Day 33 : Why God's LOVE meant so much to Jesus?

  • Опубліковано 15 бер 2024
  • Why God's LOVE meant so much to Jesus?
    The only appropriate response to the arrival of God's reign is love. Jesus is very certain about this. God's way of being and acting should be the program for everyone. A compassionate God is asking his sons and daughters to live a life inspired by compassion. Nothing would please God more. Love is an absolute imperative in order to build a life as God wills it.
    Jesus often talks in his parables about compassion, forgiveness, accepting the lost, helping the needy. That is his language as a prophet of the reign of God. But sometimes he also speaks as a teacher of life, presenting love as the fundamental and decisive law. He draws an intimate, unbreakable connection between two great precepts that were deeply respected in the religious tradition of the Jewish people: love of God and love of the neighbor. According to the Christian sources, when someone asks him which is the first of all the commandments, Jesus recalls first the one that Jews recite at the beginning and end of every day in the Shema: The first is, "Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength". Jesus himself has prayed those words that morning. They help him to live by loving God with all his heart and all his strength. That is the first one, but right away he adds another from the ancient book of Leviticus. The second is this, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." There is no other commandment greater than these.The love of God and neighbor is the synthesis of the law, the supreme prin- ciple that sheds new light on the whole legal system. The commandment to love is not on the same level with the other precepts, mixed in with more and less important norms. Love makes everything else relative. If a precept is not derived from love or goes against love, it is meaningless; it is of no use in building a life according to God's will.according to God's will. Jesus establishes a close connection between the love of God and the love of neighbor. They are inseparable. It is impossible to love God and forget about the neighbor. For those who seek God's will, the important thing is not to read laws written on stone tablets, but to discover the requirements of love in people's lives. There is no sacred place in which we can encounter God alone; we cannot worship God in the temple and neglect those who suffer; love of God becomes a lie when the neighbor is excluded. What goes against love, goes against God.
    Jesus does not confuse love of God with love of neighbor, as if they were the same thing. The love of God cannot be reduced to love of neighbor; the love of neighbor is not, in itself, love of God. For Jesus the love of God holds absolute primacy, and nothing can replace it. It is the first commandment. It does not dissolve into human solidarity. Love of God comes first: seeking God's will, entering God's reign, trusting in God's forgiveness. We pray to God, not to our neighbor; we await the reign of God, not of our brothers and sisters.
    For your reflection: Do I love God passionately?
    Our topic for tomorrow will be Was Jesus non-violent and Just??
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