Amazing interview, talking about mental health is urgent in the wole world. Thank you for doing that! Stay strong. Our hearts are with all of you Serbia. Love from Portugal
Love You Luka and Serbia please Stay Strong no matter win or not You are my Absolute Winner this year Serbia and Luka himself from the first time I heard Samo Mi Se Spava on PZE Wish this accident would NEVER happen to u 😭
Ovako izgleda zrela osoba sa potpuno izgrađenim osećajem za svet oko sebe i razlikovanje prioriteta. Neko odgajen sa osećajem i ljubavi ali i odgovornosti. Neko ko zrači iskonskom dobrotom. Luka, divna dušo, lepota duša poput tvoje je velika nada za ovaj svet. Zato sijaj punim sjajem, jer svetlost je upravo najpotrebnija nakon tmine. Da zagreje nadom i lepotom. Samo napred ❤❤❤
We do love you Luka. ❤ Never change yourself, because you are perfect. Both as person and the artist. You are right, the message was never so important as it's now in Serbia. 💔 You have huge support from your country.
Dear Luke! You are an incredible person, I hope you have the strength to give us Europa your performer side, and at the same time give your people all the help you can. I have an 11 year old son. My heart is with those mothers and fathers who lost their dear child. All the love from Spain ❤
A tragedy for the whole Europe, not just Serbia. These things happen rarely in this part of the world. Stay strong Luke, hope you'll keep your mind together and be able to give your best next week.
Just thinking now of the tragedies in Serbia now, how the lyrics match the situation Last year Konstrakta said "mens infirma in corpore sano" and now this year Luka says "savest spava"... 💔
Luka, ljubim Ti dušu lepu. Hvala Ti za čistu, duboku i plemenitu emociju, dete moje drago. Čast mi je što si predstavnik Srbije. Ponosna sam što si dete ove zemlje. Pronađi mir u sebi i snažno ga zagrli. Neka srećna zvezda korake tvoje prati. U mislima sa tobom i svim srcem uz tebe. ❤🌟🍀
@@Nelomitemibagrem Lukina duša je brilijant dobijen najfinijim brušenjem. Beskrajna radost otkrovenja ovog predivnog rariteta. Čista, duboka emocija, iskrenost, lucidnost, inventivnost... Harizma. Dovoljan je pogled na te krupne prijateljske oči. "Možda spava sa očima izvan svakog zla". 😊❤️🍀
I really hope things get better in Serbia and other countries. I hope that you will be ok, we are here for you and I wish that you have a great time at Eurovision Luke. 😊 ❤
This is such a respectful interview. Luke still looks very shaken and I really appreciate the way William seems to guide him through talking about what is happening to help him raise awareness of the events in Serbia. Whatever happens in the Semi final, I know Luke already made a big impact just by participating in Eurovision
Luka je sjajan, on donosi talas pozitivnih promjena samim tim sto njegova licnost promovise prave vrijednosti, da ne pominjemo njegov umjetnicki aspekt. Uz njega, tu je i Konstrakta koju, moram priznati, jos vise volim. Ona je vec formirana, zrela umjetnica, a Luka tek treba da razvije svoj puni potencijal. Hvala i jednom i drugom na inspiraciji koju nam pruzaju, na tracku svjetlosti koji se upali kada ih vidimo na ekranu. Njihova harizma i tako svijetli, i inspirise nas da budemo bar malo bolji. Za mene Lukina pjesma nije dobila na "tezini" nakon ovih nemilih dogadjaja, i prije sam je percipirala isto. Bez obzira na neke elemente zabave i atraktivnosti neophodnih za Evroviziju,sustina ostaje ista. 'Creativity is intelligence having fun', ali krajnje umjetnicko djelo ne mora da bude lakomisleno i podredjeno potrebi mase za zabavom. Ako je mracno, neka je mracno. Konstrakta se toga ne plasi, i njen neposredni nacin je fascinantan... " Daj mi buducnost, obecaj mi sigurnost, daj mi buducnost, obecaj mi..." 😢😢❤️
Excellente conversation. Maintenant, chacun peut voir l'ampleur du texte et l'actualité du monde entier dans lequel nous vivons. Bravo Luke! Condoléances à la Serbie. 'Samo mi se spava' n'est pas seulement une chanson, c'est une combinaison d'art avec de message. Ouvrons les yeux !!!
Unfortunately Serbia is in headline news at the moment because of this horrible tragic events! Saying this, Luke's song is standing out even more as it actually points out the same problems that leaded to this tragical events. My heart ❤ stands with all those affected, my heart 💙stands with all those innocent 👼🏻 my heart 🤍 stands with SERBIA!!! Mens sana in corpore sano...
My country debuted in Eurovision when it was held in Serbia Belgrade 15 years ago really heartbroken for what happened in Serbia 😥😥 my thoughts are with people of Serbia 🙏🇦🇿🇷🇸
stay strong ❤ from 🇺🇦. it’s really relatable when he speaks about his response as artist when you receive terrible news from your home. Ukrainians had to work really hard and focus on mental health in order to unglue from the news and actually function. Mental health work is what we all need as a continent ❤
Volimo te Luka ❤ tvoja pjesma je bila i jos uvijek je upozorenje - kraj je, mrak traje, a i mi i dalje ne mozemo nista da uradimo, jer nas previse brine hoce li Lorin imati roof thing… Razvali scenu, reci nam svima u lice najglasnije sto mozes ❤️🦞🇷🇸 Ima nas sto samo tebe i cujemo, duso zlato ❤
velika je čast i privilegija za jednu malu zemljicu poput naše što nas predstavlja jedna umetnička veličina i intelektualna gorostas poput Luke❤ divim se tom dečku naj iskrenije moje mišljenje o tom muzičaru je izuzetno visoko,smatram da svojim talentima i potencijalima već uveliko prevazilazi okvire festivala , njegova muzika je u klasi sa bendovima inxs the cure ub40 simply red .. bez konkurentan je
Upravo to govorim za Luku od prvog dana kada sam ga čula i shvatila da je neko ko je iznad svega što sledi... Sve što sam o njemu odgledala i što sam čula da govori odaje jednog vanserijskog lepo vaspitanog inteligentnog mladog čoveka koji je fascinantno dostigao vrhunac u tom vizuelnom i sugestivnom načinu da prezentira svoje viđenje sveta koji spava....👋🦀🇷🇸❤️ Nadam se da će se posle ove užasne tragedije probuditi svest ljudi šta rade i gde greše.... 🙏😢
Draga braćo i sestre iz Srbije, šaljem ogromne zagrljaje, podršku i saučešće iz Hrvatske 🇭🇷🤍 Ovo me toliko šokiralo i pogodilo, plakala sam od muke jer ne mogu shvatiti što se to dešava s ovim svijetom! Imam mlađeg brata kod kuće i mislim da bi mi duša vrištala da se ovako nešto desilo! Molim Vas da se držite svi zajedno, da se volite što više i da se izborite s zlom koje se uspjelo uvući! 🤍 Stay strong! 🇭🇷🤍🇷🇸
@@peps_brownie Hvala puno na podršci. Potpuno nas je sve poremetilo. Strašno nešto. 💔 To je moglo da bude bilo čije dete. Sad da vidimo šta možemo da prestane da se dešava. 💔 Puno pozdrava iz Srbije. ❤️
@@mi-dt3ps Ovde nam jedino Bog može pomoći jer smo mi kao narod zakazali u svakom smislu. Sve moralno je uništeno i ovo je moralo da se desi. Sada ćemo živeti u još većem strahu jer smo dopustili da se sve ovo dogodi... Srećno Luki ❤ a nama kao narodu posebno! 💔
@@marajanikic9427 Slažem se u potpunosti. Uspeli smo da uništimo sadašnjost i budućnost naše dece. 💔 Luki sve najbolje. Zaista je važno da prenese poruku. Možda je konačno bolje razumeju. Deca su se sama organizovala da idu u protestnu šetnju. Možda ima nade.
Luka we are so proud on you! ❤ be brave, be safe...and even you will be not the winner of this competetition you already are our winner. So much love from you country to you and all good people ❤
actually there is some discrepancy about William's age, some sites say he's born in 1981, some say in 1984 I found out he's part-Vietnamese, so maybe that's his fountain of youth?😊
this is the fist time happening to us and we are very small country. All of us are still in shock and like Luke said it caused butterfly effect and now all people are scared cause we dont know what the next day brings
Mi smo ovde u Srbiji i na Balkanu, upuceni jedni na druge, drugacija nam je kultura i sama priroda, hriscani smo i pravoslavci, ako govorimo o Srbiji... Mi nismo navikli da sedimo u svom stanu i zivimo izolovani od drugih, od tuđe boli i tragedije... Ovo je tragedija svih nas! I ne zelimo da dođemo u situaciju, da nam ovo postane ucestala pojava...
Imam dosta godina, ali sam uz Luku. Ne razumem one koji bi da pošalju muziku iz 20. veka, tipa Aca Lukas i Maja Nikolić. Vremena su se odavno promenila. Neki žive u prošlosti. Ja to ne razumem.
Tvoja poruka "savest spava" mnogo mnogo je dobila na težini...i cela pesma...ljubimo te
Luke, stay strong! We are proud of you!
Sending love to Luke and to Serbia. ❤
Thank you a lot❤
A very mature interview from Luke. He is a great ambassador for his country.
My thoughts are with the people from Serbia 🇷🇸
Thank you.
Thank you from Serbia.🕊️❤️🕊️🇷🇸
Sending all my love to Serbia ❤
Thank you. ❤
Pray for Serbia!!! 😔💔🙏
Luke good luck, stay strong and give your best on 9th may in semi 1 ❤
Very well handeled by William, thank you for this considerate interview on such a difficult day for Luke and the Serbian people. 💙
Sending love to Serbia ❤️🇷🇸 Stay strong!
Thank you ❤
Than you very much❤
I am sending love from Romania to Serbia. I am sorry for what happened there. It's so sad. And seeing Luke like this breaks my heart. 💔
Serious chances to shine in Liverpools as well as last year in Turin ...My top 5 de Paris🇫🇷💋🇷🇸
Thank you a lot❤
I’m crying this is so hard😢😢😢 Luke you are amazing❤ we love u
Stay strong Luka. Stay strong people in Serbia.
Thank you so much. ❤
Sending love & pray for Serbia!! Big support to Luke. You are great person. Nice and emotional interview. 💔🥺😞
He speaks with such eloquence and strength. We love you Luka! Sending my love and thoughts for the people of Serbia 💜
Amazing interview, talking about mental health is urgent in the wole world. Thank you for doing that! Stay strong. Our hearts are with all of you Serbia. Love from Portugal
Thank you so much. ❤
Obrigado Paula. Abraços e beijinhos
Probably my biggest grower. At first i didn t Get the song, the performance. But now i really love it.
Luke, Serbia 💓 you❗
Support more than ever❗
Go ahead!💪 Good luck🍀
Love&peace to Serbia❤❤
Love from Croatia. It's horrible what's happening these days...
Yes, I agree! It’s really horrible…😭
Thank you so much.❤
Very respectful interview by WIlliam, as always.
I want to hug him :(
Me too 🥺
Love You Luka and Serbia please Stay Strong no matter win or not You are my Absolute Winner this year Serbia and Luka himself from the first time I heard Samo Mi Se Spava on PZE Wish this accident would NEVER happen to u 😭
Thank you so much.
Ovako izgleda zrela osoba sa potpuno izgrađenim osećajem za svet oko sebe i razlikovanje prioriteta. Neko odgajen sa osećajem i ljubavi ali i odgovornosti. Neko ko zrači iskonskom dobrotom.
Luka, divna dušo, lepota duša poput tvoje je velika nada za ovaj svet. Zato sijaj punim sjajem, jer svetlost je upravo najpotrebnija nakon tmine. Da zagreje nadom i lepotom.
Samo napred ❤❤❤
Potpuna podrška Luki. ❤
@@mi-dt3psVelika podrška naše dobrom Anđelu Luki.
Great interview William! Also Luke Black intelligent and charming as always.
hearing the news from serbia is heartbreaking, my thoughts are with them🇷🇸❤
We do love you Luka. ❤
Never change yourself, because you are perfect. Both as person and the artist. You are right, the message was never so important as it's now in Serbia. 💔
You have huge support from your country.
I really understand this song much better after what happened two days before and yesterday😢
Carissimo Luke, un forte abbraccio dall'Italia a te e a grande popolo serbo! La tua performance è la migliore, 12 points!
Thank you so much. ❤
Thank you
I really like your interpretation! Strong lyrics and be proud of what you're doing. Amazing! Love from Portugal ❤
Thank you❤
Thank you a lot❤
Obrigado pelas palavras comoventes. Fiquei muito emocionado.
Abraços e beijinhos
Thanks so much, dear William, for talking to Luke and allowing him to share his thoughts and feelings.
great interview as always william ❤ sending lots of love to luke and all serbians from the uk ❤❤
Dear Luke! You are an incredible person, I hope you have the strength to give us Europa your performer side, and at the same time give your people all the help you can. I have an 11 year old son. My heart is with those mothers and fathers who lost their dear child. All the love from Spain ❤
A tragedy for the whole Europe, not just Serbia. These things happen rarely in this part of the world. Stay strong Luke, hope you'll keep your mind together and be able to give your best next week.
Just thinking now of the tragedies in Serbia now, how the lyrics match the situation
Last year Konstrakta said "mens infirma in corpore sano" and now this year Luka says "savest spava"...
William, thank you for handling this topic and with such care in chosing your words. Wish big media would be as adult as you two in this interview.
Feel so sad for Luke and all the Serbians for the recent tragic events.☹️
Thank you William!
Hvala Luka na svemu što činiš za Srbiju ❤🇷🇸
Luka, ljubim Ti dušu lepu.
Hvala Ti za čistu, duboku i plemenitu emociju, dete moje drago.
Čast mi je što si predstavnik Srbije. Ponosna sam što si dete ove zemlje.
Pronađi mir u sebi i snažno ga zagrli. Neka srećna zvezda korake tvoje prati.
U mislima sa tobom i svim srcem uz tebe. ❤🌟🍀
Neverovatni naš Luka. ❤ Beskrajna podrška. ❤
Luka je jedan Anđeo.Toliko drag, saosećajan emotivan , i dušica naša draga i lepa.On je za nas pobednik bez obzira na plasman.🇷🇸🕊️❤️
@@Nelomitemibagrem Lukina duša je brilijant dobijen najfinijim brušenjem. Beskrajna radost otkrovenja ovog predivnog rariteta. Čista, duboka emocija, iskrenost, lucidnost, inventivnost... Harizma.
Dovoljan je pogled na te krupne prijateljske oči.
"Možda spava sa očima izvan svakog zla". 😊❤️🍀
💔 Heartbroken hearing the news from Serbia. Much love to Luke and the people of Serbia. I was already planning on voting for this amazing entry!
Thank you ❤
Thank you! Greetings from Serbia💕
@@mayamarianne625 greetings back to you from Scotland.
Hvala ti Luka ❤️ Uz tebe smo svim srcem kao i ti uz nas ❤️🇷🇸❤️
Thanks for keeping this relatable. so sad for whats happening. sending serbia and luke love
Thank you so much. ❤
I really hope things get better in Serbia and other countries. I hope that you will be ok, we are here for you and I wish that you have a great time at Eurovision Luke. 😊 ❤
Thank you so much. ❤
Veliko srce i nežna duša.. Neka te čuva Bog i sve nas! We are proud of you! ❤️
Ay! Qué ganas de apapacharlo y hacerle nanai!! Se nota su dolor y preocupación. Un abrazo a la distancia
Thank you Luka for making me smile for a first time in these past few days! We are proud of you!
This is such a respectful interview. Luke still looks very shaken and I really appreciate the way William seems to guide him through talking about what is happening to help him raise awareness of the events in Serbia. Whatever happens in the Semi final, I know Luke already made a big impact just by participating in Eurovision
Da vidi se po njegovim očima da je veoma potrešen.Tiliko jedan divan momak saosećajan duša draga.
Georgia hugs you Serbia and loves you 🇬🇪♥️🇷🇸✊🏻🤝
Dragi naš dobri Luka.Srbija je uz tebe kakav god bude plasman ti si naš pobednik.👏🇷🇸🍀
Zaista jeste. Divna naša duša. Toliko emocija. 💔
Ko njega se sve oseti.
Luke Black we love you. Serbia will be proud of you & beautifull that you doing this for you country🥰🥰🥰❤💙🤍💖
We are and we will. The message is more important than ever in Serbia now. 💔
@@mi-dt3ps ❤️❤️❤️
Luka, Serbia is proud of you, we are sad im these days but we are all together with you
Sending so much ❤ to you Luke and Serbia
Thank you.
Thank you very much❤
Sad for Serbia my thoughts and prayers are with u Serbia 😞😓🙏🏻🇦🇿🇷🇸🙏🏻🙏🏻🥺
Thank you.
Thank you a lot❤
Oha azerbeycanli
You are amazing Luka,love and understanding is what is needed so hard ❤
Luka je sjajan, on donosi talas pozitivnih promjena samim tim sto njegova licnost promovise prave vrijednosti, da ne pominjemo njegov umjetnicki aspekt. Uz njega, tu je i Konstrakta koju, moram priznati, jos vise volim. Ona je vec formirana, zrela umjetnica, a Luka tek treba da razvije svoj puni potencijal.
Hvala i jednom i drugom na inspiraciji koju nam pruzaju, na tracku svjetlosti koji se upali kada ih vidimo na ekranu. Njihova harizma i tako svijetli, i inspirise nas da budemo bar malo bolji.
Za mene Lukina pjesma nije dobila na "tezini" nakon ovih nemilih dogadjaja, i prije sam je percipirala isto. Bez obzira na neke elemente zabave i atraktivnosti neophodnih za Evroviziju,sustina ostaje ista. 'Creativity is intelligence having fun', ali krajnje umjetnicko djelo ne mora da bude lakomisleno i podredjeno potrebi mase za zabavom. Ako je mracno, neka je mracno. Konstrakta se toga ne plasi, i njen neposredni nacin je fascinantan... " Daj mi buducnost, obecaj mi sigurnost, daj mi buducnost, obecaj mi..." 😢😢❤️
Excellente conversation. Maintenant, chacun peut voir l'ampleur du texte et l'actualité du monde entier dans lequel nous vivons. Bravo Luke!
Condoléances à la Serbie.
'Samo mi se spava' n'est pas seulement une chanson, c'est une combinaison d'art avec de message. Ouvrons les yeux !!!
Merçi beaucoup de la Serbie ❤
Nous vivons vraiment dans un monde désorienté.
Thank you very much ❤️
Uz,tebe smo,kao i ti uz nas!!!!❤❤❤
Uvek. ❤
Proud ❤️🇷🇸🍀
Unfortunately Serbia is in headline news at the moment because of this horrible tragic events! Saying this, Luke's song is standing out even more as it actually points out the same problems that leaded to this tragical events.
My heart ❤ stands with all those affected, my heart 💙stands with all those innocent 👼🏻 my heart 🤍 stands with SERBIA!!! Mens sana in corpore sano...
Thank you so much. ❤
Thank you.❤️🕊️🇷🇸❤️
Luke,we love you❤
We love you Luke, just do your best ... Sending mesage 😅f love and big quStions about where we are as a world.... Suppert serbia
My country debuted in Eurovision when it was held in Serbia Belgrade 15 years ago really heartbroken for what happened in Serbia 😥😥 my thoughts are with people of Serbia 🙏🇦🇿🇷🇸
Thanks I’m glad that some people who are not from Serbia know for that😢
@@katarinaradovic159 my darling 😥🙏
@@BakusStarryNight 😭❤️❤️
stay strong ❤ from 🇺🇦. it’s really relatable when he speaks about his response as artist when you receive terrible news from your home. Ukrainians had to work really hard and focus on mental health in order to unglue from the news and actually function. Mental health work is what we all need as a continent ❤
Luke 🖤🦞
❤ to Luke!
Podrška susjedi❤
Hvala puno što ste uz nas. ❤
hvala vam 🤝❤️
I am crying!
Same. His soul is a special.
Same... 💔😢
amazing guy!
Volimo te Luka ❤ tvoja pjesma je bila i jos uvijek je upozorenje - kraj je, mrak traje, a i mi i dalje ne mozemo nista da uradimo, jer nas previse brine hoce li Lorin imati roof thing…
Razvali scenu, reci nam svima u lice najglasnije sto mozes ❤️🦞🇷🇸
Ima nas sto samo tebe i cujemo, duso zlato ❤
Potpuna podrška Luki. ❤
Duša ....❤
velika je čast i privilegija za jednu malu zemljicu poput naše što nas predstavlja jedna umetnička veličina i intelektualna gorostas poput Luke❤ divim se tom dečku naj iskrenije moje mišljenje o tom muzičaru je izuzetno visoko,smatram da svojim talentima i potencijalima već uveliko prevazilazi okvire festivala , njegova muzika je u klasi sa bendovima inxs the cure ub40 simply red .. bez konkurentan je
Najveća podrška Luki. ❤
Upravo to govorim za Luku od prvog dana kada sam ga čula i shvatila da je neko ko je iznad svega što sledi... Sve što sam o njemu odgledala i što sam čula da govori odaje jednog vanserijskog lepo vaspitanog inteligentnog mladog čoveka koji je fascinantno dostigao vrhunac u tom vizuelnom i sugestivnom načinu da prezentira svoje viđenje sveta koji spava....👋🦀🇷🇸❤️ Nadam se da će se posle ove užasne tragedije probuditi svest ljudi šta rade i gde greše.... 🙏😢
Draga braćo i sestre iz Srbije, šaljem ogromne zagrljaje, podršku i saučešće iz Hrvatske 🇭🇷🤍 Ovo me toliko šokiralo i pogodilo, plakala sam od muke jer ne mogu shvatiti što se to dešava s ovim svijetom! Imam mlađeg brata kod kuće i mislim da bi mi duša vrištala da se ovako nešto desilo! Molim Vas da se držite svi zajedno, da se volite što više i da se izborite s zlom koje se uspjelo uvući! 🤍 Stay strong! 🇭🇷🤍🇷🇸
@@peps_brownie Hvala puno na podršci. Potpuno nas je sve poremetilo. Strašno nešto. 💔 To je moglo da bude bilo čije dete.
Sad da vidimo šta možemo da prestane da se dešava. 💔
Puno pozdrava iz Srbije. ❤️
Thank you all
Thank you for respect!❤
I literally wish I could sleep through all of this right now. This is terrible what is happening in Serbia. How to stand up and fight?! 😔
I don't have words anymore.💔
I'm scared of tomorrow.
I know we should start fighting with problems. I have no idea where to start. 😢
@@mi-dt3ps Ovde nam jedino Bog može pomoći jer smo mi kao narod zakazali u svakom smislu. Sve moralno je uništeno i ovo je moralo da se desi. Sada ćemo živeti u još većem strahu jer smo dopustili da se sve ovo dogodi... Srećno Luki ❤ a nama kao narodu posebno! 💔
@@marajanikic9427 Slažem se u potpunosti. Uspeli smo da uništimo sadašnjost i budućnost naše dece. 💔
Luki sve najbolje. Zaista je važno da prenese poruku. Možda je konačno bolje razumeju.
Deca su se sama organizovala da idu u protestnu šetnju. Možda ima nade.
@@marajanikic9427od pogrešaka se uči. Bitno je da se izvuče pouka i poduzme nešto.
Thank you for this interview wiwibloggs
Koliko je ovaj dečko pametan. Ponosna sam na njega i što nas predstavlja ❤
Hvala svima❤
Thank you for that ❤️
What a lovely intelligent young man 👌🏻 Good luck in the final 💁🏼♀️
Luka we are so proud on you! ❤ be brave, be safe...and even you will be not the winner of this competetition you already are our winner.
So much love from you country to you and all good people ❤
03.05.23/ 04.05.23 …😔🇷🇸❤️
Stay strong❤️ from germany
How I love man
I don't like to see him like that 💔
Serbia. Luke❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ from Poland ❤❤❤❤
Srcko ❤
Luke should be politician for EU-rovision
He should be what ever he wants. He deserves everything. Amazing person. ❤
I was not expecting to see a sombre interview today, but thank you for handling it sensitively. Love to Luke and Serbia.
These men are 41 and 30 years old. How can they still look so young?
Cause they are young
I'M SORRY, 41?!?!?!?!
actually there is some discrepancy about William's age, some sites say he's born in 1981, some say in 1984
I found out he's part-Vietnamese, so maybe that's his fountain of youth?😊
William looks young because he is young. Not all 41 year olds look middle aged 😂
@@eurodaraPa da, ima istočnjački izraz. Jako je sladak i mladolik. ❤
God helps us 🙏
Hello? It happens all the time in America. We are not surprised.
this is the fist time happening to us and we are very small country. All of us are still in shock and like Luke said it caused butterfly effect and now all people are scared cause we dont know what the next day brings
Mi smo ovde u Srbiji i na Balkanu, upuceni jedni na druge, drugacija nam je kultura i sama priroda, hriscani smo i pravoslavci, ako govorimo o Srbiji... Mi nismo navikli da sedimo u svom stanu i zivimo izolovani od drugih, od tuđe boli i tragedije... Ovo je tragedija svih nas! I ne zelimo da dođemo u situaciju, da nam ovo postane ucestala pojava...
Imam dosta godina, ali sam uz Luku. Ne razumem one koji bi da pošalju muziku iz 20. veka, tipa Aca Lukas i Maja Nikolić. Vremena su se odavno promenila. Neki žive u prošlosti. Ja to ne razumem.
Jaz generacija. Neko ostaje mlad dok stari a neko postane džangrizalo.