Kurt Elling - Nature Boy - Jazz and Orchestra

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @MichaelGoldenberg
    @MichaelGoldenberg 9 років тому +175

    Clearly, Kurt Elling's passion is frightening to some. Their loss. I've seen him six or seven times in person and he never disappoints. The best male jazz singer on the planet.

  • @PurveyorOfCuriosities
    @PurveyorOfCuriosities 2 роки тому +14

    I was turning a radio dial one Summer day in Chicago and I stumbled upon Orbert Davis' radio show. His guest that day was Kurt Elling, and during the interview Kurt spoke about the late great Mark Murphy. I knew Kurt Elling's name because he's a Chicago Son, but I didn't know his music. Shamefully, I didn't know Mark Murphy's name at all, but I had heard a few of his songs. Not only did that interview lead me here, it lead me to an amazing songbook of both Elling's and Mark Murphy's songs. So much value discovered from randomly turning a radio dial one Summer day in Chicago. My Creator has since bathed me in some of the best Jazz music, nay, some of the best music ever made. I am so blessed.

  • @felixade
    @felixade Рік тому +41

    15yrs in and I still love these presentations by Kurt Elling ❤️

  • @StewartGartland
    @StewartGartland 15 років тому +30

    Kurt is such a cat, some of these jazz contemporaries are such monsters, the art just grows and grows.
    Kurt's ability to roar and soar then swoop down to softness and delicacy amply illustrates a singer at the very top of his game. Kurt is another of the many great objects to study in jazz.

  • @HanlonRazor
    @HanlonRazor 7 років тому +210

    As a musician, I am amazed at how he uses his voice. Absolutely astounding.

    • @Mentagasm
      @Mentagasm 4 роки тому +6

      Its wonderful seeing him live in person as well. He is from Chicago so I would get to catch him a lot. He's a very nice cat too.

    • @Mentagasm
      @Mentagasm 4 роки тому +8

      He also circular breathes while singing in some instances to which is a Marvelous thing to behold.

    • @louise_rose
      @louise_rose 3 роки тому +6

      Agree! Just saw another live version of this with Kurt, band and orchestra on Mezzo - not sure what venue it was,, likely some opera house or concert hall in Europe - and I was just riveted. Incredible rhythmic control, swing and versatility in the use of his range. He's clearly listened a great deal to Sinatra and Ella Fitzgerald but he makes those stylings completely his own. The orchestra clearly love working with him too. )

    • @kipwhite6532
      @kipwhite6532 3 роки тому +1

      @@Mentagasm LOL, that is great!

    • @MichaelABrown-tg8pv
      @MichaelABrown-tg8pv 3 місяці тому

      As a singer, I too am amazed

  • @nibyafternight1983
    @nibyafternight1983 3 роки тому +24

    One of the most underrated jazz singers of our era

  • @tardop
    @tardop 11 років тому +157

    I love how the drummer totally gets lost in his solo. A true master of his art. I love this video.

    • @joncraven9434
      @joncraven9434 3 роки тому +3

      Not lost at all. Just too complicated for you.

    • @tardop
      @tardop 3 роки тому +31

      @@joncraven9434 the word "lost", in this context, means to get absorbed, transcend. But thank you for your answer. Have a great day!

    • @danteleiva7155
      @danteleiva7155 2 роки тому

      U were wishing someone to replicate u so u could feel interesting right

    • @NicolasCharly
      @NicolasCharly 2 роки тому +2

      @@danteleiva7155 Why so much animosity?

    • @jeper1969
      @jeper1969 2 роки тому +1

      @@danteleiva7155 “ let’s start some fights on UA-cam !”

  • @petercallaway3376
    @petercallaway3376 4 роки тому +100

    Kurt Elling is the apex male jazz singer/vocalese/scatmaster of this era.
    Drummer Kobie Watkins solo was dexterous and the epitome rhythmic finesse.
    He played one song on my self produced CD “PERFECT PEACE” and we used to Jam at the Velvet Lounge in Chicago 20 years ago.
    Bassist Rob Amster played a trio gig with me at DePaul University.
    Pianist Lawrence Hobgood is from Chicago too and a virtuoso of course!
    I have seen Kurt Elling perform with Mark Murphy, Kevin Mahogany, and the legendary Jon Hendricks!
    Kurt Elling used to jam with the legendary 🎷 player Von Freeman in the 80’s & 90’s on the Chicago’s South side.
    Again, Kurt Elling is one of the best jazz male singers of all time!,🎤🎹🎺🎻🎸🥁🎷🪕🎼

    • @Mentagasm
      @Mentagasm 4 роки тому +1

      Greetings Peter, from Chicago.

    • @Mentagasm
      @Mentagasm 4 роки тому +2

      Kobie Watkins cooks man.

    • @camifangloria
      @camifangloria 4 роки тому +1

      No clue, this performance made me cry several times since I first listened him (at age 8, I can still feel those goosebumps). I cant believe this man is a human 😅

    • @marvinhaley4001
      @marvinhaley4001 7 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for giving the accurate names.

  • @dhblaloc
    @dhblaloc 16 років тому +54

    This is why Kurt Elling is my favorite jazz singer. Simply amazing.

  • @CommandanteMarco
    @CommandanteMarco 5 років тому +120

    He is killing it. Every time I listen to his passionate interpretation it makes me lose some tears. The drum solo is nailing it too...

    • @MeelaESQ
      @MeelaESQ 4 роки тому +9

      That drummer is EVERYTHING!

    • @petercallaway3376
      @petercallaway3376 4 роки тому +2

      MeelaESQ Kobie Watkins from Chicago.

    • @entitlementkid
      @entitlementkid 4 роки тому +2

      I just shed tears as well. I love it! This group is tight and Elling’s voice is magic. What a gift!

    • @elavinder
      @elavinder 24 дні тому

      Me too ❤

  • @M0DALsoul
    @M0DALsoul 5 років тому +15

    almost 12 years later and i still cant stop watching this

  • @honeyb.craine2005
    @honeyb.craine2005 Рік тому +7

    The absolute best to EVER do it!! Kurt Elling is the truth!!!

  • @matthewbarbour8651
    @matthewbarbour8651 9 років тому +104

    one of the best jazz singers on the planet

  • @uniquerz2337
    @uniquerz2337 4 роки тому +89

    Taehyung's taste never disappoint. Whenever he suggests an artist or a song u know it's a gem

  • @leslankhorst2479
    @leslankhorst2479 Рік тому +13

    ABSOLUTELY JAW DROPPING vocals and musicianship ALL THE WAY AROUND!!! Wow!! And I say this as a vocalist...Wow!

  • @josephcollins3734
    @josephcollins3734 5 років тому +13

    Why doesn't Kurt Elling get more airplay on jazz stations? Come DJs, wake up! He is truly a treasure and one of a kind!

  • @MidaliaLebron
    @MidaliaLebron 12 років тому +20

    I don't know what some of these people are talking about. Music isn't about perfection, it's about how it conveys emotion and I LOVE THIS RENDITION. I am a new Kurt Elling fan!!! Amazing voice..

    • @TheGarageboyz
      @TheGarageboyz Рік тому +2

      Ya? He gets slagged? He's the only one I can think that caught my interest in this genre

  • @wendyhugo7234
    @wendyhugo7234 4 роки тому +52

    V tiene un gusto exquisito , vaya si no lo hubiera mencionando ( que le gusta este artista) , no habría escuchado esta canción

  • @NessaSpring
    @NessaSpring 13 років тому +14

    I seriously cannot get over how incredible this guy is. Just unbelievable. Best. singer. ever. period.

  • @turtle5252
    @turtle5252 2 роки тому +25

    We all talk about great Kurt's voice, but can we appreciate the drummer work🔥

    • @marvinhaley4001
      @marvinhaley4001 7 місяців тому +1

      Oh yes ,yes , yes❤❤❤

    • @Pontiac127
      @Pontiac127 5 місяців тому

      Perfection. Heart and soul. Not too much, not too little💯

  • @chillionaire69
    @chillionaire69 16 років тому +15

    I was there aswell!... My eyes got wet when he sung "lush life"... that was a magic moment ill treasure for ever..

  • @bournemouthlass
    @bournemouthlass 8 років тому +218

    I'd never heard of Kurt Elling before doing a UA-cam search for Nature Boy, what a joy. I so love discovering new artists.

    • @mikotondria
      @mikotondria 8 років тому +12

      Exactly the same for me.
      Then one day, one magic day he passed our way - to our little town in the midwest.
      My friend works there and got us 2nd row seats.
      I couldn't believe the thrill when I could see him just waiting to come on stage ! HE'S A REAL PERSON !
      It was absolutely 2 of the finest hours of existence anyone could ever hope for.
      I couldn't even cry. It was beyond too much.

    • @georgegoodrich4723
      @georgegoodrich4723 7 років тому +2

      Same here. My vocal coach turned me on to him. He really soars.

    • @maravillosisima
      @maravillosisima 7 років тому +1

      bournemouthlass I

    • @bobelston6105
      @bobelston6105 6 років тому +1

      Goes for me too, thanks to catching him on Jazz FM.

    • @jffost5843
      @jffost5843 5 років тому +1

      Same thing just happened to me - 2 years later... Fantastic!!

  • @nataliedejagermusic6923
    @nataliedejagermusic6923 9 років тому +65

    I could watch this over and over. Wow. Amazing band, incredible vocals, ridiculous drum solo.

    • @mikotondria
      @mikotondria 8 років тому +4

      +Natalie de Jager Music *I do watch this over and over.
      I stream it as I drive along, singing my feet off. Best song/performance ever.

  • @mahyar_che4338
    @mahyar_che4338 3 місяці тому +6

    This awesomeness in 2024, HI !

  • @petercallaway3420
    @petercallaway3420 8 років тому +67

    The best drum solo I ever heard Kobie Watkins play live.
    Chicago cat all the way.
    Bar setting and a drummer to be emulated!

    • @sameelatif
      @sameelatif 7 років тому +8

      2seconds into the drum solo i had to scroll down to find this comment hahaha bless

  • @thechronicler1066
    @thechronicler1066 4 роки тому +12

    I discovered Elling about 20 years ago, and I'm glad my enthusiasm for his sound stands as I see this clip now in 2020. I would hope others feel the same of the great Kurt Elling, still?

  • @tedgroves3884
    @tedgroves3884 12 років тому +7

    Kurt does such a great job with this rendition of "Nature Boy". It is right up there and maybe even better than Nat King Coles version. I just cannot stop listening to Kurt and this beautiful song. I have become addicted!

  • @vleevision7787
    @vleevision7787 3 місяці тому +2

    Mesmerizing . . . personal owning NATURE BOY he IS!!! B R A V O !!!

  • @jsphotos
    @jsphotos 11 років тому +8

    Genius voice and incredible drummer!

  • @pipersnakis
    @pipersnakis 14 років тому +7

    There are very few who make my eyes tear-u,p but Kurt Elling does it for me and leaves me wanting to hear more. This performance almost had me crying like a baby and I am three quarters of a century old. I have heard all the greats in that time and Elling outstrips them all IMHO! The pianist and drummer are apt players to meld with this singer...not everyone could!

  • @800pieds
    @800pieds 16 років тому +5

    Some guys have everything. Pitch, rythm, and a voice ring that just blows you away. Boy, those low notes...
    Glad this one had the good idea to sing jazz.

  • @grouchysmurff
    @grouchysmurff 13 років тому +4

    My x showed me Kurt about 4 years ago and i've been addicted ever sense.

  • @Hstls7
    @Hstls7 8 років тому +46

    Best version I ever heard can't stop listening to it

  • @joaoomar
    @joaoomar 12 років тому +5

    He´s a musician, not only a singer!!! Wonderful!!

  • @sourTRON
    @sourTRON 14 років тому +27

    He sings with so much soul. I wish i was there to witness this performance.

  • @billpiechocki
    @billpiechocki 3 місяці тому +3

    Anybody who keeps the Art of Scat alive, is more than okay in my book!

  • @guetem1
    @guetem1 9 років тому +4

    ooof, one of the best jazz ballads I have heard in this century

  • @patrickscutella836
    @patrickscutella836 Рік тому +4

    Love the freedom he sings with.

  • @michaelrob
    @michaelrob 8 років тому +48

    Unbelievable. i mean the man is amazing.

  • @loopyman76
    @loopyman76 13 років тому +6

    WOW! I LOVE this guy. Kurt is SICK with the vocals. Just SICK! The music is on point, too! Now THIS is what you call REAL music.

  • @prod.jayblack687
    @prod.jayblack687 5 років тому +9

    This perfomance was perfect

  • @attoruc
    @attoruc 16 років тому +16

    I was at this concert. Thanks for putting up this song. Such a great interpretation.

  • @everdayjoyful
    @everdayjoyful 9 років тому +25

    Wow. Holy talent he has!

    • @hottubz1965
      @hottubz1965 8 років тому +8

      +김나연 Are you speaking Yoda-ese? :)

    • @omko73
      @omko73 8 років тому

      +hottubz1965 lol

  • @yuliiakucherenko
    @yuliiakucherenko День тому

    I heard Kurt yesterday live in Warsaw. His charisma and voice are just like in this video from 16 years ago!

  • @MrMikkyn
    @MrMikkyn 8 років тому +17

    I've never seen an orchestra have so much fun before!

  • @NerveEnd
    @NerveEnd 16 днів тому

    I come back to this video regularly. Show this to any musician who appreciates talent and showmanship and they are guaranteed to be super impressed.

  • @mehtavideo
    @mehtavideo 9 років тому +11

    I was born in the same magic year as Kurt-67'-and have gone back singing after 12 years. This is so so so inspirational! God bless all your hard work and talent Mr Elling. If i can even get 3/4 of the way to that greatness I'd be amazed.

  • @jesuistonpereluke
    @jesuistonpereluke 13 років тому +3

    How can you decide to pull the "unlike" button ? seriously ! even if it's not your type of music HOW could anybody truely dislike it ????
    (gonna see him live in 10 days hiiiiiiiiiiiii)

  • @PhilCherry3
    @PhilCherry3 9 років тому +17

    That drum solo! Oh My!!!

  • @Cheese_Meister
    @Cheese_Meister 5 років тому +7

    This was definitely a good night for the singer and drummer.

  • @turtleforte
    @turtleforte Рік тому +2

    Genius, what incredible range, mastering the art of skat. Wow, he's glorious❤ whoever he frightens is not open to real music and the immeasurable beauty of his vocals.

  • @Bgrenimann
    @Bgrenimann 13 років тому +4

    He plays with upper structurers like a sax player! amazing!!

  • @kamahama2985
    @kamahama2985 15 років тому +9

    JEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZ thats the most freakin' performance I've ever seen!!!! both solos were just amazing!!! loved his scat!!! what a great proposal melodic and rithmic proposal! A new way of understanding!! just great!

  • @MidaliaLebron
    @MidaliaLebron 9 років тому +20

    I showed up last night in SF at a rehearsal with my choir, the Oakland Interfaith Gospel Choir for a Duke Ellington Tribute concert we're doing at Grace Cathedral to see Kurt Elling on stage! He's singing with us!!! I couldn't believe it. I couldn't stop staring at him and he was looking at me like what is her problem..lol.

    • @ShiruSama1
      @ShiruSama1 7 років тому +2

      How was the experience?

    • @MidaliaLebron
      @MidaliaLebron 7 років тому +7

      It was awesome. It was incredible really. He's great.

  • @jannmikoingelrabagogamingc6012
    @jannmikoingelrabagogamingc6012 2 роки тому +5

    After 2 years of searching this performance again after forgetting it...it felt God sent to me that I have finally discovered it again! 😭💖

  • @Яна-б2ю
    @Яна-б2ю 4 роки тому +5

    I'm amazed!
    Thanks to Taehyung for recommending such a great musician!
    It's scary to think that I could pass by such a performer in my life and never hear him!

  • @cuthbertgeorge
    @cuthbertgeorge 5 років тому +2

    My jaw currently resides on the floor. will remain there. i am humbled. consummate showman enjoying each moment sung.

  • @galenochua4600
    @galenochua4600 3 місяці тому +69

    Anyone here in 2024? :D

  • @HambaTT
    @HambaTT 14 років тому +6

    I get tingles every time I watch this, wish it where available on DVD :(

  • @Kellye-ug6wf
    @Kellye-ug6wf 7 місяців тому +3

    Oh, and I also hear a bit of Frank Sinatra in some of Kurt’s tunes! Still, an original artist with unique style and I am crazy in love with this dude’s magnificent voice 🥰

  • @ronaldbrumwell8414
    @ronaldbrumwell8414 8 років тому +10

    Scatting: Speaking tongues with the gods of Jazz!

  • @kafunky
    @kafunky 15 років тому +7

    Love love love Kurt Elling! I am honored to be living in the city that is hosting him at the Jazz Festival :) Only mad love and respect for this genius!!

  • @Nocturnal11Guy
    @Nocturnal11Guy 13 років тому +3

    I'm wondering why anyone would hit the dislike button on this rendition? Great job Kurt on this song. You did justice to it. My opinion

  • @lavoxii
    @lavoxii Рік тому +3

    There was a boy
    A very strange enchanted boy
    They say he wandered very far,
    very far, over land and sea
    A little shy and sad of eye
    But very wise was he
    And then one day
    A magic day he passed my way
    And while we spoke of many things
    Fools and kings
    This he said to me
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn
    Is just to love and be loved in return
    The greatest thing you'll ever learn
    Is just to love and be loved in return

  • @michaelgerle3804
    @michaelgerle3804 9 років тому +58

    Oh my God- I love this version. Kurt Elling= the best male singer alive!

    • @bitofingeralastname6794
      @bitofingeralastname6794 9 років тому +3

      Michael Gerle Stunningly, and embarrassingly, clueless.

    • @michaelgerle3804
      @michaelgerle3804 9 років тому +9

      Bitofinger Alastname Bitofinger - who are you to judge me? I don´t want to know what kind of music you like. Fuck you:-)

    • @bitofingeralastname6794
      @bitofingeralastname6794 9 років тому +1


    • @PjBeatzrd
      @PjBeatzrd 9 років тому

      +Bitofinger Alastname PREACH

    • @pepegreenos4359
      @pepegreenos4359 9 років тому +6

      +Michael Gerle im on your side

  • @thebaldchemist
    @thebaldchemist 8 років тому +11

    Brilliant just brilliant.

  • @vinylophage
    @vinylophage 15 років тому

    Kurt ?? the best ScatJazz Singer of all times !!! Got all of his records.. Great pleasure each time I play them..

  • @wecanthandletruths
    @wecanthandletruths 11 років тому +5

    Just the best rendition of this song I have ever heard.

  • @feelinjazzy
    @feelinjazzy 7 років тому +2

    There are a few things in life that when you experience them you know there is a connection we have with everything in the universe.
    Thank you for the post!

  • @angelavl5916
    @angelavl5916 4 роки тому +49

    Se imaginan canciones con un estilo asi y el de Sammy Davis en su mixtape.
    Taehyung en verdad tiene tan buen gusto.

  • @makininiliwaambieni37
    @makininiliwaambieni37 9 років тому +2

    Love scatting...so creative!!!

  • @jonijane59
    @jonijane59 11 років тому +4

    I second that: Just about the best rendition of that song EVER!

  • @scatmando
    @scatmando 14 років тому

    Dont know how many times ive watched this........... But it just gets better every time.

  • @DivaRoots
    @DivaRoots 14 років тому +12

    Between his scat solo and the drummers solo, this song TOTALLY sends me. Kurt is magnificent!! An mp3 of this would be completely fabulous!!

  • @nataliapalacio2517
    @nataliapalacio2517 11 місяців тому +1

    I can´t believe what I´m listening... My God... Awesome!!

  • @tinafaltermeier9303
    @tinafaltermeier9303 10 років тому +4

    Wow! What an amazing singer!! His music goes directly to the bones!

  • @RobynGant
    @RobynGant 13 років тому +1

    Dayum! Wow! Excellent Nature boy rendition! Go Kurt!

  • @felecialewis5193
    @felecialewis5193 9 років тому +4

    2016 and Kurt still puts it down.

  • @jannmikoingelrabagogamingc6012
    @jannmikoingelrabagogamingc6012 2 роки тому +3

    Can we take a moment to appreciate the chops this drummer had, really?

  • @user-ry7xh7fj5v
    @user-ry7xh7fj5v 8 років тому +209


  • @sandral.5486
    @sandral.5486 Рік тому

    His talent and the Sydney Symphony orchestra are simply otherworldly. One of my all-time faves. Blows me away!

  • @veresquivel
    @veresquivel 11 років тому +8

    His voice is perfect!

  • @blitz4sure
    @blitz4sure 9 років тому +2

    This Mo Fo is friggin' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! And the drummer gave it all he had and a little more!

  • @kamelattit8110
    @kamelattit8110 6 років тому +5

    I discovered Kurt Elling 20 years ago. I have 3 albums from him and i still love this voice and this version

  • @jakkiford3070
    @jakkiford3070 Рік тому


  • @jelleepit
    @jelleepit 9 років тому +78

    Audio chocolate.

  • @CIancyy
    @CIancyy 13 років тому +2

    FANTASTIC. This is the most original, innovative version of this I've ever heard. Unreal voice on him!

  • @GilBelford
    @GilBelford 15 років тому +4

    I think Kurt is an amazing singer that does something different and has an amazing sense of rhythm.

  • @Revisedandexpanded
    @Revisedandexpanded 10 років тому +1

    Wonderfu! A thousand times wonderful!

  • @peterjohntitus
    @peterjohntitus 10 років тому +26

    LOL I love the lady's facial expression when Kurt Elling scats lol (4:05)

    • @Kenyaprince
      @Kenyaprince 5 років тому

      I was wondering if anyone else caught that too.

  • @nawelleyukino6323
    @nawelleyukino6323 3 роки тому

    Mon dieu 😱😱😱😱que c'est juste magnifique magnifique magnifique!!!👏👏👏❤❤❤!!!!

  • @drjules888
    @drjules888 5 років тому +3

    Gorgeous, lush singing and a killer arrangement!

  • @salfont
    @salfont 4 роки тому +2

    Certainly a one of a kind marvelous talent. What a joy,

  • @TolgaYalniz
    @TolgaYalniz 11 років тому +3

    great performance, great musician

  • @chriscarter7007
    @chriscarter7007 Рік тому +1

    Excellent watch. Excellent vocal work. I stumbled across this searching for" Nature boy".Thanks for sharing.

  • @Britparsley
    @Britparsley 14 років тому +6

    I loooooooove his rendition of 'Nature Boy'

  • @edwardblancarte8162
    @edwardblancarte8162 4 роки тому +2

    Grest voice and version , love it

  • @aleksandraholanda
    @aleksandraholanda 5 років тому +4

    It is just perfect. What a beautiful version.

  • @jacquelinepatriciodaluz8830
    @jacquelinepatriciodaluz8830 7 років тому +1

    Thank you Kurt 💋

  • @Lackesse
    @Lackesse 8 років тому +4

    What a magnificent arrangement!!! I bow to thee