Zikr e Abu Talib (r.a) - Mufti Hanif Qureshi - Aamir Liaquat

  • Опубліковано 7 січ 2025
  • Virtues merits of Hazrat Abu Talib (r.a) proofs of emaan-e-Abu Talib by Mufti Hanif Qureshi and Aamir Liaquat Hussain.
    Bukhari Hadith and Al Musaiyab
    all the ahadith reported about Hazrat Abu Talib(A) at His death bed are from single principal narrator, namely, Almosayyab.
    Janab Abu Talib passed away in 10th year of elan e nabuwwah in Makkah before hijrah.
    moassayyab became a moslim long after fateh makka.
    therefore on this account Badrudeen Aini in sharah of bokhari in kitabul janaiaz calls all versions of this hadith MURSAL because mossayyab was not present at the time of death of hazrat Abu Talib but rather became moslim many years after. hence making this hadith weak and to present it as proof of kufr is a mistake.
    Mossayab also belonged to the party who swore at Imam Ali(A) on the mimbar of masjide nabawi.
    the Two ayaat presented, namely, 9:113 and 28:56,
    are reported by mosayyab in sahih bokhari in one place in kitabul tafseer, after the whole episode of death bed talk...then mosayyab says that 'SO ALLAH REVEALED' verses 9:113 and 28:56.
    ( Narrated Al-Musaiyab: When abu talib was in his death bed, the Prophet went to him while abu Jahl was sitting beside him. The Prophet said, "O my uncle! Say: None has the right to be worshipped except Allah, an expression I will defend your case with, before Allah." abu Jahl and 'Abdullah bin Umaya said, "O abu talib! Will you leave the religion of 'Abdul Muttalib?" So they kept on saying this to him so that the last statement he said to them (before he died) was: "I am on the religion of 'Abdul Muttalib." Then the Prophet said, " I will keep on asking for Allah's Forgiveness for you unless I am forbidden to do so." Then the following Verse was revealed:-- "It is not fitting for the Prophet and the believers to ask Allah's Forgiveness for the pagans, even if they were their near relatives, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the (Hell) Fire." (9.113) The other Verse was also revealed:-- "(O Prophet!) Verily, you guide not whom you like, but Allah guides whom He will ......." (28.56) (Bukhari Book #58, Hadith #223))
    this gives us the impression that the two ayaats mentioned were revealed one after the other. which is not the case as the difference between the two revelations is of many years. furhter this contradicts the hadith of AL-Bara in bokhari(v6,book60,number129) who reports that the last surah revealed was bara'a(tauba9:113 is part of it).
    Narrated AL-Bara: The last Sura which was revealed in full was Baraa (i.e. Sura-at-Tauba), and the last Sura (i.e. part of a Sura) which was revealed was the last Verses of Sura-an-Nisa':-- "They ask you for a legal decision. Say: Allah directs (thus) About those who have No descendants or ascendants As heirs." (4.177) (Bukhari Book #59, Hadith #650)
    check:kashaf,qurtabi etc
    Abu Talib passed away in 10th year of elan e nabuwwah in Makkah before hijrah. Surah Tauba revealed After Hijrah in Madina.
    This Surah comprises three discourses:-
    The first discourse (v. 1-37), was revealed in Zil-Qa'adah A.H. 9 or thereabout.
    The second discourse (v., 38-72) was sent down in Rajab A.H. 9 or a little before this
    The third discourse (vv. 73-129) was revealed on his return from the Campaign of Tabuk.
    also imam fakhr udeen razi comments after 28:56, after giving other peoples opinions then gives his own that this verse cannot be associated with Abu Talib...
    therefore the conclusive nature of the application these verses cannot be guranteed about Abu Talib(A) both to reason and scholars.