Saxophone Good Playing Condition(GPC) Repair- Band Instrument Repair- Ferree's Tools- Wes Lee Music

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @amsmithonline
    @amsmithonline 2 роки тому +22

    "You want to go out of your way to not lie to yourself". There's a life lesson that everyone should learn at a much younger age.
    Nice work, Wes!

  • @randallhoward6124
    @randallhoward6124 2 роки тому +21

    Wes thanks for caring and doing such a great job on my horn. You have a God given talent and you use it well. Again thanks

  • @lawrenceb.3349
    @lawrenceb.3349 2 роки тому +5

    Wes is as much an artist as he is a technician.

  • @excavatoree
    @excavatoree 2 роки тому +2

    I know nothing about musical instrument repair, but the "pop" that Mr. Lee mentions just sounds right. It's one of those universal things - when something is right, it's very obvious it's right, even to someone who doesn't know all the details.

  • @m.f.3347
    @m.f.3347 2 роки тому +3

    it's crazy the level of engineering that goes into these instruments. amazing work

  • @Bassoonist09
    @Bassoonist09 2 роки тому +2

    I went to a bassoon camp and he helped repair instruments and talked about how we should take care of our bassoons or oboes and what to get to take care of it. He also provided alternatives to how to take care of it and I remember that I did have to use one of them: stick a price of paper under one of the keys because it was causing another key to play wrong. I had quite a few notes from that class. At that camp I had bad allergies and my nose was pouring so I feel like everyone thought I had covid. And it was also the day after my birthday. That camp was sooooo much fun!

  • @stevel6895
    @stevel6895 2 роки тому +4

    Another great video Wes. I learn something every time I watch one. Thank you!

  • @Cantbuyathrill
    @Cantbuyathrill 2 роки тому

    Love watching this guy work.

  • @woodroemitchell2848
    @woodroemitchell2848 2 роки тому +5

    I love your channel bud.

  • @Buasop
    @Buasop Місяць тому

    That horn is a rare bird. Called "The Poor Man's Mark VI, the early 80s Selmer USA with engraving is one of the best bang for your buck horns out there. Great work, Wes.

  • @olivierherment1188
    @olivierherment1188 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you so much for your explanations. You're clear even for a french.

  • @Peter4253
    @Peter4253 2 роки тому

    Sir, I just love to watch and revel in your workmanship👍

  • @jesseharlan5700
    @jesseharlan5700 2 роки тому +1

    Love the straightened out trumpet on the wall

  • @sk8timeforh8ers
    @sk8timeforh8ers 2 роки тому

    When I was in high school I used to play with the mechanics on my tenor sax just learning how it worked, a lot of the time I just readjusted the springs to get them to sit better and respond in a way I liked

  • @otavioquartier1473
    @otavioquartier1473 2 роки тому +2

    Sou um grande fâ de seu trabalho, parabéns, abraço do Brasil!!!

  • @alphabeets
    @alphabeets 2 роки тому +1

    Great work, Wes!

  • @hartwheeler4591
    @hartwheeler4591 Рік тому

    That much corrosion makes me think the owner doesn't swab out the horn after playing. Great work!

  • @erniearruda8861
    @erniearruda8861 2 роки тому +2

    8/32 of an inch is the standard universal threads we use on most replacement neck screws due to others that are thinner material of size threads, that breaks off due to over tightening the neck

    • @wesleemusicrepair9820
      @wesleemusicrepair9820  2 роки тому +2

      Exactly what I used. Like talking in code. Hope you’re doing well.

    • @jrondyer1049
      @jrondyer1049 2 роки тому

      Coming from the industrial side I understand thread count per inch, but your viewers for the most part probably don’t. Also an example of a thread gauge to show different counts may help the viewers, it could help illustrate the differences.

    • @erniearruda8861
      @erniearruda8861 2 роки тому

      @@wesleemusicrepair9820 doing ok up here in Canada,work is not much but that’s ok , nice to have summer down time for a chance. But I’m pretty sure now that everything has open up and approved back to normal on wind instrument instructions and band in schools coming in the new school calendar year.We shall see how busy I’ll be.

  • @phooesnax
    @phooesnax 2 роки тому

    Great job. U know it’s right when you hear them ringing against the tone hole.

  • @TiagoOliveira-mg7ws
    @TiagoOliveira-mg7ws 2 роки тому +1

    Perfeito trabalho ..perfction

  • @wcakgilleran
    @wcakgilleran 2 роки тому

    Loved this video Wes!

  • @Wvibrato
    @Wvibrato 2 роки тому +1

    Muito bom sou wesley do Brasil, sou um fã seu mestre

  • @jairomerchan1710
    @jairomerchan1710 2 роки тому

    Cuánto he aprendido⚠️⚠️⚠️
    No conocía algunas de las herramientas
    Si sé cómo se hacen los instrumentos de viento
    Felicidades y éxitos 🤗🙂😷🎷🎼jazz

  • @mayugecommunitybrassband
    @mayugecommunitybrassband 2 роки тому

    Thank you
    I need to learn more

  • @keithcampbell6806
    @keithcampbell6806 2 роки тому

    Good night in Guyana South America where l live there is no shellac we have to use an adhesive e.g.evo stick or contact cement.

  • @MusicMediccom
    @MusicMediccom 2 роки тому

    This is such a great video!

  • @ivorwm2291
    @ivorwm2291 2 роки тому

    Thank you!

  • @Cantbuyathrill
    @Cantbuyathrill 2 роки тому

    Wish I had a tech like you available here in Miami.
    It's bad enough when one's overcharged for repairs, but having one's sax marred & mangled by a brutish touch is gear-grinding.

  • @rootvalue
    @rootvalue 2 роки тому

    Thanks for sharing, my virtual friend. 🤍

  • @ShowCat1
    @ShowCat1 2 роки тому

    Thanks, I love it.

  • @mactech44
    @mactech44 2 роки тому

    Great job. What kind of air torch do you use?

  • @cmshap
    @cmshap Рік тому

    I wish Wes was my technician back when I was playing saxophone. I had some real clowns work on my instruments and screw them up more.

  • @andrew.herrick
    @andrew.herrick 2 роки тому

    Hey Wes! Nice work here. Did you make that tap handle? That looks like a custom job. Definitely better than the stock handles. I bet you could put a kraus-style locking screw on the side of it to tighten on the tap, and maybe that's what you did.

  • @javierquesada798
    @javierquesada798 2 роки тому

    Teacher, I'm still learning good work, but he didn't tell me where he got his hat, I have one just like it, but it's already very discolored and I'm looking for it and I can't find it, thanks cheers

  • @dennisrohm6372
    @dennisrohm6372 Рік тому

    I would think, if the pads you are inspecting, are that bad. Wouldn't the rest of them be in similar shape?

    • @wesleemusicrepair9820
      @wesleemusicrepair9820  Рік тому

      Yes and no. All same age but some are sprung open and some closed. Also how the hand positions actuate the keys plays a part. Real world wants to make it all perfect, customer dollars or historical preserve will dictate other avenues

  • @TheStickCollector
    @TheStickCollector 2 роки тому


  • @mayugecommunitybrassband
    @mayugecommunitybrassband 2 роки тому

    How much

  • @Cantbuyathrill
    @Cantbuyathrill 2 роки тому

    What did one rotten pad say to the other rotten
    pads? "There's fungus among us"

  • @Cantbuyathrill
    @Cantbuyathrill 2 роки тому

    Most of the honest people I know,
    work with their hands.

  • @billsargent3407
    @billsargent3407 2 роки тому

    NOOOO I don't want to have the nuts and bolts.... I just want to send my baby to you and watch it get fixed!! Otherwise its like me doing experimental surgery on my children!