137 8 років тому +1

      +Theafricanlakekayak Welcome comments- Good to know our friends are still there

    • @angusewanmacdougall839
      @angusewanmacdougall839 8 років тому +7

      During the civil war in the late 70s when Zanu/Zipra Marxist Terrorists couldn't match-it with our boys from the Rhodesian Security Forces ( eg: RhSAS , RLI , Sealous/Grey Scouts , RAR , BSAP , RhAF etc) in the bush , these murderers went for our cilivian population - planting bombs at Shopping Malls , Shot-down 2x civilian aircrafts (Air Rhodesia in 1978-79) killing raping torchering men-women-children and babies , black & white ........., I was just a kid at primary/high school student in Byo at that time ..... We left Byo in 83 via Kenya than emigrated to NZ .

  • @moirapettifr7127
    @moirapettifr7127 Рік тому +2

    If there ever was a Utopia on earth these pictures make old Rhodesia look like it. ❤

  • @jfranklins
    @jfranklins 15 років тому +4

    Rhodesia is not forgotten. God bless her.

  • @shakman8612
    @shakman8612 8 років тому +10

    After all the blacks built nothing it was already there . I was not born yet but I bet they really lived a life and dam enjoyed it

  • @iDracula2208
    @iDracula2208 4 роки тому +1

    I loved the video. I grew up under one of the communist dictatorships in Eastern Europe. Rhodesia was built on the essence of freedom. Rhodesia will forever exist in the hearts of the free men. Thank-you for posting this amazing video.

  • @TheIceman567
    @TheIceman567 12 років тому +3

    Even tho i was born in 1986 this video want's to make me cry what lovely country Rhodesia Was. And Now look at this once lovely land. :'(

  • @chainr4149
    @chainr4149 8 років тому +10

    Born in Salsbury.

  • @MysticSunGreatHost
    @MysticSunGreatHost 13 років тому +1

    My grandma visited to Rhodesia in early 1960s before my mum gave birth (in England).

  • @Jeteaime65
    @Jeteaime65 7 років тому +4

    At long last Bob the beast is gone! I hope your country will finally heal, rebuild, and reclaim its past stature. I commend you for the civil and peaceful manner that you demonstrated during this transition. Whether you identify as Rhodesian or Zimbabwean, I wish you well.

  • @corradomariaanelli8506
    @corradomariaanelli8506 5 років тому +6

    What a lovely country was! Civil and developed but unfortunately the european polticians neither then, nor today, are capables to understand what black africans really are. The actual situation concerning the immigration in Europe or the conditions of white people in S.A. are the dramatic demonstrations. Thank's for sharing Salisbury 77, I was just a little child at the time before our return in Italy, but I've only beatiful memories of an enchanting country!

  • @mikerilling6515
    @mikerilling6515 6 місяців тому +1

    What an amazing place with a stable currency a thriving economy, plenty of industry and agriculture, railroad schools, airports, hospitals, universities streets, plenty of electricity with air-conditioning safe, running water plenty of petrol at all the filling stations, fully stocked grocery store shelves no trash on the streets no graffiti on the buildings and then suddenly everything collapsed. I wonder what happened

  • @arathperez7528
    @arathperez7528 7 років тому +7

    The Youngest Rhodesian is ~35?

  • @johnevans3115
    @johnevans3115 8 років тому +8

    Population of Rhodesia in the 1970's - 5 million blacks, 250,000 whites.
    Population today, 15 million blacks, 40,000 whites. Mugabe's triumph?

  • @Astromagical
    @Astromagical 13 років тому +2

    Rhodesians will never die - we live on

  • @1995Baconlover
    @1995Baconlover 10 років тому +6

    We live on

  • @sydneykhumbu5884
    @sydneykhumbu5884 8 років тому +17

    i mic Rhodesia wat a beautiful country under Smith ,i have no love for this babarick monster we blacks we were more better under the rule this of smith only stupid blacks wil comment rubbish abt Rhodesia

  • @tibaramov
    @tibaramov 13 років тому +2

    Rhodesians, you make me proud! Forever with clear mind, strong hand and faith in Almighty God! Our race, race of travellers and builders, of soldiers and priests, of scholars and farmers, this is the salt on the earth! Keep going for better Africa and greetings!

  • @Dreaded88
    @Dreaded88 6 років тому +14

    Dear folks of *RHODESIA* (and yes that is it's proper name!):
    On behalf of the People of the United States, and myself as a child of Exiles, I wish to apologize to all of you that we only knew of what was going on from what we saw on TV, and whatever the Liberal-Bias in the Media had to say. Ours' was a really great country. One has only to look at the Cholera Outbreaks in *SALISBURY* (Harare), and the Monentary problems to see just how laughable *_Booba' Moogha-Boogha'_* has done as it's leader.
    Thankfully now, people are seeing what mistakes we've made, what's been lost, and who's to blame. This coupled to our own problems, and glimpsing through lies in our own country as posed by both the media and the former occupier of the White House (referring to *Barry Soetoro* ; you knew him as his Alias: Barack Obama), is garnering support for all of you. I think, finally, at long last, the help and recognition, you so desperately needed then is finally on it's way!
    Bless you all,
    A concerned American. :D

  • @asa1973100
    @asa1973100 13 років тому +3

    Long Live Rhodesia !!!

  • @arupm7949
    @arupm7949 5 років тому +2

    I'm not white and don't like the concept of colonies. But don't know how this white people make everything so neat and tidy and beautiful. All former colonial towns and cities were so beautiful and disciplined and now we've almost ruined everything. My grandma used to say, during british rule, they could fashion all their jwelleries publicly and openly in Kolkata (Calcutta) and even at late at night, a group of young women could come back home walking down the street. Streets were cleaned everyday, taxi drivers couldn't dare to refuse, postal services used to come twice daily. Those were the bygone days.

  • @Jeweldee
    @Jeweldee 8 років тому +8

    The end says it all. Well the powers that be can take everything but they can never, ever erase the memories or the stupendous utopia we lived in peaceably black and white.

    • @okechukwua.7799
      @okechukwua.7799 7 років тому +4

      You mean you lived peacefully with your black servants, right?

    • @schlomoshekelstien6234
      @schlomoshekelstien6234 6 років тому +2

      No you asshat, everyone educated had voting rights, and everyone of all stripes had human rights to education and the benefits of the society. But I guess commies don't understand how blacks aren't enslaved to a party

  • @RHODESIA111
    @RHODESIA111 14 років тому +3

    @rhod5566 - thank you for your comment on Rhodesia, yes it was a wonderful country and many good men died trying to save it - I know - I lost many a friend in the forces. A little support from America and Britain would not have gone amiss - pity their liebral, limp wristed, namby pamby, do gooder politicians had to pander to the world - not a spine in any them.

  • @manapoolgirl
    @manapoolgirl Рік тому +1

    Someone suggests this was filmed in seventies, I suggest in the early 1960s,

  • @bwanasibu4240
    @bwanasibu4240 6 років тому +2

    Back in the early seventies we used to go to Rhodesia on holiday to see the Zimbabwe Ruins, now you can go to Zimbabwe & see the Rhodesian Ruins.

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 13 років тому

    I got interested in some time back. It started out in reading about Rhodesian mine resistant vehicles and then it just ballooned from there!

  • @karnubawax
    @karnubawax 7 років тому +2

    Looks like a beautiful place!

  • @OnyxianHeart
    @OnyxianHeart 13 років тому

    @suryavajra The atmosphere has repeatedly referred to as "champagne air." I'm travelling to South Africa in the summer for vacation. I'm thinking about finding out for myself.
    What's your take on the whole Muggerbe thing?

  • @jomarovel
    @jomarovel 12 років тому +2

    Beautiful ...

  • @OnyxianHeart
    @OnyxianHeart 13 років тому +1

    @DennyJohnny Beautiful!! I had the misfortune of speaking to an older black Zimbabwean who emigrated to the States near where I live who said that he misses home terribly. When I asked about Zimbabwe, he corrected me by saying "No, Rhodesia. In Zimbabwe, my family starved for their freedom. At least we could use soap and eat meat when in Rhodesia." I felt terrible. This man has been through so much... So have all Zimbabweans, white and black. This cannot continue. They deserve better.

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 13 років тому +1

    I see!! Well I kinda feel the same way myself. Would love to visit S. Africa one day for an extended vacation. You ought to check out Stellenbosch and the Wine Country.

  • @OnyxianHeart
    @OnyxianHeart 13 років тому

    @suryavajra No, I'm in central Mississippi, just the Southern United States. I'm actually near Jackson. And I'm a student at Millsaps, but I'm an avid Ole Miss fan. Where in the States are you?

  • @SamhainBe
    @SamhainBe 14 років тому +1

    Happy Independence Day from an American who remembers!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    I'm reminded of Yuvraj's Six Sixes off the English, and both the English team captain and bowler's expressions said it all....They were completely devastated....

  • @fastloose
    @fastloose 3 роки тому +1

    Best time of my life

  • @fifthavenuegirl
    @fifthavenuegirl 2 роки тому +1

    That looks more like 60 years ago now. I'm 61 yo was born there but left w/ parents at 4 yo. Is that the hospital? If so, I wonder what the name of it is - wonder if I was born in that hospital? In 1961-1962, my dad, a nz'er, heard two men on telephone conversation talking that the govt had lots of communists trying to take over and that we should leave before the trouble comes and left to US. My mother had dozens of relatives there that stayed for a long time. I wouldn't have wanted to grow up there sadly but it was very clean and civilized, beautiful parks at that time.

  • @mjsock284
    @mjsock284 Рік тому

    It kills me that Rhodesia content has been on UA-cam since the beginning.

  • @42Wesker
    @42Wesker 7 років тому +2

    Would have loved to live here.

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Wow, that's great. So what were they officially called??
    Do you support the Matabeleand Tuskers??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 13 років тому

    Niiice!! Well take a look around. If you can, try to make it up to the Northern Cape.
    I'm from the US. What about you?

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Have you ever read the Chinese miltiary treatise, ''36 Strategems''??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Well that is interersting, the dynamic between father and son. What did you say to him?

  • @SpyWizard2
    @SpyWizard2 13 років тому +1

    My friend is Portuguese from Mozambique. He fought in the colonial army and talked about weapons going to Rhodesia from some famous port called Beira. Greetings to all Rhodesians sorry that France stood against your nation
    From France.

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 13 років тому

    Gotcha! So Gulf Port?? Are you a U of Southern Mississippi fan?

  • @OnyxianHeart
    @OnyxianHeart 13 років тому

    @suryavajra Me, too. Imagine that, haha. So how'd you get into the Rhodesia thing?

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 13 років тому +1

    It's interesting to hear that! I'll have to do some more reading about them! How about the Etruscans then?? And the Mycenaeians??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому +1

    Good night all....Thank you for that warm feeling everyone always gives me on this channel!! lol!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    I've gotta redouble my efforts on the! I found some books here, so I should be able to resume my training/
    So what makes you think that Asian cricket is slipping? Just curious...

  • @dln7527
    @dln7527 9 місяців тому

    Long live the great nation of Rhodesia! I feel fortunate to have been born and brought up in such a wonderful place with such wonderful people! Rhodies around the world hold your head up, we know the truth about everything concerning our once prosperous Country!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Any specific books you would recommend? The topic of money and its relationship to communism and fascism is something I have not done research in....

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Interesting....So what do you think of the D.A.?? Are they strong as an opposition party??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    ''unless you have a nest''. I guess owing to your hair style courtesy of the barber shop you can see it perfectly?? lol!!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 13 років тому

    Bigger question: Where were you until now?? It seems back then you really didn't wanna tange with my buddies!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    That's definitely a possibility and you need kindling wood real!! Curious about Zambian cricket though, you would think they'd have a couple of teams around.

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Simba Makoni is your guy......
    Perhaps, perhaps not. There's Joyce Mujuru with the backing of the military...

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Lots of books over here at the college library on SA cricket. Wasn't Hansie involved in some match fixing scandal or something like that??
    What about club team? You support the Blue Bulls?

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 13 років тому

    Well specifically the West Coast, currently living in the Mid West, what about you?

  • @isabelly2000
    @isabelly2000 12 років тому

    @suryavajra Something very nice for the Matabele.

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Well didn't Kirsty do all of her training at Auburn University here in the States?

  • @liquidoxygen819
    @liquidoxygen819 5 років тому

    Does anybody know of a Rhodesian tourist video in which they spend about a minute featuring the ruins of Great Zimbabwe? I can't find it anywhere I look. I would appreciate any help

    • @glendodds3824
      @glendodds3824 5 років тому

      Here's excellent footage of Great Zimbabwe (and of Rhodesia in general)

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    How many South Africans do you have on the English team??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    I mean when he says, ''he jols in California''. There's multiple meanings apparently depending on context.

  • @OnyxianHeart
    @OnyxianHeart 13 років тому

    @suryavajra I will definitely be making my way around to all of the major centers of interest. i'm in the southern US. Mississippi, actually.

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    C'mon Zingy, don't get side tracked. i know it's distracting but focus.....
    What did you study there? What was your major??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    So who's side is the army on now?? They're coming out on who's side??
    Wow that is amazing stuff. How did it all get started??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    So exactly what are you peeved about this time?? The fact that I'm talking to my friend over here?? lol!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Are there any pictures of his paintings 728427??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    I have heard of this term ''van der merwe'', but the meaning escapes me...Mind expalining??
    As for Tamils actors, I'll give you one. Rajnikanth....

  • @makheyi
    @makheyi 13 років тому

    @valle238 What makes a country better?

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    I saw that....I mean Zingy was getting the claws out and everything!!
    So what's the deal with the number?? Is that like your zip code or something?

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    So Zingy who's your favorite club side??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    How do you know it's Rhopla??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    How are you slogger/mukaranga??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    So let me ask you...what did you do once you discovered to your horror all of these unpleasant obstacles??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    What about Juffrou??

  • @whiskerchild
    @whiskerchild 12 років тому

    Did you learn online? Or was there a specific book that you read?
    Could you tell me your online sites, or the books you read? Thanx

  • @lynnsharkey9496
    @lynnsharkey9496 10 місяців тому

    Beautiful now I know why my dad wanted to go there in the BSAP

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Well, I think you're right on dictatoships. Though one question. Many say Peron was a dictator, yet he was uncorruptable if I read your previous statement correctly?

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    **Broken into several sects
    I have only heard that MDC has broken into two, with MDC Tsvangirai still being pretty dominant and a smaller one lead by Arthur Mtumbara...
    But that in and of itself says little. In much the same way you have a smaller ZANU faction called ZANU Ndonga, or atleast you had one. Don't know if they're still around.
    As for Simba Makoni, I have yet to come across any polling data that seem to indicate that he poses a real electoral (cont)

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 13 років тому

    rocain! It's been a long time, buddy! how are you?

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Which begs the question, Slogger. Where would you find this creature called a ''mandingo''?? lol!!!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    it's an open forum. Hence people have a habit of ''jumping in''. btw, what were you you saying was admirable??

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    Why does this have the making of a Dos Equis commercial?? haha!

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    well dankie Slogger....So exactly what makes you say that?

  • @suryavajra
    @suryavajra 14 років тому

    He101A, that is interesting that you say that. Intriguing point. i'd like to hear you elaborate more on this....