  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @drakulkacz6489
    @drakulkacz6489 Рік тому +39

    The song is in Czech, English, Ukranian and Bulgarian rap part. West, east and south Slavic languages.
    There is a lot of symbolism, dressed as a Russion dolls - what they are NOT - violet is a colour of imperialism (JUST THE IDEA, NOT JUST GOVERMENT), TV for the slogan in the end (NOT THE END). And the last sentence is We are standing for U... (kraine). Russian is fed by imperialism with Ukranian soup BORŠČ (Ukranian land or blood). The young lady in front of the mirror wanted to look good but ends painted red with blood in shock. At the end they look like politician standing in press conference talking to people.
    We are sisters by languages. But think in a bigger picture than just Ukraine and Russia. Most Ukranian refugees are now in Slavic countries, they are working as family to help. It´s about unifying for that help and cooperation to allow Ukranian sovereignty. Even Czechia is not Russian doll. We don´t have nothing good common with Russia too.

    • @Widdekuu91
      @Widdekuu91 Рік тому

      The soup is Russian, isn't it? It has spaghetti-letters in it, it says "BLA."

  • @markus_ch
    @markus_ch Рік тому +25

    Relating to the video clip, Vesna is also my number 1. But I’m a bit afraid, if they will be able to transfer the atmosphere from the video to the stage. They are already six persons in the band, so there is no possibility for dancers etc. I saw their life performance in the national selection, which looked fine, but which of course didn’t have the intensity of the video. So therefore I would assume, they could finally rather end top 15 than top 5, although I personally would be happy seeing them wearing the crown.

    • @PrismaticRexhar
      @PrismaticRexhar Рік тому +1

      For the staging, I heard they are working with the same team as for the music video, so we will see ;))

    • @aaljan2339
      @aaljan2339 Рік тому

      They don't need dancers, they can use stage visuals to tell the story and represent the purple dudes, they need all six there.

    • @Rash23215
      @Rash23215 Рік тому +2

      Their underwhelming staging at their national final had more to do with the production value of the nf than their lack of effort.... I'm sure they'll be much better at the ESC stage....

    • @adamzdrahal1486
      @adamzdrahal1486 Рік тому +4

      Just resending✌️
      Judging by the most of the reactions from Ukrainians here I got the impression that the message is not clear enough to understand... Try to find more hidden symbols or check out some of the Vesna's interviews (they are in Czech or Englis only tho), they are explaining their intentions and the overall concept into more details...
      These are just a few of them:
      1) The prologue is talking about a "Slavic kingdom" with a sisterhood and happiness. They are referring to the age of 5th century, when the Slavic tribes came to Europe. There are, in facts, historical proves that the Slavic tribes of that time weren't even nearly as competitive with each other as the Germanic tribes for instance. That's also why the Slavic languages are closer to each other, with more similarities (depends on the geographical location) than the Romanic or Germanic languages of these days (and since Slavs were historically the last tribe that came to Europe, years after the Germanic tribes).
      2) The purple colour of the male bulliers is traditionally the colour of imperialism (since in the history the purple colour was the most difficult colour to get, that time it was only possible to get a small amount of it from a specific species of sea snails, that's also why there are only 2 countries in the whole world that have the purple colour in their flags - the Dominican republic and Nicaragua, because these flags were created much later and that time there were more technological options to create the purple colour. On the other hand, most of the world's flags have a long history behind them and since in the history it was so difficult to get the colour, we don't really see it in the current flags as well...). So the purple colour = (Russian) imperialism.
      3) As you can see, the purple (bad) bullies are only men, all the group members and (good) sisters are women - so we can clearly see a reference to the patriarchal society too...
      4) The scene when the girl in blue (she presents the Russian federation - the colours she is wearing match the colours of Russian flag) is tasting the ukrainian soup and rice (the literal ground of Ukraine), she then wants more and more of it...until she become possessed.
      5) The shape in the scene when the young sister (Ukraine) is beeing surrounded and encircled by the purple bulliers embles a star (symbolising the red communist star = communism).
      6) Russia (also a Slavic country) is not mentioned as a Slavic sister here, there is no Russian language at all, but there are other Slavic languages that are similar and related to each other (related as the sisters in the video - another symbol) - Czech and Bulgarian.
      7) Ofc this video is glorifying the Slavic origins of Europe, their haritage, culture and folklore, but Slavic doesn't mean Ukraine and Russia only! There are other Slavic nations and that's why there are 3 different Slavic languages from 3 different geographical Slavic language families (for the western Slavs it's Czech, the eastern Slavs it's Ukrainian and the southern Slavs from the Balkan peninsula it's Bulgarian). And the group's main inspiration - the Slavic traditions and folklore - is obvious even from the name of the group Vesna = an old pagan Slavic goddess of spring and fertility, that is well known in all Slavic nations.
      8) All these nations (CZ, SK, BG, UA) have their bad experience with Russian imperialism (there was a Soviet invasion to Czechoslovakia in 1968).
      9) Seems like you got also upset by the Russian girl in Vesna band singing in Ukrainian lnguage. You can't judge someone based on his/her nationality - nobody can choose where they want to be born. She left Russia for good reasons, currently living in the Czech Republic and she is against the war... and there are a lot of people in the Czech Republic that were born in Russia and they are against the war. I can't understand this logic to hate someone for only one fact that nobody can even decide or influence by themselves and so cannot be responsible for it - a birthplace. The things that they can influence and are responsible for are those things to love/hate on a certain person. By this logic we - Czechs and Slovaks - could blame Ukrainians too cause Breznev was the one who ordered the Soviet invasion to Czechoslovakia in 1968 and he was born in Ukraine...
      10) In the scene when a girl is making her make up done in front of a mirror, she is doing it firstly by herself but when a purple creature appears in the mirror, she looses the control of her make up. At the end, she looks horrible/messy. This might also be a reference to the Russian propaganda on how countries should look like according to Russia, in the end looking messed up or horrible (a reference to the communist regime and the Russian influences of that time, we also know it very well in Czechoslovakia, current Czech Republic and Slovakia).
      11) Toward the end of the video, the girls are singing and smiling, pretending everything is alright (sadly this is the real situation of how civil Russians in Russia are receiving this war in their TV and other national medias...
      12) "We are not your dolls" it relates to the fact that all these Slavic sisters (CZ, SK, BG, UA, but also Poles etc.) were occupied by the Russian army in the past and they become independent, individual countries with their own national identity (with their own crowns). Russia has no right to "possess" these dolls and these dolls are not listening the demands from Russia anymore. We, Slavic sisters (CZ, SK, BG, UA) are each independent countries now with an independent national identity, but at the same time related and close to each other (like the sisters in the video) by our languages, traditions, folklore and overall Slavic culture...
      And that's what the whole concept of the group is - having their members from different Slavic nations, pointing out on our common Slavic cultural treasures, the similarities in our languages etc., but also addressing the current socio-political situation.
      I thought that our nations (Czechs/Slovaks - Ukrainians) have always had a good relationships. So did Poles etc. And all of these 3 nations are helping you as much as they can (taking the Ukrainian immigrants, giving them shelters and jobs, education for kids, sending you the military supplies and medical equipments). And all of these 3 countries are Slavic, they are the Slavic sisters that support our Slavic Ukrainian sister that is in need. Hope the overall message is a bit clearler now for you (if not, check out some of the Vesna's interviews - they are only in Czech or English tho, they are explaining the concept and their intentions into more details)...
      With love, from the Czech Republic ❤

    • @neconeconeco
      @neconeconeco Рік тому +2

      @@adamzdrahal1486 "we are not your dolls" is an extremely powerful line when you understand the context.

  • @mattiaroncolatoLG
    @mattiaroncolatoLG Рік тому +9

    this is my number one too. Really one of the most beautiful and particular songs ive ever listened

  • @escrte
    @escrte Рік тому +8

    NUMBER 1!!😍🇨🇿

  • @mirindapom
    @mirindapom Рік тому +6

    Just amazing song, good music, nice voices, strong and direct message. ~~~❤CHOOSE LOVE OVER POWER❤~~~ Hopefully it wins Eurovision Song Contest 2023 and let’s go for Prague2024. Will be difficult but let’s go 4 it😅 People, you have just to vote for it !!!

  • @patriksasik3559
    @patriksasik3559 Рік тому +8

    This song have deep message, every second of clip, have some message, 3 Slavic languages from 3 different culture, Czech west, Bulgarian south and Ukraine east, 6 girls, every girl have outfit like some country. This song is support for Ukraine, but little bit support all Slavic cauntries, cultures and this song not feminism song, it's just an encouragement to women to not be afraid to speak their mind. Thats all what I think and know about this song. I love it. ❤❤❤

  • @jay.baebyy
    @jay.baebyy Рік тому +6

    For the entire vid it’s like listening to a choir of angels. This and the last vid you reacted to depicts a certain dictator in a way that it’s almost “hinting” at him while also highlighting the fact that so many people suffer due to war. I hope the live performance is as promising 💙

  • @ibrahimgenc924
    @ibrahimgenc924 Рік тому +6

    I also think this song is just perfect. And you are soo cute, i have to mention that 😅

  • @alenaszotkowska4835
    @alenaszotkowska4835 Рік тому +8

    Czech Republic 🥇👍❤️

  • @vladsky44
    @vladsky44 Рік тому +2

    What I have noticed, which I haven't seen said before, is when the girl sings "she is her own queen" at the beginning, you see how she is trying as if to warm her; If, I bet this is alluring to how Russian government said that they will "freeze" Europe this winter.

  • @coockiekat
    @coockiekat Рік тому +1

    TV screens represent Russian propaganda, the same as the feeding scene. Great song and even better video!

  • @komacope
    @komacope Рік тому +2

    People with a TV screen instead of a head are definitely representing propaganda.

  • @Voltain
    @Voltain Рік тому

    Thank you for this video.
    The meaning of the song is also very well explained here