  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 10 тис.

  • @mjconrad51
    @mjconrad51 Рік тому +514

    I love seeing Americans of all colors and backgrounds uniting behind this message. It has been very uplifting. Well done.

  • @brettneygibbs9047
    @brettneygibbs9047 Рік тому +4665

    My dad is black as hell and we were born and raised in a little country town where we STILL live and thrive, and he's the definition of a good ol boy. Raised right with morals.

    • @christinaspurgeon9564
      @christinaspurgeon9564 Рік тому +166


    • @karenbianco1084
      @karenbianco1084 Рік тому

      Amen! Good old boys are generations of men raised up right! Color has nothing to do with it these days! Maybe 60 to 100 years ago it may have, but praise God, we've made so much progress against racism! The corrupt current powers that be, are deliberately trying to cause division.

    • @douglasforsythe5853
      @douglasforsythe5853 Рік тому +152

      God Bless him and you! ❤

    • @Sirius-ly
      @Sirius-ly Рік тому +99


      @ZZUBZERO Рік тому +207

      As an old white man at 64 ,.....thank you!! There are good people and bad people. I act how I'm treated accordingly to what is projected on me,.....positive or negative gets a like and equal response.

  • @PamelaHarwood-m2z
    @PamelaHarwood-m2z Рік тому +120

    I was born and raised in a small town, where my father was the police chief. The stuff going on would never happen there because the town people looked after each other. We never locked doors. You keep singing on Jason. Some people can't handle the truth

  • @theresadenen2964
    @theresadenen2964 Рік тому +67

    Thank you for speaking the truth! As a country we need to stand together. I appreciate you! ♥️🙏✝️

  • @EscrimaGames
    @EscrimaGames Рік тому +390

    I’m not a country music guy, but I will say this… Jason Aldean has guts to make this song and I’m all up for it. Much respect for him. Also, the song is a banger.

    • @davidleatherneck
      @davidleatherneck Рік тому +15

      Yes, but what is disturbing is, 20 years ago no one needed Guts to do this.

    • @JawjaTv
      @JawjaTv Рік тому +3

      I'm not a guy music country, him for respect much. It for up all I'm and song this make to guts has Aldean Jason. ... this say will I, but guy music country a not I'm.

    • @tamaraquintero7815
      @tamaraquintero7815 Рік тому +9

      I totally AGREE. I been wondering what does Hank Williams Jr say about all this bullshit. Small towns won't put up with this stuff, I know exactly what Jason Aldean is talkin bout. If the need arises there's always a way to deal with BS and everybody don't have to know how.

    • @davidleatherneck
      @davidleatherneck Рік тому +7

      @@tamaraquintero7815 Merle Haggard had a similar song. 'Fight'n side of me.'

    • @erinbartoe7931
      @erinbartoe7931 Рік тому +2

      @@JawjaTv can you put that in English?

  • @BillyNewton-b5t
    @BillyNewton-b5t Рік тому +538

    I'm a black American who is not a country fan but the words of this song is on point i really enjoy it & i didnt see anything racist in the song! We need more American wit this backbone this man is standing up for its called VALUES ! Thank Good there is still good guys who was raised rights ! Take care of ur own is a great thing! doing wats right is always a good thing ! i support Good

    • @aprildawn845
      @aprildawn845 Рік тому +27

      Thank you we are all just plan Americans thats it nothing more. We are tired of the crap thats going on an the negativeness an those trying to divide US. This song is just stating WE NEED TO STAND UP

    • @lynneaiken1647
      @lynneaiken1647 Рік тому +16

      Amen!! American's.... period!

    • @RealBobEvans
      @RealBobEvans Рік тому +8

      We are living in the last days right before the rapture of the born-again Christian church. All the signs that the Lord Jesus Christ, who is God, predicted are coming to pass.
      “For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places. All these are the beginning of sorrows.” - Matthew 24:7-8 KJV
      “This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy” - 2 Timothy 3:1-2 KJV
      The Holy Bible says you are a sinner headed for eternal, burning Hell. You will perish unless you repent to God and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Jesus shed his blood on the cross, died (and in doing so he paid for all your sins, reconciling you to God), and he rose from the dead on the 3rd day. Place your trust for salvation solely in Jesus Christ (who is God in the flesh) today and be saved!
      “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” - John 3:16 KJV
      “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God; To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus… Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.” - Romans 3:23-26, 28 KJV
      “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” - John 14:6 KJV

    • @coleneritchie5625
      @coleneritchie5625 Рік тому +8

      Agree with you 100%!

    • @tammymitchell7345
      @tammymitchell7345 Рік тому +5

      ❤ I stand with him

  • @tayloranonson
    @tayloranonson Рік тому +78

    Take it from a Good Ol Boy that the term "Good Ol Boy" just means someone from a small country town that's good hearted and puts God, family and their community first and as Jason Aldean says, we aren't afraid to stand our ground and defend ourselves.

  • @loriwilkes500
    @loriwilkes500 Рік тому +53

    Good ole boys means, raised right with morals and values. And small towns watch out for each other, have each others backs , check on each other!!! So crazy this song is being slammed so badly!!! Love seeing people speaking out!!! Praise God!!!

  • @rhondagreene1015
    @rhondagreene1015 Рік тому +113

    I'm Black and I agree with the lyrics the message speak volume. It takes a village of like minded people to live together in peace and harmony in order to survive these day. I say its time to get your house in order.

    • @Graacie1111
      @Graacie1111 Рік тому +4

      Amen..... bc Jesus is knocking at the door... So says....
      Matthew chapter 24

    • @je862
      @je862 Рік тому +1

      @@Graacie1111 Good post, fellow Christian!

    • @tunes5077
      @tunes5077 Рік тому

      Amen, brothers.

    • @photo33100
      @photo33100 Рік тому +1

      Identity politics's about your heart and your respect for others as they respect you!!!! God Bless this country.

  • @glennsmith7653
    @glennsmith7653 Рік тому +214

    It's amazing how many people take small amounts of the lyrics and twist them to fit their narrative. I was raised in a small town and he speaks the truth. We loved the Country and we didn't disrespect the Flag, law enforcement personnel and especially the businesses in our town.

    • @marysalvi242
      @marysalvi242 Рік тому

      @glennsmith7653 It's amazing his lyrics didn't mention how those small town folks were willing to hang the vice president, stormed the capital with their good old small town rifles & pitch forks! oops wrong on the weapons that were brought. The flag is a "symbol" of past, present, & future supposedly, equality & freedom (let's not get into the whole forefathers & the declaration because the fact is we were never taught they "all men" was white not the colored man) they were smart to put amendments, which maybe they would hate or be divided that when that symbol for ALL, I take it that includes me as a female, me as a "black" person, me living in the northeast part of these un-united states, me who has a partner who is "white" I can name all the physical attributes & also what I believe in as a higher power or not, on and on and on, and nothing that I've just written or anything else takes away from what who you are as an american, we share that, I'm american, it's my country too many things I love about and many things I don't, so I can take that symbol and do what I want with it and you have no idea what I want to do with it..guess what, I want to wave it and say, "this is a piece of material, I'm waving upside down that it's symbolism means nothing if this country doesn't fully accept all it's people equally. NOBODY HAS TO LIKE ME YOU, JUST CAN'T DENY ME HOUSING, HAVE LAWS TELLING ME WHO TO LOVE, WHAT BOOKS TO READ, oh and when one really loves their country, they want it to be the best. (using caps to emphasize basic decency)

    • @latlanticcityphil
      @latlanticcityphil Рік тому


  • @lornaduwn
    @lornaduwn Рік тому +291

    In the south, a "good ole boy" is someone who was raised with old fashioned morals. If a man speaks with manners, has faith, helps his neighbor bring in the crops, mows and old woman's lawn..then he is a good ole boy.

    • @dejongrant27
      @dejongrant27 Рік тому +3

      I have white co-workers and they said it means something different. A group that gains favor, white people in the area that look out for it's own people.

    • @kendallmastre3356
      @kendallmastre3356 Рік тому +2


    • @ramonasp4989
      @ramonasp4989 Рік тому

      Sorry for you, you must work with alot of Jerks.

    • @ryandoyle4344
      @ryandoyle4344 Рік тому +10

      The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Edmund Burke

    • @TheBellarn58
      @TheBellarn58 Рік тому +12

      Yes! Good old boys take care of each other no matter their race.

  • @sharonvickery3358
    @sharonvickery3358 Рік тому +15

    I'm a 64 yr old white woman who was born & raised in MO but now live in CA. I praise you for having the backbone to share your opinion of this song with us in an honest,truthful way 👍💖 Thank You and God Bless you and your family! In my opinion only closed minded leftists would see this song & it's video as racist and/or inciting gun violence or any other violence!! You're commentary opinion is so truthful and spot on !! I am a huge Country music and Jason Aldean fan & this song & video are so Truthful & Patriotic & the video is nothing more than news reel clips which were on every news media for months . To knock it is ignorance!!!!

  • @paigedial3445
    @paigedial3445 Рік тому +246

    Love how many people of all colors are joining behind his song. Makes my heart so proud. This song stands for Americans standing together for what is right and treating each other with respect and taking care of each other and standing up for each other no matter what color you are. I stand for Jason and this song.

    • @kathy8780
      @kathy8780 Рік тому +1

      Right! All said

    • @kathy8780
      @kathy8780 Рік тому +8

      I'd just like to add... my dad always told us, if you can count one TRUE friend on your hand before you leave this world then your fortunate. With that being said, my brother has 3 people he calls his friend and thinks the world of all 3 of them. He is always bragging about them and talking about them. 2 of the guys are black. As for me well since 8 years ago when I started sharing FACTUAL info .trying to wake people up to what was coming and everyone thought I was crazy as hell so I don't have any REAL FRIENDS but I would LOVE to have a true true friend and I wouldn't give a damn what color they are. This shit is stupid. Moral of the story.... these small towns stand together, white, black, Asian etc. This is just rat batting bs for distraction. Taking everyone's eye off of Hunter's court proceedings. This is what they ALWAYS DO. So yall remember this... next time you start hearing a bunch of fud circling the net... better believe they won't to distract you from what's really going down..
      Start paying attention and watch..... like clock work

    • @user-je5hq1du1i
      @user-je5hq1du1i Рік тому

      Yeah, all colors like white, off-white, beige, and your favorite, non-white white worshippers.

    • @kathy8780
      @kathy8780 Рік тому

      Dog whistler..
      First time hearing that, hell I've ALWAYS knew it to be just good Ole small town folks.... wth man.... kkk was from back in the damn day before slavery ended. Again just rat batting .... they planned on getting a race war started. That's ALL this shit has EVER been about. ... the dems don't give a damn about ANY of us man.... it's all about keeping power and making US ALL slaves.... do your research... Democrats have ALWAYS been for slavery.... Republicans fault the democrats to end slavery.... come on you guys don't fall for their ignorance

    • @lindahamrick7177
      @lindahamrick7177 Рік тому

  • @antoinettelamontagna9999
    @antoinettelamontagna9999 Рік тому +224

    I Love this song ❤. Thank you Jason Aldean for stating this out loud ! It is time for Americans to defend our country ! God bless Jason Aldean !

  • @gwendolynmosley6960
    @gwendolynmosley6960 Рік тому +147

    Amen this black mama loves this song!!! Bless Mr.Aldean and his family. God bless the USA❤

    • @mariamiller3177
      @mariamiller3177 Рік тому +6


    • @lydialanata8714
      @lydialanata8714 Рік тому +3

      Great respnse!🎉❤

    • @lydialanata8714
      @lydialanata8714 Рік тому +1

      Great response😊

    • @5Mary2
      @5Mary2 Рік тому +1

      Good on you mama.
      We raise our children in a good and healthy way so that they can have a good future and thrive. Bless you and love from another white mama.

  • @brendabellhouston3560
    @brendabellhouston3560 Рік тому +32

    Everything he says is true to me!!! It's his words and he has every rite to express his thoughts through song! Just as we all do!!! Go Jason Aldean!!! ❤❤❤❤❤

  • @ItsBishop69
    @ItsBishop69 Рік тому +104

    I'm a born and raised country boy, and I have to say that I love this song! Jason Aldean has been one of my top favorite country singers since he hit the scene! Jason has my support 💯%! Love your videos, bro! Keep doing what you do and to all of y'all that's got a problem with this song. Well, "bless your heart"! That's a nice southern way of saying "GFYS"!

    • @meganvaughn-ko5tp
      @meganvaughn-ko5tp Рік тому +3

      Me too I love Jason Aldean song he has my support too

    • @beckarose4
      @beckarose4 Рік тому +5

      We can listen to Wap or this.. my choice is this... why aren't we upset with the lyrics of that song

    • @michaelwhite8031
      @michaelwhite8031 Рік тому +3

      God bless you brother.

  • @iVETAnsolini
    @iVETAnsolini Рік тому +106

    Good ole boys to me are people who have morals. Hold the door for people, says please and thank you. Excuse me, and isn’t a disrespectful pos. Cares about their community and goes about things the right way. Great song! 🇺🇸

  • @erinlee7161
    @erinlee7161 Рік тому +145

    I live in a very small town in rural America (population under 300). This song is ALL about where I am from. We take care of each other, we respect each other, and watch out for each other. If people try to hurt anyone, be disrespectful to anyone, or put anyone in danger they will be held accountable for those actions. This song says all of that to me. It is about respect and not putting up with disrespect and bad behavior. Small town people don't promote violence, but we don't tolerate it either. I sure wish those of you from other parts of this country could experience that. And you can if you pull together and stop putting up with it. Don't let it happen to you, your family, or your community. Period.

    • @yvonneollivier7088
      @yvonneollivier7088 Рік тому +4

      Thank you.

    • @barbarascoby7992
      @barbarascoby7992 Рік тому +7

      Well said. I grew up in a small town. And the lyrics said the same for me. I read some of the added interpretations and could only think everyone was not so fortunate to live in a small town.

    • @Bearfacts01
      @Bearfacts01 Рік тому +1


    • @queenana9
      @queenana9 Рік тому +2


    • @MicheleHow777
      @MicheleHow777 Рік тому

      Notice these Demroat-Woke Libs use this song to try to divide us using Racist. When there is NONE. Decent educated Americans see the song for what it is-The TRUTH. BLM & ANTIFA destroying their own communities. We the Rural small town ppl aren't going to stand for it. As a Georgian -Like Jason Aldean (Macon Ga) we take care of our own. Atlanta is a demorat ran city & look @ what a crap hole it's become. Stay lock & loaded. United we ALL stand Together OR divided America will Fall-The Bible.

  • @Tanya-vt1sf
    @Tanya-vt1sf Рік тому +23

    Thank you Jason for putting into song the way many of us feel about what's going on out there. We must "refuse" to lose respect decency and order !!!

  • @michaelballard5166
    @michaelballard5166 Рік тому +110

    This song is about,what all people,of all colors, should stand for. We should all stand together to defend our families,our communities,and our lives from any type of tyranny.

  • @tyizzle80
    @tyizzle80 Рік тому +746

    I'm Black and when I first heard people saying this song was racist and I immediately went to watch it. And by the end of the song, I was bobbing my head and forgot I was looking for racism.All this song is about is having Pride and Love for your community or neighborhood. And not tolerating disrespect from Outsider of any color. In the video they are showing White folks actually doing things he mentioned in the song as well.

    • @SymphonicEllen
      @SymphonicEllen Рік тому +46

      Disney apparently even filmed some Hannah Montana stuff at that courthouse they say a certain lynching happened, and nobody had a problem with that. He also didn't call out any particular protest by name, just general violence and the Tik Tok thing where people were going up a punching people just cause. They're just mad cause he's a strong , kind, good looking feller with a wife and kids, and the worse part for them, he doesn't viscerally hate DJT.

    • @PardieDiem
      @PardieDiem Рік тому

      It was mostly brainwashed white leftist getting paid to destroy our country.

    • @liatreadway8294
      @liatreadway8294 Рік тому +14


    • @vld7850
      @vld7850 Рік тому

      It wasn't white folks

    • @babyt556
      @babyt556 Рік тому +20

      I have a love for all music styles as long as the message is good (just heard a gospel rock song that has been added to my praise and worship list lol). He ain’t said nothing wrong that’s outside of normal human behavior. People love their community and are territorial. It’s like that whether I’m the city life country life or hood life.
      Sidenote: I heard a country song in Walmart talking about finding a good woman who loves God and smiles when talking about having a baby and being a wife. Me and my husband were smiling so hard bobbing our heads lol. People are just too sensitive nowadays and lbh that wasnt black people complaining about it. White liberals once again making claims for a group of people like we can’t speak for ourselves if need be.

  • @RandyBadour
    @RandyBadour Рік тому +108

    I just want to say thank you for being open and honest. Most don't have the backbone to stand for what you believe and this country. Respect good sir! 🙏

  • @yvetteshoulders7431
    @yvetteshoulders7431 Рік тому +5

    Thank you for being a loving individual and loving God and country!!! You Rock!!

  • @lynnewade2869
    @lynnewade2869 Рік тому +183

    Sir, I just came across your video. I love the way you narrated through the song. I even learned a couple new words!
    Good ol’ boys-believes in family. Respects and loves our country. Will take pride in protecting their place of home. And the list goes on.
    I respect and love Jason Aldean for standing up for our country and letting us all know that GOOD OL’ BOYS are still around and telling it like it is! ❤️💯🌹

    • @terrimcnutt7968
      @terrimcnutt7968 Рік тому +2

      Love this..but what does dog whistle mean?

    • @LisaCoco-o6m
      @LisaCoco-o6m Рік тому +5

      Thanks for explaining it to those who didn't know. I've always been a small town girl

  • @RevanJJ
    @RevanJJ Рік тому +69

    Small town southern boy here. My neighbor is black and identifies the same. We don’t care about skin. It’s about community. We don’t wait 15 minutes for the cops. Whole neighborhood has planned out things and let’s just say ppl try that here or try to hurt my neighbor (vice versa) they’ll get 2nd Amendment treatment. We also make sure ppl have food. It’s just like that.
    Ppl looking for racism in everything will find it. Van you are based, my brother in Christ.

  • @donnasinnott8258
    @donnasinnott8258 Рік тому +276

    Thank you for standing up for this singer and song. I've just started watching you recently, and I respect you for your common sense way of looking at things. You seem to be an intelligent, strong man with a great family, and I respect you for sharing your thoughts, life, etc. with us all. God bless you and yours. I pray to get both our countries back to the great places they were. Peace and love to all!

    • @thelmabyers2678
      @thelmabyers2678 Рік тому +7

      All of us need to think about his message. We used to be able to go anywhere and enjoy good clean fun, but now we are prisoners of terrorist in our own neighborhood. i remember when we slept with our screen door open, we could ride bikes across town and have gatherings without shootings. That is the America that was beautiful and admired. I get his feeling .

    • @georgewelford8648
      @georgewelford8648 Рік тому +1

      Thanks. We got madness going on everyday. I’m pissed off. I’m not gonna lay down.
      I appreciate you! Not just the content. Hang in there.

    • @lynncarlson1543
      @lynncarlson1543 Рік тому +1


    • @jayarnett3566
      @jayarnett3566 Рік тому +2

      Awsome vedio keep up the good work

    • @cynthiaawtrey9967
      @cynthiaawtrey9967 Рік тому

      AMEN BROTHER!!!!

  • @judyswindle5471
    @judyswindle5471 Рік тому +4

    Raised in a small town. This is what my little rural town is about. We take care of each other. I love this song!

  • @terinelson1483
    @terinelson1483 Рік тому +176

    Loved your reaction!! This song represents what a lot of us stand for respect of country & community!!

    • @jumpcutapocalypse8194
      @jumpcutapocalypse8194 Рік тому +1

      Plenty of that in the city, too. Some urban areas are shit holes. Some little towns are even worse. Most small towns, IMO, have more problems and worse people than big cities.

    • @kelliepatrick519
      @kelliepatrick519 Рік тому +2

      We get that you respect America. The question is, do you respect Americans? Millions of Americans were saying loud and clear that they haven't been respected in this country and in fact were being discriminated against, even brutalized, by various police forces across the country. Do you think their lives matter?

    • @bobbafett1849
      @bobbafett1849 Рік тому

      ​@@kelliepatrick519that IS the question

    • @jacobking3211
      @jacobking3211 Рік тому +1

      Jesus said, "I tell you the truth no one will see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me." For God so loved the world that He give His only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but to save the World through Him. For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God. For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord, and All who call upon the name of the Lord will be saved. " If you want to be sure of Heaven and avoid the other place below say the following prayer sincerely from your heart." Lord Jesus I repent and am sorry for my sins forgive me. I forgive all who have offended me. Come into my heart and save me. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and baptise me with your Holy Spirit. Fulfill your plan and purpose in my life. "I recommend you read John's Gospel especially chapter 3.Gbu.John 3v3v22,John 14v6.

    • @anthonythomas4461
      @anthonythomas4461 Рік тому

      @@kelliepatrick519correctly spoken by somebody that’s woke

  • @psycalotus
    @psycalotus Рік тому +85

    Good ole boys are just humble country people who stand up for what they believe in, love everyone, and protect what's right.

  • @leticiawallace1220
    @leticiawallace1220 Рік тому +153

    I live in a small town. I’m white. I’m a minority in my small town but I don’t care, I never see it. When BLM tried to come here, black, white, Mexican, Asian , Police, Sheriff, deputies EVERYONE got in their squad cars, went on foot, and got on their horses and headed them off at the pass before they could enter into our small town. We allowed them no entrance PERIOD. and that’s all you have to do folks. Stand up for what’s right regardless of your race color or creed. We are not a separate people we are all Americans Do what’s right by humanity do not allow this evil to persist.

    • @rosestarrett2241
      @rosestarrett2241 Рік тому +7

      Well said, very well said..

    • @brendadickenson3547
      @brendadickenson3547 Рік тому +7

      Amen. It cites can learn to stand up the same way if need be they just have together as a command do it just like the man who jumped down and saved that truckers life during the watts riots when he realized it was right out side of his place. Heah, that black man saved that with man just trying to do his job. Riots in your area then you get together and stop it and don't let them burn out businesses or cars in your part of town. Be strong and of good courage, as the Good Book says

    • @wakingupnow9324
      @wakingupnow9324 Рік тому +5

      EXACTLY !!! THANK YOU !!!

    • @aprildawn845
      @aprildawn845 Рік тому +7

      Thats what they did here when it was coming over from Washington state toward us. But it was not just the police an sheriffs it was a community thing we all had our guns out an ready an yeah every color was there. We didnt want that crap here. Proud of our small town

    • @cherlylena6956
      @cherlylena6956 Рік тому +4

      By any means necessary!

  • @ericalvarez6370
    @ericalvarez6370 Рік тому +10

    Amen brother. I’m with you. Great song , good message.

  • @joemackey5142
    @joemackey5142 Рік тому +101

    Congrats on raising your kids right, you should be proud

  • @tyizzle80
    @tyizzle80 Рік тому +188

    I don't even listen to Country Music but I been walking around singing the hook to this song for 3 days😂I'm Black and the Song actually Pumps me up and Feel Proud to be American and Make me want to take even more Pride in my Community. I started picking up random trash and everything 😂

    • @rjpartridge3281
      @rjpartridge3281 Рік тому

      Good on you, brother. I'm from a small town in Oklahoma, but a man's color has no bearing on him as a person. I grew up playing sports with men of all races. Race should have no place as we are ALL AMERICANS, not so called African-American or any other brand the Deep State and war mongers want to label us as. Just be honest and have morals and let your word stand for your character/integrity.

    • @kylen1922
      @kylen1922 Рік тому +14

      Need more men like u. There is sense of pride this country has lost.

    • @notmetagaming
      @notmetagaming Рік тому +9

      That's beautiful man 😁

    • @taipanmeserablegoat2416
      @taipanmeserablegoat2416 Рік тому +8

      Yeah ,Me too, I love the Hook.

    • @leaann28
      @leaann28 Рік тому +4

      It's better than listening and watching two gay lovers in a shower begging someone to love him or a song wanting to murder Rob some etc..

  • @pamelagilley1022
    @pamelagilley1022 Рік тому +112

    My family’s made up of whites, black, Mexican and Japanese but we respect each other and our country. We love people and sympathize with the tragedies that happened that should’ve been handled differently, but it happens on all sides, and we need to come together in God and respect each other. I love this song sending love from Louisiana. 🙏🏼

  • @donnamiller4069
    @donnamiller4069 Рік тому +7

    I am so glad to hear good things about this song because I LOVE IT!

  • @pamalalittle7434
    @pamalalittle7434 Рік тому +321

    I’m 77years old, I stand with this young man. He is telling it how it is. He’s unhappy with happenings in this country. Small towns together. They help each other. Love this song. He’s telling it how it is. You go Jason Aldean.

    • @Shanross2870
      @Shanross2870 Рік тому +1

      Amen & amen 🙏🏾 Great song & review! We need more that would be willing to stand up for small town America !! 🙌🏾🫶🏾🇺🇸

  • @carolhandy3757
    @carolhandy3757 Рік тому +66

    I'm a 64 yr old white woman and I love what you are doing! Right there with you.

  • @williampaul8556
    @williampaul8556 Рік тому +60

    Cousin in a small town in Texas and he has told me WE look about for each other and color, nationality means nothing. WE pull together. He lives it. No hate at all.

  • @barbaragennette7644
    @barbaragennette7644 Рік тому +6

    Thank you for such an honest review! I was raised in Detroit, and our immediate community had the same mindset as this song- I always felt safe there (I’m a white woman) I had plenty of my neighbors stand up if they ever noticed any sign of a problem. The attitude of “try that “ also exists in the inner cities.

  • @jhood758
    @jhood758 Рік тому +71

    I live in a small town with multicultural, colors. We all wave at each other if someone is out in their yard. We help each other out. Many are Christians and not ashamed. A “good ol boy” is exactly what the words are saying. GOOD guys!

  • @Jeff-o9e
    @Jeff-o9e Рік тому +29

    I'm a black man and I am a good ol boy from Huntsville Alabama a small town and I stand with Jason and this song.

  • @brucebradbury8786
    @brucebradbury8786 Рік тому +62

    Your spot on brother. We love this country and we do take care of our own. This has nothing to do with kkk or white supremacy. We are all Americans living peacefully in our communities.

  • @bonniestawski219
    @bonniestawski219 Рік тому +9

    This song is not racist! I love it! Every American should feel like this and want to protect our country! Thank y'all so much! God bless you and Jason Aldean!

  • @texasrope1573
    @texasrope1573 Рік тому +36

    As a small town man, I can tell you us good ol' boys come in all colors and God's races. We all stand together.

    • @vimassdaproductions4321
      @vimassdaproductions4321 Рік тому +3

      Exactly! In my small town we wave while driving at people we don't know. We come together when tragedy strikes one family or another, no matter who they are. There's a reason why there's so much push back against this song: It unites people! Can't have that, dontcha know....

  • @kathyparker5899
    @kathyparker5899 Рік тому +51

    Before he made this song, I had MO CLUE who he was. The awesome thing is that “THEY” are making him more famous. He speaks truth and THEY need to get a grip on their own life. God bless AMERICA 🇺🇸

    • @elizabethlacky6068
      @elizabethlacky6068 Рік тому +2

      Ikr..I never liked Country music.. I'm buying this song now that they bought it to my attention. 👍

    • @HoomanPlays
      @HoomanPlays Рік тому

      No one is upset about this song lol. Even in this video all he shows is people defending the song and not one person complaining about it. The left memes on this song, that's about it.

    • @cyndib511
      @cyndib511 Рік тому

      ​@@HoomanPlaysand the hags of The View. Hostin and Goldberg nearly suffered an aneurysm expressing their outrage.

    • @HoomanPlays
      @HoomanPlays Рік тому

      @@cyndib511 They also walked off their own show because they couldn't handle Bill O Reily. Who the hell cares? Not actual people

  • @yannascotto8597
    @yannascotto8597 Рік тому +431

    My family and I are immigrants (or aliens) from Cambodia. We came to America around 1988/1989 as refugees and love it! Coming from a third world country to here is like hitting a jackpot. Some American people here sure take things for granted. My family and I will never move back to Cambodia. If the rioters don’t like it here, they can buy a one way ticket to there or the Middle East.

    • @trismaccarran9950
      @trismaccarran9950 Рік тому +35

      Like the "one way" ticket...😁

    • @smgdfcmfah
      @smgdfcmfah Рік тому +39

      And leave their passport and other personal records behind so they can't change their mind.

    • @aprildawn845
      @aprildawn845 Рік тому +16

      Im glad you all are here i saw read an even met some of those that came over through are church that came over in the 80s. We are just standing for what is right.

    • @crypticreality8484
      @crypticreality8484 Рік тому +2


    • @Pepper-rn4hh
      @Pepper-rn4hh Рік тому +15

      Love hearing your thoughts and so happy that you are here and that you can see all of the good in this country.
      The ungrateful people here are such an embarrassment. The United States is not perfect, but we are overall a good nation. We are broken in many ways, but I pray that we can turn this boat around.

  • @kimberlycoto5007
    @kimberlycoto5007 Рік тому +4

    I am glad you did this because people are trying to make him feel like he did something wrong and he didn’t! I 100% support him. I am a country girl and completely understand every word in this song!!

  • @david.mysticalbeing
    @david.mysticalbeing Рік тому +306

    I am an immigrant from Pakistan. Served in US Army and I love country music. I often go line dancing. Love my boots, my cowboy hats and country life. Country folks are the best folks on earth

  • @pfcampos7041
    @pfcampos7041 Рік тому +142

    So glad to see so many folks supporting Jason Aldean and this song. " The evil you tried to do to me has been turned to good." Gen. 50:20

  • @trickyzenmom
    @trickyzenmom Рік тому +82

    Never even heard of this guy Jason but downloaded this song to support! 🥰 Sick of MSM trying to divide us...united we stand damn it!!! 🙌🏽👊🏽🇺🇸 🌎 😂😂😂

  • @Laura70370
    @Laura70370 Рік тому +6

    Such a great song and video and beat just rocks! I love that he doesn’t apologize for loving his country, his town and the people regardless if they agree on everything, simply because they come together to protect and help each other. To me, good ole’ boys always just meant raised in the country, down to earth attitude and raised in a simple kind of way. I picture them having learned respect for others from their mamas.

  • @oldladyfarmer7211
    @oldladyfarmer7211 Рік тому +29

    Your kids should be so proud of you. What a great Dad you are to be courageous enough to speak the truth, live your morals and be a Patriot! God bless you & your family!

  • @julieprentice2209
    @julieprentice2209 Рік тому +27

    I'd be proud to call him Son, Brother and a Righteous Young Man that stands up for the Old, the weak and the Defenceless. May God Bless him and his family.

  • @toriroberts6000
    @toriroberts6000 Рік тому +42

    As a country girl, I was raised to help people and be a nice person! A good ole boy is a term we use to describe a person of good character that would give you the shirt off their back.

    • @sharonscates1859
      @sharonscates1859 Рік тому

      Absolutely 💯 % correct, every word, why people want to make something out of don't hear us attacking their culture as wrong, maybe a lot of them personally, but if it walks like a duck... Lastly, I would stand up anywhere and tell anybody that my 80-yr old father is a good ole boy and has been all his life; always put everyone before himself ❤ and yes, we have lived in a small town all our lives.😊

  • @marjiemiller
    @marjiemiller Рік тому +3

    Thank you!!! You brought tears to my eyes!!! Good tears!!! Happy tears!!! Loved watchin you jam to the song and thank you for the calming sanity and smiles!!!

  • @jscho8674
    @jscho8674 Рік тому +42

    I've watched a lot of reactions to this song by people of color, and every single person has reacted this way. It gives me such hope. The "controversy" is just idiotic. I love your channel!❤

    • @lindaotruba6428
      @lindaotruba6428 Рік тому

      The controversy comes from spoiled white liberals who think they know better than any minority!! They are the true racists and instigators of these times!

  • @debrapaul9682
    @debrapaul9682 Рік тому +60

    We should boycott CMT. They said there was a lynching at that court house in 1925? Great song Jason Aldean I stand with you.

  • @DavidWagonerkwf
    @DavidWagonerkwf Рік тому +42

    Thank you for sharing your review & opinion of this song. It's refreshing to see people of every race, color & background getting busy trying to unite this country, rather than fighting to further divide it. May God keep blessing your work!

  • @galesmith7738
    @galesmith7738 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for coming out and standing up for truth! Everything you said is truth! This is BS and I appreciate you for your stand!! ❤

  • @patriciapicou1096
    @patriciapicou1096 Рік тому +47

    grew up in a small town, he is telling the truth -- if someone got hurt or sick, every one would get together and help people out -- and we all went to the football games together on friday night and the parades together -- if someone in a small town hurts the whole town hurts
    if you did not grow up in a small town it seems strange

  • @vmcgriff
    @vmcgriff Рік тому +61

    Our country wouldn’t have any food to eat if it wasn’t for small town all across this country. And they do value people and help each other. It’s not a racial thing in a small town - it’s all about community! Love what you have to say! ❤🇺🇸🙏🏻

  • @briandwiggins1576
    @briandwiggins1576 Рік тому +50

    So many people hate this song because they don't know what a real man is or does.

    • @richh5824
      @richh5824 Рік тому

      Sad fact.... Most people that hate do not have a good family life and usually lack a father figure to guide them into manhood and I am not speaking about age.

  • @randyoneal2250
    @randyoneal2250 Рік тому +3

    Thank you! Thank you for putting this out here. Jason’s video/song describes the majority of our country’s Christian citizens views. Thank you Jason for this song

  • @amethystrosemaclaren5853
    @amethystrosemaclaren5853 Рік тому +79

    I started hearing others talking about this song but I had not heard it until here. I say way to go Jason Aldean! What he is singing is Truth of what's going on in this nation and it needs to Stop! Enough is Enough! We as a nation need to stand together in Unity and fight the right way instead of against each other.
    Thank you so much for putting this amazing video out for all of us! I appreciate you! God bless you and your family always and all who watch your channel. Lord, bring healing to our nation. Thank you, Jesus! Amen

  • @CM-oe1og
    @CM-oe1og Рік тому +57

    Congratulations for being a wonderful father to both of your children! You've raised them well and deserve the recognition! 👏 ♥️

  • @bobmohr4952
    @bobmohr4952 Рік тому +217

    For anyone to have an issue with a man and a song wanting the country’s criminals to be punished for there wrong doings and give us back the America we were brought up in. The song makes me proud to be an American and why I fought for this country in Vietnam at 19 years old. Keep it up Jason!

    • @lisamclaughlin1124
      @lisamclaughlin1124 Рік тому +5

      God Bless you and Thank you for your service 🇺🇸💖🇺🇸🙏💖🇺🇸🙏
      GOD BLESS AMERICA 🇺🇸 🙏 💖🇺🇸💖🙏💖🇺🇸🙏💖🇺🇸

    • @angietrue8080
      @angietrue8080 Рік тому

      Why didn’t we see anything about people storming the White House???

    • @Richard-yp6do
      @Richard-yp6do Рік тому

      Thanks for your service brother

    • @robintriana755
      @robintriana755 Рік тому

      Thank you for your amazing service🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲

    • @mith2946
      @mith2946 Рік тому +3

      Lol Jason Aldean is just playing on your emotions to make money. The song truthfully is not good at all and doesn't stand on its own. While I more or less agree with most of the messaging, it's ridiculous. If you can't see your being played I feel sorry for you.

  • @laurenzini6403
    @laurenzini6403 Рік тому +2

    Thank you for being real & congrats on being a great dad!!

  • @michaelc8806
    @michaelc8806 Рік тому +335

    It is time that we all take a stand against this madness!!!

    • @patriciainnaurato575
      @patriciainnaurato575 Рік тому +3

      I agree!

    • @mckennah8586
      @mckennah8586 Рік тому +12

      Our vote matters and write letters to you government officials, call and make your voice known.
      The conservative American has been silent too long, we need to be the squeaky wheel. That's how we all can participate to take our country back. We can no longer just complain, we all need to speak up!

    • @walterfreeman9636
      @walterfreeman9636 Рік тому +3

      Candidate selection is possibly more important than the election.

    • @R.A.P-NC704
      @R.A.P-NC704 Рік тому

      U mean take a stand against a corrupt Yankee Nazi Gay Devil worshipping liberal government 😂

    • @JayCruz-mn6gt
      @JayCruz-mn6gt Рік тому

      You losers always say that. Do something about it then old man

  • @Soulseeker-z8x
    @Soulseeker-z8x Рік тому +53

    Love Jason Aldean and love this song. I stand with Jason!! Proud lover of his country, his family, and his small town.

  • @bryangibson2788
    @bryangibson2788 Рік тому +62

    We are in the midst of a comeback folks. Almost shed a tear when i hear this...tears of joy that we are taking this country back!

  • @leti-o
    @leti-o Рік тому +2

    If you're born in America you're Lucky.
    But a woman born and living in America is TWICE BLESSED

  • @bridgetmcdanel4981
    @bridgetmcdanel4981 Рік тому +148

    What a powerful song with a strong message! I grew up in a small town with these same values. Bravo Jason Aldean!!

    • @treeman2660
      @treeman2660 Рік тому

      Southerland Springs or Uvalde ring a bell? Both small TX towns!

    • @sherrybedoya2636
      @sherrybedoya2636 Рік тому


    • @queenisrael8158
      @queenisrael8158 Рік тому

      The song is trash as I thought I listen to the whole song just demonic!!!

    • @queenisrael8158
      @queenisrael8158 Рік тому

  • @ceijohn1107
    @ceijohn1107 Рік тому +100

    You are correct! We, Black, White, Asian, Hispanic Americans are tired of the BS.

  • @chrisfennell1431
    @chrisfennell1431 Рік тому +52

    You’re not an Uncle Tom, you are a smart man who believes in family and faith, you have a head on your shoulders and a brain inside of it. God bless you bro. 👍

    • @KennethArriola
      @KennethArriola Рік тому +8

      People who know better would be proud to be labeled an Uncle Tom.

    • @sandman9390
      @sandman9390 Рік тому +9

      Uncle Tom was actually a hero 🤷‍♂️

    • @heatherchaplin5441
      @heatherchaplin5441 Рік тому +1

      Uncle Tom is not a negative thing, you keep it real on all the videos I watch. We agree about 100% of the time along with this video!

  • @AngieTallent
    @AngieTallent Рік тому +2

    Thank you, Sir, for explaining this song. I didn't see or hear anything racist or hateful in this song. Yes, it's art. How I feel living in a small town. No, I don't own a gun. I try my best to love people, like Jesus loved all people. I don't judge. God is the only judge in the end. Prayers for our country 🇺🇲

  • @JoyceMiller-u4l
    @JoyceMiller-u4l Рік тому +305

    I stand with Jason Aldean 10000%!!!! This is a great American song I love it!! Sorry this is what has been happening in our country,and we need to stop letting it happen.Its a disgrace to burn our flag!!!

    • @concernedcitizen3940
      @concernedcitizen3940 Рік тому

      It's a disgrace to wrap yourself in our flag and assault cops and break into our Capitol and chant hang Mike Pence.

    • @michelejones6785
      @michelejones6785 Рік тому

      The thing that makes America great is the fact that we’re a melting pot!! Most countries are homogeneous. Sure we have problems but considering how many different people and cultures we have here it’s not as bad as people say!!

    • @concernedcitizen3940
      @concernedcitizen3940 Рік тому

      @@michelejones6785 - So true. We are the melting pot. Remember when Trump, the Don of division, campaigned with his divisive rhetoric? He said Mexicans are drug dealers and rapists. He called for a total and complete shutdown of a certain religion from entering the US. Trump's strategy showed US how many Americans loved his 'Hate Train'. They climbed aboard and won't step off and join the rational patriotic Americans that appreciate our melting pot.

  • @HuntandFish1955
    @HuntandFish1955 Рік тому +78

    I stand with Jason 100%.

  • @RUDEDOG5566
    @RUDEDOG5566 Рік тому +38

    Finally some one says what is happening to this country! Hard to deny this when it’s the TRUTH! Stay STRONG 👍🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • @johnbrooks756
    @johnbrooks756 Рік тому +2

    Bro, 2 engineering students!?! That’s parenting on another level right there. Congrats pops, it speaks volumes on who you are. Glad UA-cam sent me your way, much love ✌️❤

  • @V0ltron
    @V0ltron Рік тому +2314

    Breaks my heart the people are more upset about the lyrics of the song rather than why the song was created.

    • @bettyir4302
      @bettyir4302 Рік тому +39


    • @shirleyharcrow3988
      @shirleyharcrow3988 Рік тому +25


    • @camelliaroan6341
      @camelliaroan6341 Рік тому +29

      Amen to that!

    • @dejongrant27
      @dejongrant27 Рік тому

      I get what you're saying, but this is nothing new. Why are we acting like it is? I don't agree but, com in now. Since the Earl 1900's America has been burning down businesses, and communities for WHT they thought was right.

    • @sonnyjs15
      @sonnyjs15 Рік тому +18

      Right? Now let's all go download some WAP and Sexy Red songs...maybe some L.L.Cool Jay cop killin.....🤯

  • @Dee-eq1pg
    @Dee-eq1pg Рік тому +456

    He says what WE ALL feel. No one wants this BS in their town.

    • @treadhead
      @treadhead Рік тому +9

      S O M E DON'T LIKE IT ----------

    • @NexusRyder97
      @NexusRyder97 Рік тому +6

      Disrespect the flag and leave. Denounce the citizenship and leave the country and never come back

    • @user-zu5do6ri6r
      @user-zu5do6ri6r Рік тому

      You keep paying your government to sponsor it, though.

    • @jhenrypaul
      @jhenrypaul Рік тому +2

      @@NexusRyder97 Can you get the Trump supporters to follow that advice?

    • @alexiswaller3065
      @alexiswaller3065 Рік тому

      @@NexusRyder97something we wish you red necks would do disappear

  • @RandomCommentHandle
    @RandomCommentHandle Рік тому +47

    I've been binge watching these reactions from black people. So far 100% agree with the song. It makes me smile so hard. I love that you're doing these reaction videos, destroying the media narrative. Props.

    • @loveandrespectme
      @loveandrespectme Рік тому +8

      every black youtuber ive seen react to this video says its not racist

    • @brianstacey7967
      @brianstacey7967 Рік тому

      Because the truth is that it’s white liberals and media that want the black community to be mad. It’s all mind games. Don’t forget elections are coming. There will only be more of this. Nice reaction.

    • @pallen49
      @pallen49 Рік тому +1

      @@loveandrespectme I'm brown ( Asian / Oriental ) and the song is NOT racist whatsoever...Hell, I love it...

  • @melissas4633
    @melissas4633 Рік тому +1

    Amazing song! I absolutely love this song! It makes me feel like a proud patriotic America, and seeing the comments from fellow patriotic Americans. Makes me feel like we have some hope for our country. We gotta stick together. These people are violent and hate America with every piece of their soul. It’s so sad.

  • @nbrown5907
    @nbrown5907 Рік тому +24

    I live in a small town west southwest of Chicago. They had to close 4 Walmarts around and in Chicago due to constant shoplifting. The stores were losing money for years. I made the comment and still back it up that if that were to start happening at our Walmart supercenter we would volunteer to guard it!

  • @claytonmerrill3985
    @claytonmerrill3985 Рік тому +36

    Let’s all support this great guy God bless you brother ! LFR family rocks

  • @bettymcguire3873
    @bettymcguire3873 Рік тому +87

    Good ole boys means any man living in the country working hard for God, Family and Country.

    • @daveg.6820
      @daveg.6820 Рік тому +10

      Exactly - they gotta work real hard to warp the meaning of that phrase. Jason said it. Boys "raised up right".

    • @derikhensley9884
      @derikhensley9884 Рік тому

      I am against christian nationalism. christian can't control our america period.

  • @jodylebouton9436
    @jodylebouton9436 Рік тому +1

    My small town is why we moved there. People do care about each other. Thank you for playing it.

  • @sharons.5516
    @sharons.5516 Рік тому +25

    Thank you for listening and commenting as you did! Good Ol' Boys is the same as Home Boys, it has no inference to violence or color, it is relating to community without any consideration of color! I live in a small town, Redding CA and this is how we are, watching out for our community as a whole.

    • @PatriotLady1991
      @PatriotLady1991 Рік тому +1

      💯 grew up in Bakersfield. Hispanics are the same. Very loyal, protective people. If they call you friend, consider yourself blessed❣️✌️🇺🇸

  • @toneacusbebadacus2874
    @toneacusbebadacus2874 Рік тому +62

    Your in my prayers Brother, Thank you for your strength in showing and backing this video 🙏

  • @gameplayersgotti1901
    @gameplayersgotti1901 Рік тому +102

    This song brings us together while the media constantly keeps us divided.

    • @donbrloks3959
      @donbrloks3959 Рік тому

      That is so true. The government and the media are promoting racism.

    • @shawntapp3456
      @shawntapp3456 Рік тому

      Trump & his maga constantly divide people ..

  • @TeeKay-j1o
    @TeeKay-j1o Рік тому +1

    Terrific song. This is what America's all about. More small towns used to be safe. The violence should not be accepted as normal which is what it has come down to. Great song Jason!

  • @almavaughan818
    @almavaughan818 Рік тому +50

    It will be people from small towns that will be standing up and fighting for this country. You see what the people in cities are allowing.

  • @thetruthfrommyperspective6688
    @thetruthfrommyperspective6688 Рік тому +50

    I cry hearing this. In my 50s, from a small town, now stuck in a major hellhole Nashville, but I got my mom out back to our small town. Thank God. Jason is doing a benefit for Covenant school this week here. Says the man he is. I see none of those attacking him do anything to help as he is. God Bless him standing. And all doing so.

  • @louellamitchell5211
    @louellamitchell5211 Рік тому +13

    I am Black and from a small town. Not a country music fan but Me. Aldean is speaking Truth. Try all of this in the small town and find out.

  • @robertcameron4115
    @robertcameron4115 Рік тому +2

    Good ol’ boy:
    Someone (ethnicity is irrelevant) from the country (location is irrelevant) who is considered a respectable person. They are hard working and always willing to help someone in need. Faith in God, Patriot of the USA, Love for Family.

  • @AmbassadorTaps-mp9ym
    @AmbassadorTaps-mp9ym Рік тому +180

    Great message you are getting out. I'm a Christian and I love the Lord. Thank you for your Patriotic stand. God Bless you. Thank God for strong God loving men like Jason Aldean.

    • @Enoughsenoughnomas
      @Enoughsenoughnomas Рік тому

      Jason Aldean probably lives in a mansion in nashville. I've lived in small town called conyers georgia for 30 years. Nothing but meth dealers, bar fights, assaults, opiod addiction and depressed veterens dying from herion. Black lives matter and trans kids are the least of our worries. You wanna leave your mansion and come fix the opiod addiction? Hey bitch aldean can you hear me from your mansion in nashville?

  • @jeffdalton6061
    @jeffdalton6061 Рік тому +22

    Van, you are an example of a good parent. Congrats to you and your wife and especially to your kids for their accomplishments. Your strong, family values are put on display in all your videos. Thank you!!!

  • @debracherny7929
    @debracherny7929 Рік тому +99

    I love your commentary on this song. There is nothing wrong in standing up for your country, your family or your neighbor. People seem to blow everything out of proportion, and it is getting old. Thank you for your honest review.

    • @billmckinley9600
      @billmckinley9600 Рік тому

      Great song. I was raised in a small town.

    • @KennethTumlinson-eo1ii
      @KennethTumlinson-eo1ii Рік тому

      My husband's last words" GOD FAMILY COUNTRY.
      SAYS IT ALL.
      HE BELIEVED IN GOD FIRST BECAUSE GOD HELPED Him take care of his family and county.
      He was saying I'm a man and my family (community) knows that.

  • @abcdefg15005
    @abcdefg15005 Рік тому +1

    I live in Tennessee and I am republican also I am a Christian. I love Elvis and go to Graceland often... This is about me and my truth.....I love this song and what it stands for..I see peoples hearts, not their color... My dad fought for this Country in Vietnam and Korea. I was born in France, Army base, my sister, Japan, on and on and I thank God for all of His children.......You're a great guy LFR. God bless you and your family!!