Jeanne d'Arc: "The Holy Warrior"

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @Abazur7
    @Abazur7 11 років тому +12

    The music is: "Conquest of paradise"

  • @byrhakeim7815
    @byrhakeim7815 11 років тому +19

    England bested France so much that English were servants of French lords for more than 300 years in their own country. And still today all England's monarchy symbols are French.
    England victories over French ? Trafalgar, Waterloo ( with Prussians), Crecy, Azincourt ; not many ;easy to remember...
    French victories : Val de saire, Hastings, Bouvines, Taillebourg, Morlaix, Lunalonge, Ardres, Cocherel, Montiel, Pontvaillan, La Rochelle, Chise , Bause, and many many more, not enough room ...

    • @benjaminboivin2915
      @benjaminboivin2915 3 роки тому +2


  • @mglkeiser1532
    @mglkeiser1532 9 років тому +10

    Nice video man. She shall forever be remembered. Viva Frankryk.

  • @flicka317
    @flicka317 9 років тому +25

    She was not only a Holy Warrior, but also a Holy Hero !!!! Great video clip with powerful music, love it !!

  • @Piretfreak87
    @Piretfreak87 13 років тому

    I love this movie. Wish they would show it on TV again. It's been a long time since I saw it on TV...

    • @meconicuk
      @meconicuk 2 роки тому

      TV/Media don't like stuff that promotes faith in something.

  • @rachellewalters8111
    @rachellewalters8111 6 років тому

    GOD BLESS St. Joan of arc...may my faith never fail even when tested by fire 📿

  • @TheBogdan38
    @TheBogdan38 13 років тому +1

    Great music and video!!! History is repeading in UKRAINE now!
    -Yulia Tymoshenko is a Jeanne d'Arc of UKRAINE!
    Please support her fight against the corruption and state-mafia!!!

  • @snafulife1772
    @snafulife1772 8 років тому +7

    She's my Patron Saint

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @battycys the treaty was drawn up in 1420. The sons died in 1415 and 1417. They couldn't accept the treaty. The sons both died very suddenly, which is why poisoning was a very believable cause at that time.

  • @Harppuunamies
    @Harppuunamies 11 років тому +1

    Yeah, in many Resident Evils; Resident Evil: Apocalypse, Resident Evil: Extinction, Resident Evil: Afterlife, Resident Evil: Retribution and in future in Resident Evil 6.

  • @Kamfrenchie
    @Kamfrenchie 14 років тому

    It's not that much about the fact that she was sent by god, it's about the fact that she embodies heroic value and is a symbol of liberty and resistance, plus prooving that women can fight aswell, not only mens.
    It was her aura who helped the French to win, not her skills in combat. She earned the confidence of all the French soldier, if she was just some child soldier she wouldn't have succeeded.
    She wasn't forced to fight, so she wasn't a child soldier.

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @battycys Charles was the rightful heir to the throne. His mother made a pact with the English throne, which led some to suspect that Charles VII was not really the son of Charles VI. But Joan had secret meetings with Charles VII, and she believed him to be the heir. She willingly fought for his coronation in Reims. She was a peasant and never had aspirations to the throne. In fact, she was honored by Revolutionary France for her peasant background. If she were noble, that wouldn't do

  • @thecajuncutthroat
    @thecajuncutthroat 16 років тому

    Superbe !
    Vive la France !

  • @Corvallito
    @Corvallito 12 років тому

    Yulia Timoshenko - Jeanne d'Ark of today's needs you!
    She is being incarcerated in Ukraine's jail nowdays.
    She is the one who cares about others more than she cares about herself.
    Please, support her!
    I'm withe her whether you are or not!

  • @blagageorge
    @blagageorge 14 років тому

    nice music , and the legend is quite amazing ,what song is this ? thanks

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @jeffkodiac Officers in the French military wrote accounts of blacks being gasses with sulphur inside the holds of ships.
    Mussolini wrote a play about and in honor of Napoleon...was made into a movie in 1932. When Hitler invaded France, he visited Napoleon's Invalide, staring down at his hero a long time, said it was one of proudest moments in his life, made sure it was protected from explosives, etc. Those guys adored the man, looked up to him as a hero; they were following in his footsteps.

  • @TheBogdan38
    @TheBogdan38 13 років тому


  • @KingExituS
    @KingExituS 11 років тому +1

    she was only captured, technically she has an undefeated millitary record as commander,or not?

  • @Holland1994D
    @Holland1994D 13 років тому

    Well, as the fact that she was put to trial by her own people,(executed in France, by the French) and sentenced to death, still nice that she was an inspiration for the French people.

  • @magpie4321
    @magpie4321 13 років тому

    I'm gonna watch this flick. Never seen it

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @battycys "War and Peace" beautifully demonstrates the anti-French sentiment that suddenly developed because of the Napoleonic Wars. It shows how French culture and language was influential, and then became despised. It's setting takes place before and during the Napoleonic Wars. Of course the book clearly "disses" the French.

    @JOAOBUNITAO 14 років тому

    @Mosh4Yesh777 Joan of Arc had a great faith in God. She believed she had been chosen to lead the army of France in battles with England. She carried a banner onto the battlefield, but no weapon. She didn't want to hurt anyone. The English soldiers were afraid of her because they felt she had supernatural * power.

  • @Kamfrenchie
    @Kamfrenchie 14 років тому

    She presented herself to Charle VII you know, and he was mostly influenced by his advisers who were jealous of Joan of Arc.
    Plus she wasn't really a young child anymore, and she was mostly a symbol rather than a warrior imho.

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @JOAOBUNITAO RE: "commanders lead the army from the back of the army"
    The aristocratic generals were wimps and engaged in ancient gentleman's war, prolonging war and increasing casualties. Soldiers would just attack and retreat at will w/o unity. But Joan led in front by example so army would b unified w her and see her bravely fighting. She opted for short, decisive victories, which were most humane. Backseat generals had to scramble just to keep up with her. She broke the old rules of war.

  • @guidoharmeling5872
    @guidoharmeling5872 7 років тому +1

    What´s the use of playing the wrong soundtrack for this scene (Conquest of Paradise) ?

  • @Gabatrash
    @Gabatrash 13 років тому

    tellement bien ce film, Jeanne a vécu au moyen-âge et on parle encore de ses exploits en 2011, si c'est pas une vie réussi ça ^o^

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @battycys it was undermined and weakened, so much so, that three dukes got together to gang up against the dauphin and decided to draw up another treaty to affirm the weakened one. The Treaty of Amiens.

  • @Silkorvelvet
    @Silkorvelvet 13 років тому

    +1 Thragorn
    Every time I watch videos about historical facts, there's always people who're arguing because they're persuaded to know better than the others. I'm a student in history, and I've never said a word, even when I see bullshits written about my favorite periods. In that case, just ignore such things (it's a waste of time, and you'll certainly not teach anything, even if you're right : people rarely listen when you say that they're wrong.) and keep your energy for cleverer things !

  • @lombardian1189
    @lombardian1189 8 років тому +1

    To fast subtitles on start, otherwise. Thanks for uploading.- Yolomen

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @jeffkodiac Napoleon censored newspapers that criticized him. By 1811, there were only four newspapers left in Paris, all of which were run by Napoleon's state. It was a police state; people were arrested w/o a trial. Women and children lost rights during Napoleon Code. Under Napoleon, they couldn't sell property or testify in court like before w/o husband's approval. "In France, women are considered too highly. They should not be regarded as equal to men."

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @JOAOBUNITAO The English did change the testimony in their favor. She wasn't tried for "war crimes" as we understand it today; her not killing anyone would not be a legitimate defense of anything charged against her. In those days, war was fought with the highest chivalry in mind. But not killing anyone would hurt her. The English were making a connection between her sword and sorcery. It seems plausible her sword was some magic omen had she not killed with it. she certainly did.

  • @petrosprodromou2486
    @petrosprodromou2486 9 років тому +1

    dont forget !!! during dark age there is the Greek East Empire of Constantinoupolis a great empire and civilisation well-knowned as Byzantium , which is the protector of Europe...

    • @YY-ug9mv
      @YY-ug9mv 8 років тому

      Until christians destroyed it(4th crusade).And Turks rebuild it to its former glory.

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @JOAOBUNITAO Re: "There's no reason for her to charge in there herself and get herself killed."
    Yes, but there's no reason for her to become commander and interest herself in political affairs of France. She got involved because all the men were wimps. No one was providing leadership. In the absence of real men, she filled the gap. She was involved in the battles, which gave her inspiration. She knew what it was all about. Had she no experience fighting, she couldnt inspire.

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @battycys Joan wasn't so petty as you ascribe to her. She wasn't expecting anything back, like most people--in her eyes, it was only her duty to obey God's commandment. She loved her country and king. But In the end, it seemed everyone abandoned her despite her devotion and faithfulness. She didn't care about it; she was happy to do what she thought was her mission -- to turn aright a situation that had gone very awry. You're trying to understand her as average. She wasn't; she was extraodinary.

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @battycys nobles generally avoided killing each other because they might be related or coz they were better captured for their large ransom. They didn't have to avoid killing them. Indeed, many knights were slaughtered after battles. Everyone knew who Joan was--that they weren't related, since she was only a peasant b4. It would be easiest to kill her just to stop it all -- never mind the ransom. Besides she never displayed her nobility. She didn't need help from Charles or anyone on earth

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @JOAOBUNITAO Besides, Joan admits to fighting with the Burgundian's sword. The English would not have cared to edit that so much. They were only interested in what she did or didn't do with her own sword, coz they wanted to prove it was a witch's magic broomstick instead of the authentic weapon it was that Joan used to fight and slaughter, as with any sword she laid her hands on, not just the Burgundian.

  • @croquesoleil
    @croquesoleil 14 років тому

    @jelomun7777777 c'est la musique du film 1492 Christophe Colomb par Vangelis

  • @infinitewisdom2111
    @infinitewisdom2111 7 років тому +2

    Jeanne d'arc was no witch. She was a devout Catholic who was led by God to gather together an army to wage war against the English. After she brought King Charles to power he abandoned her to her fiery fate.

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @jeffkodiac RE: "In the war of the second coalition it is the Country of this coaltion who declared the war to France."
    Second coalition? I'm talking about who started the wars. France declared war on Austria and then invaded the Netherlands so as to begin exporting their revolution all over Europe. Just like Hitler tried exporting his form of "enlightened" socialism across Europe. It was France who reacted rashly to a petty declaration and began destabilizing the whole continent with war.

  • @TeutonicKaiser
    @TeutonicKaiser 14 років тому

    Thank you very much!

  • @mwillis1000
    @mwillis1000 13 років тому

    WRONG, the British werent involved militarily etc, we only allied with the loosing side, so it wasnt a loss for us. This also happened to the French too, some of the wars you "Lost" you didnt, you only allied to the loosing side.

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @Mosh4Yesh777 Yes, you're right. The English changed her testimony in many places. They were interested in painting her as a witch. That was why they were asking pointed questions about the usage of her sword. The English would have a point if she never actually killed with the sword. Then she were using it like some magic wand and deserved to be burned at the stake, in the understanding of those times. Of course she brought that sword not only to fight, but to KILL. Why can't women kill?

  • @jeffkodiac
    @jeffkodiac 14 років тому

    i'm not talking about the civil war but on the genocide that make white Amercian against the Indians .the Americans forced the Indians to make forced displacement extremely long , a lot of indians do not survive . They perished from cold , lack of food and hygiene . In the " reservations " others were killed by famine maintained by some white settlers claiming food instead of providing it to indians .settlers also provide food for rotten that these settlers had become unsaleable .

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @jeffkodiac no, there was no genocide at all going on in Italy. Germany demanded it, but Italy refused. It was later, about 1938, that the Italian Fascists began some of their racist policies because of Germany, but authorities usually refused to perform them. Jews were highly integrated in Italian society, almost no antisemitic sentiments.

  • @PetrineDK
    @PetrineDK 13 років тому

    This is amazing!!! Well done!!!!

  • @HemaFTW
    @HemaFTW 13 років тому

    What's the song called?

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @jeffkodiac Yes, Napoleon was for slavery. The Jacobin radicals banned slavery in Haiti in 1794. Napoleon brought it back in 1802. He agreed to meet their leader Toussaint for negotiation, but deceitfully kidnapped him to France and imprisoned and killed him in a dungeon. Asked about this deceitful treatment and murder, Napoleon said: ""What could the death of one wretched Negro mean to me?" If Napoleon wasn't racist against Jews like Hitler, he certainly was against blacks.

  • @Yagamii07
    @Yagamii07 13 років тому

    Merci Jeanne d'Arc longue vie a la France
    Et merci d'avoir bouté les anglais

  • @Harppuunamies
    @Harppuunamies 11 років тому +1

    3:28 "We're so fucked" xD

  • @gardjoelle5205
    @gardjoelle5205 12 років тому

    Sur une des vidéos concernant Jeanne d'Arc, j'ai eu la grande contrariété de voir certains commentaires à propos totalement irrespectueuxà l'encontre de notre héroine nationale. Et c'est franchement idnamissible!! et totalement à l'inverse des valeurs que ce personnage exceptionnel porte!! :( :(

  • @jaelob
    @jaelob 14 років тому

    @battycys Charles VII probably didn't believe in capital punishment. And this probably did anger a lot of people, who thought this would be just, but Charles VII just wish it would all go away. He didn't really want to get involved. The English alternative was just a baby. He also turned mad, so he would be all the more unfit to govern. I mean Charles VII wasn't king material at an early age, from the beginning. He would learn later, and bring some prosperity and order to France. He was right.

  • @darsh9999
    @darsh9999  12 років тому +16

    Les 600 ans de notre Jeanne d'Arc nationale, ça se fête!

    • @Birlibi4
      @Birlibi4 Рік тому

    • @domenicooliviero9662
      @domenicooliviero9662 11 місяців тому

      Voi francesi l'avete abbandonata,vi ha salvato in tutti modi.
      Voi nn meritate una donna del genere.ha affrontato i l rogo come Gesù affronto'la croce.
      Per me nn vi giovanna

  • @hristohorvath2946
    @hristohorvath2946 3 роки тому +6

    Sainte Jeanne d'Arc, priez pour nous !

  • @jeromelannister6715
    @jeromelannister6715 9 років тому +23


    • @c.c.244
      @c.c.244 5 років тому

      on our forearm,sh "Gothic Cathredal" Rome zip code no repeats forever.

  • @RaminLevrmnlyv
    @RaminLevrmnlyv 10 років тому +7

    Today (30 May) is the Fête de Jeanne d'Arc or St. Joan's Day. I am down on my knees in front of the Memory of this brave, Saint Personality who fought for Her beliefs till the last moments in Her Saint Life. Que Jeanne d'Arc repose en paix et qu'on se souvienne d'elle longtemps! Amen!

  • @mglkeiser1532
    @mglkeiser1532 9 років тому +4

    And the song gets you in the mood. Fucking Awsome. France the best History ever. Can you up link the song plz. Ty for the vid.

  • @mantharenmantharen755
    @mantharenmantharen755 9 років тому +11


  • @rachellewalters8111
    @rachellewalters8111 5 років тому +4

    Praying for France

  • @TheSesshomaru1291
    @TheSesshomaru1291 10 років тому +37

    Vive la France puisse t-elle vivre jusqu’à la fin des temps ! Une des plus riches histoires de l'ensemble des nations .

  • @321scully
    @321scully 10 років тому +7

    Fab music, really stirring stuff.

  • @12UpHigh
    @12UpHigh 10 років тому +9

    The Relief of Orléans
    Joan was led into the besieged city of Orléans on April 28th, 1429, to the celebratory skirl of the Scottish pipes. The tune played for her was "Hey Tuttie Taiti". The same tune that had marched Robert the Bruce into battle at Bannockburn a century before. The same tune that Robert Burns would set to his poem "Scots Wha Hae" centuries later. Some military historians estimate that Scottish soldiers would have made up about a quarter of St Joan's army sent to relieve Orleans.
    Her escort consisted of 60 Scottish men-at-arms and 70 Scottish archers led by Sir Patrick Ogilvy of Auchterhouse, hereditary sheriff of Angus. And her standard, depicting God as King of Heaven, was made a few months previous by Hamish Powers, a Scotsman living in the city of Tours.
    As Pope Martin V observed , "the Scots are well-known as an antidote to the English".
    No swords and shields today just flags and votes, but the cause is as strong now as it ever was, Scotland will get independence.
    Auld Alliance forever
    Viva la France
    Viva la Joan

    • @RMess33
      @RMess33 7 років тому +5

      Vive l'Écosse! Auld Alliance!

    • @overlandnsea
      @overlandnsea 7 років тому

      LMFAO- yer ''indpendence '' mission failed in 14 ........and it will NEVER reach referendum again coz yer too relaint on Westminister hence why the NO vote won last time out...
      The Jockanese - a people living in a Northern province of ENGLAND.

    • @tonyhawk94
      @tonyhawk94 7 років тому +1

      Glory to Scottish people from France, we never forget our deep alliance !!

  • @hotmail1com1
    @hotmail1com1 10 років тому +2


  • @idawilliams3528
    @idawilliams3528 9 років тому +3

    The (RETURN))
    ......AND Saint Michael don't think for one minute I don't know where you at.....walking on the . Beaches in the sand. . You watching the waves come crashing in ; your clothes are raggedy and worn your wings are yellow from weathering all the storms ♡ let me carry you up gently in my arms; and remove all those dark dark storms that breaks the waves washing 🌊🌊🌊 your soul away you carried my armor and lifted my sword when I was weak and could not fight anyone 🙇 when I was in the burning flames you held my hand and spoke my name 🕀 JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS JESUS 🕀 Archangel Michael I know you 👉🙍👈 you did not fail me I failed you I was beaten battered bruised from this world of sin I had to go through🌏
    ......... Your sister your friend I have returned (Again ) ..***..THE SAINT JOAN OF ARC JENNY*** forgive me Archangel Michael I was so young I did not know what I had to become after the fire had won 🔥🔥🔥 the father the son the Holy ghost we became one to the liking of the SUN ☉ I know you're reading these comments and you know this is me beautiful Michael even though your eyes have grown dim you know I'm here 👉👧👉👉👉 for 4u👉🙏👈👀👀👀 you cannot be tricked RDC... the strong must help the weak💪

    • @idawilliams3528
      @idawilliams3528 8 років тому

      No matter how reckless my spirit gets ... The Lord God knows I'm with it.. .. I will wear my armor of shield of God until I'm done and this world will become one at God's request I'm back....😊❤❤❤❤ the one and only Saint Joan of Arc a heart that could never part❤💇❤👍👍👍👍 a heart that could not burn lesson learned.. the fire did not stop me it opened my eyes to a World of webs and lies 🕀NOW I HAVE RISEN WITH MY EYES CLEAR TO REAP THE HARVEST OF HATE AND FEAR THAT WAS CAPTURED IN MY TENDER YEARS 🕀👧🕀

  • @didiercorot3696
    @didiercorot3696 Рік тому +2

    - Joan of Arc is a heroine known to the four corners of the world. This young girl fought and she sacrificed her life for a cause that she thought to be fair. She has shown an iron will, exemplary bravery and loyalty to her faith and her country. His story should inspire every human being on earth whatever his skin color, his religion, his social level or his place of life. Joan of Arc is an icon and a Saint for the eternity. She will be perhaps recognized and considered in the future as a universal heritage.

  • @knightsofstjoan2004
    @knightsofstjoan2004 12 років тому +2


  • @Vemord
    @Vemord 11 років тому +1

    Yes I totally agree with You about Joan and Christ in this film.
    To my mind this actress isn't good to play Jeanne d'Arc.
    Thanks for "Joan of Arc (1999 CBS Miniseries)" but I found only on small parts on YT.
    God with You :)

  • @lousygatsby
    @lousygatsby 11 років тому +1

    I am gone but I keep getting notifications on my phone. My point still is you're hating on a country because you feel bad about a video (above) that depicts your country losing the hundred years' war to those surrendering frogs... How shameful good lad

  • @KingExituS
    @KingExituS 11 років тому +1

    ok thx, was she commander in chief in siege of paris?

  • @byrhakeim7815
    @byrhakeim7815 11 років тому +1

    Your St-george's cross looks pretty nice; I wonder who gives to the English the permission to use it ?
    Honi soit qui mal y pense; dieu et mon droit; dieu sauve le roi; Richard Coeur de lion; Les legendes arthuriennes...... and many more......

  • @christophe111
    @christophe111 15 років тому +1

    Jeanne d' Arc, William Wallace, deux grands héros !!!!

  • @byrhakeim7815
    @byrhakeim7815 11 років тому +1

    Well.....yes " Permission "; authorization, authority, permit, license, consent , leave, courtesy, permit, furlough, allowance.....
    I don't understand the lol but "why not " my English friend.

  • @AmbreAmbre342
    @AmbreAmbre342 8 років тому +4

    Très beau montage ! Merci

  • @thegoodjinn8065
    @thegoodjinn8065 9 років тому +41

    god bless will return to save us once again.

    • @mglkeiser1532
      @mglkeiser1532 9 років тому +5

      manofonyx2 Against what, the invaders from Africa.

    • @akmakm4817
      @akmakm4817 9 років тому +1

      Willem Lemmer ahaahahahahaha pathétique

    • @mglkeiser1532
      @mglkeiser1532 9 років тому +1

      Soula Akim i was just being sarcastic no need to be so angry whit me. I like the French and Jeanne d"Arch. Was last year in South of Franch and in Paris. Was awesome. Greetings form the Lemmers.

    • @mglkeiser1532
      @mglkeiser1532 9 років тому +2

      ***** Me from South Africa. But my forefathers has comes form Europe. Our Lemmer family comes from the Netherlands, Germany and some from France. I was just kidding whit that statement but i see now that some people don't understand the meaning of sarcasm. Europe in a whole must blame herself for all the iligal immigrants that living in Europe today. It all started when Europe begin to colonized Africa. The people that living in Europe that aren't European comes from the former colonies that each European colonized in Africa.

    • @mglkeiser1532
      @mglkeiser1532 9 років тому +1

      Willem Lemmer And i love Joan of Arch,for me she is a very inspirational figure. And the History about her and the Hundreds years war awesome. But live in peace brother. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword just remember that.

  • @raelenemortimer7256
    @raelenemortimer7256 7 років тому +4

    I for one will always remember her and let her memory live through me. Joan of Arc i salute you...

  • @FRApp44300
    @FRApp44300 14 років тому +1

    St. Jeanne d'arc saved France, a young virgin told by God himself to save his most loyal kingdom, Vive la France! I'm joining the French Army to pay my debt to the millions who have served and died for my country and gave everything for it. this kind of patriotism i admire also to the Americans who are very patriotic towards their military-men (and women.. chill -_-)

  • @TheJEANFB
    @TheJEANFB 12 років тому +1

    Vous connaissez la guerre de 100 ans , very cool ^^ Cela dépend à quel moment pour vous la France s'est crée . Pour ma part , elle est née avec Clovis même si j'admet que ça peu être discuter . Pour le reste de votre commentaire " je suis contre les guerres même si elles sont parfois nécessaire " pour résumé . Pur commentaire de bobo ;)

  • @lousygatsby
    @lousygatsby 11 років тому +1

    1) it's english without a capital letter bc I don't care about the brits. 2) I don't make any difference between british soldiers 3) I thought you said "Germans" not "Prussians" and 4) yes I do get mad over the depth of human stupidity

  • @Orcneas23
    @Orcneas23 14 років тому +1

    @jaelob Thank you! Somone who really knows their history. Thanks for supporting my point. You rock!

  • @boss180888
    @boss180888 13 років тому +1

    @jaelob not taking credit from the russians here but just stating that the english did very little to take down napoleon...

  • @DraftyGamer
    @DraftyGamer 10 років тому +2

    3:22 nobody people and after lot of people over the bridge
    3:22 ya personne après ya plein de monde sous le pont

  • @gmarmalade
    @gmarmalade 6 років тому +1

    Jeanne d'Arc, j'adore

  • @AgramontGuiche
    @AgramontGuiche 11 років тому +4

    La France est pas mort. As a swiss I plan to see chateau Haroué, and after a almost one houer drive Domremy la Pucelle in Lothringen. (I hope i wrote it right). The music of Vangelis is great. And the historie of Jeanne d'Arc was the early woman amazing history in the whole world at all. Chapeau.

    • @banditop276
      @banditop276 3 роки тому

      in lorraine not Lothringen 😉

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 Рік тому

      Lothringen or Lorraine is the same !

    • @banditop276
      @banditop276 Рік тому

      @@RayB1656 not for the Lorraine people of France

    • @RayB1656
      @RayB1656 Рік тому

      Lothringen was part of the German empire for many centuries, to become part of France only in the 20th century.
      Same with Alsace.

    • @banditop276
      @banditop276 Рік тому

      @@RayB1656 how do you explain that joan of arc who was from lorraine freed the kingdom of france in the 15th century, how vauban fortified verdun bitch etc in the 17th century?

  • @pourdieuetlafrance4473
    @pourdieuetlafrance4473 8 років тому +8

    The saint of France

    • @YY-ug9mv
      @YY-ug9mv 8 років тому

      What saint they burned her alive?

    • @RMess33
      @RMess33 7 років тому +2

      Fenasi Kerim
      English burned her

    • @battlehistory5985
      @battlehistory5985 7 років тому

      And french sold it to english

    • @RMess33
      @RMess33 7 років тому +2

      Battle History
      Burgundians trade her to their english allies. Burgundians were enemies of the King of France

  • @byrhakeim7815
    @byrhakeim7815 11 років тому +1

    have you done some research ?

  • @AgramontGuiche
    @AgramontGuiche 11 років тому +3

    I forgot something. Crown to Jeanne d'Arc.

  • @brandonurbina6944
    @brandonurbina6944 11 років тому +1

    belief if a powerful thing.

  • @tabstabs4855
    @tabstabs4855 10 років тому +8

    saint joan of arc im a filipino catholic like you we are poor and powerless imperialist china is dominating and abusing the entire far east and probably the entire world in near future i beg you to ask Jesus together with the saints and angels to protect my homeland and sanctify us. make impossible to become possible through your prayers and of the grace of God. amen

  • @byrhakeim7815
    @byrhakeim7815 11 років тому +1

    You are almost there; but you need to learn more.

  • @Harppuunamies
    @Harppuunamies 11 років тому +2

    The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc

  • @VHSNostalgiaSwe
    @VHSNostalgiaSwe 7 років тому +2

    "La Hire, stop swearing!"

  • @KingExituS
    @KingExituS 11 років тому +1

    has she ever lost a battle?!

  • @mshara1
    @mshara1 10 років тому +11

    Dedicated to the freedom fighters in Kiev, Ukraine.

    • @spzer2557
      @spzer2557 7 років тому +4

      Dedicated to the freedom fighters in Donetsk and Luhansk against the fascist Ukrainian government.

  • @Ghurshah
    @Ghurshah 12 років тому +1

    How sweet it must be able to see what oppresses you and slay it. The taste of liberty.
    Viva La France !
    Thank you France for you support of liberty in Afghanistan - supporting Ahmad Shah Massoud, supporting him when the US and Britain along with Saudi, UAE, Qatar & Pakistan were creating & backing the Taliban & Al-Qaeda.
    Unfortunately, today Sarkozy has sided with those terrorist forces in Libya and now Syria.

  • @vincentdrz8175
    @vincentdrz8175 5 років тому +1

    Long life to France!! What a pleasure to see the english Talbot running like a dog!!

  • @Mixer2904
    @Mixer2904 11 років тому +2

    Viva la France

  • @Vemord
    @Vemord 11 років тому +1

    Could You recommend better one?
    Thanks a lot.

  • @gardjoelle5205
    @gardjoelle5205 12 років тому +1

    Super!! toutes ces vidéos sur jeanne dArc, je suis très contente de les découvrir car je suis une fan de jeanne d'Arc!

  • @barbarablue2571
    @barbarablue2571 Рік тому

    there was a video in youtube of jean de metz and joan but where?

  • @darsh9999
    @darsh9999  13 років тому

    « Sur l'amour ou la haine que Dieu porte aux Anglais, je n'en sais rien, mais je suis convaincue qu'ils seront boutés hors de France, exceptés ceux qui mourront sur cette terre. »
    - Jeanne d'Arc à son procès (le 15 mars 1431)

  •  22 дні тому

    And,as soon as she’d served her purpose,she was discarded by the King.